Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, 34(1), pp. 21–39, March 21, 2008 Fungus Gnats (Insecta, Diptera, Mycetophilidae) of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo Mitsuhiro Sasakawa 7–6–7 Korigaoka, Hirakata-shi, Osaka, 573–0084 Japan E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Twenty-one species of the mycetophilid gnats are recorded from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, of which 11 species: Epicypta flavoterminalisn. sp., Mycetophila fruticosan. sp., M. impe- rialis n. sp. and M. trifurcata n. sp., Anatella intricata n. sp., Brevicornu (B.) digitata n. sp., Cordyla triloba n. sp., Exechia latiseta n. sp., E. quadriloba n. sp. and E. ypsilon n. sp., and Pseudobrachypeza spinimentulan. sp. are described, and five species are recorded as new to Japan. Key words: Diptera, Mycetophilidae, Imperial Palace Tokyo, new species, new record. 2005), except for setae or bristles on head and Introduction thorax: af, anterior frontals; ia, intra-alars; mspl, The taxonomical information on the myce- mesopleurals (anepisternal); oc, ocellars; or, or- tophilid gnats in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, has bitals; vt, verticals. not hitherto been available. Over 300 specimens The holotypes of the new species are deposited of fungus gnats there were collected by Dr. in the collection of the Department of Zoology, Satoshi Shinonaga in 2001–04, and among these National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo 22 species were recorded now. Eleven species of (NSMT). seven genera are described below as new to sci- ence and 5 of three genera recorded newly from Taxonomy Japan. With only 248 species known in Japan at Mycetophilidae present out of a total of about 1,200 confirmed Subfamily Sciophilinae species in the Palaearctic Region, it is clear that many further species in Japan and some more in 1. Neoempheria cotylaSasakawa the Palace Garden await discovery. Neoempheria cotylaSasakawa, 2005: 276. Imperial Palace: 1?, 18 Oct. 2004 (Shinonaga). This species is known to occur in Akasaka Im- Materials and Methods perial Gardens and Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, The dried specimens of the fungus gnats were Tokyo. A male specimen examined has the collected by S. Shinonaga, a member of the fau- longer wings (3mm), and sparser rows of spines nistic surveys on Diptera in the Imperial Palace, along the dorsal margin of cup-shaped cavity of Tokyo, in 2001–04. The male genitalia were mac- the gonostylus (15 or 16 spines only). Although erated with 30% KOH and transferred to distilled the distal cup-like shape of gonostylus in N. coty- water for dissection. After the examination and la is similar to that of N. aperta Zeitzev and drawing of the abdomen with genitalia of each Menzel, 1996, known from Russia (Far East), N. specimen, the dissected abdomens were stored in aperta has only the setae apically, and also has a short polyethylene tubule with glycerol and the different wing pattern. pinned with the specimen. The terms and abbre- Distribution.Japan. viations follow the previous paper (Sasakawa, 22 Mitsuhiro Sasakawa Subfamily Mycetophilinae with posteriormost dc and prsc distinctly long, pa 2. Epicypta flavoterminalisSasakawa, n. sp. much longer than dc; ppl three; scutellum with (Figs. 1–2) long basal and apical sc. Wing: Costa ending at basal 2/5 distance be- Holotype: Male (NSMT-I-DIP-5965), Imperial tween tips of R and M , Sc short and ending Palace, Tokyo, 24 Oct. 2001, coll. S. Shinonaga. 5 1 free, R with 5–7 setulae below, M before r-m Paratypes: 1?, same data as holotype; 1?, same bare, r-m 1.5–1.8 times as long as M petiole, M locality, 18 Oct. 2004, coll. S. Shinonaga. 2 parallel with CuA , forking point of CuA before Male. Shiny black, but clypeus brown, T6 1 or beyond that of M. Legs: Fore basitarsus only a dark brown but yellow on distal half, gonocoxite little shorter than tibia; fore tibia with 1–2pd; and gonostylus yellow; mesoscutum less shining mid tibia with 1d, 5pd, 3a, 2v; hind tibia with 1d, than scutellum and pleura. Antenna yellow but 5pd, 6–7a; first tarsomere of mid leg with one flagellomeres except for basal two or three ones row and that of hind leg with three rows of dis- tinged with brown; maxillary palp yellow. Wing tinct setulae. very slightly yellow-tinged, veins brownish yel- Gonocoxites shallowly emarginated on ventro- low, with central spot brown, extending anteriorly caudal margin; cercus distinctly truncated apical- to costa (laterally beyond level of Rs) and poste- ly, with minute processes at setal bases; gonosty- riorly just beyond M; halter yellow. Legs yellow, lus almost as long as cercus; dorsal stylomere hind femur brown on apical 1/4, all tarsi slightly tabulate distally, bearing several setulae on tip, brown-tinged. and lobate proximally, bearing long setae; ventral Frons with long af and or; antenna 1–1.2mm stylomere conical, with two spine-like setae on long, almost as long as head and thorax together, tip; mesal stylomere with a strong sinuous spine pedicel with long dorso-apical seta; flagellomeres and five marginal setae on outer lobe and with each slightly longer than wide. Mesoscutum Figs. 1–2. Male genitalia of Epicypta flavoterminalis n. sp. (paratype). 1, 8th tergite and sternite, gonocoxite and gonostylus, dorsal (left half) and ventral (right half) views; 2, gonostylus, stylomeres and aedeagus, dor- sal view. Scale(cid:1)0.1mm. Fungus Gnats of the Imperial Palace 23 minutely serrated inner membranous lobe; aedea- Imperial Palace: 2?, 8 Nov. 2004 (Shinonaga). gal plate well-sclerotized at base, aedeagus slen- This small, black species is characteristic in der, 110mm long. the following points: fourth antennal flagellom- Body length 2.7–2.8 (holotype)mm, wing ere about twice as long as wide; maxillary palp length 2.3–2.5 (holotype) mm. yellowish brown; mesoscutum dark brown in Female. Unknown. ground color, with three blackish median stripes Distribution. Japan. which are narrowly separated by whitish polli- Remarks. This species is easily distinguish- nosity on posterior half, humeral area narrowly able by the yellow posterior margin of the sixth yellowish, pleura black; postpronotum with 3–5 abdominal tergite and the peculiar structure of setae; ppl 3; wing 3.2–3.4mm long, with gonostylus from E. aterrima (Zetterstedt, 1852) brown central spot, and pale brown preapical and E. ornatipennis (Okada, 1939), and also by marking starting at C, filling about distal 3/5 of the presence of central spot on the wing from the cell R and cell R , extending weakly to M or 1 5 2 former species and by the entirely black meso- CuA , hyaline spot (about 1/3 width of marking) 1 scutum from the latter. at middle of preapical marking just caudad of R , 5 Etymology. The specific name refers to the apical and caudal margins of wing faintly fus- yellow end (Latin, flavus(cid:2)terminatus) of black cous; legs yellow but hind femur with blackish body. brown stripe on dorsal side, pale brown stripe on ventral base and blackish apex; cercus as long as 3. Mycetophila dentataLundström gonocoxite; ventral stylomere of gonostylus with Mycetophila dentataLundström, 1913: 319. two dorsal lobes, of which proximal one with Imperial Palace: 1?, 14 Feb. 2001 (Shinona- seven setae and distal one with eight short spine- ga); 1?1/, 15 Mar. 2001 (Shinonaga); 4/, 8 like setae on tip, and ventral lobe with three long Nov. 2004 (Shinonaga). seta-like spines along inner margin and three Mesoscutum shiny, dark brown in male and short ones on tip. black in female, with yellow humeral area and Distribution. Japan (new record); Europe, three yellow spots before scutellum, but in fe- Russia. males sometimes central one of prescutellar spots indistinct or quite absent. Wing 2.7–3.1mm long, 5. Mycetophila fruticosaSasakawa, n. sp. with brown central spot and pale brown preapical (Figs. 3–6) band, the latter starting at C beyond tip of R and 1 Holotype: Male (NSMT-I-DIP-5966), Imperial extending posteriorly to M or beyond M ; CuA 1 2 1 Palace, Tokyo, 14 Feb. 2001, coll. S. Shinonaga. and CuA slightly converging apically. 2 Male. Head brownish black; face and The gonostylus is distinctive as follows: ven- clypeus yellowish brown, maxillary palp yellow; tral stylomere with stout spine near dorsal base antenna dark brown but scape pale brown, pedi- distinctly stronger than others, four spines cel and base of first flagellomere brownish yel- arranged in row along posterior ventral margin, low. Mesoscutum mat, brown, with three dark and two or three long seta-like spines along ven- stripes almost connected with each another pos- tral margin just above base of long ventro-basal teriorly, humeral area yellow, extending mesally seta. Female hind coxa narrowly brown-tinged at in a form of triangle (about 1/3 as wide as width base. of anterior scutum in dorsal view); pleura entire- Distribution. Japan (new record); Holarctic. ly blackish brown; scutellum brownish yellow, with brown transverse band basally. Abdomen 4. Mycetophila edwardsiLundström black, terminalia pale brown. Wing hyaline, with Mycetophila edwardsi Lundström, 1913: 316 brown central spot and preapical band, the for- (new name for M. nebulosaEdwards, 1913). 24 Mitsuhiro Sasakawa Figs. 3–6. Male 8th tergite and sternite, genitalia of Mycetophila fruticosan. sp. (holotype). 3, 8th tergite; 4, 8th sternite; 5, gonocoxite and gonostylus, dorsal and ventral views; 6, stylomeres and aedeagus, dorsal view. Scale(cid:1)0.1mm. mer at bases of cells R , R and M , extending four sc; postpronotum and propleuron each with 1 5 1 over Rs and M petioles, the latter starting at C three setae; anepisternum with three strong setae; slightly before apex of R , filling apex of cell R , anepimeron with two or three setae. 1 1 extending narrowly around apex of R and reach- Wing: Sc short, ending free; r-m slightly short- 5 ing just beyond CuA but distinctly narrowing at er than M petiole; R with 11 setulae below, M be- 1 middle of cells M and M ; apical margin nar- fore r-m with 3–4 setulae below; R parallel with 1 2 5 rowly fuscous; halter yellow. Legs yellowish, M apically; base of CuA-fork distinctly before 1 hind coxa brown at base, all femora with brown- that of M; CuA and M parallel apically. Legs: 1 1 ish striations on dorsal and ventral sides, dorsal Mid tibia with 5d (basal two short), 3a, 3–4v; striations on mid and hind femora darker, hind hind tibia with 4d, 8–9a; basitarsus of fore leg femur dark brown on distal 2/5, distal two or slightly shorter than tibia; basitarsus of mid leg three tarsomeres of all legs slightly brown-tinged. with a row of ventral setulae, and of hind leg Frons and vertex covered with whitish setulae; with two rows of setulae. or and af black. Antenna 1.5mm long, distinctly T8 broad; S8 with short median process on longer than head and thorax together; pedicel posterior margin; cercus narrowed apically. with strong dorso-apical seta; fourth flagellomere Gonocoxites excavated on postero-lateral parts about 1.5 times as long as wide. Mesoscutm with before end, with two long spine-like setae at mid- pa and prsc longer than others; scutellum with dle of ventral margin; gonostylus broadly lobate Fungus Gnats of the Imperial Palace 25 on both dorsal and ventral sides, of which dorsal Holotype: Male (NSMT-I-DIP-5967), Imperial lobe with densely setulose band on inner side but Palace, Tokyo, 18 Oct. 2004, coll. S. Shinonaga. without apical spines, and ventral lobe with sev- Male. Black but face and clypeus pale eral setae; mesal stylomere with one or two brown, antenna brown except for yellow scape, spines on tip of proximal process; aedeagal plate pedicel, and base of first flagellomere; maxillary ovoid, with a pair of median spines and spinulose palp yellow. Mesoscutum black, shining, with areas laterally before ventral apex; aedeagus yellow humeral area and three brownish yellow 152mm long. spots (central and post-alar area) before scutel- Body length 3mm, wing length 3.3mm. lum; scutellum black, with brownish yellow cen- Female. Unknown. tral spot on posterior 3/4, sc growing on yellow Remarks. This species is somewhat similar spot; propleuron and katepisternum pale brown. to M. edwardsiLundströmin the body coloration Abdominal tergites entirely black, sternites pale and wing pattern, but is easily recognizable by its brown, terminalia brownish yellow. Wing faintly bicolored scutellum and absence of the hyaline tinged with brown, with brown central and pale spot in the preapical marking on cell R . Also, brown preapical spots, the former in bases of 5 this species resembles European M. gibbula(Ed- cells R and R , extending over Rs and into upper 1 5 wards, 1925) in having the large, yellow humeral half of M , the latter starting C at middle be- 1 area. However, the gonostylus of this species are tween apices of R and R , extending obliquely 1 5 distinctive, differing from the known species of basad in cell R and ending midway between R 5 5 the vittipes-group with a row of apical spines on and M ; halter yellow. Legs yellow, hind femur 1 the gonostylus. brown on apical quarter, distal tarsomeres slight- Etymology. The specific name refers to the ly brown-tinged. bushy (Latin, fruticosus) gonostylus. Head with or slightly longer than af; clypeus almost quadrate, about 3/4 as wide as eye; anten- 6. Mycetophila imperialisSasakawa, n. sp. na 1.7mm long, distinctly longer than head and (Figs. 7–9) Figs. 7–9. Male genitalia of Mycetophila imperialis n. sp. (holotype). 7, gonocoxite and gonostylus, dorsal and ventral views; 8, mesal stylomere; 9, aedeagus, dorsal view. Scale(cid:1)0.1mm. 26 Mitsuhiro Sasakawa thorax together, fourth flagellomere 2.5 times as 7. Mycetophila perpaucaLasˇtovka long as wide. Mesoscutum with posteriormost dc Mycetophila perpauca Lasˇtovka, 1972: 288; longer than others; scutellum with two apical sc Sasakawa, 2002: 30. and two short marginals; postpronotum with Imperial Palace: 2?5/, 15 Mar. & 14 Nov. three setae (detectable by pits only); ppl two. 2001 (Shinonaga); 7?9/, 10 Mar. & 8 Nov. 2004 Wing: Sc ending free, r-m twice as long as M (Shinonaga). petiole, R with 9–11 setulae below, M before r-m Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu); bare, forking point of CuA almost at same level Europe. of forking point of M, forks of CuA slightly con- verging apically. Legs: Fore basitarsus shorter 8. Mycetophila trifurcataSasakawa, n. sp. than tibia, fore tibia with 2pd, mid tibia with 0– (Figs. 10–11) 1d, 5–6pd, 3a, 3v, hind tibia with 6pd, 6a, basi- Holotype: Male (NSMT-I-DIP-5968), Imperial tarsus of mid leg with one row and that of hind Palace, Tokyo, 8 Nov. 2004, coll. S. Shinonaga. leg with two rows of distinct setulae ventrally, Male. Frons and vertex brownish yellow, hind coxa with two or three posterior pale hairs face and clypeus yellow; antenna brown but at middle. scape, pedicel, and basal two or three flagellom- Gonocoxites almost straight on posterior ven- eres yellow; maxillary palp yellow. Mesoscutum tral margin; cercus broad; dorsal lobe of ventral shiny brownish yellow, paler from humeral area stylomere with five or six black long spines, ven- to lateral margin, with three blackish stripes but tral lobe densely covered with slender setae on median one pale brown on anterior 2/3, lateral dorso-lateral side and long setae on ventro-lateral stripes adjoining to dark brown lateral markings side, and four or five inwardly directed black on scutellum, basal sc growing at edge of mark- spines near inner apex; mesal stylomere com- ing; postpronotum and propleuron yellow, posed of three processes, of which distal one anepisternum and katepisternum yellowish clavate and setulose, median one with finger-like brown, anepimeron, pleurotergite, and medioter- process and four setae at middle, basal one lobate gite brown, metakatepisternum yellow. Abdomen and with long and short setae; aedeagal plate W- shiny yellow, T1–4 each with brownish black, shaped, with ring on apex of median sclerite; quadrate markings on lateral sides, T5 entirely aedeagus 100mm long. black, T6 black on basal half; sternites and termi- Body length 3.2mm, wing length 3mm. nalia yellow. Wing very faintly tinged with yel- Female. Unknown. low, with pale brown central spot small, extend- Distribution. Japan. ing from both sides of Rs to middle of cell M Remarks. This species resembles European 1 but not reaching mesally to end of r-m and M M. lunata Meigen, 1804, and M. dziedzickii petiole; preapical spot very faint, starting before Chandler, 1977, in having the spinose gonosty- tip of R , obscurely extending anteriorly to tip of lus, but the preapical marking on the wing is 5 cell R , and extending obliquely midway between much smaller in this species than in the related 1 R and M ; halter yellow. Legs yellow, hind species. There are a greater difference in the 5 1 femur brown on apical 1/6, mid femur narrowly structure of gonostylus: in this species the ventral brownish on tip, all tarsi slightly brown-tinged. stylomere is covered densely with both very long Frons with long af and or; antenna 1.5mm and short slender setae, and the apical long spine long, distinctly longer than head and thorax to- on the dorsal lobe is not straight (cf. Chandler, gether, scape with two dorso-apical setae, pedicel 1977, figs. 63–69). with one seta and two or three setulae dorso-api- Etymology. The specific name refers to the cally, fourth flagellomere 1.4–1.6 times as long type locality. as wide, each flagellomere covered with yellow- Fungus Gnats of the Imperial Palace 27 Figs. 10–12. Male genitalia of Mycetophila trifurcatan. sp. (holotype, 10–11) and stylomeres of Mycetophila unicolorStannius (12, ventral view). Scale(cid:1)0.1mm. See Figs. 1–2. ish hairs. Mesoscutum with a pair of dc before Female. Unknown. scutellum distinctly longer than prsc; postprono- Distribution. Japan. tum with five setae, ppl four; anepisternum with Remarks. This species belongs to the signata- five mspl; anepimeron with two setae; scutellum group with the black stripes on yellow mesoscu- with long basal and apical sc. tum and the presence of a stout spine on the ven- Wing: Sc ending free, r-m about 1.5 times as tral stylomere. It differs from M. signataMeigen, long as M petiole, R with 10 or 11 setulae below, 1830, in the coloration of the thoracic pleura and M before r-m below bare, M diverging from the fifth abdominal tergite, and the structure of 2 CuA apically, forking point of CuA slightly be- the dorsal stylomere. The trifurcate dorsal sty- 1 fore that of M. Legs: Fore basitarsus about 2/3 lomere of this species shows the similarity to that length of tibia; fore tibia with 1a, 2pd, mid tibia of M. tridentataLundström, 1911, which belongs with 1ad, 5–6d, 2–3p, 3a and 3v, hind tibia with to the different species-group, but the anterior 5d, 1ad, 6a and 5–6 short p. abdominal tergites of this species are provided Gonocoxites with postero-ventral margin al- with the blackish markings laterad of the central most straight; gonostylus with ventral stylomere yellow area, while in tridentataentirely yellow. bilobed posteriorly, with a spine on tip of lateral Etymology The specific name refers to the lobe and long seta at inner base, dorsal stylomere ‘trifurcate’ dorsal stylomere. trifurcate distally and densely setose, mesal sty- lomere with three long setae; aedeagal plate 9. Mycetophila unicolorStannius largely membranous, only weakly sclerotized on See Sasakawa (2005: 289); newly recorded lateral sides; aedeagus 120mm long. from the Imperial Palace. Body length 3mm, wing length 3.2mm. Imperial Palace: 1?, 15 Mar. 2001 (Shinona- 28 Mitsuhiro Sasakawa ga); 3?, 8 Nov. 2004 (Shinonaga). 12. Allodia(Brachycampta) quadrataSasakawa This black species with the central wing spot Allodia (Brachycampta) quadrata Sasakawa, has the peculiar gonostylus (Fig. 12), that is, the 2003: 102. dorsal stylomere is provided with two apical Imperial Palace: 5?, 8 Nov. 2004 (Shinonaga). processes, and one long, curved seta and two Distribution. Japan. short setae, the ventral stylomere is L-shaped, bearing one long and one short setae at the cor- 13. Anatella intricataSasakawa, n. sp. ner and many setae in an irregular row, the mesal (Figs. 13–15) stylomere is lobate and arranged with 16 or 17 Holotype: Male (NSMT-I-DIP-5969), Imperial weakly sinuate marginal setae. Palace, Tokyo, 8 Nov. 2004, coll. S. Shinonaga. Distribution. Japan; Europe. Male. Head brownish black but face and clypeus yellowish brown; antenna brown but 10. Mycetophila vittipesZetterstedt scape and pedicel yellow, each with brownish Mycetophila vittipesZetterstedt, 1852: 4191. spot on dorsal side; maxillary palp yellow but Imperial Palace: 2?1/, 8 Nov. 2004 (Shinona- second palpomere slightly brown-tinged. Thorax ga). brown, pleura paler; mesoscutum mat, humeral This small, black species differs from M. ed- margin of scutum and dorsal margin of post- wardsi in the following points: wing length 2.9 pronotum narrowly yellow. Abdomen brownish (?)–3.2 (/)mm; preapical wing marking small, black, T1–4 with yellow triangles antero-lateral- not touching tip of R and ending before M ; 1 1 ly, narrowing posteriorly and not reaching poste- maxillary palp yellow; humeral area distinctly rior margin of each tergite; sternites pale brown; yellow; gonostylus with one strong, sinuous terminalia brownish yellow. Wing very faintly spine dorsally and 3–5 straight spines ventrally fuscous, posterior veins pale yellowish brown; (cf. Landrock, 1927: pl.13, fig. 50; Lasˇtovka, halter yellow. Legs yellow, apices of all tibiae 1963: figs. 5–6). and tarsi slightly brown-tinged. Distribution. Japan (new record); Europe, Head with long vt; face and clypeus each Russia. about 1/3 as wide as eye; antenna 1.1mm long, longer than head and thorax together, pedicel 11. Allodia(Allodia) angulata(Lundström) with long dorso-apical seta, basal flagellomeres Imperial Palace: 1?1/, 8 Nov. 2004 (Shinona- each as long as or slightly longer than wide. ga). Mesoscutum with dc indistinct excepting posteri- Brachycampta angulata Lundström, 1913: ormost one; postpronotum with one long seta, 308. ppl two (detectable by pits). Allodia angulata: Landrock, 1927: 119. Wing: Sc short, ending at base of R, r-m 4/5 This black species is characteristic in having length of M petiole, R straight, forking point of 5 the yellow antennal scape and pedicel, maxillary CuA just below that of M. Legs: Hind coxa with palp, triangular markings on T2–4 and legs, and a seta at base; mid femur with posterior ventral the pruinose lateral side of mesoscutum. Wing is fringe short, less than half as long as femoral 3mm long, short Sc terminating in R, and fork- width; anterior and dorsal setae on hind tibia ing point of CuA situated slightly before base of longer than those on others; fore basitarsus M petiole. The brownish yellow gonostylus is almost as long as tibia. blackened apically and protruded on the dorsal T9 with strong seta on each postero-lateral tip; and ventral apices (dorsal protrusion more dis- cercus small; S8 oval. Gonocoxites with excava- tinct than the ventral). tions posteriorly on ventral side, bearing strong Distribution. Japan (new record); Europe. setae along each postero-lateral margin and a tuft Fungus Gnats of the Imperial Palace 29 Figs. 13–15. Male genitalia of Anatella intricatan. sp. (holotype). 13, gonocoxite and gonostylus; 14, gonosty- lus and stylomeres; 15, aedeagus, dorso-lateral view. Scale(cid:1)0.1mm. of short setae at middle; gonostylus with dorsal 2/3 as long as the inner, the dorsal stylomere of stylomere apically curved inward, pointed and gonostylus is elongated and pointed on tip, and blackened; ventral stylomere divided into three the ventral stylomere is composed of three differ- processes, of which outer one with long setae ent processes in shape. The gonocoxites with five dorsally but slender hairs ventrally, spine-like strong ventro-distal bristles and deep excavations setae in a group at middle and three short spines laterad of the ventro-median process are similar on tip; mesal stylomere with distal process which to those of A. dampfi, but the gonostylus and is hairy on inner side and three short spine-like aedeagus differ distinctly from those of A. dampfi setae at base, and two lobes, of which proximal (cf. Chandler, 1977: fig. 16). one densely setose and with three spine-like setae Etymology. The specific name refers to the on tip; aedeagal plate membraneous basally, complicated (Latin, intricatus) gonostylus. bearing a pair of spines; aedeagus 110mm long. Body length 2.4mm, wing length 2.3mm. 14. Anatellasp. Female. Unknown. Imperial Palace: 4/, 8 Nov. 2004 (Shinonaga). Distribution. Japan. This black species is related to European A. ni- Remarks. This species has the bicolored ab- griclava Strobl, 1895, in the coloration of body domen as in European Anatella flavomaculata and halter, but an accurate identification seems Edwards, 1925, A. dampfi Landrock, 1924, and undesirable until the male specimens become A. schmitzi Landrock, 1925, but in this new available. species the mesoscutum is paler, the forking point of CuA is situated on the same line with that of M, and the outer mid-tibial spur is about 30 Mitsuhiro Sasakawa Figs. 16–18. Male genitalia of Brevicornu digitatan. sp. (holotype). 16, gonocoxite and gonostylus; 17, gono- stylus and stylomeres; 18, aedeagus. Scale(cid:1)0.1mm. 15. Brevicornu (Brevicornu) digitata Sasakawa, of first flagellomere yellow; maxillary palp yel- n. sp. low. Mesoscutum mat, pale brown, darkened pos- (Figs. 16–18) tero-mesally, yellowish antero-laterally, and densely whitish-dusted on lateral sides; scutellum Holotype: Male (NSMT-I-DIP-5970), Imperial dark brown; pleura brown except for yellowish Palace, Tokyo, 15 Mar. 2001, coll. S. Shinonaga. postpronotum and propleuron. T1–4 dorsally Male. Head with frons and vertex black, sil- pale brown but lateral 1/6 of T1–2, 1/4 of T3 and very pollinose; face brown, clypeus yellow dis- 1/3 of T4 of whole width and posterior margins tally; antenna brown but scape, pedicel, and base yellow, T5 dark brown and T6 black except for