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H A N D B O OK OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume 1: FUNDAMENTALS A: T h e r m o d y n a m i cs a nd Kinetics B: Transport a nd Stability Volume 2: BULK CRYSTAL GROWTH A: Basic Techniques B: Growth M e c h a n i s ms a nd D3niamics Volume 3: THIN FILMS A ND EPITAXY A: Basic Techniques B: Growth Mechanisms a nd D5niamics NORTH-HOLLAND Amsterdam - London - New York - Tokyo HANDBOOK OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 1 FUNDAMENTALS Part A: Thermodynamics and Kinetics Edited by D.T.J. Hurle H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory University ofBnstol Bristol, UKBSSm i 1993 NORTH-HOLLAND Amsterdam - London - New York - Tokyo ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBUSHERS Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Handbook of crystal growth / edited by D.T.J. Hurle, cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-444-88908-6 1. Crystals-<;rowth. L Hurle, D.T.J. (ÍD921.H32 1993 548' .5-dc20 93-7317 CIP The beautiful natural snowflake on the front cover was photographed by Yoshinori Furukawa on Mt. Asahidake in Japan. The adjacant vertical strip is from a transmission electron micrograph taken by Tony Cullis of an In-implanted Si layer exhibiting cellular microsegregation produced by pulsed laser reciystallisation from the melt. The two images were chosen to reflect the natural and man-made aspects of crystal growth respectively. ISBN: 0 444 88908 6 (Part A and B) 0 444 89933 2 (Series) © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Cop)n:ight & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521,1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S A. This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the U.S A. All other copyright questions.including photocopying outside of the U.SA, should be referred to the copyright owner, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., unless otherwise speciñed. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the materials herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in The Netheriands PREFACE The study of crystals and their growth has a long history, which Hans Scheel charts in his introductory chapter to this volume. The growth of single crystals for commercial application is more recent, of course, with the work of Verneuil at the turn of the century representing a milestone. But the major importance which the field enjoys today owes most to the development of solid state electronics in the post-war period. This growing importance has been recorded through the ICCG conferences or­ ganised by the International Organisation for Crystal Growth formed at the time of the first ICCG in 1966. Professor Sunagawa has recently stated: "Before the organisa­ tion of ICCG, crystal growth was regarded as a minor or subsidiary field, which was allowed to live at the mercy of other fields of science." During the ensuing quarter of a century, much has changed; crystal growth has developed from a largely academic subject to one of the key disciplines in materials science. It is now represented worldwide by no less than fourteen national associations affiliated to lOCG. The ability to produce high-quality single crystals and epitaxial layers is, and is likely to remain, the key to progress in electronics. The control of yield and crystal form underpins many industrial crystallisation processes. The growth of protein single crystals for X-ray structure determination poses new challenges. In short, the areas in which the control of crystal growth is paramount are expanding steadily. Indeed, the subdiscipline of crystal growth has truly come of age. But whilst numerous reviews of the state of the art-in particular, on growth technologies and on the growth of particular materials - appear regularly in the hterature, the field has, hitherto, lacked a comprehensive and definitive work of reference on its underlying science. This Handbook seeks to fill that gap. The field of crystal growth can be classified by technique or by material; both are equally valid. Crystal growth is both a commercial technology and art and a science. But the state of that technology and art moves rapidly and needs to be reviewed regularly, material by material; such reviews are periodically to be found in the proceedings of specialist international conferences. The science, on the other hand, develops more slowly and, unlike the technology, is not frequently supplanted by the new. I hope that the reader will, therefore, understand the reasons for structuring the Handbook in the way that it has been done, devoting this, the first, volume to the fundamentals of the subject of potential relevance to the development and utilisation of ah techniques and ah materials. The subsequent two volumes are classified by techniques and cover bulk crystal growth, and thin films and epitaxy, respectively. Specific materials are not considered as such, with the exception of protein crystals in Volume II and diamond films in Volume III. The objective has been to expose the underlying scientific basis of the subject in a most authoritative way possible, by soliciting contributed chapters from recognised international authorities on their subjects. By focusing on the underlying principles, it is hoped that this Handbook will help to keep theory and practice in touch with each χ Preface Other. Each chapter stands alone, but the chapters are ordered to provide a progres­ sion through the principal topics. I am profoundly honoured to have had the opportunity to edit this work and owe a considerable debt of gratitude to ah the authors. Pressures at work and diminished job security have become more evident throughout the world in recent years, thus increasing the difficulty and the commitment required to undertake a major addi­ tional task such as that involved in writing a chapter for this Handbook. Almost ah of the authors I approached agreed to contribute, making the Handbook, I believe, an outstandingly authoritative work. In commissioning the work, I sought authors on the basis of their knowledge of and expertise in their particular fields and on their abihty to contribute within the imposed timeframe, but not on their nationahty, seniority or other considerations. No handbook can be exhaustive. Inevitably, the selection reflects the editor's background to some degree and I can only apologise for the omission of topics which readers would have wished to have been included. I am particularly grateful to Sir Charles Frank, who celebrated his eightieth birthday last year, for agreeing to contribute a foreword to this Handbook. His reminiscences bring alive our heritage in this field, to which he himself has contributed so much. He urges us not to neglect to read those pioneering works written, as he puts it, "when the facts were sparser and treated as all the more precious". It is to be hoped that this Handbook wih also prove to be a valuable guide to the earlier literature. This first volume, after a historical introduction, starts with the thermodynamic aspects of phase equilibria, point defects and nucleation. This is followed by kinetic and crystallographic aspects, including computer simulation by molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. The remainder of the volume is devoted to bulk transport effects and the influence of transport-limited growth on the stability of both isolated growth forms (such as the dendrite) and arrays and on the co-operative effects involved in determining the configurations of such dissipative structures. I have been pleased to note that there is, between most of the chapters, that very small degree of overlap which is vital to enable the reader to put each topic in the context of the overall field. This, I believe, makes the value of the volume more than the sum of its parts, superbly authoritative as they are. Don Hurle May 1992 FOREWORD Merely to scan the chapter headings of this handbook is enough to show how much work has been required to fulfil the growth potential its subject already had when I was first brought into it about 46 years ago. I had joined Neville Mott's solid state physics group at Bristol at the end of 1946, anxious to return to basic science after six years of application of my science to mihtary matters. It was much the same case with ah of us. Speciahties of Mott's group were crystal point defects and crystal dis­ locations. I knew something of the former from before the war, and I began to learn something about the dislocations from my colleagues. I think I had not considered crystal growth before, but two of my desk-neighbours in Mott's group were Nicolas Cabrera, working with Mott on the theory of surface oxidation of metals, a kind of crystal growth, and Keith Burton, seconded by his employer, ICI, explicitly to work with Mott on the theory of crystal growth. My pre-war German friend Karl Wirtz had sent me, as a post-war present, Volmer's Kinetik der Phasenbildung, published during the war. Mott said to me, "You have that Volmer book, and can read German: how about giving us three or four seminars about it?" I did that, presenting as faithfuhy as I could the gospel according to Volmer. For the crystal growth problem. Burton was able to put numerical estimates into Volmer's algebraic expressions, and did so after one of my seminars, enabling us to say that 10^^^^ was the largest factor of discrep­ ancy between theory and experiment which had ever been called agreement. That made me realize that we had to take seriously what I had previously said almost as a joke, that the presence of dislocations in crystals could overthrow the basis of the theory of crystal growth, layer by layer, as it existed until then. The concept and interpretation of growth spirals on crystal surfaces, and Burton and Cabrera's recog­ nition of a surface roughening temperature, below which these features should play an essential role, followed quickly after that. Stranski, still considered one of the leaders in crystal growth theory and experiment at that time, took a httle while to be persuaded. But it was his former colleague Kaischew who later on produced what is still the best quantitative verification of the theory (and also of Zeldovitch's surface nucleation theory), from studies of electrolytic deposition of silver. We Bristolians were particularly pleased to present sceptical metahurgists with visual evidence of the reahty of dislocations. During the next decade or two, it would be generahy accepted that dislocations are present in almost all crystals, and play an essential role in their growth. I would have said that, and I would have been wrong. The most numerous crystals produced annually on Earth are surely snow crystals, and they are mostly dislocation-free. For the most important industrial production of single crystals, the great demand was for a dislocation-free product. Either Bruce Chalmers or I would explain why a lower dislocation content could be obtained by slower growth. Then somebody producing single crystal silicon for the electronics industry (Bhl Dash) ignored all that and said "Pull hke hell", obtained a very different condition at the growth surface, and produced virtuahy dislocation-free crystals. Both these examples must involve growth xii Foreword by surface nucleation (the first, certainly, and I fancy the second also), the theory of which still deserves some further development. This last remark carries the implication that while the student of the subject should acquaint himself with the current state-of-the-art knowledge about it, and it is the endeavour of this book to enable him to do that, he should not lose sight of the fact that last words are yet to come: he stih has the prospects of adding to the sum of human wisdom about it. And in seeking last words, he can be advised to pay some attention to first words, to mix in with his reading of up-to-the-minute knowledge, as in this book, some occasional reading of much earlier work. Those who first entered the field saw facts of observation, or points of theory, which they found difficult to understand: difficulties which may have been glossed over, or circumvented, in later work, but which remain real nevertheless. There are passages in Willard Gibbs' great paper on heterogeneous equilibria where he seems to be making unnecessary difficul­ ties for himself, over points which later writers were able to omit. Until one tackles for oneself problems which are related but sufficiently different not to be solved by slavish copying of the textbook, one does not appreciate Gibbs' perception of where particu­ lar care is needed. When starting the study of crystal growth, I acquired phenomenological knowl­ edge, among other sources, from Robert Mehl's English translation (1925) of Gustav Tamman's States of Aggregation. I was wrong not to go back to Tamman's earlier book Kristallisieren und Schmelzen (1903). I wrongly assumed that the sequel would incorporate everything of importance in the earlier work. I have only very recently learnt from Professor Keller that unusual pressure-temperature phase diagrams can occur for crystallizing polymers and their melts (polymers can have several different mutually frustrating kinds of disorder because of the complexity of their molecular structure), which were discussed as thermodynamic possibilities in Tamman's earlier book but are omitted from later literature because no examples were known. Make sure that this compendium of present knowledge is in your departmental library, but do not allow pioneering earlier works, written when the facts were sparser and treated as all the more precious, to be transferred to some inaccessible store, or, worse still, disposed of, just because they are fifty or more years old. Sir Charles Frank CONTENTS OF V O L U ME 1 Preface Foreword Sir Charles Frank Part A. Thermodynamics and Kinetics 1. Historical introduction 1 HJ. Scheel 2. Phase equihbria 43 R.F. Brebrick 3. Defect thermodynamics and phase diagrams in compound crystal growth processes 103 H. Wenzl W.A. Oates and K. Mika 4. Nucleation theory 187 B. Mutaftschiev 5. The structure of supersaturated solutions 249 .4.5. Myerson and A.F. Izmailov 6. Crystal growth mechanisms 307 J.P. van der Eerden 1. Growth and morphology of crystals: Integration of theories of roughening and Hartman-Perdok theory 477 P. Bennema 8. Atomic-scale models of crystal growth 583 G.H. Gilmer 9. Low-energy ion/surface interactions during crystal growth from the vapor phase: Effects on nucleation and growth, defect creation and annihilation, microstructure evolution and synthesis of metastable phases 639 J.E. Greene Part B. Transport and Stability 10. Description of transport processes 683 A.A. Wheeler 11. Bulk models of solidification 741 H.E. Huppert 12. Morphological stability 785 S.R. Coriell and G.B. McFadden 13. Effects of flow on morphological stability 859 S.H. Davis xiv Contents of Volume 1 14. Pattern formation in crystal growth 899 B. Billia and R. Trevedi 15. The dendrite 1075 M.E. Glicksman and S.P. Marsh 16. Kinetics of electrocrystalhsation 1123 P. Ramasamy Subject Index 1207 CHAPTER 1 Historical Introduction Hans J. SCHEEL Crystal Growth Group, Institute of Micro- and Optoelectronics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland Contents Introduction 3 1. Crystallization phenomena in ancient technologies 3 2. Empirical experiences with crystallization phenomena in the Middle Ages 6 3. Presentiments about crystals and their formation from the age of enlightenment to the 19th century 9 4. Development of crystal growth science and technology in the 20th century 18 4.1. The role of the crystal structure 19 4.2. Progress in understanding crystal growth phenomena 22 4.3. Development of techniques for growth of crystals and layers 26 5. Outlook 37 References 39 HANDBOOK OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, VOL. 1 edited by D.T.J. Hurle © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

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