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Preview Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology: Vedic Astrologer's Handbook Vol. I

Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology VEDIC ASTROLOGER'S HANDBOOK I Bepin Behari Edited hy Kenneth johnson COSTESTS --- - -- , I • PUT 1: h~K Informat iea --- f .. t.o-; s.......III_.w..e. ""'-. "'-'b .......... fifIlI_. Nil,'" ""'-. E"',,",'"""'-,nll,dIlo-. s..rond ""'-; E,~h'~ 110...." Siuh ........ fIo,..flh ""'- Ila.hl, Th< S I~ , oft"" lodl.. 101..."" (""""). Vri<""bh. n.......); MIlhol'lO (G.m ,,.,;), K.,b ta (C.""",), S"",," (1.«»; K. nl ' (V_"'., T.La (L ,b<. ~ V_ h," IS<orpio~ ~4So.io,"",,~ 101....... Ic.pnooc.). K...lIlI.o V,q_..., 101_ ,-, ..........n- 111< Ilo(m... . a.- M M " _ _ (h; 8hororIi 42); K_lo.o lJI. RoIMi 1 4J;~ (h _. 16~ r--... C7l; ,....,.. (.,. AsIIlrMa (9 ~ "'""'" 11111; ........ f'II.oIpoo' III,.l-.rwr- {Ill;"- O J1. ClIioro (14 ~ S..... (I'1.V_1I61. _ (17).,1,.- (I'~ MuIo( 19J; ,.,...oohoo1bo (20); "'_ ......an. AblIIIjit. 5ln._(1);~I1J I;5It' I' t. 124,. JVvo-. (15KUnor. -. (16):. IV. .., (:17) ,- Th< ' Ion<l, Sun. ,ho Soul of thr L'n'......; 101",," , tllP C...mio Mo'ho" M",",y, ,Ii< C.lt.,,,] Br,dV; V.n..... thr Coorni< P...ion; M.n . thr 0........" .... '" C..... nw Pr,no,l'I<'; lup;...., 'Il< , "" n ,. " e ,. ,, "•, , - fun&.m<n1O# of V<d« A st' Qlog,' _ Or..,!", of G,,,h 1l<t>«Ik,iQn '" U rn;,l... uf'MISion; SolUm , ,o" 100" "'1" Ehd, L h", the Coom;< [..ow , " <to_,h< E..mal W1000m P,~RT II: Infonnation Base The ~' lal ( han c " ''''3 til< 11"''''''<>1><; Sho>, " ",,<I>li, S""ogt h of <I" HOf<>W.>\"; boh" !/o", o..lli"",1'<'...m.....; Dw.dash.m. ....; Ihms....m....., >apt.m. ...., Olh.. l.odJacal Djv;,;o.., P1,n""lJ" D"rosi'ioo. l"'erplOhrWY r'fieOOohil'" Pl.n. ..,.,. fusltK>11.1S1J<ngth, PllfI<tat)' Str<ng'o: Shodab•.l~ , r.....,." 1\,1""'" PART 1lI: Basic ( ollcepU TheCo,mk Man The cardinalHouses The Spiri,..l Tri;an ~l . Th<1l"lanXt< 01M,.,erial•.., The M l"I~r;ou . Dep<h PI\KT 1\'; Pmlietive Guidelines Mult. of Imerprffilti"" "'"I< I PI,,,,,..,, S"ong,h %0'" tho Soul', M''''';'l Rule 2, Th<11"."& 0' L<rnl R.1"'"nt5 ' "' Gu,rd,an A " ~ e l _ it ho,,,,", tho Individuo.l '" !'rov,de. ,h. ~ '," IV' Fore. lor hi. A<';OIl' Rul< ] , An 1mev.lfil S<lf ;. !l<;".led by Harmoo,,,,,, R'''"'''''nlp B<1W<ffi ' "" ~"n . Moon &; AS«hdonl Rule 4· Op"",...j,;<s '" lmp<dim<n", in Life . ,. Sho"" by tl1e Di>t"t.>,,,,,, of &ndk. " M. leli<. .. !h, D,ft..ent Il""-., of the !'I."I 0 ," Rule ~ _ Ftu ,'_O" h<';"~ Soulo (Il hog Yoni. ) "- "'" ioh-o<;",,«I lhdi.idu.ol.(".ttn>. Y""i.) .,. ldehllfied on the !lui> of PI. n, ,,, &IOg "'Ion>< ot & 10'" til< H",i"", in Ill< N...I Ch.n Ru", ~ _ The S,~ "ifi<.nc< of • H""", i, De<iphet<d by the D"P"S" 'oo of 'Il< ' . me Hoose Rel. 'ive 10it '" '" rn m '"'"' '" _ Con,,",, _ Il.ul. 7' ThoNode, of th<. MOOG. Rallu&K. ,u. Il.epreson' K. nm. [ul1""",,.. " hi.h , ro Diff,cul' '0 U"""",.",j ,,,,j "hich C, nn« b< A"",O«! Il."le g, All p"',d",i" A""'u,"n' $h¢old b<- don, "i'h R<.p.c' to 'i>< ......,ndant. MOOG & Sun ""Io,e Proooon.i nf ' Final /lId, men' with R<~.ro '0 any A.<pe.' of Lil, R"~ 9. The Notur' of . H."... i< R<f ul"«l ~y ,he. Lord of ' h, Sign "h'ch i. (k'<upi«l ~y the L<><d "f the It""", UMet C,"" ide,,""" Il.u'" 10: Panem' iu PI,,,,,,.,y Ar"",,",u)@Q' Rev..l [", porI"n' !'robl""" in Life ""...., and Am"" 'aloe \"1:' Pa"d,. Muh, pu,U>ha '1'""" Fi.. c"",,~i...'i_of E..lred B<m ~ ., N, ,,,,hat>/l' h, a R.) .yo~ . Cao<ella""" of D.-bi1it>,,"u. Raj. '1'011"' , K i"~ ly C"""bi...""",; lAooo lup"" C,,"l~m..ions; S,.,'a Yop; ;:, 1, 5,'1"' V"l'" ""ttvt,jya V"",a, Combin'''''''' of M<eli"h", Al'P[~D ltLS 257 casfi"l: tbe " """"OP' 259 {; [u,,"'y 262 s,,[M«l Blb[;oIQ'0pll!' 273 [ude'< 275 (H .~MVI."" f\ IllIGM'IS The Cooch 18 Ev01utloo.')' I", pu["" ~O Coomi< M' uil"'"ion !'Toe... 2~ Si~"ifi<auce of 'h, Ho"",' 32 Si~ nifi<,n"" of ,he Si~ . 42 [",nat Ma",ioo. 'M S',"' in C"'''';. ""'.pe"i've ~6 Itnpor1.nt PI,,,,,,,,')' C"',,,,,,,,,,,'ico 114 D<;ty'. ll.uhng 'h. V, '1''' 128 Sy u ' ~' of the 7.<><1;>< & ]'.;, l;.h, ,,.. 162 B..", ["' pul... 0/ ,he K' la Pun"ha 167 The Co,donal 1100"'"" 1(1.1 The Spi""",1Tli, nf"" 176 The Tri, ng[e of M..",i.hty 181 The My""'io"' D'p'h 1 ~7 B"i<& Secondary [mpu[... o/,n.Ho..... 217 r EDITOR'S FOREWORD Whon Wo<tomer> . pprooeh 1M study of Hindu astrology, they aro usually looki1\j; fot ..,.,,,,,lbing quite d.fini'o. Tfl<,y aro looking for a spi,i,..,I ..<trology _ • di,cipline whieb willlhrow light (r><>n.h)on ,he~ karm•• the ~ .pintu.l p" h, thei, uh~n'le plifl'O"' . The f'>ychoIOllic.l . mph. >is of as' rology 'n the W"", h.> prov.n ..,mohow iou;ufficion' for 'h.., ",,,d>; 'hey fooi <;<>Ir'l"'lIed '0 go ""yond psych""",,I)"i. '0 the ,,,,,hniqu<ll of .nlighlenrneni Bu"o the """ke" nO ma''''' how ea,,,,,.t, Hindu astrology seem., at fi,..." . 0m owh1l daunting. V..ious ""i",,,, Oil. the >ubje", have >",• ...-.1 the pred,c'; v" "lemen, in !lindu . ,'rology - giving one 1M imvr...ion tba' here isa ""i<1'C< c""". mod pt,maroly wnh e>1""",I>, an " uol Ol;ywh icb i, fat more f"""",d "" worldly ',,""elS ,""n 0"" 0"'" Su...ly, we say, lb.... mus' he ntore . An ancien' 'p~ i'ua l cuilUre sucb as ludia m....' ha v. an astrology which .mbodies 'he philosophical prill.' ciples of Yog• •nd Vod.nta . Ru' bow rio we gel hej'OJldthe . urf.ce I. vol aM co n,.'" ,he >piritu.1 cor. of lbe science> Th Hindu astrologic. l ""riP'nt. .. even whe" they "re av.ilable to US (."d 'boy ato oflon diff,cul, '0 obta in), contain hundreds of rul.. . oo ntat""'"ati".1 formul "" to "" 'nehlOtiud,.oo at" ,,~Weh in ,he language of mod,evall"di., a oui.ure . nd world vi"w rn tirdy foreign '0 most of us, Ilepin /kh..i"""ks OIl' thoyog'0prine,pie>whieh ""dorlie ,he ancient w,i tinM>· lie eluddat"" ,he ' piri'u,1 co", upon which tbo rulo> ""d form ulae have bee" ""se-d. Ill. so doing, he '''''ote> '0 us lb. vision 0/ the early Vodic ' ''''°1011<'1'>, N; D"id Frawley has ",,,,,,rled in hi, inlrOOUC' ,ion lO /khan's My'hs altd Symbol; of Vedic ASlroIoSY, ho preserves a "deeper aM older wisdom '",di,ion." Bu' if ''''''0 is bluch ,bat is old in Ileru,j's work, ,1>:' 0 is al;;o much ,ba' is""w,&'pin Ilebatiisa spod.,. of"R.,,,,i:;,;.;,,,ce h"''' .. Alleconomis, by profo»ion, he is . 1", or,o of "'Mem India', moS! widely published .>trologel'll. He bl';n"ins . li....ly inle",,, in WO' lem psyooology (espo, eially Jung) and in quantum ph)"ics. lie has t-n deepiy inO""nced both by The<>«>phy "tId by tradi,ionai llindu ph ilos<>phy All of ,hese ioOu- em'os fmd • place in hi, WOJk. Beh..., is uniquely qual;f" d to ~iv, W"'''tn<t> a""'",,,oflh"pi'''u. l . "",I"fYrj"y ",k. fle focu"'" 0" ,t.. inner I"i"c;pl", UI"" which V<dic .."",I"fYis ~ , th<n >kf,,,,,, thos< pr",cil~'" in 'he light 01<ut"""I><>- rot)' p"ychology ...d sci","if,c 'P"'UI.t;oo. ][, joi". 'he ,.,,4 01 lhos< who.,.,.k 10 " ·fc"mul.,, VNlic wisdom lor 'he modern wGfld so th., it m.y ....g. m its righl/ul pl•.,. as' Imly mt<gr. led p.th which ",00ln1"" '" sci",,,,,, r<hgio", psychology, and hie ing",,«. I. Du,ing the middle y.." of rj,e twenli.th """tury, D...e Rudhy.. - ...otll« Renai",.m:. man who was de<oply ",nu",,,d by Theosophy _ g",'e W"," m ",,"ology . thor' ough " ' INC"" ing which made or it a de.ply mea,unglul r""", of psychology_Behari , in giving l1ioou ",Irolon . ,. equally Ihoroug h "'- structu,ing, m.""" i, . 'ru. spilit",,1 scirn<e, Fu~dam."'ols oj v,.a,c M'ml~ IfY' WJic ,ht",lelfr r', "endb",,* I i, ,he ,,"cond or BeMtl's wo,k:;to he publt, hNl1»' p." ",ge Pr",o (My'''' end Sy·."bcls <1 Vedic A.SlroWIfY "'''' th< rn"). .\l. ny mor••f< planned . Th< He>lt1b<><>1r. ;, ","nded I..imarily as • " ""hing ,n. n...l, 'hough it i, a "'~<hing man....l ""iohed wi'h phil"",phioal opt'<:llla'i"" and spiritu.1 "" o~..is,The lin, volume cove... rj,e bo.,o ptinci pl", of,ht'fI.wh,le tli< ""0",><1 i. d<VOIed to an extremely det. iled trea"n",,' of planets in the va,ieu., sign, and houses. Th. thi,d volum. will deol wi,h I..edlotive 'echnique, and with >ynlh"'izing al1 lh. inform. """ ,,,to . P'"""oal bul ,pirilllal method of inle1'p t i " ~ ,he h"""",op<, whlle the lonnh will be comP'I>ed of essaY' on t,,,,,•.."o lo~ io . 1 'opico fl indu astrologer.l have never pre<en<l.d ,halth.i, an ~, >ttnpl•. & ha,; w,ll demand you' full a'''n,i"". You ~ 'ill ,rudy' Bn' tbos. who 'a•• the lim. 10 ma,l., ,h. '''OMiques off..ed in the Fundarn'"lals oj V,dic A.srroWg)-' will find the , pintual .,trology they have bto.n Sl'ekillg. 'Thoy will also fond "",,"pectoJ g~ of wi-do,,, in ,h. n,,,,,,, philosophic.1 porti"". of Ih~ book, To all those .bout to rotor Bop'n & h.,i'. rk h inn.. world floppy wat:deting Kenneth john<on Maroh 1\>91 Sant> f't" New Moxico PREFACE V..dk . strology h.. its roots in . nd<1lt V..dk ocoulti<m. TIlt Vedio ....... """,ide' ed the Jyotis!J Shastnl. which dealt with the knowledge of Ihe futllk, ' s . n imp<>Ttanl limb or the Vnl., . The anliquiTy of Ihe V..d.. Ih<1nsdves is lost in .",haio times . nd any effort to fix Ihel! ,,"gin i. beyond hum.n capabililY· The .uthorsh ip of the v.ri"", """plyres i, anribut..d l<> ><" e..l diffe""'l seer<, bUl """" of ~ d . im..d origi nalily, l1>oy merely ~ed the wisdom they had heard or remembered, Time has noltarnished their work [)uring the COUI'<e of human d ' ilizalion the intelleetual horizon ofm. nkind has expanded . nd new lights ha, e bo~un to shine from the andeut wisdom, With ....ery nrw reve talton, the . ncient wisdom k<;omes y<1 more profonrol, Rut as y<1, we have no! su=eded in ident ifying the ori~ i...1fo""doli"" upon which Ihe S"~"'ruo"' re was ..i,«L Orthe et<TTIal , pring from whioh tht-se dro p' of n""ar are dr.wn, Vedio a<tmlol'J' is "'" indo"'ive. Its Pfinciples=nOlfounded soldy upon o<l«lial m« banio' by way of whioh ~en".li"li01lS o.n be made f.,... pplica'ion to post<1i'y, Vedic astmlol'J' Ten""" the "nJ<.""anding and I"" o<p,ion of anoient ' piritnall"'ckTs rega,ding the f. cts of Itfe, If the r« ei,ill.'l i",,'rumen, w.s no! perf«1and lhe "flecting mediUm free from ....err di,<toni on, lhe undersLlnding of lhi. m)'>"'rio,," life-proc= oonld not be ...." l.sting, E'<1l when l"''''ep1i011 was fr"" from . ny bi... the impaning of the knowledge had to be 'er)' caTefully .owmplished Es!"'ci.!Iy when the w:i<d<lm had 10be 1ransmiU..d 0'<'1 • long period of time, the I""gu' ge h.d to be Sll<:h thai the impacl of Hme wa, minlmal Only . l.nguage which or_ hom the '<1'1 nomre of Ihe obje cts and rel.'ion'hips IIWasdcsig"ed to expr= could be useful in this "'g.,d.Th rnosl irnpr>r1.nt h.ndicap arose from the psyoho ' piritual equipmetll poo_ se<.se<l by the stndent, who had to <mnpreh,rol lbe messages oonv.yed by the ...... Generally, 0 .rudent intetptrls or bends the wi<d<lm to <uiI and fit hi, own experi"""e, ""d<rstarlding, .nd psychological pro pensities The ""dent S<'<1'S die! not inqnite m",ely out of intelle"'"al ""riosity They wantnl to ""d<-e<tar>d the law, of nal"... SO th.llhey oould ad.pt 'h<1nselves to th.... I."", .nd <1lIighten tb. potb, of other seeke", Ast",l· ogy "'as "enligh'''''men'' in the sense.th'l its manlfestalion result..d from ,h. process of enlighlening the Eternal D.,\;n..., or Nolhingllos:;, Jyolish Shul,. is ...la'ed to tb. n.ture of light and the Ladi.'i"" of YOrious objects (especially the celesti.l enti'ies), but thl' pr<><:<>lS had . purpose .nd a " dit=lion as woll ... card ully defm<d 'tature and .pecific law. Sever.l ,,",cull seriplu",,"rotocel11 "'",,,,,dv,", w ;.Ii diff."m asf"'CISof ,hi. pro<".. of ,,""'if.....""" .,><1 ",," "30m", hop< to <>;mll""hc',d the ,.l>lim< n.,u" of Vedic astrology unless it is app roached from . ....""" p<>t.pec'ive. The Y"8" SUlfa.< indic....the 8",1 ofon..'. ir."'lligen"".,od the proc<s> by ,,-],ieb di."",ions in the ..n" may be d itnin.,ed, Otocc '" h,di"d u.l i• •ble 10.Ilain clarity in p<~plion, thero . r< immel's< possibilities fOf him. P.,."j.li, .whor of the Yoga Su"as wbich arc of . nch great value in ,he.. p""'.."1timeo, lell. Wi lhat Ihe clarity ....inOO by yogic I".c!i= can e".hle lbe p...<t;I'''''''' to """",,,uta,. on Ih< S"" .nd know the secrd it holds with regard to the WQfking of the solar .yotem and the inh.bj"",1$ dwelling the",,,,, n.. "'sk principles of V.dic ",<"ology ,...."he<! from lhi. kind of 'lUI inm""'. By going to the very sou rce, it is possible even loday for .,«<kI,1S '0"""''''''',,J"'" d""P"t meanings of cd",tl.1 relotion- 'hlp"_ Unl"" "". i••ble '0 .....i" pt'rf"""n,, in yn~ ic dlsclpli,\C. it i. ",d"" lo ponder Ovc, I~c haoic aslroiogic. 1,,,,,,Is01""'. to con,prohend . nd illtui, th.i, deeper i",plic. holtS, Engaging in ,h. """ MSat)" yogic praClices, 'ho rela,.d !nO'aph)"'ic. 1knowledgo COIning f,Oln'ho arch. ic p"" shOlJld al.., be inlO"sivoly studied, n.e pt=tl' $lIIdy i, . trt<:>Jost allenlpt I<> pt=tlt ",o,.,.lyal","io" of lite ."d .,,' ..ttological klouwlf'<!ge of the Vedic A,')...... lbe . uth" , has been """ d y ." inf, ",. 'rying to utld........nd lhe . pi" ,,,. \ na",re of ,,'ro!- ogy ,,'ll othot occult li'....,"'. <>f the F... t . H. i. n'" • pm[=i"...1 . slrol<>gct and doe. _ da"" infaltibihl)' in h" prodicli""., Uu, his ' '''Iu. in'ance wi,h ,1,. subjec1 for the I." fifly yeM' has shown him that • propct and Ullb..sed .pproach may be v. ry ,<w..ding for the "uden~ . nd reveal to h.... tho pUIJ'O'" of hi, lifo .nd how 10 gr. pple with his everyday problems db'i" I)' .., th"' ,ovor ,h. course of ..v. ...1incama- lio"s. he ....""oed. in . "i1bli,J,ing . h.""",""", l>. b , ,,,~ with "'alure Th• •uthor h., . Iso I.am' tha' th. ..... of this approach in predic,ing tho f"tur. of "'her, pW' <'S effective in coul"",ling. A, \atge number of individu.l. with whOtn be h., COltlOinto COI\t3Cl Mve fd t tha' Vedic ••trology h••• di<lincI rolo to play in providing pt"C<'. slab,lil)' and coof,d."ce in everyd. y I",mall rel.'i"",h,p>. In the pr=nl work tho author ool'<s to c' lT)' this m""",gc to . WId., 'udlel=', ('$~..lly 10tho'" wilh whOltt he cannot com. into perso...1relationship and co,u.ct A, plCrcqui.ite fo< ..trologi<.1 prodictio" is ,h. re.ii,ation of Ih. exi>tence of cosmic unity, In . Imosl .>ery ~,ll lradill"" ....Jwisdom religion of t!'" F....t. 'ho ba.ic identity of micrc>co,m and macrocosm h.. ~n emph••i,ed, BUI' n .pplicatj"" of ,I,,, pti"ciple in predic'i,e " "01· ogy i. often oV<'7iooked. PI.netary "",,,,binatio,", . ffcct ,h. utli, ,,,,. in . - FNfau- H 'ff'I mystm aJOmanner, ADund= ..nding of th, lJ><ehanistn loy which pl....,""Y impulses impinge upon ,n. manifested un i ,~ . are recei""d loy the earth and deflected t" the individual, as well as the marll"" in whic h differen' individuals rocei"" the m in order t" evol.... toward their ,rehe- typal des' iny, is essenl i,1 in orde: to g'In an insigh' tnto ..,,.,Iogiool fo~ . A ' Y"thesis betW«JI """ , rio religious philO5Ophy (and in fact an . ""h ....Iigions ¢otn<" from the ..me <O\Jr<:e. "" the... should be no boloiic difference ;"'tween them) and variou< aOlrologi" ol OOhC<'"p1S helps in undel>tonding the «>de of ... I..ioh<hips.nd ",""""th" ,,,,io,,", ouU~' IOh$ made during a.I1<>1,,,;oal """n",ling. QenMally Ib.. ioa neglecte.J aspect of 8.'lrological SIIldieo. The reader is "'ongly urged to """ 11 S'. dy in Astrological Occultism loy the au ,hor (o, ailoble from Pas..ge Press), The sec,ions dealing w,1b the Costni o Man and his basic impul...", and the C<>lL,I,tult"" of n,an in ligh' of,h" So_ Royoand Principles , shoold prove ""p"'ially hel pful in throwing heWligh' "" ,he . ub"'" In as,,,,logical p1t'<licti"", il .. important I" ,Umtn, the n.lure <>I planetary combinations, the n"""e and .'rength of the pl....ts and thei, inn"""ce on the bio-psycholugical field of the individua l. The romplete human individual con, i,ts of , arious " Jbile sheath., ha. cenain inherent impulse, 'eeeived .Ilbe lin>tof birth, and i, related ta d,ffermt le....l. of manif",t.lion, The.. ch""""'rhtic, aT, te flec..-.J in the pattern of plone- "'ry o"",binali""•. Outing th~ cOl1tS<' of worldly evolo tion Illld ,h~ enter- g<nee <>I individoali...d human oou\', different kind> of ¢OIlCTeti..,ion ..I.e place, l>o1h in the Individual as well 8., in the manife<ted uni, e..... Ru' the b.,ic link i, never ""....red. l1>e different hou"", in 'ile natal ¢hatt and the plane'ary connecti,,,,,, w ith the bou""s ....n"'" ,he.. eternal ... la· tionships, ."d are the basi. upon which ,he nature of the indi,idual, h.. cour.. of 'Jnfoldmen', and the direClion 'oward> whi" h hi. life is moving can be kno wn , 1'01 a prope< 'mde,....nding of oneself, thi. knowledge i. very helpful . The tri.ls and tribulations of life, the ..I"",i"" of a c"""","" thoo pl..sant and sorrowful esperimc<'$ in human relati<Jn,!iips and one. bask 'empetan"n' ..... oil deoipn.....-d from the natal ~h .'t The f,rs, "Qlume of the V~dio 1I."'rt>kJger's Ha.,db<>ok - f~hda..~"'als af "'die Astrology _ de.l. with the.. <ubje",". The nature of plone""Y influence depend> upon ,he book ohat>c1"'· ist.,< of the pia"'" tho-m""lve•. n.. Vedic """olo,,,r does n,~ o<Xi<ider the pl......ts • • 'n..... <><bs of ,tiffe"",t chemk.l oOh,positi,,,,, they .... Ii"ng, <piritu,1for.,.,·oentns witn tnei, I"",iding deiti,"", their . pedfic funct ions and their hiS1ory. Th_ I;"lng oocolt forces are not r"""iC1ed to the astrologic. l reolm. l.ife i. much nlOte ..par..i'e than me", ..trol<Jgieal predicti,,,,, ~an ' ugf",t. The Vedic ....... have rle>eribed the nalure of the - hnda",,1UJ1.> oj VN i<Astrolo81 - pl"",,1s lJl m.ny kinds of _.nc longu.ge. A Hindu oc<:UI,ist, T. Subba Rao, h.. empha,i>.ed W,t llIe key to We secret meaning of these zooi.". 1 'ign" pl.nels, ••t",i,tn<, .tc.,,hoo.,ld be tume<! ~ rnl 'im... in orde1 '0 d<ciphef their ",••nings .t ""n,"-" differen, ie,<I•. He has offe red the following rul hich, .. the ftt'51 ie,<1of , ueh.n e'ploration. may help W. enqui" . in f ,ing 00.,' the deepe"ignificanco of the . n"ien' Sansm' OOln<'nol. tnre used in the old Aryon rnyt/l! ond . Ilegories L Find 00.l1 the ' j'Ilonyms .r><! ollie. me.ning' of 'M terms ...hich 1l"e u<ed 2. Find out the mnne ric.l v. lue of the leners oompris, ing the ...ord '«Ofding to the m.thods given in oneient T.ntrie wmks 3, E"" mine llIe ,ndent my,hs or . llegon , if ' ny. which ""V.ony 'p"c;'1conneClirn ...ith tl d or roll- copt in question 4, Permu"te the differen' 'yll. bles comp rising 'he WOfd ond e..m tne 'M ne'" comb,...,ions f""""d, ond 'bei. me.ning<, etc.•et<;. In f.ct, :ruch ore We rules fo<&-ciphering the bidden tneonings of .11 the ..oterie ... wi,dom religions of tbe world, includmg Christi.ni'y ond the K. bb. l. h. In order to e",mme wtne of the deepe, me. ning' of Vedi" . srrologic.1 signs, plone.. . nd I"n.. m. n.ion" the . uthor has rillen MylM o~d Sy,"1x>Is of Itd,c Asrrology, publi'Md by """'.ge Pr The nature of pl. n...".. influences o>n be bell'" .ppreciated if the "han of on indi",d".l i, ex.mined . g."", "'" ba<kgro,,"d of infomution given in thi<. tndy,especiolly the..Olion on ,he ,..en.",>... lun.r mon,ions ...hich reve.l. <peei. 1qu.li1ies of ,he pI in differen' bOfOS<'Ope< The pbn...".. period. or d..b re th. ""', of "'mlogic. 1predic- bOJls. An individual m.y he very capable, 00' his I.ten' forulties m.y nO! be """ful '0 him unless he is .ble to use 'hem. Money in ,he b.nk does not enable on individu.l to enjoy the comforts of living unless he d".... th>., money for the purpc=. The timing for the fructification of .ny ,esult or the """""",nee of . ny evenl is • spe<'i.1 "peel of Vedic . strology El.tx:.:.te guidrline< bave been given 'o ......ko,,"helime periorl in ...hicb .ny plOl1'Cl ...ill """'einto full pl.y and thereby pt"ctp,,,,, iii influence 'Thi...peel of ,h.. . ubject will be p"-..ted in P",dlerh .. Techniq~~. of Itdi, Astrology, Volume III of the Itdi, Aslrologer's lIandbook. On the ba.is of v.no"" method. indioate<llhete, il i. hoped ,hat the re.der ...ill be .ble!od"...some fe. li. tic infe",nces .ooul ....ery<Lyhuman ' truggles, 'ThI= f<atum; of !his sys"'m .... very siplifie>nt First, it recognizes the e,i., <"1Ice of • """bjeo:tive re.lity" behind lhe veil of "oojective m",if""tat ioo.." \Vhere""r the,e is an "objective" .,i,t"""", there is • "subjective" COOll'erpart '0 it, That lbere is... "<>bj<-ctive f""<tht" ",...", thaI lh<Je is aloo • •...bjecti"" past," The "OOjecIive J>f<'>"'"," .nd Iif.'s direction now front this · ""bjediv. past" Second, the !lindu "Ys'etn roco~niz.es lhat 'here is,hy'hm, oircularity, e'l"""ioo..nddirection in life .t the differ ent levels of its manifestation, S""i.1 ..,d physical scient;'" have e.plo,ed the forms of human nisten"" and have shown US v..ious f>o<-ts of tl,is rhythm, while poe.., musicians, painter.. and mystics have ..pre.ssed the same ITlllhs In different ways.Third, the sys'em recognizes thal dissol ution is inh.......nl in .11 p...."""'ena. NOlhing ...mains penna- nendy in II>< same fom,. Every!hing ultima"'lydissolves inlo ,ubjectivily and (mally into nOlhing..... D;fferenl names have been sugg..led '0 describe Ihis ullimate stale of immutability Th..., conditions have be<11 symbolioaUy "'Presenled by such ;m. ges .. an ever·e.panding circle, lhe .sce"d;n~ heights <>f mOW'lt.in pe.h that ultin"lely v..,i, h inlO nothingness, • serpent ••ting i,. <II"'l'I tail, and by • ~.. Hindu philosophen .t..ohed """,ider.ble importance 10 the conch, It ....enli. lly epilomi<ed their """",';0 teachings. It ' eminded them of !he l.-oce>s of cosmic m..,ifest' lion. To them, the soundin~ of the conch expressed lhe hum.... determin.tion to cooperate wilh cosmic forces, The co".h was """Mod .1 the ~inn ing of every . uspi<ious. ctiv;ty It invoked !he divine ,ub)eeli"" e"",g)' prescnl at ~ mOtncnt in every ""ing. It armounced the individu. l". dedication 10lhe ilm'" guiding for"" and hi< willingness to aceeplthe (m.1consequences of his present aOlivily in the interest of harmonious natural order. Evel) g,>d w., symbolized "" holding a collCh in 0"" of hi> hands, Thi, showed his .<\hero...., t" the natur.) evolotion'l} principle. The significance of the conch in the evolutionary proees< can be H plained in man~ difforertt ways. and !he .." ologi..l forces Ope' Sling on man can be oharacleri>:e<l by the """ndinl; "I lhis oonoh. "flit, invisibk spirit m.nif<'Sled itsd f from "subjectivity" t<> "objecli. ity" M,d became polarized .. "involutional}" and "evoJutiOltal}" impul...,.. These "...".. "",tained.nd e""'lli<ed by the tbree ba,io .Itri""",,, harmony (sa1lwo), . otivity (lSj..)and ineni. (tatnas) , nus highly ,utehatged field "faOlivily w., further mOlivatffl lo change WIder fou, urges: g""l..-ientw be.haviot (arth.), righteous mOliv,,"(dhan-n.al, desire oriented . ctivities (bm.), and the urge tow. rd disen"n~ l"",",nI and telin'1tl<'nl (m"ksha Of liher>tionj. Th""e u'ges made hunum society ootne together and ~ .ccotding EVOLUTIONARY IMPULSES ~ _.._... ~......"......".. ..n.'.UTI' (GU,.ASI UI AS ..." C M O TI....TlONS U"' A "'0<,""

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