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FUNDAMENTALS OF TEMPERATURE CONTROL William K. Roots, Ph.D. CHAIRMAN, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR, WINDSOR, ONTARIO FORMERLY: PROFESSOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 1969 ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London COPYRIGHT © 1969, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. Berkeley Square House, London W.l LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 69-13476 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Dedicated to the late Professor Frederick Walker, Ph.D. whose untimely death prevented him from contributing to this book; and to P. N. Robinson, F.I.E.E. who established the scholarship that enabled the author to change from industry to academic life PREFACE ... there have been, in recent years, many attempts to evolve an analytical theory of temperature control. None, however, appears to be completely satisfying as yet. While the theoretical foundations are old and the fundamental principles can be found in classical texts on the sciences, analytical methods have not yet penetrated properly into the field of temperature control. R. Griffiths, "Thermostats and temperature regulating instruments," 3rd ed., p. 201. Griffin, London, 1951. This quotation summarizes the purpose of this book. Until now the engineer, physicist, chemist, and metallurgist has had no con­ venient reference work on the basic theory of thermal systems analysis and temperature control. Consequently, these workers have lacked the necessary foundation for studying the large number of papers on temperature control that have appeared in the last five years in Transactions of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (London), Journal of the Institute of Fuel, The Review of Scientific Instruments, Journal of Scientific Instruments, Archiv fuer Technisches Messen und Industrielle Messtechnik, etc. This book aims at filling this gap by packaging these basic fundamentals into one slim reference volume. The mathematics involved have been deliberately kept as simple as possible without losing the analytic approach. Thus the intention is to provide a reference work equally useful to both the practicing engineer and scientist, as well as the new graduate student not pre­ viously exposed to temperature control. In this work emphasis has been placed on discontinuous temperature control. This is because discontinuous control techniques are not only the least understood, but also because they form the bulk of the ix X PREFACE temperature-control systems used in industrial, laboratory, domestic, and weapons applications. Continuous control theory has been well covered elsewhere, and the interested reader is referred to the books by D. P. Eckman, ''Automatic process control/' Wiley, New York, 1966; C. R. Webb, "Automatic control." McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964; O. I. Elgerd, "Control systems theory." McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967; all of which provide a foundation for studying the continuous temperature-control problem. In passing, the author acknowledges his own debt to these authors for the elementary concepts that, consciously or unconsciously, appear in the first chapter. No descriptions of temperature-control hardware have been incorporated because these are adequately provided by M. Kutz, in "Temperature control." Wiley, New York, 1968; by W. F. Coxon, in "Temperature measurement and control." Macmillan, New York, and Hey wood, London, 1962; and in the collations periodically compiled by the American Institute of Physics and published by Van Nostrand(Reinhold), Princeton, New Jersey. It is unfortunate that many recent books use control as a mere mathematical plaything and concentrate upon esoteric topics. By contrast this book concentrates on a common real-world problem that has universal applications. Such a practical approach may not meet with the approval of many control theoreticians, but its justi­ fication is found in the words of two control authorities: We have all seen examples of papers published in our professional journals that are unintelligible to any engineer. It is sad to relate that quite often when the confused engineer takes this sort of thing to the mathematician, he is told that it is nonsense to the mathematician as well! The control engineer must stop trying to supplant the mathematician. It is not the control engineer's job to generate theorems, lemmas and proofs ; it is sufficient to understand and apply them. There is a great need now—and for at least the next five years—to learn how to apply some of the new theory. My feeling is that if we restrict our attention to those problems that are "well defined" from the point of view of the mathematician, we are engaging in a process of self- sterilisation. J. E. Gibson, From control engineering to control science, IEEE Spectrum 2(5), 69-71 (1965). PREFACE xi The development of the theory of control has reached a stage at which further progress requires some departure from complete generality. By considering particular classes of system, in which characteristic combinations of considerations restrict the design, progress may be made towards the development of more definite procedures, which take account of the particular restrictions and bring to light possibilities of improvement. A. Tustin, et al,, The design of systems for the automatic control of the position of massive objects, IEE Proc. Suppl. 1 C105, 2 (1958). WILLIAM K. ROOTS Birmingham, England April 1969 NOMENCLATURE a General symbol for an arbitrary constant a Symbol for a cross-sectional area [p. 7] b Symbol for a dimension, usually thickness [p. 7] b Primary feedback (units of e) [p. 92] b Secondary feedback [p. 100] 2 e Actuating signal (volts or p.s.i.g., or mm of motion, etc.) [P- 92] e , e specific values of e [p. 95] x 2 / General symbol for a function, i.e., f(t) is a function of time {/nW}n=i.2.....Q Ensemble of functions of time [p. 37] / Frequency (Hz) [p. 64] f DEC frequency (Hz) [p. 135] Q {gn(t)}n=i.2 Q Ensemble of responses to {f (t)} [p. 37] n h General symbol for heat flow (Btu/sec) [p. 4] Ämax maximum heat flow (Btu/sec) [p. 70] hi Heat loss at conveyor apertures (Btu/sec) [p. 76] hs Heat loss at stack (Btu/sec) [p. 76] h(i) Unit step function [p. 17] i General symbol for an input [p. 28] i Amplitude of a periodic input, i.e., i = i sin cut [p. 28] 0 0 j v-i m Manipulated variable (numeric) [p. 70] m , m y m Manipulated variable in the heating and cooling functions of h e e2 heating-cooling process control [pp. 116, 117] m Mean value of m(t) in DEC (numeric) [p. 135] m Where 1 < n < Q. Intermediate value of manipulated n variable in a Q position system, i.e., 0 < m < +1 (numeric) n [p. 165] mû(= 0) Lowest value of manipulated variable in a Q position system (numeric) [p. 180] n The general term in an ensemble p Magnitude of the deadspace in a multiposition controller (units of e) [p. 153] q Quantity of heat (Btu) [p. 4] XIV NOMENCLATURE q Magnitude of the lost motion in the characteristic of a dis­ continuous control element (units of e) [p. 100] q' ( = q/Ηχ) Magnitude of lost motion rated in units of the controlled variable Θ (units of Θ) [p. 106] 8 Small increment in the lost-motion magnitude (units of Θ) Q [p. 104] Reference input (units of e) [p. 92] Laplace complex variable (= ζ + jœ) (sec-1) [p. 41] General symbol for time (usually, sec) Note: θ(ί) indicates Θ as a time-varying function; similarly, m{t), etc. Time of switching operation (sec) [p. 23] Cooling time (sec) [p. 134] Elapsed time since last switching operation (sec) [p. 71] t Auxiliary cycling time variables in a quasicontinuously eQ controlled process (sec) [p. 171] Heating time (sec) [p. 134] On time (sec) [p. 134] Off time (sec) [p. 134] Periodic time (sec) [p. 135] Minimum value of t (sec) [p. 145] q Time corresponding to temperature 6 (sec) [p. 83] y At-Atf, etc. Arbitrary increments in t that correspond with increments x y AJ-Aß, etc. in Θ (sec) [p. 83] At Overshoot recovery time (sec) [p. 134] 0 At Undershoot recovery time (sec) [p. 134] u u Disturbance input (units of Θ) [p. 79] v ( = ωΤ) Algebraically convenient variable for frequency of a periodic input [p. 55] x General symbol for a dimension [pp. 64, 65] x An arbitrary constant [p. 84] y ( = 0 — Θ) Error in the control of a process (units of Θ) [p. 107] r y ( = 0 _ Θ) Mean value of y in DEC [p. 124] r y Error due to overcompensated secondary feedback (jb > q). d 2 A component of y (units of Θ) [p. 114] y Error due to deadspace magnitude p (units of Θ) [p. 180] v z Arbitrary constant [p. 18] z[ = (rh + l)/2] Switching condition for bang-bang controllers (numeric) [p. 159] Zi Incoming quality level [p. 163] z Outgoing quality level [p. 163] 0 A Amplitude of a phasor [p. 29] A RIE sensitivity (units of e and units of Θ) [p. 91] A Conveyor aperture area (ft2) [p. 76] AS Actuating signal comparator [p. 92] B Arbitrary constant [p. 67] Btu British thermal unit C Thermal capacitance (Btu/°F) [p. 4 et seq.] NOMENCLATURE XV C(n = 1, 2,...) Thermal capacitance at specified locations (Btu/°F) [p. 59] n C Capacitance of coating [p. 61] e C Capacitance of mercury [p. 61] m CE Control element [p. 92] D (d/dt) Heaviside operator [p. 4 et seq.] D Block-diagram symbol for a control element's characteristic [p. 92] DEC Dynamic equilibrium cycling [p. Ill et seq.] G General symbol for a forward transfer function [p. 56] G(D) Transfer operator [p. 35] G(s) Transform of transfer function [p. 42] G(ju)) Transfer function [p. 35] H General symbol for feedback transfer function Ηχ PFE sensitivity (units of e and units of Θ) [p. 92] H SFE sensitivity (units of 0) [p. 100] 2 J Imaginary component [p. 35] K, K Arbitrary constants [pp. 77, 86 et seq.] x 2 L Arbitrary dimension [p. 75] J£? Laplace transform [p. 43] M Mass (lb) [p. 4 et seq.] N Disturbance-input element attenuation (numeric) [pp. 76, 79] {Nn}n-i,2 Q An ensemble in N of magnitude Q [p. 79] PFE Primary feedback element [p. 92] Q General symbol for the magnitude of a quantity [p. 19] or an ensemble [p. 37], i.e., 1, 2,..., 0 Q Quantity of flow (lb/sec) [p. 69] R Thermal resistance [T/tBtuXsec)"1] [p. 4] R Coating resistance [p. 61] e R Equivalent thermal resistance of a parallel ensemble e Re = [Σ d/i?»)]-1 [p. 79] R Glass resistance [p. 61] g {R} (n = 1, 2,...) R at specific locations [p. 59 et seq.] n & Real component [p. 35] RIE Reference input element [p. 92] S Specific heat [Btu/(lb)(°F)] [p. 4] »S , S, etc. SFE's in a quasicontinuous temperature controller [p. 168 0 b Si , S, etc. et seq.] 2 SCR Silicon controlled rectifier [p. 95] SFE Secondary feedback element [p. 100] SPDT Single pole, double throw [p. 94] T Thermal time constant (sec) [p. 4] U Heat loss coefficient [Btu/tft'OCF^Xsec-1)] [p. 76] V General symbol for velocity (ft/sec) [p. 76] V Velocity of light [p. 64] L X Arbitrary constant [p. 18] Y Arbitrary constant [p. 18] Z Arbitrary constant [p. 18] XVI NOMENCLATURE Z Constant of integration [p. 76] a Arbitrary constant [p. 66] j8 Arbitrary constant [p. 67] y Inverse of thermal difrusivity (sec/ft2) [p. 66] y[=l — exp( —τ/Τ)] Index of process time parameters [pp. 132, 134] y , y y index for heating and cooling functions of a heating—cooling k e process [p. 161] δ Small increment i.e., ΒΘ 8(t) Unit impulse function [p. 24] e Base of natural logarithms ζ Damping factor (s = ζ + j<a) [p. 37] Θ Controlled variable of a thermal process (typically °F, but could equally be °C, °K, etc.) [p. 92] θ , 9 Temperatures at specific locations (a, b, etc.) α b d Amplitude of DEC (units of 0) [p. 14] d 9 Auxiliary variable in a quasicontinuous temperature controller g (units of Θ) [p. 168] 6 Input temperature (units of Θ) [p. 15] t B Maximum value of d(t) in DEC (units of 0) [p. 125] m 0 Minimum value of 0(i) in DEC (units of 0) [p. 125] n 0 Amplitude of a periodic output, i.e., 0 = 0 sin ωί [p. 28] O O θ Overriding command (units of Θ) [p. 117] ρ 0 Command (units of Θ) [p. 88] r e« Steady-state value of Θ [p. 37] o. Disturbance (units of Θ) [p. 77] Disturbance ensemble (units of Θ) [p. 77] Θ, Arbitrary value of Θ corresponding to time t [p. 82] y «L ( = *, - u) Process loading (units of Θ) (p. 134) e (=r- ■w Process reserve (units of Θ) [p. 134] s #1 , 02 Temperatures at specific locations [p. 3] Temperature at points 1, 2, etc. [p. 123] 8Θ Departure of θ(ί) from a quasicontinuous controller's profile (units of Θ) [p. 180] ΔΘ Arbitrary increment of Θ (units of Θ) [p. 83] Δ^β-Δ^θ Increments in Θ corresponding to times Δ1-Δ$ (units of Θ) χ [p. 83] ΔΘ Overshoot (units of Θ) [p. 134] 0 Δθ Undershoot (units of Θ) [p. 134] η λ Index of command { = &S!^L) [p. 133] λ Wavelength [pp. 64, 65] p Thermal conductivity [p. 7] T Transit delay (sec) [p. 47] T Transit delay between heating—cooling apparatus and con­ g trolled variable (sec) [p. 77] T Transit delay between disturbance and controlled variable U (sec) [p. 77] φ Phase angle of a phasor (deg) [p. 28]

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