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FUNDAMENTALS OF STATISTICS FUNDAMENT ALS OF STATlSTICS H. MULHOLLAND, M.Sc., F.I.M.A. Liverpool Regional College of Technology C. R. JONES, M.Sc., F.S.S. Liverpool Regional College of Technology Springer Science+Business Media, LLC First published by Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. ISBN 978-1-4899-6240-9 ISBN 978-1-4899-6507-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-6507-3 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1968 Originally pub1ished by Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. in 1968. Softcoverreprint ofthe bardeover 1st edition 1968 Suggested U.D.C.number: 519·2 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-58923 PREFACE This book is intended primarily for the use of students studying for the General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level, for Higher National Certificates in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, Mathe matics, Chemistry, Biology or Pharmacy, or for a University or Technical College (C.N.A.A.) degree in any of the subjects mentioned. lt could also be used as a good basis for any introductory statistics course. The early chapters introduce the ideas of a sample and of random ness and the reader is urged to carry out bis own practical experiments to obtain bis data and verify the theory. Probability, including the idea of S(x) and its relation to the mean, and the related Binomial and Poisson distributions are dealt with thoroughly before continuous distributions are considered. Sampie mean as an estimate of centrat tendency and its similarity to, but distinction from S(x), is thoroughly covered. The introduction of variance has been left until Chapter 6, where it is associated with mathematical expectation via u2 = &[(x - ,u)2] in order to emphasize its greater importance over other measures of dispersion. Truly standard deviation only has worthwhile importance for normal and quasi-normal distributions and its use with Binomial and Poisson distributions is deferred until after discussion of its use with continuous distributions. The distinctions between x and .u and between s2 and u2 are discussed in Chapter 15 as also is the important theorem on the sampling distribution of sums, differences and products of two variates and the deduction of the standard error of the mean. This chapter could profitably be read earlier by the more mathematically able student. Tests of significance are discussed using only tests based on the normal distribution, but such tests are covered thoroughly for the mean and variance. The most simple test is first considered and correspondingly more difficult ones are then introduced. Confidence intervals aredealt with at the same time as significance testing. Chapters on bivariate distributions, quality control and time series are included to give an idea of some of the more practical applications of statistics. A collection of tables is included at the end of the book. They include, among others, tables of Binomial and Poisson probabilities. The book contains many examples and we should like to express our thanks to the Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board (J.M.B.) and Liverpool University (Liv.) for granting us permissionto quote questions from their examination papers. The above abbrevia tions have been used to indicate the source of such questions. We V vi PREFACE should also like to express our thanks to the Cambridge University Press for permission to reproduce their tables. Finally we wish to thank the publishers for the care and tröuble they have taken over the generat presentation ofthe text. C.R.J. H.M. CONTENTS PAGE PREF'ACE . V 1. INTRODUCI'ION 1 2. THE CoLLECTION, ÜRGANIZATION AND REPRESENTATION OF NUMERICAL DATA 3 2.1. The Collectioh of Data 3 2.2. The Classification of Data . 4 2.3. Graphical Representation of Data 10 2.4. Random Sampling 19 2.5. Random Numbers 22 2.6. How to Use Random Sampling Numbers 22 3. ELEMENTARY PROBABILITY . 32 3.1. Introduction 32 3.2. Mutually Exclusive Events . 34 3.3. Independent Events . 36 3.4. Introduction to Permutationsand Combinations 41 3.5. Probability Distributions . 48 3.6. Mathematical Expectation and Arithmetip Mean 50 4. THE ßiNOMIAL AND POISSON DISTRIBUTIONS . 59 4.1. The Binomial Distribution . 59 4.2. The Mean of the Binomial Distribution 61 4.3. The Poisson Distribution . 64 4.4. The Mean of the Poisson Distribution . 67 4.5. The Additive Property of the Poisson Distribution 71 5. MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY 77 5.1. Introduction 77 5.2. The Mean 77 5.3. The Median 83 5.4. The Mode 86 5.5. The Geometrie Mean 89 vii viii CONTENTS PAGE 6. MEASURES OF DISPERSION 93 6.1. Introduction 93 6.2. The Range 94 6.3. The Mean Deviation . 94 6.4. The Variance . 97 6.5. The Coefficient ofVariance 104 7. CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTIONS 111 7 .1. Introduction 111 7.2. The Modal and Median Values 114 7.3. Mathematical Expectation, the Mean and the Vari ance 115 7 .4. The Mean Deviation about the Mean 116 7 .5. The Reetangular Distribution 118 8. THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION 122 8.1. Introduction 122 8.2. Properties ofthe Normal (or Gaussian) Distribution 122 8.3. Use of Normal Tables 124 8.4. Practical Problems 126 8.5. The Use of the Standardized Variate to Campare the Relative Merits of Variates from Different Normal Distributions 128 8.6. Arithmetical Probability Graph Paper . 128 8.7. The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distri- bution 131 8.8. The Normal Approximation to the Poisson Distri- bution 133 9. SIGNIFICANCE TESTING AND CONFIDENCE INTERVALS 139 9 .1. Introduction 13.9 9.2. Tests of a Sampie Mean 142 9.3. Difference ofTwo Population Means 144 9.4. Test for Paired Data . 145 9.5. Testfora Population Mean given a Large Sampie (Population Variance Unknown) 146 9.6. Tests for the Difference Between Two Population Means given Two Large Sampies (Population Variances Unknown) 148 CONTENTS ix PAGE 9.7. Tests for Population Means given Small Sampies (Population Variances Unknown) · 150 9.8. Tests for the Difference Between Two Population Means given Two Small Sampies (Population Variances Unknown) 151 9.9. An Approximate Method forTestingifTwo Sampies Come from Populations with Equal Means (Sample Sizes Small and Equal) 154 9.10. Test for Paired Data given Small Sampies (Popula- tion Variances Unknown) . 155 9.11. Comparison of More Than Two Means 155 9.12. Confidence Limits 156 10. QuALITY CoNTROL 164 10 .1. Introduction 164 10.2. Control Charts for Sampie Means 165 10.3. Control Charts for Ranges 168 10.4. Control Charts for Fraction Defective . 170 10.5. Allowable Width of Control Limits when Tolerance Limitsare Specified 175 11. CHI-SQUARED DISTRIBUTION . 178 11.1. Introduction 178 11.2. Definition 178 11.3. U se of Tables 180 11.4. Test for Variance 182 11.5. Additive Property of x2 183 x 11.6. Confidence Intervals for 2 184 11.7. Observed and Theoretical Frequencies. 185 x 11.8. Test for the Binomial Distribution using 2 187 11.9. Test for the Poisson Distribution using x2 188 x 11.10. Test for Normality using 2 189 11.11. Contingency Tables 191 11.12. Y ates Correction 194 12. THE F DISTRIBUTION (VARIANCE RATIO) 201 12.1. Introduction 201 CONTENTS X PAGE 12.2. Definition 201 12.3. Testing for the Equality of Two Population Vari- ances 203 2 12.4. Confidence Limits for the Variance Ratio u~ 203 0'2 13. ßiVARIA TE-DISTRIBUTIONS 207 13.1. Introduction 207 13.2. Confidence Interva1s for ß and ßo 211 1 13.3. Correlation 212 13.4. Grouped Data . 216 13.5. Rank Correlation 218 13.6. Ranking of Equal Variates . 221 13.7. Kendall's Coefficient of Rank Correlation (rJ 221 14. MATHEMATICAL EXPECTATION, VARIANCE AND COVARIANCE 229 14.1. lntroduction 229 14.2. Variance . 229 14.3. Covariance 230 14.4. Expectation and Variance of the Sum and Difference ofTwo Variates 230 15. WEIGHTED AVERAGES, DEATH RATESAND TIME SERIES 239 15.1. Weighted Averages 239 15.2. Index Numbers 241 15.3. Crude and Standardized Death Rates 245 15.4. Introduction to Time Series 247 15.5. Moving A verages 249 15.6. Analysis of a Time Series 250 APPENDIX 261 SaLUTIONS 272 INDEX 289

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