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The.; A.P.I.c. SERlliS I III' !\.p,l.e. S(~li("; (;('I/I'/(/{ I~di/()/s: M . .I. R. SII;\VEand I. C. WAND 37 N l llld )('r I. Some COllllllcrcii.d !\utocodcs. !\ 21. Introduction to Logic Progr~mming ('oIllP<I1"(Ilivc Study·l. Christopher John Hogger t:: I.. Willey. A. d'Ag<lpeydf, Marion 22. Lucid . the Datallow Programming undamentals of Tribe. 13. J. Gibbens and Michelle Clarke Langu8ge 2. A Prilller of ALGOL 60 Programming* William W. Wadge and E. W. Dijkstr<l Edward A . Ashcroft 1. Input LlI1guage for Automatic 23. Foundations of Programming Programming·e. J aeques Ars<lc patial Information A. P. Ycrshov. G. l. Kozhukhin and 24. Prolog for Programmers U. Volosilin Feliks Klui niak and Stdnislaw Szpakowicz 4. Introduction to System Programming" 25. Fortran Optimization, Revised Edition Edited by Peter Wegner Michael M etcalf :1. AI ,(jOL ()Illmplementation The 26. PULSE: An Ada-based Distributed ystems Tr<lnsliltion <lnd Use of ALGOL 60 Operating SystclD c:. Progr<tlll:-' 011 ,\ Computer D. Kecllc. G. M. Tomlinson , L Wand I). Randall and L. J. Russe ll and A. J. Wellings h. Dictionary for Computer Languages ' 27. Progr<lm Evolution: Processes of Softw<lre Hans Breuer Change 7. The A lpha Autolllatic Programming M. Lehm<ln ,md L. A . Iklady System'" 28. Introduction to the Graplticd Kernel Edited by A. P. Ycrshov System (GKS): Second Edition. Revised X. Structured Progr<li1lming-t for the Internatioll<ll St'"1d<lrd 0.-.1. Dahl. E. W . Dijkstra and F. R. A. Hopgood , D A . Ducc, If" 'II Laurini CA. R. Hoare J. R. Gallop and D. C Sutcliffe I( lJ. Operating Systems Technictues 2lJ. The Complexity of Booiean Networks I ItI Edited by C. A. R. Hoare <l ncl P. E. Dunne R. H . Perrott 10. Advanced Programming M ethodologies / I, II 'k Thompson 10. ALGOL 60 Compilation and Assesslllent Edited by Gianna Cioni <lnd Andrzcj I). A. Wichmann Salwicki I I. Delillition of Progr<llllming Languages by 3 1. Logic and Computer Science Interpreting Automata '" Edited hy P. Odifreddi Ak;x'"lcler Ollongrcn 32. Knowledge Representation: An Approach 12. Principks of P, ogram Design·j· to Artilici<ll Intelligence M. A. Jackson T. J. M. Bench-Capon I.\. Studies in Operating Systems 33 . lntegr<lted Project Support Environments: Ie M. McKeag and R. Wilson The ASJlect Project Edited by I ·~. Sort'w;lfC. Engineering Alan W. Brown I~ . J. Perrott 14. Object-oriented Languages 1:1. Compuicl Architecture: A Structured G. Masini, A. Napoli, D. Colnet. Approach D . Leonard and K. Tombre Ie W . \)or,ul 35. A n Introduction to Programming with 1ft, ' o,l'.ic Plogr;:llllll1ing Specilications: A Mathematical Approacli ® hlll\'<1 hy K. L. CI'lrk <lnd S.-A. Tarnlund R. Kubiak, R. Rudzinski and I I 1:1I11! ;111 ( )pt ill\i/.;11i()ll~ S. Sokolowski Ivllel"wl tvklcilr 36. Knowledge-based systems and Legal 1 )..1 ~1 1I111 Illl\']l lj)!llCC"iSOr SySICllls Applications ) t'.I~, ,' I Edited by T. J. M. Bench-Capon !Ii 1! " r' ld !!L IJlIII !I) rIll' (;r;lphic;!I Kernel 37. Fundamentals of Spatial Information \1 1\/ )FMIC PRESS I I' II LII (~ 11\ ..... ) Systems I tl 1\ " "II" ,·""t t) 1\ . lllll·'·, R. Laurini and D. Thompson III' ""1'1 Brace jovanovich, Publishers I II I, dt' il' ""t t) ( ""lviiiit' I '"111"'1 San Diego New York -' fl , 1I.lrIIHil.h, d ( JI LL,! ,.,llI li' .1· Out of Print 1111 ,til" Sydney Tokyo Toronto t dlll ,j I " II II t It,ll lit ,,'I', 'i' Now published in the Computer Science I j 1\ i,l '\ I !Hl I 111.1« Id ll,!!1 I' IIIIIL". ( 'I;ISsics Series la..) "ontents ;\( ';\J)I}vll(' l'I{t:SS LIMITED 2,1 eX ()val Road i.ulldOIl NWI 7DX Ulliled Slilies /:;dition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC San Diego , CA 92101 Copyright © 1992 by ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED (' ((It'ACE xv All Rights Reserved \( 'KNOWLEDGEMENTS XIX No part of thi$ book may be reproduced in any fo rm by photostat. microfilm, or any other means, without written penni$sion from the publishers l'j\lU ONE INTRODUCTION TO THE SPATIAL CONTEXT This book is printed on acid-free paper A catalogue recOfc r . 1'''0'' is avai/aole jionl Ihe British Library C1I,'IIIt'r 1 Geomatics: Introduction to spatial information systems 3 " O-1 2-4383XO-7 I . Spatial data o rganization 3 I 'J Heterogeneity o f uses of spa tial information ~ystems 10 J .2, I Uses of spatial info rmation systems 10 1.2.2 Examples o f data requirements 12 ll G 1,.\ Somc components of spatial information systems 16 OIU.~ 1,3. J The toolbox vi ew 16 1.3,2 The physical components 19 ..J T he role of automation: geomatics 19 I.S Bibliography 24 To Christiane and Judith and our families V I rlo.plN 2 Needs: Purposes and types of spatial problem 27 '. I Problems to be solved; tasks to be performed 27 '2 Location and character 33 ,'.3 Measurements <lnd spatial relationships 38 2,3, I Spatial properties 39 2,3,2 Spatial relationships 41 ,'.4 Categories of spatial problems 43 2.4,1 Types of spatial problem 43 2.4,2 Other aspects 47 l) Some examples of multi-faceted needs 48 2,5. J Example of flows over landscapes 48 2.5,2 Resources inventory 49 2,5,3 Predicting the location of mineral ore deposits 49 2,5,4 Engineering network simulation 53 .'() Main categories of tools in a spatial information system 54 ,;,7 Some implications for the design of spatial information systems 58 'i''.' I'''"C( Ill' ('nlull1ll' Desigll ,111(\ Production Services Ltd, Reading .'.. K Bibliography 59 """ I>lillie<l ill (;1l',1\ Ilritaill Ily St 1':dll1l1lldshury Press, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk VI ( (JIIII'III> t 1" 11 "111 ', VII Chapter 3 Semantics: Objects, surfaces, data 61 ""t'.' ··I..~.) SIII()() tilul 144 3.1 The information in 'a s["atial information system 61 ·1.S ..l SOI\lC n:;i/illl's () f lillC ,111(/ polygo ll rcprcsenta tion J49 3.1.1 Spatial entities 62 ·IS 4 Intensional il iid CXlcllsional representation of objects 151 3.1.2 Categories of information 63 I I, 1,' I'il Cl ilb : a W,I)' to rcprcscnt n<JturaJ obj ects 152 3.1.3 Metainformation 67 ··I.(). I Creation or fract al objects 3.2 Non-spatial attributes 67 4.(,.2 Stochas tic fractals 152 155 3.3 Spatial characteristics of entities 72 I. / Sp;lcc-filling curves and dimensionality 159 3.3.1 Dimensionality of entities 72 4.7 .1 Pa th s thro ugh space 3.3.2 Geometric elements 76 47.2 Space-filling curves 159 3.4 Combina tions of entity types 81 '~.7.3 Dime nsionality 161 3.4.1 Combina tions of spatial units 81 I S Summary 167 3.4.2 Substitutions of spatial units 84 I 'I ilibliography 170 172 3.4.3 Mixed uses 85 3.5 Continuous variation over and in space 87 3.5.1 A field view of spatial variations 87 I 11",,1,·,. :, Topology: Graphs, areas, ordering 175 3.5.2 Isotropicity 90 . I Networks and graphs 3.5.3 Discrete and continuous views 91 'i. I.1 G raphs 175 3.6 Spa tial and non-spatial properties together 92 176 'i 1.2 Properties of graphs 3.7 An introduction to the mechanics of spatial data organization 95 ', ' ( j raphs and areas 180 3.7.1 Tables and matrices 95 183 S.2 .1 Digital line graphs 3.7.2 Maps 96 183 'i.22 Topological consistency 3.7.3 Data models 98 '\ \ I~ITor ide ntificati o n J86 3.8 Personal spatial semanti cs 99 190 S.3. I Possible conditions in digital maps 3.9 Some other aspects of spatial information 102 190 S.3.2 Some procedures for checking for errors 3.9.1 Data quality 103 Polygons and areas 192 3.9.2 The time element 104 197 SA. I Types of areal spatial unit 3.9.3 Intensional and extension<ll data 106 198 S.4.2 Containment and coincidence 3.9.4 General discussion 106 200 ~., Data for spatial relationships 3. 10 Bibliography 108 206 ~ I, Some other considerations and summary ... I Ili bliograph y 211 214 PART TWO GEOMETRIES FOR SPATIAL DATA Chapter 4 Geometries: Position, representation, dimensions 113 I It 11"'" () Tessellations: Regular and irregular cells, hierarchies 217 r. I Mosaics, tessellations and lattices 4.1 Different geometries 114 217 h.l .l Tessellations 4.2 Positioning objects in spatial referencing systems 116 h. I.2 Lattices 218 4.2.1 Continuous space referencing 117 219 (,. 1.3 Scale and resolution 4.2.2 Referencing for discrete entities 122 22 1 4.3 Global reference systems 127 (I.' The geome try of regular tessellations 222 I,'ixed spatial resolutions: regular cell grids 4.3.1 Global referencing 127 /, I, 226 h ..1. I Data encoding .1:. 4.3.2 Map projections 128 (,.1.2 Spatial properties 226 4.3.3 Some examples of global systems 131 230 (1.\ .3 Surface modelling from lattices 4.4 Thc funclamental element of distance 134 231 (>. .\.4 Structures for grid-cell data 4 .') ('oordinates and splines: the representation of lines 140 232 I V<lriable spatial resolution: quadtrees ,I.~. I I.iilc silllplilic;ltion 141 II,. . Ilicrarchical tessellations for a sphere 235 243 ( () /Ilc 'llh f 'IfJI I'IIt-. IX VIII 24(1 ( h.lpter 8 Spdli<ll .\l1.IIy~is: !\\lrihule ddtd, modelling, integration 306 6.6 Irn.:gul;iI· ll'ssl'll;lli'lIl<'; h;lSl"<I [)II II 1;lnglc~ 246 6.6. I l'roxinl;!I rcgions K.I Intcgr;llillg llil' ;lllrihllll' <1;11<1 306 247 6.6.2 Triangulatioll :--;.2 Somc operations lor pl;lnar nctwork entities 310 6.7 Implications for spatial information systems 252 K. :' Some oper;.iliolls for grid-cell based map overlay modeJling 314 254 6.8 Bibliography '1:\.3. I Basic oper;ltiUIlS for grid-cell data 314 8.3.2 Spatial modelling with grid-ce ll data 318 K~4 Operations for quadtree tessellations 321 .Chapte~ 7 ) Manipulations: Interpolations, geometric operations, ,".S Operations for irregular polygons and for gr::lphs 324 257 . transformations '1:\.5. \ Creating regions 325 r 258 8.5.2 Location problem solving 32~ 7.1 Interpolation and extrapolation 258 8.5.3 Map overlay modelling and analysis 329 7.1.1 The inte rpolation and extrapolation concept .".Il 261 Integration and multiple representation 333 7.1.2 Some practicalities 264 8.6 .1 Multiple representation 334 7.2 Basic operations on lines and points 264 '1:\.6.2 Integr::l tion 334 7.2.1 Line intersections 265 ~.6.3 Some examples of public and commercial spatial data 7.2.2 Segment intersections 267 organization 336 7.2.3 Point-in-polygon procedure 269 K.7 Summary and conclusions 343 7.2.4 Centroid definition 7.2.5 Some spatial statistics based on point data 270 K.t: Bibliography 345 27 1 7.3 Some operations for polygons 272 7.3.1 Intersection of lines with polygons 272 l'Aln rHREE CONCEPTUAL MODElLING FOR SPATIAL DATA 7.3.2 Union and intersection of polygons 273 7.3.3 Area computation 7.3.4 Areal interpolation 275 ( ".'pler 9 Design for Information Systems; Methodologies, issues 351 276 7.3.5 Shape measures for polygons 277 lJ . 1 Database management systems 352 7.3.6 polygon clipping 279 '12 The ANSI-SPARC design methodology 358 _,.k; 7.3.7 Buffer zones 280 'I .1 Conceptual modelling: the entity-relationship approach 362 7.3.8 Polygo n overlay process 284 ') 4 Logica! modelling: re lational databases 366 7.4 Spatial data transformations 2'1:\5 <J .S Transforming entity-relationship models into relational models 369 7.4. \ Changes in dimensionality 286 ' I.() Logica l modelling: CODASYL databases 374 7.4.2 Changes in position 290 9.6.1 The modelling 374 7.4.3 Contlation 29 \ 9.6.2 The d::lta definition and manipulation languages 378 7.4.4 Changes in topology 291 ') 7 Some issues in entity-relationship and logical modelling 383 7.5 Transformations between regular cells and entities 292 9.7.1 Implied relationships 384 7.5.1 Change to regular cells 293 9.7.2 Person-made and natural rules 3~6 7.5.2 Change from regular cells to vectors 295 9.7.3 Table organization 388 7.6 Access to spatial data 295 I) .i-) The process for the design of spatial information systems 391 7.6.1 Access by identifiers and by locators 296 9,S,I The information discovery 391 7.6.2 Rectangles and strip trees 299 9.8.2 Information system design 393 7.6.3 Sheets and tiles 300 ') -'I Summary 396 7.6.4 Different forms of spatial addrc" 302 <J. I () Bibliography 396 7.7 Summary 303 7.'1:\ Bibliography ( ""/V"" t 1'li lr 'l lf'. xi x Chapter 10 Spaghelti: Conceptudl modelling of line-oriented 1.' 1 SI'/Ildlll il' dal ;1 111(l(k-I~ 456 399 I' ., M()dels IIsed ill ~(llll~' spdli:iI inrormation systems and databases 460 objects I>!.S.I C()nllIlCITi;d sjlali:d information systems software examples 461 399 10.1 Representation of ,CgIllCllt~, polylines and mixtilines 1'.):;.2 N,iI ili nal cartographic databases 467 401 10.1.1 Segments 402 1 ' .(' Iss lI e,' in rcpresentatio ns and conceptual modelling 468 10.1.2 Polylines 12,(,. I Met<ldata 469 403 10.1 .3 Representation of a mixtiline 12. (,.2 Database concepts and practical matte rs 472 403 10.2 One-dimensional representation of polygons and areas 405 I.~ . I Ilihliography 475 10.2.1 Isolated polygons 406 10.2.2 Sets of polygons 409 10.3 Modelling for graphs 411 111\1(1 lO UR SPATIAL DATA RETRIEVAL AND REASONING 10.4 Conceptual modelling of terrains 411 10.4.1 Gradients, grids and contours 414 I h.'pll'r 13 Algebras: Relational and Peano tuple 479 _ 10.4.2 Triangulated irreguhH networks 416 I \ I I:c,ltures of relations 479 -10.5 Re presentation of polyhedra 416 1.\. I. I Some properties of tuples 480 10.5.1 Simple polyhedra 417 1.\.1.2 The Cartesian product for relations 481 10.5.2 Complex polyhedra 419 10.6 Some examples of vector oriented geomatic models I I ' I{clational operators and relational algebra 483 424 11.2. 1 Intersection 483 10.7 Summary 425 1.\ .2 .2 Union 485 10.8 Bibliography Difference 486 Join 486 426 ,) Chapter 11 Pizza: Conceptual modelling for areas and volumes 1.\.2.5 Relation<ll projection 487 427 Restriction 488 11.1 Regular cell grid representation 428 13.2.7 Division 488 11.2 Quadtrees 428 I \ \ Normalization 490 11.2. 1 Review of the concept of quadtrees 430 i.\.3. I Necessi ty for normalization 490 11.2.2 Modelling polygons and terrains by quadtrees 432 Functional dependencies 492 11.2.3 Extended quadtrecs 436 J.\.3.3 Fi rst normal form 493 11.3 Pyramid models 436 1.\.3.4 Second normal form 495 I J.4 Modelling via octtrees 438 1.\.3.5 Third normal form 496 11.4.1 Hierarchical and linear octtrees 438 1.\.3.6 Other no rmal forms and implications for spatial data 496 11.4.2 Extended octtrees 441 II I Strllctured Query Language examples in geomatics 497 LI.5 Example: modelling of geological objects 442 I I " I'C:1I10 relations 507 11 .6 Summary 443 Peano relations concept 507 11 7 Bibliography 1.IS 2 Definition of a Peano relation 509 I I I, ('onformance levels and extensions 512 I.U1. I First conformance level: well-positioned object 512 Chapter 12 Spatial Object Modelling: Views, integration, 444 1.'\,(1.2 Second conformance level: removal of overlaps 515 complexities U.().3 Third conformance level: compact objects 516 444 12.1 Selection criteria for a good representation I \.h.4 Extension beyond two dimensions 518 445 12 2 External models: synthesis with different representations 1.I.h.5 Hilbert keys 519 447 12.2. 1 Standardization of geometric representation I \ I The Peano-tuple algebra 520 447 12.2 2 ('oexistence of several geometric representations 11.7.1 Boolean operators 520 448 1',1 : ..\ 1\11 :Idditional step in conceptual modelling I 1.7.2 Geometric ope rators 523 453 I' \ WOI kllll~ willi complex features ( ( 1/ 1/('11/\ I "',/tlflf o. XII XIII \3.7.3 Rehlliollal operalors 52(' I ''''lIkr I h "yperllH'di,l: Mull inwdiil SI)atial information 13.7.4 Examplc~ or l'eallo-luplc ,dgebri:l 4ucries 530 syslems .lnd hYflerm.lps 594 53 1 13 .8 Summary 532 II, I IIYIl~'rd()cul1lcll ts 594 13 .9 Bibliography U,.I.I Muitillledia sp;ltial data 595 1('.1.2 Till', hypcrmap concept 597 534 j(, .' 1\!I1Iltilllcdi,1 image data 600 Chapter 14 Spatial Queries: Types, algorithms 11>.2. 1 IIll<lge modelling 600 534 I(,2.2 Physical encoding 14.1 T he process for spatial queries 601 14 .2 Point-in-polygon queries 537 11>.2.3 Dynamic image models 604 538 14.3 Region queries 11>.2.--1 I'ieture object modelling for retrieval 604 14.4 Vacant place queries 54 1 If, (lrgdniZ,ltion of collections of maps and images 607 14. 5 Distance and buffer zone queries 543 If" Ilypl'f'lllaps 6 12 546 11>,-1. I Spatial referencing of hyperdocuments \4.6 Path queries 6 12 548 14 .7 Examples of multimedia queries Ih -1,2 Spatial queries for retrieving hypermap nodes 6 13 553 \4.~ Implications for spatial information systems 11> .-1 ..1 Encoding hypermap spatial references by Peano relations 6 14 556 14 .9 Bibliography Iil.4 .4 R-trees and map pyramids 614 Ifl.'.!.) Navigation in hypermaps 616 If, " ,')'"111n;lry 617 Chapter: 15 Access and Quality: Spatial indices and integrity I" I, Itihliogr'lphy 6 18 557 constraints S58 IS. I Indexing 559 'l.Iplc'l 17 Spat ial Knowledge: Intelligent spatial information \5. 1.\ Indexing in file man,lgemclll systems systems 562 620 15. 1.2 Indexing in relational databases I' 563 \ 5.2 Spatial indexing I 'j'nwdrLis intelligent spatial information systems 621 507 15.2. 1 Indexing by space-filling curves II j I,"III record-oriented to object-oriented databases 62 1 15.2.2 Indexing by quadtrees 569 1/ ..2. I Rationale and objectives 022 \5.2.3 lndexing by R- and R+-trees 57 1 17 ,~.2 Classes, subclasses and instances 624 573 15 .2.4 1n dexing by other kinds of trees 17.2.3 Attributes and data types 626 \5.2.5 Some practical aspects of spatial indexing 575 1/.2.4 Inheritancc 628 576 15,3 1n tegrity constraints 11.2..) Links between classes and instances 630 \5.3. \ B<:sic integrity constraints 576 2.(, Methods 63 1 \5.3.2 Spalial data checking 577 I lIi1ization for geomatics 632 15.3.3 Example of a cadastre 578 i ' ( )hiccl-oriented databases and spatial information systems 635 581 \5.4 The use of topology in creating integrity checking mechanisms I J ,\ II ificial intelligence and expert systems 639 582 15.4 . \ The topology of tessellations 11.-'.1 F<lcts and rules 639 15.4.2 The topology of networks 583 1/. :-'.2 General structure of an expert system 641 15. 4.3 The topology of digital terrain models 584 1/.'.> , 1 Inference engine 642 15.5 An example of consistency checking for a terrain model 586 I / S -I Metarules 644 586 ISS I Triangulated irregular network representation 1/ (, " 1':lli;Ji knowledge representation 644 15.5.2 Regular cell representation 589 I I /), I Spatial facts 645 I.~, (' ('ol\l'llIsions ,Ibnut spatial indexing and integrity 590 I / 11 ,.2 Spatial relations 645 I ~ .7 Ilil'liogr;qlhy 592 11 ..1 Spatial meta rules 646 II (" ,1 Fuzzy spatial knowledge 646 II II ,~ Spatial knowledge from logical deduction 646 1/ (,,(, Spatial knowledge derived from numerical formulae 648 ( (l1I/"/,h XIV 649 reface 17.6.7 I-:x'llnples 0\ spdi"d pi ()cess representation 651 17 .6.K Visual k'Hlwlctil,!.e enc()ding 653 17.6.9 Examples in spaii~d kn()wledge engineering 657 17.7 Spatial reasoning in spalial infurrnation systems 658 17.7.1 Learning possibilities 659 17.7.2 Logico-deductive and spatial reasoning 660 17.7.3 Example of districting 665 17.8 Summary 667 179 Bibliography 671 II ",. IHHlk came about because the physical separation of the two authors AFTERWORD 673 11\ lite Atlantic Ocean was a surmountable space in the pursuit of a iNDEX IrI ,"<ling of different ideas, approaches and teachings about spatial ,II,,, 'lidtion systems. Something of a coincidence in our time-space 1. 1,\, ,1 V paths led us to co-operate in offering an introductory course on , 1'/'1:'phic information systems for graduate geography students who I II I W l'llle about information from a computer science perspective. This I l'ld or dudience, representative, we believe, of a much larger group of 11.<I," lls and practitioners interested in computer processing of spatial d " I, has an intuitive feel for space, yet an ignorance of relevant I" .lIt .pIeS or formalisms from mathematics and data processing. {.III combination of perspectives from informatics and geography, in i1.1 ," Iclest of furthering the understanding of spatial information \ 11 111:-, has led to the writing of a book that emphasizes spatial semantics II . ,)rganization principle. Our concern is with concepts, principles and IV" oi organizing; not directly with bits and bytes or the latest .iI" 1111 hill So we deal with the nature of spatial data and spatial 1'l loI '(cllls. We treat a variety of geometries that are necessary for I"" /II( lliing features in space and representing how they might be related. \\ ' I" l'scnt methods of conceptual modelling developed in computer ~ I, 1,,\ ' that provide valuable intellectual ajds for sorting out different i' il l.d problems. ( '1I ,~equently, this book is in the context of geomatics, the fusion of ,01, .", I, geosciences and informatics. It is about spatial information ()111 II the assembly of computer hardware and software, data and I II ... . ill l, 1I",'llIdl capital that, after only a twenty-five year lifetime, have come !II III "Cell by some people as the combined microscope and telescope for i ,,1 11 , ~()Ivillg a variety of problems in the world. W,· ~lT spatial information systems as toolboxes, as resources, and as a " ' II "I ;1 frame of mind. The practitioner, whether in a government II" III V lor global natural resources monitoring, or working in geographic II II ,I I" ()L'cssing for a public utility company, or drafting in a house ,'rd,/( (' !'n '/d( (' XVII XVI basement with a persoll,d l'Olllilutcr to create the latest plan for political geographer living in lill' [ IS/\ W.l~ p,lrt 01 the dfort ill pu([illg lile book districts, can look at a soft w<lre system as a set of tools for undertaking together. varied tasks. We see a spatial information system as more than this, as a Our approach i:-: L" lll L'''Illu;ti , having a strong pedagogic orientation substantial resource, the tools and the data, for problem solving or for with many exalllpk s jlresenlcd lor edification and assimilation. Moreover, academic research or educational purposes. In time it may be that such a the variety of cX'll11plcs ,tiso provides a framework for evaluation, and a resource will change the way in which some academic disciplines are realization that there can be a solid systematic conceptual organization taught in schools and colleges. In any event, we see the tools and for many concevfs, tools and perspectives. We have concentrated on resources, in their current form, as valuable aids leading to a better showing how to organize and use spatial information rather than on how to process or manage spatial data. Just as an understanding of art is understanding of a dynamic spatial world. Yet spatial information systems represent, too, a perspective, a way of facilitated by looking at many pictures, so we think spatial data looking at problems or thinking about the world. It is interesting to note mganization can be better understood by seeing many examples. The that the commercial geographic information systems software industry has ~'ariety is inherent in the cultural and natural realms of this Earth; it is discovered the value of 'seeing relationships based on geography'. We also present in the many viewpoints and needs that users of spatial data believe that the fields of geography and cartography, even with at least a have. We see this book as helping others to appreciate the varied world two thousand year history in describing and measuring properties of the of spatial information systems. earth, and an appreciation already for the spatial relationships point of We do not know exactly whom 'others' might be; therefore we have view, are being enriched by the recent developments in computer Ilot oriented the book to Just one group. For example, it is likely that IIlformaticians and software engineers with no background in a spatially software science and engineering. We also believe that the development of an understanding of how to 'lricnted science can benefit from the first two parts of the book; for use computers for spatial data is improved by a knowledge of disciplines t'cngraphers and cartographers much of the first two parts may be a that deal with space, not only geography and cartography, but also others I ~'\'iew. For some spatial scientists, Part Three could be the starting point. like architecture, cognitive science, geology, geometry, geotechnics, We have tried to accommodate the reader who may wish to delve only meteorology and surveying. So this book is also oriented to the '"10 certain topics by having some repetition of material. Perhaps the informaticians interested in developing spatial information system pl<lclitioncrs who have different backgrounds and contexts for working products. Indeed, spatial information system engineers often under­ II Ith spatial information systems may need to consult only selected estimate the complexity of spatial data, the semantics of which are much ,1,;lpters. The book has not been written to accompany any particular richer than those found usually in conventional computer use domains tllllfse (indeed, it has been oriented to people outside as we ll as in like office automation, accounting, student records, library archiving, It':lclling institutions), and we believe it offers an alternative to other management, and so on. For this group of people, with this document we 1IIIIOductory books in the field by reason of its conceptual semantic can introduce not only some tools and models which can be useful In f/'pmach, combining information handling and spatial concepts. solving practical problems in geomatics, but which can also serve as III the beginning, we briefly identify components of a spatial foundations for the development of a general data theory. illit1l'lI1ation system (Chapter 1, Geomatics), including the reasons for Serving a mixed audience with one book has meant we have had to IIit'il L'xistcnce (Chapter 2, Purposes and Types of Spatial Problem). Then bridge several worlds. Not only have we had to blend computing and It, Il'view the nature of spatial data (Chapter 3, Semantics: Objects, spatial problem solving, but we have aimed to reach both acade mician "til Liees, Data). In several chapters in Part Two we present details of the and practitioner, both system designer and database manager, and the l'ltllll/;llioJls for treating and organizing spatial data: different geometries intuitive and the formal learner. We have had to deal with differe nt, and (I iI ,qll n 4, Geometries: Position, Representation, Dimensions, and at times confiicting, uses of language and particular terminology. Not only I II"pln 5, Topology: Graphs, Areas, Ordering), and structures for ,liT there different word uses for essentially the same phenomena 11I)'llill/ illg and representing (Chapter 6, Tessellations: Regular and dl'pl'ndill~ on the field or discipline, but there are also differences from II " 1·, 11:11 Cells, Hierarchies), and manipulating and processing spatial tltl' poillt tli lillguistics. Absent any standard terminology, establishing a 11111 "" (Chapter 7, on the manipulation and transformation of spatial t'(lIIIIII(l1l 1'.itlllll(l fOI " French informatician and an originally British I II I ,,"(1 tlhjects, and Chapter 8, on spatial analysis operations for spatial It ti ll 1 I'w/.l( (' xviii Acknowledgements The synthesis in Chapter 8 leads into, in Part Three, Conceptual Modelling for Spatial Data, the presentation of the techniques for conceptual modelling of spatial situations, chiefly the entity-relational modelling approach (Chapter 9, on design methodologies for information systems). Many examples for point and line entities (Chapter 10, Conceptual Modelling of Line-oriented Objects), and for areas and solids (Chapter 11, Conceptual Modelling for Areas and Volumes) are then provided as tastes of spaghetti and pizza, respectively. Chapter 12, Spatial Object Modelling: Views, Integration , Complexities, concludes the third part by a review of the process used in synthesizing different models, and "" 1111 \1 pe()pic have helped with the preparation of this book. Large in then raises some issues to be dealt with in the fourth part of this book. 11 111 ill(' r. st udcnts and professionals in several places have sat through Part Four emphasizes techniques and principles for accessing, retrieving and using information from databases containing a variety of spatial II ' i 1(1 v~ ;t11(1 less formal presentations of much of the material contained entities. The basis of relational algebra is presented (Chapter 13, (I IlIl' IHI()k , albeit under a different label. We appreciate their interest, Algebras: Relational and Peano Tuple), followed by examples of queries till II ' .I 1!~1!.L'stions , and their enthusiasm about spatial information systems. W" ('specially wish to acknowledge the intellectual contributions made (Chapter 14, Spatial Queries). After a discussion in Chapter 15 of the !.\ 1.1' Idl y colleagues, partly as collaborators on projects, as co-authors of challenging topics of spatial indexing and integrity constraints, the book 11' 11 1, I" (Ir presentations, or generally via discussions: in Lyon, Fran<;oise then moves on to discussions of currently developing fields, at first 11 11I· 1t·1 I~affort and Jean Marie Pinon both with the Computing looking at multimedia and hypermedia concepts (Chapter 16, Multimedia I II jI,I IIIIIL'lIt of Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA-Lyon); Spatial Information Systems and Hypermaps), and then presents some 11 ( l"I"I',c Park. PohChin Lai, currently associated with the Department ideas about intelligent spatial information systems (Chapter 17). These if r" tl("'lic Science at the Ohio State University, was an enthusiastic last two chapters (perhaps these are the dessert!) establish how the stage "1'1 >I II L'I'-oriented colleague in the Department of Geography at the is changing, pointing the way to the anticipated developments of the next UIIl\I'I, ity ()r Maryland. In particular, we thank these three colleagues for few years. i II I)' willing to spend hours reading earlier drafts of the manuscript. While we have presented this book in traditional form, we wish we \ t.-w (It her colleagues have helped in particular ways. Fred Broome could have had the time and resources to prepare it as a hyperdocument. We should be embarrassed about this - Chapter 16 talks about .j I III' liS Census Bureau, Washington, DC, and John Townshend, I :!I II'"LIII ()f the Geography Department of the University of Maryland, bypermaps, and there already are several 'Hypermap' products in the jlllll l('lIiL'il on an earlier draft of this work; Lisa Wolfisch Nyman created marketplace. But addressing the medium as part of the message will have , ) Ilpt· IHll11ber of figures (with electronic aid , of course), and Guinn to wait until next (?) year. IIIIH'I Ilroduced photographic versions for some figures, and executed Robert Laurini ill 1011', ' 1 illustration. The latter was created by the cartographer, Joseph Villeurbanne, France Ii ,10-1, ;1 proJessor of geography at the University of Maryland, College !'IIII f'l 1. lry\;tlld, USA. We appreciate his assistance. We are indebted to Derek Thompson iii' ( II \' of I'auova, Italy for the air photograph used in that illustration. Greenbelt, Maryland, USA I II I" k Th()mpson also wishes to acknowledge the extensive hospitality I I 1, 1111';[ hy various institutions which aided his efforts to learn directly March 1991 1i ' 1I11 "I';lii:t! information systems teaching and practice in Western I Iillil" Tlic Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, .11111Id . [11< ; the Laboratory for Urban Studies of the Universite de ill " ;11 Nanterre, and L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences it:ill ll , 110111 in Paris, France; and the Instituto de Economfa y A( /,II()w/I'dg('III('/lI, \' 11/1 1\\ I( '( 1,1 ~I 'II/I '11(0. XXI xx '1',ill:d All:dysis N,,'lw(l!'k I'll l:dllC;lli()1I ;lI1d Training (URSA-NET), Geografia Aplicad(\~, M;ldlid, Sp;lill. He is especially grateful for the , ""l\llIll'I'> ill 1'1;1111(111).', Sl'Ii,',,>. /\lhcl1s, Greece: Figures 1. 13,9.6, 10.6, financial support lrom the Ccntrc National de la Recherche Scientifique I(I H. \(11(1, 10\7, 1() 2(), IlJ n .. 11.3, 11.4, 11.llb, 12.9, 12.10, 13.]5, for his three-Olonth visit to Francc, and to the Consejo Superior de II :', 11.1, 14.7, 14.11 , 14.12, 15.13, 15.14,16.7, 16.8, 16.]],16.]2, Investigaciones Cientificas of the Ministerio de Educaci6n Y Ciencia for II, 1\ 1(, IS, 1(1.17. 16.19, and 16.20. Additional figures appeared in the his three-month sojourn in Spain. 1111 111",/',1 :Iph for a later seminar held at Patras, Greece, June, 1990: While most figures have been created by the authors specially for this 11I'I II l''> 172, 173, 17.4,17.5 , 17.6, 17.7, l7.8 , 17.9, 1725,17.26, and book, some illustrations appear by the grace of others. Therefore we 1/ ;,', Tilese seminars were delivered under the auspices of the European acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for granting , " "lllIlIlily Programme on Cooperation between Universities and permission to use their material: the Association of American Geo­ III.!II',II V (COMETT), and organized by Nicos Polydorides of the graphers, Washington , DC, USA for Figure 4.31; the Cartographic I 1III ': I~ily of Patras, Greece. L aboratory of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA for Figure 1IIIlllIgllOlit this book we refer to several commercial products and 3.24; the Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of 11 1111 I,d gove rnment products. Our mention does not constitute an Commerce (and to Fred Broome, Robert Marx and Alan Saalfeld) for I lill" l~l' IlICl1t, or, indeed, the opposite, a refutation; we refer to the items Figures 5.8, 5.16, 8.14 and 12.14; the Washington Post Company, dlil~lldti()ns of different approaches or concepts. Even though some Washington, DC, USA for Figure 1.7; the Environmental Systems .1" .111', IIlcl1tioncd may soon be out of date, we arc not concerned with Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, California, USAfor Figures 1.9, 1.10, 11 !'ld, 11I~'l l(;llion speciflcs of the software; we offer the examples so that 2.14, 8.15 and 9.24; The Maryland Office of Planning, Baltimore, I. ,,1" 1, ,': 111 relate somewhat more easily to the practical world. We Maryland , USA, for Figure 6.6; The National Center for Geographic I Iii It' lil:lt the progress made by many software, and other, companies Information and Analysis, Santa Barbara, California, USA , for Figure 4.10; the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, II ill" p:lc.t decade is one of the cxciting aspects of spatial information Maryland, USA, and Dr. pohChin Lai, Ohio State University, Colum­ If 111 \. bus, Ohio, USA, for unpublished material used as Figures 1.6, and 2.15; \ 1'1( ' is d trademark for the software of the company APIC Systemes, The Cambridge University Press and Dr. Mahes Visvalingham, The .1 ..,uilsidiary of Lyonnaise des Eaux, Paris, France. University of Hull, Hull, England, UK, for Figures 5.20 and 5.24; to \I,( IINN ) is a rcgistered trademark, and ARC/INFO NETWORK Mr. Jan Van Est of IRIS International, Voorburg, The Netherlands, for ,lI ld ;lI?CIINFO TIN arc trademarks of the Environmental Systems Figure 4.6; Dr. Marc Armstrong, the University of Iowa , Iowa City, I ~\''''~'drch Institute, Inc., Redlands, California, USA. ESRI is the USA, and Taylor and Francis, Ltd., London, UK for Figure 12.7; 1')'islCred company name. Dr. John Herring, The Intergraph Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama, I II (. i.., thc abbreviation for the official name of the Digital Line USA, and the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote (;I :lpll data of the US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, USA. Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, for Figures 8.16 and 12.12; I I,'I!H·..,d:IY Disks are a resource produced by the British Broadcasting Dr. Ramez Elmasri and the Bejamin/Cummings Publishing Company ( "I poration , London, UK. Inc., Redwood City, California, USA, for Figure 13.2, and Dr. Pete r i. iiI I 11 )( M C is the acronym for the official name of the Geographic Taylor, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, for Figure II.",' h ie/Dual Independent Map Encoding computer system and ,I,iI:lil;ISC of the US Census Bureau , Washington, DC, USA. 7.20. Several illustrations are loosely based on the work of others; in this f t! \/\'{ 'ONE is the name of software marketed by Serviologic, case we rely on source citations within figure captions as our i '''').',(1I1, USA. acknowlcdgement. We also point out that numerOIJS figures in this book 11 ( )/ ,,() t , is a trademark for software of Generation 5 Technology, have appealed earlier in the collection of materials prepared for the III, , Westminster, Colorado, USA. S('llIill;11 Oil Multimedia Urban Information Systems presented at Lyon, f i I ( I\'/I'.'W is the name of a database design created at the 1'1 :1\\1'(', N()v~' Ill\Jcr 13-17, 1989, and distributed as A Primer on I 1',llllIlcnt of Geography, University of Edinburgh, UK. II MuIIIlIW,\i:1 1111l:1I1 Inlurmation Systems Concepts (edited by Robert I iI~ II\IS i,s a trademark for software of GIMMS Ltd. , Edinburgh, I :11111111 :11111 1'1: 1((("I~l' Millcll'l-Kaffort), through the Urban and Regional '., "11,11((1 , UK.

The study and application of spatial information systems have been developed primarily from the use of computers in the geosciences. These systems have the principle functions of capturing, storing, representing, manipulating, and displaying data in 2-D and 3-D worlds. This book approaches its subje
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