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B. Jayant Baliga Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices Second Edition Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices B. Jayant Baliga Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices Second Edition B.JayantBaliga Raleigh,NC,USA ISBN978-3-319-93987-2 ISBN978-3-319-93988-9 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93988-9 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018948141 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG,partofSpringerNature2008,2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionor informationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt fromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthors,andtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsorthe editorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforanyerrors oromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictionalclaims inpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature, under the registered company Springer InternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland The author would like to dedicate this book to his wife, Pratima, for her unwavering support throughout his career devoted to the enhancement of the performance and understanding of power semiconductor devices. Preface to the Second Edition The first 300 copies of Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices printed in 2008wereimmediatelysoldafteritspublication,andthebookwasdeclareda“best seller”onAmazon.Over2000hardcopiesofthebookhavebeensoldsincethen–a remarkablenumberforabookonaveryspecializedtopicinthesemiconductorfield. Accordingtothepublisher,SpringerScienceþBusinessMedia,morethan46,000 chapterdownloadsofthisbookhaveoccurredsinceitspublication,placingitamong thetop25%ofdownloadede-books.Inaddition,SpringerScienceþBusinessMedia authorizedaneditiontranslatedintoChinesein2013whichhassoldover2000copies. Iamgratifiedthatmybookhasbeenadoptedaroundtheworldasatextbookatall theuniversitiesthatteachthissubjectmatterintheelectricalengineeringcurriculum. This provides validation that the didactic treatment of the physics of power semi- conductor devices in this book is easy to comprehend and that the extensive analytical models provided in the book are amenable to classroom instruction. I havepersonallyusedthistomeasmytextbookforteachingagraduatecourseduring the last 10 years at the North Carolina State University with very satisfactory responsefromthestudents. Preparinganybookofover1000pagesisfraughtwiththeperiloftypographical errors and occasional inconsistencies in the nomenclature. In addition, it became apparenttomethatIhadnotincludedsometopicsworthyofdiscussioninthebook. Consequently, I was pleased to get a very positive response from the editorial director, Chuck Glaser, at Springer-Science to develop a “second edition” of the book. Due to advances in printing technology, he encouraged me to use colored illustrations for the new edition to enhance the clarity of the knowledge being imparted. In response, I have redrawn most of the figures in color for this book whichshouldmakethematerialeasiertoassimilatebythereader. Thesecondeditioncontainsnewinformationandmodelsinallthechapters.For thosewhoarealreadyfamiliarwiththefirstedition,itmaybeusefultospecifically enumeratethechangesmadeineachchapter. InChap.1,“Introduction,”additionalreferenceshavebeenprovidedforreaders toobtaininformationonthecharge-coupleddevicesnottreatedinthisbook. vii viii PrefacetotheSecondEdition In Chap. 2 on “Material Properties,” temperature dependence of the impact ionizationcoefficientsinsemiconductorshasbeenadded. InChap.3on“BreakdownVoltage,”theanalyticalmodelhasbeenimprovedto match experimental results for silicon devices by using Baliga’s power law for the impactionizationcoefficientinplaceofFulop’slaw.Temperaturedependenceofthe breakdown voltage of silicon devices has been added. New edge terminations that have been developed for obtaining close to ideal breakdown voltage in silicon carbide power devices have been described. A model for estimation of the space occupiedbytheedgeterminationhasbeencreated. InChap.4on“SchottkyRectifiers,”anewsectionhasbeenaddedtoanalyzethe reverse recovery current flow during turn-off. An analytical model has been pro- videdforcomputationofthedependenceofthereverserecoverycurrenttransienton therateofchangeintheanodevoltage. InChap.5on“P-i-NRectifiers,”themodelforreverserecoverycurrenthasbeen improved. New sections have been added to discuss the safe operating area and createamodel for themaximum allowablerate ofchange ofdevice current during reverserecoveryturn-off. In Chap. 6 on “Power MOSFETs,” novel device structures and additional ana- lyticalmodelshavebeenadded.Theidealspecificon-resistanceforsilicondevices hasbeenrevisedbyusingBaliga’spowerlawfortheimpactionizationcoefficientin silicon. The recently developed silicon carbide JBSFET structure, in which the Schottky reverse conducting diode is integrated with the MOSFET cells, has been included as an important device for applications in inverters for solar power and motorcontrol.Anovelsiliconcarbidebidirectionalfield-effecttransistor(BiDFET) is also discussed here because it provides an ideal switch for creating matrix converters. An analytical model for turn-off of power MOSFETs with unclamped inductiveload hasbeen provided because this capabilityisnow expectedfor these devicesinapplications. In Chap. 7 on “Bipolar Junction Transistors,” a more accurate model for the voltageriseduringturn-offhasbeenincluded. InChap.8on“Thyristors,”theturn-offmodelfortheGTOhasbeenimproved. InChap.9on“InsulatedGateBipolarTransistors,”themodelforleakagecurrent has been improved. An analytical model for turn-off in soft-switching circuits has beenaddedbecausethistypeofoperationallowsreducingturn-offlossessothatthe devicecanbeusedathigherfrequencies. In the concluding Chap. 10, “Synopsis,” an extensive discussion of the social impactof power devices has been added. These devices are now required in every sector of our economy to improve the quality of life for people around the world whileprovidingtheeconomicbenefitsofreducedenergyconsumptionbyenhancing theefficiency.Thisreductioninenergyconsumptionhasbeenfoundtoeliminatethe emission of over 100 trillion pounds of carbon dioxide mitigating its impact on globalwarming. During the preparation of the first edition of Fundamentals of Power Semicon- ductorDevicesforpublicationin2008,Ifoundthatitisnotpossibletoincludemany oftheadvancedconceptsthathademergedtoachievedramaticimprovementsinthe PrefacetotheSecondEdition ix performanceofsiliconpowerdevicesbecausethebookwasalreadyover1000pages inlength.Inordertocreateacomprehensivetreatmentoftheseadvances,Iprepared aseriesofbookspublishedbySpringer-Scienceoverthenextseveralyears. AdvancedPowerRectifierConceptswaspublishedin2009toprovidearigorous treatmentoftheJBSandMPSrectifierswhichcombinethephysicsofP-Njunctions and Schottky contacts. The book also describes the revolutionary concept of two-dimensional charge coupling to dramatically reduce the resistance of the drift regioninpowerrectifiers.Newanalyticalmodelsforthesedeviceswereprovidedfor the first time supported by the results of numerical simulations. This book was important because these devices became commercially available for power supply applications. AdvancedPowerMOSFETConceptswaspublishedin2010tointroducereaders to the benefits of the two-dimensional charge-coupling concept for power MOSFETs. The analysis of the conventional devices was included in this book to provide a baseline for evaluation of the improved technology. Both static and dynamic performance was analytically modeled with validation from numerical simulations. The benefits of using silicon carbide material for power MOSFET deviceswerealsoprovidedinthisbook.Therelativeperformanceofallthedevices wascomparedoverabreakdownvoltagerangefrom10to1000V. AdvancedHighVoltagePowerDeviceConceptswaspublishedin2011tocreate adidacticresourcefordeviceswithbreakdownvoltagesabove1000V.Thistreatise includedsiliconthyristors(andGTOs)andIGBTsascommerciallyavailablebench- mark devices. The silicon MOS-gated thyristors (MCTs, BRTs, and ESTs) were includedinthebookasadvancedconceptswithimprovedperformancethathavenot be capitalized by the industry. A significant portion of the book was devoted to emerging silicon carbide power MOSFETs that have already been commercialized formotorcontrolandsolarinverterapplicationsandsiliconcarbideIGBTsthatshow promiseforutilityapplicationsinthefuture. Readers of this book are encouraged to peruse the above books to gain a comprehensive knowledge of all the power semiconductor devices that are having animpactonourlives. Inconclusion,ithasbeenmyprivilegetodevotemyentirecareeroveratimespan ofoverfourdecadesonpowersemiconductordevices.Iwasfortunatetoproposed twogroundbreakinginnovationsinthe1979–1980timeframe.Myfirstideawasto mergeMOSandbipolarphysicstocreatetheinsulatedgatebipolartransistor(IGBT) and rapidly commercialize it at GE between 1981 and 1983. This innovation revolutionized power electronics transforming it from analog to digital control of power. My second idea, based on deriving a relationship (Baliga’s figure of merit) between the resistance of the drift region of power devices and the basic semi- conductor material properties for the first time, demonstrated that a 1000-fold enhancement could be achieved by replacing silicon with silicon carbide. The commercializationofthisapproachtookmorethan30yearstoimprovethematerial qualityandbringdownitscost.Itisimmenselygratifyingtomethatwearenowat the cusp of making this technology commercially viable, creating another revolu- tionaryadvancementinpowerelectronicsystems. x PrefacetotheSecondEdition Many other ideas of mine, such as the JBS rectifier, the TMBS rectifier, the superlinearMOSFET,theSSCFET,theJBSFET,andtheGD-MOSFET,havealso been commercialized for various applications. I want to take this opportunity to appreciatethecontributionofthousandsofengineerswhohavebeenresponsiblefor usingmyideasforgeneratingsomanyproductsovertheyears. Raleigh,NC,USA B.JayantBaliga December2007 Preface to the First Edition Todaythesemiconductorbusinessexceeds$200billionwithabout10percentofthe revenue derived from power semiconductor devices and smart power integrated circuits. Power semiconductor devices are recognized as a key component of all power electronic systems. It is estimated that at least 50 percent of the electricity used in the world is controlled by power devices. With the wide spread use of electronics in the consumer, industrial, medical, and transportation sectors, power devices have a major impact on the economy because they determine the cost and efficiency of systems. After the initial replacement of vacuum tubes by solid state devicesinthe1950s,semiconductorpowerdeviceshavetakenadominantrolewith siliconservingasthebasematerial.Thesedevelopmentshavebeenreferredtoasthe SecondElectronicRevolution. Bipolar power devices, such as bipolar transistors and thyristors, were first developed in the 1950s. Due to the many advantages of semiconductor devices whencomparedwithvacuumtubes,therewasaconstantdemandforincreasingthe power ratings of these devices. Their power ratings and switching frequency increased with advancements in the understanding of the operating physics, the availability of larger diameter, high resistivity silicon wafers, and the introduction ofmoreadvancedlithographycapability.Duringthenext20years,thetechnology for the bipolar devices reached a high degree of maturity. By the 1970s, bipolar power transistors with current handling capability of hundreds of amperes and voltage blocking capability of over 500 volts became available. More remarkably, technology was developed capable of manufacturing an individual power thyristor fromanentire4-inchdiametersiliconwaferwithvoltageratingover5000volts. My involvement with power semiconductor devices began in 1974 when I was hiredbytheGeneralElectricCompanyattheircorporateresearchanddevelopment center to start a new group to work on this technology. At that time, I had just completed my Ph.D. degree at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute by performing research on a novel method for the growth of epitaxial layers of compound semi- conductors [1–4]. Although I wanted to continue to explore this approach after joining the semiconductor industry, I was unable to secure a position at any of the xi

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