Fundamentals of Hquacultural Engineering Fundamentals of Hquacultural Engineering Thomas H. ~awson Department of Biological Engineering Lou isiana State University KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBUSHERS BOSTONIDORDRECHTILONDON Distributors for North, Central and South America: Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Philip Drive Assinippi Park Norwell, Massachusetts 02061 USA Telephone (781) 871-6600 Fax (781) 871-6528 E-Mail <[email protected] > Distributors for all other countries: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group Distribution Centre Post Office Box 322 3300 AH Dordrecht, THE NETHERLANDS Telephone 31 786392392 Fax 31 786546474 E.-.M.. ail [email protected]> • , Electronic Services < > Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Lawson, Thomas B., 1943- Fundamentals of aquacultural engineering / Thomas B. Lawson p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-7578-7 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4613-0479-1 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-0479-1 1. Aquacultural engineering. I. Title. SH137 , L38 1994 639' .8--dc20 93-38073 CIP Copyright c 1995 by Chapman & Hall Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1995 Second Printing 2002 by Kluwer Academic Publishers Cover Photo courtesy of Dr. James W. Avault, Jr., Louisiana State University Agricultural Center This printing is a digital duplication of the original edition. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Assinippi Park, Norwell, Massachusetts 02061 Printed on acid-free paper. CONTENTS Preface vii I. Introduction 1 2. Water Quality and Environmental Requirements 12 3. Site Selection for Aquaculture 40 4. Water Supply 48 5. Aquaculture in Open Systems 58 6. Fluid Mechanics 84 7. Pumps 111 8. Flow Estimation and Measurement 133 9. Aquaculture in Ponds, Raceways, and Tanks 157 10. Recirculating Aquaculture Systems 192 11. Oxygen and Aeration 248 12. Sterilization and Disinfection 311 References 330 Appendix 347 Index 351 v PREFACE Aquaculture is the science and technology of balanced support from the biological and engi producing aquatic plants and animals. It is not neering sciences. However, commercial aqua new, but has been practiced in certain Eastern culture has become so complex that, in order to cultures for over 2,000 years. However, the role be successful, one must also draw upon the ex of aquaculture in helping to meet the world's pertise of biologists, engineers, chemists, econ food shortages has become more recently ap omists, food technologists, marketing special parent. ists, lawyers, and others. The multidisciplinary The oceans of the world were once consid approach to aquaculture production became ap ered sources of an unlimited food supply. Bio parent during the early 1990s. It is believed that logical studies indicate that the maximum sus this trend will continue as aquaculture produc tainable yield of marine species through the tion becomes more and more intensive in order harvest of wild stock is 100 million MT (metric for the producer to squeeze as much product as tons) per year. Studies also indicate that we are possible out of a given parcel of land. rapidly approaching the maximum sustainable Although many aquaculture books exist, few yield of the world's oceans and major freshwa explore the engineering aspects of aquaculture ter bodies. Per capita consumption of fishery production. This book is a humble attempt to fill products in the United States increased by about that void and bridge the gap between the tradi 25% during the 1980s, and it has increased con tional fishery biologist and the engineer. The siderably in many other nations, for which cur primary aim is to concentrate on the technical rent consumption figures are lacking. Experts engineering principles that are applicable to predict that, at the present rate of population aquaculture systems. Aquacultural engineering growth, by the year 2000, we will be hard is such a broad field that it is impossible to do pressed to fill the food and fiber needs of the justice to all facets of the discipline in one text. world's masses. Two means by which we may Therefore, I keep to the basic engineering fun meet the world's future food needs are: (1) damentals that apply to aquaculture production greater production of traditional agronomic and do not cover such complex topics as har crops; and (2) aquaculture. vesting gear, harvesting vessels, processing, Commercial aquaculture production lies in storage, transportation, etc. Biological cultural the realm of biotechnology, which requires a practices are not discussed in detail since this vii viii Preface infonnation is available from so many other pects, sltmg considerations, water supply, sources. pumping, water flow measurement, open cul Although this book is written primarily for ture systems, pond and raceway systems, closed students and practicing aquacultural engineers, recirculating systems, aeration, oxygenation, my intention was to write in basic enough tenns and disinfection. that it can also be of benefit to fishery biolo The last chapter includes an extensive bibli gists, aquaculturists, seafood technologists, en ography from which citations were obtained trepreneurs, and others interested in aquacul and are used liberally throughout the book. This ture. I have touched upon a variety of subjects, bibliography is a starting place for obtaining covering some in greater depth than others, but additional infonnation, but it is by no means still addressing each major topic in basic tenns. complete. I cited sources that, for the most part, It was my intention that the reader could use this are easy to locate and avoided those that are book to develop an understanding of aquacul very difficult or impossible to obtain. I drew tural engineering fundamentals that would en heavily upon the expertise of many experts in able him or her to solve more complex technical their respective fields: Dr. Fred Wheaton, Uni problems. The reader should understand that, versity of Maryland; Dr. Claude Boyd, Auburn where a description of a system or process is University; Dr. John Colt, James M. Montgom presented, a generalized method is being de ery Consulting Engineers; Dr. Stephen Spotte; scribed, and there is no one way to culture a Dr. Ron Malone, Louisiana State University; particular species, nor is there one system that and many others to whom I am eternally works best to the exclusion of all others. grateful. The book begins with an introductory chap Grateful thanks are extended to my loving ter that describes the commercialization of sev wife, Charlotte, to my friends and peers, to the eral important species in the United States. This Louisiana State University Department of Bio chapter discusses the importance of commercial logical and Agricultural Engineering, and to the aquaculture and finishes with a brief summary Louisiana State University Agricultural Center of the future of aquaculture. Chapters that fol for their support and encouragement throughout low concern topics such as water quality as- the preparation of the manuscript. Fundamentals of RQuacultural Engineering CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The tenn aquaculture as used in this book refers they cover about 71 % of the earth's surface. to the culture of finfish, shellfish, other aquatic However, studies indicate that the maximum animals, and aquatic plants in either freshwater sustainable yield of marine species through cap or salt water. The tenn has supplanted maricul ture fisheries is limited to 100 million metric ture, which was once used to indicate the cul tons (MT) I per year. Controlled aquaculture ture of animals and plants in marine or brackish production, on the other hand, can ensure a water environments. Mariculture is no longer a steady and regular supply of food. Thus, fish valid tenn, emphasized by the changing of the production worldwide can be increased consid name of the World Mariculture Society to the erably with the planned input of modem tech World Aquaculture Society several years ago. nology. The growth of aquaculture is likened to Aquaculture is often equated to water farm the development of land-based food crops, and ing or underwater agriculture, and is the pro aquaculture has the potential to be the second duction of aquatic organisms for human con largest means of food production next to tradi sumption. Most aquaculture takes place in tional agronomic food crops. land-based farm ponds. In this respect, aqua The worldwide demand for fish and seafood culture can easily be thought of as agriculture, is steadily rising. By the year 2000, aquaculture and the emphasis of this book will be on aqua is projected to account for 25% of the world's culture for the production of human food. How fishery production (Beach 1989). But aquacul ever, aquaculture also encompasses the produc ture must compete with the domestic wild catch tion of fish to be used in restocking programs, and imports for a share of the market. How bait-fish production, tropical- and omamental much of the market aquaculture will be able to fish production, and aquatic plant culture. capture depends upon price competitiveness Many scientists feel that maximum produc and consumer demand. Aquaculture producers tion through traditional agriculture is rapidly in the United States face fierce competition approaching around the world. New human from foreign producers. food sources are being sought to prevent food Continued aquaculture growth in the United shortages for future generations. The oceans, long considered to be unlimited food sources, are logical environments for exploitation since 1. One metric ton = 2,205 lb. 2 Introduction States could help reduce the demand for im aquaculture sector if the industry was to survive ported fishery products and the trade deficit in and grow. Other engineering disciplines have fishery products. It is estimated that, if per cap filled niches as needs arose. Today many chem ita consumption of fishery products continues ical, civil, sanitary, environmental, and other on its present rate of growth, and if the U.S. specialty engineers are involved with the aqua population increases by approximately one mil culture industry. Any of these engineers may lion people per year, then U.S. consumers call themselves aquacultural engineers. would require an additional 680,000--907,000 The aquacultural engineer may find himself MT (1.5 billion-2 billion Ib) of fishery products involved in endeavors other than those for the by 1995. If domestic landings follow present production of food and fiber. The functions of trends, they will be able to supply only 25-30% the industry also include the propagation of fish of that demand. Thus, the remaining 70-75% for restocking programs; ornamental pool and must be supplied either through imports or do aquarium fish; aquatic fish and/or plants used in mestic aquaculture production. the pharmaceutical industry; aquatic organisms for production of industrial products such as oil, jewelry, or animal feed; and sport fish. Techno ROLE OF THE ENGINEER logical advances in any of these subareas may IN AQUACULTURE require an engineer's input. Aquaculture was once viewed as only a minor part of the fish and seafood industries. How NATURAL FISHERIES ever, in recent years its impact has become sig nificant if both the public and private aqua Fishery production from natural waters comes culture sectors are considered. The artificial mainly from commercial and sport fisheries. propagation of fish has become very complex This text focuses mainly on commercial food over the years. Today's aquaculture technology fish production, therefore sport fisheries are not demands a good understanding of the physical, addressed. Data on world commercial fishery chemical, and biological processes necessary landings are tabulated by the Food and Agricul for successful production. Because success de tural Organization (FAD) of the United Nations. pends on a blend of expertise from many disci Figure I-I shows the world commercial land plines, many government research institutions ings by continent in 1990. Total world landings and the larger private companies take the of freshwater and marine fish and shellfish were "teamwork" approach to aquaculture produc 97.2 million MT (214 billion lb) in that year. tion. A team may consist of a fishery biologist, Figure 1-2 ranks the top 10 fishing nations in a chemist, an economist, a marketing specialist, 1990. Japan led all nations, supplying 12% of a legal advisor, and an engineer. Other special the world's total commercial fishery landings. ists may be brought in as the need arises. Fishing in the United States has not received the Aquacultural engineering can simply be de same emphasis as in other countries. Ranked fined as the application of engineering princi fifth, the United States supplied only about 6% ples to the production of food and fiber from of the world's total landings. Data for the U.S. aquatic environments. The aquacultural engi commercial landings from 1980--1991 indicate neering specialty developed as a spin-off from a very gradual, insignificant overall increase, the agricultural engineering programs in several whereas the total world catch increased dramat major universities in the United States in the ically over the same period. U.S. landings for early 1970s. Aquaculture continues to be close the 50 states in 1991 totaled 4.3 million MT (9.5 ly aligned with the agriculture sector, and agri billion lb), excluding the weight of mollusk cultural engineers long ago recognized the need shells, for a total value of over $3 billion for blending the engineering sciences into the (USDA 1992b). At present, domestic aquacul- Introduction 3 Asia Su. A I11crica Europc SSR o. & Ce. America Africa Oceania Total o 10 40 60 80 100 120 Million Metric Tons Figure I-I. World landings by continent in 1991 (USDA 1992b). ture provides only about 11 % of all fishery U.S. imports for the years 1980-1991 indi products consumed in the United States, rela cate that stable commercial landings and a tively little compared to domestic capture fish strong growth in demand have led to a rapid eries or imports. increase in imports of fish and seafood products over the past five years. U.S. imports grew from 0.95 million MT (2.1 billion Ib) in 1980 to 1.37 PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION million MT (3 billion lb) in 1991. Total dollar value in 1991 was $5.7 billion, up $438 million U.S. consumption of all edible fishery products from 1990 (USDA 1992b). for 1975-1991 is shown in Figure 1-3. U.S. per capita consumption2 of all edible fishery prod ucts in 1991 was 6.8 kg (14.9 lb) compared to u.S. AQUACULTURE the worldwide average per capita consumption of about 13 kg (FAO 1989). U.S. citizens con Fish culture began in America in 1853 when sume only about half as much fish and seafoods Theodatus Garlick and H.A. Ackley were the as their counterparts in other countries. Domes first to fertilize the eggs of brook trout (Salveli tic landings of edible fishery products have re nus fontinalis). Until the early 1960s, commer mained relatively stable, but consumer demand cial fish culture in the United States consisted for fish and shellfish is increasing. principally of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), bait fish, and several warm-water species (Parker 1989). A rapid growth in aquaculture 2. Derived by dividing the total amount of edible fish ery products by the total civilian population. production began in the 1970s and, although at