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Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology [presentation slides] PDF

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Preview Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology [presentation slides]

SSiimmuullaattiioonn aanndd MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt LLaabb OOvveerrvviieeww ooff ssiimmuullaattiioonn ssooffttwwaarree,, mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt eeqquuiippmmeenntt aanndd aassssiiggnnmmeennttss SSoorreenn PPrreesstteemmoonn Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 Simulation and PPrrooggrraamm llaayyoouutt Measurements Soren Prestemon TThhrreeee ssiimmuullaattiioonn aanndd tthhrreeee mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt aassssiiggnnmmeennttss Simulations: Measurements: 1. Dipole/quadrupole fields + 1. Dipole or quadrupole fields 2 Days (cid:190) Code Magnet/Poisson (cid:190) Hall probe 2. Cavity modeling + 2. Microwave cavity 2 Days (cid:190) Code Superfish (cid:190) Network analyzer 3. Synchrotron radiation + 3. Insertion device 2 Days (cid:190) Code SynRad (cid:190) Hall probe FFiinnaall pprroojjeecctt:: DDeessiiggnn aann aacccceelleerraattoorr ((ffoorr hhiigghh eenneerrggyy pphhyyssiiccss oorr ffoorr ssyynncchhrroottrroonn rraaddiiaattiioonn)) ……22 DDaayyss!! Note: the simulation and measurement lab is 30% of your grade Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 Simulation and WWoorrkkggrroouuppss Measurements Soren Prestemon EEiigghhtt tteeaammss –– llaabbwwoorrkk iiss aa ggrroouupp eeffffoorrtt!! • Labwork is designed as 2-day exercise (lab+simulation) (cid:190) Each exercise will require a written report (cid:57)Lab reports for the first week (2 reports) are due Monday, Feb. 23; (cid:57)Lab reports for the second week are due before the final exam (cid:190) The last 2-day exercise will consist of the design of a storage ring Measurement lab Computer lab 1a Dipole Field measurements Dipole/Quadrupole calculations 1b Quadrupole field measurements Dipole/Quadrupole calculations 2 Microwave cavity measurements Cavity simulation 3 Insertion device measurments Insertion device radiation properties Key 4 Design of a storage ring 1 1a-M 2 1a-C Day\Group # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1/16/2005 Lab and Calculations Overview 3 1b-M 1/17/2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1b-C 1/18/2006 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 5 2-M 1/19/2006 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 6 2-C 1/20/2006 6 5 8 7 2 1 4 3 1/23/2006* 7 8 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 3-M 1/24/2006 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 3-C 1/25/2006 Design of a Storage Ring 1/26/2006 1/27/2006* * previous lab assignements due Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 Course LLaabb ggrroouuppss Introduction Jeffrey Ball, ORNL, ae Paul Cummings, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., ug 1 Molly Scannell, BNL, bs 5 Muhammad Jamil, Konkuk University, gs Khalimov Mirkomal, Arifov Institue of Electronics, gs Everette R. Martin, Fermilab, bsee Anthony Bavuso, Jefferson Lab, bsee Laurie Elizabeth (Elisa) Dowell, Naval Research Lab, msrs Hannes Bartosik, Tech. University of Vienna, gs 6 Kristine Ferrone, Brookhaven National Laboratory, bsa 2 Jonah Weber, LBNL, bsee Andres Gomez Alonso, U. Politecnica de Catalunya & CERN, gs Danielle Sanzone, SLAC, bap Sammie Garvin, George Mason University, bs Ekaterina Danilova, ORNL, ms 7 Robert Hensley, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, ug 3 Nicola Pozzobon, University of Pisa , gs Artur Paytyan, Fermilab, ms Heritier Makamizile Mbo, Congo-Fr. Electric Company, gs Mohammad Adil Khan, Kyungpook National University, gs 4 William Chase, Brookhaven National Lab, bsp 8 Valentina Previtali, Genova University & CERN, gs Lukas Jagerhofer, Tech. University of Vienna, gs Eric Tse, SLAC, bap Lynn Garren, Fermilab, phd Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo llaabb eexxeerrcciisseess:: Simulation and Measurements Soren Prestemon DDiippoollee//qquuaaddrruuppoollee eexxeerrcciissee LLeeaarrnn aabboouutt ddeessiiggnn aanndd ppuurrppoossee ooff mmaaggnneettiicc eelleemmeennttss Simulations: Measurements: Dipole and quadrupole magnetic Dipole or quadrupole field measurements system design Goal: Learn to assemble a model magnet Goal: understand excitation curves, and a Hall probe; measure spatial field saturation effects, purpose of profiles, excitation curves; understand poles and yokes, field harmonics, current and current density, integrated beam steering and focusing using fields, and beam steering or focusing the code Magnet as a function of current TThhee mmaaggnneettiicc eelleemmeennttss ffoorrmm tthhee bbaacckkbboonnee ooff aa ssttoorraaggee rriinngg:: •• DDiippoolleess sstteeeerr tthhee bbeeaamm,, bbeennddiinngg iitt oonn aa cciirrccuullaarr ppaatthh;; •• QQuuaaddrruuppoolleess ffooccuuss tthhee bbeeaamm,, eesssseennttiiaall ttoo kkeeeepp tthhee eelleeccttrroonnss ffrroomm ddiivveerrggiinngg Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo llaabb eexxeerrcciisseess:: Simulation and Measurements Soren Prestemon AAcccceelleerraattiinngg ccaavviittyy eexxeerrcciissee LLeeaarrnn aabboouutt RRFF ccaavviittyy ddeessiiggnn aanndd mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss Simulations: Measurements: RF cavity simulation Pillbox cavity measurements Goal: understand electric and Goal: Estimate base resonant frequency magnetic fields that can exist in a from geometry of a cavity; understand cavity; find resonant modes and fields excited by two antennas frequencies, distinguish modes installed in the device; measure from harmonics resonant curve and impact of geometry on cavity tune AAcccceelleerraattiinngg ccaavviittiieess sseerrvvee:: •• iinn bboooosstteerr rriinnggss,, ttoo bbrriinngg eelleeccttrroonnss uupp ttoo nnoommiinnaall ooppeerraattiinngg eenneerrggyy,, •• iinn tthhee mmaaiinn rriinngg ttoo ccoommppeennssaattee ffoorr rraaddiiaattiioonn eenneerrggyy lloossss ((ee..gg.. ssyynncchhrroottrroonn rraaddiiaattiioonn)) Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo llaabb eexxeerrcciisseess:: Simulation and Measurements Soren Prestemon AAcccceelleerraattiinngg ccaavviittyy eexxeerrcciissee LLeeaarrnn aabboouutt iinnsseerrttiioonn ddeevviicceess ffoorr ssyynncchhrroottrroonn rraaddiiaattiioonn Simulations: Measurements: Synchrotron radiation generation Field measurements and characterization Goal: understand the radiation of a wiggler magnet characteristics associated with Goal: Using a Hall probe, understand bending magnets, wigglers, and field characteristics and resulting undulators, including spectral radiation properties of a wiggler; range and photon beam evaluate impact of a wiggler on the polarization electron beam (e.g. steering and focusing) IInnsseerrttiioonn ddeevviicceess cchhaarraacctteerriizzee tthhiirrdd ggeenneerraattiioonn SSRR ssoouurrcceess:: •• PPrroovviiddee iinntteennssee SSRR ttaaiilloorreedd ttoo ssppeecciiffiicc sscciieennttiiffiicc eexxppeerriimmeennttss TThheeyy aallssoo sseerrvvee iinn ddaammppiinngg rriinnggss ttoo rreedduuccee eemmiittttaannccee Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo llaabb eexxeerrcciisseess:: Simulation and Measurements Soren Prestemon SSttoorraaggee rriinngg ddeessiiggnn UUssee kknnoowwlleeddggee lleeaarrnneedd dduurriinngg tthhee ccoouurrssee ttoo ddeessiiggnn aa rriinngg Design process: Choose to design either a SR storage ring or a HEP machine Choose basic design point: electron or proton energy, ring diameter Choose realistic ring elements (dipole field strengths, quadrupole fields, etc) Incorporate elements discussed during the course (particle sources, accelerating structures, chromatic aberration correction, vacuum components, etc) Simulate performance using program BeamOptics: plot betatron functions, perform particle tracking, modify design to yield reasonable lifetime TThheerree aarree aa llaarrggee nnuummbbeerr ooff ddeessiiggnn cchhooiicceess iinn tthhee ddeessiiggnn ooff aa ssttoorraaggee rriinngg;; tthhee sscciieennttiiffiicc ppuurrppoossee sseerrvveess ttoo ddiiccttaattee tthhee ooppttiimmaall ppaarraammeetteerr cchhooiicceess Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 SSiimmuullaattiioonn aanndd MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt LLaabb GGooaallss • The goal of the lab is to provide a hands-on appreciation for the design, fabrication, and measurements associated with some key accelerator components – The lab questions should be addressed as well as possible, but above all we want you to understand the issues involved – You are free to do further measurements, play with design modifications, etc – An additional computer exercise (extra credit!) on quadrupole focusing can be addressed in your spare time – you would find it useful for the final project … and ask questions! Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 LLeeccttuurree NNoo.. 1100 IInnjjeeccttiioonn && EExxttrraaccttiioonn FFeerrnnaannddoo SSaannnniibbaallee 1 Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006

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