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Fundamental limits of quantum-secure covert optical sensing∗ Boulat A. Bash,1 Christos N. Gagatsos,2 Animesh Datta,2 and Saikat Guha1 1Quantum Information Processing Group, Raytheon BBN Technologies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 02138, 2Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom Wepresentasquarerootlawforactivesensingofphaseθofasinglepixelusingopticalprobesthat passthroughasingle-modelossythermal-noisebosonicchannel. Specifically,weshowthat,whenthe sensorusesann-modecovertopticalprobe,themeansquarederror(MSE)oftheresultingestimator √ θˆ scales as (cid:104)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:105) = O(1/ n); improving the scaling necessarily leads to detection by the n n adversary with high probability. We fully characterize this limit and show that it is achievable using 7 laser light illumination and a heterodyne receiver, even when the adversary captures every photon 1 that does not return to the sensor and performs arbitrarily complex measurement as permitted by 0 the laws of quantum mechanics. 2 n a I. INTRODUCTION existsanoisesourcethattheadversarydoesnotcon- J trol(forexample,theunavoidablethermalnoisefrom 2 Active probing with electromagnetic radiation is blackbody radiation√at the operating temperature 2 used in many practical systems to measure physical and wavelength), O( n) covert bits can be reliably properties of objects. However, there are scenarios transmitted using n orthogonal spatio-temporal po- ] h where the detection of such probing by an unautho- larization modes. As in the SRL for AWGN channel, p rized third party (which could be the target object) transmission of more bits results in either detection - is undesired. In these scenarios covert, or low prob- or uncorrectable decoding errors [5]. Remarkably, t n ability of intercept/detection (LPI/LPD), signaling the SRL is achievable using standard optical com- a must be used. While covertness is often required by munication components (laser light modulation and u practical stand-off sensing systems, the fundamental homodyne receiver) even when the adversary has q limitsofsensingunderthecovertnessconstraintshas access to all the photons that are not captured by [ been relatively under-explored. the legitimate receiver, as well as arbitrary quan- 1 Recently, the fundamental limits of covert commu- tum measurement, storage and computing capabili- v nication have been characterized for several classical ties. Conversely, entangled photon transmissions, as 6 and quantum channels. Covert communication is well as arbitrary quantum measurement, storage and 0 √ 2 governed by the square root law (SRL): O( n) bits computing capabilities do not permit one to reliably 6 can be reliably transmitted in n channel uses with- transmit more covert bits than the SRL allows, even 0 out being detected by the adversary; transmission of when the adversary has access to only a fraction of . more bits results in either detection or uncorrectable the transmitted photons and is only equipped with 1 0 decoding errors. The SRL was first proven for the a noisy photon counting receiver. 7 classical wireless channels subject to the additive A covert communications adversary has to decide 1 white Gaussian noise (AWGN) [1], with follow-on whether or not a transmission takes place. Thus, the v: works extending this result to discrete memoryless transmitter has to render the adversary’s detector i channels (DMCs) and fully characterizing the con- ineffective by ensuring that it can only do a little X stant hidden by the Big-O notation [2–4]. better than a random decision. The SRL for covert r Nowconsiderthelossythermal-noisebosonicchan- communications arises because, for this to happen, a nel, which is the quantum-mechanical model for op- theaveragesymbolpowern¯ mustscaleintheblock- √ S tical communication. The SRL also governs covert length n as n¯ = O(1/ n). In the AWGN setting, S communicationoverthischannel: providedthatthere n¯ is the average squared symbol magnitude, while S in the bosonic channel setting it is the mean photon number per mode. By standard arguments, the total ∗ This research was funded by DARPA under contract number of√reliably transmissible bi√ts thus scales as numberHR0011-16-C-0111,UKEPSRC(EP/K04057X/2) nn¯S = O( n). Since limn→∞O( n)/n = 0, the and the National Quantum Technologies Programme covert communication channel capacity is zero, how- (EP/M01326X/1, EP/M013243/1). This document does ever, a non-trivial number of bits can be transmitted notcontaintechnologyortechnicaldatacontrolledunder when n is large (see a tutorial survey in [6]). eithertheU.S.InternationalTrafficinArmsRegulationsor theU.S.ExportAdministrationRegulations. The results for the fundamental limits of covert 2 1−η fraction of light from the probe. We assume that the distance to the target pixel is known. The focus on estimating the unknown phase allows us to leverage the extensive literature in quantum metrol- ogy (see [9] for a recent survey); however, we believe that similar results hold in other sensing modalities (such as ranging, reflectometry, target detection, and target classification). Ensuring covertness of trans- mitted probes imposes the same power constraint √ n¯ =O(1/ n) photons/mode as in communications. S FIG. 1. Active probing of an unknown phase of a Wethusfindthatcovertsensingissubjecttoitsown pixel. Transmitted n-mode probe is corrupted by a lossy SRL: thermal-noise bosonic channel with transmissivity η and thermal background mean photon number n¯ per mode. Theorem(Square-rootlawforcovertphasesensing). B Fraction1−η ofthephotonsislostandcanbecaptured Suppose the sensor attempts to estimate an unknown by the adversary, while the remaining fraction η of the phase θ of a pixel using an n-mode optical probe photonsisreceivedbythesensoraftertheprobeacquires that passes through a lossy thermal-noise bosonic unknown phase θ in each mode. An estimate θˆn is com- channel, as described in Figure 1. Also suppose that puted from the measurement of the received probe state the adversary has access to fraction 1 − η of the and the reference state (which adversary cannot access). transmitted photons. Then the sensor can achieve The input-output relationship of the bosonic channel is √ mean squared error (MSE) (cid:104)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:105) = O(1/ n) captured by a beamsplitter of transmissivity η, with the n sensor’s transmitter at one of the input ports and the while ensuring the ineffectiveness of the adversary’s phase rotation followed by the sensor’s receiver at one of detector. Attempting to decrease scaling for MSE the output ports. The other input and output ports of results in detection of the interrogation attempt with the beamsplitter correspond to the environment and the high probability. adversary. Switching the order of the phase rotation and the bosonic channel does not affect phase estimation [7, In addition to the scaling law above, we charac- App. A]. terize the constants hidden by the Big-O notation for several covert estimation schemes. We find that usinglaserpulsemodulationandheterodynereceiver communicationoverlossythermal-noisebosonicchan- yields MSE that is at most twice that of the laser nelin[5]motivateourinvestigationofthefundamen- light modulation coupled with the optimal receiver, tal limits of covert sensing. We begin by noting that and a factor 1−2η greater than the ultimate lower themosteffectivemethodofstayingcovertispassive bound. This limit on enhancing the design coupled imaging, which emits no energy. Passive imaging col- with the constraint on the power per mode imposed lects the scattered light from a naturally-illuminated by the covertness requirement implies that only in- (or self-luminous) scene. However, this can be im- creasing the number of available orthogonal modes practical, or even impossible, in many scenarios. For n can improve the performance of covert sensing example,thescenecouldbehiddenfromdirectlineof systems. sightorthesignaltonoiseratio(SNR)atthereceiver After introducing the channel model and the back- could otherwise be insufficient to obtain the desired ground on our performance metrics in the next sec- performance. In these situations, active transmitters tion, we prove the square root law for covert sensing must be employed to illuminate the target. of phase in Section III. We then conclude with a We therefore study the fundamental limits of discussion of future work in Section IV. quantum-secure covert active sensing. This notion of security is more stringent than, for example, en- II. PREREQUISITES suring that the return probes are not spoofed by the target as done in [8] (undetectable probes cannot be spoofed). As illustrated in Figure 1, we explore A. Estimation covert estimation of an unknown phase θ of a sin- gle pixel using an optical probe that passes through Consider a single-mode lossy bosonic channel En¯B η a lossy thermal-noise bosonic channel with trans- withpathtransmissivityη ∈(0,1)andthermalnoise missivity η and thermal background mean photon mean photon number n¯ >0, as depicted in Figure B number n¯ per mode. Adversary captures up to 1. Thesensor(anopticalinterferometer)interrogates B 3 the target using an n-mode probe with average pho- arbitrarily-complicated entangled transmitted states tonnumbern¯ permode,where1−ηfractionofthese and quantum-limited joint-detection measurements S photons is lost to the adversary, while the remaining over n modes), the MSE cannot decay any faster √ fraction η returns to the sensor after acquiring the than O(1/ n) without the probe being detected unknown phase θ on each mode. The sensor esti- by the adversary. Next, we establish the achiev- mates θ using the collected light and retained state ability of the SRL for covert phase sensing in Sec- (e.g., a local oscillator for a coherent detector), and tion IIIB, where we show that one can attain MSE √ outputs estimate θˆ . The sensor has to minimize the (cid:104)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:105)=O(1/ n) using laser light illumination n n MSE of the estimate (cid:104)(θ −θˆ )2(cid:105) while preventing and coherent detection. Finally, we argue for this n the detection of the probe by the adversary. The scheme’s near-optimality. quantumCramer-Raolowerbound (QCRLB)forthe MSE of the estimate is [9] A. Converse 1 (cid:104)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:105)≥ , (1) n J (θ) Q,n HereweshowthattheSRLforcovertphasesensing isinsurmountable. Wedenotethemeantotalphoton where J (θ) is the quantum Fisher information Q,n number of the probe sent to the sensing arm using n (QFI) associated with the n-mode probe state that modes by (cid:104)N (cid:105)=nn¯ and the total photon number acquires phase θ on each mode. If n-mode probe S S variance by (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105). Just as in [5, Theorem 5], we state is a tensor product of n identical probe states, S restrict the sensor to using n-mode probes with total each of which acquires phase θ independently, then photon number variance (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) = O(n). However, S this restriction is not onerous, as it subsumes all J (θ)=nJ (θ), (2) Q,n Q well-known quantum states of bosonic mode. We employ the asymptotic notation [10, Ch. 3.1] where J (θ) is the QFI associated with each probe Q where f(n) = Ω(g(n)) and f(n) = ω(g(n)) denote state. asymptotically tight and not tight lower bounds on f(n), respectively. B. Detectability Theorem 1 (Converseofthesquare-rootlaw). Sup- pose the target is interrogated using an n-mode The adversary performs a binary hypothesis test probe with a total of (cid:104)N (cid:105)=nn¯ photons, and that S S on his sample to determine whether the target is the total photon number variance of the probe is being interrogated or not. Performance of the hy- (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) = O(n). Then, the sensing attempt is ei- pothesis test is typically measured by its detection S ther detected by the adversary with arbitrarily low errorprobabilityP(edet) = PFA+2PMD,whereequalprior detectionerrorprobability, orthe√estimatorhasmean probabilities on sensor’s interrogation state are as- squared error (cid:104)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:105)=Ω(1/ n). sumed,P istheprobabilityoffalsealarmandP n FA MD is the probability of missed detection. The sensor de- Proof. Suppose the optical interferometer depicted sirestoremaincovertbyensuringthatP(edet) ≥ 12−(cid:15) in Figure 1 uses a general pure state |ψ(cid:105)PnRn, where for an arbitrary small (cid:15)>0 regardless of adversary’s n modes are used in both the probe and the ref- measurement choice (since P(edet) = 12 for a random erence systems. Denoting by N0 the set of all guess). By decreasing the power used in a probe, the non-negative integers, and by |k(cid:105) = |k1(cid:105)⊗|k2(cid:105)⊗ sensor can decrease the effectiveness of the adver- ··· ⊗ |kn(cid:105) a tensor product of n Fock states, the sary’s hypothesis test at the expense of the increased quantum state of the combined (and potentially MSE of the estimate. entangled) probe and reference states is formally defined as |ψ(cid:105)PnRn = (cid:80) (cid:80) a |k(cid:105)|k(cid:48)(cid:105), k∈Nn k(cid:48)∈Nn k,k(cid:48) where (cid:80) (cid:80) |a |20= 1. 0The state in III. PROOF OF THE SQUARE ROOT LAW k∈Nn0 k(cid:48)∈Nn0 k,k(cid:48) each system is obtained by tracing out the other, FOR COVERT SENSING for example, the probe that is used to interro- (cid:16) (cid:17) gate the target is ρPn = Tr |ψ(cid:105)PnRnRnPn(cid:104)ψ| . We begin by demonstrating in Section IIIA Rn that, no matter how one designs the transmitted Therefore, the mean total photon number in the probe and the measurement (which may include probe is (cid:104)NS(cid:105) = (cid:80)k∈Nn(cid:80)k(cid:48)∈Nn((cid:80)ni=1ki)|ak,k(cid:48)|2 0 0 4 and the total photon number variance is (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) = thermal-noise bosonic channel, as described in Fig- S (cid:80) (cid:80) ((cid:80)n k )2|a |2−(cid:104)N (cid:105)2 =O(n). ure 1. Also suppose the adversary can perform an k∈Nn k(cid:48)∈Nn i=1 i k,k(cid:48) S 0 0 arbitrarily complex receiver measurement as permit- Provided that the adversary captures a fraction γ tedbythelawsofquantumphysicsandcaptureallthe of the transmitted photons, where 1−η ≥γ >0, in transmitted photons that do not return to the sensor. Appendix A we show that the interrogation attempt Then the sensor can lower-bound adversary’s detec- is detected with arbitrarily low error probability if (cid:104)NS(cid:105)=ω(√n). To detect the sensor, the adversary tion error probability P(edet) ≥ 12 −(cid:15) for any (cid:15) √> 0 uses a standard threshold test on the total photon while achieving the MSE (cid:104)(θ − θˆ )2(cid:105) = O(1/ n) n count output by a noisy photon number resolving using an n-mode probe. detector.1 Proof. Coherent state is a quantum-mechanical de- When an n-mode probe passes through a lossy scription of ideal laser light. Let the sensor use an n- thermal-noise bosonic channel and acquires phase θ mode tensor-product coherent state probe (cid:78)n |α (cid:105) on each mode, we have an upper bound J (θ) ≤ i=1 i Q,n with each α drawn independently from an identical C (θ), where [11] i Q,n zero-mean isotropic complex Gaussian distribution 4η(cid:104)N (cid:105)(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)(n(1+n¯ (1−η))+η(cid:104)N (cid:105)) p(α) = e−|α|2/n¯S/πn¯S, where photon number per CQ,n(θ)= S S D B S , state n¯S = (cid:82)C|α|2p(α)d2α. Thus, p((cid:78)ni=1|αi(cid:105)) = (3) (cid:81)ni=1p(αi). In Appendix B we show that then the probability of detection by the adversary is lower- with bounded by √ 1 (1−η)n¯ n D =η(cid:104)NS(cid:105)(n(1+n¯B(1−η))+η(cid:104)NS(cid:105)) P(det) ≥ − S . (4) +(1−η)η(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)(cid:104)N (cid:105)(1+2n¯ ) e 2 4(cid:112)ηn¯B(1+ηn¯B) S S B −(1−η)η(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)nn¯ (1+n¯ ) Thus, if the sensor sets S B B +(1−η)n(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)(1+n¯ )2. (cid:112) S B 4(cid:15) ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) n¯ = √ B B , (5) S n(1−η) The sensor must use an n-mode probe with (cid:104)N (cid:105)= √ S O( n) photons to avoid detection, which implies then he can ensure that the adversary’s detection that, by the QCRLB in (1), th√e MSE for any estima- error probability can be lower-bounded by P(det) ≥ tor of θ is (cid:104)(θ−θˆn)2(cid:105)=Ω(1/ n). 1 −(cid:15) over n modes. In Appendix C we showe that 2 the use of an ideal heterodyne receiver achieves the MSE B. Achievability c (cid:104)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:105)≈ √het, (6) het,n (cid:15) n We now prove that the SRL for covert sensing is achievable even when the adversary’s capabilities are where the constant c is het limitedonlybythelawsofquantummechanics. That (1−η)(1+n¯ (1−η)) is, we allow the adversary to collect all the transmit- c = B . (7) het (cid:112) tedphotonsthatdonotreturntothesensor,perform 8η ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) B B quantum-limited joint-detection measurements over Practical heterodyne detectors operate close to the n modes, and use arbitrary quantum computing and √ storage resources. ideal limit, which implies (cid:104)(θ−θˆhet,n)2(cid:105)=O(1/ n). Theorem 2 (Achievability). Suppose the sensor at- tempts to estimate an unknown phase θ of a pixel using an optical probe that passes through a lossy C. The constant in the SRL for covert phase sensing Let’s evaluate how far from optimal is the covert 1 Wealsonotethat,ifthesensorispeak-powerconstrained phase sensing scheme that uses laser light illumina- (i.e.,restrictedtoafinitephotonnumberpermode),thena tion and heterodyne detection, as in the proof of singlephotondetectorissufficient. Theorem 2. 5 In Appendix D1 we show that, when a single- best attainable constant for a TMSV probe c , the sq mode coherent state probe is used (with an arbitrary challenges associated with using squeezed states may detector), the QFI is not be worth it. Infact,wecanusethebound(3)ontheQFIforan 4n¯ η Jcoh(θ)= S . (8) arbitrary n-mode state to derive the ultimate limit Q 1+2n¯B(1−η) for the MSE of phase sensing over the lossy thermal- noise bosonic channel. Since (3) is increasing in the Therefore, by (1), (2), and the substitution of (5) in total photon number variance (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105), we can upper- (8), we have (cid:104)(θ−θˆn)2(cid:105)≥ (cid:15)c√conh, where bound the QFI as S c = (1−η)(1+2n¯B(1−η)). (9) JQ(θ)≤ lim CQ,n(θ) coh 16η(cid:112)ηn¯B(1+ηn¯B) (cid:104)∆NS2(cid:105)→∞ 4η(cid:104)N (cid:105)(n(1+(1−η)n¯ )+η(cid:104)N (cid:105)) = S B S , (12) Thus, the MSE attainable using a coherent state (1−η)D (cid:96) probe and an ideal heterodyne receiver is at most twice the quantum limit for a coherent state probe. where We also note that phase can be estimated adaptively using both homodyne and heterodyne receivers [12], D =(1+n¯ )n(1+(1−η)n¯ )+η(1+2n¯ )(cid:104)N (cid:105). (cid:96) B B B S potentially closing the gap to (9). Now consider the use of two-mode squeezed vac- By (1), andthesubstitutionof (5)in(12)(wherewe uum (TMSV) states, where one of the modes is re- note that (cid:104)NS(cid:105) = nn¯S), we have (cid:104)(θ−θˆn)2(cid:105) ≥ (cid:15)c√lbn, tained as reference while the other is used to probe wherec isapproximatedbydiscardingthelow-order lb the phase of the target pixel. Such states improve terms as thescalingoftheMSEinn¯ whentherearenolosses S [9]. The partial trace over one of the modes of the (1−η)2(1+n¯ ) c ≈ B . (13) TMSV state yields a thermal state with the same lb (cid:112) 16η ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) B B Gaussian statistics in the coherent state basis as the states used in the proof of Theorem 2. Therefore, Therefore, the MSE attainable usinga practical sens- since the adversary cannot not access the reference ing scheme is at most 2 times the ultimate lower system,wecanusethestepsintheproofofTheorem 1−η bound. 2 to show the covertness. In Appendix D2 we show that the QFI from using the TMSV state is 4n¯ (n¯ +1)η IV. DISCUSSION Jsq = S S . (10) Q 1+n¯ (1−η)+n¯ (1−η)(1+2n¯ ) B S B Section IIIC shows that practically-attainable Note that when η =1 and n¯ =O(1), Jsq =O(n¯2), MSE is a small constant factor above optimal. More- S Q S consistent with previous findings that the TMSV over, since covertness imposes a strict power con- statesimprovethescalingoftheMSEinn¯ inlossless straint unlike in other sensing scenarios, here one S scenarios[9]. However,thesubstitutionof (5)in(10), cannot decrease the MSE by increasing power, The and the use of (1) and (2) yield (cid:104)(θ−θˆn)2(cid:105) ≥ (cid:15)c√sqn, only degree of freedom in covert sensing (and com- munication) is n, the number of available orthogonal wherec isapproximatedbydiscardingthelow-order sq modes. Now, n=n ×n ×n , where n =2 is the terms as P S T P numberoforthogonalpolarizations,n isthenumber S c ≈ (1−η)(1+n¯B(1−η)). (11) oforthogonalspatialmodes(governedbythechannel sq 16η(cid:112)ηn¯B(1+ηn¯B) geometry), and nT ≈TW is the number of temporal modes(time-bandwidthproduct)withT (inseconds) √ The covertness constraint n¯ = O(1/ n) pho- being the transmission time window and W (in Hz) S tons/mode yields the same scaling of the QFI in n¯ being the total spectral bandwidth of the source (see S as the coherent state. While the TMSV state probe [5, Supplementary Note 1] for a deeper discussion). outperforms a coherent state probe in phase sensing Therefore, given a constraint on the available time at high average noise photon number n¯ , since the T, one could increase the number of spatial modes B constant c attainable using a coherent state probe n , or increase the spectral bandwidth W, or both. het S and heterodyne detection is only twice that of the We will explore this in a follow-up work. 6 Finally, while here we focus on phase sensing (and tional to the total probe power, we believe that they assume that the distance to the pixel is known), we are governed by the SRLs similar to the one here. plan on investigating the limits of covert signaling Moreover, simultaneous covert estimation of several in other sensing tasks such as ranging, reflectometry, parameters (e.g., range and phase) enables covert target detection and classification. 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Magan˜a-Loaiza, and Robert W. Boyd, “Quantum-secured imaging,” Appendix A: Upper Bound for Adversary’s Detection Error Probability in Theorem 1 Here we adapt the analysis of the adversary’s detection error probability from the proof of [5, Theorem 5]. We assume that the sensing arm is lossy and that the adversary has access to the fraction 1−η leaked photons. Adversary measures the total photon count X with a noisy photon number resolving (PNR) tot receiver over the n modes in which the sensor could probe. For some threshold S (that we discuss later), the adversary declares that the sensor interrogated the target when X ≥S, and did not interrogate it when tot X <S. When the sensor does not interrogate, the adversary observes noise: X(0) =X +X , where X tot tot D T D is the number of dark counts from the spontaneous emission process at the detector, and X is the number of T photons observed from the thermal background. We model the dark counts by a Poisson process with rate λ 7 photons per mode. Thus, both the mean and variance of the observed dark counts per mode is λ. The mean of the number of photons observed per mode from the thermal background with mean photon number per mode n¯ is ηn¯ and the variance is η2(n¯ +n¯2). Therefore, the mean of the total number of noise photons B B B B observed per mode is n¯ =λ+ηn¯ , and, because of the statistical independence of the noise processes, the N B total variance over n modes is (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)=nλ+nη2(n¯ +n¯2). We upper-bound the false alarm probability N B B using Chebyshev’s inequality: P =P(X(0) ≥S) FA tot (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) ≤ N . (A1) (S−nn¯ )2 N Thus, to obtain the desired P∗ , the adversary sets threshold S =nn¯ +(cid:112)(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)/P∗ . FA N N FA Whenthesensorusesaprobe|ψ(cid:105)PnRn tointerrogate, theadversaryobservesX(1) =X +X +X , where tot u D T X is the count from the transmission of the probe. We upper-bound the missed detection probability using u Chebyshev’s inequality: P =P(X(1) <S) MD tot (cid:32) (cid:115) (cid:33) (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) ≤P |X(1)−(1−η)(cid:104)N (cid:105)−(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)|≥(1−η)(cid:104)N (cid:105)− N tot S N S P∗ FA (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)+(1−η)2(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) ≤ N S , (A2) ((1−η)(cid:104)N (cid:105)−(cid:112)(cid:104)∆N2(cid:105)/P∗ )2 S N FA where equation (A2) is because the noise and the probe are independent. Since (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) = O(n) and we √ N assume that (cid:104)∆N2(cid:105) = O(n), if (cid:104)N (cid:105) = ω( n), then lim P = 0. Thus, given large enough n, the S S n→∞ MD √ adversary can detect the probes that have mean photon number (cid:104)N (cid:105) = ω( n) with probability of error S P(w) ≤(cid:15) for any (cid:15)>0. e Appendix B: Lower Bound for Adversary’s Detection Error Probability We adapt the analysis of the adversary’s detection error probability from the proof of [5, Theorem 2]. When the sensor is not probing the target, the adversary observes thermal environment that is described by the following n-copy quantum state (written in Fock state basis): ρˆ⊗n =(cid:32)(cid:88)∞ (ηn¯B)i |i(cid:105)(cid:104)i|(cid:33)⊗n (B1) 0 (1+ηn¯ )1+i B i=0 When the sensor probes the target, it first draws a sequence α={α }n of independently and identically i i=1 distributed (i.i.d.) random variables from a zero-mean isotropic complex Gaussian distribution p(α) = e−|α|2/n¯S/πn¯S. It then interrogates the target using n-mode tensor-product coherent state probe (cid:78)ni=1|αi(cid:105). Since the adversary does not have access to α, it effectively experiences thermal noise in addition to the environment when the sensor probes the target. Therefore, the following n-copy quantum state describes his observation in this case: ρˆ⊗n =(cid:32)(cid:88)∞ ((1−η)n¯S+ηn¯B)i |i(cid:105)(cid:104)i|(cid:33)⊗n. (B2) 1 (1+(1−η)n¯ +ηn¯ )1+i S B i=0 The adversary has to discriminate between ρˆ and ρˆ given in (B1) and (B2), respectively. By [5, Lemma 2, 0 1 Supplementary Information], adversary’s average probability of discrimination error is: (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 1 P(w) ≥ 1− (cid:107)ρˆ⊗n−ρˆ⊗n(cid:107) , e 2 2 1 0 1 8 where a photon number resolving detector achieves the minimum in this case. The trace distance (cid:107)ρˆ −ρˆ (cid:107) 0 1 1 between states ρˆ and ρˆ is upper-bounded by the quantum relative entropy (QRE) using quantum Pinsker’s 1 1 Inequality [13, Theorem 11.9.5] as follows: (cid:112) (cid:107)ρˆ −ρˆ (cid:107) ≤ 2D(ρˆ (cid:107)ρˆ ), 0 1 1 0 1 which implies that (cid:114) 1 1 P(w) ≥ − D(ρˆ⊗n(cid:107)ρˆ⊗n). (B3) e 2 8 0 1 Thus, ensuring that D(ρˆ⊗n(cid:107)ρˆ⊗n)≤8(cid:15)2 (B4) 0 1 ensures that P(w) ≥ 1 −(cid:15) over n modes. QRE is additive for tensor product states: e 2 D(ρˆ⊗n(cid:107)ρˆ⊗n)=nD(ρˆ (cid:107)ρˆ ). (B5) 0 1 0 1 By [5, Lemma 4, Supplementary Information], (1+(1−η)n¯ +ηn¯ )ηn¯ 1+(1−η)n¯ +ηn¯ D(ρˆ (cid:107)ρˆ )=ηn¯ ln S B B +ln S B. (B6) 0 1 B ((1−η)n¯ +ηn¯ )(1+ηn¯ ) 1+ηn¯ S B B B The first two terms of the Taylor series expansion of the RHS of (B6) with respect to n¯ at n¯ =0 are zero S S and the fourth term is negative. Thus, using Taylor’s Theorem with the remainder, we can upper-bound equation (B6) by the third term as follows: (1−η)2n¯2 D(ρˆ (cid:107)ρˆ )≤ S . (B7) 0 1 2ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) B B Combining equations (B3), (B5), and (B7) yields: √ 1 (1−η)n¯ n P(w) ≥ − S . (B8) e 2 4(cid:112)ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) B B Appendix C: Achievability of the Square Root Law with a Heterodyne Receiver Here we examine the performance of optical heterodyne receiver used with coherent state probes. We assume ideal shot-noise limited operation without a drift in local oscillator (LO) phase. This assumption is reasonable: we can reduce the impact of excess noise in the receiver by employing a sufficiently powerful LO and high-bandwidth electronic components, as well as track the LO phase as it drifts. The sensor satisfies the covertness condition by interrogating the target using n¯ photons/mode, where n¯ is defined in (5). S S When a coherent state acquires a phase shift θ and is transmitted through a lossy-noisy bosonic channel, as depicted in Figure 1, a heterodyne receiver outputs a noisy in-phase and quadrature components of the coherent state that is shifted by θ+φ, where φ is the relative phase between the probe and the LO. We assume that each reading is corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), as is the case in the limit of infinite-power LO [14, 15]; in practice, LO power substantially exceeds signal and noise power, ensuring that AWGN is an accurate noise model. We also assume that the sensor knows the distance to the target (simultaneous covert ranging and phase estimation is a challenging problem that we plan on addressing in future work). Thus, the sensor controls φ, and sets it to φ=0. The noise in the measurement of the in-phase component is independent of the noise in the measurement of the quadrature component and vice-versa. The sensor collects two sequences of observations corresponding to in-phase and quadrature components: √ √ {X(I)} and {X(Q)}, i = 1,...,n. Here X(I) = ηn¯ cos(θ)+Z(I) and X(Q) = ηn¯ sin(θ)+Z(Q), with i i i S i i S i 9 (cid:16) (cid:17) {Z(I)} and {Z(Q)} being sequences of i.i.d. zero-mean Gaussian random variables Z(I) ∼N 0,1+n¯B(1−η) i i i 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) √ andZ(Q) ∼N 0,1+n¯B(1−η) [14]. Let’snormalizetheobservationsbydividingthemby ηn¯ . Theresulting i 2 S √ √ sequences are {Y(I)} and {Y(Q)}, such that Y(I) =X(I)/ ηn¯ =cos(θ)+Z(I,N) and Y(Q) =X(Q)/ ηn¯ = i i i i S i i i S (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) sin(θ)+Z(Q,N), where Z(I,N) ∼N 0,1+n¯B(1−η) and Z(Q,N) ∼N 0,1+n¯B(1−η) . i i 2ηn¯S i 2ηn¯S Consider the following estimator for θ: (cid:32)1 (cid:80)n Y(Q)(cid:33) θˆ =tan−1 n i=1 i (C1) het 1 (cid:80)n Y(I) n i=1 i (cid:32)sin(θ)+ 1 (cid:80)n Z(Q,N)(cid:33) =tan−1 n i=1 i (C2) cos(θ)+ 1 (cid:80)n Z(I,N) n i=1 i (cid:18)sin(θ)+Z(Q)(cid:19) =tan−1 , (C3) cos(θ)+Z(I) where Z(I) ∼N(0,σ2 ) and Z(Q) ∼N(0,σ2 ). The variance σ2 is: het het het 1+n¯ (1−η) σ2 = B (C4) het 2nηn¯ S (cid:34) (cid:35) 1 (1−η)(1+n¯ (1−η)) = √ B , (C5) (cid:112) (cid:15) n 8η ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) B B where (C4) is because independent Gaussian random variables are additive and (C5) is from substituting (5). The MSE is: (cid:68) (cid:69) (cid:42)(cid:18) (cid:18)sin(θ)+Z(Q)(cid:19)(cid:19)2(cid:43) (θ−θˆ )2 = θ−tan−1 (C6) het cos(θ)+Z(I) (cid:42)(cid:18) (cid:18)sin(θ)+Rcos(ϕ)(cid:19)(cid:19)2(cid:43) = θ−tan−1 (C7) cos(θ)+Rsin(ϕ) wherein(C7)weusecircularsymmetryofthetwo-dimensionalAWGNtochangefromtherectangulartopolar coordinate system. Thus, the radius is distributed as a Rayleigh random variable R∼Rayleigh(σ2 ) while het (cid:16) (cid:17) the angle is distributed uniformly ϕ∼U([0,2π]). Now, the Taylor series expansion of tan−1 sin(θ)+rcos(ϕ) cos(θ)+rsin(ϕ) around r =0 is: (cid:18)sin(θ)+rcos(ϕ)(cid:19) r2 r3 r4 tan−1 =θ+rcos(θ+ϕ)− sin(2(θ+ϕ))− cos(3(θ+ϕ))+ sin(4(θ+ϕ)) cos(θ)+rsin(ϕ) 2 3 4 r5 r6 r7 r8 + cos(5(θ+ϕ))− sin(6(θ+ϕ))− cos(7(θ+ϕ))+ sin(8(θ+ϕ)) 5 6 7 8 +... (C8) (cid:88)∞ ri ≤θ+rcos(θ+ϕ)+ (C9) i i=2 =θ+rcos(θ+ϕ)−(log(1−r)+r) provided 0≤r <1, (C10) wheretheupperboundin(C9)isbecausesin(x),cos(x)∈[−1,1]. Whilethisdemonstratestheconvergenceof the Taylor series converges for r <1, the nth root test shows that the Taylor series in (C8) does not converge for r > 1 (the series converges for r = 1 by the alternating series test, however, this is a zero-probability 10 event). However, since tan−1(x)∈(cid:2)−π,π(cid:3) and θ ∈(cid:0)−π,π(cid:1), for any r and ϕ, 2 2 2 2 (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)tan−1 sin(θ)+rcos(ϕ) −θ(cid:12)(cid:12)≤π. (C11) (cid:12) cos(θ)+rsin(ϕ) (cid:12) Therefore,usingtheTaylorseriesexpansionoflog(1−x)aroundx=0in(C10),and(C11),itisstraightforward to show there exist constants a∈(0,1) and b>0 such that: (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)tan−1(cid:18)sin(θ)+rcos(ϕ)(cid:19)−θ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)≤(cid:26)rcos(θ+ϕ)+br2 if r ≤a (C12) (cid:12) cos(θ)+rsin(ϕ) (cid:12) π otherwise We can use (C12) to upper bound the MSE: (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:68)(θ−θˆ )2(cid:69)≤ 1 (cid:90) 2π (cid:90) a(rcos(θ+ϕ)+br2)2re−x2/2σh2etdr+(cid:90) ∞π2re−x2/2σh2etdr dϕ (C13) het 2π σ2 σ2 0 0 het a het =σh2et+8b2σh4et− 21e−2σah22et (cid:0)2a4b2+a2(1+8c2σh2et)+2σh2et(1+8c2σh2et)−2π2(cid:1) (C14) =σ2 +O(σ4 ) (C15) het het (cid:34) (cid:35) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 (1−η)(1+n¯ (1−η)) 1 = √ B +O . (C16) (cid:112) (cid:15) n 8η ηn¯ (1+ηn¯ ) n B B Appendix D: Quantum Fisher information for phase estimation with coherent state and two-mode squeezed vacuum input HereweprovidethedetailsofcalculatingthequantumFisherinformation(QFI)forestimatingtheunknown phase θ that is picked up by (a) a single-mode coherent state, and (b) by one of the modes of a two-mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) state. After the phase shift, the probe state passes through a lossy thermal-noise bosonic channel. We note that the order of the phase shift and the bosonic channel does not affect the QFI [7, Appendix A]; we picked the order for the clarity of exposition. To obtain the QFI we employ the quantum fidelity F(ρˆ ,ρˆ ) between two arbitrary Gaussian quantum 1 2 states ρˆ and ρˆ [16]: 1 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 F(ρˆ ,ρˆ )=F exp − δT(V +V )−1δ , (D1) 1 2 0 4 1 2 where V (V ) is the covariance matrix corresponding to the density operator ρˆ (ρˆ ), δ is the difference of 1 2 1 2 the displacement vectors of each state, δ =δ −δ , (D2) 2 1 the function F is, 0 F F = tot (D3) 0 (cid:112) 4 det(V +V ) 1 2 and (cid:89)K (cid:20) (cid:113) (cid:21)1/2 F = w + w2−1 . (D4) tot k k k=1 In (D4), ±w , k =1,...,K are the (standard) eigenvalues of the matrix k W=−2iVΩ, (D5)

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