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Functionalized Germanene as a Prototype of Large-Gap Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators PDF

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by  Chen Si
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Preview Functionalized Germanene as a Prototype of Large-Gap Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators

Functionalized Germanene as a Prototype of Large-Gap Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators Chen Si1, Junwei Liu1, Yong Xu1,2, Jian Wu1, Bing-Lin Gu1,2 and Wenhui Duan1,2∗ 1Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, People’s Republic of China and 2Institue for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, People’s Republic of China (Dated: January 17, 2014) We propose new two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators (TIs) in functionalized germanenes 4 (GeX, X=H, F, Cl, Br or I) using first-principles calculations. We find GeI is a 2D TI with a 1 bulk gap of about 0.3 eV, while GeH, GeF, GeCl and GeBr can be transformed into TIs with 0 sizeable gaps under achievable tensile strains. A unique mechanism is revealed to be responsible 2 for large topologically-nontrivial gap obtained: owing to the functionalization, the σ orbitals with n stronger spin-orbit coupling (SOC) dominate the states around the Fermi level, instead of original a π orbitalswithweakerSOC;thereinto,thecouplingofthepxy orbitalsofGeandheavyhalogensin J forming the σ orbitals also plays a key role in the further enlargement of the gaps in halogenated 6 germanenes. Our results suggest a realistic possibility for the utilization of topological effects at 1 room temperature. ] i I. INTRODUCTION mobilityandeasierintegrabilityintothecurrentelectron- c s ics industry29, it is considered as a promising new star - in the field of 2D nanomaterials30. At the same time, l Recent years have witnessed many breakthroughs in r the success of production of germanane has also stimu- t the study of the topologicalinsulators (TIs), a new class m latethesynthesisofitscounterparts,suchashalogenated ofmaterialswith a bulk bandgapandtopologicallypro- . tectedboundarystates1,2. BasedonTIs,manyintriguing germanenes. t a phenomena, such as giant magneto-electric effects3 and In this work, using first-principles calculations, we m the appearance of Majorana fermions4, are predicted, investigate electronic and topological properties of sin- - which would result in new device paradigms for spin- gle layerof hydrogenated/halogenatedgermanene(GeH, d tronics and quantum computation. In particular, two- GeF, GeCl, GeBr and GeI). We find GeI is a 2D TI n dimensional (2D) TIs have some unique advantages over with an extraordinarily large bulk gap of about 0.3 eV, o c three-dimensional(3D)TIsinsomerespects: allthescat- andGeH, GeF,GeClandGeBraretrivialinsulatorsbut [ terings of electrons are totally forbidden, leading to dis- canbe driveninto nontrivialtopologicalphaseswith siz- sipationlesschargeorspincurrentcarriedbyedgestates; able gaps larger than 0.1 eV under tensile strains. We 1 and the charge carriers can be easily controlled by gat- clearlyrevealthephysicalmechanismforsuchlargetopo- v 0 ing. Althoughmanymaterialsaretheoreticallypredicted logically nontrivial gaps: due to the functionalization of 0 to be 2D TIs5–12, so far only the HgTe/CdTe13 and germanene,the σ orbitals dominate the electronic states 1 InAs/GaSb14 quantum wells are verified by transport near the Fermi level, instead of original π orbitals; and 4 experiments, which, however, still face particular chal- consequentlythestrongspin-orbitcoupling(SOC)within 1. lenges: verysmallbulkgapandincompatibilitywithcon- σ orbitals opens large nontrivial gaps. Thereinto, the 0 ventional semiconductor devices. Therefore search and coupling of the pxy orbitals of Ge and heavy halogens 4 design of 2D TIs with larger gaps from the commonly in forming the σ orbitals plays a key role in the fur- 1 usedmaterialsisindispensablefortheirpracticalutiliza- therenlargementofthegapsinhalogenatedgermanenes. v: tion. TheZ2 topologicalorderisduetothes-pbandinversion i Graphene, with many superior properties from at the Γ point driven by the external strain or different X mechanical15,16 to electronic17,18, has made remarkable chemical functionalizations. r a progress in numerous applications. This has triggered extensive research on other 2D materials, such as sil- II. MODELS AND METHODS icene, germenene, tin monolayer, BN, MoS and many 2 others19–26. Amongthem,grapheneandsilicenecouldbe well produced22,27, however, their practical applications Our calculations are performed in the framework of as 2D TIs are substantially hindered by their extremely density functional theory with ab initio psudopotentials smallbulkgaps(10−3 meVforgraphene28 and1.55meV andplane waveformalismas implemented inthe Vienna forsilicene20). Germaneneandtinmonolayerhavelarger ab initio simulation package31. The Brillouin zone is in- topologically nontrivial gap20,23 but have not been fab- tegratedwitha18×18×1k mesh. Theplane-wavecut-off ricated experimentally yet. Very recently, germanane, energy is set as 400 eV. The system is modeled by a sin- a one-atom-thick sheet of hydrogenatedgermanene with gle hydrogenated or halogenated germanene layer and a the formula GeH, structurally similar to graphane, has vacuumregionmorethan10˚Athicktoeliminatethespu- beensynthesizedsuccessfully29. Withthepredictedhigh riousinteractionbetweenneighbouringslabs. The struc- 2 (a) (a) (b) a 1 a 2 (b) (c) _ _ _ _ _ _ Г + + + + + + ( ) h _ _ _ _ _ _ 3М + + + + + (+) FIG.2: (Color online) (a),(b)Band structuresforGeI with- outSOC(blueline)andwithSOC(blackline)with zooming FIG.1: (Coloronline)Top(a)andside(b)viewsofoptimized in the energy dispersion near the Fermi level. The red cir- structureofGeIdisplayingtheprimitivecellwithBravaislat- cles and green squares represent the weights of the Ge-s and ticevectorsa1 and a2 andthebucklingofGeplaneh. Green and magenta balls represent Ge and I atoms, respectively. Ge-pxy character, respectively. (c) The parities of eleven oc- cupiedbandsatΓandthreeMpointsforGeI.Theproductof theparities at each k point is given in bracketson theright. turesarerelaxeduntiltheremainingforceactingoneach atom is less than 0.01 eV/˚A within generalized gradient where ξ = ±1 denotes parity eigenvalues and N is the approximation(GGA)withthePerdew-Burke-Ernzerhof number of the occupiedbands. Fig. 2(c) showsthe pari- (PBE)functional. BecauseGGAusually underestimates tiesofelevenoccupiedbandsatΓandM.Itreadilyyields thebandgapofgermanideseverely32,wethenuseHeyd- ν =1,indicatingquantumspinHalleffectcanberealized Scuseria-Ernzerhof(HSE)screenedCoulombhybridden- in the single GeI layer. sity functionals33 to calculate the electronic structures andZ topologicalinvariant. TheHSEcalculationsyield For a 2D TI, a remarkable characteristic is an odd 2 number of Dirac-like edge states connecting the conduc- a band gapof 1.5 eV for the bulk GeH in a layeredcrys- tion and valence bands. Thus we have also checkedexis- tal structure, in good agreement with recent diffuse re- tence of the edge states in GeI. We use an armchair GeI flectance absorptionspectroscopymeasurement andthe- oretical calculation29. nanoribbonswithalltheedgeatomspassivatedbyhydro- gen atoms to eliminate the dangling bonds. A large rib- bon width of 9.3 nm is selected to avoidthe interactions III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION between the two edges. Fig. 3(a) shows the calculated electronic structure of GeI nanoribbon. One can clearly see the topological edge states (red lines) that form a Figure1showstheoptimized2DGeIlatticestructure, single Dirac point at the Γ point. Fig. 3(b) displays whichisafullyiodinatedgermanenesinglelayer. Allthe the real-space charge distribution of edge states at the germanium (Ge) atoms are in sp3 hybridization form- Γ point. It is visualized that these states are located at ing a hexagonal network, and the iodine (I) atoms are the two edges and distributed on not only Ge but also I bonded to the Ge atoms onboth sides ofthe plane in an atoms. TheexistenceofedgestatesfurtherindicatesGeI alternating manner. The equilibrium lattice constant is to be a 2D TI. Moreover, its large bulk gap, about 0.3 4.32 ˚A, with the buckling of the germanium plane (h), eV, could be very useful for the applications of topologi- the Ge-Ge and Ge-I bond length being 0.69 ˚A, 2.59 ˚A cal edge states in spintronic and computing technologies and 2.57 ˚A, respectively. at room temperature. WithouttheSOC,GeIisgaplesswiththevalenceband The topological properties of GeI is closely related to maximumandtheconductionbandminimumdegenerate the Ge-Ge bondstrength,whichiswellconfirmedby the attheFermilevel(E ),asshowninFig. 2(a). Including F direct comparison with GeH. GeH shares a similar geo- theSOC,agapof0.54eVisopenedattheΓpoint,along metricstructureasGeIbuthasasmallerlatticeconstant withanindirectgapof0.3eV(Fig. 2(b)). Toidentifythe (see Table 1). It is a normal insulator with a trivial gap 2DTIphase,atopologicalinvariantν isemployedas“or- of 1.60 eV (Fig. 4(a)), while tensile strain could drive derparameter”: ν =0characterizesatrivialphase,while it into a TI phase displaying a nontrivial gap of 0.20 eV ν = 1 means a nontrivial phase. Following the method at the Γ point and an indirect bulk gap of 0.13 eV (Fig. proposedby Fu andKane34, ν for GeI is calculatedfrom 4(b)). Figs. 4(c) and (d) show the bandevolutionat the theparitiesofwavefunctionatalltime-reversal-invariant Γ point of GeH under SOC and strain. Our calculations momenta (k ), one Γ and three M points, as i show that the states near E are mainly contributed by F the s and p orbitals of Ge atoms, and thus we reason- N 4 xy δ(ki)= Yξ2in, (−1)ν =Yδ(ki)=δ(Γ)δ(M)3, ably neglect other atomic orbitals in the following dis- cussion. Firstly the chemical bonding of Ge-Ge makes n=1 i=1 3 (a) (a) (b) (e) (b) (c) (d) s- FIG. 3: (Color online) (a) Electronic structure for armchair GeI nanoribbons with the width of 9.3 nm. The helical edge states (red lines) can be clearly seen around the Γ point dis- E E persinginthebulkgap. (b)Real-spacechargedistributionof F F =ξ ξ σ edge states at Γ. σ s- s ∆s s the s (p ) orbital split into the bonding and antibond- ∆s xy ing states, labeled with s+ (p+ ) and s− (p− ), where xy xy s+ the superscripts + and − representthe parities of corre- sponding states. Without strain, p+ is lower than s−, xy and the trivialgap(EgΓ) of the system (i.e., GeH) is just s+ the distance between them (Fig. 4(c)). Applying ten- sile strain, with the Ge-Ge bonding strength weakened, the splitting of s+ and s− (∆s) is rapidly reduced, caus- FIG.4: (Coloronline)(a),(b),(e)BandstructureswithSOC ing s− shifting below p+ (Fig. 4(d)). In this inverted for unstrained GeH, 12% strained GeH and germanene, re- xy band structure, the s− is occupied, while the quadruply spectively. The splitting of σ orbital at Γ under SOC (ξσ), 0.2 eV. (c) and (d), schematic diagram of the evolution degenerate p+xy is half occupied if the SOC is turned off, o≈f energy levels at Γ for GeH. Without strain, p+ is lower resultinginthatEF staysatp+xy levelandthesystembe- than s− (c). After applying enough large strain, px+xyy and s− comes a semimetal. In contrast, turning on SOC, p+ is are inverted (d). Under SOC, p+ is split into p, 3/2 and xy xy | ± i splitinto|p,±3/2istatewithatotalangularmomentum p, 1/2 states. | ± i j =3/2and|p,±1/2istatewith atotalangularmomen- tumj =1/2,therebyforminganontrivialenergygap. It −→ −→ isalsonotedsimilartothisstraineffectsexternalpressure 3p orbitals; λ is the SOC coefficient (HSO=λL · S)38. couldinducebandinversionandtopologicalphasetransi- It is noted that hydrogenation-induced corrugation has tioninsome3Dsystems35. FromGeHtoGeI,the differ- little effect on ξσ and thus was ignored safely here. For ent functionalization introduces the variation of electron GeH the σ orbital at the Γ point consists entirely of the density, which effectively induces a “quantum electronic Ge-pxy orbitals, so λ could be approximately equal to stress”36. Based on this concept, GeI should behave like Ge atomic SOC, ξGe. Given that λ/δ is small enough atensilelystrainedGeH,havingtheinvertedbandstruc- (≈ 0.02 for GeH), Eq. (1) is simplified based on the ture with s− lower than p+ , as shown in Fig. 2(a) and Taylor expansion: xy (b). λ2 GeI, however, shows a much larger nontrivial gap at ξ =λ+ +o[λ/δ]3 ≈λ≈ξ . (2) σ Ge Γ (EΓ ) than strained GeH: 0.54 eV for the former, 0.20 3δ ng eV for the latter. In GeH, according to a microscopic From Eq. (2), we can see ξ in GeH is of the order of σ tight-binding model with similar basis and Hamiltonian ξ (0.196 eV39), in agreement with our DFT calcula- Ge as Ref. 37, we get the splitting of σ orbital at Γ under tion (0.20 eV). Importantly, Eq. (2) also implies that ξ σ SOC (ξσ) which determines the size of EnΓg as shown in is almost independent of strain, thus the nontrivial gap Fig. 4(c) and (d): intheTIphaseisfoundtoalmostkeepconstantwiththe increase of strain. In GeI, the σ orbital at the Γ point is ξσ =(−3δ+3λ+p9δ2+6δλ+9λ2)/4 (1) derived from the hybridization of the Ge-pxy and I-pxy orbitals. Here Eq. (1) still works but λ in it should be where δ = V −V , V and V are hopping pa- the combination of Ge and I atomic SOC. Then the in- ppσ ppπ ppσ ppπ rameters corresponding to the σ and π bonds formed by troduction of large I atomic SOC ascribed to its heavy 4 atomic mass further increases dramatically the magni- TABLE I: The lattice constant(a) and Ge-Ge bond length tude of ξ in GeI. Thus now we could easily understand σ why the nontrivial gap of GeI is much larger than that (dGe−Ge) at equilibrium, critical strain (εc) and strained lat- tice constant(ac) where the topological phase transition oc- of GeH. curs, nontrivial gap at Γ (EΓ ), indirect bulk gap (∆) for ng Actually, Eqs. (1) and (2) also work for germanene, GeH, GeF, GeCl, GeBr and GeI. silicene and graphene,where ξ is of the order of atomic σ SOC of Ge, Si or C. Fig. 4(e) shows the band structure system GeH GeF GeCl GeBr GeI ofgermanene. Onecanseeitsnontrivialgapisgenerated a (˚A) 4.09 4.30 4.24 4.25 4.32 by the splitting of π orbital at K under SOC (ξ ), ≈ 36 dGe−Ge (˚A) 2.47 2.55 2.54 2.55 2.59 π meV,thoughthesplittingofσorbitalatΓismuchlarger, εc 10% 2% 3% 2% 0% ξ ≈ 0.2 eV. By comparing Fig. 4(a) with 4(e), it is ac (˚A) 4.50 4.39 4.37 4.34 4.32 σ EΓ (eV) 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.27 0.54 clearly found that an important role of adsorbed atoms ng ∆ (eV) 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.30 on germanene is to reduce the energy of π orbital at the K point and induce the dominance of σ orbital at the Γ point near the Fermi level. Thus we can use the larger SOC within σ orbital to open a sizeable gap. larger than 0.1 eV, ample for practical application at For many 2D materials like germanene, silicene, and roomtemperature. Inaddition,itisknownthatthenon- graphene,the statesaroundtheFermilevelaregenerally trivialtopologiesofgraphene,siliceneandgermaneneare contributed by π orbitals. In order to obtain the TIs easilydestroyedby the substrate, whichbreakstheir AB with visible topologically nontrivial gap, a conventional sublatticesymmetryandintroducesthetrivialgapatthe methodistoincreasetheweakSOCofπorbitals,suchas Kpoint. Incontrast,althoughallthetopologicalproper- applying compressive strain to increase the curvature of ties of functionalized germanenes shownin this work are plane20,40, regularly depositing heavy transition metals obtainedforfree-standingsheets,theirnontrivialtopolo- (TMs) on the surface to hybridize the π orbital with the gies would be quite robust when they are on the sub- d orbital of TMs41,42. Remarkably, our work provides strate,becausetheirbandinversionoccursattheΓpoint a new alternative to increase the nontrivial gap, i.e., by rather than the K point and the full saturation of Ge pz making the orbitals (such as σ) with large effective SOC orbitals ensures a weak interaction with the substrate. dominate the states around the Fermi level. Recent theoretical work shows that SnI, iodinated tin monolayer, is also a 2D TI with a bulk gap of about 0.3 IV. CONCLUSIONS eV23. However,theoriginofthislargegapofSnIwasnot clearlyknown. SimilartoGeI,oncetheSnmononlayeris In summary, based on first-principle calculations, we iodinated, the original Sn π orbital dominance near the have studied the band topologies in functionalized ger- Fermilevelischangedintoσorbitaldominance,andthen manene, including the recently synthesized germanene thelargerSOCwithσorbitalintroduceslargernontrivial andhalogenatedgermanenes. Amongthem,GeIisfound gap. Given that Sn has a much larger atomic SOC than to be a promising 2D TI with a very large gap of about Ge,itissupposedthatSnIwouldhavealargernontrivial 0.3 eV, while the others could be transformed into TIs gap than GeI. However, we observe that the bulk gap of with sizeable gaps larger than 0.1 eV by applying ten- GeI (0.3 eV) is unexpectedly comparable with that of sile strain. These large gaps are originated from strong SnI. We further find it is because the hybridization of SOCwithintheσorbitals,whichisoftheorderoftheGe Sn-p and I-p in forming σ orbital is much smaller xy xy atomicSOCinGeHandfurthermagnifiedinhalogenated than that of Ge-p and I-p . A simple orbital analysis xy xy germaneneduetothecouplingbetweenp orbitalsofGe indicates that the ratio of Sn-p to I-p component in xy xy xy and heavy halogens in forming σ orbitals. The s-p band the σ orbitalat the Γ point is about 2:1 while the ratio inversion at the Γ point, as the physical origin for the of Ge-pxy to I-pxy is about 2:3. Z topological order, can be driven by different chemi- We further investigate other functionalized ger- 2 cal functionalizations or the external strain. Our results manenes (GeF, GeCl and GeBr), structural analogues clearly demonstrate the potential for utilization of topo- of GeI and GeH. 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