( stoe ss FUNCTIONAL CO) F the @) 3 BIODIVERSITY A Global Perspective Edited by Harold A. Mooney J. Hall Cushman Ernesto Medina Osvaldo E. Sala Ernst-Detlef Schulze (8) WILEY SLOW Ie Ciel beset Mover, A Ge pi SCQME Marte Tatra Mee Feces, 22, Xp fe fp $2026 8 Goo Fsinmnntl Mowsoing Sper (NSp Aoloe Mae Cor Fae 2, 1 oa fp cowie, roost Sane Ie esokying Co abi DM, 12 pp eh) rirctuantl Sie Pesce Comtsy, Nurs tre HP DEAE ENSgan Lnsinwct Lepr: Aurel Foca, Sv0%e to, (oi BS op foe oe ‘coms Enis, Folu’s Sloes Ate, Mei, 1295 5° ap ac of Fen) scone Stes, weenie ang Shor: Coal, 12, 128 38 (08 ob, odes RUE RScagoar af Rosson Tuas 098 2 pp of nl $2900 16 Tiwana Tee, 177 20 pf SCG 1 Fuarpl of Heotervlony, HIE, 3 po a: ef rin) Sou 18 Theta ay Cle, 9 ppt of ph SCOME Ne, Sven at Mbt ts Spee, DH, 29 yew ak CEIME Ut Endnn Coe Relig, TR, 439 (1 sa pa seen on ‘ cous te BeBe Pe Beis tomes ts scone 29 To Gla Rogentema. 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SDP meee one hy od aa SEDI Comer Tees Rech Mitre se Tene tonan acing ih IK hao. ptss SCOPE 55 Functional Roles of Biodiversity Siemite Commitee an Problems ofthe Ensramment ~ SCOPE excoutice Committe 195-1998 lected 3 June 1995 Oise Prevaants rote ci Lert Lite de Bro asears des Hleurs, B150 Brusels, Balun? Pion Presints Panfssor Vacentn 8. Roytyg, Rusdian Acérluiy of Sioknoss, =f Taninaky Avtane, HHL Mosca tI, Russia PracsPoeisen Prukesaee Toki W.B, Stewatl, Deum’ Faculy of Agricukare 51 Campus Drive, Univenity of Saskutehewas. Suskaroen, Stakatchoan Sin 388, Cenade eawrer: Profesor Heétich Moldan, Teserer, Favincurntal Coule, sty, Potake 3, C7" in Od Prag |, Cave Republic Jat Prntzane Pat! CF Rise, Pisidenl, Cuegut Sale Univer Sits, Admicistie Sorvese Brilaisg, A646, Ceevallig, Oneyua 9732.28, USS Members Proterne LT. Bases, €: soigeunar for ube Catironmtert, 4k Hor Health Ho, Canbers, ALT 200 Ba lzing, Che Meats ard Alirgs Sis, GPO los Sunaii bias Hilo, Sesretarae cle Modi Amougnte, Raut: ¥ Passa, Tateal Anke Suilerey x, 6208, Fresiuree Jarcnes en I Mortsda, Thlpsa M210, Mesica DP Mexico Profssenr Pavic ©, Ha], Disision of Li Scienes. King’s College Loncen, Camper Hl Red. Lasdeat WA AGI, UK Profesor Beng Owe leasion, Department of Syst Feolags, Stalin University, St 91 Steekhot, Seren Proftosor Yasuyuki Onna, Proscent. The Janes Willkie Reseorca C 53 Bunkyo-x, Yurhira, Taya 113, Freeh Ettore Prefesior KE Munn, tratrute far Faciroutewial Slee, 33 Widewsks Sule 116, Cassersty af Tavonts, Torents, Omsia M28 IEE Canada SCOPE 55 Functional Roles of Biodiversity A Global Perspective HAROLD A, MOONEY ‘idan tome teat ce ye Pape Ueing geese ane! Siam AM Uovrenniona Coun ef Seivattic Unions CSL Sienttie Conimives on Problems ofthe Exsrunment (SCONE) SCOPE is one of a timber of coches exiled by a: nen-gusecn= rental iow areunivation, “¥e llensatinal Coursil of Slee Duns FICHE.) The mevnbership of 1CSL. keludes nepnmemtatioes 07 9 selmi. ‘uf rsigiee, 28 ove nloay ands sleet estates, TESL ha la Tisha 2 mteralseplinary Salon te aiap (ousther etivitos which fee se ete ef seen i SCONE wnas eaaned by ECSL’ ix 1989 as one oavk aterdieinizary sody. Ms allemtion ans eons pregrarme ace dtscted (9 ening 40d ful of shstse by several nasors Seach are argent need ot acercseptizery symbese "The mutase of SCOPE ie to aserble, review, aod asses the efenmatinn svalable on rumta-made chviroamental changes and the cst of these henges on pale fo sents and evainate the methods 2 measy'seat oF eaitonmontal potasetens 10 provide an Futian serv ce eu Curent car; a3e hy tho erent AF *13 hex alae isis aang dnd conertustve Fievg so establish IF ay 4 corp anes aie ou che borat of contin oF Fandamerral cesened and of ocganizatinns and sgcocies apezasenaly cugagid It shies af *P2 satzca.geu He ece ee incetice between the lence and. dscivenvnaking, sphere, poovidieg Nevers, polzy-piannors and cecster-makats cb analyse: tous +2 Prenfole suund managernt aid pois races. ‘Ne presel, reprsantates of 38 member cnunees ais! 22 meresional luioos inal scentiie comuiness sutisipae an the wWo-k ul SCOPE, vith iets zona stound the srle conzsnccng their tune and expertise tthe Drojecis in the seontite propsamms. SCOPE := governed ty a General ‘Swetiby. wien mess every shee years. Bers such meting Hs aces tes ae dseted by she Fssceiee Copter ovens exvinonmental suse ether RE. MUNN Calter ict SCOPE Publsesens Exseucve Dares: W, Ploog-Fieheet Sooveara 31 foles4ed ae Meatmoreney THOM Pai, Passe Contents Cooutanoes 1 “Tne SCOPE Hemystem IA. Muogey ss Fall Cian. Bree Me fond RD. Schuler ET Bckaraved, 12 The SCOPT. Fergie 13 The Givhal Raneine ily Avsssinen 1a Frograns Palestine imeioning of Woivensey Progega Arete and Alpine Blades ts aterm, Cans Hn Baoeaten Comes Site Che ad Chitin Kime Ue Aelia Aion Hi 2 Past, Moses. Ae Eure Cages nS Fsenity 4 Bhs 9° Bisiversty 1m Booey brooeaee LAP Nation cxcing and exergy Me 243. Spreistanion in evince spline 2.33 Aoeien pute and loser 2184 Energy insane ana fence 2.23 Landscape enctzcs aver input an Ie B34 Maincosnnne sae. <esons ita 3.27 Insurance etrences itive and ewspstr Pracenes fa Boteal Regions fon Peas. David fe Mtasenne? Yea Skt, eke Beant ant Serge Basse 31 Tnlenduction A Naum! Diversey of Boveal Regions BEL Tree species 322 Mrmtals S13 Birk 54 Lavecte 25, Panusrrion vias bivdivemry ia, ene, Sie i 3.26 Landscapes and distr sanccs 4 32 7 Sythesin oF ccowptem covecqucrens of the ad patie ns a hed ve-ity a ity ana BA Homan vod Chants so thet Elfics viv Ragsyaton Fnetign BAD Climate ard almogphine BA2 Resorsat siagsnsl BA Resazch Rests BAD Lecg-om sways 32 Fapevimenls BAA Mods a baer Fos 45 Sunemiy Retrores [Biodiversity al Eeusatva Funeion of Lemperate Desianas Beta teamed Fores ™ BoD. Sse, FA. Bove, Rud Sedebaen L. Kotke 5. Toca’ 4) Tntraduetion 442 Bliss in Texpenate Usviaaoue Forest 43 Linking Uiediversty une Leowster: Properties 44 Inset uf Bodbeenaty ax Bzossstem Peceesos 4341. ilfects on fenes prosucaey 442 Leos on autent evel 443 fects on buadvenity 07 eeoaycem weer lets 444 Liles ef bundiersity on Forest ealonce 45 lfc of Lan-oxe Carvatsines end Managemen et beagyatem “racriars a 451 Comers of aed ‘sae fore inte eoerve slanttion a 482 Couverson of bruce: eaves forest ita greta and agtealuze 453 OM Gold reatarestason 434 Fragmentation and oot of fora! uamagenmest 435 Dalton ane invasion 4 nein ‘Heeststcm Function of iodiversiy in Arid Hest ” Lo. Hse and f Noble EF lataeustive %» 2 Characstnaron of Bisse in cl Lams ro 53 Bindivereiy, aad Fensyem Prawsyes kn