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Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory: Proceedings of the Seminário de Análise Funcional, Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproximação, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 7 – 11, 1978 PDF

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Preview Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory: Proceedings of the Seminário de Análise Funcional, Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproximação, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 7 – 11, 1978

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 843 lanoitcnuF ,sisylanA ,yhpromoloH dna noitamixorppA Theory Proceedings of the Seminario de Ana.lise Funcional, Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproxima~.o, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 7 - ,11 1978 Edited by Silvio Machado galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York 1891 Editor Silvio Machado Instituto de Matem,~tica Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Caixa Postal 1835 21910 Rio de Janeiro JR Brazil AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 32-XX, 41-XX, 46-XX ISBN 3-540-10560-3 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-10560-3 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin the whole or whether This work All is subject to rights are reserved, copyright. part of reprinting, specifically those of translation, is concerned, the material reproduction of broadcasting, illustrations, re-use yb or photocopying machine similar means, dna storage ni data § Under 54 banks. Copyright of the German waL where copies are made for to fee is a payable use, than private other Wort", "Verwertungsgesellschaft .hcinuM © by ga]reV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg 189f Printed ni Germany Printing dna binding: Offsetdruck, Beltz Hemsbach/Bergstr. 012345-0413/1412 FOREWORD This volume contains the proceedings of the Semin~rio de An~- lise Funoional, Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproxima~o held at Instituto de Matem~tica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Au- gust 7-11, 1978. It includes pape~ either of a research or of an advanced expository nature. Some of them could not be actually pre- sented during the Seminar, and are being included here by invitation. The participant mathematicians came from Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, United States and Uruguay. The members of the organizing committee were J.A. Barroso, S. Machado (coordinator), M.C. Matos, J. Mujica, L. Nachbin, D. Pisanelli, J.B. Prolla and G. Zapata. For direct financial support thanks are due to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient~fico e Tecnol~gico (CNPq); to Conselho de Ensino para Graduados e Pesquisa (CEPG) of UFRJ, and here we also thank particularly Dr. Sergio Neves Monteiro for his understanding; to IBM of Brazil, with special thanks to Dr. Jos6 Paulo Schiffini. Travelling grants for some participants were individually provided by Fundaq~o de Amparo A Pesquisa do Estado de S~o Paulo (FAPBSP) and Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), S~o Paulo, Brazil. Professor Radiwal Alves Pereira, then Director of the Institu- to de Matem~tica, collaborated beyond the line of his duty in the organizational details of the meeting; the Coordinator emphasizes his heartfelt thanks to him. Professor Paulo Emidio Barbosa made available the facilities of the Centro de CiSncias Matem~ticas e da Natureza (CCMN) of UFRJ, of which he is Dean and to which belongs the Instituto de Matem~tica; it is a pleasure to offer our thanks to him. A special word of appreciation on the part of the Coordinator goes to iV Professor Leopoldo Nachbin for making available his experience and unfailing moral support. We also thank Wilson G~es for a competent typing job. Rio de Janeiro, August 1978 Silvio Machado CONTENTS JoM° Ansemil and An Example of a Quasi-Normable Fr~chet 1 So Ponte Space which is not a Schwartz Space Aboubakr Bayoumi The Levi Problem and the Radius of 9 Convergence of Holomorphic Functions on Metric Vector Spaces Edward Beckenstein and Extending Nonarchimedean Norms on 33 Lawrence Narici Algebras Ehrhard Behrends M-Structure in Tensor Products of 41 Banach Spaces Mauro Bianchini Silva-Holomorphy Types, Borel Trans- 55 forms and Partial Differential Operators Klaus-D. Bierstedt The Approximation-Theoretic Localiza- 93 tion of Schwartz's Approximation Property for Weighted Locally Convex Function Spaces and some Examples Bruno Brosowski An Application of Korovkin's Theorem 150 to Certain Partial Differential Equations J.F. Colombeau and The Fourier-Borel Transform in Infi- 163 B. Perrot nitely Many Dimensions and Applica- tions J.F. Colombeau, B. Perrot On the Solvability of Differential 187 and T.A.W. Dwyer, III Equations of Infinite Order in Non- Metrizable Spaces JoF. Colombeau and C~-Functions on Locally Convex and 195 Reinhold Meise on Bornolo~ical Vector Spaces J.B. Cooper and Uniform Measures and Cosaks Spaces 217 Wo Schachermayer Se~n Dineen Holomorphic Germs on Compact Sub- 247 sets of Locally Convex Spaces G~rard G. Emch Some Mathematical Problems in Non- 264 Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics Benno Fuchssteiner Generalized Hewitt-Nachbin Spaces 296 Arising in State-Space Completions Ludger Kaup On the Topology of Compact Complex 319 Surfaces Wilhelm Kaup Jordan Algebras and Holomorphy 341 Christer O° Kiselman How to Recognize Supports from the 366 Growth of Functional Transforms in Real and Complex Analysis IV Paul Kr6e Linear Differential Operators on 373 Vector Spaces Bernard Lascar Solutions Faibles et Solutions Fortes 4O5 du Probl~me 5u = f ou f est une Fonction ~ Croissanee Polynomiale sur un Espace de Hilbert M~rio C. Matos and Silva-Holomorphy Types 437 Leopoldo Nachbin Luiza A. Moraes Envelopes for Types of Holomorphy 488 Jorge Mujica Domains of Holomorphy in (DFC)-Spaces 5o0 Olympia Nieodemi Homomorphisms of Algebras of Germs 534 of Holomorphic Functions Jo~o B. Prolla On the Spectra of Non-Archimedean 547 Function Algebras Jean Schmets An Example of the Barrelled Space 561 Associated to C(X;E) Manuel Valdivia On Suprabarrelled Spaces 572 Maria Carmelina F. Zaine Envelopes of Silva-Holomorphy 581 Guido Zapata Dense Subalgebras in Topological 615 Algebras of Differentiable Functions AN EXAMPLE OF A QUASI-NORMABLE FR~CHET FUNCTION SPACE WHICH IS NOT A SCHWARTZ SPACE J.M. Ansemil and S. Ponte Departamento de Teor{a de Funciones Facultad de Matem~ticas Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Spain I. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES Let E and F be complex Banach spaces, U an open subset of E and (Zb(U;E),Tb) the vector space of the mappings f: U ~ F which are holomorphic of bounded type on U endowed with its natural topology T b. It is clear that (Zb(U;F),Tb) is a Fr6chet space. In [6 3 it has been shown that when U is balanced then the topolo- gical dual of (~b(U;F),Tb) is isomorphic to a certain space of se- quences S(U;F). Moreover, assuming that U is, either all of E, or else a bounded balanced convex open subset of E, then S(U;F) has been endowed with a natural topology 6 T which has been shown to be finer than the strong topolo6~y T on the dual space. We shall 8 now show that if U is the open ball B(O,R), O < R { ~ (the case R = m corresponds to U = E), then the above isomorphism is topological, and that (Zb(U;F),Tb) is a quasi-normable Fr6chet space which is not a Schwartz space unless dim E < ~ and dim F < ~. Finally, we want to acknowled@e Profs. J.M. Isidro, J. Mujica and L, Nachbin for their help and suggestions while preparing this paper. 2. THE DISTINGUISHED CHARACTER OF (Zb(U;F),rb). Definition. For each r, 0 < r < R, we define S (U;F) to be the r co ~anaoh space o~ seque~oes U = (Un) C 17 ~(%;F)' for whioh n=O there is a constant C z 0 such that II~nll, n c r for all n 6 N, endowed with the norm lln~II rII~ll : sup n ' ~ = (Un) C Sr(U;F). nEN r We define S(U;F) as the vector space U Sr(U;F), and O<r<R T6 is defined to be the corresponding inductive limit topolo~ ~ on The following theorem is Propositions 8 and 9 of [6]. Theorem i, For each ~ = (~n) E S(U;F) the mapping (*) ~: f. <f,~> = z <~ anf(o),~n ,> f ~ ~b(U;~) n=O defines an element ~ 6 (ZD(U;F),~D)' • Conversely, if 6 (~b(U;F),Tb)' , then the sequence (Ks) , ~n = ~ (hE;F) of its 9 restrictions to the subspaces e(ne;F) c ~b(U;F) defines a~ element or S(U~F) whose associated f..otio~a~ is ~ by (~). Moreover, if we identify the dual space (Zb(U;F),Tb)' with S(U;F) by means of the (algebraic) isomorphism given above, we have ([63, Proposition 12)that T% is finer than the strong topology B T We shall repeat here for further use the proof of Proposition 13, [6]. Lemma Ix For each rB-bounded subset X of S(U;F) there is an r, 0 < r < R, such that X is contained and bounded in the Banach space Sr(U;F), Proof. Since (Zb(U;F),~b) is a barreled space, each ~B-bounded subset of the dual space S(U;F) is equicontinuous. Hence, given X, there is a neighbourhood W of the origin in (Zb(U;F),Tb) such that sup ~ I {~ ~nf(e),~n ~ ~ 1. (Zn)EX, fEW n=O We may assume that W-- [f 6 ~b(U;F)" sup Hf(t)II ~ ~] II r~llt for some r~ O < r < R, and some 6 > O. Now, for each n E ~[ and each P ~ ~ (nEfF) with IIPll -- 1 we have --PE w n r therefore (~) r for all n ~ ~, a1~ PC ~(n~',~F) with IIPII = I and all (~n) ~ ~" From (*) it is easy to see that X is contained and bounded in sr(~). Proposition i. 8 T and T~ induce the same topology on each ~8-bounded subset of S(U;F). Proof. Let X be a T -bounded subset of S(U;F). Without loss of 8 generality we may assume that X is b~lanced and convex. Because of Lemma i, X is contained and bounded in Sr(U;F ) for a suitable r, O < r < R. Take 0 such that r < p < R and let (~)~EA c X be a net in X which is Ts-convergent to zero. Then (~)~EA con- verges to zero in Sp(U;F)o Indeed, since (U~)~EA is bounded in Sr(U;F), there is C ~ 0 such that for all n E N, and all ~ 6 A, hence n K C(~ for all n E ~ and all ~ E i. Therefore, given any ¢ > O, there is an index M 6 q~ such that sup - - K n n~M D for all ~ E A. Since the closed unit ball of @(nE;F)~ n E ~, is a bounded subset of (~b(UiF),~b) and (~X)~SA is cB-convergent to zero, we have ~n 4 0 for each n 6 ~. Hence, there is a k E A such that o 3I P for all X ~ ~o and n = O,l,...,M so that we have sup - - ~ ¢ n nEN for all ~ ~ ~o" This sho~s that (~X)~EA converges to zero in O S (U;F). Now, we can apply the result of Orothendieck ([5] , p.lOS, Lemme 5), to conclude that the topology induced on X by ~8 is finer than the one induced by S (U;F). The converse is obvious and this completes the proof. Lemma 1 and the proof of Proposition i proves the following. Corollary i. The inductive limit (S(U;F),~t) = lim Sr(U;F ) 0<r<R is boundedly retractive, that is, every bounded set X is contained and bounded in some Sr(U;F), 0 < r < R and S(U;F) and Sr(U;F ) induce on X the same topology. Theorem 2. ~B and ~ coincide on S(U;F). Therefore, (S(U;F),I~) and ((~b(U;F),¢8)' ,~B) are isomorphic as topological vector spaces. Proof. It suffices to prove that theidentity mapping )~( (s(~;~),%) . (s(~;F),~) is continuous. Since (~b(U;F),Tb) is a metrizable space,

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