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Functional Analysis, Holomorphy and Approximation Theory: 1st: Seminar Proceedings: 1st PDF

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FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, HOLOMORPHY AND APPROXIMATION THEORY This Page Intentionally Left Blank NORTH-HOLLAND MATHEMATICS STUDIES 71 Notas de Matematica (88) Editor: Leopoldo Nachbin Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and University of Rochester Functional Analysis, Holomorphy and Approximation Theory Proceedings of the Seminario de Analise Functional, Holomorfia e Teoria da AproximaGGo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, August 4-8,1980 Edited by Jorge Alberto BARROSO lnstituto de MatemBtica Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 1982 NORT-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY-AMSTERDAM NEW YORK OXFORD North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. ISBN: 0 444 86527 6 Publishers: NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM NEW YORK OXFORD Sole distributorsf or the U.S.A.a nd Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 52 VANDERBILT AVENUE NEW YORK,N.Y. 10017 Lihrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Semingrio de Anslise Funcional, Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproximaf % o (1980 : Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) Functional analysis, holomorphy, and approximation theory. (North-Holland mathematics studies ; 71) (Notas de matematica ; 88) 1. Functional analysis--Congresses. 2. Holomorphic function--Congresses. 3. Domains of holomorphy-- Congresses. 4. Approximation theory--Congresses. I. Barroso, Jorge Alberto. 11. Title. 111. Series. IV. Series: Notas de matematica (North-Holland Publishing Company) ; 88. QAl.N86 no. 88 [QA320] 510s L515.71 82-18908 ISBN 0-444-86527-6 PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS FOREWORD This volume is the Proceedings of the Semindrio de Andlise Funcional, Holomorfia e Teoria da Aproximapzo, held at the Insti- tuto de MatemBtica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in August 4-8, 1980. It includes papers of a research or of an advanced expository nature. Some of them were presented at the Seminar. Others are contributions of prospective participants, that, for one or another reason, could not attend the Seminar. The participant mathematicians are from Brazil, Chile, England, France, Spain, United States, Uruguay, West Germany and Yugoslavia. The members of the organizing committee were J.A. Barroso (Coordinator), S. Machado, M.C. Matos, L. Nachbin, D. Pisanelli, J.B. Prolla and G. Zapata. Our warmest thanks are due to the support of the Conselho de Ensino para Graduados e Pesquisa (CEPG) of UFRJ, Mainly through its President, Profeseor SQrgio Neves Monteiro, and to the I.B.M. do Brasil. We are happy to thank Professor Paulo Emidio de Freitas Bar- bosa, Dean of the Centro de CiGncias Matemgticas e da Natureza (CCMN) of UFRJ, in whose facilities the Seminar was very comforta- bly held. Our gratitude and admiration to our friend Professor Leopoldo Nachbin, whose experience and support made the task of preparing this volume easier. We also tbank Wilson Goes for a competent typing job. Jorge Albert0 Barroso This Page Intentionally Left Blank vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Rodrigo Arocena and On a lifting theorem and its rela- Mischa Cotlar tion to some approximation problems 1 Klaus D. Bierstedt, R.G. Meise and Kt)the sets and Kbthe sequence spaces 27 W.H. Summers Bruno Brosowski Parametric approximation and optimization 93 M.T. Carrillo and Maximal convolution operators and M. de Guzm6n approximations 117 J.F. Colombeau and Convolution equations in infinite Mdrio C. Matos dimensions: Brief survey, new results and proofs 13 1 J.F. Colombeau and Holomorphic and differentiable Jorge Mujica mappings of uniform bounded type 179 J.F. Colombeau and Finite-difference partial differ- O.W. Paques ential equations in normed and locally convex spaces 201 Ed Dubinsky Approximation properties in nuclear Fr6chet spaces 215 R6mi Langevin Geometry of the neighbourhood of a singularity 23 5 Pierre Lelong A class of Fr6chet complex spaces in which the bounded sets are C-polar sets 255 R.G. Meise and An interpretation of T,,, and Dietmar Vogt T6 as normal topologies of sequence spaces 273 Reinhard Mennicken and Well located subspaces of Manfred MOller LF-spaces 287 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS P.S. Milojevi6 Continuation theory for A-proper and strongly A-closed mappings and their uniform limits and nonlinear perturbations of Fredholm mappings 299 V.B. Moscatelli New examples of nuclear Fr6chet spaces without bases 373 Michael 0’ Carroll A survey of some recent results on the inverse spectral and scattering problems for differ- ential operators 379 Peter Pflug Various applications of the existence of well growing holo- morphic functions 391 On the Stone-Weierstrass theorem for modules over non-Archimedean valued fields 4 13 Laurent Schwartz Semi-Martingales and measure theory 433 Manuel Valdivia On semi-Suslin spaces and dual metric spaces 445 G. Zapata On the approximation of functions in inductive limits 461 Functional Analysis, Holomotphy and Approximation Theory, JA. Barroso led.) 0N orth-Hollond hblishing Company. 1982 In memory of A. MONTEIRO, an extraordinary man and teacher ON A LIFTING THEOREM AND ITS RELATION TO SOME APPROXIMATION PROBmMS Rodrigo Arocena and Mischa Cotlar SUMMARY We point out that there is a close relation between some approximation problems and a lifting theorem studied in previous papers. A new simplified proof and an improved version of the theorem, more adequated to our aim, are given. 1. INTRODUCTION AND NOTATIONS In this self-contained paper we continue the study of some questions considered in [2] and related to a lifting theorem. We show that this lifting theorem allows to approach some classical approximation problems. Conversely, these approximation problems yield a natural motivation of the lifting and suggest the corres- ponding theorem. Thus, we give a new simplified proof and an im- proved version of that lifting theorem, adapted to and motivated by approximation questions. We shall work in the unit circle TN [0,2rr] and use the following notations: en(t) = exp(int), P+ = {analytic polynomials, ‘kn=O ckek(t), n ;r 03, P- = Ex,, -1 ck e k(t ), n=1,2 ,...3 , eJP+ = = {x;+n ckek( t), n t 0) , p = P+ + P- , dt = the Lebesgue measure -n in T, P - =~ { c ckek(t), n > 03, HP = {f 6 LP(T) : 2.(n)= 0, k=-1

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