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EMS Series of Congress Reports EMS Congress Reports publishes volumes originating from conferences or seminars focusing on any field of pure or applied mathematics. The individual volumes include an introduction into their subject and review of the contributions in this context. Articles are required to undergo a refereeing process and are accepted only if they contain a survey or significant results not published elsewhere in the literature. Previously published: Trends in Representation Theory of Algebras and Related Topics, Andrzej Skowron´ski (ed.) K-Theory and Noncommutative Geometry, Guillermo Cortiñas et al. (eds.) Classification of Algebraic Varieties, Carel Faber, Gerard van der Geer and Eduard Looijenga (eds.) Surveys in Stochastic Processes, Jochen Blath, Peter Imkeller and Sylvie Rœlly (eds.) Representations of Algebras and Related Topics, Andrzej Skowron´ski and Kunio Yamagata (eds.) Contributions to Algebraic Geometry. Impanga Lecture Notes, Piotr Pragacz (ed.) Geometry and Arithmetic, Carel Faber, Gavril Farkas and Robin de Jong (eds.) Derived Categories in Algebraic Geometry. Toyko 2011, Yujiro Kawamata (ed.) Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras, David J. Benson, Henning Krause and Andrzej Skowron´ski (eds.) Valuation Theory in Interaction, Antonio Campillo, Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann and Bernard Teissier (eds.) Representation Theory – Current Trends and Perspectives, Henning Krause, Peter Littelmann, Gunter Malle, Karl-Hermann Neeb and Christoph Schweigert (eds.) Functional Analysis and Operator Theory for Quantum Physics The Pavel Exner Anniversary Volume Jaroslav Dittrich Hynek Kovarˇík Ari Laptev Editors Editors: Dr. Jaroslav Dittrich Prof. Ari Laptev Department of Theoretical Physics Department of Mathematics Nuclear Physics Institute Imperial College London Czech Academy of Sciences Huxley Building, 180 Queen’s Gate 250 68 Rˇež London SW7 2AZ Czech Republic UK Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Prof. Hynek Kovarˇík and DICATAM – Sezione di Matematica Università degli Studi di Brescia Institut Mittag-Leffler Via Branze 38 Auravägen 17 25123 Brescia 182 60 Djursholm Italy Sweden Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary: 81Q37, 81Q35, 35P15, 35P25. Key words: Schrödinger operators, point interactions, metric graphs, quantum waveguides, eigenvalue estimates, operator-valued functions, Cayley–Hamilton theorem, adiabatic theorem. ISBN 978-3-03719-175-0 The Swiss National Library lists this publication in The Swiss Book, the Swiss national bibliography, and the detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://www.helveticat.ch. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. © European Mathematical Society 2017 Contact address: European Mathematical Society Publishing House Seminar for Applied Mathematics ETH-Zentrum SEW A21 CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 632 34 36 Email: [email protected] Homepage: www.ems-ph.org Typeset by the editors using the authors’ TeX files: M. Zunino, Stuttgart, Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Bad Langensalza GmbH, Bad Langensalza, Germany ∞ Printed on acid free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface PavelExnerwasborninPragueonMarch30,1946.AfterhisstudiesattheFacultyof TechnicalandNuclearPhysics1oftheCzechTechnicalUniversityandattheFaculty ofMathematicsandPhysics(FMP)oftheCharlesUniversityinPrague,heearnedhis MSc-equivalentdegreein1969fromtheCharlesUniversityonthebasisofhisthesis onthetheoryofinelastice-pscattering. Inthesubsequentyearshecontinuedtowork attheDepartmentoftheTheoreticalPhysicsofFMP.Hewasprimarilyinterestedin thequantumtheoryofunstablesystems and,in(cid:2)uencedbyM.Havlícˇek,alsointhe representations of Lie algebras. In 1978 he left for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)inDubna,wherehespent12fruitfulyears. In the 1970’s he was not allowed to defend his CSc (PhD-equivalent) thesis on unstable systems at the Charles University, for the reasons which had nothing to do with science and which nowadays nobody would understand. In 1984, for the samereasons,hechangedhishomeaffiliationtotheNuclearPhysicsInstituteofthe Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences2 at Rˇež near Prague where he still works. In Dubna,PavelstartedtobeinterestedinpathintegralsandearnedhisCScdegreeon thissubjectfromJINRin1983.Theresultsofhiseffortsinthestudyofopenquantum systemsandpathintegralsaresummarizedinthemonographOpenquantumsystems and Feynman integrals [1]. He was awarded several prizes, in particular, the JINR Prizeintheoreticalphysics. Starting from the 1980’s, Pavel initiated his works on solvable models in quan- tummechanicswithparticularattention tocontactinteractions supportedbypoints, curvesandsurfaces. Alongseries ofhispapersinthisfieldisstill farfromitsend. Hismathematicallyrigorousstudiesofquantummechanicalproblemsandhisuniver- sitylecturesalsogaverisetoamonographonthetheoryoflinearoperators,written jointly withJ.BlankandM.Havlícˇek; firstasatextbookforgraduatestudentsand thenasabookforactiveresearchersinmathematicalphysicsandappliedmathemat- ics. Bynow the bookexists in three editions, eachsubstantially upgraded: [2], [3], and[4]. Oneofthemost important of Pavel’sresults isthe discoveryofthe existence of bound states in curvedquantum waveguides, i.e., forquantum particles confined in thetwoorthreedimensionaltube-likeregions. Hisearlypapersonthissubjectwith P.Šeba and P.Št’ovícˇek [5] and [6], together with that of Goldstone and Jaffe [7], 1PresentlyFacultyofNuclearSciencesandPhysicalEngineering. 2PresentlyNuclearPhysicsInstituteofCzechAcademyofSciences. vi J.Dittrich,H.Kovarˇík,andA.Laptev started the development of this new field in mathematical physics in which Pavel remains tobeoneoftheleading scientists. Theoryofquantum waveguidesissum- marizedintherecentbook[8]. InrecentyearsPavelhasbeenworkingmainlyonthetheoryoftheso-calledleaky quantum graphswheretheparticle istransversally boundedbyacontact typeinter- actiontothegraph-likestructure,boundedorwithunlimitedleads. Thesestructures haveattractedalotofattentioninthemathematicalphysicscommunityoverthepast decade. Pavelhascontributedtothisrapidlydevelopingresearchareabypublishing numerousworksonthesubjectononehand,andbyorganizingaseriesofmeetings andprogrammesforspecialistsinthefieldontheotherhand. Atpresent,PavelExnerisanauthorofmorethan250originalpaperswithabout 3300totalcitations. Heisalsoamemberofseveraleditorialboardsandprofessional societiesamongwhichistheAcademiaEuropaea,justtomentiononeofthem. AsubstantialpartofPavelExner’sscientificactivityisdedicatedtocollaborations with students and youngscientists. Since his return from Dubnain the early 1990s morethantwentyPh.D.studentsandpostdocsworkedunderhissupervision. Many of them have later continued their career in the academy and became independent researchers. Besideshisresearchandteachingactivities,Pavelhasnotfailedtoservethemath- ematical physics community also as an organizer. He founded the series of con- ferences“Mathematical ResultsinQuantumTheory”(QMath)andpersonallyorga- nizedanumberofthem. ThefirstQMathconferencewasheldatDubnain1987,the QMath13 took place at Atlanta in 2016. In 2009, Pavel was the main organizer of theXVIInternationalCongressonMathematicalPhysicsinPrague. Heinitiatedthe foundation, andforanumberofyearshehasbeenservingasthescientific director, oftheDopplerInstitute formathematical physicsandappliedmathematics, agroup of mathematical physicists and mathematicians from a few Czech institutions col- laborating andhavingcommonseminarssince1993. Pavelwasthepresident ofthe International Association of Mathematical Physics in 2009–2011, vicepresident of EuropeanResearchCouncilin2011-2014,president oftheEuropeanMathematical Societyfor2015-2018tomentionjusthismostimportantduties. Needlesstosaythat Pavel always tries to support and push up his students and colleagues. The picture wouldnotbecompletewithoutmentioningPavel’sfamily,hiswifeJanawithwhom he had lived since marriage in 1971, three daughters, Milena, Hana, and Veˇra, and fivegrandchildren. The present proceedings collect papers submitted to celebrate Pavel’s seventies birthday. Most contributions treat subjects closely related to Pavel’s scientific in- terests;quantumgraphs,waveguidesandlayers,contactinteractionsincludingtime- dependentones,Schrödingerandsimilaroperatorsonmanifoldsoroncertainspecial vii Preface domains with special potentials, product formulas for operator semigroups. Other papers deal with infinite finite-band matrices, abstract perturbation theory, nodal propertiesoftheLaplacianeigenfunctions,non-linearequationsonmanifolds,stochas- ticandadiabaticproblems,andsomeissuesinquantumfieldtheory.Alltogetherthey provide variousexamplesofapplications offunctional analysis inquantum physics andpartialdifferentialequations. JaroslavDittrich HynekKovarˇík AriLaptev References [1] P.Exner,OpenquantumsystemsandFeynmanintegrals.FundamentalTheories ofPhysics.D.ReidelPublishingCo.,Dordrecht,1985. ISBN90-277-1678-1 MR0766559 Zbl0638.46051 [2] J.Blank, P.Exner, and M.Havlícˇek, Linear operators in quantum physics. Karolinum,Prague,1993.InCzech. ISBN80-7066-586-6 [3] J.Blank,P.Exner,andM.Havlícˇek,Hilbertspaceoperatorsinquantumphysics. AIP SeriesinComputational andAppliedMathematical Physics.American In- stituteofPhysics,NewYork,1994. ISBN1-56396-142-3 MR1275370 Zbl0873.46038 [4] J.Blank,P.Exner,andM.Havlícˇek,Hilbertspaceoperatorsinquantumphysics. Second edition. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Springer, Berlin etc., 2008. ISBN978-1-4020-8869-8 MR2458485 Zbl1163.47060 [5] P.Exner and P.Šeba, Bound states in quantum waveguides. J.Math. Phys. 30 (1989),no.11,2574–2580. Zbl0693.46066 [6] P.Exner,P.Šeba,andP.Št’ovícˇek,OnexistenceofaboundstateinanL-shaped- waiguide.Czech.J.Phys.B39(1989),1181–1191. [7] J.Goldstone and R.L.Jaffe, Bound states in twisting tubes. Phys. Rev. B45 (1992),14100–14107. [8] P.Exner and H.Kovaˇrík, Quantum waveguides. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.Springer,Cham,2015. ISBN978-3-319-18575-0 MR3362506 Zbl1314.81001 PavelExnerin2015(photoM.Rychlík)

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