THE PROGRAM OF THE STRESS REDUCTION CLINIC AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL CENTER Jon Kabat- Zinn, Ph.D. Bestselling Author of Wherever You Go, There You Are Preface by Thich Nhat Hanh FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR IIAn unusual-and unusually profound-self-help manual that teaches the application of ancient meditative techniques to modem living. . . . Kabat-Zinn here details the lessons of the course-from how to undertake a breathing-attentive 'sitting' meditation to how to apply insights gained to the obvious stresses of physical and emotional pain, as well as the more subtle stresses of work, other people, time pressure, etc.-the 'poignant enormity of our life experience.' " -Kirkus Reviews 1110 perSonable, enlightening prose, Kabat-Zinn first explains how to develop a meditation schedule, and in later chapters pragmatically applies his plan to the main sources of stress. An impressive middle section clearly marshals scientific and anecdotal evidence relating state of mind to state of health. And while emphasizing meditation's healing potential, Kabat Zinn makes no sweeping claims, suggesting that the discipline serve not as a means but as an end." -Publishers Weekly Comments from graduates of the program: "My bouts with severe pain remind me to practice what I learned in the stress clinic. And it still works!" -Gladys McGauley, age 88 "The program saved my life." -Gregg Hathaway, Leominster firefighter "Meditation has become the fifteenth club in my golf bag." -Bill Morrow, retired businessman "Ten years after my initial experience with the Stress Reduction and Relaxation Program, which I attended after being diagnosed with cancer, I continue to practice, expanding my universe, enhancing wellness, bal ancing my emotions, and quickening my spirit. It is a powerful journey." -Marie Sullivan, therapist What referring physicians and other health professionals say about the clinic: "I have found the stress reduction program invaluable in helping to manage stress and anxiety problems in my patients. Not only do the patients benefit from the program in the short term, they learn techniques to help them face future stressful situations more confidently. The nearly unanimous opinion of patients completing the program is that they feel they again can take charge of their own lives." -Mary R. Hawthorne, M.D. General Internal Medicine Worcester, Massachusetts "Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn's meditative approach to stress reduction is the answer for the majority of our patients who present with stress-related symptoms or illnesses. This self-regulating modality helps people improve their coping skills in their work life. It is a necessary pressure relief valve in this era of increased productivity and expectations from employers." -Thomas H. Winters, M.D. Director, Medsite Occupational Health Center Quincy, Massachusetts Former Director, Primary Care Clinic, U Mass Medical Center "The usefulness of Dr. Kabat-Zinn's stress reduction program cannot be overestimated. I have had many patients for whom this program was the most important part of their therapeutic regimen." -Joseph Alpert, M.D. Director of Cardiovascular Medicine U Mass Medical School ,"I know the stress clinic works. It has helped my patients with chronic low back pain and neck pain many times over the past ten years plus." -John J. Monahan, M.D. Department of Orthopedics U Mass Medical School "I have sent innumerable patients to the Stress Reduction and Relaxation Program over the years and most have found it quite useful. It has allowed me to minimize the use of medications for many conditions, including hypertension, anxiety, arrhythmia, etc. I have utilized many of Dr. Kabat Zinn's techniques in my practice of medicine as well as in dealing with my own hectic lifestyle." -Bruce E. Gould, M.D. Chief of Community Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital Hartford, Connecticut Former Director, Primary Care Clinic, U Mass Medical School "The divisions between body, mind and spirit are not absolute, and the higher reaches of human consciousness can heal the lower. This book shows how this can be done. If you think harnessing the mind and spirit are complicated and painful, read this book and be surprised. It is a paragon of simplicity-full of gende, caring instructions on reaching oui' highest potential. This book is not an experience in reading, but healing. It reflects great insight by someone who has been there." -Larry Dossey, M.D. Author of Space, Time and Medicine and Recowring the Soul "Based upon sound scientific research, his extensive clinical experience (at the University of Massachusetts Medical School), and practical instruc tions for the development of a personal stress management program, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn has distilled his tested program into an effective, emotion ally moving, and compelling 'new book. Each person can draw upon Dr. Kabat-Zinn's extensive experience to develop their own unique approach to achieving an optimal state of mental, physical, spiritual, and environ mental health. h -Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D. Author of Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco "Full Catastrophe Living represents a true breakthrough in the area of behavioral medicine and self-control. My recommendation for readers seeking relief from stress is to read Full Catastrophe Living. If you are looking for the best available book on this topic, this is it!" -G. Alan Marlatt, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Director of the Addictive Behaviors Research Center University of Washington "Despite the spectacular advances in medical sciences in the 20th century, our patients continue to struggle with stress, pain and illness. Jon Kabat Zinn has added the critical ingredient to our therapeutic armamentarium, self-control. His stress reduction program at the University of Massachu setts Medical Center has helped thousands of patients. His book, Full Catastrophe Living, will help people throughout the world to conquer stl'ess, pain and illness." -James E. Dalen, M.D., M.P.H. Dean, College of Medicine University of Arizona Health Sciences Center FULL CATASTROPHE LIVING Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION THE PROGRAM OF THE STRESS REDUCTION CLINIC AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL CENTER Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.· DELTA TRADE PAPERBACKS FULL CATASTROPHE LIVING A Delta Book PUBLISHING HISTORY Delacorte Press hardcover edition published 1990 Delta trade paperback edition I July 1991 Delta trade paperback reissue I January 2005 Published by Bantam Dell A Division of Random House. Inc. New York. New York Grateful acknowledgment is made to reprint the following: Excerpts from "Burnt Norton" in Four Quartets. copyright 1943 by T.S. Eliot and renewed 1971 by Esme Valerie Eliot, reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc., and Faber & Faber. Chrysanthemum logo from Japanese Design Motifs. copyright 1972 by Dover Publications. Inc. Excerpt from Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. Copyright 1988 by Steven Mitchell (trans.). Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. The quotation from the Introduction by Bernard Lown. M.D., and the quotations from The Healing Heart by Norman Cousins are used with the permission of W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Copyright 1983 by Norman Cousins. "Keeping Quiet" from Extravagaria by Pablo Neruda, translated by Alastair Reid. Translation copyright 1969, 1970, 1972, 1974 by Alastair Reid. Reprinted by permission of Farrar. Straus and Giroux, Inc. From Is It Worth Dying For? by Robert S. Eliot, M.D., and Dennis 1. Breo, copyright 1984 by Robert S. Eliot, M.D., and Dennis 1. Breo. Reprinted by permission of Bantam Books. a divi sion of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group. Inc. From Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook. Copyright 1978 by Hanuman Foundation, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Bantam Books. a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing GrouP. Inc. All rights reserved Copyright © 1990 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. Foreword copyright © 1990 by Joan Borysenko. Ph.D. Preface copyright © 1990 by Thich Nhat Hanh Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 89-027829 No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. including photocopying. recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system. without the written permission of the publisher, except where permitted by law. Delta is a registered trademark of Random House. Inc.. and the colophon is a trademark of Random House, Inc. ISBN 0-385-30312-2 Manufactured in the United States of America Published simultaneously in Canada BVG 35 34 33 32 31 for Myla, Will, Naushon, and Serena for Sally and Elvin and for the people in the stress clinic-past, present, and future-who come to face the full catastrophe and grow This book describes the program of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. The content does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, and no official institutional en dorsement of the content should be inferred. The recommendations made in this book are generic and are not meant to replace formal medical or psychiatric treatment. Individ uals with medical problems should consult with their physicians about the appropriateness of following the program and discuss appropriate modifications relevant to their unique circumstances and condition. CONTENTS PREFACE-Thich Nhat Hanh xiii FOREWORD--Joan Borysenko xv ACKNO~DGNrnNTS x~ xxvii INTRODUCTION TO THE 15TH ANNIVERSARY EDmON INTRODUCTION Stress, Pain, and lllness: Facing the Full Catastrophe 1 I The Practice of Mindfulness: Paying Attention 1 You Have Only Moments to Live 17 2 The Foundations of Mindfulness Practice: Attitudes and Commitment 31 3 The Power of Breathing: Your Unsuspected Ally in the Healing Process 47 ' 4 Sitting Meditation: Nourishing the Domain of Being 59 5 Being in Your Body: The Body-Scan Technique 75 6 Cultivating Strength, Balance, and Flexibility: Yoga Is Meditation 94 . 7 Walking Meditation 114 8 A Day of Mindfulness 120 ix