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Full-Body Collision Detection and Reaction with Omnidirectional Mobile Platforms: A Step Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction PDF

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Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Full-Body Collision Detection and Reaction with Omnidirectional Mobile Platforms: A Step Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction Kwan Suk Kim · Travis Llado · Luis Sentis 5 1 Received:date/Accepted:date 0 2 n Abstract In this paper, we develop estimation and presented here is the first of which we are aware to a control methods for quickly reacting to collisions be- address, in depth, the mitigation of the effects of colli- J tween omnidirectional mobile platforms and their en- sions between these types of sizable robots and objects 0 vironment. To enable the full-body detection of exter- or people. 2 nal forces, we use torque sensors located in the robot’s The majority of work addressing mobility in clut- ] drivetrain. Using model based techniques we estimate, tered environments has centered around the idea of O withgoodprecision,thelocation,direction,andmagni- avoiding collisions altogether. However, collisions be- R tude of collision forces, and we develop an admittance tween robotic manipulators and objects and humans . controller that achieves a low effective mass in reac- have been investigated before [9,29]. Push recovery in s c tiontothem.Forexperimentaltesting,weuseafacility humanoidrobotsallowsthemtoregainbalancebystep- [ containing a calibrated collision dummy and our holo- pinginthedirectionofthepush[20]orquicklycrouch- 1 nomic mobile platform. We subsequently explore col- ing down [25]. Inherently unstable robots like ball-bots v lisions with the dummy colliding against a stationary [18,14]andSegways[19]havebeenabletoeasilyrecover 7 baseandthebasecollidingagainstastationarydummy. frompushesandcollisionsusinginertialsensordata.A 0 0 Overall,weaccomplishfastreactiontimesandareduc- four-wheel robotic base with azimuth joint torque sen- 5 tion of impact forces. A proof of concept experiment sors [7] has been able to respond to human push inter- 0 presents various parts of the mobile platform, includ- actions, but only when its wheels are properly aligned . 1 ing the wheels, colliding safely with humans. with respect to direction of the collision. Also, a non- 0 holonomic base with springs on the caster wheels was Keywords Mobile Platform · Force Estimation · 5 recently developed [15] and reported to detect pushes 1 Admittance Control : from a human, but with very preliminary results and v without the ability to detect forces in all directions or i X 1 Introduction detect contacts on the wheels themselves. In this work, r we focus on non-stationary robots, as opposed to fixed a Asmobilerobotsprogressintoserviceapplications,their basemanipulators.Inthefieldofnon-stationaryrobotic environmentsbecomelesscontrolledandlessorganized systems, such as statically or dynamically balancing compared to traditional industrial use. In these envi- mobile bases and legged robots, one of the key defi- ronments,collisionswillbeinevitable,requiringathor- ciencies is the availability of collision reaction methods oughstudyoftheimplicationsofthistypeofinteraction that can be used across different platforms. Dynami- as well as potential solutions for safe operation. With cally balancing mobile bases and humanoid robots rely this in mind, we are interested in characterizing the on IMU sensing to detect the direction of a fall and safety and collision capabilities of statically stable mo- then regain balance along that direction. However, this bile bases moving in cluttered environments. The work type of method is limited to robots which naturally tip over at the slightest disturbance. K.Kim ·T.Llado · L.Sentis TheUniversityofTexasatAustin The main objective of this paper is to develop gen- E-mail:{kskim@,travisllado@,lsentis@austin}.utexas.edu eral sensing and control methods for quickly reacting 2 Kwan SukKimetal. to collisions in statically stable mobile bases. Specifi- cally,wedevelopmethodsthatrelyonjointleveltorque sensing instead of inertial measurement sensing to de- termine the direction and magnitude of the collision forces. If IMUs were used, accelerations would only be sensed accurately once the robot overcomes static fric- tion which, for a sizable robot, could be quite large. Torque sensors, which are mounted next to the wheels, can quickly detect external forces sooner than IMUs and therefore are more suitable for quick collision re- sponse. Equally important is the fact that statically stablemobilebasescanmoveinanydirectionornotat all in response to a collision, whereas dynamically bal- ancing mobile bases and humanoid robots must move inthedirectionofthecollision.Thisabilitymakesstat- icallystablemobilebasesmoreflexiblewhenmaneuver- Fig. 1 Concept: unexpected collision between a robot and ing in highly constrained environments. apersononabicycle,as presentedinour supportingvideo. To provide these capabilities, we take the follow- ing steps: (1) we develop a floating base model with contact and rolling constraints for an omnidirectional Another means of detecting external forces is phys- mobile base; (2) we process torque sensor signals using ical force/torque sensors such as strain gauges or op- thosemodelsandstatisticaltechniques;(3)weestimate toelectronics. This approach has been used in many roller friction and incorporate it into the constrained mobile platform applications such as anticipating user dynamics; (4) we implement a controller to quickly es- intention with a force-based joystick [21], developing a cape from the collisions; (5) we present an experimen- handle with force/torque sensing capabilities [24], im- tal testbed; and (6) we perform experiments including plementing an impedance control law based on force/ severalcalibratedcollisionswiththetestingapparatus, torque sensed on a handle [2], and quantifying user and a proof of concept experiment in which the robot intent and responding with an admittance controller movesthroughaclutteredenvironmentcontainingpeo- based on a force/torque sensor mounted on a stick [11, ple against whom it must safely collide. 27]. However, all of these methods rely on detecting Overall, our contributions are (1) developing the forces and torques at a specific location, such as on a first full-body contact sensing scheme for omnidirec- handle, or joystick. When the user interacts or collides tional mobile platforms that includes all of the robot’s with other parts of the robot’s body, such robots will body and its wheels, (2) being the first to use floating not be able to respond to the applied forces safety. basedynamicswithcontactconstraintstoestimatecon- In [10], a force/torque sensor measures forces be- tactforces,and(3)beingthefirsttoconductanexten- tween the mobile robot’s body and an external pro- sive experimental study on collisions with human-scale tection cover, providing partial safety, but collisions mobile bases. against the wheels cannot be detected. In [7] they in- troduce a quasi omni-directional mobile robot that is compliant to external forces by measuring torques on 2 Related Work the yaw joints of its caster wheels. This technique can detectcollisionsonthewheelslikeours,butsuffersfrom singularitieswhichlimitboththedirectionsinwhichit 2.1 Mobile Platforms with Contact Detection can detect force and its freedom of motion. In [15] a To be compliant to external forces, mobile robots have sensorized spring system is installed on the frame of adopted various sensing techniques. One simple way a mobile base with caster wheels and is used for push to detect external forces is by comparing actual and interactions. However, the base can respond to forces desired positions [12] or velocities [4]. This method is only in limited directions and is once more insensitive easy to implement because it can use the built-in en- to collisions against the wheels. coders on the robot joints or wheels to detect external Othersensingpropertieshavebeenusedforcontact forces.However,theabilitytodetectcontactsusingthis interactions, notably the tilt measured by an inertial method depends largely on the closed-loop impedance measurement unit on ball-bot robots [18]. This type chosen for the control law. of robot, and the associated inertial sensing, have been TitleSuppressedDue toExcessive Length 3 usedeffectivelytohandlecontactinteractionswithpeo- HeadInjuryCriterionisnotwellsuitedforstudyingin- ple[14]. However,themain drawback ofthis method is juries resulting from human-robot interaction. Instead, thattherobotmustmoveinthedirectionofthedistur- the authors propose contact forces acting as a proxy to bance or it will fall over. In contrast, non-inertial force bone fractures as their injury indicator. The low out- sensing techniques like ours allow a robot to react in put inertia achievable with their torque control manip- any direction upon collision or force interaction. This ulators is shown to be highly conducive to preventing ability might be very useful when producing planned injury during collisions. movements tailored to the external environment. Also relevant to our work is the study considering child injury risks conducted in [8]. Extensive experi- mental data is obtained from a 200Kg mobile robot 2.2 Contact Detection via Joint Torque Sensing moving at speeds of 2Km/h and 6Km/h and colliding against a robot child dummy fixed to a wall. The head Several existing studies use joint torque sensing to de- injury and neck injury criteria are used to study the tectcontact,likeus,butonlyaddressserialroboticma- consequences of the impacts, and the severity of injury nipulators.Notethatthistechniqueisdistinctfromthe is expressed by the Abbreviated Injury Scale. Those commonly used multi-axis force/torque sensor located criteria are reinforced with analysis of chest deflection at the end effector of a manipulator. Many researches forseverityevaluation.Incontrastwithourwork,their have investigated sensing external forces on all parts mobile platform is uncontrolled and does not have the of a manipulator’s body using distributed joint torque ability to sense contact. This study is focused purely sensors [28,17]. on impact analysis instead of contact sensing and safe Like our method, this indirect external force sens- control. ing requires estimation that considers dynamic effects suchaslinkageandmotormasses,inertias,momentum, gravitationaleffects,andfriction.Statisticalestimation 2.4 Model-BasedControlofOmnidirectionalPlatforms methods [6] are used to estimate external forces based on joint torque sensing [16]. These methods have in- A mobile platform colliding or interacting with the en- spired our research, but we note that we have taken vironment is not only affected by external forces, but similar approaches for a mobile platform instead of for also by static and dynamic effects such as the robot’s a robotic manipulator. A mobile platform has different inertia, its drivetrain and wheel friction, and other me- dynamics because it has a non-stationary base and its chanical effects. [30] considers a simulated system con- wheels are in contact with the terrain. Such differences sisting of a 6-DOF omni-directional mobile robot with imply different dynamic models and modifications of caster wheels, and addresses the modeling and control the estimation methods. of motion and internal forces in the wheels. [3] derives the dynamic equation including the rolling kinematic constraint for a mobile platform similar to ours, but 2.3 Safety Analysis in Robotics uses an oversimplified dynamic friction model with re- specttotheeffectsofrollerfriction.Studiesthatincor- Pioneering work on safety criteria for physical human- porate static friction models include [26,1], but again robot interaction are provided in [29]. In particular, these use oversimplified models that ignore omniwheel curvesofmaximumtolerablestaticforcesanddynamic and roller dynamics. The studies above are mostly the- impacts on various points of the human body are em- oretical, with few experimental results. pirically derived. A method to detect external forces using motor current measurements and joint states is proposed, and a viscoelastic skin is utilized to dampen 3 System Characterization impacts. In[31]thepositiveeffectsonsafetyofactuatorswith 3.1 Hardware Setup aserieselasticcompliancearebroughtupbutlinkedto lower performance. A double macro-mini actuation ap- To perform experimental studies on human-robot col- proach is proposed to accomplish safe operation while lisions, we have built a series of capable mobile plat- maintaining performance, and the automotive indus- forms. This study uses the most recent. We began de- try’s Head Injury Criterion index is used to demon- signing mobile bases to provide omnidirectional rough strate the benefits of this approach in terms of safety. terrain mobility to humanoid robot upper bodies [22]. Acomprehensiveexperimentalstudyonhuman-robot The newest iteration of our platform, produced in [12], impactisconductedin[9].Thisstudysuggeststhatthe replaced the previous drivetrain with a compact design 4 Kwan SukKimetal. an external force breaches our contact threshold, the controller switches on an admittance controller. This Trajectory PD Plant admittance controller generates a trajectory that re- Collision Ext Force sponds to the sensed external force and rapidly leads Detection Estimator the robot away from the contact. We tested both an Admittance impedance and an admittance controller in this role Controller duringthecourseofourresearch,butfoundtheadmit- Fig. 2 Control Diagram showing how estimated external tance controller to be more responsive. force, F , is fed through the collision detector and ulti- ext mately determines the position controller’s input. When the robot detects a collision it uses an admittance controller in place of its usual trajectory to escape the contact as fast as itcansafely move. 3.3 Reaction to Collisions The admittance controller is designed to provide com- that minimized backlash by using belts and pulleys. pliance with respect to the external force. The desired Rotary torque sensors in the drivetrain and harmonic dynamics can be expressed as drivesontheactuatorswereincorporatedintothebase in [13], enabling accurate force feedback control for M x¨+B x˙ =F (t), (1) des des ext,x impedance behaviors. The electronics in the current system improve over that of [13] in that the once cen- whereM andB arethedesiredmassanddamping tralized torque sensor signal processing is now divided des des of a virtual compliant system, and F (t) is the time into each actuator’s DSP in order to minimize electri- ext,x dependentforcedisturbanceappliedtothesystem.As- cal crosstalk. This paper is the first study that uses suming the external force is close to a perfect impulse, the torque sensors on the hardware base for full-body i.e. a Dirac delta function, the above equation can be model-based estimation of the contact forces. solved to produce the desired trajectory, Rotary torque sensors in the wheel drivetrains pro- duce the unique feature of our base: full-body contact F (cid:16) (cid:17) estimation on all parts of its body, including any part x(t)=x0+ Bext,x 1−e−Bdes/Mdest , (2) of the wheels. An alternative would have been to cover des all of a robot’s body with a sensitive skin, but this op- wherex isthepositionofthesystemwhenthecollision tionwouldhaveleftthewheelsuncoveredandtherefore 0 happens. An identical admittance controller operates unable to detect contact. We note that the wheels are on the y degree of freedom. often the first part of the base that collides with unex- Our controller attempts to maintain constant yaw pected objects. Therefore, our solution with three ro- throughout the collision, i.e. tary torque sensors in the wheel’s drivetrain is the first andonlyoneofwhichweareawarethatcanrespondto θ(t)=θ . (3) collisionsonallpartsofthemobileplatform.Addition- 0 ally, the harmonic drives and belt-based drivetrain of the base minimize backlash and therefore achieve more Combining the three degrees of freedom, we write the accurate force sensing. robot’s full trajectory as (cid:0) (cid:1)T x (t)= x (t), y (t), θ (t) . (4) des des des des 3.2 Safety Controller Design Thistrajectoryisdifferentiatedandthenconvertedinto Whenamobilebasecollideswithpeople,twocasescan a desired joint space trajectory using the constrained bepreviouslydistinguished:Inunconstrainedcollisions Jacobian, J given in Eq. (19), i.e. c,w apersoncanbepushedaway,whereasinfixedcollisions the person is pushed against a wall. In either scenario q˙ (t)=J (t)x˙ (t), (5) w,des c,w des our robot moves away from the collision as quickly as (cid:90) t possible to mitigate injury. q (t)=q (t )+ q˙ (τ)dτ, (6) w,des w,des 0 w,des Fig. 2 shows our proposed control architecture for t0 detection of and reaction to collisions. Under normal circumstances, the controller tracks a trajectory given and fed to the PD controller of Fig. 2 to achieve the by a motion planner or sensor-based algorithm. When intended impedance behavior. TitleSuppressedDue toExcessive Length 5 Neodymium Magnet Metal Spring PU Housing Fig. 3 Collision Testing Apparatus simulates human contact using a 10kg mass on a slider. This one degree of freedom system is accelerated via a second weight hanging from an elaborate pulley system, and can also be used to apply a static force.Motioncapturemarkersattachedtothesliderandthe PUbumperare usedtomeasuretheirposition. 3.4 Collision Testbed duceinjury,butisinsufficienttoeliminateit altogether. Though it is impractical to fully pad a robot, some To assess the safety of our mobile platform, we con- padding can drastically reduce the collision forces due structed a calibrated collision testbed. Following the to collision with specific parts of the robot’s body. Yet collisiontestprocedureusedintheautomotiveindustry reducing the forces makes the problem of detecting the [5], we chose a 10kg mass as our leg-form test dummy. collision more difficult, and increases the amount of The collision dummy is attached to a sliding system timebeforetherobotacknowledgesanimpact.Wehave which provides a single degree of freedom for impact, designed a one DOF springloaded bumper with a rela- and is accelerated by a free falling weight. In Fig. 3 tivelylongtraveltostudythedesignofsafepaddingfor we illustrate details of the test environment. The abso- omnidirectionalrobots.Thisdesignfeaturesamagnetic lute positions of the dummy and the mobile base are lock at peak bumper extension, which works to allow measured by the Phase Space motion capture system earlier detection of a collision, while simultaneously re- describedin[12].Fourmarkersonthemobilebasemea- ducing the overall maximum impact force. Details of sure its position and two markers on the dummy mea- the bumper can be found in Fig. 3. sure its linear motion. 4 Full-Body External Force Estimation 3.5 Stiction-Based Bumper To estimate external forces based on drivetrain torque The time requirement for our base to detect colli- sensing,werelyonamodeloftheactuators,andonthe sion and reverse direction is roughly one hundred mil- robot’skinematicsanddynamics.Theconstrainedkine- liseconds. Keeping the collision time brief works to re- matic mapping between the base’s motion and wheel 6 Kwan SukKimetal. 4.1 Torque Output Dynamics To derive wheel and roller kinematics, we consider a planar scenario where the wheel moves omnidirection- ally on a flat floor. In [12] we developed the following equations relating the contribution of the ith wheel’s Torque angular velocity, q˙w,i, and their omniwheel roller’s an- gularvelocity,q˙ ,totheCartesianvelocityoftherobot Sensor r,i with respect to a fixed inertial frame, x˙ and y˙: Fig. 4 Actuator Modelincludingthetorquesensor,mod- (cid:16) (cid:17) eledasaspring.ThetwomassesmandM representthemo- x˙ =r q˙ cos(θ+φ )− r q˙ −Rθ˙ sin(θ+φ ), r r,i i w w,i i tor inertia, reflected through the gear system, and the load mass.Motorsidefrictionandloadsidefrictionareexpressed (9) (cid:16) (cid:17) asthedampingterms B1 andB2,respectively. y˙ =rrq˙r,isin(θ+φi)+ rwq˙w,i−Rθ˙ cos(θ+φi). (10) motion is used to find the base and omniwheel roller Where,θistheabsoluteorientationoftherobot’sbody, velocities based on measured wheel velocities. The ac- Risthedistancefromthecenteroftherobot’sbodyto tuator model provides a mapping between motion and the center of the wheel, r and r are the radii of the expectedtorquesensorvaluesintheabsenceofexternal w r wheels and their passive rollers, respectively, and φ is forces. This model is trained empirically to better esti- i the angle from a reference wheel to the i-th wheel in mate the friction in the omni-wheel rollers. Ultimately sequential order, i.e. 0◦, 120◦, or 240◦. The kinematics the position, magnitude, and direction of the applied of q˙ and q˙ are obtained from Eq. (9) external forces is estimated based on the deviation of w,i r,i theobservedwheeltorquesfromthosepredictedbythe r q˙ =−x˙sin(θ+φ )+y˙cos(θ+φ )+Rθ˙, (11) w w,i i i force free model, and the kinematics are again invoked to transform this into the Cartesian frame. r q˙ =x˙cos(θ+φ )+y˙sin(θ+φ ). (12) r r,i i i To build an intuition of our method for estimat- Expressing these equations in matrix form, ing external forces, consider the single actuator system shown in Fig. 4. In this system, the torque sensor is q˙ =J x˙, (13) w c,w modeled as a torsional spring, with spring constant k, and its displacement is proportional to the torque ap- q˙ =J x˙ (14) r r,w plied to the sensor. The spring is compressed or ex- where tended through the combined action of the motor, the wheel’s inertia, and the external environment. Some of −sin(θ+φ ) cos(θ+φ ) R 1 0 0 tithseriomtopro’rstamnatsvs,araisabrleeflseicntceldudtehrtohuegmhomtoerc’hsatnoircqauleg,eτamr-, Jc,w (cid:44) rw −−ssiinn((θθ++φφ1)) ccooss((θθ++φφ1)) RR∈R3×3, 2 2 ing, m, the gear friction, B , the load’s mass (i.e. the 1 (15) wheel, or the robot itself in the constrained case), M,   cos(θ+φ ) sin(θ+φ ) 0 the friction between the wheel and the external envi- 1 0 0 ronment, B2. But most importantly, the torque τenv Jc,r (cid:44) rr ccooss((θθ++φφ1)) ssiinn((θθ++φφ1)) 00∈R3×3, includes the effect of the wheel traction on the floor 2 2 (16) and any possible external collision with objects or peo- ple, are the Jacobian matrices, q (cid:44) (q , q , q )T, w w,0 w,1 w,2 τenv =τtrac+τext. (7) qr (cid:44) (qr,0, qr,1, qr,2)T, and x (cid:44) (x, y, θ)T. The sys- tem’s generalized coordinates combine the wheel and Assumingthattheeffectofthewheeltraction,τ can Cartesian states trac be modeled, our goal is to estimate the external forces, τext, based on observed sensor torque τs: q(cid:44)(cid:0)xT qTw qTr(cid:1)T . (17) Notice that we not only include wheel rotations, q , τ =−τ +B +Mx¨−τ . (8) w ext trac 2 s but also side roller rotations, q . This representation r This method can then be applied to the estimation contrastspreviousworkonmodelingthatwedidin[23]. problem of the full base by using the kinematic con- The main advantage, is that the augmented model will straintrelationshipsbetweenthewheelsandtheground. allow us to take into account roller friction which is TitleSuppressedDue toExcessive Length 7 significant with respect to actuator friction. As such, Using the second and third equations above, we can we will be able to estimate external interaction forces calculatetheconstraintforcesonthewheelsandrollers, more precisely. (cid:32) (cid:33) I q¨ −T The mappings given in Eqs. (13) and (14) can be w w λ = . (25) c written as the constraint I q¨ +B r r r Jc q˙ =0, (18) Substituting this expression into the first equation of the equation system (24) we get with (cid:18) (cid:19) Jc (cid:44) JJc,w −0I −0I ∈R6×9. (19) Mx¨+JTc,w(Iwq¨w−T)+JTc,r(Irq¨r+Br)=0. (26) c,r Solving the above for the output torque, T, we get the Usingtheabovekinematicconstraints,onecanexpress nominal torque model the coupled system dynamics in the familiar form (cid:104) (cid:105) Aq¨+B+JTcλc =UTT, (20) T=J−c,wT Mx¨+JTc,r(Irq¨r+Br) +Iwq¨w. (27) where A is the mass/inertia generalized tensor, B is a Thismodelpredictstorquesensorvaluesintheabsence vector containing the estimated wheel drivetrain fric- ofexternalforces.Bycomparingthetorquesensordata tion and roller to floor friction, and λc is the vector against this estimate, as in Eq. (8), we will be able to of Lagrangian multipliers associated with the traction infertheexternalforces.Butfirstwemustcalibratethe forcesofthewheel,whereλc,w enforcestherelationship roller friction estimate. between Cartesian robot position and wheel angle, and λ enforces the relationship between Cartesian robot c,r position and omniwheel roller angle. In other words 4.2 Empirical Estimation of Roller Damping (cid:16) (cid:17)T λc = λTc,w, λTc,r . (21) AsweshowninEqs.(20)and(23),the damping terms associated with the output dynamics correspond to Additionally,Uisthevectormappingmotortorquesto wheel output damping, B and roller damping, B . generalized forces, and T ∈ R3 is the vector of output w r Wheel output damping consists of the friction sources torques on the wheels. As mentioned previously, these between the torque sensor and the wheel, which corre- areequivalenttothesensedtorques,T =T.Valuesfor s spond to sensor bearings and the belt connecting the the aforementioned matrices are sensor to the wheel. Notice that gear friction is not in-     M 0 0 M 0 0 cluded, as the torque sensor is located after the gears. A=0 IwI 0 ∈R9×9, M=0 M 0, (22) When we lift the robot of the ground and rotate the 0 0 IrI 0 0 Ib wheels, the mean value of the torque sensor signal is close to zero, meaning that the drivetrain output fric- B=(cid:0)0BT BT(cid:1)T ∈R9, U=(cid:0)0I0(cid:1)∈R3×9, (23) tion is negligible compared to roller friction. On the w r otherhand,rollerfrictionisrelativelylargeastherollers where M, I , I , and I are the robot’s mass, body in- b w r donothavebearingsandthereforeendurehighfriction ertia, wheel inertia, and roller inertia respectively. The when rotating in their shaft. In the next lines we will dampingterm,B,consistsofthedampingatthewheel explainourproceduretoestimaterollerdampingbased output(i.e.torquesensorbearingsandbeltdrive),B , w on torque sensor data. and the damping from the side rollers, B . We note r Fig.5demonstratesthetwoexperimentsunderwhich that the side rollers do not have bearings and consist the roller friction model was calibrated. In these tests, of a relatively high friction bushing mechanism. There- joint position controllers for each wheel, simple high fore, the wheel friction is negligible relative to that of gain servos, push the robot through a nominal path, the side rollers. Thus we estimate only roller friction in and the resulting torque sensor values are measured in our final controller. Eq. (20) can be decomposed into the absence of any external force. In Subfig. 5 (a) we separate equations expressing robot’s body, wheel and showanexperimentinwhichwheel0movessinusoidally roller dynamics as with time while the other two wheels remain fixed, re-  (cid:16) (cid:17) sulting in an arc motion of the entire robot. In Subfig. Mx¨+ JTc,w JTc,r λc =0, 5 (b) we plot the sinusoidal joint trajectory of wheel 0 I q¨ −λ =T, (24) and the torque sensor readings from the three wheels. w w c,w I q¨ +B −λ =0. Thetorquesignalsonallwheelsshowanapproximately r r r c,r squarewaveshiftingphaseaccordingtothedirectionof 8 Kwan SukKimetal. 3 3 M o vin g Dir e ctio n 2 WWWhhheeeJeeePlllo120s 2 WWWhhheeeJeeePlllo120s 1 d) 1 d) Wheel 1 m) 2(ra m) 2(ra N/ on N/ on rque(0 Positi rque(0 Positi To nt To nt Wheel 0 -1 1Joi -1 1Joi Wheel 2 Real Estimated -2 -2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time(sec) Time(sec) 3 3 Wheel0 Wheel0 Moving Direction 2 WWhheeJeePllo12s 2 WWhheeJeePllo12s Wheel 1 1 d) 1 d) m) 2(ra m) 2(ra N/ on N/ on rque(0 Positi rque(0 Positi Wheel 0 To nt To nt -1 1Joi -1 1Joi Wheel 2 Real Estimated -2 -2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time(sec) Time(sec) Fig.5 TorqueSignalsfromSimpleMotionsareusedtocalibratetherollerfrictionmodel.Noexternalforcesareapplied to the robot in this test. The JPos lines represent the motion along the two simple arc trajectories. Torque signals from the calibrated model are shown to the right of the graphs representing the actual data on which they were trained. Subfigures (a-c)representtherotationoftherobotaboutavirtualpivotoutsidethebaseofsupport,while(d-f)showapivotcenteredon Wheel2.Grayarrowsinfigures(a)and(d)representthetorquesensedatthewheels,whiletheblackarrowsrepresentwheel motion. By comparing (b) against (c) and (e) against (f), we can conclude that the expected roller friction torque model at leastpartiallycaptures thegrossshapeof thedata. wheel’s 0 motion. Because of this pattern, we assume perimental data. In that equation, the accelerations of that most of the friction is due to Coulomb effects in- the wheels, the robot’s body and the side rollers must stead of dynamic friction effects. We approximate this be known. We calculate them using the wheel trajecto- Coulomb friction in our model using a tanh softening ries, q =3/2−3/2cos(2πωt), q =q =0, which w,0 w,1 w,2 of the signum function, i.e. can be easily differentiated twice to obtain q¨ . To ob- w taintherobot’sbodyaccelerationweusetheinverseof Br,i =Brtanh(αq˙r,i), (28) Eq. (13) and take the second derivative, yielding where the magnitude Br and scaling factor α are tun- x¨ =J−c,w1q¨w+J˙−c,w1 q˙w. (29) able parameters that we adjust based on the empirical Eq. 14 then provides the roller accelerations data. To do the tuning, we implemented Eq. (27) in a softwaresimulationandcompareditsoutputtotheex- q¨ =J x¨+J˙ x˙. (30) r r,w r,w TitleSuppressedDue toExcessive Length 9 Plugging these values into the simulation of Eq. (27), withB givenbythemodelofEq.(28)wesearchedover r B and α until the simulation matched the real data. r In Fig. 5 (c) we show the result of the simulation using Eq.(27)whichcanbecomparedtotherealdataofFig. 5 (b). Our final model parameters were B = 0.2Nm r and α=0.4. To further validate the procedure we conducted a secondestimationprocess,shownintheFigs.5(d),(e) and (f) in which two wheels of the mobile base track a sinusoidal trajectory while one of them remains at a fixed joint position. As we can see, the simulated torques with the estimated roller friction model of Fig. Fig. 6 External Force Estimation is predicated on the 5 (f) has a good correspondence to the actual data of assumption that the external force is a purely translational pushappliedtotherobot’ssurface,asapproximatedbyatri- Fig. 5 (e). angularprism.Thegreentriangleistheapproximatedrobot body shape in a horizontal plane, and the perceived contact point,aredcircle,occursatthefirstoftwointersectionsbe- 4.3 Model-Based Force Estimation tweenthistriangle andthelineofzeroexternal moment. Following the simplified estimation of external torques respect to the robot’s mass, and the effect of the wheel from Eq. (8), we modified Eq. (20) to account for ex- friction, B ≈ 0 with respect to the roller friction, we ternal forces, yielding w get a similar system of equations than that shown in Aq¨+B+JTλ +JT F =UTT. (31) Eqs. (24), i.e. c c ext ext  (cid:16) (cid:17) owfhtehreeJeexxtteirsntahlefoJracceosb,iaanndcoFrrespiosnadninegxttoertnhaellowcraetniochn Mx¨+ JTc,w JTc,r λc+JText,bFext =0, ext −λ =T, (36) containing a Cartesian force and a torque, i.e. c,w F (cid:44)(cid:0)F F τ (cid:1)T . (32) Br−λc,r =0. ext ext,x ext,y ext Substitutingλ (cid:44)(λ ,λ )onthefirstequationabove The differential kinematics of the point on the exterior c c,w c,r bythevaluesofλ andλ obtainedfromthesecond ofthebodyatwhichtheexternalforceisappliedcanbe c,w c,r and third equations we get expressedintermsoftherobot’sdifferentialcoordinates as Mx¨−JT T +JT B +JT F =0. (37) c,w c,r r ext,b ext x˙ =x˙ +θ˙i ×d=J x˙ (33) In the absence of external forces, we can solve for the ext z ext,b torques where x (cid:44) (cid:0)x y θ (cid:1)T, θ˙ is the angular veloc- ity of theextbase, iezxtisetxhte uexntit vector in the vertical, z, T(cid:12)(cid:12)Fext=0 =J−c,wT(cid:104)Mx¨+JTc,rBr(cid:105). (38) direction, × is the cross product, and d is a vector de- The important point of the mapping above is that scribingthedistancefromthecenteroftherobottothe it can be numerically solved using the model and the collisionpoint.Developingtheaboveequations,wecan acceleration estimate of Eq. (29). On the other hand, define whentherobotcollideswiththeenvironment,thetorque   1 0 y−yext sensors read values according to the dynamics of Eq. Jext,b (cid:44)0 1 xext−x∈R3×3. (34) (37). Assuming the output torque is equal to the value 0 0 1 givenbythetorquesensors,i.e.T =T,wecanusethe s previous two equations to solve for the external forces Extending Eq. (33) with respect to the full generalized coordinates yields (cid:16)T(cid:12)(cid:12)Fext=0−Ts(cid:17)=J−c,wTJText,bFext, (39) x˙ =J q˙, with J (cid:44)(cid:0)J 0 (cid:1). (35) ext ext ext ext,b 3×6 which can be written in the alternative form UdysninagmitchseoafbEoqv.e(e3x1p),reasnsidonnefgolrecJteinxtg itnhetheeffeecxttoenfdthede JText,bFext =JTc,w(cid:16)T(cid:12)(cid:12)Fext=0−Ts(cid:17). (40) wheel and roller inertias, I ≈ 0, and I ≈ 0 with We now make the following simplifying assumptions: w r 10 Kwan SukKimetal. – The external wrench has no net torque. 5 Experimental Results and Assessment – The external wrench is applied at a point on the triangular prism approximation of the body Throughout the previous sections we have established – The external wrench is always of a pushing nature the following infrastructure: (1) full-body collision de- tection capabilities using constrained models and in- WiththosepremisesandtheexpressionofEq.(34),the cluding wheel and side roller dynamics; (2) estimation above equation becomes of roller damping which is dominant in the behavior of (cid:104) (cid:105)T the output robot dynamics; (3) fast collision response F , F , (x −x)F −(y −y)F ext,x ext,y ext ext,y ext ext,x capabilities by achieving desired impedances through = JTc,w(cid:16)T(cid:12)(cid:12)Fext=0−Ts(cid:17). (41) atrnucatdumreititnacnlcuedicnogn,taromlleorb;i(le4)baasneewxiptehritmoreqnutaelsiennfsroarss- This equation has four unknowns, {F ,F ,x , on the wheel drivetrains, a calibrated collision dummy, ext,x ext,y ext y } but only three entries. It is attempting to simul- and a motion capture system. ext taneously solve the external force and its location. Let The goal of this section is multi-objective: (1) to us focus on the third entry of the above equation. The characterize the performance of our infrastructure in third row can be written in the form terms of accuracy of force detection and the impact lo- cation,(2)tomeasuretheamountoftimethattakesour 2 (x −x)F −(y −y)F =I θ¨− R (cid:88)τ . robottodetectcollisions,(3)tomeasuretheamountof ext ext,y ext ext,x b r s,i time it takes our robot to respond to collisions once w i=0 they have been detected, (4) to poke the robot in var- (42) ious places to proof that we can detect collisions in all This derivation comes from first comparing Eqs. (37) parts of the robot including its wheels, and (5) to give and (40), which lead to anideaofwhataretheimplicationsofourmethodology for providing safety in human-scale mobile bases. JTc,w(cid:16)T(cid:12)(cid:12)Fext=0−Ts(cid:17)=Mx¨−JTc,wT +JTc,rBr, (43) To do so, we conduct five calibrated experiments where we measure performance using a combination of and then deriving the third row of the right hand side the wheel torque sensor data, the wheel odometry and of the above equation, yielding the motion capture data on the robot and the collision (cid:12) 2 dummy.Additionally,weconductaproofofconceptex- JTc,w(cid:16)T(cid:12)(cid:12)Fext=0−Ts(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)row3 =Ibθ¨− rRw (cid:88)i=0τs,i. (44) ppeeroipmleenintoanllsasfoerttys,wofhperoesttuhreersobanotdrcooalmlidsefsreweliythartohuenmd The above results are obtained from the third rows of safely. the transpose of Eqs. (19) and (16), i.e. JcT,w(cid:12)(cid:12)row3 = r1 (cid:0)R R R(cid:1), (45) 5.1 Detection of External Force and Contact Location w JT (cid:12)(cid:12) =(cid:0)0 0 0(cid:1). (46) c,r row3 In this experiment we evaluate our method’s ability to Because Eq. (42) corresponds to a geometric line, the detect the point of contact on the robot’s body, the location of the contact point can be solved using solely directionoftheexternalforce,andthemagnitudeofthe Eq. (42) and our previously stated assumptions. The external force. In particular we will use only the wheel line is parallel to the direction of the external force, drive-train torque sensors to identify those quantities F ,andcanbeusedtofindthedistancefromthecen- withoutanyuseofexternalsensormechanisms.Inother ext ter of the robot to the intersection of the line with the words, the robot does not utilize motion capture data robot’s body. The shape of our mobile base can be ap- or wheel odometry to detect those quantities. proximatedasatriangularprism,anditsplanarsection To conduct these tests, we use the infrastructure is a triangle, which is convex. Thus, there are only two depicted in Fig. 3. The horizontally sliding dummy is points on its body where the line meets the premises. connected to a pulley system that runs to an overhead Therefore, we solve for the location where the exter- systemwithaverticalweightof1Kg.Asaresultacon- nal force is applied using those geometric constraints stant force of 10N is applied to the slider. In Fig. 7 we as shown in Fig. 6. showimagesoftheexperimentalsetupwheretheslider Once we find the location of the contact point, we isplacedincontactwiththebasebeforeconductingthe now solve for the external force using the first and sec- estimationprocess.Therobot’swheelsarepoweredoff, ond row of Eq. (41). andbecauseofthehighfrictionoftheharmonicdrives,

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