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Fuel Cells. Current Technology Challenges and Future Research Needs PDF

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Preview Fuel Cells. Current Technology Challenges and Future Research Needs

C H A P T E R 1 Introduction O U T L I N E 1.1. William Grove Inventsthe Fuel Cell 1 1.3. The Unfulfilled Promise 5 1.2. FuelCells:CommercialSuccessRemains Elusive 4 1.1. WILLIAM GROVE INVENTS toconventionalbatteriesinitscompositionsand THE FUEL CELL purpose, but was based on an entirely new concept of electric generation, and indeed Thefuelcellwasinventedin1839byWilliam became theforerunneroffuel cells. Grove (1811e1890). Grove was a scientist and In 1839, Grove observed the production of a lawyer in the courts of Common Law an electric current in his experimental setup.2 (Fig. 1.1). He was born in Swansea, Wales, and In the experiment, the two platinum electrodes became a barrister at Lincoln’s Inn and were submerged halfway into a beaker of amemberoftheRoyalInstitutionofGreatBrit- aqueous sulfuric acid, and tubes were inverted ain.1 He later became a professor of experi- over each of the electrodes, one containing mental philosophy at the Royal Institution in hydrogen gas and the other containing oxygen London and then its vice-president. He subse- gas (Fig. 1.2). When the tubes were lowered, quentlywasknightedandbecameaLordJustice the gases displaced the electrolyte, leaving of theQueen’sBench. only a thin coating of the acid solution on the William Grove invented two electrochemical electrode. A galvanometer deflected to indicate cells, the first in 1839 and the second in a flow of electrons between the two electrodes, 1844. In the days before electrical distribution leading Grove to claim that his device networks became available, batteries were the “produced a voltaic current.”3 He published onlypracticalsourceofelectricity,andhisintent this process in Philosophical Magazine.2 Three wastoinventarobust,practicalbattery.Thefirst years later, Grove described in his paper that invention,the“gasvoltaicbattery,”wassimilar electric energy was generated at the three- FuelCells 1 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-56325-5.00001-6 Copyright(cid:1)2013ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 2 1. INTRODUCTION understand why the fuel cell produced heat and “novel gaseous andliquid products.”4 Grovealsoreportedonotherexperimentson fuel cells.2 He experimented with stronger sulfuric acid, hydrogen, and air foroxygen. He also reported on a hydrogenechlorine fuel cell and established that different hydrocarbon fuels, such as camphor, oils, ether, and alcohol, produced electricity. He foresaw the fuel cell asapossiblesourceofcommercialelectricity,es- peciallyifhydrogenasafuelcouldbereplaced by coal, wood, or other combustibles. He, however, was troubled by the lack of reliability incellperformance.Healsowasunabletobuild a fuel cell that generated enough electricity to serve as a practical source of electricity. Grove, thus, never made an effort to commercialize the invention.5 Grove, however, made a major commercial successoutofhissecondinvention, the“Grove cell,” which became a popular battery for the telegraph industry. Grove’s invention in the year 1844 consisted of a zinc anode dipped in FIGURE 1.1 Portrait of William Robert Grove sulfuric acid and a platinum cathode dipped (1811e1896): Father of the fuel cell. Source: Smithsonian in nitric acid, separated by porous earthen- InstitutionLibraries,US,2012. ware.6 The Grove cell provided a high current and nearly twice the voltage of the Daniell cell phase contact where the liquid, gas, and plat- and became the favorite battery of the early inum met; he sought to extend this contact American telegraph (1840e1860).5 by coating the electrodes with spongy The first battery in history was invented in platinum. 1800 by Alessandro Volta. It was of great value for science, but was unsafe to handle because (cid:129) The processwas exactly the reverseof of sulfuric acid in the battery and the power of aprocess,electrolysisddiscoveredin1800by the cell diminished over time. Later batteries, British scientists WilliamNicholson and starting with John Frederic Daniell’s wet cell in Anthony Carlisledthat splitwater into 1836, provided more reliable currents and hydrogen andoxygen by electricity. wereadoptedbyindustriesforuseinstationary Accordingto Grove,combining thegasesto devices,particularly in telegraph networks.6 produce electricityand water was “a step further that anyhitherto recorded.”4 (cid:129) Astelegraphictraffic increased, however,it (cid:129) Grove, however, could notexplain the basic was found that theGrove cell discharged principles underlying thebehavioroffuel poisonous nitric dioxide gas.5 Platinum was cells.Grove demonstrated strongevidence also very expensive. The Grovecell was that producing anelectric current required replacedby the cheaper, safer, and better bothhydrogen andoxygen, but did not performing gravity cell in the1860s. 3 1.2. FUELCELLS:COMMERCIALSUCCESSREMAINSELUSIVE FIGURE 1.2 Sketch of William Grove’s 1839 fuel cell. Source: “1839 WilliamGroveFuelCell.jpg,”File,http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1839_William_ Grove_Fuel_Cell.jpg, Wikipedia, no date, accessed March 2012. Originally pub- lished in the article authored by W. R. Grove, “On a Gaseous Voltaic Battery,” LXXII, Third Series, the London, Edin- burgh And Dublin Philosophical Maga- zineAndJournalOfScience,Richardand John E. Taylor, London, December 1842. (For the color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online versionofthisbook.) 1.2. FUEL CELLS: COMMERCIAL in the nineteenth century, readily and easily SUCCESS REMAINS ELUSIVE available for public consumption at that time. Thus, the possibility of using coal in fuel cells William Grove probably never expected that drew particular interest among researchers his invention would keep the global science and developers. Indeed, they experimented and technology community excited as well as with nearly every type of fuel cell chemistry exasperatedforthenext170years.SinceGrove’s and physical design, many of which foreshad- invention, scientists, engineers, and busi- owedthefuelcellsthatweknowoftoday.These nessmen have dreamed that the fuel cell could researchers, however, realized that there were deliver low cost, clean energy to power too many hurdles to overcome before fuel factories, homes, cars, appliancesdvirtually cells could be reliable and inexpensive enough anything that uses electric power. Despite the to be commercialized. Over time enthusiasm best of intentions, this dream remains for the device gradually withered away. By the unfulfilled. end of the nineteenth century, the internal In thefirst100 years after Grove’sinvention, combustion engine was invented, and the fuel many notable European scientists followed his cell was relegated to the status of a scientific footsteps and attempted to develop a fuel cell curiosity.7 with commercial viability. They explored Bythemid-1900s,however,fuelcelltechnol- various electrolytes and electrodes that could ogies started to make significant progress, and produce an electric current reliably and inex- some fuel cells began to serve practical func- pensively. They also experimented with tions.Thefirstfuelcellusedinpracticalapplica- a variety of fuels, including wood, oil, coal, tion was the alkaline fuel cell (AFC) developed and coal gas. Coal was the major source offuel by British scientist Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon’s 4 1. INTRODUCTION AFCtechnologywaslicensedbyaUScompany, sourceformaterialhandlingvehiclesandemer- which developed it as the source of onboard gency backup power systems. A subtype of power and drinking water for its Apollo lunar PEMFCs, direct methanol fuel cells, is also missions in 1962. A number of companies, under development for portable applications both in the United States and Europe, sprang to power small electronic devices. Fuel cell into action and began developing terrestrial researchers and developers, however, are still applicationsofAFCs.Theyproducedanumber struggling to develop reliable, durable, and of prototype AFC products, but were unable to inexpensive fuel cells that are competitive with bring them to the commercial market. They conventional powergeneration technologies. foundAFCsintolerantofcarbondioxide,which is omnipresent on Earth, and thus concluded AFCs to be unsuitable for terrestrial applica- 1.3. THE UNFULFILLED PROMISE tions. Many companies abandoned AFC devel- opmentby the 1970s. Fuelcelltechnologyisanextraordinary,revo- In the mid-1970s, phosphoric acid fuel cells lutionary technology. Without question, the (PAFCs) came to be recognized as better suited development of a commercially feasible fuel forstationary,terrestrialapplications.Anumber cell technology would set off a marked change of US companies launched R&D of PAFCs. The in the world that truly could be called a para- US Government and electric and gas utilities digm shift. started to assist those companies by funding Fuel cells are singularly remarkable in their their R&D and demonstrations. Japan eagerly potential for efficiently converting the energy followed the US footsteps and tried to learn thatislockedupinchemicalbondstoelectrical the PAFC technology. By the mid-1980s, atten- energy. This efficiency is achieved because fuel tion focused on molten carbonate fuel cells cells convert the chemical energy contained in (MCFCs) and by the 1990s on solid oxide fuel a fuel into electrical energy in a single step, cells. Also in the mid-1990s, proton exchange extracting more useful energy from the same membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) came to be amount of fuel than any other known device. viewed as the most exciting technology; in An internal combustion engine, for example, fact, researchers and developers were able to requires several steps: converting chemical build an automobile powered by hydrogen- energy contained in gasoline to thermal energy fueled PEMFCs. via combustion, using thermal energy to Unfortunately, however, none of these fuel expand gases within the engine’s cylinders, cellsachievedcommercialsuccessonanymajor and then converting the high pressure gas to scale. PAFCs entered the market in the early mechanical energy via the pistons and drive 1990s as the “first generation” fuel cell tech- train. Because conventional internal combus- nology to be commercialized. A few hundred tionenginesrelyonsomanyenergyconversion power plants were installed, but sales of most steps, they are inherently inefficient and lose of them were completed with government and much energy to incomplete combustion and public subsidies. MCFCs also hit the market as exhaust heat. “second generation” fuel cells in the early 2000. A small number of stationary power (cid:129) Afuelcell is notonly moreefficientthan generation systems have been sold, also with a combustion engine, but also delivershigh subsidies. PEMFCs have been put on the efficiencyevenwhileoperatingunderpartial commercial market recently; they are used as design loads. Moreover,its highefficiency is a small stationary power plant and the power scalablefromvery small unitsto very large 5 1.3. THEUNFULFILLEDPROMISE units. Acombustion engine,on the other of dollars in new revenue. In addition, oil hand,ismostefficient underfulloperational importing nations can cut down on the use of loads and only at certain minimum engine oil, thereby gaining greater independence from sizes. oil-producing nations, enhancing their energy security,economicsecurity,environmentalsecu- Because of these remarkable attributes and rity, and the national security. The world will capabilities, fuel cells can end the way we then find a profoundly different paradigm for generate and consume electricity today. It can socio-economic, environmental, and geopolit- deliver power that is inherently healthy for the ical relationships that could lead to greater environment and highly efficient. Because of stability around theglobe. their efficiency, fuel cells create less carbon Many governments and corporations have dioxide when operating on carbon-based fuels recognized the promise of fuel cells and are likemethane andnoemissions whenoperating working in tandem to develop their fuel cell on hydrogen. In addition, fuel cells do not technology, manufacturing capabilities, and generate any other emissions like nitrogen global technological leadership. Many govern- oxide, which will harm the earth’s atmosphere. ments have devoted tens of billions of dollars Because of their efficiency, their widespread in R&D on fuel cell technology in the past use would slow the depletion of the earth’s 50 years. Likewise, many corporations have fossil fuel resources. invested billions of dollars in R&D, some for Fuel cells most commonly use hydrogen to overhalf a century. generate electricity, but can use various other But these efforts have not delivered on the fuels, including gasoline, natural gas, ethanol, neededfuelcelltechnology.Despitehugeinvest- and methanol. Hydrogen, which would ment and sacrifice, few companies have made have the least environmental impact, can be any profit. To date, major impediments to fuel producedfromwaterthroughrenewableenergy cell commercialization remain. Daunting tech- readily available in any country on earth, nical challenges have frustrated every effort to including sun, wind, water, geothermal energy, create economically feasible fuel cells. The andbiomass. problemsarewide-ranging:fuelcellshaveinsuf- Fuel cell technology can cause a paradigm ficient longevity, reliability, and have unaccept- shift in quality of life on a global scale. It will ablyhighcost.Forfuelcellsthatrequirespecial give an ordinary citizen the ability to generate fuels (such as hydrogen), the lack of a fuel electricity at home instead of buying electric infrastructurealsolimitscommercialization.8 power from a national electrical grid system Giventhelonghistoryoffuelcelltechnology, that is often delivered over great distances it is mystery that such an important invention withhightransmissionlossesandiscommonly has not yet achieved commercial success on generated by polluting coal-firedpower plants. any significant scale. This book attempts to Individuals will be able to drive cars that oper- unravel this mystery. It explores the history of ate on hydrogen instead of gasoline, and help fuel cell development, evaluates the technical promote new industry and manufacturing challenges, considers the successes and failures sectors that can dramatically reduce carbon of government policy in promoting solutions to footprints. Thus, the fuel cell technology can the technical challenges, and explains why the spur the development of new classes of energy fuel cell industry has not been able to achieve demand and supply systems, transportation commercial success with the technology. This systems, and industrial and manufacturing bookthenturnstothefuture.Itoutlinesasetof systemsinallnations,whilegeneratingtrillions policy recommendations thatmighthelprealize 6 1. INTRODUCTION theultimatepromiseoffuelcelltechnology,and 4. CollectingtheHistoryofFuelCells.SmithsonianInstitution, suggests who the potential winners might be in US; http://americanhistory.si.edu/csr/fuelcells/index. htm;2007. theraceforaviablecommercialproduct. 5. SirWilliamGrove(1811–1896),Biographies,http://www. corrosion-doctors.org/Biographies/GroveBio.htm, References Kingston Technical Software, no date, accessed August 2012. 1. Grove Sir William Robert. (1811e1896), Archives in 6. HistoryoftheBattery,Wikipedia,http://en.wikipedia. LondonandtheM25Area.US:RoyalInstitutionofGreat org/wiki/History_of_the_battery, [accessed October BritainUK;April2001. 2008]. 2. LeoJ,BlomenMJ,MugerwaMichaelN.Fuelcellsystems. 7. Fuelcellsdthefirst120years.In:HistoryofFuelCells,vol. US;Springer;1993. 24.UK,FuelCellToday;July2007. 3. HoogersGregor,editor.Fuelcelltechnologyhandbook.UK, 8. Fuelcellhandbook.7thed.,NETL,theUSDepartmentof CRCPressLLC;July2002. Energy,US,November2004. C H A P T E R 2 Fuel Cells and the Challenges Ahead O U T L I N E 2.1. What Is AFuel Cell? 8 2.6. PhosphoricAcid Fuel Cells 26 2.1.1. TheUnit Cell: A Simple But 2.6.1. Principles of Operation 26 Formidable Device 8 2.6.2. ThePresumptive “First Generation” 2.1.2. Fuel Cell Stacks: PlanarorTubular Commercial Fuel Cell 26 Designs 10 2.6.3. Inferior and Expensive 27 Planar-BipolarStacking 10 2.7. Molten CarbonateFuel Cells 28 StackswithTubularCells 11 2.7.1. Principles of Operation 28 2.1.3. Fuel Cell Systems 11 2.7.2. ThePresumptive “Second 2.2. Types Of Fuel Cells:Distinct Generation” Commercial Fuel 29 Technologies 12 2.7.3. Not DurableEnough and Still Expensive 29 2.3. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells 13 2.8. Solid Oxide FuelCells 30 2.3.1. Principles of Operationand 2.8.1. Principles of Operationand Characteristics 13 Characteristics 30 2.3.2. AnotherDaunting Problem: 2.8.2. An Early Favorite: High Electrolyte Performance 17 TemperatureTubularCells 31 2.3.3. Challenges with Transport 2.8.3. BriefExplorationof High Applications 20 TemperaturePlanarCells 31 2.8.4. TheCurrentTarget: Intermediate 2.4. Direct Methanol Fuel Cells 21 TemperaturePlanarCells,Many 2.4.1. Principles of Operationand ProblemsRemain 32 Characteristics 21 BetterElectrolytesNeeded 32 2.4.2. Experiencing the SameProblemsas BetterAnodeNeeded 33 PEMFCs And More 22 AlternateCathode 2.4.3. ChallengeswithPortableApplications23 Needed.Perhapsthe 2.5. Alkaline Fuel Cells 24 GreatestLong- 2.5.1. Principles of Operationand TermNeed 33 Characteristics 24 LackofInterconnect 2.5.2. An Early Success, Major Setbacks, Materials 33 ThenRedemption, But. 24 SealMaterialsNeeded 34 FuelCells 7 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-56325-5.00002-8 Copyright(cid:1)2013ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 8 2. FUELCELLSANDTHECHALLENGESAHEAD StackScale-UpisDaunting35 References 36 2.8.5. AreAlternative Cell Designs Feasible? 35 AfterMorethan170YearsSinceItsInvention, cell, in contrast, is theoretically capable of Why Hasn’t the Fuel Cell Become A Viable producing electrical energy for as long as Product:HowtoMakeItHappen,andWhoWill fuel and oxidant are supplied to the GetThere First? By Noriko Behling electrodes. Fuel cell life is typically limited by the physical degradation of the components, usually corrosion, or by malfunction of the components. 2.1. WHAT IS A FUEL CELL?I (cid:129) Fixed versus dynamic electrochemistry: A battery containsaphysically “fixed” set of Afuelcellisanenergyconversiondevicethat chemicalsthat reactwith eachotherto electrochemically converts chemical energy producepower.A fuel cell producesenergy heldwithintworeactants,afuelandanoxidant, based onan intricate, dynamic flow of into electrical energy. Fuel can be any ordinary chemicalsand electrical properties,which fuel, but hydrogen is most commonly used. can be disruptedby any numberoffactors. Theoxidantismostcommonlyoxygen,usually intheformofambientair.Thefuelcellproduces 2.1.1. The Unit Cell: A Simple But power as fuel andoxidant aresupplied. Formidable Device A fuel cell has physical components and characteristics that are similar to those of Like the battery, the fuel cell is a simple a typical battery. But there are two critical device,consistingofonlyfourbasiccomponents differences: thatsupportelectrochemicalreactions.Theyare as follows: (cid:129) Energy depletion versus continuous refueling: A battery will cease to produce 1. An electrically negative electrode, called the electrical energy when the chemical anodewith or without a catalyst, to which reactants stored within the battery are a fuel issupplied; consumed ordischarged. (In a rechargeable 2. An electrically positive electrode, called the battery, the reactants are regenerated by cathodewith or without acatalyst,to which recharging from an external source.) A fuel an oxidant (oxygen) is supplied; iThissectiondrawsfromarangeofexistingdocumentsonfuelcells,includingandnotlimitedto“FuelCells:Typesof FuelCells,”Hydrogen,FuelCells&InfrastructureTechnologiesProgram,EnergyEfficiencyandRenewableEnergy,US DepartmentofEnergy,http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/fuelcells/fc_types.html,contentlast updatedMarch8,2007;“FuelCells:FuelCellBasics:ABasicOverviewofFuelcellTechnology,”SmithsonianInstitution, http://americanhistory.si.edu/fuelcells/basics.htm,accessedFebruary2009;and“FuelCellHandbook,Seventh Edition,”NationalEnergyTechnologyLaboratory,USDepartmentofEnergy,November2004;“FuelCellResearch,” PrincetonAppliedResearch,http://www.princetonappliedresearch.com/products/markets/fuel_cell.cfm,AMETEK, 2004. 9 2.1. WHATISAFUELCELL? 3. Electrolyte (a substance that allows is the simplest case, has a nucleus of one movementof electrically conductive ions) proton that is balanced by a single electron that separates thetwo electrodes; in its surrounding electron shell. A hydrogen 4. An externalelectric circuitconnecting two cation has no electron, and therefore carries electrodes(Fig. 2.1). a net positive charge. The cation flows to the cathode where it combines with electrons The electrochemical reactions take place at flowing through the external circuit. Some the electrodes as fuel and oxidant are electrodes require electrocatalysts (commonly supplied, producing or consuming electrons precious metal platinum) for the reaction to and ions. Electrons are produced at the anode proceed at the desired rate. and are consumed at the cathode. Electrons In a fuel cell, ion creation is continuous and move from anode to cathode via an external enabled by the electrolyte, which allows ions circuitda process that results in the electric to move between the two electrodes. The elec- current that the fuel cell produces. Within trolyte also serves as a physical barrier to the fuel cell, ions flow between anode and prevent the fuel and oxidant gas streams from cathode. Ions are individual atoms that have directlymixing.Theprocessofconsumingelec- an uneven number of protons and electrons, trons and ions at the cathode also creates reac- and thus possess a net positive charge (ions tion waste products and heat, which must be with a positive charge are called cations) or transported away. negative charge (ions with a negative charge The working of a fuel cell is nothing if not are called anions). A hydrogen atom, which complex; its various chemical and electrical FIGURE2.1 Schematicillustrationofasinglecell.Source:J.H.Hirschenhofer,D.B.Stauffer,R.R.Engleman,andM.G.Klett, Reprintedinseveraleditionsof“FuelCellHandbook”producedbyEG&GTechnicalServices,fortheU.S.DepartmentofEnergy, OfficeofFossilEnergy,NationalEnergyTechnologyLaboratory,differentdates.The7thedition,whichmaybethelast,waspublished inNovember2004.(Forthecolorversionofthisfigure,thereaderisreferredtotheonlineversionofthisbook.) 10 2. FUELCELLSANDTHECHALLENGESAHEAD components and processes are intricate, deli- reductions in the thickness of the catelybalanced,anddynamic.Themostcritical electrolyte and the development of part of a fuel cell is the so-called three-phase improved electrode and electrolyte boundary or interface, which is the area where materials which broaden the temperature the electrodes and the electrolyte meet and the range over which the cells can be electrochemical reactions take place. For the operated.1 These improvements, however, interface area to be active, it must be exposed are incremental in nature and do not to the reactant (fuel or oxidant), be in electrical constitute a technical breakthrough. contact with the electrode, also be in ionic contact with the electrolyte, and contain suffi- cient amountsof electrocatalyst for thereaction 2.1.2. Fuel Cell Stacks: Planar to occur.1 or Tubular Designs These requirements lead to complex A single fuel cell typically generates a small performance and cost trade-offs. The density amountofelectricity,butcellscanbeconnected or thickness of the electrolyte and the nature inseriestoproducegreaterpoweroutput.Such of the interface play a critical role in the elec- acollectionoffuelcellsinseriesiscalledastack. trochemical performance of both liquid and There are two major types of stack technology: solid electrolyte fuel cells. In fuel cells that planar-bipolarstacking andtubular stacking. use liquid electrolytes, the electrolyte could wet the electrodes excessively and flood Planar-Bipolar Stacking them, lowering their ability to transport reac- tants to the electrolyte and causing degrada- For flat plate or planar fuel cells, individual tion of cell performance over its life.1 In cells are stacked in layers and are electrically solid electrolyte fuel cells, the challenge is connected with interconnects, which are how to engineer the interface so that the elec- called planar bipolar plates. A bipolar plate trodes and the electrolyte remain electrically connects the entire surface of one cathode and ionically well connected and are effi- (electrically positive) and the entire surface ciently exposed to the reactant gases. Also, of one anode (electrically negative) of the in fuel cells that operate at low temperatures, next celldhence the name bipolardand rare and precious materialsdcommonly plat- provides a series electrical connections inumdare needed at the interface to provide between adjacent cells. A bipolar plate also sufficient electrocatalytic activity, making the has other functions. The bipolar plate contains fuel cells extraordinarily expensive. In high channels or grooves that allow for the temperature fuel cells, the electrocatalytic uniform distribution of fuel gas over the activity of the bulk electrode material is often surface of the anode and the distribution of sufficient to support the reaction, but high oxygen or air over the surface of the cathode. operating temperatures can cause other prob- The bipolar plate also often can be hollow in lems, including longevity issues. which case it carries a cooling fluid through the stack with a design that keeps all the reac- (cid:129) Over the past 20 years, the performance of tant gases and cooling fluids apart. The at least some fuel cells has been bipolar plate keeps the reactant gases con- substantially improved based on tained within each cell, so the edges of the improvements in the three-phase boundary cell are designed to allow space to create interface. The improvements included a “gas-tight” seal around each cell.

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