POint-Of-ViEw Epigenetics 7:10, 1094–1097; October 2012; © 2012 Landes Bioscience FTO, RNA epigenetics and epilepsy Joie Rowles,1 Morgan Wong,2 Ryan Powers2 and Mark Olsen1,* 1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; College of Pharmacy, Glendale; Midwestern University; Glendale, AZ USA; 2Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine; Midwestern University; Glendale, AZ USA Several recent landmark papers with diabetes, obesity and metabolism.3 describing N6-methyladenosine (m6A) In the course of conducting these large RNA modifications have provided valu- scale genotyping studies, the role of FTO able new insights as to the importance in human disorders was expanded to of m6A in the RNA transcriptome and include the central nervous system (CNS). in furthering the understanding of RNA Variants have been found to be associ- epigenetics. One endogenous enzyme ated with neurological disease conditions responsible for demethylating RNA m6A, including depression4 and Alzheimer dis- FTO, is highly expressed in the CNS and ease.5 FTO is highly expressed in brain is likely involved in mRNA metabolism, tissue6 and is essential for normal devel- splicing or other nuclear RNA processing opment of the CNS in human.7 The events. microRNAs (miRNAs), a family generation of mice that were specifically of small, non-coding transcripts that deleted only for neuronal FTO had a bind to target mRNAs and inhibit subse- similar phenotype of growth retardation quent translation, are highly expressed in as the whole body FTO deletion, suggest- the CNS and are associated with several ing that a major function of FTO occurs neurological disorders, including epi- in the brain.8 The obesity-associated risk lepsy. miRNAs frequently bind to recog- allele has been shown to have a poten- nition sequences in the 3'UTR, a region tial pathological effect on brain volume: that is also enriched for m6A. Certain healthy elderly subjects with the risk allele specific miRNAs are upregulated by had brain volume deficits (average dif- neuronal activity and are coupled to ferences of 8% in frontal lobes and 12% Keywords: FTO, N6-methyladenosine, epileptogenesis; these miRNAs contain in occipital lobes) compared with non- RNA epigenetics, epilepsy, microRNA, a consensus m6A site that if methylated carriers.9 Recently, brain derived neuro- RNA methylation, RNA demethylation could possibly regulate miRNA pro- trophic factor (BDNF) was identified as a cessing or function. This Point-of-View candidate gene for functional coupling to Abbreviations: m6A, highlights aspects from recent papers to FTO, leading the authors to speculate on N6-methyladenosine; CNS, central propose a functional association between a role of FTO in neuronal plasticity possi- nervous system; miRNA, micro RNA; FTO, RNA epigenetics and epilepsy. bly via interaction with CCAAT/enhancer mRNA, messenger RNA; UTR, binding protein β.10 These data provide untranslated region; FTO, fat mass and FTO is Important in the CNS strong evidence that FTO has a functional obesity-associated; BDNF, brain derived role in the CNS and, by implication, to neurotrophic factor; METTL3, methyl- The gene fat mass and obesity-associated CNS disorders. transferase like 3; TLE, temporal lobe (FTO) was first identified in mice as one epilepsy; Limk1, LIM kinase 1 of the genes encoded by the 1.6 Mb dele- Fto Demethylates m6A RNA Submitted: 08/02/12 tion that produced a phenotype with par- Revised: 08/21/12 tial syndactyly of forelimbs and extensive Most studies involving FTO have focused thymic hyperplasia.1 Subsequently, a com- at the genome level and on correlation of Accepted: 08/26/12 mon variant in the FTO gene was identi- variants with phenotypes. Evidence for the http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/epi.21977 fied as a risk allele for type 2 diabetes and molecular action of the expressed protein increased body mass,2 and many studies (Fto) is more limited. Fto has been shown *Correspondence to: Mark Olsen; Email: [email protected] of FTO have focused on the association to localize to the nucleus and to catalyze 1094 Epigenetics Volume 7 issue 10 POint-Of-ViEw POint-Of-ViEw miRNA and Epilepsy Recently, a connection has been made between RNA processing and epilepsy. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a major RNA regulatory gene family in eukaryotes of which hundreds have been identified. Mature miRNA forms base pairs with Figure 1. FTO catalyzes the conversion of n6-methyladenosine in RnA to adenosine. mRNA, often in the 3'UTR, to induce mRNA degradation, translational repres- sion, or both. Since a single miRNA can the Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent modification is catalyzed by the methyl- target multiple mRNAs, and multiple demethylation of 3-methylthymine in transferase like 3 (METTL3) enzyme, miRNAs can act on a single mRNA, ssDNA.11 One year later it was shown to which is thought to be one component of miRNAs are thought to operate highly catalyze the demethylation of 3-methy- a multi-component complex.14 A degen- complex regulatory networks that silence luracil in ssRNA with slightly higher effi- erate methylation consensus sequence, targeted genes.20 A recent review high- ciency over that of 3-methylthymine in purine-purine-m6A-C-[A/C/U], has been lights the functions of miRNAs in CNS ssDNA.12 However, a recent article pro- known for many years.15 The presence of development and provides multiple vides the strongest evidence to date on the this consensus sequence does not guaran- examples in which misregulation of CNS enzymatic activity of Fto. Jia et al.13 pro- tee methylation, suggesting that this pro- miRNAs is associated with neurological vide evidence that Fto strongly prefers to cess is regulated. There is also a report of disorders, including epilepsy.21 Specific demethylate N6-methyladenosine (m6A) another m6A methylase activity (toward miRNAs are also being investigated in in ssRNA (Fig. 1). By direct comparison U6 snRNA) that does not utilize this con- the context of epilepsy. miRNA-146a with other substrates these authors con- sensus sequence and appears to be a sepa- has been shown to be upregulated in an clude that m6A in ssRNA is the best sub- rate enzyme.16 Two recent independent animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy strate discovered so far for Fto, having a studies utilizing m6A-specific antibodies (TLE), as well as in hippocampal tissue greater than 50-fold preference for m6A and next generation sequencing provide a from patients with TLE and hippocam- over 3-methyluracil.13 Expected changes in transcriptome-wide assessment of mRNA pal sclerosis.22 Similarly, miRNA-134 levels of m6A in mRNA were found when m6A methylation, substantially increasing has been shown to be upregulated in an human cells were manipulated to either knowledge of this modification.17,18 These experimental model of epilepsy involv- overexpress Fto (which caused a decreased papers clearly demonstrated that m6A ing status epilepticus and also in tempo- level of m6A) or underexpress Fto (which methylation is a very prominent mRNA ral neocortex tissue from patients with caused an increased level of m6A). These modification, identifying more than 7,000 TLE.23 These reports suggest that these authors further showed that Fto partially genes that contain m6A. They were in gen- miRNAs are neuronally activated and are co-localizes with nuclear splicing speckle eral agreement on a recognition consensus coupled to epileptogenesis. Upregulation factors (SART1 and SC35) and with RNA sequence for the adenosine that is methyl- of miRNA-134 had a suppressive effect on polymerase II phosphorylated at Ser2, but ated, the overall distribution of m6A sites a known target, LIM kinase 1 (Limk1). not with markers for other nuclear subre- along the length of the transcripts and in Antagomir silencing of miRNA-134 after gions such as telomeres, replication site, the high conservation between human and status epilepticus caused a substantial Cajal body, cleavage body or P-body.13 mouse of major elements of this common reduction in the number of subsequent These authors conclude that m6A in RNA modification. These papers provide seizures, and the rescue of Lim1k was nuclear RNA is the physiological substrate valuable new insights of m6A in the RNA implicated in this protection.23 While the of Fto, and that the function of Fto likely transcriptome and further the understand- mechanism of this dramatic seizure sup- affects the processing of pre-mRNA and/ ing of RNA epigenetics.19 One of these stud- pression could not be absolutely defined, or other nuclear RNAs. This report pro- ies identified potential m6A-specific binding an antiepileptogenic effect was a consid- vides strong evidence that Fto is involved proteins, which may have functional sig- ered possibility. This paper clearly shows in the processing of nuclear RNAs and in nificance.17 Evidence was also presented that silencing miRNA-134 has a neuro- RNA epigenetic modifications. As such, that m6A affects RNA splicing. Using protective and seizure-suppressive effect Fto is the first m6A RNA demethylase that conditions that focused on differentially and provides another avenue in which to exhibits significant regulatory functions. expressed isoforms, a positive relationship study epileptogenesis. was seen between m6A and isoform switch- m6A and RNA Epigenetics ing. Further, differentially spliced exons miRNA and m6A and introns were significantly enriched with m6A is the most common mRNA modifi- m6A.17 These data indicate a role for m6A in The methylation status of miRNA has cation in eukaryotes and also in the RNA splicing, further supporting the role of the been shown to affect stability and turn- of viruses that replicate in eukaryotes. The m6A demethylase, Fto, in this process. over.24 As mentioned above, the location www.landesbioscience.com Epigenetics 1095 Figure 2. (A) Pre-miRnA-134. Mature miRnA-134 is in red, the potential m6A methylation residue is in cyan (UGAC, from ref. 18), and the seed region of the mature miRnA is in the box. (B) Pre-miRnA-146a. Mature miRnA-146a is in red, the potential m6A methylation residue is in cyan [Pu-Pu-AC(A/C/U)], and the seed region of the mature miRnA is in the box. Sequences were obtained from the microRnA database, www.mirbase.org/index.shtml of m6A residues in the 3'UTR of the tran- miRNAs, which involves duplex forma- epilepsy, and several have been implicated scriptome has been linked with miRNA tion,26 and/or the binding of miRNA to in epileptogenesis. Certain m6A sites may binding sites.18 These authors found that mRNA, which also involves a dsRNA play a role in miRNA stability, processing 67% of 3'UTRs that contain m6A peaks component. The confirmation of the m6A or regulation. Thus, the recently discov- also contained at least one predicted modification on these miRNAs remains ered m6A RNA demethylation activity miRNA binding site, significantly greater to be determined, although m6A is known of Fto places it in the heart of RNA epi- than expected by chance alone. They to occur in 3'UTRs of target mRNA. The genetics with subsequent regulatory roles also showed that highly expressed brain presence of m6A in either the miRNA or on critical CNS processes. miRNAs had a significantly greater per- in the 3'UTR in mRNA would affect the centage of target transcripts that con- subsequent interactions, likely via desta- Acknowledgments tain m6A than those of lowly expressed bilization of duplexes. 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