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Ft. McClellan, US Army Corps Engineering, Radiological Historical Assessment Main Post, Final PDF

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Preview Ft. McClellan, US Army Corps Engineering, Radiological Historical Assessment Main Post, Final

US Army Corps of Engineers ST. LOUIS ENGlNEER DISTRICT RADIOLOGICAL HISTORICAL ASSESSMENT MAIN POST Fort McClellan Anniston, Alabama FINAL REPORT December 2001 Prepared by US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ST. LOUJS DJSTRlCT - HISTORICAL ASSESSMENT MAIN POST FORT McCLELLAN ANNISTON, CALHOUN COUNTY ALABAMA L Table of Contents Page Section 1-1 1.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2- 1 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3- 1 3.0 PURPOSE OF THE HISTORICAL SITE ASSESSMENT (Scope) 3- 1 3.1 Authority 3- 1 3.2 Subject 3-2 3.3 Purpose 3-2 3.4 Scope 4- 1 4.0 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION 4- 1 4.1 Physical Characteristics 4- 1 4.1.1 Name 4- 1 4.1.2 Location 4- 1 4.1.3 Topography 4- 1 4.1.4 Stratigraphy 4- 1 4.2 Environmental Setting 4- 1 4.2.1 Geology 4.2.2 Hydrogeology (Not applicable in this report) 4- 1 4-2 4.2.3 Hydrology 4-2 4.2.4 Meteorology 5- 1 5.0 HISTORICAL SITE ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 5- 1 5.1 Approach and Rationale 5- 1 5.2 Boundaries of Site 5- 1 5.3 Documents Reviewed 5-4 5.4 Property Inspections 5-6 5.5 Personal Interviews 6- 1 6.0 HISTORY AND CURRENT USAGE 6- 1 6.1 History 6- 1 6.1.1 Area8 6- 1 6.1.2 Rattlesnake Gulch Area 6-3 6.1.3 Area 31 6-4 6. I .4 Naylor Field and Range 25 6. I .5 Chemical School Buildings 1979-1999 6-4 W 6.1.6 Storage, Maintenance and Calibration Buildings 6-4 i HISTORICAL ASSESSMENT - MAIN POST FORT McCLELLAN ANNISTON, CALHOUN COUNTY ALABAMA Table of Contents Section Page 6.17 Licenses 6-5 6.2 Current Usage 6-5 6.3 Adjacent Land Usage 6-5 7.0 FINDINGS 7-1 7.1 Potential Contaminants 7-1 7.2 Potential Contaminated Areas 7-1 7.2.1 Impacted Areas - known and potential 7- 1 7.2.2 Non-Impacted Areas 7-2 7.3 Potential Contaminated Media 7-2 7.4 Related Environmental Concerns 7-2 8.0 CONCLUSIONS 8.1 Temporary Labs (Buildings T-810, T-8 1 1, T-8 12, T-836 &T-837) 8-1 8.2 Building T-8 12 ?4z 8-1 8.3 Permanent Hot Cell (Building 3 192) 8-2 8.4 Storage Vault (Building 3 180) 8-2 8.5 Radiological Lab (Building 3 182) 8-2 8.6 Building 3 18 1 8-3 8.7 Personnel Decontamination Center (Building 3 185) 8-3 8.8 Building 108 1 8-4 8.9 Building 228 1, Edwin R. Bradley Radiological Laboratory 8- 4 8.10 Alpha Field 8-5 8.1 1 Bromine Field 8-5 8.12 Bromine Tanks 8-5 8.13 Liquid Waste Disposal Pit 8-6 8.14 Radioactive Waste Storage Yard 8-6 8.15 Rattlesnake Gulch Radiological Survey Area ( 1952) 8-6 8.16 Radiological Survey Area #1( 1953-1 958) 8-7 8.17 Field Not Cell (FN 100 297) 8-7 8.18 Chemical School Radiological Burial Grounds (FN 099 292) 8-8 8.19 Range 25 (Old Bandholtz KD Range) 8 -9 8.20 Building 4416 (Ammo Magazine) 8-9 8.21 Buildings 256,257 & 303A 8-9 8.22 Buildings 341 & 345 8-10 8.23 Building 228 8-10 - 8.24 Buildings 335, 337 & 338 8-1 1 8.25 Buildings 339 & 350 8-1 1 9.0 REFERENCES (Procedural) 9-1 II HISTORICAL ASSESSMENT - MAIN POST FORT McCLELLAN ANNISTON, CALHOUN COUNTY ALPLBAMA Table of Contents Section Page APPENDICES A Conceptual Model and Site Diagram showing Classifications B Cited Documents C Photo Documentation Log Original photographs of the site and pertinent site features D Licenses Listing E Site Visits F Distribution List REPORT PLATES Plate 1 Vicinity Location Map Plate 2 Fort McClellan Radiological Sites Plate 3 Fort McClellan Radiological Sites ... 111 Fort McClellan -Alabama Radiological Historical Assessment - Main Post 1.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS AA Anti-Aircraft AAF Army Airfield AAR After Action Report AFP Artillery Firing Point AOC Area of Concern AEC Army Environmental Center AFP Artillery Firing Point AGO Adjutant General's Office AIT Advance Individual Training AOC Area of Concern AP Armor Piercing APDS Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot APERS Antipersonnel APT Armor Piercing with Tracer ASP Ammunition Supply Point ASR Archives Search Report Aux Auxiliary B Bivouac Area BAR Browning Automatic Rifle BD Base Detonating BDPDR Building DemolitionPDebris Removal BE Base Ejection BGR Bombing and Gunnery Range BIRTC Branch Immaterial Replacement Training Center BLM Bureau of Land Management BRAC Base Realignment and Closure CADD Computer-Aided Designmrafting Cal Calib e r CBDA Chemical and Biological Defense Agency CBDCOM Chemical and Biological Defense Command CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological CDTF Chemical Decontamination Training Facility CMTC Citizens Military Training Camps CE Corps of Engineers CEHNC Corps of Engineers, Huntsville Engineering and Support Center CEHND Corps of Engineers, Huntsville Division (Old) CEMVS Corps of Engineers, St. Louis CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act CERFA Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfs Cubic Feet Per Second Section 1.0 - Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Page I-! Fort McClellan -Alabama Radiological Historical Assessment - Main Post COE Chief of Engineers COMP Composition CTG Cartridge CSM Chemical Surety Material CSM Command Sergeant Major CWM Chemical Warfare Material cws Chemical Warfare Service cx Center of Expertise DA Department of the Army DARCOM Development and Readiness Command DERA Defense Environmental Restoration Account DEW Defense Environmental Restoration Program DERP-FUDS Defense Environmental Restoration Program-Formerly Used Defense Sites D&I Detection and Identification DoD Department of Defense DOE Department of Energy DO1 Department of Interior EBS Environmental Baseline Survey EEKA Engineering EvaluationKost Analysis EIS Environmental Impact Statement EOD Explosives Ordnance Disposal EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERDA Environmental Restoration Defense Account W FDE Findings and Determination of Eligibility FFE Flame Field Expedient FFMC Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation FLCH Flechette FORSCOM Forces Command FS Feasibility Study FTMC Fort McClellan FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites GIS Graphic Information System GSA General Services Administration HE High Explosive HEAT High Explosive Anti-Tank HE1 High Explosive Incendiary HEP Plastic HE-S Illuminating HTRW Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste HTW Hazardous and Toxic Waste IAS Initial Assessment Study IAIT Infantry Advance Individual Training ICM Isotope Committee Meeting - INPR Inventory Project Report Section 1.0 - Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Page 1-2 Fort McClellan - Alabania Radiological Historical Assessment - Main Post ~ IRP Installation Restoration Program IRTC Infantry Replacement Training Center KD Known Distance LAW Light Anti-Tank Weapons MFP Mortar Firing Point MG Machine Gun MG Major General mm Millimeter MT Mechanical Time MTSQ Mechanical Time Super Quick NARA National Archives and Records Administration NAS Naval Air Station NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical NCDC National Climatic Data Center NCP National Contingency Plan NFS National Forest Service NG National Guard NGB National Guard Bureau NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOFA No Further Action NPRC National Personnel Records Center NRC National Records Center NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OE Ordnance and Explosives OEW Ordnance and Explosive Waste OP Observation Point ORC Organized Reserve Corps OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act PA Preliminary Assessment PD Point Detonating PIBD Point Initiating, Base Detonating PL Public Law QASAS Quality Assurance Specialist Ammunition Surveillance R Range RA Removal Action RAC Risk Assessment Code RD Remedial Design RG Record Group RI Remedial Investigation RI/FS Remedial InvestigatiodFeasibility Study ROTC Reserved Officers Training Corps RTC Recruit Training Center SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act scs Soil Conservation Service SDZ Surface Danger Zone Section 1.0 - Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Page 1-3 Fort McClellan -Alabama Radiological Historical Assessment - Main Post SLD St. Louis District, Corps of Engineers SOP Standard Operating Procedure SSHO Site Safety and Health Officer SSHP Site Safety and Health Plan SWMU Solid Waste Management Units T Training Area TA Training Area TAY Toxic Agent Yard TECOM Test Evaluation Command TEU Technical Escort Unit TMDE Test Measuring and Diagnostic Equipment TNT Trinitrotoluene TP Target Practice USA United States of America USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACHPPM U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine USADACS U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center and School USAED U.S. Army Engineer District USAEDH U.S. Army Engineer Division, Huntsville, AL (Old) USAESCH U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, Alabama USATHMA U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency USC United States Code USDA U.S. Department of Army USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey UTES Unit Training Equipment Site uxo Unexploded Ordnance WAA War Assets Administration WD War Department WNRC Washington National Records Center Section 1.0 - Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Page 1-4 Fort McClellari -Alabama Radiological Historical Assessment - Main Post CHEMICAL GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS CG Phosgene Choking DP Diphosgene Choking GA Tabun Nerve GB Sarin Nerve GD Soman Nerve vx vx Nerve AC Hydrogen Cyanide Blood CK Cyanogen Chloride Blood SA Arsine Blood HD Distilled Mustard Blister HN- 1 Nitrogen Mustard Blister HN-2 Nitrogen Mustard Blister HN-3 Nitrogen Mustard Blister cx Phosgene Oxime Blister L Lewisite B 1i s ter HL Mustard-lewisite Blister PD Phen yldichloro-arsine Blister ED Ethyldichloro-arsine Blister MD Methyldichloro-arsine Blister DA Diphenylc hloro-arsine Vomiting DM Adamsite Vomiting DC Diphenylc yano-arsine Vomiting CN Chloroaceto-phenone Tear CNC Chloroaceto-phenone in Chloroform Tear CNS Chloroaceto-phenone Tear and Chloropicrin in Chloroform CNB Chloroaceto-phenone Tear in benzene and Carbon Tetrachloride CA Bromobenz ylc y anide Tear cs 0-chlorobenzyl-malononitril Tear BZ BZ Incapacitating BG Bacillus globigii Biological S i mulan t s SM Serratia marcescens Biological S imulan t s OTHER CHEMICAL CORPS TERMS BW Biological Warfare CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Rad. Radiological +- Section 1.0 - Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Page 1-5 Fort McClellari -Alabama Radiological Historical Assessnierit - Main Post 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the Radiological Historical Assessment is to identify buildings and areas \- which may have been associated with the use, storage, handling, disposal or burial of radioactive isotopes at Fort McClellan (Main Post). The U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis, used the Archives Search Report process to identify areas which, previous to this investigation, were unknown. Buildings used by the Chemical School identified as being associated with radioactive materials are: Building T-8 10 (Temporary Lab) Building T-8 1 1 (Temporary Lab) Building T-8 12 (Temporary Lab) Building T-836 (Temporary Lab) Building T-837 (Temporary Lab) Building 8 12% (Radioactive Storage) Building 3 192 (Permanent Hot Cell) Building 3 180 (Storage Vault) Building 3 182 (Radiological Lab) Building 3 18 1 Building 3 185 (Personnel Decontamination Center) Building 108 1 Building 228 1 (Edwin R. Bradley Radiological Laboratory) Other areas and facilities used by the Chemical School identified as being associated with radioactive materials are: Alpha Field Bromine Field Bromine Tanks Liquid Waste Disposal Pit Radioactive Waste Storage Yard Original Rattlesnake Gulch Radiological Survey Area (Early 1950’s) Radiological Survey Area # 1 (Late 1950’s) Field Hot Cell (Early 1950’s) Chemical School Radiological Burial Grounds Range 25 Section 2.0 - Executive Summary Page 2-1

Personnel Decontamination Center (Building 3 185). Building 108 1 Building 4416 (Ammo Magazine) Defense Environmental Restoration Program-Formerly Used U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center and School .. Dr. John May (Health Physics Officer) of the U.S. Army Chemical School was.
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