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FS204 Metsimaholo AFS consolidates 2009-10 PDF

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Preview FS204 Metsimaholo AFS consolidates 2009-10

Metsimaholo Local Municipality Consolidated Annual Financial Statements 2009/2010 Metsimaholo Local Municipality General Information Momore of the Executive Mayoral Commitios Exaoutive Mayor BT bfobkleku ‘Speaker ‘SZMatena Mayco TN Kubek Ls Lempe Ru Mabots Ki Makhobs TL soeteang (ON Motloung NM oak Mempers of Local Municipality Counettons FoCoetzr HI Melman JduPtoasie —ZP Mona TauTot ML Nemalalangwa UGrabbelgar TN Mossi Dikeyser OM Oswald MW ranta MR Raborako WMotchla AN Radeabe Ni Matis PE Ramagole MMashinci SI Ramathossla Lstasia SS Sete MiJMatceng LS Somenya TaMofokeng TK Mabasa DEMoksere MIC vender Watt Shovel! Stat Grading of Locel Authority Hetsimholo Local Munepslty Is 9 Grad @ Local Autry interme of tam IV of Government Note RIED @f2 October 2001, published in frm of he Remuneration of Publ Offcw Bearers Act 1998 Metsimaholo Local Muntclpallty (General Information Registored office vie Canta Fiona Stat Sesolurg PO BOX 60 1947 Postal aaarose FO Box 80 ‘Seaalburg 1847 Tol rove1973aomn Fax: Toust9re 3020 Bankere ABSA Bark Auditors “The Autor Genera: Frae State Chi Financial Ofticar ME Mokosns Munlelps! Mensger Hse Attorneys Mabensar 4 Grins ksisang O METSIMAHOLO LOGAL MUNICIPALITY Index ‘The reports and statemems st au alow compe th oling Index -Accauntng Offcers Responses and Approval ‘Slalarent of Finenll Pasion on 30 dine 2008 Stterent a Finacial Performance Sialrmontof Changes in Net Assets Cash Flaw Statement ‘Ascountng Poti Noles tthe grat Fnancal Statements “Th fving supemenigy internation das nol fam pat of annul frencisttements and is unauded Appandic ‘Appendix Appenete ‘Appendix D Append £1 ‘Appand: £2 opendisF otsimaholo Loc Munlpaly ‘esa Rte y tints ny nek throm Not ‘ei steal asnun, cedar epee are cts iy of tal Sans ed ‘vane uit it repeat nena ater ctoronan ere mon nt rca arty cred acsnig Paroe (SSAct se ae ‘Te inal amet a pra n acts By Cant Fue es Pao (GRAF ante heap nie ezrig ie a te ed agers doe a ad 1 Aint Of swage athe tr pont hm tl Mail can ead scale scarf cn mares hry Senn Toone Sng nas a mnt Monga bm Marcin an of emaer ates nortan het shes esr lnerarp tne navpeija bss cuehaad nner aetna cumstances reves Ine ene manecone Whe MURS oioeirg.wsesang, marae me mane Ise sh srr Hanopa. ane aang a nee ul ead rvs endear ae {hy erat tal spent neve cra, ea std a hav end a ranges "pesca ome sh bn ima mes ry mse Ps Ini ese nce sone el onl pr en a 1 cure Ofer mao he Mapas ach oot 89888 sa a ear ta oa nee a a ‘The seve mtr ui rineeencey ig an ping onthe Monet's nll anes ‘rel tute born nares oy aca eal maser ep pared Tombs ‘te ror tomato ae 0 2 whi oe bean ces negara cma ane Mwy Aotimanco Lc! Maric hy yl ase Innere et uy reese orga ‘ovetn enpyee Bett cote “reborn Baek ect ‘mrt Tar Paya ow eo Motsimsholo Local Municipality Statsmon! of inancial performance Furen Rend Revere Property ola ‘Services charges (Covernment rans and aubeices Fines Rentalineae ‘Gals on dsposs of property, plantand squbrnent ‘other income Expenses Employee costs Forunratn of Courdora Baddatne Bulk purchases Depreiato, amortsaton and impatrnenis Contracted sovioes Ineraes in provisions Income Foregena Ress and maimenance Grants aod suiioa pa ‘General Expenave Les wih disposal t property, pla equ sock ‘Surplus nefore nance cast for the pelod Fhoence costs Surplusi(Dset forthe period owe, ata vw rrseatte ww asnaTsor9 aT a2 207 364 685 4195741 2 pa06 744 095.286, POTENT 15.506 141 P1 (tet sense) 2 © (asio007 (72088 20) 2a 38287088) ‘@5717 819) ae (2 236 2) (612 24) 7 350:309) 2s (486260), 28 (60486457) (290 <7 200 95 190 752 20: 519 341 71 785:190 508.205 200870 19014276 3251 101 ESET) 22208 202 ‘109160 680) @d2424n, 271078) (10822 045) @se10%) e520 600), orn) (398207) (23705 64) eee 70724 082) (652241 (a 695 574) [570 O05 5) 3590 008 Te 76 17526320 SRE TS Be __tarss21y (anna sss) Oia eee Oe STE sel ald S62 BLE sou Le seu sue szuces rez 2es oor 912 BCL EUS PLZ 265 607 S12 89 620 OF BES G0 OF nisin pateymunooe or sys, gh pss rsz___ps0 021 $82 2004 ay so} seach pu auucou pasiuBocay [aOL SL SS 9 51 9058 Yeah a 30) 580) sepezigse ogc eve 952 eons JaSUEIL oxmpuedes peseyaind jeune pue ued fusdola sey 6h Uy setUR, Sep szvese coz ev9 90 peeyser se gong b Ane v8 svete TWeessoeH) Wrz 850 817 siuewsnipe poued sot . ‘quauy sor gezez © onazpeguz povede: Hanousesd e eouejea Pun aio skissexs sassy fyayapyenidins essay waudorenea uewnaeydons FPNIOL PRIERUMEY seNessIYecL yeiKdeg — Busnay ‘mde peruucont ‘yeey J8N MP sEBUEYD JO [LOWERS ‘updroqUn 12007 FoySWIEIORL Hetsimahoto Local Munlespty gues in Rand Nees) 2010 200 {Ssh ows fom oporating actives (Caen cepts rm ae ssaas070 ats 1 ‘Gath ped foeteplee and empoyren saee7y ate 19 coe an tam aparaing Scties a Gr ray sae tyereatincame w7seoees zig Mt rates cots fasiesssy (esha ceeh Netceah fom opsestg stvites Heaseeia Perey Purchase preety pated eam 8 axessasey a -2am Places fom ale of repay, Pet ang Es pest a : Sele of neste cai ose Bak of eter etal fom non-eschange taneact ors zease S276 Net cash om iveoing nvden Goss ay oweeN cash tw rom fanelng acide payment eter inti (isso nso 260 Movamentincneiater dept ee 2468 Novrntin unspent canal rots and eit senosea 2246200, Franc ete payrneurs 201789) tsi 646) Noteath rom tiancing ating PCCLUMNCECET “otal esah movement forte year eowims enact eshte taping ome yar saeute 647008) ‘ols cash stand of th yer rang Tip teo 3a) esa tat

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