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FS192 Dihlabeng AFS 2019-20 unaudited_ PDF

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Dihlabeng Local Municipality ‘Annual Financia Statements fre yea" ended 30 June 2020 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 Dihlabeng Local Municipality sors F270 Serr tayo ene 20 nn 2320, Index “The reports nd sstemants sl oul below compre the anwal nari sstements presented othe provincia iglitre Pause ‘inet ntrmation 1-4 Aesouring Offcars Reenonsblt:# and Aoprova fa Statement of Financial Foeton iB ‘Stotement of Financial Pertermance “ ‘Stetoment of Crago in Not Assets 6 (Caan Few Statement 16 Sislement of Comaaracr of udae! and Actua! Amounts ww Acecunting Polos aes Noes te he Annual Poni Satomerts ae AppandicA. Schedule of cera leans co coir Compention for Oezupatonal nus are Ore #3e3 one apis! Roplacerren Resere oB8h Daveupment Banke South Atos SAGMP ‘South Alia Statements of Goneraly Aczesied Acouving Practice RAP enorny Recopninee Acecuning Prectco name enaraly Aeaootee Meni Accounting Frectiow ine reusing Dovelogrert “und as Jrromaronal counting Stanieds muro Josie of uniipal Finance Oars was Intsmaioal Puc Sector Aceouming Standsres ee Muni Entities ec Marmperofthe Exxewive Counc roy ‘Municip Finance Managutrent mac unsiatfrastucture Grant Previously CMP) Dihlabeng Local Municipality ental Fnac Salers the yor onde 2 ure 220 GSENERALINEORVATION dembors ofthe Execulve Mayors Commits: counter UMahhder speon CCounlie WA Makeer® INC tr cnr series Goumeer WSU Hotkena Incr pubte wats and tl Govtpmen: cone er Antennae MVC for coporate sevens Caxneier SW Jacobs hic ferhnan sotenent eee econ ceveerrert eratoutem ccouneior 4 Tek NMC fer france our ti tA Sempe {YN for 9%, peter nonce managemert 2nd menting SeuncorNE Matas LHC for womes, cnleran,eeety and aerate groups rade of Leal Autor cxaie 8 autor ‘advo General South At22 Bankers: 2BSABant rane 502-233, -aosreceons usleaned Office: ance Pons Telephone: os ana 722 ules srmet Betrehen Fax 98-03 9075 eminem eros xml aderess: Infagateny 0028 Page 1 Dihlabeng Local Municipality ‘nual Fina7tial Statement forthe year ended 90 une 2020 Huniival Manager: tie Bupa Mola ‘Chol Financial Otier: Pole Kr Membor: ofthe Bihabens Local Munieipay, ard No: coun 1 MrT | Mofokeng 2 Mena tn Te 5 rd Michaels ‘ MRD etaung 5 eT JNbembo 6 Me J Twale 7 ie Macickerg 5 Ie TWH Metckere ° WRF tokosna 10 Ms © J van Mlekere " MrM 2 Shaval ry wes M Radete 8 MoT Seekane “ eT Teak 18 Waw ec Sempe 6 Mis $10 Jacobs Nie ALRaknothule -tishwers 8 Nee NE Mabie 16 Mi StY Motekena, Pa MePD Lengeabala Publ Representatives Councillors MisLUMatraiona Hie JK Rathee Me M A Mela rs M A Moxoene Ms ME Lektes ie HE Nokoena Ms MF taabuya ir 7 Mottoung NrGu Roots is 4 Roteung MrP & eassere Mr asnngp0 Ne eM Mthomben MrDL xaba ist Giphant Page? Dihlabeng Local Municipality ‘Annual Finan Stater on 0B yar ence 20.178 7920 Me MA Ketaung Me 8 Wolmarans Ma 2 Nrimande Esceuive Mavor, eure LU. linetoma Sooaist Councitr PE Lexgoabata Mombors ofthe Budlt Commits Mev Skaural Chatsereon ra. MD Meteung Member ‘Nature of the entity ‘Tho rurily eis ved in terie 2Chapter 7 the Consus athe Repusie st Scuh Ais, ‘Relevant leisition CCenstiui fthe Repu o South es ‘he ncn Te Ae (et No 28 of 1987) Value Ado Ta At (Act Ne 880 1881) Manklcl Sacre Ak ek 17 01908) Marples tie 2000) Mariigel Panriog ane Pacorance Management te. laions iter Serio el cro 080987 eu At (tn 107 9 1967) ‘ayia Prepay Rata At (Act 08 208 keri a no ol 17 ‘She Carson Lave Act Ace 9 0 1255) Employer iy AeA no 5 190) Unemployment mane Act (et 2 90.0! 1985) oso Coretine Enlil Ac Ai ce 75 91887) Dihlabeng Local Municipality Anal Financial Staernens fo the yea! onde 23 Jur Dssser Mnageeet At fa 7 21 202) Munipa Becta Act (Actne 27 of 2000} rs Deratcton Acct m 2 of 1986, ‘Sop Chan Manscemont Ragan, 2 Colecive Agere Inastusture nis ALEC Leaks Ragultions [APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: tam rescersble fer the prepsemtion ofthese an-ual nari aatemeris, which ae set et en ages 1Bto3B%n era ct Seeie 123(1) ef tre Mur cipal Finanow Manage Act and when | nave agned a behalf he kr cay lowarses rd tenets of Councilors as dclesedin Note 29 and 30 af has certly athe se annual naa stalerierts are vitin the upper iis cfohe Farcwark ew aged in Sackon 219 of tne Seesttation, read vat the Remuneration of Pubs Ofioe= Bearers Act and th tse of Previn and Local Gove-nmen’s determination in secordarce wh this Ack AL < Ca es Aeing Mumiopel noger “cine Final ce Lagat engl Pale Kha Paget Dihlabeng Local Municipality ‘Annual Finanelal Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 ACCOUNTING OFFICER’S REPORT 2a INTRODUCTION 2079/20 bust ‘The eradication of backlegs and invosment in inresructure far asic werv ees ana growth ‘ioncmic gromth ane Sevelopment (hats sna'e¢ end ucates usta neDe obs ‘uiking ser rors scoure and more ssteincnia sommes ‘The ceepeniny of demecrecy Financil vibity and management: of rescues ‘cating ard effective government Instdvtoral saaacty and ans‘ometion “To butge or improved serice esvery and then subsequently realising operations effeancy wi Fearn ied that na delveraa.es ae aal'ed in asustanable manner, 93> been a huge challeras during the 2019/20 tnarciel year eee mierge of edcrascing nimted nasds wihin Ws consianls of rites fesqurers, fae ae errs cnacge ir the way ive de Business tO ensue thal we sKtetch cul resources > the maxerum REVIEW OF OPERATING RESULTS “Tne 2016/20 buceet of Dinlaneng Local Municipality was upproved by Courel lm May 2078, General Details of the 2070/20 aperai'g results and ciasiicaice of reveTue arc expen ae icles in De oe anc a) Deromarce, graphical peser alin cf the apereting resus stewn In the graph below ending 30 June 2020 472 2s fells: The oer operating ests ote OPERATING RESULTS 2019/20 + 000990 seooovan son eco 00 soocovem avec ovo anitsn raavceoono) Dihlabeng Local Municipality “Annual Financial Statements forthe year ended 30 June 2020 [ T coin | apes 0200900 | oa Bugs Asstod Hneao | zovn0 ‘udust Description eon Eid R000 000 REVENUE ‘Operating weeeue forthe esr wooses | os5c00 apr | 73657 ege.cen | e368 125237 EXPENDITURE ‘peratg expense fr 2 year rom2| 07 corse | aaze | to1cts Far valve agsemont x 16 lovee on epee of 52 s 16 ‘pen Sin oes) es) role assets ai? 2] ove Bae reer -Tne ace! net exsendiure cf the Murcia relecs a decrease of 8.32% vine the acual revenue cf the Munealty hes reraase by 4.77% in 2012/20 sl (970%) lseases and perats Tre anges incre (35) ahd Govern ant Grants (12%) “Te lnrgee! nciease on excendture ozoued on 2ersnrel caste (Uf, rence sols (139%), deb rosment (958) Buk Purchases (259) repaie and maiterance (257) Dihlabeng Local Municipality ‘Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 22 Oporating Revenue ‘The following grap indicate m gaidow of he largest cateyories of revesue OPERATING REVENUE 2019/20 2% { et 4% 23 Operating expenditure The graph he-cu iruietgs the break down por mar expenditure group. OPERATING EXPENDITURE 2019/2020 iRe-munwration ef councilors eaFinance costs Debt impairmen: ss Repay and maimenance 2% mbullepurchanes Em a dearecinion other expanses Dihlabeng Local Municipality ‘Annval Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Remuneration “The cetua axpendture uincraicn angxessee a8 n percerlage ofthe total expense shows 27 rae eam ar ae Laee 201818 03? 71% CTA. These figures have @ arge irvpas: on the ong concurs capabiies of ine munipalty, Tha total remuneravon coast and the allecation of Fe amtame ina “amurevaion p2ckegs diffe ‘rom rruriipelty Ye municigaty for example: tai rere paunes ace mote censact nfensve whit ches night be more laeouT interes, ‘The trget for Femenbrtion az perceniage of excendlure i 30%, Besariniion ar) Ey R00 R000 “Total opersing wxpenciure ae “otal operating evene ere azs Employee remueration oat Pati: % of ol expand 22.71% are: ee otal revere 37.38% ‘iniseereasa in remuneration 6956 PERSONNEL COSTS vs OPERATING EXPENDITURE 000099200 200000000 eoon00w 490000009 2een0009 2ousye0 vo1g/i9

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