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Frontiers of Propulsion Science - Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 227 PDF

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Preview Frontiers of Propulsion Science - Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 227

Frontiers of Propulsion Science Edited by Marc G. Millis NASAGlenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Eric W.Davis Institutefor AdvancedStudies atAustin Austin, Texas Volume227 PROGRESSIN ASTRONAUTICSANDAERONAUTICS Frank K.Lu, Editor-in-Chief UniversityofTexasat Arlington Arlington,Texas Published by the American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. 1801 Alexander Bell Drive,Reston, Virginia20191-4344 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics,Inc.,Reston,Virginia 1 2 3 4 5 Copyright#2009bytheAmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics,Inc.PrintedintheUnited StatesofAmerica.Allrightsreserved.Reproductionortranslationofanypartofthisworkbeyondthatper- mittedbySections107and108oftheU.S.CopyrightLawwithoutthepermissionofthecopyrightowneris unlawful.Thecodefollowingthisstatementindicatesthecopyrightowner’sconsentthatcopiesofarticlesin thisvolumemaybemadeforpersonalorinternaluse,onconditionthatthecopierpaytheper-copyfee($2.50) plustheper-pagefee($0.50)throughtheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Inc.,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers, Massachusetts01923.Thisconsentdoesnotextendtootherkindsofcopying,forwhichpermissionrequests shouldbeaddressedtothepublisher.Usersshouldemploythefollowingcodewhenreportingcopyingfrom thevolumetotheCopyrightClearanceCenter: 978-1-56347-956-4=09$2:50þ:50 Dataandinformationappearinginthisbookareforinformationalpurposesonly.AIAAisnotresponsiblefor anyinjuryordamageresultingfromuseorreliance,nordoesAIAAwarrantthatuseorreliancewillbefree fromprivatelyownedrights. ISBN978-1-56347-956-4 Preface “Fortune favorsthe bold.” —Book XofThe Aeneidby Virgil (19B.C.E.) I. Purpose THISbookisthefirst-ever compilationofemergingscience relevanttosuch notions as space drives, warp drives, gravity control, and faster-than-light travel—the kind of breakthroughs that would revolutionize spaceflight and enable human voyages to other star systems. Although these concepts might soundlikesciencefiction,theyareappearinginincreasingnumbersinreputable scientific journals. The intent of this book is to provide managers, scientists, engineers, and graduate students with enough starting material to comprehend the status of this research and decide for themselves if and how to pursue this topic inmore depth. Aswithanyyoungtopic,itcanbedifficulttocomprehendthepotentialbenefits, theprosandconsofthecompetingapproaches,andthendecidewhatactionsare warranted.Tothatend,theeditorshaveendeavoredtocollectimpartialoverviews ofthebest-knownandmostrelevantapproaches.Inmanycases,dead-endlessons areincludedtocounterrecurringclaimsandofferexamplesforhowtoassesssuch claims. In addition, the methods for dealing with such pioneering topics are included, both from the historical perspective and more specifically from the lessons learned from NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project. It is hopedthatthisvolumewillgivefutureresearchersthefoundationstoeventually discoverthebreakthroughsthatwillallowhumanitytothrivebeyondEarth. Thisresearchfallswithintherealmofscienceinsteadoftechnology,withthe distinctionthatscienceisaboutuncoveringthelawsofnaturewhiletechnologyis aboutapplyingthatsciencetobuildusefuldevices.Becauseexistingtechnology is inadequate for traversing astronomical distances between neighboring stars (evenifadvancedtothelimitofitsunderlyingphysics),theonlywaytocircum- venttheselimitsistodiscovernewpropulsionscience.Inadditiontotheirutility for spaceflight, the discovery of any new force-production or energy-exchange principles would lead to a whole new class of technologies. The implications ofsuccessare profound. Objectively, the desired breakthroughs might turn out to be impossible, but progress is not made by conceding defeat. Breakthroughs have a habit of takingpessimistsbysurprise,butcanequallyremainelusive.Althoughnobreak- throughs appear imminent, enough progress has been made to provide the groundworkfordeeperstudies,bothwiththescienceitselfandwiththeprogram- maticmethodsfortacklingsuchprovocativegoals.Ifthehistoryofscientificand technologicalrevolutionsisanyindication,thistopiccouldonedayeclipsefam- iliar aerospace technology and enable humanity to travel to habitable planets around neighboring stars. For now, however, the work is predominantly at xvii xviii stages1and2ofthescientificmethod;thatis,definingtheproblemandcollect- ing data, with a fewapproaches already testing hypotheses. Regardless of whether the breakthroughs are found, this inquiry provides an additional perspective from which to seek answers to the lingering unknowns of our universe. While general science continues to assess cosmological data for its implication to the birth and fate of the universe, a spaceflight focus will cast these observations in different contexts, offering insights that might other- wise be overlooked from the curiosity-driven inquiries alone. Therefore, even iftherearenospaceflightbreakthroughstobefound,addingtheinquiryofspace- flightexpandsourabilitytobetterunderstandtheuniverse.Thelessonslearnedin the attempt will advancescience ingeneral. The editors of this volume optimistically look forward to a time when this first-evertechnicalbookonspacedrivesandfaster-than-lighttravelbecomesout- dated.Itwillbeinterestingtolookbackdecadesfromnowtoseewhatfuturedis- coveriestranspiredandthencomparethemwiththedirectionsexaminedinthese chapters.Regardlessofthebook’sinevitableobsolescence,theeditorshopethat themethodsofcontinueddiscoveryimplicitinthisbookwillhavelastingimpact. II. Chapter byChapter An introduction to each chapter follows, so that the context of each can be better understood. Consider each chapter to be a primer to its topic rather than a definitive last word. There is much that could change with further research, and in some cases different interim conclusions are found in different chapters. Such divergent conclusions are a reflection of the embryonic state of this research, where many unresolved issues still exist. In many cases, chapters presentideasthatarefoundtonotwork.FromexperiencewiththeNASABreak- through Propulsion Physics Project, it was found that dead-end approaches are repeatedlyresearchedbecausethenullresultswereneverdistributed.Otherchap- ters describe work that is currently under investigation where more definitive resultsareimminent.Andlastly,muchresearchonthistopichasnotevenbegun. Toconveytherelativematurityofpropulsionstudies,ahistoricalperspective isofferedinChapter1.Althoughthenotionsforbreakthroughspaceflighthave been around for quite some time, the actual scientific publications started to accumulate around 1995, with a few examples predating this by many years. From 1996 through 2002, NASA funded work on these subjects through the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project. During that same period, several other organizations sponsored work of their own, including British Aerospace Systems. Most of this research now continues under the discretionary time and resources ofindividual researchers scattered across the globe. It would not be appropriate to have a book about seeking new propulsion science without first articulating the edge of interstellar flight technology, both the foreseeable embodiments and their upper theoretical limits. Chapter 2 pro- vides a thorough overview of the edge of interstellar technology, along with details about optimum trajectory and mission planning. Comparisons between the required mission energies and available terrestrial energy are provided to convey the scale of the challenge. Methods to minimize trip time and vehicle system mass are offered, including assessments of the impact of acceleration xix andmaximumcruisevelocity.Anumberoftechnologicaloptionsaredescribed, including their performance predictions, spanning the technology of light sails through antimatter-annihilation rockets. Presently, the scientific foundations from which to engineer space drives— propulsionthatusesonlytheinteractionsbetweenthespacecraftanditssurround- ingspace—donotexist.Tohelpinitiatethesystematicsearchandassessmentof possibilities,Chapter3transformsthemajorobjectionstothenotionofaspace driveintoaproblemstatementtoguidefutureresearch.Themajorobjectionsare the scarcity of indigenous reaction mass (for momentum conservation), and the lack of known methods to impart net forces against such matter. By examining these issues and the various forms of matter in the universe, and by examining 10 hypothetical space drives, a problem statement is derived. From simple energy analyses, estimates for potential benefits and various analytical approaches are identified. It is found that the very definitions of spacetime and inertialframeswarrantdeeperresearch.Whenviewedinthecontextofspacepro- pulsion rather than general science, these questions present different research paths that stillhave notbeen explored. Whenitcomestomovingspacecraftwithoutusingrocketsorlightsails,one of the most commonly raised approaches is that of manipulating gravity. Chapter 4 examines several ways of approaching this challenge, from simple Newtonian concepts, General Relativity Theory, semi-classical Quantum Gravity Theory, Quantum Field Theory, and others. Although it is possible, in principle, to create or modify acceleration fields, the present theoretical approaches require large (kilometer scale) and massive (solar-system scale) devices operating at extremely high energy levels (relativistic). The chapter also addresses the cosmological antigravity interpretations of dark energy, to find that this does not lead to obvious propulsion opportunities. The details of a wide variety of specific approaches are discussed, and key issues and unex- plored researchpathsare identified. Whereas Chapter 4 dealt with theoretical approaches, Chapter 5 examines recentexperimentalapproachestocreategravitational-likeeffectsusingsupercon- ductors.Anintroductiontothetheoreticalbasisfortherelationshipbetweengravity andsuperconductorsfromGeneralRelativityispresented,followedbydescriptions ofavarietyofexperimentalcomplicationsthatoccurwhenexploringsuchnotions. Thesecomplicationsareincludedtobetterconveythedifficultyofaccuratelydedu- cinghownatureworksvialow-temperatureexperiments.Andfinally,anoverviewis provided of earlier and ongoing attempts to experimentally observe gravitational effects with superconducting and low-temperature devices. Some experiments haveturnedouttobedead-ends,whileothersarestillunderevaluation. Asmuchasitisimportanttoidentifythepromisingareasoffutureresearch,it isalsoimportanttoclearlystatewhysomeapproacheswillnotwork,especially whensuchapproachesarerepeatedlysuggested.Thisisthecasewithmechanical devices that purport to create net forces or antigravity-like effects. Chapter 6 gives examples of very common devices, discusses why they might appear to be breakthroughs, and explains why they are not. It also offers suggestions for tests to provide convincing evidence of their operation, including methods that are written at a level suitable for the independent researchers who frequently propose similar devices. It is hoped that, by providing this information, other xx researchers who are asked to review such submissions can more quickly and effectivelyrespond. Chapter7presentsthefindingsoftheYamishitaelectrogravitationalpatent, which is another null result that warrants reporting. The patent claim involves coupling electrical charge with a rotating mass to produce a gravitational-like force (which was not observed in these independent tests). The chapter also shows how to inexpensively test such claims in a manner that helps educate studentsonthemethodsofscientificinquiry.Theseexperimentswereconducted as student projects at the U.S. Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. AverycommondevicepromotedovertheInternetisthe“Lifter,”whichhas numerousvariants(Biefeld–Brown,AsymmetricalCapacitorThrusters,electro- gravitics,etc.),someofwhichhaveexistedformorethan80years.Thisdevice involves high-voltage capacitors that create thrust by interacting with the sur- rounding air. Perhaps because of the ease of their construction and the scarcity of rigorous publications on this phenomenon, many jump to the conclusion thattheeffectisevidenceof“antigravity.”Chapter8reportsoncarefulmeasure- ments of various capacitor configurations, itemizing the resulting correlations. The final conclusion is that the observed effects are consistent with corona wind, which can alsobe referred toas iondrift. In addition to the comprehensive in-air tests of the previous chapter, Chapter 9 reports on tests in nitrogen and argon at atmospheric pressure and at various partial vacuums. Several other device geometries are examined also asarethoroughvariationsofpolarityandgroundconnections.Thecombination ofgroundingoptions,geometry,andpolarityarefoundtoaffectthrust.Because the thrust is found to be inversely proportional to the pressure, these findings support the coronal wind conclusion of Chapter 8. More specifically, this chapter concludes that the thrust is from the charged ions leaking across the capacitor that undergo multiple collisions with air, transferring momentum to neutral airmolecules in the process. Whereas the momentum of a photon in vacuum is well understood, the momentum of a photon passing through dielectric media has generated signifi- cant debate, beginning with the Abraham–Minkowski controversy of 1908. In particular, the Abraham formulation of the electromagnetic stress tensor in a dielectricmediumpredictsaphotonmomentumthatdiffersfromtheMinkowski formulation,andexperimentaltestshavenotyetbeenabletoresolvewhichper- spective is correct. This controversy has entered the realm of breakthrough spaceflight,withmorethanonedeviceproposedtocreatenetthrustviamechan- ismsembodiedbythisambiguity(Corum,Brito).Chapter10reviewstheunder- lying physics of photon momentum in dielectric media and the potential propulsion implications. The most critical make-or-break issues are identified, as are the conceptual and operational difficulties associated with known exper- iments.Inshort,itisfoundthatboththeAbrahamandMinkowskiformulations matchexperiments,withthecaveatthattheassumptionsandconventionsofeach formulation must be applied consistently when analyzing the entire system. Because some of these details are subtle, it is easy to reach misleading con- clusions if one errantly uses portions of each formulation to analyze a given problem. xxi James F. Woodward, a science professor at California State University, has been experimenting with a technique to induce net thrust using a particular interpretationofMach’sprinciple—aprinciplethatdealswiththeverydefinition of an inertial frame. Chapter 11 reports independent tests of this propulsion concept, comparing it with previous experimental claims. Two devices that weredevelopedandtestedbyWoodwardwereindependentlytestedusingasen- sitive thrust balance developed for field-emission electric thrusters. The results do not seem to be in full agreement with the findings claimed by Woodward andcollaborators.Nevertheless,theimportanceofsuchadiscoveryissufficient torecommendcontinuingexperimentationtoreachacompleteunderstandingof the phenomenon. Even if this effect is found not to occur, the issues raised by Woodward’s approach offer several provocative questions for deeper investigation. Quantumelectrodynamicstheory,whosepredictedeffectshavebeenverified to1partin10billion,predictsthatthelowestenergystateoftheelectromagnetic field still contains energy that can produce forces between nearby surfaces. These Casimir forces have been measured and found to agree with predictions. Chapter 12 examines whether this quantum vacuum might be exploited to propel a spacecraft. Restrictions resulting from the conservation of energy and momentumarediscussed.Apropulsionsystembasedonanuncharged,conduct- ing, mirror that vibrates asymmetrically in the vacuum produces real photons that create thrust. Even though the thrust is even less than a photon rocket, this action demonstrates that the vacuum can be used for propulsion. Techno- logicalimprovements,someofwhichareproposed,mayincreasetheaccelerat- ing force. Many questions remain about the supporting theory, and further experiments are needed to probe questions about the quantum vacuum that are far beyond current theory. Controversial theories exist in the peer-reviewed literature that assert that inertia is a side effect of accelerated motion through quantum vacuum fluctu- ations. Chapter 13 examines the constructs of one of these theories to identify the critical make-or-break issues and opportunities for discriminating tests. Although the specific approach examined in this chapter has several shortcom- ings, the more general notion of the connection between inertia and quantum fields remainsopen for deeperinvestigations. Toopenthenextsectiononfaster-than-lighttravel,itisappropriatetohavea chapteronSpecialRelativity,thetheoreticaltoolfordescribingtheconsequences ofhyper-fastmotionthroughspacetime.Experimentalobservationsthatsupport special relativity are described in Chapter 14. The chapter outlines the basic groundwork of special relativity and then proceeds to show the paradoxes created if faster-than-light travel were allowed within spacetime. Paradoxes are presented and shown to be primarily concerned with our concept of time. Dependingonhowtimeisdefined,itmaybepossibletoresolveallofthesepara- doxes.Theothercaveattofaster-than-lighttravelistheissueofspacetimeitself. Althoughfaster-than-lightmotionisclearlyaproblemwithinspacetime,thesitu- ationisdifferentwhentoyingwithmanipulatingspacetime.Thosemanipulations are the subject ofthe next chapter. Whereas Special Relativity forbids faster-than-light travel within spacetime (or at least sets interesting constraints upon motion), the situation is different xxii in General Relativity where spacetime itself can be manipulated. Chapter 15 examines the variety of theoretically postulated faster-than-light schemes (warp drives and wormholes in particular) to identify the energy requirements and make-or-break issues. Many of the related issues are provocative topics in their own right in science, and when viewed from the point of view of hyper- fast travel, present interesting approaches toward their resolution. It is shown that many of the energy restrictions commonly imposed are conventions rather than physical absolutes. The possibility of testing some elements of theory is raised,inparticulartheuseofextremeelectricandmagneticfieldstrengthsposs- ible with ultrahigh-intensity lasers. General Relativity is not the only branch of science with curious issues of faster-than-light phenomenon. Quantum Theory has its own set of provocative topics that are commonly, and sometimes errantly, associated with faster-than- lighttravel.Chapter16reviewssuchquantum“nonlocality”effectsandarticu- latesnumerousexperimentsandtheirinterpretations.Oneoftheprimecomplex- ities is having exacting definitions of what is meant by “entanglement” and “nonlocality” and how these compare to the light-speed constraints of Special Relativity. These complexities are explained in the chapter, and it is shown that, in many situations, there are no conflicts. The chapter also shows that the assumptions that lead to the “no-signal theorems” warrant close inspection when assessing their applicability to some contemporary experiments. Under certain circumstances, situations leading to retrocausal paradoxes can be con- ceived where the effect precedes the cause. These situations are described, but no resolutions exist at thispoint. Toopenthenextsectionaboutenergyimplications,Chapter17reviewsthe past and projected technology that is based on accrued science. Numerous devices are reviewed, including multiple power sources and conversion methods and estimates oftheir upper performance limits. The phenomenon of quantum fluctuations and its high-energy density—as calculated from some estimates—has led some to ponder if the quantum vacuum can be tapped as an energy source. Chapter 18 examines a span of both theoretical and experimental approaches. It concludes that energy con- versions between vacuum fluctuations and tangible effects are possible in prin- ciple (albeit small), but that continuous energy extraction appears problematic on the basis of the current understanding of quantum electrodynamics theory. Specific experimental approaches are described for investigating these issues directly. Sonoluminescence,whichislightgeneratedfromacousticcavitationinfluids, has been associated with claims of energy production. To provide grounding in thistopic,Chapter19coversrecentexperimentalmethodsandfindings.Instru- mentation techniques that measure optical, radiation, and thermal properties of the phenomenon of sonoluminescence are described. Initial efforts are directed to the generation and the imaging of sonoluminescence in water and solvents. Evidenceofhigh-energygenerationinthemodificationofthinfilmsfromsono- luminescence is seen in heavy water but not seen in light water. The attainable energyoutputwasfoundtobelessthantheenergyinputfortheexperimentsdis- cussed. Improvements for realizing fusion processes and energy harvesting are xxiii suggested. This phenomenon also serves as an empirical path to further under- stand the interactionof sound,light,andfluidphysics. In much the same way that it is important to publish the space drive approachesthatproducednullfindings,Chapter20presentsexperimentalfind- ingsofavarietyofenergyconversiondevicespurportedtoproducemoreenergy thantheyconsume.Althoughsuchconceptscanbesummarilydismissedforvio- latingthermodynamiclaws, theprospectthattheremightbegenuineunobvious energy sources has led many to suggest such devices. This chapter details the experimental methods and experiences derived from testing such claims to help other researchers become alert to the complexities and possible pitfalls of related experiments. To address challenges of breakthrough spaceflight within the sciences of General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory, computer computational tools are required. Calculations in these disciplines are extensive and involve complex notational conventions. The time to do these calculations manually is prohibitive, as is the risk of inducing transcription errors. Chapter 21 reviews the main tensor calculus capabilities of the three most advanced and commer- ciallyavailable“symbolicmanipulator”tools.Italsoexaminesdifferentconven- tionsintensorcalculusandsuggestsconventionsthatwouldbeusefulforspace propulsionresearch. Based on lessons from history and the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion PhysicsProject,suggestionsareofferedinChapter22forhowtocomparatively assessthevarietyofapproachestowardrevolutionaryspaceflight.Perspectivesof prior scientific revolutions are examined in the context of seeking spaceflight revolutions. The intent is to identify techniques to improve the management of such visionary research. Methods tested in the course of the Breakthrough Pro- pulsion Physics Project are provided, including details from its one formal cycle of research solicitations. Key recommendations are to rigorously contrast existing foundations of science with the visionary goals of breakthrough space- flight, and to dissect the grand challenges into more approachable, short-term researchobjectives. III. Snapshot ofthe Book Followingthe principlesofa“traceability map,”asdiscussed inChapter 22, Fig. 1 shows a relational depiction of the contents of this book. In the far left column of this map, the relevant disciplines of science are listed. In the far right column, the visionary goals are listed and broken down into categories of differentapproaches.Fromthere,thesecategoriesbranchoutintonumerouscon- cepts anddevices.Inthecolumnsbetween thefoundations ofscienceandthese concepts and devices, there are various unknowns, critical issues, and curious effects. Because of printing limitations, the connecting lines between these various facets cannot be shown, but many of the connections can be inferred by noting the numbers in the parallelograms attached to the blocks. These numbers refer tothechaptersinwhichthespecificitemsarediscussed.Fromthisrepresentation itisobviousthatagivenconceptisconnectedtomanyissuesandthatthereare xxiv Fig.1 Relationaldepictionofthisbook’scontents. issuesthatpertaintomanyconcepts.Inanexpandedversionofthismapitwould bepossibletoseehowalloftheitemsareinterconnected.Theitemshavingmore connectionswouldbethosethataremorerelevanttootherfacets.Anotherdetail of the figure is that the shaded blocks refer to null tests or to concepts that are shown analytically not to be viable. All of the rest of the subjects are open for further study.

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