Digestion 91 | 3 | 15 print online www.karger.com/dig 91(3) 181–262 (2015) ISSN 0012–2823 e-ISSN 1421–9867 BBLLAAIITTSSSSHHEEEEDD AA1NNDDD IICGG8ONEETINS9UTTOUIIS5LOOYNN PUUBBLLIISSSEEHHHCCCEENNNDDIII SSS International Journal of Gastroenterology S. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers Basel . Freiburg . Paris . London . New York . Chennai . New Delhi . Bangkok . Beijing . Shanghai . Tokyo . Kuala Lumpur . Singapore . Sydney The first detailed discussion of this much-neglected topic Diabetes Secondary to Frontiers in Diabetes Editors: M. Porta, F.M. Matschinsky Vol. 22 Endocrine and Diabetes Secondary to Endocrine and Pancreatic Disorders Pancreatic Disorders Editors E. Ghigo M. Porta Editors Ezio Ghigo Massimo Porta Diabetes Secondary to Endocrine and The 1997 classification of diabetes mellitus, now ac- Contents Pancreatic Disorders cepted worldwide, includes a large section of ‘Other Editors: Ghigo, E.; Porta, M. (Turin) X + 184 p., 27 fig., 2 in color, 14 tab., 2014 specific types of diabetes’, a good part of which is • Introduction: Porta, M.; Ghigo, E. CHF 168.00 / EUR 140.00 / USD 198.00 made up of diabetes secondary to other endocrine • Diabetes from Growth Hormone Excess: (hard cover) or pancreatic disorders. However, a comprehensive Neggers, S.J.; van der Lely, A.J. COHnFlin 2e0 2ve.0r0si o/ nE UfoRr 1in6s8t.i0tu0 t/io UnSaDl p 2u3r8c.h0a0s (eonline) overview on how these disorders may lead to diabe- • Diabetes in Growth Hormone Deficiency: Prices subject to change tes, and how to diagnose and treat them, was not Prodam, F.; Zavattaro, M.; Caputo, M.; Marzullo, P.; EUR price for Germany available so far. Aimaretti, G. USD price for USA and Latin America only • Diabetes Associated with Glucocorticoid Excess: ISBN 978–3–318–02597–2 (hard cover) Filling this gap, this book includes detailed descrip- Janssen, J.A.M.J.L.; Lamberts, S.W. e-ISBN 978–3–318–02598–9 tions of glucose metabolism derangements in other • Diabetes in Hyperaldosteronism: Crudo, V.; endocrine and pancreatic disorders. Leading experts Frontiers in Diabetes, Vol. 22 Mulatero, P.; Monticone, S.; Veglio, F. Series Editors: M. Porta (Torino); in their fields present an exhaustive overview of the • Diabetes from Catecholamine Excess: Mannelli, M.; F.M. Matschinsky (Philadelphia, Pa.) most-updated evidence on the etiopathological Parenti, G.; Zampetti, B.; Canu, L.; Mannucci, E. mechanisms underlying the development of diabe- • Diabetes and Hyperthyroidism: Mitrou, P.; tes in patients with endocrine and pancreatic disor- Dimitriadis, G.; Raptis, S.A. ders, and the relevant diagnostic and therapeutic • Diabetes Secondary to Neuroendocrine approaches. Gastroenteropancreatic Tumors: Minuto, F.; Because of its multidisciplinary approach, this book Ferone, D.; Boschetti, M.; Albertelli, M.; Gatto, F. is of great interest to endocrinologists, diabetologists, • Type 2 Diabetes in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: general practitioners, internal medicine specialists Pasquali, R.; Gambineri, A. and surgeons, and will remain a reference source for • Diabetes in Hyperparathyroidism: Thomas, A.; Kautzky-Willer, A. years to come. • Posttransplant Diabetes: Secchi, A.; Scavini, M. • Diabetes in Pancreatitis, Pancreatectomy and Other Pancreatic Diseases: Tiengo, A.; Vigili de Kreutzenberg, S.; Del Prato, S. • Fibrocalculous Pancreatic Diabetes: Unnikrishnan, R.; Mohan, V. • Diabetes and Hemochromatosis: Wood, M.J.; Gonsalkorala, E.S.; Powell, L.W. Dear Librarian • Secondary Diabetes: Clinical Considerations: I have reviewed this publication and Ghigo, E.; Guaraldi, F.; Porta, M. would like to recommend it for our library. Author Index / Subject Index Recommended by: Department: Date: The easiest way to order: www.karger.com/fdiab Signature: Karger – Medical and Scientific Publishers CH–4009 Basel, Switzerland Orders may be placed with any bookshop, [email protected], f: +41 61 306 12 34 subscription agency, directly with the publisher www.karger.com or through a Karger distributor. KI14613 GzD 2015 EB 7.1.15 GL 7.1.15 GI 7.1.15 Official Journal of The Japanese Gastroenterological Association (JGA) BLAITSSHEED 1AND C8ONTIN9UOUS5LY PUBLISEHCENDI S DIGESTION International Journal of Gastroenterology Founded as ‘Archiv für Verdauungskrankheiten’ 1895 by I. Boas Continued as ‘Gastroenterologia’ 1939–1967 Former Editors: P. Morawitz (1934–1936), R. Staehelin (1937–1943), A. Hurst (1940–1945), W. Löffler (1943–1961), T.C. Hunt (1947–1967), N. Henning (1953–1962), B. Ihre (1953–1967), H. Bartelheimer (1963–1967), M. Demole (1963–1971), H. Kapp (1968–1970), R. Lambert (1972–1978), W. Creutzfeldt (1979–1992), R. 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Moknu. gdQoouigley work to take public responsibility for the content of the Abstract: Each paper needs an abstract of up to 200 Reference Management Software: Use of EndNote is rec- A guide to leading investigations in the field of gastroenterology paper, and must give final approval of the final version words. It should be structured as follows: ommended for easy management and formatting of ci- of the manuscript. Background/Aims: W hat is the major problem that tations and reference lists. This series is designed for both the physician active in the clinical practice of gastro- COartigeignoarli ePsa poef rMs aanreu sfucrlli-pletsngth research papers which MReestuhlotsd: s: pMHrooowmst wpimtaespd to thrhetea s nstuttu dfidyny dp?ienrgfos?rmed? 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Gastrointestinal Research Motility Disorders Inhibitors: A Balanced View Treatment of Hepatobiliary and and Cytoprotection/ Short Communications should not contain more than numbered in Arabic numerals) should be prepared The Editors reserve the right to limit the scope and Founded: 1975 Editors: Quigley, E.M.M. Editors: Chiba, T. (Kyoto); Pancreatic Diseases Organoprotection in the 2abb lpessrt ironartc efitd,g eupsraseegsne. stS i(uailc. ehr.e 5cfeo mrmeanmncuuessn ciarcniapdtti onpnoasgt semhs)oo, urineld ct lrhueadpnirn e3gs e tanan-t outonr et ses ceahp nalerigcaeatenl drpe,a aagsleossno. spT, rfiaebgpluearsre esrd ew qoiutnhi r aea sasec phreaeeranadt iebn apgc akaggnerd.o Dufinugde- lmWenaegtbet rhpi auolb f mltihcuaest tis oumnp epweleti tmphroeonudtta utrchyte imo nnae teqeduri aafloli.tr yS ausnptyapn lmedmaordednisfit acforayr- FISiSeNld 0o3f0 In2–te0r6e6s5t: Gastroenterology ((VHKIIuoI r+uo sk1ta7ow6n ,pa T).;,e F1xu7.) k;fi uHgdo.,o n6,g Sino. ,(c SMoel.no dr,a i) MSVaIIatI ol+feh 1r, t2Hh0.e (piKn.y,e o2r8,t oP fi.) g( M., a2g ind ecboulorgr, ); EIVsdIhIIii tz+oa r1ws2: a4K, opTk.. ,(u 3Tdo4o kfi,y gNo..),; 2 3 in color, GMTraeeasctthmraoneinnisttmess,t iPnreavl eTnraticotn and ctMiwinnhortgeemiee stsret paeoi nlmsafet g tg le beRea ,ewts etfotpeoarrroyori reg itatn oisssnt u aetfabuhsrlet melisl n b tiEluratetdidlnie inoigfte gortssh ur lts iahmmv neienmda rpqn atasuuorhpisiporeeciirsurcn. ilsogpd.f t Aassbbcueiot ehaunrottr irpafisno csgt hmeeondeut eiilatnd-l si1tthdlihh8rlaouooav0nswrue t’s mlrid anan u 2tgnaifis2somot n3n tob ea smbn.el eeB imlnr as/eo uwb)sof beo noh8lmllreua0e tilpd0btfitro–- lweootn1odvci, nt2.ki ohdW0e f fe 0 iao th 3ncsrde0 r dpnnro0 eiucp .ppd om Formplooibsig asrdeuia ruribkftrl cllaesueetn .,ri sfi oEd gtlrns raetaco cshta( uhiemlmopi nifin alusglrsxeuss ,.mtv ts eltsnaiurirnuzoaasee--ttl tnhsmiafienao otpavdtnhta e see vr o x taaidricdtrt aeeleeetele:oday sdW i ficata 1iannlone0nddrgs ndM .n(l o eI.oambntg mr be iognPneeve dD d,cns s .oieFcaz narlv eeafinvi.a l,eldA ,er. r mslslatyul,el. pp lfidEA efipg xpgcullcere)cero.mseel pp ssseeth panarornblteyuadla erlt dd ytofia s bfilbahee llesPee e sssDatu nsssFp hhd( poofio fluunlioeelllr)dddy-, e-ISSN 1662–3754 1C(C(IeSoh0-HHBnaI StNFFrlaBid n 12bN9 7e1c.7 ,48o) 982..v700–0e83001r–4 – )//33 EE–1UU381R–R8 011–274058827..0508070– 9 1//– UU8SSDD 225019..0000 1C(C(IeSoh7-HHBnaI StNFFrlaBid n 12bN9 7e1c.7, 48o) 982..v700–0e83010r–3 – )//33 EE–1UU381R–R8 011–274048821..045010–06 9 //– UU6SSDD 225019..0000 8C(C(IeSoh -HHBtnaIaSNFFrlbBid n 12N9. ,7e1c 7h 48o)98a..v700–re8d300r– – )/c/33 oEE–1vUU38e1R–Rr8 ,0 11–227400288219..30202090– 3 6//– UU3SSDD 225019..0000 E(VC(C(oShdIHHtInaIi. FF trl+Poid n12e r 2e81cst5e8o:)2 F0r..v00si elpb00ar. u r),// er4 EEgt9oUU) ;vfi RRTag a11,. k,L85 e1.22P0u...00 c t00ha bi//, .KUU, 2.SS (0DDK1y 222o15t47o..)0000 Editorials provide comments on papers published in be embedded in a document file but submitted separately ISBN 978–3–318–02183–7 Digestion. Editorials are usually invited by the Editors. (see detailed instructions on the Submission Website at Author’s ChoiceTM e-ISBN 978–3–318–02184–4 www.karger.com/dig). 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Frontiers of Frontiers of Gastrointestinal Research Editor: C. Sakamoto Vol. 33 Functional and Gastrointestinal Research GI Motility Disorders Read it online: Editors E.M.M. Quigley www.karger.com/fgare M. Hongo S. Fukudo A guide to leading investigations in the field of gastroenterology This series is designed for both the physician active in the clinical practice of gastro- Series Editor enterology and the gastroenterologist or student engaged in research. Each volume C. Sakamoto, Tokyo offers a ready reference guide to current progress and a review of past achievement in a particular area of gastrointestinal study. The series covers pathological, pharmaco- logical, diagnostic and therapeutic considerations relating to the digestive system, as well as the latest techniques and instrumentation used in the management of gastro- intestinal disorders. Frontiers of Vol. 33: Functional and GI Vol. 32: Proton Pump Vol. 31: Fluorescent Imaging Vol. 30: Cell/Tissue Injury Gastrointestinal Research Motility Disorders Inhibitors: A Balanced View Treatment of Hepatobiliary and and Cytoprotection/ Founded: 1975 Editors: Quigley, E.M.M. Editors: Chiba, T. (Kyoto); Pancreatic Diseases Organoprotection in the Field of Interest: Gastroenterology (Houston, Tex.); Hongo, M. Malfertheiner, P. (Magdeburg); Editors: Kokudo, N.; Gastrointestinal Tract (Kurokawa); Fukudo, S. (Sendai) Satoh, H. (Kyoto) Ishizawa, T. (Tokyo) Mechanisms, Prevention and ISSN 0302–0665 VIII + 176 p., 17 fig., 6 in color, VIII + 120 p., 28 fig., 2 in color, VIII + 124 p., 34 fig., 23 in color, Treatment e-ISSN 1662–3754 1C(C(IeSoh0-HHBnaI StNFFrlaBid n 12bN9 7e1c.7 ,48o) 982..v700–0e83001r–4 – )//33 EE–1UU381R–R8 011–274058827..0508070– 9 1//– UU8SSDD 225019..0000 1C(C(IeSoh7-HHBnaI StNFFrlaBid n 12bN9 7e1c.7, 48o) 982..v700–0e83010r–3 – )//33 EE–1UU381R–R8 011–274048821..045010–06 9 //– UU6SSDD 225019..0000 8C(C(IeSoh -HHBtnaIaSNFFrlbBid n 12N9. ,7e1c 7h 48o)98a..v700–re8d300r– – )/c/33 oEE–1vUU38e1R–Rr8 ,0 11–227400288219..30202090– 3 6//– UU3SSDD 225019..0000 E(VC(C(oShdIHHtInaIi. FF trl+Poid n12e r 2e81cst5e8o:)2 F0r..v00si elpb00ar. u r),// er4 EEgt9oUU) ;vfi RRTag a11,. k,L85 e1.22P0u...00 c t00ha bi//, .KUU, 2.SS (0DDK1y 222o15t47o..)0000 ISBN 978–3–318–02183–7 e-ISBN 978–3–318–02184–4 OPrnicliense s vuebrjseicotn t foo cr hinasntgiteu.t EioUnRa lp priucrec fhoars Geermany, USD price for USA and Latin America only KI 15138 © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel E-Mail [email protected] The Journal Home Page is available at: www.karger.com www.karger.com/dig General Information ISSN Print Edition: 0012–2823 Subscription Rates: Subscriptions run for Back Volumes and Single Issues: Information on ISSN Online Edition: 1421–9867 a full calendar year. Prices are given per year. availability and prices of single print issues and print Personal subscription: or electronic back volumes can be obtained from Cus- Journal Homepage: www.karger.com/dig Print or Online Print+Online combined tomer Service at [email protected]. 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The scientific programme will include recent advances and state of the art lectures covering genetic, immunological, microbiological and clinical developments GET IN TOUCH in the field of gastrointestinal disorders, liver diseases and nutrition. +44 (0) 845 1800 360 To register, book accommodation, submit an [email protected] abstract and for further details on the www.espghan2015.org scientific programme for the 48th Annual 2 3 Meeting please visit www.espghan2015.org @ESPGHANSociety 51 1 F