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From van Gogh to Picasso, From Kandinsky to Pollock. Masterpieces of Modern Art PDF

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Preview From van Gogh to Picasso, From Kandinsky to Pollock. Masterpieces of Modern Art

Solomon R. Guggenheim From van Gogh From Kandinsky Masterpieces Museum, New York Thannhauser Collection to Picasso to Pollock of Modern Art Bompiani r/ (%>+9' ' ' This exhibition has been organized by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York Johnson& Higgins, New YorkCity andTheChubbGroupofInsurance Companies, Warren, NewJersey providedadditionalfinancialsupport fortheexhibition. LufthansaGermanAirlines istheofficialcarrier for theexhibition in Italy. D 1990TheSolomon R. Guggenheim ulation. New York uppo Editoriale Fabbri, ozogno, Etas, S.p.A. 'lano Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York Thannhauser Collection From van Gogh From Kandinsky Masterpieces to Picasso to Pollock of Modern Art Edited by Thomas Krens with Germano Celant Lisa Dennison Bomp lani PAIAMO;BASSI Comitato Amici di Palazzo Grassi President President Feliciano Benvenuti SusannaAgnelli GeneralManager Committee Fmilio Melli MarellaAgnelli UmbertoAgnelli Directorof Mirella Barracco CulturalProgrammes Vittore Branca Paolo Viti Cristiana Brandolini D'Adda Francesco Cingano Attilio Codognato Giancarlo Ferro GianluigiGabetti KnudW.Jensen MichelLaclotte Giancarlo Ligabue Pietro Marzotto Thomas Messer Philippede Montebello Sabatino Moscati GiovanniNuvolettiPerdomini Richard E. Oldenburg Giuseppe Panzadi Biumo Alfonso Emilio Perez Sanchez Claude Pompidou Maurice Rheims Cesare Romiti Norman Rosenthal Guido Rossi FrancescoValcanover MarioValeri Manera BrunoVisentini Bruno Zevi Secretary FurioColombo PalazzoGrassiS.pA. San Samuele 3231,Venezia " Palazzo Grassi reopens with an outstanding exhibition that will bring masterpieces ofthe Guggenheim Collection in New York to Venice. It should be made clear immediately, however, that this is not just a case of temporarily transferring a permanent collection to a special venue. The New York museum possesses a great many mo—re pieces than will be displayed here, and a careful selection has been made an arduous task that is also thefruit ofexacting criteria. In this case, Palazzo Grassi has opted to emphasize the Guggenheim's heritage ofmodem art by drawing on three different sources: the Thannhauser Collection (devoted mainly to works from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century), the Museum's primary collection and a selection ofsome of the most important works collected by Peggy Guggenheim. This is not, therefore, a mere transposition ofan existing exhibition. Nor have we simply sought to make the American collection more accessible. Rather than offer a homage to the visitor, the selection carried out by Thomas Krens, Germano Celant, and Lisa Dennison for Palazzo Grassi aims to stimulate deeper knowledge and understanding of modern art. Modem art is not so easily deciphered. We are still too close in time to identify the fundamental lines and their main works, despite thefact that, more than ever before, criticsfollowed and even invented the movement or movements ofthis particular artistic expression. Consequently, this criticism and its outcome are putforwardfor the scrutiny of the public. Asfor the art itself, the exhibition traces its transition from synthetic vision to an analytical vision ofthe world, and illustrates the gap between the two. The world in which we are immersed is the world ofanalysis, ofdetail, offragments, in which those who are acquainted with "all the rest" will surely find "all the rest. The exhibition is therefore not a mere casual representation of trends or single artists. It is a coherent, consistent chapter. It is also necessarily an exhibition composed ofallusions. But life, like history, is always a series ofallusions and coordinates, linked by the thread ofour civil commitment within civil history, and the kind ofcultural commitment we ask of the public in the exhibition. Feliciano Benvenuti The Solomon R. Guggenheim Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Foundation President Director AdvisoryBoard Achille Maramotti PeterLawson-Johnston ThomasKrens oftheSolomonR. Guggenheim TheLord McAlpine Museum Luigi Moscheri Vice President Deputy Director Donald M. Feuerstein Maria PiaQuarzo Cerina The Earl CastleStewart DianeWaldman Robert Meltzer Fanny Rattazzi Rudolph Schulhof Antonio Ratti Trustees DeputyDirector Maria Luisade Romans Elaine Dannheisser Peggy Guggenheim AdvisoryBoard Nanette Ross Michel David-Weill Collection ofthePeggyGuggenheimCollection Denise Saul Carlo De Benedetti Philip Rylands Claude Pompidou,President HanneloreSchulhof Ciianni De Michelis TheGrandDuchessofLuxembourg JamesSherwood Robin ChandlerDuke AssistantDirector JamesAllman Robert D. Stuart,Jr. Robert M. Gardiner MichaelGovan Tiziano M. BarbieriTorriani Marion Taylor JohnS. Hilson AlexanderBernstein RobertoTronchetti Provera Thomas Krens AssistantDirector Mary Bloch GianniVarasi ArthurLevitt,Jr. forAdministration IdaBorletti Kristen Venable Wendy L-J. McNeil andFinance Bernardino Branca RobertVenable DeniseSaul Gail Harrity The Earl Castle Stewart William A. Schreyer Claudio Cavazza FeliceGianani ChiefConservator Daniel C. Searle Enrico Chiari Umberto Nordio JamesSherwood andAssistantDirector Jack Clerici AnnaScotti Bonnie Ward Simon forTechnicalServices ElizabethT. Dingman HonoraryCharterMembers PaulSchwartzbaum SevmourSlive RosemaryChisholmFeick PeterW. Stroh Filippo Festa Curator Stephen C. Swid RobertoVallarinoGancia Twentieth-CenturyArt AkiraTobishima CarmenGimenez Danielle Gardner Rawleigh Warner,Jr. Gabriella Golinelli Michael F. Wettach Curator Marino Golinelli Donald M. Wilson PaoloGori ContemporaryArt WilliamT. Ylvisaker Germano Celant GiuseppinaAraldiGuinetti Randolph H. Guthrie TrusteesElect ConsultativeCurator JacquesHachuel M. Mary SharpCronson MarkRosenthal W. Lawrence Heisey RainerHeubach Lady Hulton KatharineAnneJohnson Curator Evelyn Lambert EdwardH. Meyer Vivian Endicott Barnett Jacques Lennon IrisCorneliaLove DirectorEmeritus AssociateCurator Laurence D. Lovett Thomas M. Messer Lisa Dennison JoanVandeMaele Acknowledgements The spirit of internationalism that tain its> international programming the compilation of the catalogue I express my sincere thanks to all has been a guiding principle of The with this exhibition, but it will be manuscript. Conservation and re- thosewhohavecontributed soessen- Solomon R. Guggenheim Founda- able to do so in a place that it has search on the works are never end- tially to the realization ofthis impor- tion since its founding in 1937 is fondly and modestly come to regard ing. tant project. reflectedinthescopeofitscollection as its home. and the breadth of its exhibition While it is almost impossible to sin- Thomas Krens programming. As part of its original This exhibition is especially indebt- gle out individual contributions to Director, The Solomon commitment to international art of ed to Mrs Hilde Thannhauser, such an all-encompassing endeavor, R. Guggenheim Foundation the twentieth century, the Guggen- widow of Justin K. Thannhauser, there are certain staff members who heim Museum has regularly loaned one of the chief benefactors of the were mostcentralto the project. Our works from its collection to impor- Guggenheim Museum. Mrs Thann- thanks are therefore due toour tech- tant exhibitions throughout the hauser agreed to t—he relaxation of nical staff, headed by Paul Schwartz- world and, on rare occasions, it has travel restrictions —solely for this baum, Chief Conservator and Assis- organizedexhibitionsdrawn from its Venice exhibition that were tant Director for Technical Ser- permanent collection to be sent placedontheThannhauserworks for vices; Elizabeth Carpenter, Regis- abroad. None of these activities, their own protection at the time of trar; Scott A. Wixon, Operations however, has ever approached the their bequest to the Guggenheim. Manager; Ani Rivera, Preparator; scale of this presentation at Palazzo Thus the Palazzo Grassi exhibition and David M. Heald, Photographer, Grassi, which includes not only of Guggenheim masterpieces is a as well as to their most capable and twentieth-century masterpieces from unique event, one that will never diligent staff members. Thecuratori- thecoreofthe Guggenheim Founda- again be repeated. al and logistical problems posed by tion's original holdings, but also a this exhibitionwere skillfully coordi- selection of some of the finest exam- In order to realize an exhibition of nated by Claudia Davida Defendi, ples from theJustin K. Thannhauser this magnitude, we have relied on Curatorial Assistant. The catalogue Collection. These paintings and many individuals in New York and wasbrought to fruition by a dedicat- sculptures, which have never been Venice for their interest, support edgroupofwriters, whose namesap- seen outside the United States since and essential cooperation. We ex- pearthroughout thecatalogue; in ad- their bequest to the Museum in tend our appreciation to the staff of dition, special mention is owed to 1976, include works by such late Palazzo Grassi as our collaborators Nancy Spector, Assistant Curator nineteenth-century masters as van in this endeavor. Palazzo Grassi's for Research, and editors Carol Gogh, Gauguin and Manet as well as program, since its opening in 1986, Fuerstein and Diana Murphy. The important early works by Picasso has made an important contribution administrative organization of the and Braque. The selections from the not only to the cultural offerings of exhibition would not have been pos- Thannhauser Collection provide a Venice and Italy, but through its in- siblewithout theaidofGail Harrity, perfect prelude to the major currents ternational visitorship has received Assistant Director for Finance and intwentieth-century art which are at worldwide recognition. Administration; Thomas Ramseur, the heart of the Guggenheim legacy. General Counsel; Terrie Henry, De- The exhibition is of particular sig- Projects of this scale andqualitycan- velopment Consultant; Heidi Olson, nificancetothe Guggenheim for two not be produced without the support Manager of Budget and Planning; reasons: it represents this Museum's and contributions of corporate spon- and Brooke Burbank, Administra- most important collaboration todate sorship. We are grateful to Johnson tiveCoordinator. In Venice, the per- inItalyanditsignalsanewand more & Higgins, New York City, and The sonal attention and commitment of ambitious cooperation with Palazzo Chubb Group of Insurance Compa- Philip Rylands, Deputy Director; Grassi that holds great potential for nies, Warren, NewJersey, forgener- Claudia Rech, Development and the future. Since 1976, when the ously providing additional financial Public Affairs Coordinator; Renata Guggenheim Foundation assumed support for the exhibition and to Rossani, Assistant to the Deputy responsibility for the administration LufthansaGermanAirlines, theoffi- Director; and Sharon Hecker, Ad- ofthe Peggy Guggenheim Collection cial carrier for the exhibition in ministrative Assistant, insured the in Venice, the Guggenheim has Italy. smooth management of this exhibi- regarded itself as both an Italian and tion in every phase of its planning American institution. When con- TheGuggenheim staffsin NewYork and execution. struction of its new building in New and Venice have wholeheartedly Finally, I owe particular thanks for Yorkforced the temporaryclosingof devoted their time and energies over the assistance of Lisa Dennison, As- the Museum, the first thought of the the past year and a half to bring this sociate Curator, who cared for the BoardofTrusteeswastotakeadvan- enterprise to fruition. The project selection of works from the begin- tage ofthe opportunity to send some has touched virtually every depart- ning, and Michael Govan, Assistant of its masterpieces to Italy. The ex- ment in the two Museums, from Director, for contributing to the or- hibition became a reality when curatorial to administrative to tech- ganization of such a large-scale PalazzoGrassisuggested a collabora- nical areas. These departments were project. Germano Celant, as curator tion on a survey of early twentieth- responsible for the preparation of andcritic, providedfreshinsightinto century art drawn solely from the the works for the exhibition, for or- thecollection and its installation and Guggenheim Collections. Not only ganizing the complicated logistics of has been a vital link for the Guggen- will the Guggenheim be able to sus- their travel and installation and for heim between New York and Italv. Exhibition and Catalogue Committee Exhibition andcatalogue Project GraphicDesign curated by GaeAulenti oftheCatalogue Thomas Krens with Pierluigi Cerri with FrancescaFenaroli with GermanoCelant Andrea Lancellotti Lisa Dennison PressRelations Lauro Bergamo EditorialDirector MarioAndreose LightingDesign Piero Castiglioni Editor CarlaTanzi Video with "DavanGogh a Picasso Giulio Lupieri Da Kandinsky a Pollock IIpercorsodell'arte moderna" ProductionStaff directedby RobertoGavioli Silvano Caldara and Pierluigi Redaelli Giancarlo Galimberti producedbyGammaFilm

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