ffrroomm tthhee ccllaassssrroooomm ttoo tthhee bbooaarrddrroooomm annual report 2012 Mission 4 DEAR FRiEnDs 6 FAith 8 puRposE 10 sERvicE 12 clAss oF 2012 collEgE AccEptAncE list 13 AcADEMic signing DAy sponsoRs 14 boARD oF tRustEEs 15 DonoR Roll 16 coRpoRAtE woRk stuDy 19 FinAnciAls 20 mission : cRisto REy boston is A cAtholic high school thAt EDucAtEs young pEoplE oF liMitED EconoMic MEAns to bEcoME MEn AnD woMEn oF FAith, puRposE AnD sERvicE. by oFFERing A RigoRous cuRRiculuM, A uniquE woRk-stuDy ExpERiEncE, AnD thE suppoRt oF An inclusivE school coMMunity, wE pREpARE ouR stuDEnts to succEED in collEgE AnD bEyonD with thE vAluEs EssEntiAl to A FulFilling liFE. cRisto REy nEtwoRk® Mission EFFEctivEnEss stAnDARDs stAnDARD 1 stAnDARD 5 stAnDARD 8 A Cristo Rey school is explicitly Catholic A Cristo Rey school requires participation by A Cristo Rey school is financially in mission and enjoys Church approval. all students in the work-study program. All sound and at full enrollment the school students must be 14 years by September 1st. is primarily dependent on revenue from stAnDARD 2 the work-study program to meet operating stAnDARD 6 A Cristo Rey school serves only economically expenses. In addition, the school maintains disadvantaged students. The school is open A Cristo Rey school integrates the learning a comprehensive advancement program to students of various faiths and cultures. present in its work program, classroom and to ensure financial stability. extracurricular experiences for the fullest stAnDARD 3 stAnDARD 9 benefit of its student workers. A Cristo Rey school is family centered and A Cristo Rey school supports its graduates’ stAnDARD 7 plays an active role in the local community. efforts to obtain a college degree. A Cristo Rey school has an effective stAnDARD 4 stAnDARD 10 administrative and board structure A Cristo Rey school prepares all of its as well as complies with all applicable A Cristo Rey school is an active participant students to enter and graduate from college. state and federal laws. in the collaboration, support, and development of the Cristo Rey Network. 4 5 wE ARE living in An ERA in which EDucAtionAl REFoRM in schools thAt dear friends: sERvE low-incoME stuDEnts is DRivEn by powERFul ExtERnAl FoRcEs. FEDERAl AnD stAtE govERnMEnts MAnDAtE RApiD iMpRovEMEnts, AnD schools sEEk to MEEt AMbitious goAls in ExchAngE FoR signiFicAnt AMounts oF tAxpAyER DollARs. Cristo Rey Boston High School excels at All of our graduates have been accepted to at educating a student body with the highest least one four-year college for the past three concentration of low-income youth of any years, and the SAT scores for last year’s seniors school, public or private, in the city of Boston were 80 points higher than the national average with only one motivating factor: mission. for students of color. With more than 110 companies employing our students through the When Cristo Rey Boston High School moved Corporate Work Study Program, our young people to Dorchester in 2010, we carefully crafted a earned $1.9 million towards the cost of their own mission statement that articulates the heart of education. From the classroom to the boardroom, our motivation for serving Boston youth: holding our students to the highest of expectations has given them the motivation to thrive. “Cristo Rey Boston is a Catholic high school that educates young people of limited economic means When these young men and women to become men and women of faith, purpose graduate, they will be able to put their many thoMAs p. o’nEill, iii and service. By offering a rigorous curriculum, a accomplishments on resumes and hang their Board Chair unique work-study experience, and the support diploma on their wall. What cannot be measured of an inclusive school community, we prepare our on a piece of paper, however, will be their students to succeed in college and beyond with status as men and women of faith, purpose and the values essential to a fulfilling life.” service. Faith will guide them past the struggles they will encounter, purpose will drive them to Some may say that forming young men and greater accomplishments than they once thought women of faith, purpose and service is a lofty possible, and service will ground them as they goal for students who have traditionally been remember what it means to help those without JEFFREy D. thiElMAn marginalized, who have been loosely held to low their capacity. President expectations, and who have not been given the tools to dream big. But we believe otherwise, Thank you for your support as we educate the and our students’ many successes prove that our finest young men and women Boston has to offer. mission is possible. 6 faith: “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1) 7 Faith wE ARE FoRtunAtE to hAvE FouR pRiEsts woRking Full-tiME At cRisto REy boston high school. thEy FoRM AnD EDucAtE ouR stuDEnts, AnD thEy ARE builDing A FAithFul coMMunity oF All who woRk, sERvE AnD lEARn hERE. thE FouR MEn coME FRoM thE FRAtERnity oF st. chARlEs boRRoMEo, A MissionARy sociEty oF pRiEsts thAt sEEs EDucAtion As A wAy to tRAnsFoRM sociEty AnD inDiviDuAls. For Father Jose Medina, fscb, the principal of Father Franco Soma, fscb, a science teacher and preparatory curriculum and gain acceptance to Cristo Rey Boston, faith is not just a textbook the school’s campus minister, shares that unique a four-year college. Students come to our school belief in God but is the most important driver perspective on how faith affects students. “We never having set foot in an office building in in all our students’ actions, big and small. He are not only trying to give students faith in God, downtown Boston, yet we have faith that they regularly reminds students: “Dream big, be but we also want them to trust the reality in front can perform at a level consistent with any entry- faithful in the little things.” The refrain is a of them,” says Father Soma. “Cristo Rey Boston level worker and exceed the expectations placed reminder of the link between everyday actions helps them discover that life around them has on them by their supervisors. and big dreams. Students have to finish hours concrete meaning they can trust in.” of homework each night, adhere to a dress code, It is this faith that has propelled senior Julianna be prepared for work and class, participate in Father Paolo Cumin, fscb, and Father Stefano Quiroz as she now prepares to apply to schools extracurricular programs, and balance a home Colombo, fscb, join Father Medina and Father such as Dartmouth College, the University of life. It is a lot to manage. But, we impart to Soma in bolstering another key practice of faith Chicago, and Fordham University. As a student students that accomplishing the small things at Cristo Rey Boston High School: faith in the who now trusts the meaning of the world around will build the skills and faith needed to tackle ability of each and every student we serve to her and is faithful in the little things that have the bigger hurdles that will come their way as succeed beyond their wildest dreams and beyond brought her to the cusp of her dream, Cristo Rey they chase their dreams. any limitation they face. Young men and women Boston has faith in her ability to succeed beyond enter Cristo Rey Boston below grade level, and the walls of our school. we believe in their ability to succeed in a college accomplishments + statistics EnRollMEnt DAtA (As oF oct. 1, 2012) RAcE REligious AFFiliAtion school oF oRigin FoR FREshMEn 348 StudentS 52% latino 43% aFriCan 52% PubliC aMeriCan SChoolS 23% Charter 2% CauCaSian 207 FeMaleS (59%) SChoolS 2% aSian 16% CatholiC 141 MaleS (41%) 1% MultiraCial SChoolS or other 39% other Faith 9% Private traditionS 61% CatholiC SChoolS 100% oF ouR gRADuAting sEnioRs FoR thE MEDiAn FAMily incoME: $28,779 | AvERAgE FAMily incoME: $32,256 pERcEntAgE oF stuDEnts who quAliFy FoR FREE oR REDucED lunch: 81% pAst thREE yEARs hAvE bEEn AccEptED to city oF boston REsiDEnts: 85% A FouR-yEAR collEgE oR univERsity 9 “thRough My Job At stAtE stREEt, i sEE thE puRposE purpose oF woRking hARD, bEing pRoFEssionAl, AnD stAying accomplishments + pERsistEnt,” sAys bEAncA sAint EliEn, clAss oF 2014. statistics “i lEARnED FRoM My supERvisoRs thAt i cAn Do big things AnD hAvE An EvEn bEttER liFE.” cRisto REy boston stuDEnts ARE EMployED At 121 coRpoRAtE pARtnERs in thE 2012-2013 AcADEMic yEAR Like all Cristo Rey Boston students, Beanca Alison comments on the effect her company has t hE FEE FoR onE tEAM oF highly tRAinED, highly spends five days per month working an entry-level on the careers of these young men and women, MotivAtED young pEoplE is $29,800 job at one of the most prestigious companies in saying, “State Street gives Cristo Rey Boston hiRing A FilE clERk At A bAsE sAlARy oF $28,223 in gREAtER boston costs Most coMpAniEs $43,785. Greater Boston. Beanca’s Corporate Work Study students a realistic look at the corporate world. hiRing A gEnERAl clERk At A sAlARy oF $29,826 in job at State Street has her manage databases, Many of the students have never been in a gREAtER boston siMilARly costs $45,985. perform research, and work on special projects. corporate office or worked in a team environment (After accounting for the median amounts employers pay for State Street is the largest employer of Cristo Rey before coming to State Street.” Social Security, healthcare, pension and other benefits.) Source: Reported Salary Data (Salary.com) – March 2012 Boston student workers this year. Since 2008, State Street has employed one full team – four State Street provides twelve low-income students coMbining EMployEE lEAsing AnD Job shARing, businEssEs contRAct with thE coRpoRAtE woRk students sharing a 40 hour per week position – interaction with executives like Alison, who can stuDy pRogRAM to outsouRcE Full-tiME EntRy lEvEl and this year they grew to three teams. show them the paths they are capable of following. ADMinistRAtivE Jobs FoR An AnnuAl FlAt FEE While working hard at academics throughout “We have been very satisfied with the discipline the year, the experience students have at State typEs oF Jobs incluDE: MAil RooM sERvicEs, scAnning, ARchiving, Filing, DAtA EntRy, DocuMEnt pREpARAtion, and the professionalism that each Cristo Rey Street and other employers gives purpose to their list builDing, tEch hElp DEsk, REcEption, AMong Boston student has brought to our organization,” persistence in the classroom. DozEns oF othER tAsks says Alison Quirk, State Street’s Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources and supERvisoRs RAnkED 92% oF ouR stuDEnts As “gooD” oR “outstAnDing” At MEEting AnD ExcEEDing Job Citizenship Officer. She saw value in increasing ExpEctAtions in thE 2011-2012 AcADEMic yEAR the number of students employed from four to twelve. “We partner with community-based cRisto REy boston stuDEnts EARnED A coMbinED organizations and educational institutions to $1.9 Million towARDs thE cost oF thEiR own EDucAtions in 2011-2012 develop a pipeline of future talent for the Boston community and State Street,” she says. “Cristo Alison quiRk F oR MoRE inFoRMAtion About hiRing stuDEnts Rey Boston is an integral part of the strategy of executive Vice thRough thE coRpoRAtE woRk stuDy pRogRAM, plEAsE developing youth in Boston at a young age and president and chief contAct: exposing them to a corporate environment to human resources and Emily Smalley citizenship officer Vice President of External Relations assist them in their career choice.” STATE STREET 617.825.2580 ext. 21 [email protected] 10