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From Stein to Weinstein and back : symplectic geometry of affine complex manifolds PDF

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From Stein to Weinstein and Back Symplectic Geometry of Affine Complex Manifolds Kai Cieliebak Yakov Eliashberg Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t, There- sienstr. 39, 80333 Mu¨nchen, Germany E-mail address: [email protected] Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA E-mail address: [email protected] 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 32Q28, 53D35 To my parents, Snut and Hinrich. Kai To Ada. Yasha Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1. Introduction 3 1.1. An overview 3 1.2. Plan of the book 8 Part 1. J-Convexity 11 Chapter 2. J-Convex Functions and Hypersurfaces 13 2.1. Linear algebra 13 2.2. J-convex functions 15 2.3. The Levi form of a hypersurface 17 2.4. Completeness 20 2.5. J-convexity and geometric convexity 21 2.6. Normalized Levi form and mean normal curvature 22 2.7. Examples of J-convex functions and hypersurfaces 24 2.8. Symplectic properties of J-convex functions 27 2.9. Computations in Cn 29 Chapter 3. Smoothing 33 3.1. J-convexity and plurisubharmonicity 33 3.2. Smoothing of J-convex functions 36 3.3. Critical points of J-convex functions 39 3.4. From families of hypersurfaces to J-convex functions 42 3.5. J-convex functions near totally real submanifolds 44 3.6. Functions with J-convex level sets 50 3.7. Normalized modulus of J-convexity 52 Chapter 4. Shapes for i-Convex Hypersurfaces 59 4.1. Main models 59 4.2. Shapes for i-convex hypersurfaces 61 4.3. Properties of i-convex shapes 67 4.4. Shapes in the subcritical case 70 4.5. Construction of special shapes 71 4.6. Families of special shapes 78 4.7. Convexity estimates 85 Chapter 5. Some Complex Analysis 91 5.1. Holomorphic convexity 91 5.2. Relation to J-convexity 92 5.3. Definitions of Stein manifolds 95 vii viii CONTENTS 5.4. Hartogs phenomena 96 5.5. Grauert’s Oka principle 98 5.6. Coherent analytic sheaves on Stein manifolds 101 5.7. Real analytic manifolds 103 5.8. Real analytic approximations 106 5.9. Approximately holomorphic extension of maps from totally real submanifolds 108 5.10. CR structures 110 Part 2. Existence of Stein Structures 113 Chapter 6. Symplectic and Contact Preliminaries 115 6.1. Symplectic vector spaces 115 6.2. Symplectic vector bundles 117 6.3. Symplectic manifolds 118 6.4. Moser’s trick and symplectic normal forms 119 6.5. Contact manifolds and their Legendrian submanifolds 122 6.6. Contact normal forms 125 6.7. Real analytic approximations of isotropic submanifolds 127 6.8. Relations between symplectic and contact manifolds 128 Chapter 7. The h-Principles 131 7.1. Immersions and embeddings 131 7.2. The h-principle for isotropic immersions 135 7.3. The h-principle for subcritical isotropic embeddings 136 7.4. Stabilization of Legendrian submanifolds 137 7.5. The existence theorem for Legendrian embeddings 139 7.6. Legendrian knots in overtwisted contact manifolds 141 7.7. Murphy’s h-principle for loose Legendrian embeddings 142 7.8. Directed immersions and embeddings 146 7.9. Discs attached to J-convex boundaries 150 Chapter 8. The Existence Theorem 155 8.1. Some notions from Morse theory 155 8.2. Surrounding stable discs 156 8.3. Existence of complex structures 161 8.4. Existence of Stein structures in complex dimension =2 163 (cid:54) 8.5. J-convex surrounding functions 167 8.6. J-convex retracts 171 8.7. Approximating continuous maps by holomorphic ones 174 8.8. Variations on a theme of E. Kallin 181 Part 3. Morse-Smale Theory for J-Convex Functions 185 Chapter 9. Recollections from Morse Theory 187 9.1. Critical points of functions 187 9.2. Zeroes of vector fields 189 9.3. Gradient-like vector fields 192 9.4. Smooth surroundings 198 9.5. Changing Lyapunov functions near critical points 200 CONTENTS ix 9.6. Smale cobordisms 202 9.7. Morse and Smale homotopies 206 9.8. The h-cobordism theorem 210 9.9. The two-index theorem 212 9.10. Pseudo-isotopies 213 Chapter 10. Modifications of J-Convex Morse Functions 215 10.1. Moving attaching spheres by isotropic isotopies 215 10.2. Relaxing the J-orthogonality condition 222 10.3. Moving critical levels 223 10.4. Creation and cancellation of critical points 224 10.5. Carving one J-convex function with another one 225 10.6. Surrounding a stable half-disc 225 10.7. Proof of the cancellation theorem 231 10.8. Proof of the creation theorem 232 Part 4. From Stein to Weinstein and Back 235 Chapter 11. Weinstein Structures 237 11.1. Liouville cobordisms and manifolds 237 11.2. Liouville homotopies 239 11.3. Zeroes of Liouville fields 241 11.4. Weinstein cobordisms and manifolds 243 11.5. From Stein to Weinstein 244 11.6. Weinstein and Stein homotopies 245 11.7. Weinstein structures with unique critical points 249 11.8. Subcritical and flexible Weinstein structures 250 Chapter 12. Modifications of Weinstein Structures 253 12.1. Weinstein structures with given functions 253 12.2. Holonomy of Weinstein cobordisms 256 12.3. Liouville fields near isotropic submanifolds 258 12.4. Weinstein structures near critical points 263 12.5. Weinstein structures near stable discs 265 12.6. Morse-Smale theory for Weinstein structures 267 12.7. Elementary Weinstein homotopies 269 Chapter 13. Existence Revisited 271 13.1. Existence of Weinstein structures 271 13.2. From Weinstein to Stein: existence 273 13.3. Proof of the Stein existence theorems 275 Chapter 14. Deformations of Flexible Weinstein Structures 279 14.1. Homotopies of flexible Weinstein cobordisms 279 14.2. Proof of the first Weinstein deformation theorem 280 14.3. Proof of the second Weinstein deformation theorem 286 14.4. Subcritical Weinstein manifolds are split 288 14.5. Symplectic pseudo-isotopies 292 Chapter 15. Deformations of Stein Structures 295 x CONTENTS 15.1. From Weinstein to Stein: homotopies 295 15.2. Proof of the first Stein deformation theorem 298 15.3. Homotopies of flexible Stein structures 302 Part 5. Stein Manifolds and Symplectic Topology 305 Chapter 16. Stein Manifolds of Complex Dimension Two 307 16.1. Filling by holomorphic discs 307 16.2. Stein fillings 310 16.3. Stein structures on 4-manifolds 320 Chapter 17. Exotic Stein Structures 323 17.1. Symplectic homology 323 17.2. Exotic Stein structures 325 Appendix A. Some Algebraic Topology 329 A.1. Serre fibrations 329 A.2. Some homotopy groups 331 Appendix B. Obstructions to Formal Legendrian Isotopies 335 Appendix C. Biographical Notes on the Main Characters 343 C.1. Complex analysis 343 C.2. Differential and symplectic topology 348 Bibliography 353 Index 361 Preface In Spring 1996 Yasha Eliashberg gave a Nachdiplomvorlesung (a one semester graduate course) “Symplectic geometry of Stein manifolds” at ETH Zu¨rich. Kai Cieliebak, at the time a graduate student at ETH, was assigned the task to take notes for this course, with the goal of having lecture notes ready for publication by the end of the course. At the end of the semester we had some 70 pages of typed up notes, but they were nowhere close to being publishable. So we buried the idea of ever turning these notes into a book. Seven years later Kai spent his first sabbatical at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley. By that time, through work of Donaldson and others on approximately holomorphic sections on the one hand, and gluing formulas for holomorphic curves on the other hand, Weinstein manifolds had been recognized as fundamental objects in symplectic topology. Encouraged by the in- creasinginterestinthesubject,wedugouttheoldlecturenotesandbeganturning them into a monograph on Stein and Weinstein manifolds. Workonthebookhascontinuedonandoffsincethen,withmostprogresshap- pening during Kai’s numerous visits to Stanford University and another sabbatical 2009 that we both spent at MSRI. Over this period of almost 10 years, the con- tent of the book has been repeatedly changed and its scope significantly extended. Some of these changes and extensions were due to our improved understanding of the subject (e.g. a quantitative version ofJ-convexitywhichis preservedunder ap- proximately holomorphic diffeomorphisms), others due to new developments such as the construction of exotic Stein structures by Seidel–Smith, McLean and others since 2005, and Murphy’s h-principle for loose Legendrian knots in 2011. In fact, the present formulation of the main theorems in the book only became clear about a year ago. As a result of this process, only a few lines of the original lecture notes have survived in the final text (in Chapters 2–4). Thepurposeofthebookhasalsoevolvedoverthepastdecade. Ouroriginalgoal wasacompleteanddetailedexpositionoftheexistencetheoremforSteinstructures in[42]. Whilethisremainsanimportantgoal, whichwetrytoachieveinChapters 2–8, the book has evolved around the following two broader themes. The first one, asindicatedbythetitle,isthecorrespondencebetweenthecomplexanalyticnotion ofaSteinmanifoldandthesymplecticnotionofaWeinsteinmanifold. Thesecond one is the extent to which these structures are flexible, i.e., satisfy an h-principle. In fact, until recently we believed the border between flexibility and rigidity to run between subcritical and critical structures, but Murphy’s h-principle extends flexibility well into the critical range. The book is roughly divided into “complex” and “symplectic” chapters. Thus Chapters 2–5 and 8–10 can be read as an exposition of the theory of J-convex 1 2 PREFACE functions on Stein manifolds, while Chapters 6–7, 9 and 11–14 provide an intro- duction to Weinstein manifolds and their deformations. However, our selection of material on both the complex and symplectic side is by no means representative for the respective fields. Thus on the complex side we focus only on topological as- pects of Stein manifolds, ignoring most of the beautiful subject of several complex variables. On the symplectic side, the most notable omission is the relationship between Weinstein domains and Lefschetz fibrations over the disc. Over the past 16 years we both gave many lecture courses, seminars, and talks onthesubjectofthisbooknotonlyatourhomeinstitutions,Ludwig-Maximilians- Universit¨atMu¨nchenandStanfordUniversity,butalsoatvariousotherplacessuch as the Forschungsinstitut fu¨r Mathematik at ETH Zu¨rich, University of Pennsyl- vania in Philadelphia, Columbia University in New York, the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in New York, University of California in Berkeley, Wash- ington University in St. Louis, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and the Alfr´ed R´enyi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest. We thank all these institutions for their support and hospitality. Many mathematicians and students who attended our lectures and seminars or read parts of preliminary versions of the book provided us with valuable com- ments and critical remarks. We are very grateful to all of them, and in particular to M. Abouzaid, S. Akbulut, J. Bowden, V. Braungardt, J. Daniel, T. Ekholm, C. Epstein, J. Etnyre, C. Fefferman, F. Forstneriˇc, U. Frauenfelder, A. Gersten- berger, R.Gompf, A.Huckleberry, P.Landweber, J.Latschev, L.Lempert, R.Lip- shitz, C. Llosa Isenrich, D. McDuff, M. McLean, K. Mohnke, J. Morgan, E. Mur- phy, S. Nemirovski, L. Nirenberg, K. Nguyen, A. Oancea, N. Øvrelid, P. Ozsv´ath, L. Polterovich, P. Seidel, A. Stadelmaier, A. Stipsicz, D. Thurston, T. Vogel, E. Volkov, J. Wehrheim, and C. Wendl. We thank G. Herold, T. Mu¨ller, and S. Pru¨fer for creating the figures. And most of all, we thank our spouses, Suny and Ada, for their continued support.

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