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From Revolution To Uncertainty: The Year 1990 In Central And Eastern Europe PDF

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From Revolution to Uncertainty Throughout Eastern Europe, the unexpected and irrevocable fall of com- munism that began in the late 1980s presented enormous challenges in the spheres of politics and society, as well as at the level of individual experi- ence. Excitement, uncertainty, and fear predicated the shaping of a new order, the outcome of which was anything but predetermined. Recent studies have focused on the ambivalent impact of capitalism. Yet, at the time, parliamentary democracy had equally few traditions to return to, and membership in the European Union was a distant dream at best. Nowadays, as new threats arise, Europe’s current political crises prompt us to reconsider how liberal democracy in Eastern Europe came about in the first place. This book undertakes an analysis of the year 1990 in several countries throughout Europe to consider the role of uncertainty and change in shap- ing political nations. Włodzimierz Borodziej is professorof History at Warsaw University, Stanislav Holubec is a researcher at the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences,Prague,andJoachimvonPuttkamerisprofessorofEasternEuropean HistoryatJenaUniversityandco-directoroftheImreKertészKolleg. Routledge Histories of Central and Eastern Europe Hungary since 1945 Árpád von Klimó, translated by Kevin McAleer Romania under Communism Denis Deletant Bulgaria under Communism Ivaylo Znepolski, Mihail Gruev, Momtchil Metodiev, Martin Ivanov, Daniel Vatchkov,IvanElenkov,PlamenDoynow From Revolution to Uncertainty The Year 1990 in Central and Eastern Europe EditedbyJoachimvonPuttkamer,WłodzimierzBorodziej,andStanislavHolubec Identities in-Between in East-Central Europe Edited by Jan Fellerer, Robert Pyrah and Marius Turda https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Histories-of-Central-and-Eastern- Europe/book-series/CEE From Revolution to Uncertainty The Year 1990 in Central and Eastern Europe Edited by Joachim von Puttkamer, ł W odzimierz Borodziej and Stanislav Holubec Firstpublished2020 byRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 52VanderbiltAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2020selectionandeditorialmatter,JoachimvonPuttkamer,Włodzimierz BorodziejandStanislavHolubec;individualchapters,thecontributors TherightofJoachimvonPuttkamer,WłodzimierzBorodziejandStanislav Holubectobeidentifiedastheauthorsoftheeditorialmaterial,andofthe authorsfortheirindividualchapters,hasbeenassertedinaccordancewith Sections77and78oftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksor registeredtrademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanation withoutintenttoinfringe. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Borodziej,Wlodzimierz,editor.|Holubec,Stanislav,editor.| Puttkamer,Joachimvon,editor. Title:Fromrevolutiontouncertainty:theyear1990inCentralandEastern Europe/editedbyWlodzimierzBorodziej,StanislavHolubec,andJoachim vonPuttkamer. Description:Abingdon,Oxon;NewYork,NY:Routledge,2019.|Series: RoutledgehistoriesofCentralandEasternEurope;4|Includes bibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2019008484|ISBN9780815351788(hardback)|ISBN 9781351140324(ebook)|ISBN9781351140300(ePub) Subjects:LCSH:Europe,Central–Politicsandgovernment–1989-|Europe, Eastern–Politicsandgovernment–1989-|Post-communism–Europe,Central– History–20thcentury.|Post-communism–Europe,Eastern–History–20th century.|Nineteenninety,A.D. Classification:LCCDAW1051.F762019|DDC943.0009/049–dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2019008484 ISBN:978-0-815-35178-8(hbk) ISBN:978-1-351-14032-4(ebk) TypesetinTimes byIntegraSoftwareServicesPvt.Ltd. Contents Illustrations vii Contributors viii Introduction 1 WŁODZIMIERZBORODZIEJ,STANISLAVHOLUBECANDJOACHIMVON PUTTKAMER 1 Gropinginthedark:expectationsandpredictions,1988–1991 10 PHILIPPTHER 2 Catalystsofthecollapseandofthetransition,1989–1990 21 MARYELISESAROTTE 3 Polandandthecollapseofthepatronin1989–90:asseenfromthe PolishembassyinMoscow 32 WŁODZIMIERZBORODZIEJ 4 Teawiththeprimate:attherootsofpoliticalconflictinPoland 50 JOACHIMVONPUTTKAMER 5 Czechoslovakia’syearofdecision:fromthesocialistrevolutionof 1989tothe‘real’revolutionof1990 80 JAMESKRAPFL 6 Talkin’’boutarevolution:onthesocialmemoryof1989in Hungary 103 ÉVAKOVÁCS vi Contents 7 Atransitiontowhatandwhosedemocracy?1990inBulgaria andRomania 117 BOGDANC.IACOB 8 WhentheSlovenianSpringturnedintoahotsummer 142 MARKOZAJC 9 1990:buildingdemocracyinYugoslaviaandthedangerofwar 164 MARIE-JANINECALIC 10 Transformingindustry:onthecorporateoriginsof post-socialistnostalgiainPoland 182 JOANNAWAWRZYNIAK 11 Germanreunificationandthedynamicsofmigration 202 TIMSCHANETZKY 12 Thepartyisover:theidentitiesandbiographiesofCzechoslovakand EastGerman(post)communistsintheyear1990 212 STANISLAVHOLUBEC 13 Poland,theGermanquestion,andGermanunification, 1989–1991 245 WŁODZIMIERZBORODZIEJ 14 TheGermanquestionanditsEuropeansolution 259 WILFRIEDLOTH Index 271 Illustrations Figures 5.1 RatesoflocalOF/VPNformation 88 5.2 WorkplaceOF/VPNopinionsonthespeedofeconomic transition 93 Tables 5.1 Opinionsonthedirectionoffurthersocietaldevelopment 85 10.1 ThedynamicsofgrowthoftherealvalueofFDI (previousyear=100) 184 10.2 FDIinPoland,1993–1998.Overview 185 10.3 Employmentincompanieswithforeigncapitalshare,Poland, 1991–1998 186 10.4 Strikesandunemployment,Poland,1990–2000 188 12.1 Czechoslovakand(East)GermanElections1990 223 12.2 Czech,Slovak,andEastGermancommunistsandtheir post-1989politicalcareers 242 Contributors Włodzimierz Borodziej is the author of The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 (Uni- versityof Wisconsin Press 2006) and Geschichte Polens im 20. Jahrhundert (C.H. Beck 2010), and he has published numerous other monographs, edited volumes, and articles on Polish–German history in the twentieth century. He is a professorof history at Warsaw University and co-director from 2010 to 2016 of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena. Marie-Janine Calic is the author of Geschichte Jugoslawiens im 20. Jahrhun- dert (C.H. Beck 2010) and numerous books on the history of Southeast- ern Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the break-up of Yugoslavia, and European Balkan politics. She is a professor of East and Southeast European Studies at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, avisiting professor at the College of Europe, and a former advisor to the Special Coordinatorof the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe. Stanislav Holubec is the author of Ještě nejsme za vodou: Obrazy druhých a historická paměť v období postkomunistické transformace (Not Yet Out of the Woods: Images of Others and Historical Memory after 1989, Scrip- torium 2015) and has written and edited many other books and articles on communist-era and post-communist Czech history. From October 2010 to September 2016, he was a research fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena with responsibility for the Challenges of Modernity research area. He is currently a researcher at the Department of 20th Century History at the Institute of Historyof the Czech Academyof Sciences in Prague. Bogdan C. Iacob is the co-editor with Vladimir Tismaneanu of two books – Remembrance, History, and Justice: Coming to Terms with Traumatic Pasts in Democratic Societies (2015) and The End and the Beginning: The Revolutions of 1989 and the Resurgence of History (2012), both published by CEU Press – as well as numerous articles on the history of commun- ism in Romania and Europe. He has held fellowships at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena and the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia among others and is currently writing a monograph on the historyof the field of South- east European Studies during the Cold War. Contributors ix Éva Kovács has authored, co-authored and co-edited numerous books and articles in Hungarian and German on the history of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe. She is the research programme director of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies and head of the Department of Methodology and History of Sociology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. James Krapfl is the author of Revolution with a Human Face: Politics, Cul- ture, and Community in Czechoslovakia, 1989–1992 (Cornell 2013) and is currently writing a new book on the popular experience of 1968 in Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, and Poland. He is an associate professorof history at McGill University. Wilfried Loth is the author of Building Europe: A History of European Uni- fication, trans. Robert F. Hogg (de Gruyter 2015), and Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1955–1965 (Routledge 2004), as well as many other books on the history of the Cold War, twentieth-century France, the German Empire, and Soviet-German history. He has taught history at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Duisburg-Essen, where he is professor emeritus. Joachim von Puttkamer has authored, edited, and co-edited numerous books on Central and East European history, including Die Securitate in Siebenbürgen, co-edited with S. Sienert and U. Wien (The Securitate in Transylvania, Böhlau 2014), and Ostmitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhun- dert (East-Central Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Oldenbourg 2010). He is co-directorof the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena. Mary Elise Sarotte is the author of, most recently, The Collapse: The Acci- dental Opening of the Berlin Wall (Basic Books 2014) and the prize- winning 1989: The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe (Princeton 2009, updated edition 2014). She is professor of history at USC and is currently a senior fellow at the Transatlantic Academy of the German Marshall Fund in Washington, DC, and a research associate at the Centre for European Studies at Harvard. Tim Schanetzky has authored and co-authored numerous books and articles in German on economic and institutional histories of the Third Reich and Cold War Germany, including, most recently, ‘Kanonen statt Butter’: Wirtschaft und Konsum im Dritten Reich (‘Cannons Instead of Butter’: Economics and Consumerism in the Third Reich, C.H. Beck 2015). He teaches in the History Department at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Philipp Ther holds the chair of the history of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Vienna. His Die neue Ordnung auf dem alten Konti- nent: Eine Geschichte des neoliberalen Europa (Suhrkamp 2014) was awarded the non-fiction book prize of the Leipzig Book Fair and has

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