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Preview From Local Measurements to Network Spectral Properties: Beyond Degree Distributions

From Local Measurements to Network Spectral Properties: Beyond Degree Distributions Victor M. Preciado and Ali Jadbabaie Abstract—It is well-known that the behavior of many dy- a framework to study the relationship between the network namical processes running on networks is intimately related structure and its dynamical behavior. 1 to the eigenvalue spectrum of the network. In this paper, we Network motifs are small subgraphs that are present in a 1 address the problem of inferring global information regarding network with a much higher frequently than in random net- 0 theeigenvaluespectrumofanetworkfromasetoflocalsamples 2 of its structure. In particular, we find explicit relationships workswiththesamedegreesequence[10].Thereisbothem- between the so-called spectral moments of a graph and the piricalandtheoreticalevidenceshowingthatthesesubgraphs n presence of certain small subgraphs, also called motifs, in the play a key role in the network’s function and organization a network. Since the eigenvalues of the network have a direct J [11].Oneofthemainobjectivesofthispaperistoexplicitly influenceon thenetwork dynamical behavior, ourresultbuilds 3 relateglobalpropertiesofagivennetworkwiththepresence abridgebetweenlocalnetworkmeasurements(i.e.,thepresence 1 of small subgraphs) and global dynamical behavior (via the of certain small subgraphs that can be counted via local spectral moments). Furthermore, based on our result, we measurements. We focus our attention on global properties ] C propose a novel decentralized scheme to compute the spectral related with the network’s eigenvalues, in particular, the so- moments of a network by aggregating local measurements of called spectral moments. Since the spectral properties are O the network topology. Our final objective is to understand known to have a direct influence on the network dynamical . the relationships between the behavior of dynamical processes h taking place in a large-scale complex network and its local behavior, our result builds a bridge between local network t a topological properties. measurements (i.e., the presence of small subgraphs) and m global dynamical behavior (via the spectral moments). It I. INTRODUCTION is also worth pointing out that, although a set of spectral [ Research in complex networks has important applications moments is not enough to completely describe the spectral 2 intoday’smassivenetworkedsystems,includingtheInternet, distribution of a network, it allows us to extracta great deal v the World-Wide Web (WWW), as well as social, biological ofinformation.Forexample,PopescuandBertsimasprovide 4 and chemical networks [1]. The availability of massive 2 in [12] an optimization framework for computing optimal databases, and reliable tools for data analysis provides a 5 bounds on the properties of a distribution from moments 3 powerfulframeworktoexplorestructuralpropertiesoflarge- constrains. More generally, there is a variety of techniques . scalenetworks[2].Inmanyreal-worldcases,itisimpossible 4 that can be applied to extract spectral information from a 0 to efficiently retrieve and/or store the exact structure of a truncated sequence of spectral moments [8]. 0 complex network due to, for example, a prohibitively large Based on our results, we also propose a novel decentral- 1 networksizeorprivacy/securityconcerns.Ontheotherhand, ized algorithmto efficientlyaggregatea set oflocalnetwork : v it is often possible to gather a great deal of information measurementsintoglobalspectralmoments.Ourworkisre- i by examining local samples of the graph topology, such as X latedto[13],whereafullydistributedalgorithmisproposed the degree distribution, which are usually easy to collect. In to compute the full set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of r a this context, a challenging problem is to find relationships a matrix representing the network topology. In contrast, our between the set of local samples of the network structure approachis computationallymuch cheaper,since it doesnot and its global functionality. require a complete eigenvalue decomposition. Furthermore, Many dynamical processes on networks, such as random our approach also provides a clearer view of the role of walks [3], virus/rumor spreading [4], [5], and synchro- certain subgraphs in the network’s dynamical behavior. nization of oscillators [6], [7], are interesting to study in The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the the context of large-scale complex networks. The behavior next section, we review graph-theoretical terminology and of many of these processes are intimately related to the introducedefinitionsneededinourderivations.InSectionIII, eigenvaluespectra of the underlyinggraphstructure[8],[9]. we deriveexplicit relationshipsbetween the momentsof the For example, the speed of spreading of a virus is directly eigenvaluespectrumandlocalnetworkmeasurements.Based relatedwiththespectralradiusoftheadjacencymatrixofthe on these expressions, we introduce a distributed algorithm network [4]. Hence, spectral graph theory provides us with to compute these moments in Section IV. We conclude the paper mentioning some future work. Thisworkis partially supported bythe ONRMURIHUNTand AFOR MURIComplexNetworks programs. Victor M. Preciado and Ali Jadbabaie are with GRASP II. DEFINITIONS &NOTATION Laboratory, School of Engineering and Applied Science, LetG =(V,E)denoteasimpleundirectedgraph(withno University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA {preciado,jadbabai}@seas.upenn.edu self-loops)onn nodes,whereV(G)={v1,...,vn}denotes the set of nodes and E(G) ⊆ V(G)×V(G) is the set of degree sequence or the number of triangles in the graph. undirected edges. If {v ,v } ∈ E(G) we call nodes v and In the next Section, we propose a decentralized algorithm i j i v adjacent (or neighbors), which we denote by v ∼ v . to compute the spectral moments of a network based on j i j Thesetofallnodesadjacenttoanodev ∈V(G)constitutes decentralized subgraph counting. the neighborhoodofnodev, definedbyNv ={w∈V(G): A. Spectral Moments and Subgraph Embedding {v,w}∈E(G)},andthenumberofthoseneighborsiscalled the degree of node v, denoted by degv or d . Algebraic graph theory provide us with the tools to relate v Wedefineawalkoflengthkfromv tov tobeanordered topologicalpropertiesof a graphwith its spectralproperties. 0 k sequence of nodes (v ,v ,...,v ) such that v ∼ v for In particular, we are interested in studying the spectral 0 1 k i i+1 i = 0,1,...,k − 1. If v = v , then the walk is closed. moments of the adjacency matrix of a given graph. We 0 k A closed walk with no repeated nodes (with the exception denote by {λi}ni=1 the set of eigenvalues of AG and define of the first and last nodes) is called a cycle. Triangles and the k-th spectral moment of the adjacency matrix as quadranglesarecyclesoflengththreeandfour,respectively. n 1 WbeetwseaeyntehvaetryapgariarpohfnGodisesc.oLnentedct(evd,wif)tdheenreoteexthisetsdiastwanaclke mk(AG)= nXi=1λki. (1) between two nodes v and w, i.e., the minimum length of From algebraic graph theory, we have the following result a walk from v to w. We define the diameter of a graph, relating the k-th spectral moment of a graph G with the denoted by diam(G), as the maximum distance between number of closed walks of length k in G [14]: any pair of nodes in G. We say that v and w are k-th Lemma 1: Let G be a simple graph. The k-th spectral order neighbors if d(v,w) = k, and define the k-th order moment of the adjacency matrix of G can be written as neighborhood of a node v as the set of nodes within a kdi-sthtanocredekrfnroeimghvb,oir.he.o,oNd,kvin=du{cwes∈aVsu(Gbg)r:apdh(vG,vw)⊆≤Gkw}.itAh mk(AG)= n1 (cid:12)Ψ(Gk)(cid:12), (2) node-setNkv and edge-set Ekv defined as the subkset of edges where Ψ(s) is the set of all possi(cid:12)(cid:12)ble cl(cid:12)(cid:12)osed walks of length of E(G) that connect two nodes in Nv. G k k in G3. Graphscanbealgebraicallyrepresentedviatheadjacency matrix. The adjacency matrix of an undirected graph G, Corollary 2: LetG be a simple graph.Denoteby EG and denotedbyAG =[aij],isann×nsymmetricmatrixdefined ∆G the number of edges and triangles in G, respectively. entry-wise as a = 1 if nodes v and v are adjacent, and ij i j Then, a =0 otherwise1. ij III. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS VIA SUBGRAPH EMBEDDING m1(AG)=0, m2(AG)=2EG/n, and m3(AG)=6∆G/n. (3) In this section, we derive an explicitrelationship between In the following, we develop on the above Lemma to the spectral moments of the adjacency matrix and the pres- derive an expression for mk(AG), for any k, as a linear ence of certain subgraphs in G. We say that a graph H is combination of the embedding frequencies of certain sub- embedded in G if H is isomorphic2 to a subgraph in G. graphs. Although the first 3 moments present very simple The embedding frequency of H in G, denoted by F(H,G), expressions in Corollary 2, the larger the k, the more is the number of different subgraphs of G to which H is involved those expressions become. In what follows, we isomorphic. The term network motif is used to designate describe a systematic procedure to derive these expressions thosesubgraphsofG thatoccurwithembeddingfrequencies efficiently. far higher than in random networks with the same degree First, we need to introduce some nomenclature. Given sequence[10].Theoreticalandexperimentalevidenceshows a walk of length k in G, w = (v ,v ,...,v ), we denote 0 1 k thatsomeofthesemotifscarrysignificantinformationabout its node-set as V(w) = {v ,...,v } and its edge-set as 0 k thenetwork’sfunctionandorganization[11].Inthissection, E(w) = ∪ki=1{vi−1,vi}. Hence, we define the underlying we derive an explicit expression for the spectral moments simple graph of a walk w as H(w) = (V(w),E(w)). We as a linear combination of the embedding frequencies of say that a simple subgraph h ⊆ G spans the walk w if h is certain subgraphs. Our results provide a direct relationship isomorphic to H(w). Notice how different walks can share betweenthepresenceofnetworkmotifsandglobalproperties the same underlying simple graph. We also denote by I(h) ofthenetwork,inparticular,spectralmoments.Inthecoming the unlabeled simple graph isomorphic to a given graph h. subsections, we first provide a theoretical foundation for Applying the function I to the underlying graph of a given our analysis. Second, we derive explicit expressions for the walkw,weobtainanunlabeledgraphg =I(H(w)).Notice spectral moments in terms of network metrics, such as the how different walks, not even sharing the same edge-set, can share the same unlabeled underlying simple graph. For 1Forsimplegraphs withnoself-loops,aii=0foralli. example, any closed triangular walk w = (v ,v ,v ,v ) 2An isomorphism of graphs G and H is a bijection between the vertex 3 i j k i setsV(G)andV(H),f :V(G)→V(H),suchthatanytwoverticesuand vofG areadjacenct inG ifandonlyiff(u)andf(v)areadjacent inH. 3Wedenoteby|Z|thecardinality ofasetZ. with v ∼ v ∼ v ∼ v gives rise to the same unlabeled i j k i graph I(H(w )), namely, an unlabeled triangle. 3 We denote the set of closed walks of length k in G sharing the same underlying simple graph h as R = h w ∈Ψ(k) s.t. H(w)=h . Inversely, consider the set of G n o all closed walks of length k in G, Ψ(k). We can define Fig.1. Inthistable,werepresentthesetofnonisomorphicconnectedgraph asinbolethesrimspetl,ewghraicphhswsepadnenniontge wbyalkHski,nGcoΨn(Gtka)i,niin.eg.,aHll kpo=s- twwhiietthhcocamotrpmreuostapsttoion4ndinnoogfdtechsoeeaf4nfi-dcthie4nspteedωcgtg(er4as).l>Tmho0em.seTentht.eosfessuubbggrraapphhssianreI4invaorelvethdosine H(w ),w ∈Ψ(k) . Furthermore, we define the set of k k G nunlabeled graph assoociated with walks of length k as I = k Hence, we can rewrite the above as I(H(w )),w ∈Ψ(k) . In what follows, we derive an k k G nexpressionforthek-thspoectralmomentasalinearcombina- Ψ(Gk) = |Rh| 1 tion of the embeddingfrequenciesof the (unlabeled) graphs (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) gX∈Ik hX∈Sg inNIko.te that the mapping H : Ψ(Gk) → Hk, is a surjection (cid:12) (cid:12) = gX∈Ikωg(k)|Sg|, ontoH thatinducesapartitioninΨ(k),namely,eachgraph h ∈ Hk (with labeled nodes), induGces a partition subset where we have used the fact that |Rh| = ωg(k) in the last k R ⊆ Ψ(k). Similarly, the mapping I : H → I is equality. Therefore, substituting the above in (2) we obtain h G k k a surjection onto I and induces a partition in H . Each the expression for the spectral moments in the statement of k k unlabeled graph g ∈ I defines a partition subset S ⊆ H the theorem. k g k defined as S = {h∈H s.t. I(h)=g}. Note that for The expression in the right-hand side of (4) is a linear g k g ∈I ,|S |isthenumberofsubgraphsofGisomorphictog; combination of the embedding frequencies of the set of k g subgraphs g ∈ I . The coefficients ω (g) in this linear hence, |S | equals the embedding frequency F (g,G). This k k g combination are defined as the number of closed walks of observation shall be important in the next Section, where lengthk withunlabeledunderlyinggraphg.Inwhatfollows, we design a decentralized algorithm to compute spectral wedescribeanalgorithmtodeterminethesetI andcompute moments. k ω(k). In order to compute the first K spectral moments, we Basedontheabove,wederivethefollowingresultregard- g ing the spectral moments of G: have to study the sets of closed walks Ψ(Gk), for k ≤K. For Theorem 3: Given a simple graph G, its k-th spectral eachparticularvalueofk,thesetIk areunlabeledconnected moment can be written as graphswith at mostk edges.Also, the maximumnumberof nodes visited by walks in Ψ(k) are equal to k. We denote 1 G mk(AG)= n ωg(k) F (g,G). (4) by Gk the set of all (unlabeled) nonisomorphic connected gX∈Ik graphs with at most k nodes and at most k edges4; hence, I ⊆ G . For example, we illustrate all the graphs in G where ωg(k) = w ∈Ψ(gk) :I(H(w))=g ; in other (ekxceptinkg the isolated-node graph) in Fig. 1. 4 (cid:12)n o(cid:12) words, ω(k) is the(cid:12)number of all possible close(cid:12)d walks of In order to compute the k-th moment via (4), we need to length k gin g with(cid:12)underlying unlabeled graphs(cid:12)isomorphic computeωg(k) forallg ∈Ik,whereωg(k) canbeinterpretedas to g. the the numberof closedwalks oflengthk in g thatvisitall Proof: Consider the composition function J = I ◦ thenodesandedgesofg (hence,itsunderlyingsimplegraph H. Since J : Ψ(Gk) → Ik is a composition of surjective isg).Thecomputationalcomplexityofcomputingωg(k) isthe functions, it is itself a surjective function. Thus, J induces sameastheoneofcountingthenumberofEulerianwalksin a trivial partition in Ψ(k) as follows. Given an unlabeled an undirected(multi)graph.Thiscountingproblemis known G graph g ∈ I , we define a partition subset T ⊆ Ψ(k) as to be #P-complete [15]. Hence, there is not a closed-form k g G expression for ω(k), and it has to be computed via a brute- T = w ∈Ψ(k) s.t. J (w)=g = R . Based on g g n G o h∈Sg h force combinatorial exploration over all the possible closed this partition, we can compute the numSber of closed walks walks of length k visiting all the nodes and edges of the of length k in G, Ψ(Gk) , as subgraphg.Thisexplorationcanbeperformedinreasonable (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) time for subgraphs g of small and medium size – which Ψ(k) (cid:12)= (cid:12) |T |= |R |. are the ones we are interested in. Although computationally G g h (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) gX∈Ik gX∈IkhX∈Sg expensive, this computation is done once and for all for (cid:12) (cid:12) a particular g. In other words, once ω(k) is computed, the Note that, for a particular (labeled) graph h ∈ H , the g k coefficientfor the spectralmomentin (4) are knownfor any numberofclosedwalksoflengthksuchthattheirunderlying given G. simple graph is h, i.e., |R |, is a quantity that depends h exclusively on the topology of the unlabeled version of h, 4This set can be easily determined using the command ListGraphs i.e., g = I(h). We define this quantity as ωk(g) = |Rh|. included inthepackage Combinatoricaincluded inMathematica. Fig. 2. Intheabove table, werepresent the setofnonisomorphic connected graphs withat most7nodes and 7edges. Theset ofsubgraphs inI5,I6, andI7 arethosewithcorresponding coefficients ωg(5),ωg(6),andωg(7)>0,respectively. For convenience, we provide the coefficients ω(k) for all 4-cycles as: g the graphs in G in Fig. 1. Using this table as an example, 4 hwaevealωso(ko)b=ser0ve(sitnhcaet tωho(ks)ebgerianpghszetro∈iGndkicsautecshtthhaatttthe6∈reIkis, m4(AG)= n1 h2W2−W1+8Φ(G4)i. (6) t t no walk in t satisfying the conditions to be part of the set We illustrate this result in the following example. Ik). For convenience, we also provide a list of the graphs Example 4: Consider the n-ring graph Rn (without self- in ∪k=5,6,7Ik and the associated coefficients ωg(k) in Fig. 2 loops). We know that the eigenvalues of the adjacency (wherewehaveleftblankthosecellswhereωg(k) =0).Inthe matrix of the ring graph ARn are 2cosi2nπ in=−01. Hence, following paragraphs, we illustrate the usage of Theorem 3 the 4-th moment is given by the s(cid:8)ummation(cid:9)m4(ARn) = toderiveexplicitexpressionsforthefirst5spectralmoments 1 n−2 2cosi2π 4, which (after some computations) can n i=0 n of a given graph G. bePfound(cid:0)to be eq(cid:1)ual to 6 for n 6∈ {2,4}. We can apply From the subgraphs and coefficients in Fig. 1, we can (5) to easily reach the same result without performing an compute the 4th spectral moment via (4) as follows eigenvalue decomposition, as follows. In the ring graph, we m4(AG)= n1 h2EG +4ΛG +8Φ(G4)i, (5) nha6=ve4E,Gan=d nΦ,(R4Λ4)R=n1=. Hnefnocre,nw6=e2o,btΛaRin2t=he0s,aΦm(Re4n)va=lu0e ffoorr m (A ) directly from (5). where EG is the number of edges, ΛG is the number of 4 Rn wedge-graphs5 in G, and Φ(4) is the number of 4-cycles in G From the subgraphs in Fig. 2, and the row of coefficients G (seesubgraphsandcoefficientsinFig.1).Thus,inorderto compute the 4th spectral moment, we must be able to count ωg(5), we have the following expression for the 5th spectral moment via (4): the number of wedge-graphs and 4-cycles in G. Although the number of edges and cycles in a graph are common 1 network metrics, the number of wedges is not. It is then m5(AG)= n 30∆G +10ΥG +10Φ(G5) , (7) h i convenienttorewritethenumberofwedgesintermsofmore familiarnetworkmetrics.In fact, we canrewrite thenumber where ∆G and Φ(G5) is the number of triangles and 5-cycles of wedges in terms of the degree sequence of the graph as in G. Also, we represent by ΥG the number of subgraphs follows: isomorphic to the sixth subgraph in the top row of Fig. n 2, counting from the left. Analyzing the structure of this degj 1 ΛG = (cid:18) 2 (cid:19)= 2(W2−W1), subgraph, we have that ΥG = ni=1(di − 2)∆(Gi), where Xj=1 ∆(i) is the number of trianglePs in G touching node i. G Hence, defining the clustering-degree correlation coefficient where W = n (degv)r is the r-th power-sums of the degree serquenPcev{=d1egv}nv=1. Since EG = 12 nv=1degv in athseC5∆tdh=spPectnir=a1l dmio∆mG(ie)n,twaes:canwriteΥG =C∆d−6∆G,and a simple graph, we can write 5 in terms of poPwer-sums and 1 5Awedgegraphisisomorphictoachaingraphoflength 2. m5(AG)= n 10Φ(G5)−30∆G +10C∆d . (8) h i Noticethat,apartfromtrianglesand5-cycles,theclustering- by all the nodes in the wedge. In this examples, we observe degree correlation influences the 5-th moment; hence, non- how not all the nodes being part of a subgraph h⊆G have trivial variations of the local clustering with the degree, as to be able to locally count the subgraph.In particular, if the reported in [16], are relevant in the computation of the 5-th radiusr is smaller than⌈diam(h)/2⌉, none of the nodesin spectral moments. hisabletocountthesubgraphlocally.Onthecontrary,ifthe Remark 5: The main advantageof (4) in Theorem 3 may radius r is greater or equal to the diameter of the subgraph, not be apparent in graphs with simple, regular structure. all the nodes in h are able to locally count it. In the middle For these graphs, an explicit eigenvalue decomposition is range, ⌈diam(h)/2⌉≤r ≤diam(h), some nodes are able available and there may be no need to look for alternative to locally count h and some are not. ways to compute spectral moments. On the other hand, in Definition 8: For a given value of r, the set of detector the case of large-scale complex networks, the structure of nodes of a given subgraph h⊆G is defined as thenetworkisusuallyveryintricate,in manycasesnoteven knownexactly,andanexpliciteigenvaluedecompositioncan Dh(r) ={v ∈V(h) s.t. h⊆Grv}. be very challenging, if not impossible. It is in these cases Note that, although there can be other nodes u 6∈ V(h) wherethealternativeapproachproposedinthispaperismost able to locally counth, we do notincludethemin the set of useful. detectornodesDh. Also notethat, givenan unlabeledgraph As we show in the next section, the spectral moments g,thesizeofDh(ri)forallthesubgraphshi ⊆G isomorphicto can be efficiently computed via a distributed approach from g depends exclusively on the structure of g. In other words, aggregation of local samples of the graph topology, without wehavethat D(r) = D(r) foralli=1,...,F(g,G).Fora knowing the complete structure of the network. (cid:12) hi (cid:12) (cid:12) g (cid:12) giveng,thev(cid:12)alueo(cid:12)f D(cid:12)(r) c(cid:12)anbealgorithmicallycomputed (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)g (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) as follows: (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) IV. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTATIONOF SPECTRAL 1) Initialize M :=0; MOMENTS 2) For each node u∈V(g); According to (4), the k-th spectral moment is equal to 3) Compute δg(u):=maxv∈gd(u,v); a linear combination of the embedding frequencies F (g,G) 4) If δg(u)≤r, Then M :=M +1; for g ∈ I . On the other hand, computing the embedding 5) End For, k frequencies in large-scale networks can be challenging in 6) D(r) :=M. g a centralized framework, since the computational cost of (cid:12) (cid:12) counting subgraphs rapidly grows with the network size. In For(cid:12)(cid:12)conve(cid:12)(cid:12)nience,we include the values of Dg(r) for g ∈ thissection,weintroduceanefficientdecentralizedapproach ∪k=4,5,6Ik for radius r =1,2, and 3 in Fig. 4(cid:12)(cid:12). (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) to compute the embedding frequencies of subgraphs from After these preliminary results, we now describe a novel local samples of the network topology. algorithmto distributedly computeF (g,G). Let us consider During this section, we assume that there is an agent a particular node v ∈V(G). We define the local embedding in each node v ∈ V(G) that is able to access its r- frequency of subgraph g within a neighborhood of radius th neighborhood, Gv. A naive approach to compute the r around node v, denoted by H(g,Nv), as the number of r r embedding frequency of a particular subgraph g would be different subgraphs li ⊆ Nrv isomorphic to g such that v ∈ to compute the embeddingfrequencyof g in each neighbor- V(li). Our distributed algorithm is based on the following hood, F(g,Gv), and sum them up. This approach obviously result: r does not work because this particular subgraph g ⊆ G can Theorem 9: Let G be a simple graph. The spectral mo- be in the intersectionof multiple neighborhoods;hence,that ments of the adjacency matrix of G can be written as subgraphwould be countedmultiple times. In what follows, 1 ω (g) wtoekpnroowpohsoewa dmeacneynttriamliezsedacpoaurntitcinuglaprrsoucbegdruarpehthisatcaolulonwtedu.s mk(AG)= nv∈XV(G)gX∈Ik Dkg(r) H(g,Nrv). (9) (cid:12) (cid:12) First, we need to introduce several definitions: Proof: Note that the local e(cid:12)mbed(cid:12)ding frequency only Definition 6: We say that a graphical property PG is count subgraphs li touching node(cid:12) v; h(cid:12)ence, H(g,Nrv) ≤ locally measurable within a radius r around a node v if F (g,Nv). Furthermore, we have that r PGDiesfinaitfiuonnct7io:nWoef Nsaryv,tih.ea.t, PaGsu=bgfra(pNhrvh). ⊆ G is locally H(g,Nrv)=|Dg| F (g,G), (10) countable within a radius r around a node v if h⊆Gv. v∈XV(G) r For example, both edges and triangles touching a node v since every graph h ⊆G isomorphic to g is counted D(r) are locally countable within a radius 1. Also, the number of g (cid:12) (cid:12) quadrangles touching v is locally countable within a radius times in the above summation. Therefore, substitutin(cid:12)g (10(cid:12)) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2. Furthermore,a wedge is locally countablewithin a radius in (4), we obtain the statement of the Theorem. 1 only by the node at the center of the wedge, but it is not countablebythenodesattheextremesofthewedge.Onthe Based on Theorem 9 it is straightforward to compute the other hand, the wedge is locally countable within a radius 2 k-th spectral moment distributedly as follows. First, define (cid:12) (cid:12) Fig.3. Intheabovetable, werepresentseveral nonisomorphic connected graphs,andthecorresponsing values of(cid:12)(cid:12)Dg(r)(cid:12)(cid:12)forr∈{1,2,2}. the following local variables of spectral moments. Furthermore, it would be interesting to find a fully decentralized algorithm to iteratively modify ω (g) µ(kr)(v),gX∈Ik Dkg(r) H(g,Nrv), tdhyenasmtruiccatulrbeehoafvaionr.eWtweofirkndofpaargtiecnutlsarilnyoinrdteerrestotincgotnhteroclaistes (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) in which individual agents have knowledge of their local for all v ∈ V(G). Note that(cid:12)µ(r)((cid:12)v) is locally measurable k networkstructureonly(i.e.,myopicinformation),whilethey within a radius r around each node v, namely, each agent trytocollectivelyaggregatetheselocalpiecesofinformation is able to distributedly compute µr(v) for all v ∈ V(G). k to find the most beneficial modification of the network Thus, from (9), we have that the k-th spectral moment can structure. be computed via a simple distributed averaging of µr(v). k Remark 10: The maximum order of the spectral moment that can be computed via this distributed approach depends REFERENCES on the radius r of the neighborhood that each agent can reach. In particular, in order to compute the k-th moment, [1] S.H.Strogatz, “Exploring Complex Networks,” Nature, vol. 410, pp. we should be able to detect all the graphs g ∈I . 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