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Studies in Theology and Sexuality, 4 Series Editors Elizabeth Stuart Alison R Webster Gerard Loughlin Editorial Board Marcella Althaus Reid, Robert Beckford, J Michael Clark, Gillian Cloke, Beverly Harrison, Renée Hill, Alison Millbank. Ann Pellegrini, Kwok Pui Lan, Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Peter Selby This page intentionally left blank Is There a Future^ Feminist Theology? Edited by Deborah F. Sawyer and Diane M. Collier Sheffield Academic Press Copyright © 1999 Sheffield Academie Press Published by Sheffield Academic Press Ltd Mansion House 19KingfieldRoad Sheffield SI 19AS England Printed on acid-free paper in Great Britain by Bookcraft Ltd Midsomer Norton, Bath British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 1-85075-963-4 1-85075-979-0 pbk CONTENTS Acknowledgments 7 List of Contributors 8 Diane M. Collier and Deborah F. Sawyer From Isolation to Integration? New Directions in Gender and Religion 11 PARTI TEXT AND HER-STORY REVISITED Elisabeth Gössmann The Image of God and the Human Being in Women's Counter-Tradition 26 Brigitte Kahl Gender Trouble in Galatia? Paul and the Rethinking of Difference 57 Natalie Watson A Feminist Critical Reading of the Ecclesiology of 'Lumen Gentium' 74 Sue Morgan Redressing the Balance, Transforming the Art: New Theoretical Approaches in Religion and Gender History 84 PART II NEW DIRECTIONS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM Ursula King Feminist Theologies in Contemporary Contexts: A Provisional Assessment 100 6 Is There a Future for Feminist Theology? Tina Beanie Global Sisterhood or Wicked Stepsisters: Why Don't Girls with God-Mothers Get Invited to the Ball? 115 Sally Alsford Women's Nature and the Feminization of Theology 126 Melissa Raphael Monotheism in Contemporary Feminist Goddess Religion: A Betrayal of Early Thealogical Non-Realism? 139 Beverley Clack 'The Many-Named Queen of All': Thealogy and the Concept of the Goddess 150 Sean Gill Christian Manliness Unmanned: Some Problems and Challenges in the Study of Masculinity and Religion in Nineteenth- and Twen- tieth-Century Western Society 160 Gerard Loughlin Sex Slaves: Rethinking 'Complementarity' after 1 Corinthians 7. 3-4 173 Ruth Page Has Feminist Theology a Viable Long-Term Future? 193 Linda Woodhead Feminist Theology—Out of the Ghetto? 198 Index of Authors 207 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The editors would like to thank the Goethe Institute, Manchester, UK, and in particular Richard Schneider, for generously supporting the col- loquium from which this volume has evolved. We would also like to thank our colleagues in the Department of Religious Studies at Lan- caster University and all those who participated in the colloquium for helping to make it such a successful and stimulating venture. CONTRIBUTORS Sally Aisford, School of Humanities, Philosophy and Theology, University of Greenwich, UK. Tina Beattie, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, UK. Beverley Clack, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Roehampton Institute, UK. Diane M. Collier, Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University, UK. Sean Gill, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, UK. Elisabeth Gossmann, University of Munich, Germany, and University of Tokyo, Japan. Brigitte Kahl, Union Theological Seminary, New York, USA. Ursula King, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, UK. Gerard Loughlin, Department of Religious Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Sue Morgan, School of Religion and Theology, Chichester Institute, UK. Ruth Page, Faculty of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, UK. Contributors 9 Melissa Raphael, Centre for the Study of Religion, Cheltenham and Gloucester College, UK. Deborah F. Sawyer, Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University, UK. Natalie Watson, Cuddesdon Theological College, Oxford, UK. Linda Woodhead, Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University, UK.

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