EUROPEAN FOOD ISSUES Hunger and nutrition are central to public health, social stability and a balanced economy. A powerful interdisciplinary fi eld has recently emerged among demographers, cultural, economic and science historians around food studies. This book is a study of the historical interactions between diet, hunger and health in contemporary Europe. The author uses archival sources from the League of Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organisation to show the impact of food shortages on the health of the European population during the fi rst half of the twentieth century. In the context of the international diplomatic reaction and national health and nutritional policies, the book shows how these exceptional circumstances led to new scientifi c research, the production and circulation of scientifi c knowledge, and the political role of experts, as a new political n o economy of scientifi c knowledge about food and diet was developed during the central decades ti i r of the twentieth century. t u n l a M o t r e g n EUROPEAN FOOD ISSU ES u H Josep L. Barona m o r F From Hunger to Malnutrition Josep L. Barona is Professor of History of Science and Head of the Department of History of a n Science and Documentation at the Universidad de Valencia. His research deals with international o r The Political Economy of Scientifi c Knowledge a diplomacy and health policies in contemporary Europe and the origins of the science of nutrition B . in Europe, 1918-1960 and its social and political uses. L p e s o J g n a L er et P ISBN 978-90-5201-856-0 E. ng P.I.E. Peter Lang P.I. La r Brussels e et P P.I.E. EUROPEAN FOOD ISSUES Hunger and nutrition are central to public health, social stability and a balanced economy. A powerful interdisciplinary fi eld has recently emerged among demographers, cultural, economic and science historians around food studies. This book is a study of the historical interactions between diet, hunger and health in contemporary Europe. The author uses archival sources from the League of Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organisation to show the impact of food shortages on the health of the European population during the fi rst half of the twentieth century. In the context of the international diplomatic reaction and national health and nutritional policies, the book shows how these exceptional circumstances led to new scientifi c research, the production and circulation of scientifi c knowledge, and the political role of experts, as a new political n o economy of scientifi c knowledge about food and diet was developed during the central decades ti i r of the twentieth century. t u n l a M o t r e g n EUROPEAN FOOD ISSU ES u H Josep L. Barona m o r F From Hunger to Malnutrition Josep L. Barona is Professor of History of Science and Head of the Department of History of a n Science and Documentation at the Universidad de Valencia. His research deals with international o r The Political Economy of Scientifi c Knowledge a diplomacy and health policies in contemporary Europe and the origins of the science of nutrition B . in Europe, 1918-1960 and its social and political uses. L p e s o J g n a L er et P E. ng P.I.E. Peter Lang P.I. La r Brussels e et E. P P.I. 1 pagetitre.p65 1 14/06/2012,08:38 2 pagetitre.p65 2 14/06/2012,08:38 From Hunger to Malnutrition The Political Economy of Scientific Knowledge in Europe, 1918-1960 P.I.E. Peter Lang Bruxelles Bern Berlin FrankfurtamMain NewYork Oxford Wien 3 pagetitre.p65 3 14/06/2012,08:38 4 pagetitre.p65 4 14/06/2012,08:38 Josep L. BARONA From Hunger to Malnutrition The Political Economy of Scientific Knowledge in Europe, 1918-1960 European Food Issues n° 3 5 pagetitre.p65 5 14/06/2012,08:38 This book is sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology [Sanidad Internacional y transferencia de conocimiento científico.Europa1900-1975,MICINN,HAR2011-23233] CoverPicture:“SanidadyAsistenciaSocial”,VicenteBallesterMarco, UniversitatdeValència No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without prior written permission from the publisher.Allrightsreserved. © P.I.E. PETER LANG S.A. Éditionsscientifiquesinternationales Brussels, 2012 1 avenue Maurice, B-1050 Brussels, Belgique ; [email protected] ISSN 2033-7892 ISBN 978-90-5201-856-0 (paperback) ISBN 978-3-035261936 (eBook) D/2012/5678/51 Printed in Germany LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData BaronaVilar,JosepLluis. Fromhunger tomalnutrition : thepoliticaleconomyofscientific knowledgeinEurope, 1818-1960/Josep L.Barona. p. cm. — (European food issues, 2033-7892 ; no.3) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-90-5201-856-0 (alk.paper) 1. Food supply—Europe—History. 2. Diet—Europe—History. 3. Nutrition—Europe—History. I. Title. HD9015.A2B37 2012 363.8094’09041—dc23 2012020322 Bibliographic information published by “Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek” “Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek” lists this publication in the “Deutsche National-bibliografie”; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at <>. 6 pagetitre.p65 6 14/06/2012,08:38 Thisbookisdevotedtothememoryofthetwomostgenerouspeople Ievermet,JoséBaronaAlcaláandCarmenVilarSanchis. Theywerechildsurvivorsofwartimenutrition.