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From Famine to Fast Food: Nutrition, Diet, and Concepts of Health Around the World PDF

314 Pages·2014·2.17 MB·English
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From Famine to Fast Food This page intentionally left blank From Famine to Fast Food NUTRITION, DIET, AND CONCEPTS OF HEALTH AROUND THE WORLD KenAlbala,Editor Copyright2014byABC-CLIO,LLC Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise,exceptfortheinclusionof briefquotationsinareview,withoutpriorpermissioninwritingfromthe publisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Fromfaminetofastfood:nutrition,diet,andconceptsofhealtharoundthe world/KenAlbala,editor. p.;cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978–1–61069–743–9(alk.paper)—ISBN978–1–61069–744–6 (ebook)I.Albala,Ken,1964–editorofcompilation.[DNLM:1. Nutritional Status—Encyclopedias—English.2. CulturalCharacteristics—Encyclopedias— English.3. Diet—Encyclopedias—English.4. WorldHealth—Encyclopedias— English. QU13] RA645.N87 363.803—dc23 2014000623 ISBN:978–1–61069–743–9 EISBN:978–1–61069–744–6 18 17 16 15 14 1 2 3 4 5 ThisbookisalsoavailableontheWorldWideWebasaneBook. Visitwww.abc-clio.comfordetails. Greenwood AnImprintofABC-CLIO,LLC ABC-CLIO,LLC 130CremonaDrive,P.O.Box1911 SantaBarbara,California93116-1911 Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Thepublisherhasdoneitsbesttomakesuretheinstructionsand/orrecipesin thisbookarecorrect.However,usersshouldapplyjudgmentandexperience whenpreparingrecipes,especiallyparentsandteachersworkingwithyoung people.Thepublisheracceptsnoresponsibilityfortheoutcomeofanyrecipe includedinthisvolumeandassumesnoliabilityfor,andisreleasedbyread- ers from, any injury or damage resulting from the strict adherence to, or deviation from, the directions and/or recipes herein. The publisher is not responsibleforanyreader’sspecifichealthorallergyneedsthatmayrequire medical supervision, nor for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained inthisbook.Allyieldsareapproximations. This page intentionally left blank Contents Introduction xiii Africa 1 Algeria 1 Angola 2 Benin 4 BurkinaFaso 4 CentralAfrica 5 Coˆted’Ivoire 8 Egypt 9 EthiopiaandEritrea 11 Ghana 14 Guinea 14 Kenya 15 Liberia 16 Maasai 18 Madagascar 19 Mauritania 21 Morocco 22 Mozambique 24 Namibia 25 vii viii Contents Nigeria 26 Senegal 29 SierraLeone 31 Somalia 31 SouthAfrica 33 Sudan 35 Swaziland 36 Uganda 38 Zimbabwe 39 MiddleEast 43 ArabianPeninsula 43 Iran 46 Iraq 48 Israel 49 Jordan 52 Lebanon 54 PalestinianTerritories 55 Syria 56 Turkey 57 YemenandOman 59 Americas 61 Argentina 61 ArubaandBonaire 62 Barbados 63 Belize 64 Bolivia 65 Brazil 67 Contents ix Canada 70 Chile 71 Colombia 74 CostaRica 76 Cuba 77 Curac¸aoandSintMaarten 78 Dominica 79 DominicanRepublic 81 Ecuador 82 ElSalvador 82 FrenchGuiana 84 Grenada 85 Guatemala 87 Guyana 89 Haiti 90 Honduras 91 Inuit 92 Jamaica 94 MartiniqueandGuadeloupe 97 Mexico 98 NativeAmericans 102 Nicaragua 104 Panama 106 ParaguayandUruguay 107 Peru 108 PuertoRico 109 Suriname 111

A country's food culture and eating habits directly impact the health and well-being of its citizens. Economic factors contribute to problems such as obesity and malnourishment. This book examines how diet affects health in countries around the world, discussing how the availability of food and the
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