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From detection to restoration: lessons from butterflies to improve conservation efficiency PDF

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by  Van DyckH
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BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE BIOLOGIE, 72-SUPPL.: 179-181,2002 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCI-IINSTITVUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCI-IAPPEN BIOLOGIE, 72-SUPPL.: 179-181,2002 Frotn detection to restoration: lessons from butterflies to improve conservation efficiency H. VANDYCK Introduction Butterflies are among the few invertebrates that easily attract public attention, but also quite a lot of scientific Establishing the conservation status and distribution interest. Aesthetic values should not be mixed with eco trends of species or taxonomic groups is considered a logical functions and knowledge to derive conservation valuable task for conservation. Further and increasing surrogates or indicators. Nevertheless, the use of butter efforts to survey more species or taxonomic groups have flies for conservation purposes has been advocated se- been advocated before, and will be advocated several . · vera! times before: butterfly species have high demands times at this Belgian Biodiversity meeting. I do support for habitat quality and they often respond fast to habitat this view, but measuring or estimating changes in dis changes (THOMAS 1994, WOIWOD & THOMAS 1993). tribution -in particular using current approaches-is only a However, it should be realised that no single species or first step in a conservation process. Moreover, there are taxonomic group can be considered a universal bio several potential problems with analyses based on typical indicator (e.g. SIMBERLOFF 1998). Within this context, we distribution datasets. Much more detailed ecological recently finalised a study for the Flemish Ministry of knowledge is required to bridge the gap qetween detec Nature Conservation on the use of multi-species ap tion and restoration. proaches (VAN DYCK et al. 200 I), which is not further To do so, critical, scientific approaches are required, discussed here. but they do not necessarily guarantee any impact on conservation practice if conclusions do not fit within the framework of practical conservation management and/or Status and trends of butterflies policy (PULLIN & KNIGHT 200 l ). So far, a few attractive species have been used as conservation targets, but the use Our analyses clearly indicate that butterflies have expe of species as tools for site- or landscape-oriented conser rienced severe losses in Flanders: 19 of the 64 indigenous vation is yet poorly developed. I will address some issues species went extinct and half of the remaining species are to implement species-specific knowledge using butterflies threatened to a certain extent. The number of extinct (Rhopalocera) as an example. species is among the highest throughout Europe. Using 5 X 5 km distribution grid cells (UTM projection), the number of diversity hot spots decreased considerably Why butterflies, why Flanders? and present-day hot spots are almost exclusively found in NE-Flanders (de Kempen). Butterflies have the advan I refer to results on butterflies in Flanders, the northern tage that several aspects of their ecology have been region of Belgium. This is because conservation policy studied. Hence, further analyses to get a better under and practice are mainly a matter of the regions rather than standing of butterfly diversity loss are possible. We, for of the federal Belgian government. Butterflies are among instance, found that species with low dispersal capacities the best-studied groups of animals, particularly among and species from oligotrophic habitats decreased signifi invertebrates (NEW 1997). For Flanders there is an ex cantly more than mobile species and species from eu tensive distribution dataset (> I 90.000 records), a Red trophic habitats. Such relationships point to effects of List (MAES & VAN DYCK 1996), a documented distribu destruction and fragmentation of suitable butterfly habi tion atlas (MAEs & VAN DvcK 1999), and relative abun tats and to the strong impact of intensification of agricul dance is monitored in a standardised way for about I 0 tme (including high nitrogen input), respectively. An years (although on a small sample of sites). Note that example of a butterfly that declined severely is Lycaena there is a general bias in conservation biology towards tityrus (fig. I). For more detailed results and a discussion attractive species including birds, mammals and vascular on the severe loss of butterfly diversity in Flanders, I refer plants. to MAES & VAN DYCK (200 I). I I 180 H. VANDYCK Problems with distribution data wet, nutrient-poor grasslands (V ANREUSEL et a/. 2000). Such a plan was requested and funded by the Flemish Distribution data are of great potential value to conservation. Ministry ofNatme Conservation. So far, there is only little However, dish·ibution datasets collected over many years experience in species protection programs in this region, with different people typically cany several biases making and this was the first plan for an inveiiebrate. M. a/con is in sound analyses not evident. In order to make sound compa Belgium confined to the NE of Flanders. It is considered risons of fanner and ctuTent butterfly diversity tlu·oughout threatened at the Belgian (or Flemish) level, and vulne Flanders, we applied strict criteria on recording intensity to rable at the European level (VAN SWAAY & WARREN 1999). keep a grid cell in the analysis (MAES & VAN DYCK 200 I). Due to the peculiar life histmy of Maculinea butterflies, Hence, we only used 23 % of all grid cells, but since they their occtuTence and abundance are directly affected by other were fairly well spread over the different ecoregions of Flan organisms in their habitat. M a/con is a monophagous ders, this reduced sample was still representative of flanders herbivorous specialist laying eggs on the Marsh gentian as a whole. Problems on biases in distribution data due to (Gentiana pneumonanthe). YOtmg caterpillars leave their temporal and spatial differences in recording effmis have hostplant to be adopted by Myrmica ants. Hence, this butter been analysed and discussed in much detail for British butter fly has an obligate, ant-parasitic life stage adopting a cuckoo fly data (e.g. DENNIS eta/. 1999, DENNIS & THOMAS 2000). sh·ategy. Adoption of the caterpillars is mediated by complex Another issue that has often been denied is the effect of chemical ant brood mimic1y. The larval stage lasts either one grid resolution on detecting trends. In Belgium (like else or two years. Next, they pupate in the ant nest and emerge as where), units of distribution are often coarse-grained grid adults in the summer. In om region, Mynnica ruginodis cells like 5 x 5 km or even I 0 x I 0 km square grids of the is recognised to be the optimal host ant, but other Nfyrmica UTM-projection. Using such grid cells as surrogates in ants also occm in wet heathlands. We collected detailed data stead of real distribution -which is a large amount of work on butterflies (MRR-data on adults, egg cotmts), hostplants to define- implies that the distribution of several species .. (abundance, age distribution), host ants (density of colonies), is overestimated and their decline underestimated. This vegetation shl.Ictme and management in all but one popula particularly matters for species that are still widely oc tions that cunently remain. curring, but which are (strongly) declining (e.g. COWLEY Many specialist species -including M. alcon- have dis et al. 1999). These issues are clearly not typical for appeared also from nature reserves when specific know butterfly data, and should be taken into account for any ledge was not available to be taken into account for con analysis using similar data resources. The importance of servation practices. Management is mainly based on h·adi standardised methods to collect data should be realised tion and intuition rather than on evidence (see PULLIN & when new (volunteer) survey projects are initiated. KNIGHT 200 I). For this project we particularly endea voured to make a scientific-based plan that has a ve1y practice-oriented output as well. Hence, one paii of the report brought together all analysed data and discussed Detailed ecological knowledge and practical conserva knowledge on the ecology and conservation of the species, tion: the Alcon blue case its hostplant, host ants and complex relationships with its habitat. The other volume of the report sunm1arised pro We have recently finalised a recovery plan for the butterfly posed measures per site indicating what should be done Maculinea a/con, a habitat specialist of wet heathlands and where and how (e.g. quantification of small scale sodcut ting to restore small gentian populations). This approach 14 was appreciated ve1y much by reserve managers that require scientific output in· a practice-oriented way and 12 not only in an academic format. On the other hand, the extensive dataset also allowed to address more ecological ~ 10 questions like the controversial role of the host ants for .!!!. ~ 8 - oviposition decisions (VAN DYCK et al. 2000). We could, "0 for instance, also illustrate that degree of experience has a ·~ ·aal. 6 - strong impact on the quality of apparently simple data like ::J M. a/con egg counts (fig. 2). g(.) ·4 2 Butterflies as tools fm site- or landscape-oriented conservation: the challenge of ecological networks 0 1901-1950 1951-1970 1971-1990. 1991-2000 2001 Time period Ecological networks and corridors are hot topics in con Fig. I Severe decline in distribution of the butterfly Lycaena servation. Connecting areas is ve1y easy to do on a map. tityrus in Flanders (expressed as percentage of occupied However, biological realism is often lacking when no role 5x5 km UTM grid cells) dLu·ing the 20'11 centmy. Dis organisms are considered. There is a huge bias in our tribution in the first periods is probably underestimated. knowledge towards woodland systems. ft remains, how- I' From detection to restoration: lessons from butterflies to improve conservation efficiency 181 2000 status and decline. Proceedings of the Royal Society ofL ondon 1800 ~- I (B), 266: 1587-1592. Host plants 1600 c=:J Eggs DENNIS, R.L.H., SPARKS, T.H., & 1-IARDY, P.B., 1999. Bias in butterfly distribution maps: the effects of sampling effort. 1400 ... Journal ofI nsect Conservation, 3: 33-42 . 1200 .Qc) DENNIS, R.L.H. & THOMAS, C.D., 2000. Bias in butterfly dis E 1000 tribution maps: the influence of hot spots and recorder's home :::s z 800 - range. Journal of Insect Conservation, 4: 73-77. 600 MAES, D. & VAN DYCK, H., 1996. Gedocumenteerde Rode Lijst van de dagvlinders van Vlaanderen. lnstituut voor Natuurbe 400 houd, Brussel. 200 • MAES, D. & VAN DYCK, H., 1999. Dagvlinders in Vlaanderen: 0 ecologie, verspreiding en behoud. Stichting Leefmilieu m.m.v. LOW (08-08-01) HIGH (17- 08-01) Instituut voor Natuurbehoud & Vlaamse Vlindetwerkgroep Experience vzw, Antwerpen/Brussel. Fig. 2 - Effect of experience on the number of observed MAES, D. & VAN DYCK, H., 200 I. Butterfly diversity loss in hostplants and counted eggs of M. a/con in the same Flanders (north Belgium): Europe's worst case scenario? Bio population by a team with low and high experience, logical Conservation, 99: 263-276. respectively. Time between the counts will explain NEW, T.R., 1997. Are Lepidoptera an effective "umbrella some of the difference, but the major difference is group" for biodiversity conservation? Journal of Insect Con attributed to missed host plants and hence eggs by servation, 1: 5-12. the team with low experience. PULLfN, A.S. & KNIGHT, T.M., 2001. Effectiveness in conserva tion practice: pointers from medicine and public health. Con servation Biology, 15: 50-54. ever to be shown for most non-woodland species (e.g. SIMBERLOFF, D., 1998. Flagships, umbrellas, and keystones: is spec,ies of heath lands or marshes) to what extent a hedge single-species management passe in the landscape era? Biolo row really provides a corridor for movements through gical Conservation, 83: 247-257. non-habitat. Spatially explicit models using GIS provide THOMAS, J.A., 1994. Why small cold-blooded insects pose interesting tools to take into account several landscape different conservation problems to birds in modern landscapes. features (like the configuration of landscape compo Ibis, 16: 278-284. nents). It is, however, necessary to incoi-porate spe~i~s­ VAN DYCK, H., MAES, D. & BRICHAU, I., 200 I. Toepassen van specific behavioural knowledge into these connectivity een multi-soortenbenadering bij planning en evaluatie in het models to increase biological realism. Vlaamse natuurbehoud. Rapport Onderzoeksgroep Diereneco So far there is few information on how animals per logie, Universiteit Antwerpen in opdracht van het Ministerie ceive (and react on) non-habitat elements when traversing van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, afdeling Natuur: 90 pp. through a landscape (e.g. role of attractants like vegeta VANDYCK, I-!., 00STERMEIJER, J.G.B., TALLOEN, W., FEENSTRA, tion borders, resistance of different vegetation types). A V., VANDER I-IIDDE, A. & WYNHOFF, I., 2000. Does the presence careful quantification and critical validation of the used of ant nests matter for ovipo.sition to a specialized myrmeco parameters is required. One of our other, more recent, philous Macu/inea butterfly? Proceedings of the Royal Society lines of research addresses in particular these issues using ofLondon (B), 267: 861-866. again butterflies (but also other animals) as model organ VAN SWAAY, C.A.M. & WARREN, M.S., 1999. Red data book of isms. This work of our group (Laboratory of Animal European butterflies (Rhopalocera). Nature and environment Ecology - headed by E. MAT THYSEN) is partly done in No. 99, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg. collaboration with UCL (M. BAGUETTE, E. BOULENGE). VANREUSEL, W., MAES, D. & VAN DYCK, H., 2000. Soort beschermingsplan GentiaanblaLiwtje. Rapport Onderzoeks groep Dierenecologie, Universiteit Antwerpen in opdracht Acknowledgements van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, afdeling Natuur: 140 pp. + 177 pp. Much of the work presented, or referred to, during this contribution was done in co-operation with Dirk MAES (Institute for Nature Conserva WOIWOD, I.P. & THOMAS, J.A., 1993. The ecology of butterflies tion). I also thank the many volunteers who contributed to the extensive and moths at the landscape level. ln: HAINES-YOUNG, R. (ed.), distribution dataset of the Flemish Butterfly Working Group (Yiaamse Landscape ecology in Britain. Department of Geography, Uni Vlinderwerkgroep vzw). H. VAN DvcK is postdoctoral fellow of the Fund of Scientific Research Flanders-Belgium (FWO). versity ofNottingham, TALE (UK): 76-92. Hans VAN DYCK References Department of Biology University of Antwerp COWLEY. M.J.R., THOMAS, C.D., THOMAS, J.A. & WARREN, Universiteitsplein I M.S., 1999. Flight areas of British butterflies: assessing species B-261 0 AntweqJ

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