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From Calculus to Cohomology . de Rham cohomology and characteristic classes Ib Madsen and J~rgen Tornehave University q{Aarhus ,,~~I CAMBRIDGE ::;11 UNIVERSITY PRESS v Contents .:.... ',) '­ . . ~)<, fJ Preface .vii -. ,~ Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 1 f"J J Chapter 2 The Alternating Algebra. . 7 Chapter 3 de Rham Cohomology. . 15 Chapter 4 Chain Complexes and their Cohomology 25 Chapter 5 The Mayer-Vietoris Sequence . . . . . 33 Chapter 6 Homotopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 7 Applications of de Rham Cohomology 47 Chapter 8 Smooth Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Chapter 9 Differential Forms on Smoth Manifolds . 65 Chapter 10 Integration on Manifolds 83 Chapter II Degree, Linking Numbers and Index of Vector Fields. 97 'j I Chapter 12 The Poincare-Hopf Theorem . . . . . II 3 ,I Chapter 13 Poincare Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 j. j} Chapter 14 The Complex Projective Space ern . 139 ~ Chapter 15 Fiber Bundles and Vector Bundles. . 147 Chapter 16 Operations on Vector Bundles and their Sections 157 Chapter 17 Connections and Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Chapter 18 Characteristic Classes of Complex Vector Bundles 181 Chapter 19 The Euler Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Chapter 20 Cohomology of Projective and Grassmannian Bundles 199 Chapter 21 Thorn Isomorphism and the General Gauss-Bonnet Formula . 211 Appendix A Smooth Partition of Unity. . . . . . 221 Appendix B Invariant Polynomials . . . . . . . . 227 Appendix C Proof of Lemmas 12.12 and 12.13 . 233 Appendix D Exercises . 243 References . 281 Index ... . 283 VB PREFACE This text offers a self-contained exposition of the cohomology of differential forms, de Rham cohomology, and of its application to characteristic classes defined in terms of the curvature tensor. The only formal prerequisites are knowledge of standard calculus and linear algebra, but for the later part of the book some prior knowledge of the geometry of surfaces, Gaussian curvature, will not hurt the reader. The first seven chapters present the cohomology of open sets in Euclidean spaces • and give the standard applications usually covered in a first course in algebraic topology, such as Brouwer's fixed point theorem, the topological invariance of domains and the Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem. The next four chapters extend the definition of cohomology to smooth manifolds, present Stokes' the­ orem and give a treatment of degree and index of vector fields, from both the cohomological and geometric point of view. The last ten chapters give the more advanced part of cohomology: the Poincare-Hopf theorem, Poincare duality, Chern classes, the Euler class, and finally the general Gauss-Bonnet formula. As a novel point we prove the so called splitting principles for both complex and real oriented vector bundles. The text grew out of numerous versions of lecture notes for the beginning course in topology at Aarhus University. The inspiration to use de Rham cohomology as a first introduction to topology comes in part from a course given by G. Segal at Oxford many years ago, and the first few chapters owe a lot to his presentation of the subject. It is our hope that the text can also serve as an introduction to the modern theory of smooth four-manifolds and gauge theory. The text has been used for third and fourth year students with no prior exposure to the concepts of homology or algebraic topology. We have striven to present all arguments and constructions in detail. Finally we sincerely thank the many students who have been subjected to earlier versions of this book. Their comments have substantially changed the presentation in many places. Aarhus, January 1996 1. INTRODUCTION It is well-known that a continuous real function, that is defined on an open set of R has a primitive function. How about multivariable functions? For the sake of simplicity we restrict ourselves to smooth (or Coo-) functions, i.e. functions that have continuous partial derivatives of all orders. We begin with functions of two variables. Let f: U ---; R2 be a smooth function .defined on an open set of R2 . Question 1.1 Is there a smooth function F: U ---; R, such that of of (1) -;- = hand -;- = h, where f = (h, h)? VXI VX2 Since 02F 02F aX2aXI aXl aX2 we must have ah ah (2) = aX2 aXI' The correct question is therefore whether F exists, assuming f = (h, h) satisfies (2). Is condition (2) also sufficient? Example 1.2 Consider the function f: R2 ---; R2 given by f(xI,x2)= ( xi-X+2x rxiX+xl~) . It is easy to show that (2) is satisfied. However, there is no function F: R2 -{0} ---; R that satisfies (1). Assume there were; then (2Jr d Jo dBF(cos B, sin B)dB = F(l, 0) - F(l, 0) = o. On the other hand the chain rule gives of d . dF . dBF(cosB, smB) = dx . (-smB) + ay . cosB = - h(cosB, sinB) . sinB + h(cosB, sin B)· cosB = 1. This contradiction can only be explained by the non-existence of F. ... ~ <~«< .,..)< ;;; " ~ .­ --. ..... ~1 ~ -r{7 ~-:~~~ ~ "'<! III r • c i J 2 1. INTRODUCTION Definition 1.3 A subset X c IRn is said to be star-shaped with respect to the Note that rot 0 grad = I point Xo E X if the line segment {t:ro + (1- t)xlt E [0, I]} is contained in X for all x E X. Theorem 1.4 Let U C 1~2 be an open star-shaped set. For any smooth function Since both rot and grad (!I, h): U ---+ 1R 2 that satisfies (2), Question 1.1 has a solution. Therefore we can cons casets + Im(grad) w 2 Do Proof. For the sake of simplicity we assume that Xo = 0 E 1R . Consider the function F : U ---+ IR, (3) i 1 F(Xl,X2) = [Xl!I(txl,tx2) +x2h(txl,t:rz)]dt. Both Ker(rot) and Im(g able that the quotient sI Then one has We can now reformulat 1 ~a(F: rl, :r2) = 1 [it. (tXl' tX2) + tXl ~a(!It Xl, tX2) + tX2a~(t!Xl,z tX]2) dt (4) H 1(U) U.rl 0 UXI UXI On the other hand, Exarr and see that HI (1~2 - {O}) i d a!I a!I dimension of H1(U) is -t!I(tXI, tX2) = !I(tXl, tX2) + tXl ~ (tXl, tX2) + tX2~(tXI, tX2). dt UXI UX2 In analogy with (3) we Substituting this result into the formula, we get (5) rl [d aa:Frl (Xl,X2) = Jo dtt!I(txl,tx2)+tx2 (aa!Xzl (tXI,txZ)- aaX!2I (txl, tx2) )] dt This definition works fo = [t!I (txl, tX2)]Z=O = !I(Xl, X2). Analogously, g~ = !z(Xl, X2). Theorem 1.5 An open i "Example 1.2 and Theorem 1.4 suggest that the answer to Question 1.1 depends on the "shape" or "topology" of U. Instead of searching for further examples or Proof. Assume that gra counterexamples of sets U and functions f, we define an invariant of U, which tells a neighborhood V (xo) , us whether or not the question has an affirmative answer (for all j), assuming then every locally const: the necessary condition (2). Given the open set U <;;;; 1R2, let Coo (U, IRk) denote the set of smooth functions {x ¢: U ---+ IRk. This is a vector space. If k = 2 one may consider ¢: U ---+ Rk as is closed because f is ( a vector field on U by plotting ¢(u) from the point u. We define the gradient it is equal to U, and H( and the rotation exists a smooth, surject grad: COO(U, IR) ---+ Coo (U, 1R2), rot: Coo (U, 1R2) ---+ COO(U, IR) constant, so grad(J) = ( by The reader may easily e a¢ a¢) a¢l a¢2 < is precisely the number grad(¢) = ( aXl' aX2 ' rot(¢1,¢2) = aX2 - aXl L 1. INTRODUCTION 3 Note that rot grad = O. Hence the kernel of rot contains the image of grad, 0 Ker(rot) = Kernel of rot Im(grad) = Image of grad Since both rot and grad are linear operators, Im(grad) is a subspace of Ker(rot). Therefore we can consider the quotient vector space, i.e. the vector space of cosets 0: + Im(grad) where 0: E Ker(rot): (3) HI(U) = Ker(rot)jlm(grad). Both Ker(rot) and Im(grad) are infinite-dimensional vector spaces. It is remark­ able that the quotient space HI (U) is usually finite-dimensional. We can now reformulate Theorem 1.4 as (4) HI(U) = 0 whenever U ~ 1R 2 is star-shaped. On the other hand, Example 1.2 tells us that HI (R2 - {O}) -=I O. Later on we shall see that HI (1R2- {O}) is I-dimensional, and that HI (1R2 - U7=1 {Xi}) ~ IRk. The dimension of HI (U) is the number of "holes" in U. In analogy with (3) we introduce (5) HO(U) = Ker(grad). This definition works for open sets U of I~k with k 2: 1, when we define (:f of ) grad(J) = Xl 1"" Oxn ' Theorem 1.5 An open set U ~ Rk is connected if and only if HO(U) = R Proof. Assume that grad(J) = O. Then f is locally constant: each Xo E U has a neighborhood V(xo) with f(x) = f(xo) when X E V(xo). If U is connected, then every locally constant function is constant. Indeed, for Xo E U the set {X E Ulf(x) = f(xo)} = f-I(J(xo)). is closed because f is continuous, and open since f is locally constant. Hence it is equal to U, and HO(U) = R. Conversely, if U is not connected, then there exists a smooth, surjective function f: U --+ {O, I}. Such a function is locally constant, so grad(J) = O. It follows that dimHO(U) > 1. 0 The reader may easily extend the proof of Theorem 1.5 to show that dimHO(U) is precisely the number of connected components of U. o . < •...; ~<:..l ...J "" ~ -lj ~ 1."1-' ,..:;}\ ..0 'lj . •. t:'" ~ .~ -'": ....l~,j '<~s -:... . .~.~ ~. ~ ';r:oo;). . ... • ..... 7r n ••••1'...... ._ :;; .iSP .. ~ 4 1. INTRODUCTION We next consider functions of three variables. Let U c;;: R3 be an open set. A real Example 1.7 Let S = {(:l function on U has three partial derivatives and (2) is replaced by three equations. in the (Xl, X2 )-plane. Cor We introduce the notation f(Xl' X2, X3) grad: Coo(U, R) ---+ Coo(U, R3 ) -2XlX3 rot: Coo (U, R3) ---+ Coo (U, R3) ( div: Coo(U, R3) ---+ Coo(U, R) X~ + (xi + X~ ­ for the linear operators defined by on the open set U = R3 ­ af af af ) One finds that rot(J) = grad (J) = ( -a' -a' -a integration along a curve "I Xl X2 X3 we shall show that [I) i= ( rot (h, 12, h) = (a13 _ a12 , ah _ a13 , a12 _ ah ) aX2 aX3 aX3 aXl aX2 aX2 . ah ah ah I'(t)=(, dlv(h,h,h)=-a +-a +-a. X2 X3 Xl Assume grad(F) = f as Note that rot 0 grad = 0 and div 0 rot = O. We define HO(U) and set Hl(U) :ftF(ry(t)) in two ways. 0 as in Equations (3) and (5) and (6) H2 (U) = Ker(div)jlm(rot). j 1r-E d F(I'(t))dt = dt -1r+E Theorem 1.6 For an open star-shaped set in R3 we have that HO (U) R and on the other hand the Hl(U) = 0 and H 2(U) = O. d dtF(ry(t)) = fl(ry(t Proof. The values of HO(U) and Hl(U) are obtained as above, so we shall restrict ourselves to showing that H 2(U) = O. It is convenient to assume that U = sin2t -j is star-shaped with respect to O. Consider a function F : U ---+ R3 with div F = 0, Therefore the integral also, and define G : U ---+ R3 by 1 1 Example 1.8 Let U be an G(x) = (F(tx) x tx)dt smooth vector field). Recal where x denotes the cross product, r: [a, b] ---+ U is defined by h el Xl =1 (h, 12, h) x (Xl, X2, X3) e2 12 X2 A.,( 13 X3 e3 = (hx3- h X2, hXl - h X3, h X2- hXl). where (,) denotes the stan Straightforward calculations give 4>,,( b), then the energy is , d rot(F(tx) x tx) = dt(t2 F(tx)). (X Hence rotG(x) = 11 -d( t2F(tx))dt = F(x). o by the chain rule; compare ° dt If U c;;: R3 is not star-shaped both Hl(U) and H 2(U) may be non-zero. i,... 1. INTRODUCTION 5 Example 1.7 Let S = {(Xl, X2, X3) E 1R31xi + X§ = 1, X3 = o} be the unit circle in the (Xl, X2 )-plane. Consider the function f(:1:I' X2, X3) _ (-2XIX3 -2X2X3 xi + x§ - 1 ) - x32 +(x,.2l +x22 -1) 2' X32 +(X2I +x22 -1) 2' .x23 +(x2l +x22 -1) 2 on the open set U = R3 - S. One finds that rot(f) = 0. Hence f defines an element [1] E HI(U). By integration along a curve, in U, which is linked to S (as two links in a chain), we shall show that [1] i- 0. The curve in question is ,(t) = (VI +cos t,O, sin t ), -Jr:S t :s Jr. Assume grad(F) = f as a function on U. We can determine the integral of fit F(r(t)) in two ways. On the one hand we have j 7r-€ d ° ° -dF(r(t))dt = F(r(Jr - f)) - F(r(-Jr + f)) -+ for f -+ t -7r+€ and on the other hand the chain rule gives ,~(t) ,~(t) ,~(t) :tF(r(t)) = !t(,(t)) . + J2(r(t))· + h(,(t)). ° = sin2t + +cos 2t = 1. Therefore the integral also converges to 2Jr, which is a contradiction. Example 1.8 Let U be an open set in IRk and X: U -+ IRk a smooth function (a smooth vector field). Recall that the energy A')'(X), of X along a smooth curve ,: [a, b] -+ U is defined by the integral l b A')'(X) = (X o,(t) , ,'(t))dt where ( ,) denotes the standard inner product. If X = grad (~) and ~,( a) = ~,( b), then the energy is zero, since d (X 0 ,(t) , ,'(t)) = dt ~(r(t)) by the chain rule; compare Example 1.2. 7 2. THE ALTERNATING ALGEBRA Let V be a vector space over I~. A map f:VxVx···xV-d~ , .... J k times is called k-linear (or multilinear), if f is linear in each factor. Definition 2.1 A k-linear map w: V k ---+ IR is said to be alternating if w(6, ... ,~k) = 0 whenever ~i = ~j for some pair i I- j. The vector space of alternating, k-linear maps is denoted by Altk (V). We immediately note that Altk(V) = 0 if k > dim V. Indeed, let el, ... , en be a basis of V, and let W E Altk(V). Using multilinearity, w(6"",~k) =W(LAi,lei""'LAi,kei) = LAJw(eh,···,ejk) with AJ = Ail,l Ajk,k' Since k > n, there must be at least one repetition among the elements eh, , ejk' Hence w(cil' ... , ejk) = O. The symmetric group of permutations of the set {I, ... ,k} is denoted by S(k). We remind the reader that any permutation can be written as a composition of transpositions. The transposition that interchanges i and j will be denoted by (i, j). Furthemiore, and this fact will be used below, any permutation can be written as a composition of transpositions of the type (i, i+1), (i, i+1)o(i+1, i+2)o(i, i+1) = (i, i + 2) and so forth. The sign of a permutation: (1) sign: S(k) ---+ {±1}, is a homomorphism, sign(o- 0 T) = sign(o-) 0 sign(T), which maps every transpo­ sition to -1. Thus the sign of 0- E S(k) is -1 precisely if 0- decomposes into a product consisting of an odd number of transpositions. Lemma 2.2 IfW E Altk(V) and 0- E S(k), then W(~a(l)"" ,~a(k)) = sign(o-)w(6,··· ,~k)' Proof. It is sufficient to prove the formula when 0- = (i, j). Let Wi,j (~, ~') = w(6, .. · ,~, ... ,(, ... , ~k), e with ~ and occurring at positions i and j respectively. The remaining ~v E V are arbitrary but fixed vectors. From the definition it follows that Wi,j E Alt2 (V). Hence Wi,j (~i + ~j, ~i + ~j) = O. Bilinearity yields that Wi,j (~i, ~j) + Wi,j (~j, ~i) = O. 0 -:. .. £"i->~ .,... . " <IS 1 .~ .. ~ '9, ~ ~ !7.· ",,,_-,,c·;;..p,=~_ . . r rap L sTT] .• 8 2. THE ALTERNATING ALGEBRA Example 2.3 Let V = IRk and ~i = (~il"",~ik). The function w(6"",~k) = Lemma 2.7 A k-linear m det( (~ij)) is alternating, by the calculational rules for determinants. with ~i = ~i+l for some: We want to define the exterior product Proof. 5 (k) is generated of Lemma 2.2, /\: AltP(V) x Altq(V) --+ Altp+q(V). W(6"",~i,~: When p = q = 1 it is given by (Wl/\ W2) = wl(6)W2(6) - w2(6)Wl(6). Hence Lemma 2.2 holds ti Definition 2.4 A (p, q)-shuffle fJ is a permutation of {I, ... ,p + q} satisfying It is clear from the defini fJ(l) < ... < fJ(p) and fJ(p + 1) < ... < fJ(p + q). (WI' The set of all such permutations is denoted by 5(p, q). Since a (p, q)-shuffle (AWl is uniquely determined by the set {fJ(l), ... ,fJ(p)}, the cardinality of 5(p,q) is WI/\ (p;q). for wI, W~ E AltP(V) and Definition 2.5 (Exterior product) For WI E AltP(V) and W2 E Altq(V), we define (WI /\ W2)(6,···, ~p+q) Lemma 2.8 IfWI E AltPC L = sign(fJ)wl (~a(I)'"'' ~a(p») . W2(~a(p+l)'"'' ~a(p+q))' Proof. Let T E S(p + q) aES(p,q) T(l) = It is obvious that WI /\ W2 is a (p + q)-linear map, but moreover: T(q+ 1) = Lemma 2.6 If WI E AltP(V) and W2 E Altq(V) then WI /\ W2 E Altp+q(V). We have sign(T) = (-1)P'i S( Proof. We first show that (Wl/\W2)(6,6, ... ,~p+q) = 0 when ~1 = 6. We let Note that (i) 512 = {fJ E 5(p, q) IfJ(l) = 1, fJ(p + 1) = 2} (~aT(1 (ii) 521 = {fJ E 5(p, q) IfJ(l) = 2, fJ(p + 1) = I} W2 (~aT(q+l)" (iii) 50 = 5(p, q) - (512 U 521)' WI Hence If fJ E 50 then either WI (~a(I)' ... , ~a(p») or W2(~a(p+l)' ... ,~a(p+q)) is zero, since ~a(l) = ~a(2) or ~a(p+l) = ~a(p+2)' Left composition with the transposition W2 /\ wI(6, ... ,~p L T = (1,2) is a bijection 512 --+ 521. We therefore have sign(fJ: (WI /\ W2) (6,6, ... ,~p+q) = aES(q,p) L L sign(a~ sign(fJ )Wl (~a(I)' ... , ~a(p»)W2 (~a(p+l)' ... ,~a(p+q)) aES(p,q) aE S12 L - L sign(fJ)wl (~Ta(I)" .. '~Ta(p)) . W2 (~Ta(p+l)" .. ~Ta(p+q)). = (-l)Pq aES12 aES(p,q) Since fJ(l) = 1 and fJ(P+ 1) = 2, while TfJ(l) = 2 and TfJ(P+ 1) = 1, we see that = (-l)PqWI/\ W2 TfJ( i) = rJ(i) whenever i =j:. 1, p + 1. But 6 = ~2 so the terms in the two sums = cancel. The case ~i ~i+l is similar. Now WI /\ W2 will be alternating according to Lemma 2.7 below. D

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