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F A r o m p o l o g y t o r e c o n c i l i A t i o n Residential School Survivors A Guide for Grades 9 and 11 Social Studies Teachers in Manitoba 2013 Manitoba Education Manitoba Education Cataloguing in Publication Data From apology to reconciliation [electronic resource]: residential school survivors : a guide for Grades 9 and 11 social studies teachers in Manitoba. Designed for use with DVD entitled: From apology to reconciliation : residential school survivors : a resource for Grades 9 and 11 social studies in Manitoba. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 978-0-7711-5525-3 1. Native peoples—Canada—Government relations— Study and teaching (Secondary). 2. Native peoples—Canada—Residential schools—Study and teaching (Secondary). 3. Native peoples—Canada—Social conditions—Study and teaching (Secondary). 4. Native peoples—Education—Canada—History—Study and teaching (Secondary). 5. Off-reservation boarding schools—Manitoba—Study and teaching (Secondary). I. Manitoba. Manitoba Education. II. Title: From apology to reconciliation : residential school survivors : a resource for Grades 9 and 11 social studies in Manitoba. 371.82997071 Copyright © 2013, the Government of Manitoba, represented by the Minister of Education. Manitoba Education School Programs Division Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Every effort has been made to acknowledge original sources and to comply with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please notify Manitoba Education. Errors or omissions will be corrected in a future edition. Sincere thanks to the authors, artists, and publishers who allowed their original material to be used. All images found in this document are copyright protected and should not be extracted, accessed, or reproduced for any purpose other than for their intended educational use in this document. Schools are encouraged to share this document with parents, guardians, and communities, as appropriate. Any websites referenced in this document are subject to change. Educators are advised to preview and evaluate websites and online resources before recommending them for student use. Print copies of this resource can be purchased from the Manitoba Text Book Bureau (stock number 80678). Order online at <www.mtbb.mb.ca>. This resource is also available on the Manitoba Education website at <www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/abedu/index.html>. Websites are subject to change without notice. Disponible en français. Available in alternate formats upon request. Mr. Percy Bird, Residential School Survivor This teacher’s guide is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Mr. Percy James Bird (November 30, 1933—October 22, 2010), artist, writer, humanitarian, residential school survivor. “I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.” From “The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, a Native American Elder c o n t e n t s Acknowledgements vii Letter of Support ix THE PROJECT 3 Project Components 3 Important Notes to Teachers 4 CURRICULAR CONNECTIONS 9 Grade 9: Canada in the Contemporary World 10 Grade 11: History of Canada 10 GUIDE OVERVIEW 15 Voices of Survivors: Excerpts from the DVD Interviews 16 A Conversation about From Apology to Reconciliation 17 Cluster 1: The Past 21 Overview 21 Curricular Connections 21 Assessment Focus for Grade 9 21 Assessment Focus for Grade 11 22 Learning Experience 1.1: Pre-Colonization 23 Learning Experience 1.2: Colonization 26 Learning Experience 1.3: Residential Schools 28 Learning Experience 1.4: School Life 30 Learning Experience 1.5: Looking Back 32 Learning Experience 1.6: Survivors Speak 33 Cluster 2: The Present 37 Overview 37 Curricular Connections 37 Assessment Focus 38 Learning Experience 2.1: Resurgence 41 Learning Experience 2.2: Gathering Strength 43 Contents v Learning Experience 2.3: The Agreement 45 Learning Experience 2.4: Formal Apology 47 Learning Experience 2.5: Survivors Speak 49 Learning Experience 2.6: Looking Back 51 Cluster 3: The Future 55 Overview 55 Curricular Connections 55 Assessment Focus 56 Learning Experience 3.1: Recent Developments 59 Learning Experience 3.2: Taking Control 61 Learning Experience 3.3: Global Concerns 63 Learning Experience 3.4: Toward Reconciliation 65 Learning Experience 3.5: Survivors Speak 67 Learning Experience 3.6: Future Responsibility 69 Appendix 1: Blackline Masters 1-1 Appendix 2: Glossary of Terms 2-1 Appendix 3: Biographies of Survivors Interviewed on the DVD 3-1 Appendix 4: Transcript of Survivor Interviews from DVD 4-1 Part 1: The Past 4-3 Part 2: The Present 4-8 Part 3: The Future 4-15 Appendix 5: Question Toolkit 5-1 Before Viewing 5-3 After Viewing 5-3 The Legacy of Residential Schools 5-4 Treaties 5-4 After the Apology 5-5 Bibliography 6-1 vi From Apology to Reconciliation: Teacher’s Guide A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s Manitoba Education gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals in the development of From Apology to Reconciliation: Residential School Survivors—A Guide for Grades 9 and 11 Social Studies Teachers in Manitoba. Elders Anne Thomas Callahan “Individuals recognized as Elders have earned the respect of their community. Elders are people whose Mary Guilbault actions and words convey consistency, balance, harmony, and wisdom in their teachings. Elders hold Don Robertson invaluable knowledge and skills.” Flora Zaharia —National Aboriginal Health Organization, “Interviewing Elders Guidelines” Writer Sharon Conway Members of the Riel Dion Aboriginal Education Directorate, Project Development Consultant Manitoba Education Team Renée Gillis Bureau de l’éducation française, Consultant Manitoba Education Myra Laramee Manitoba First Nations Consultant Education Resource Centre Greg Pruden Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch, Consultant Manitoba Education Ryan Slater Educational Resources Branch, Multimedia Production Manitoba Education Technician Manitoba Education Louise Boissonneault Document Production Services Unit, Coordinator Educational Resources Branch Riel Dion Aboriginal Education Directorate Project Manager (Until September 2009) Betty-Ann McIvor Aboriginal Education Directorate Project Co-leader Grant Moore Document Production Services Unit, Publications Editor Educational Resources Branch Cyril Parent Document Production Services Unit, Desktop Publisher Educational Resources Branch Tim Pohl Document Production Services Unit, Desktop Publisher Educational Resources Branch Acknowledgements vii Greg Pruden Development Unit Project Co-leader Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch Helen Settee-Robinson Aboriginal Education Directorate Project Manager (Since September 2009) viii From Apology to Reconciliation: Teacher’s Guide Letter of Support ix F A r o m p o l o g y t o r e c o n c i l i A t i o n The Project

Print copies of this resource can be purchased from the Manitoba Text. Book . Manitoba Text Book Bureau (stock number 80678), and a digital version is The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has a website that offers . ·.
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