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From Alcamo, J. (Ed.) 2008. Environmental Futures: The Practice of Environmental Scenario Analysis. Elsevier. In press. diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 1 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV 1 1 2 CHAPTER SIX 2 3 3 4 4 The SAS Approach: Combining Qualitative 5 5 6 and Quantitative Knowledge in 6 7 7 8 Environmental Scenarios 8 9 9 10 10 11 JosephAlcamo* 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 Contents 15 16 1. Introduction 123 16 17 2. FeaturesofQualitativeandQuantitativeScenarios 124 17 18 3. TheWorldWaterVisionScenarios–TheWorldWaterSituationin2025 127 18 19 4. TheSRESScenariosoftheIPCC–GlobalGreenhouseGasEmissionsupto2100 129 19 20 5. TheScenariosoftheMillenniumEcosystemAssessment–TheStateofWorld 20 Ecosystemsupto2050 131 21 21 6. TheGEO-4Scenarios–TheGlobalEnvironmentupto2050 135 22 22 7. TheSAS(StoryandSimulation)ApproachtoScenarioDevelopment 137 23 23 8. AdvantagesofSAS 140 24 24 9. DrawbacksofSASandaWayForward... 141 25 9.1 Thereproducibilityproblem 141 25 26 9.2 Theconversionproblem 143 26 27 10.Summingup 147 27 28 Acknowledgements 148 28 29 Uncitedreferences 148 29 30 References 148 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 Form follows function – Architect Louis Sullivan, 1896 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 1. Introduction 38 39 39 40 40 Although the maxim “form follows function” was coined with buildings in 41 41 mind,1 it can also be applied to scenarios which tend to take the qualitative form 42 42 43 * CenterforEnvironmentalSystemsResearch,UniversityofKassel,Germany 43 44 1 Sullivan,LouisH.,1896.Thetallofficebuildingartisticallyconsidered.Lippincott’sMagazine,March1896. 44 45 45 EnvironmentalFutures,3 ©2009ElsevierLtd. 46 1574-101X. Allrightsreserved. 46 123 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 2 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV 124 J.Alcamo 1 when used for education or planning, and quantitative when the aim is research. 1 2 But we will see in this chapter that many contemporary environmental studies re- 2 3 quire both qualitative and quantitative scenarios. Besides, recent experience shows 3 4 that the advantages of both types of scenarios can be captured by combining them 4 5 in a single scenario exercise. This chapter analyzes the pros and cons of qualitative 5 6 and quantitative scenarios and how they fulfill the different requirements of sce- 6 7 nario developers and users. It also describes major international scenario exercises 7 8 in which combined scenarios were used. This international experience is then dis- 8 9 tilled into a general procedure for combining qualitative and quantitative scenarios 9 10 called the SAS (“Story and Simulation”) approach. Finally the successes and draw- 10 11 backs of this approach are pointed out and some ideas are presented for producing 11 12 more scientifically-sound scenarios. 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 2. Features of Qualitative and Quantitative Scenarios 16 16 17 17 18 Although there is no standard way to distinguish between “qualitative” and 18 19 “quantitative” scenarios, qualitative scenarios are usually taken as those describ- 19 20 ing possible futures in the form of words or visual symbols rather than numerical 20 21 estimates.Theycantaketheshapeofdiagrams,phrases,oroutlines,butmorecom- 21 22 monly they are made up of narrative texts often called “storylines.” Qualitative 22 23 scenarioshavetheadvantageofbeingabletorepresenttheviewsofseveraldifferent 23 24 stakeholdersandexpertsatthesametime.Well-writtenstorylinescanbeanunder- 24 25 standable and interesting way of communicating information about the future, at 25 26 least as compared to dry tables of numbers or confusing graphs. 26 27 Qualitative scenarios have performed important functions in environmental 27 28 science and policy. They have been useful for gathering views from experts or 28 29 policy-makers on possible future societal developments and their environmental 29 30 implications,aswellastohelpstakeholders,policymakersandothersto“thinkbig” 30 31 aboutanenvironmentalissue,i.e.totakeintoaccountthelargetimeandspacescales 31 32 of a problem (see, e.g. Bood and Postma, 1997; Rothman et al., 2007). Qualitative 32 33 scenarios have also been used to raise the awareness of policymakers, stakehold- 33 34 ers, citizens and students about environmental problems and possible ways to solve 34 35 them.“Strategy-driven”scenariostendtobequalitative,asdescribedinChapter1. 35 36 A drawback of qualitative scenarios is that they do not, by definition, satisfy the 36 37 need for numerical information. Another disadvantage is that qualitative scenarios 37 38 aresometimesconsidered“unscientific”becausetheirassumptionsarenottranspar- 38 39 ent and the procedure for developing them is usually not reproducible. We address 39 40 these criticisms later in the chapter. 40 41 Quantitativescenarios,usuallybasedoncomputermodels,serveapracticalfunc- 41 42 tioninenvironmentalscienceandpolicybyprovidingnumericalresultswherethey 42 43 areneeded.Itcanbearguedthattheassumptionsofquantitativescenariosaremore 43 44 transparent than their qualitative cousins since these assumptions are expressed in 44 45 the form of model equations, inputs and coefficients that can be examined by any 45 46 trained observer. Although equations are not easily understood by everyone, the 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 3 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV TheSASApproach:CombiningQualitativeandQuantitativeKnowledgeinEnvironmentalScenarios 125 1 assumptions are at least written down and perhaps are more accessible than the 1 2 undocumented and unspoken assumptions behind qualitative scenarios. After all, 2 3 most of the assumptions behind qualitative scenarios usually remain in the heads 3 4 of the stakeholders and experts that specify these scenarios. Another advantage of 4 5 quantitative scenarios generated from models is that these models are often already 5 6 published in the scientific literature and have therefore received some degree of 6 7 scientific scrutiny. 7 8 Inthefieldofenvironmentalscienceandpolicy,mostscenarioshavebeenquan- 8 9 titative because of the demand for numerical estimates of the future state of the 9 10 10 environment. From the perspective of scientific research, quantitative scenarios are 11 11 used as a research tool to investigate changes in the environment due to changing 12 12 drivingforces,e.g.,toestimatethefutureabilityofforeststotakeupCO fromthe 2 13 13 atmosphere under different intensities of future land use and forest management. 14 14 Most “inquiry-driven” scenarios, as described in Chapter 1 are quantitative. 15 15 From the perspective of policy development, quantitative scenarios express the 16 16 relationship between specific policies and their consequences on the environment. 17 17 Examples here are the quantitative scenarios that relate trends in sulfur and nitro- 18 18 gen air pollution emissions to changes in acidification in Europe (e.g. Alcamo et 19 19 al., 1990; Hordijk, 1991), greenhouse gas emissions to global climate change (e.g. 20 20 IPCC, 2001), and the release of a variety of gaseous chemicals with the depletion 21 21 of ozone in the upper atmosphere (e.g. WMO/UNEP, 1995, ?). These scenarios 22 22 provide concrete input to environmental policymaking because they indicate the 23 23 24 level of emission reductions required to protect the environment. They have also 24 25 influenced the selection of emission targets incorporated in international treaties. 25 26 While quantitative scenarios provide needed numerical data, a subtle disadvan- 26 27 tage is that the exactness of their numbers gives a false sense of knowing more 27 28 about the future than we actually do. A scenario estimate of 22 gigatons of carbon 28 29 dioxide emissions in 2100 could be interpreted to mean that we already know the 29 30 magnitude of emissions several decades from now. Another disadvantage is that the 30 31 computermodelsusedtogeneratethescenarioscontainmanyimplicitassumptions 31 32 about the future. Since models can only capture a part of the complex reality of 32 33 environmental problems, it has been argued that they represent a narrow point of 33 34 view about how the future will unfold, and in this way produce scenarios that are 34 35 unnecessarily narrow in view. An additional drawback is that the basics of model- 35 36 36 ing are difficult for the non-specialist to understand. Hence, the basic assumptions 37 37 behind the scenarios could be difficult to comprehend. 38 38 While it is useful to think about the advantages and disadvantages of qualita- 39 39 tive and quantitative scenarios, sometimes the distinction between them is blurred. 40 40 Qualitative scenarios can be derived by formalized, almost quantitative methods 41 41 (e.g.BunnandSalo,1993;Godet,2000),whilequantitativescenarioscanbedevel- 42 42 oped by soliciting numerical estimates from experts or by using semi-quantitative 43 43 techniques such as fuzzy set theory.2 Storylines can also be interspersed with nu- 44 44 45 45 46 2 SeeZarnowitz(1984)foradiscussionofapproachestosolicitnumericalestimatesoffutureconditionsfromexperts. 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 4 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV 126 J.Alcamo 1 merical data and thereby look both qualitative and quantitative.3 In these cases it is 1 2 better to speak of hybrid scenarios rather than one type or another. 2 3 Sincethereareadvantagesanddisadvantagestousingeitherqualitativeorquan- 3 4 4 titativescenarios,whichtypeshould beusedforaparticularscenarioexercise?The 5 5 challenge is to match the advantages of a particular scenario type with the func- 6 6 tion or purpose of the scenarios. In Chapter2, Alcamo and Henrichs suggestthree 7 7 main purposes for environmental scenarios: education and public information, sci- 8 8 entificresearch,anddecisionsupportandstrategicplanning.Atfirstglanceitwould 9 9 10 seem that the attributes of qualitative scenarios make them more appropriate for 10 11 education and public information, while quantitative scenarios are more appropri- 11 12 ate for scientific research, and both types could be used for decision support and 12 13 strategic planning. The accent is on more appropriate because it is not possible (or 13 14 14 necessary) to precisely match the type of scenario with its function. To complicate 15 15 matters, contemporary environmental studies (especially the more comprehensive 16 16 ones)havemanydifferentobjectives,someofwhichcanbebettersatisfiedbyqual- 17 17 itativescenariosandsomebyquantitativescenarios.Considerthescenarioexercises 18 18 19 that were part of major global environmental assessments of world water resources 19 20 (Rijsberman, 2000), global greenhouse gas emissions (Nakicenovic et al., 2000), 20 21 and world ecosystems (Carpenter et al., 2005). The goals of these exercises were 21 22 both scientific (What is the future state of the environment? What are the scien- 22 23 23 tificuncertaintiesinunderstandingtheenvironmentalsystem?)andpolicy-oriented 24 24 (What are emerging problems? What are the consequences of a continuation of 25 25 current policies? What can be done to protect the environment?). 26 26 Given this situation, how do we decide between qualitative or quantitative 27 27 28 scenarios? The answer from recent international scenario exercises is that we do 28 29 not need to decide. Rather, a combination of qualitative and quantitative scenarios can be 29 30 the best answer to achieving the goals of a scenario analysis. Some prominent cases in 30 31 which combined qualitative and quantitative scenarios were developed include the 31 32 32 World Water Vision scenarios of the World Water Commission (Cosgrove and 33 33 Rijsberman, 2000a), the SRES greenhouse gas emission scenarios of the Intergov- 34 34 ernmentalPanelonClimateChange(Nakicenovicetal.,2000),theglobalscenarios 35 35 of ecosystem services from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2003; 36 36 Carpenter et al., 2005), and the global environmental scenarios of the Global 37 37 38 Environmental Outlook reports published by the United Nations Environment 38 39 Programme (UNEP, 2002, 2007). 39 40 We now briefly describe some of these exercises and discuss the general lessons 40 41 they offer to the practice of scenario analyses. 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 3 ThiswasthecaseforthestorylinesfromtheIPCCSRESscenariosofgreenhousegasemissions(Nakicenovicetal., 46 2000)describedlaterinthisarticle. 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 5 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV TheSASApproach:CombiningQualitativeandQuantitativeKnowledgeinEnvironmentalScenarios 127 1 1 3. The World Water Vision Scenarios – The World Water 2 2 Situation in 2025 3 3 4 4 5 The First World Water Forum in Marrakech, Morocco in 1997 was a huge 5 6 enterprise which brought together many private, governmental, academic and ad- 6 7 vocacygroups concernedwithworldwaterissues.One oftheimportant outcomes 7 8 of the Forum was the call for a “World Water Vision” to raise global awareness 8 9 about global water problems and solutions. The main objective of the Vision, and 9 10 the process to develop it, was to “convince the world of the urgency of the water 10 11 crisis and the need to involve many more people in development of water pol- 11 12 icy” (Cosgrove and Rijsberman, 2000a). It was declared that the Vision should be 12 13 expressed in the form of scenarios that describe the world freshwater situation in 13 14 14 2025. 15 15 The World Water Council set up two bodies to oversee the activities of the 16 16 World Water Vision and these groups also had a major influence on the develop- 17 17 ment of the World Water Scenarios. The first was a “Vision Management Unit” 18 18 which managed the day-to-day activities of the World Water Vision Exercise. The 19 19 second body was the World Commission on Water for the 21st Century consisting 20 20 mostly of water experts and decision makers. These two bodies set up a Scenario 21 21 Panel of 17 technical experts and stakeholders to provide the creative input to the 22 22 scenario construction. (The author of this chapter was a member of the Panel.) 23 23 Among many questions, the Panel had to decide whether to develop either 24 24 qualitative or quantitative scenarios. Some Panel members argued for qualitative 25 25 scenarios since the World Water Vision scenarios were intended to reach a large 26 26 public and therefore should be easy to communicate. Furthermore, it was thought 27 27 that qualitative scenarios could better reflect a wide range of views and opinions 28 28 aboutthefutureworldwatersituation.Otherpanelmembersmadeacaseforquan- 29 29 titativescenariosbecauseanimportantpartofthescenarios’audiencewasintended 30 30 to be the scientific and engineering community and they would expect numerical 31 31 estimates of the future world water situation. Moreover, the quantitative scenarios 32 32 could serve as a consistency check for the many views expressed in the qualitative 33 33 scenarios. 34 34 In the end, both qualitative and quantitative scenarios were developed. The 35 35 qualitative scenarios (storylines) described the unfolding of events related to the 36 36 future world water situation. They also identified the important factors directly 37 37 affecting the future world water situation (e.g. the future extent of irrigated land 38 38 39 or the level of water supply infrastructure), as well as those with an indirect affect 39 40 (e.g. the rates of population and economic growth). (An excerpt from a storyline 40 41 is given in Box 6.1). Meanwhile, the quantitative scenarios (model calculations) 41 42 reinforcedthestorylinesintwoways.First,modeloutputwasusedtoassesstheva- 42 43 lidity and consistencyofthestorylines,for example, tocheck ifthepopulation and 43 44 economic assumptions were consistent with statements about future levels of water 44 45 use. Second, they provided numerical information on water use and availability to 45 46 supplement the qualitative information contained in the storylines. 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 6 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV 128 J.Alcamo Box6.1 Excerptofthe business-as-usualstoryline ofthe WorldWaterVisionscenarios. 1 1 Source: GallopinandRijsberman (2000). 2 2 3 3 The business-as-usual scenario assumes that following some setbacks caused by the 4 4 Asian and other regional financial crises, global economic growth resumes. Workers in 5 5 industrial countries who are displaced from traditional sectors use their entrepreneurial 6 6 skillstodevelopservicebusinesses.Aheightenedappreciationfortheneedtorehabilitate 7 7 and protect the environment increases demand for environmental services... 8 8 Theglobalpopulationcontinuestoincrease,reaching7.8billionpeopleby2025.More 9 9 than 80 percent of the world’s population – 6.4 billion people – live in developing 10 10 countries. Throughout the world, the population is older and more urban. About 84 11 11 percent of the population in industrial countries and 56 percent in developing countries 12 12 live in urban areas... 13 13 Per capita material and energy consumption increase as lifestyles throughout the world 14 14 become more like those in the North... Income inequality between and within rich 15 15 andpoorcountriesincreasestensions,butconflictsoversocialissuesthatdooccurremain 16 16 largely within national boundaries... 17 17 Insomeareaswithlimitedwaterandrapidpopulationgrowth,thedevelopmentofwater 18 18 infrastructure lags behind population growth, and the number of people without access 19 19 tosafewaterincreases.Inmostpartsoftheworld,however,economicgrowth,combined 20 20 with technological improvements, result in better living conditions, including increased 21 21 access to safe drinking water... 22 22 Estimates of increases in area of irrigated agriculture from 1995–2025 range from 23 23 5 to 10 percent globally. This slow-down in expansion rate for irrigation is due to 24 24 both a lack of investment funds and vigorous protests... that make most large dam 25 25 projects controversial... Water is used more efficiently, however, particularly in the 26 26 water-stressedareasoftheSouth.Thechangereflectstheuseofmoreefficientirrigation 27 27 systems, such as drip irrigation... 28 28 Increased technological efficiency and improved management prevent widespread dra- 29 29 matic water crises, but a number of regional crisis arise in some of the most arid 30 30 regions... 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 Thescenariosweredevelopedinaniterativefashion,startingwitha“zeroorder 34 35 draft” of a storyline crafted by the Scenario Panel, which was then convertedusing 35 36 best judgment into quantitative driving forces that could be used as model inputs. 36 37 Results from the modeling were used to update the storylines. The entire cycle of 37 38 developingorrevisingstorylines,specifyingquantitativedrivingforces,andrunning 38 39 39 the models was repeated twice. 40 40 When completed, the storylines and quantitative scenarios were posted on the 41 41 World Water Vision website and discussed at several regional meetings worldwide. 42 42 Commentswereincorporatedintothefinalstorylines.Threescenariosweredevel- 43 43 oped: 44 44 45 1. “Business-as-usual” (BAU) examines the consequences of continuing current 45 46 trends in population, economy, technology and human behavior up to 2025. 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 7 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV TheSASApproach:CombiningQualitativeandQuantitativeKnowledgeinEnvironmentalScenarios 129 1 2. “Technology,Economics,andPrivateSector”(TEC)adoptsa“worldviewthat 1 2 is optimistic about the free market system (and) the potential of new technolo- 2 3 gies” (Rijsberman, 2000). 3 4 3. The “Values and Lifestyles”(VAL) scenario assumes “that a strong commitment 4 5 to avert a water crisis will emerge... with efforts focused on reaching a set of 5 6 global and regional targets. The emphasis is on... the importance of human 6 7 values” (Rijsberman, 2000). 7 8 8 More information about the development of the scenarios is given in Rijsber- 9 9 man (2000) and Alcamo (2001). 10 10 It can be argued that the scenarios fulfilled the goal of the World Water Vi- 11 11 sion exercise by helping to raise public awareness about water issues. They did 12 12 so by being an effective and credible method to communicate the main mes- 13 13 sages of the World Water Vision in numerous publications and public presentations 14 14 (CosgroveandRijsberman,2000b).Intheviewoftheauthor,thecombinedquali- 15 15 tative/quantitativeapproach was an important factor in the scenarios fulfilling their 16 16 goals. The qualitative storylines were an effective device for communicating with 17 17 thegeneralpublicandnon-experts,whilethequantitativecalculationsprovidedthe 18 18 hard numbers preferred by many scientists and water experts. 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 4. The SRES Scenarios of the IPCC – Global Greenhouse 22 23 Gas Emissions up to 2100 23 24 24 25 25 Around the same time as the World Water Vision exercise, another major 26 26 international effort wasgoing on to develop scenarios to betterunderstand the im- 27 27 plications of future climate change. To assess how climate change might affect river 28 28 runoff, forest growth, and the frequency of heat waves, as examples, it is necessary 29 29 to first compute the extent of future climate change with climate models. These 30 30 models require many inputs, in particular the future trend of greenhouse gas emis- 31 31 sions. Hence, emission scenarios play a central role in the study of climate change. 32 32 Moreover, estimates of future emissions are also needed by economists and engi- 33 33 neers as a basis for calculating the costs of mitigating climate change. Recognizing 34 34 their importance, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) devel- 35 35 oped a set of greenhouse gas emission scenarios in 1992 (Leggett et al., 1992). 36 36 In January 1997 the IPCC appointed a “Writing Team” to develop new scenar- 37 37 ios based on recommendations of a 1995 evaluation panel (Alcamo et al., 1995).4 38 38 Since the Writing Team was supposed to produce a “Special Report on Emission 39 39 Scenarios,” the scenarios became known as the “SRES” scenarios. 40 40 There was no question that the scenarios would be primarily quantitative since 41 41 they were required as input to climate and economic models. However, the eval- 42 42 43 4 The Writing Team consisted of 28 Lead Authors (the author of this chapter among them) and an additional 26 43 44 ContributingAuthors.Sixmodelingteamsquantifiedthescenarios.Thehugenumberofactorswouldhavebeenan 44 unwieldynumberhadtheyallactivelyparticipatedinthescenariodevelopmentandreportwriting.Asitwas,meetingsof 45 45 theWritingTeamweretypicallyattendedbyaround10to15authors,andonlysmallnumbersofauthorswereactivein 46 allphasesofthereportwriting. 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 8 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV 130 J.Alcamo 1 uators of the earlier IPCC scenarios (Alcamo et al., 1995) made specific recom- 1 2 mendations on how to develop these scenarios: (i) they should be developed by an 2 3 “open” procedure that embraced a wide range of viewpoints of experts and inter- 3 4 est groups, (ii) they should be checked for consistency with knowledge about the 4 5 driving forces of emissions, (iii) the assumptions of the driving forces of emissions 5 6 should be stated explicitly so that economists and other analysts could better assess 6 7 future costs of emission reductions. These recommendations led to the strategy of 7 8 developing both storylines and model-based scenarios. 8 9 Although the SRES scenarios have the same two basic elements as the World 9 10 WaterVisionscenarios,namelystorylinesandmodelcalculations,theirimportance 10 11 is reversed. In the World Water Vision scenarios, the storylines were the main 11 12 vehicle for carrying the scenario message while model calculations played a sup- 12 13 porting role. In the SRES scenarios, the model calculations were more important 13 14 because the main objective of the scenarios was to produce numerical estimates of 14 15 future emissions. Meanwhile, storylines provided a supporting role, mainly to ex- 15 16 plain the logic of selecting the driving forces of emissions. In the SRES scenarios 16 17 each storyline expressed a different view of future world development, especially 17 18 in the degree of globalization versus regionalization, in the relative emphasis on 18 19 economic growth, and in the level of environmental protection. For example, the 19 20 storylineofscenariofamily“A1”described afutureofrapid technologicalprogress 20 21 and economic prosperity (see excerpt in Box 6.2). Based on this logic the sce- 21 22 nariodevelopersselectedappropriatenumericalestimatesofdrivingforcesoffuture 22 23 emissions, such as trends in population, economic growth, and land use distribu- 23 24 tion. These and other driving forces were used as input to six different models for 24 25 producing estimates of the emissions of all important greenhouse gases and related 25 26 substances. 26 27 The resulting scenarios were clustered into four scenario “families” made up of 27 28 groups of individual scenarios. This hierarchical organization of scenarios and sub- 28 29 scenarios was one of the traits that distinguished the SRES from the World Water 29 30 Vision scenarios. Using the description from the SRES report (Nakicenovic et al., 30 31 2000), the scenarios consisted of: 31 32 • The A1 storyline and scenario family describing a future world of very rapid 32 33 33 economic growth, low population growth, and the rapid introduction of new 34 34 and more efficient technologies. 35 • The A2 storyline and scenario family describing a very heterogeneous world. 35 36 36 The underlying theme is self-reliance and preservation of local identities. 37 • The B1 storyline and scenario family describing a convergent world with the 37 38 38 same low population growth as in the A1 storyline, but with rapid changes in 39 39 economicstructurestowardaserviceandinformationeconomy,withreductions 40 40 in material intensity, and the introduction of clean and resource-efficient tech- 41 41 nologies. 42 • The B2 storyline and scenario family describing a world in which the emphasis 42 43 43 is on local solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. 44 44 45 The SRES scenarios were successful in that they provided a consistent set of 45 46 assumptions for computing global climate change and for assessing climate change 46 diea3 v.2008/03/03 [BSM2] Prn:20/03/2008; 10:55 F:diea36.tex; VTEX/Vita p. 9 aid: 6 pii: S1574-101X(08)00406-7 docsubty: REV TheSASApproach:CombiningQualitativeandQuantitativeKnowledgeinEnvironmentalScenarios 131 Box6.2 Excerptof theA1storyline from theIPCC-SRESscenarios. 1 1 Source: Nakicenovicetal.(2000). 2 2 3 3 In the A1 scenario family, demographic and economic trends are closely related, as 4 4 affluenceiscorrelatedwithlonglifeandsmallfamilies(lowmortalityandlowfertility). 5 5 Global population grows to some nine billion by 2050 and declines to about seven 6 6 billion by 2100... 7 7 Theglobaleconomyexpandsatanaverageannualrateofabout3%to2100... While 8 8 the high average level of income per capita contributes to a great improvement in the 9 9 overallhealthandsocialconditionsofthemajorityofpeople,thisworldisnotnecessarily 10 10 devoid of problems. In particular, many communities could face some of the problems of 11 11 social exclusion encountered in the wealthiest countries during the 20th century... 12 12 Energy and mineral resources are abundant in this scenario because of rapid technical 13 13 progress, which both reduces the resources needed to produce a given level of output and 14 14 increases the economically recoverable reserves. Final energy intensity (energy use per 15 15 unit GDP) decreases at an average annual rate of 1.3%. 16 16 With the rapid increase in income, dietary patterns shift initially toward increased con- 17 17 sumption of meat and dairy products, but may decrease subsequently with increasing 18 18 emphasis on the health of an aging society. High incomes also translate into high car 19 19 ownership, sprawling suburbs, and dense transport networks... 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 and its impacts in different countries and regions in the world.5 These studies in 23 24 turn have influenced discussions about global and national climate policies. 24 25 In conclusion, the quantitative aspects of the SRES scenarios provided the nu- 25 26 merical information needed for climate analysis and were able to pass through the 26 27 very vigorous scientific and political review process of the IPCC. Meanwhile the 27 28 qualitativestorylinesprovidedaneffectiveformatforunderstandingtheassumptions 28 29 of the scenarios. 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 5. The Scenarios of the Millennium Ecosystem 33 33 Assessment – The State of World Ecosystems up to 34 34 2050 35 35 36 36 37 While the World Water Vision and IPCC-SRES scenario exercises were 37 38 windingdown,anothermajorinternationalexercisewasjustgettingunderway,this 38 39 time with a focus on global ecological systems. The scenario development of the 39 40 “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) was part of a huge effort to assess world 40 41 ecosystems, officially launched by the Secretary-General of the UN, Kofi Annan 41 42 in 2000. The MA aimed to support decision makers involved with three land- 42 43 markconventionsfromthe1990srelatedtoworldecosystems–theDesertification, 43 44 44 5 TheSRESscenarioshavenotonlybeenusedasbasicinputforrunningglobalclimatemodels,buthavealsobeenused 45 45 instudiesofglobalwateruseandavailability(e.g.Alcamoetal.,2007a)andregionalclimateimpactEurope(e.g.Arnellet 46 al.,2003). 46

The SAS Approach: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge in. Environmental Scenarios. Joseph Alcamo*. Contents. 1. Introduction. 123.
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