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Friends Focus April 2016 Friends Focus April 2016 PDF

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FFrriieennddss FFooccuuss AApprriill 22001166 11 22 FFrriieennddss FFooccuuss AApprriill 22001166 We must be holy, because this is the only sound evidence that we have a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. – J.C. Ryle Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no-one will see the Lord. – Heb. 12:14 Holiness does not consist in doing extraordinary things. It consists in accepting, with a smile, what Jesus sends us. It consists in accepting and following the will of God. – Mother Teresa For God did not call us to be impure, but to live in holy life. – 1 Thes. 4:7 Compassion is not complete in itself, but must be accompanied by inflexible justice and wrath against sin and a desire for holiness. – Billy Graham. FRIENDS FOCUS is the official organ of Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB). A monthly blossom of FMPB ......................................................... FMPB is an indigenous Missionary Publisher & Editor Movement presenting the Gospel of Rev. D. Simon Ponniah the Lord Jesus Christ to unreached SUBSCRIPTION INDIA FOREIGN people groups in India. Annual Rs.100 Rs.600 Life Rs.1500 Rs.5,000 FMPB serves as an arm of the Church H.Q: 29, High School Road, Ambattur, to plant Churches across the country. Chennai - 600 053 Tel: +91-44-2657 0404 Fax: 2657 3353 Cell: 9444394342 FMPB does saturation evangelism E-mail: [email protected] among various people groups. Web site: www.fmpb.co.in Layout and Preparation: FMPB invites Churches, institutions, Communication Dept., fmpb families and individuals to pray and For remarks, recommendations and requests [email protected] support its work. Friends Focus April 2016 3 Loving greetings in our Lord’s experience of God’s forgiveness name to each one of you! and deliverance from our former ways. For those still wallowing In obedience to God’s will in guilt, shame and despair, expressed through his people, God assures us that He is ready I have accepted this new to forgive unconditionally and responsibility entrusted to me. accept us. We however need to Many of you have been calling allow God to do this. Though me over the phone, sending we may still have to face the messages and emails to say, temporal consequences of our “We are praying for you”. This sins the Word of God assures has given me great strength and us in several places that God courage. I sincerely count on cancels the eternal consequences your prayers. of our sins. Let me share from one of my Not only does God forgive and recent meditations on the Psalms. accept us but he also delivers us Verses 1 -4 of Psalm 65 speak of from things that have a hold over a God who forgives and accepts our lives and are displeasing to us. Verses 5 – 8 speak of a God him. This calls for total yielding who delivers or saves us by his to God to work out his purposes awesome deeds and in verses 9 – in us. 13 God comes across as one who prospers us or makes us fruitful. Never see fruitfulness in isolation. Fruitfulness is the outcome of our Real and lasting fruitfulness 4 Friends Focus April 2016 comes in the context of a forgiven giving in the midst of poverty and yielded life. A yielded life and want! is a holy life. In Biblical context We have been promoting the this means a life that is both pure 1000 hours prayer initiative and set apart for God- a life that during the 40 days of lent. This stands in stark contrast to one aims at ensuring prayers 24 hours that conforms to the ways of the a day, all the 40 days which adds world. Without this, what we up to approximately 1000 hours see as fruitfulness will only be of prayer. This was observed in shallow, transient and deceptive. every region both in our mission God helped us to celebrate 25 fields and mobilization areas. years of His faithfulness in our Besides these our prayer group ministry among the Santhals in leaders organized this prayer in Jharkhand. The celebrations from about 25 churches. the 4th to 6th of March in one Preparations are underway for of our mission fields there saw a the Annual Tamil Nadu State gathering of 18,000 of our Santhal Conference from the 19th to believers and besides being 22nd of May at Bethel, Danishpet an occasion of thanksgiving it near Salem. The Conference amply demonstrated how even proceedings will be centered on a nascent church can not only the theme of “Holiness”. stand on its own legs but can also take on the responsibility May God help us to be faithful of proclaiming the Gospel far to Him and grow more and more and wide. The Santhal Church into His likeness. came forward to sponsor 10 cross cultural missionaries through Your dear brother in the Lord FMPB and the dedication ceremony of these brothers and sisters was held as part of the celebrations. The entire expenditure of approximately 25 Sudarshan Thomas lakh rupees for the celebrations was borne by the Santhal Church. General Secretary – Designate What an example of sacrificial Friends Focus April 2016 5 Individuals needed for God Rev. G. Kingsly W henever darkness engulfs history of Joseph was a prisoner. Pharaoh had Christianity the question that is raised a dream which no one could give is whether there will be slackening in interpretation, but Joseph did. This the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth was not an answer alone to the King’s or whether there is lack of commitment dream, but fulfillment of the beginning on the part of God’s men and women, of the prophecy which God had made i.e. missionaries. with Abraham as seen in Gen. 15:13. The Lord said to him, “Your descendants We need not develop cold feet over will be slaves in foreign land and will be such crises. In order to fulfill His will, cruelly treated for four hundred years, God has been developing individuals. I will punish the nation that enslaves Let us pray so that God shall make them and when they leave the land, they inevitable individuals in our nation as will take great wealth with them”. The well as Christian community. Let us need of the hour is that individuals like proceed onwards with faith. Joseph need to be raised from churches Let us meditate on some individuals and Christian society. Let us continue and their testimonies from Bible whom to pray for the same. God had raised. Spiritual characters in Joseph Joseph Holiness: Joseph was a handsome While Joseph was imprisoned in prison man embedded with wisdom and for two years, the wine steward said, knowledge and he realized the presence ‘A young Hebrew was there … things of God in him. Since birth, Joseph faced turned out just as he said (Gen. many temptations, persecutions and 41:12/13). 6 Friends Focus April 2016 hindrances. Before being elevated to Joseph said to him brothers, “Do not be one of the highest positions, he had upset or blame yourselves because you to face the challenge of the stiffest sold me here. It was really God who sent temptation from the wife of Pharaoh. Yet me ahead of you to save people’s lives” he could overcome the great temptation (Gen. 45:5). This passage explains the because he had learnt the lesson that spiritual maturity of Joseph. Joseph God did see him in his personal life. said, “You plotted evil against me, but He understood that to sin was to act God turned it into good, in order to against God. Being promoted to higher preserve the lives of many people”. echelon was not a license to sin. Such Persons who lead holy life in the eyes of spiritual thoughts enabled Joseph to God and execute God’s plans with fear overcome the temptation. In spite of of God may experience obstacles, may the opportunities that come in the way face trials and tribulations and delay; but of our youngsters, the latter ought to such people are sure to experience and sit and meditate personally so that they enjoy the blessings from God. Let us shall inculcate fear of God in them to pray and yearn that many such Josephs receive great blessings from above. arise from our families and churches. Brotherhood; Since his birth Joseph was hated, forsaken and troubled by Mercy’s Holiness his brothers. A terrorist organization attacked a small Gen. 37:4 – They would not speak to village in Nigeria in 2014 where Mercy him in a friendly manner. Gen. 37:8 lived. The houses were razed down – They hated him even more. Gen. and smothered. Mercy along with four 37:11 – They were jealous of him. girls were abducted. The four girls were forcibly converted into their religion. But Joseph obeyed his parents, carried Mercy was steadfast in her faith saying food without any bitterness against that she would not forsake her faith. his brothers while they were taking She patiently endured many troubles. care of the flock and enquired about them. But they on their part without Her prayers were heard after five weeks. any humaneness dropped him in a dry Government forces bombarded the well and later sold him. During all the building in which terrorists were hiding ill-treatments meted out to him by his and all of them died. Mercy escaped brothers, he neither struggled against with minor injuries. She leads a new them nor accused them. After 13 years, and witnessing life. Let us pray for the he became the chief of Egypt next to Christians persecuted worldwide. Let us the king. When his brothers were on be awe-struck with prayers. a sojourn to Egypt to buy food, Joseph did not hate him nor did he avenge. Friends Focus April 2016 7 Firmness of David Israelites. Goliath challenged the Israelites. He made scathing attack on God had rejected Saul as king of God and Israelites. Vile and danger Israel (1 Sam. 16:1) and an evil spirit were imminent. When David had been tormented him. Crisis of Saul became a to that place to look for his brothers, national issue. Before a search to find he heard the scornful words of Goliath. a suitable person to play on the harp, He became steadfast in his faith on one of his attendants said, “Jesse has God. His faith on God became firm. It a son who is a good musician. He is became a battle by God. The problem a brave and handsome man, a good faced for 40 days was all over in just soldier and an able speaker. The Lord four minutes. There are many youths is with him”. in our churches and Christian society When Israel became worsened due who defy God. If such scenario has to Saul, God selected David who was to cease and change, committed and ignored by his family. God through anointed youths need to arise from Samuel anointed David and he was the church. looking after the cattle. David was selected and chosen by God and God Resolve of Mariam & Masia helped him reign over united Israel for over 40 years. He was very closer to Young girls Mariam (27) and Masia (30) the heart of God – a certificate given by born and brought up in Iran in another God. These are all due to the spiritual religion were imprisoned for having characteristic features of an individual, accepted the lordship of Jesus Christ. i.e. David. Charges like sedition, blasphemy and proclamation of Gospel were framed After being anointed by Samuel, David against them and were tortured. Though was looking after the flock. He did they were ordered to forsake their faith, not waste even a single minute. He they were steadfast in their faith. Hence played on the harp, composed songs they were jailed. During their stay in and thereby glorified God. Rather than the jail for 259 days, they shared the using their talents and time to make eternal love of Jesus Christ to fellow- personal gains and publicity, today’s women prisoners and guided many Christian youths need to utilize their women towards Jesus Christ. After talents for the expansion of God’s their incarceration for 259 days, they Kingdom on earth. were released. Pray that such women Firmness: The Philistines gathered are raised up our church and society. their army to have a fight against 8 Friends Focus April 2016 Prayer warrior Daniel they could not because Daniel was reliable and did not do anything wrong Israelites were captured by Nebu- or dishonest. They decided to find fault chadnezzar and were imprisoned with his religion. An edict was issued as slaves for 70 years. During this which said that for thirty days no one be turbulent period, God raised prayer permitted to request anything from any warrior Daniel. Through his steadfast God or from any man except the king. faith and prayer he was elevated to one When Daniel learnt that the order had of the highest offices. Yet he always been signed, he went home. He went prayed to God as usual. upstairs, knelt down, opened windows During the banquet of Belshazzar, and prayed to God three times a day. the king and his noblemen drank Daniel did not reduce his prayer time wine together. Gold and silver cups though he knew that danger was lurking and bowls that were brought by his at him. He was punished by the king father Nebuchadnezzar were used to and God protected Daniel. drink wine. Suddenly, a human hand Such prayer warriors need to spring up appeared and began writing on the from our society and churches. Let us plaster wall of the palace. The King fervently pray for the same. turned pale and was so frightened that his knees began to shake. No one could read the writing. The queen said, “There is a man in your Kingdom who Women’s Meeting has the spirit of holy God in him … he has the unusual ability in interpreting Date: 23.04.2016, dreams, solving riddles and explaining Saturday mysteries (Daniel 5:11, 12). Daniel morning 10 to evening 4 cleared the riddle and Belshazzar was Venue: murdered the same night. Daniel was Jawaharlal Nehru made the third in power in the kingdom. Kalyana Mandabam, Daniel – Prayer warrior Oorgaum, KGF, (Near five lights) Darius chose Daniel and two others Speaker: to supervise the governors and to Mrs. Veronica Clement look after the king’s interests. The king considered putting him in charge Field sharing: of the whole empire. Then the other Mrs. Jeya Gowri Sibi supervisors and the governors tried to find something wrong with Daniel and FFrriieennddss FFooccuuss AApprriill 22001166 99 Report on the Dedication Service of the new General Secretary, FMPB The Lord enabled the FMPB movement to select and anoint Rev. Sudarshan Thomas as the General Secretary- Designate on 1st March 2016 at the Dedication service held at the Emmanuel Methodist Church, Chennai. Some of you had joined us this important event and we thank you for this. It was a very solemn and joyful occasion, as leaders from various churches and mission bodies came together for this historic event, in the presence of Dr. Sam Kamalesan, Bro. Patrick Joshua, the Most Rev. Bishop Ezra Sargunam, Dr. Paul Dinakaran, Rev. Dr Wati Langumar (IMA), Rev. Dr Rajasingh Elias (IEM), Rev. Suresh Rajan (NMS), Mr. Cherian, World Vision, Mr. Alex Mathew, Wycliffe India and FMPB leaders from various parts of India. Dr. Sam Kamalesan shared God's word on this important occasion, emphasizing on 'Servant leadership'. Bro Patrick Joshua offered the dedication prayer of Rev. Sudarshan Thomas and Dr. Paul Dinakaran from Jesus Calls Ministries sang a lovely song and offered the prayer of consecration. 1100 FFrriieennddss FFooccuuss AApprriill 22001166

Friends Focus. 5. April 2016 comes in the context of a forgiven and yielded life. A yielded life is a holy life. In Biblical context this means a life that is both pure .. Tamil every week. Three new families are attending prayer meeting. Pray: For the repentance of Suresh,. Rathan Sharma, Sunil, L
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