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Preview Friends Bulletin- Building the Western Quaker Community Since 1929-March 2008

' March B M d a i I t >5 00 2 8 The W;f:;s:::'TeTii Qti d k e r Community Since 929 i S3.;> Journeys of the ^^\nt Walking in the Light... Friends Bulletin The officialpublication ofPacific, North Pacific and Intermountain f\ spiritual journey is not a stroll in the park. George Fox, the pe—ripatetic YearlyMeetings ofthe X "^founderof(^akerism,wanderedformanyyears through—out England home- Religious SocietyofFriends (Quakers) less, often hungry, through all kinds of miserable weather seeking the Truth. (Opinionsexpressedarethose Ironically, Fox found what he was seeking by sitting still and discovering that the oftheauthors, Truth is within us. notnecessarilyoftheYearlyMeetings.) Today Friends continue to make longjourneys on foot not so much to seek as AnthonyManousos, Editor to testify to theTruth, as they understand it. Ruah Swennerfelt and Louis Cox are 3223 Danaha St walking from Vancouver, British Columbia, to San Diego, Cahfornia, towitness to Torrance, CA 90505 310-325-3581 their environmental concerns (see p. 8). Brandon Wilson, a Friend from Hawaii, E-mail: [email protected] walked from France to Jerusalem, following the trail ofthe Knights Templar. His www.westernquaker.net mission, unlike theirs,was to advocate for peace (see p. 12) . As I write this, Rolene Walker is embarking on a walk from San Diego, California, to Santiago, Chile, to CorrespondingEditors raise up concerns about the environment and to reach out to the people ofLatin JeanTriol (Montana Gatheringof America. Friends) Joe Franko, clerk ofPacificYearlyMeeting, has also undertaken long treks for Joe Morris, SantaMonica, CA, Meeting (PYM) the Truth. Several years ago, after the US invaded Afghanistan and caused hun- dreds ofthousands to flee their country,Joe went to Pakistan with Edith Cole to see what they could do to help these unfortunate refugees. Way opened for them BoardofDirectors to help found a school for Afghan girls in a refugee camp. StephenMatchett, San Francisco, CA, In this issueJoe describes an even more remarkablejourney, his spiritualjour- Meeting (PYM), Clerk ney to Christ. He confesses: Tom Vaughan,Durango, CO,Meeting (IMYM),Treasurer I write this with some trepidation. Itwillbe another coming out story for me. Sandy Farley, Palo Alto, CAMeeting Fortyyears ago I came out as gay.This is my coming out story as a Christian. (PYM), Recording Clerk I’m not sure which has been a more difficult road. Polly Kmetz,Phoenix,AZ,Meeting (IMYM) “Coming out as a Christian” can indeed be difficult in liberal Quaker circles JeanTriol, KalispeU, MT,Worship because Christianity has become associated with gay bashing, militarism, and Group (NPYM) opposition to abortion. Liberal Friends who admit to being Christian usually do Rob RoyWoodman, Davis (CA), so quietly, almost apologetically. ButJoe, like Thomas Kelly and early Friends, is Meeting (PYM) passionate about Christ, just as he is passionate about peace and justice and the Jessica Bucciarelli, Bridge City Meeting, Portland, OR (NPYM) people he loves.Joe speaks from the heart and takes us on ajourneyoffaith that is PeterAnderson,Durango, CO, both heart-rending and hopeful. Meeting (IMYM) Ajourney offaith is ultimately an inwardjourney. It involves confronting the deep, hidden places within oneself, where there is pain and brokenness. It means dying to one’s self-centeredviewofthe world. It means facing the reahtyofdeath, and the possibility of a totally new way of life (with aU its risks). The journey Friends Bulletin (USPS 859-220) is within is often a lonelyjourney. But once we reach our destination, and experi- published monthlyexcept Februaryand Augustby the Friends BuUetin Corporation ence the Source ofTruth and Wisdom within us, we find peace and joy which We ofthe Religious SocietyofFriends at 3223 cannot be expressed in words, or taken from us. feel truly connected with Danaha St,Torrance, CA 90505. Phone: Spirit and with other human beings and, ultimately, with aU life. As Jesus put it, 310-325-3581. Periodicals postagepaid at Whittier,CA90601-2222. we are “born again” as children ofGod. Friends who have had this kind of experience cannot help “walking in the Subscription Rates: S28 peryear for Light,” like the Friends in this issue ofour magazine. As George Fox says in the individuals. $21 peryearforgroup popular (Quaker song: subscriptions throughyourlocal Friends meeting. $18 introductoryrate. Checkwith “There’s an ocean ofdarkness and I drown in the night editorfor a studentorlow-income subscription. Firstclasspostage $10 Till I come through the darkness to the ocean oflight. additional. Foreign postagevaries. Individual For the light is forever and the light it is free. copies: 13.95 each. And I walk in the glory ofthe light,” said he. Postmaster; Sendaddress changes to: FriendsBuUetin,3223 DanahaSt, CA Torrance, 90505. March 2008 l‘ i1s;i^ ^ tilIetiii. 3 Coming Out For Christ The Spirituai Journey of Joe Franko “He has brought me to his banquet hall and his banner over through Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative), and am now — me is love.” Song ofSongs 2:4 a member of Pacific Yearly Meeting and Orange Grove Monthly Meeting in Pasadena, California. “This is just my opinion. I could be w^rong.” I write this with some trepidation. It will be another — Gay Spirituality by Toby Johnson coming out story for me. Forty years ago I came out as gay. This is my coming out story as a Christian. I’m not sure Above my desk as I w^rite, there is a statue ofa horse, a which has been a more difficult road. I didn’t walk down blue horse, a cheap, thoroughly plastic, nondescript thing. either path by choice. As a younger man I thought it was all When my son deals vv^ith the cleaning out ofmy house after by choice. Looking back on things now it seems that all the I have moved on, he w^ill see only something to sell for a really important things in my life were only choices about quarter or fifty cents in the inevitable garage sale dispersal timing and not about the journey. ofthe physical remains ofmy life. He I’m fond oftelling the kids in will not give it a second’s glance. He mycampus gaygroup that they al- will not knowthat I bought this horse ways have a choice about when to write this with some in Arizona on a trip made to bury, at I come out, but that life will con- the bottom ofthe Grand Canyon, the trepidation. It will be another tinue to press them to reveal who ashes of one of my closest friends, yecaormsianggooutcasmtoeryouftorasmeg.ayF.orTthyis theyreallyare.It’s howyou’re quite Shar. Every time I look at it I’m re- is my coIming out story as a certainyou’re gay. Itwon’tgo away. minded of her and our final trip to- Each time you deny dimin- it, it My Christian. I’m not sure which has gether. son will see only a cheap ishes you. That’s what the Chris- been a more difficult road. plastic horse. There are other things tian right never quite gets. Every thatwillbe important forhim to keep, denial is a diminishment. Every but not the horse. denial is a chance to add to the Context is important. You should know that I am a gay, store of self-hatred. Every missed opportunity for disclo- 60-year-old, grandfather, trail runner, hang glider pilot and sure is a missed opportunityto bewho I reallyamwith those math professor for whom the real world is sometimes a I really love. Coming out is about letting others know you puzzlement and all the time a wonder. I’ve been a Quaker truly love and trust them. now for about 40 years, coming into the Society ofFriends The irony ofit is that every denial ofmygayness is also Who a denial of an authentic relationship with God. can Joe Franko, a member ofOrange GroveMeeting (Pasadena, CA), hide from God? Who can run from the hound of heaven currentlyserves as clerk ofPacific Yearly Meeting. This article was reprintedfrom QuakerTheology#14. Tosubscribe, contact Chuck that pursues us and seeks to be our beloved? What shall I Fager at QUEST, PO Box 1344, Fayetteville NC 28302. answer to a God who seeks me behind every corner and Email:[email protected]. demands openness to his love? Inside tiis Issie 12 PilgrimageforPeacefromFranceto Jerusalem by Brandon Wilson 3 ComingOutforChrist... 14 Matters ofGreat Importance by Don Elton bmith I byJoe Franko 1 8 PeaceforEarthWalk 16 InnernetRevelations 1* by Ruah Swennerfelt and Louis Cox byAliciaAdams A 10 PegMortonArrestedatCongressional 18 Nightat Friends House to HonorMarie Schutz by Margaret Peck Office... We 20 Memorial Minutes 11 Are Readyto Refuseto PayforWar...? byPegMorton 22-23 Classifieds and Calendar S’ Friends Bulletifi. March 2008 I get ahead ofmyself. Let me return to context. I am a years before I realized we are co-creators of this world. It mathematician. I have loved mathematics all my life. I Avas was only a few years later, though, that I realized how Httle the kid in the cafeteria who did math problems and puzzles trust I should place in our government. for fiin. In the tenth grade I fell in love with mathematics in I bought the argument our government gave us about high school geometry. I got a “C” in first year algebra! But Vietnam. I bought it so much I enhsted in the Navyandwas six weeks into geometry a light came on. I saw a beautiful assigned, eventually, to the USS O’Brien, a destroyer. I world ofPlatonic forms. Proofs, the bugaboo ofhigh school thought I was saving the world for democracy. Then I met math students, came to me effortlessly. I found beauty and RickThompson, a Quaker from Iowa. After his graduation elegance in the shortest possible proofof a thing. I wound from Iowa State University, Rick at first went to Washing- up writing a perfect regents exam, a thing I am still proud of ton DC, but then decided in late spring of 1972 to go to 40 some years later! I am thoroughly a mathematician. Vietnam to work at the rehab center in Quang Ngai (an Context is important. You also need to know that my American Friends Service Committee program). home life was chaotic. My mother was a prostitute and my We met in a children’s hospital in Vietnam. We didn’t father was an unskilled, illiterate laborer who left school at know each other long (barely a year), but long enough for the age of 12 to dig ditches to help support his family. He Rickto help me deconstructwhat I was nowhaving troubles was 9 when his family came here from Italy.We were nomi- with. It became clear I was not saving the world for democ- nally Catholic but the police were over at the house a few racy, but instead helping in my own small way with the war times a year to deal with the chaos. I effort. He didn’tjudge me,but over saw my father run after my mother the time I knew him he began to with an axe. He broke my mother’s A few years after discovering judge himselfprettyharshly.There jaw. My twin sister took offafter my geometry, I became an atheist. I could was enough of that going around father with a knife. She was raped not believe in a God who would allow in those days for everyone. multiple times by my uncle. My sisters to be raped and parents to be Rickwas a tall, good-looking, mother was in and out of mental violent to each other. Only a sadistic friendly guy like many of the hospitalswithwhatwould have been God would allow such a thing. So I Quaker youth I have met since diagnosed asparanoid schizophrenia. denied God and if he existed, after I then. Engaged, articulate, privi- We were on welfare most of my died I would spit in his face. leged, and committed to hving out growing up. his Quakerism. To say he changed There are lots of stories here I my life would be an understate- could tell you, but the only one important at this point in ment. He seemed to carry with him a quiet center. In the my life is the beauty I found in a platonic world. I found in midst ofchaos he carried within himselfthe most intimate mathematics a perfect world without pain, perfectly struc- relationship with God. Somehow in his growing up he tured and inevitable. One only had to choose the right axi- learned to come to that deep place ofpeace that manyFriends oms and postulates and the system was perfectly consistent. I have met since seem to have found. Itwouldbeyearsbefore I discovered Godel’sTheorem,which And that deep place ofpeace was a challenge to both brought the whole damn structure down!* my life and my commitment to war.The amazing thingwas A few years after discovering geometry, I became an that Rick never once confronted me. It was his incredible atheist. I could notbelieve in a God who would allow sisters acceptance ofme that won me over. I fell in love with him. to be raped and parents to be violent to each other. Only a This was the first example in my life ofa spiritual relation- sadistic God would allow such a thing. So I denied God and ship, made all the more important by the way manyAmeri- ifhe existed, after I died, I would spit in his face. I would can youth were treating me. The words “baby killer” stiU gladlymarch into hell ratherthanbe with a Godwho would haunt me. create such a world. Plato replaced God and it would be My commanding officer (CO) was beside himself. He ordered me not to talk or correspond with Rick. The CO saw myquestions, questions sparked by Rick’s acceptance of *Ed. Note: Godel’s first incompleteness theorem, perhaps the single me, as disloyalty. The disconnect between what I thought I mostcelebratedresultin mathematicallogic, states that: Foranycon- was fighting for, Rick’s analysis, and my CO’s attitude was sistent formal, computably enumerable theory that proves basic ar- stark. Rickwasn’t helping matters much as he struggledwith ithmeticaltruths, an arithmetical statementthatis true,butnotprov- confusion and anger atAmerica. Itwas adifficulttime. Hon- able in the theory, can be constructed.That is, any effectively gener- We estyled to anger, frustration and rigidity. both struggled ated theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. There is much more to it, ofcourse, with it. and for further exploration, the reader would do well to begin with Rick would die in Vietnam. They say his plane went the Wikipedia entry on the Theorem, which is at: http:// down in a storm, but I believe “friendly fire” was respon- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6ders_incompleteness_theorem] March 2008 Friends Bulletin. 5 sible. I have no evidence for that. Perhaps it is my symbolic plex system there will always be true things which cannotbe way ofcoming to terms with his death. To this day, when I proved to be true and false thingswhich cannotbe disproved. think ofhis death I tear up. More than anyone I knew, he Mathematically, God is in the space beyond proof struggled to come to thatplace where he loved so completely I sometimes wish that were enough for me. I find great there was no room left for hatred. I needed to find thatplace strength in Universalist Friends who do not need a personal behind his anger and frustration. God and who are able to sense the movement ofthe Spirit Eventually I asked my commanding officer for consci- through the World. I haven’t been able to find that kind of entious objector status and a chance to get a degree from strength in my life. The first time I fell in love with a man Iowa State University. It wasn’t easy. The Navy refused to and itwas reciprocated, I realized that I needed a more per- talk with me about it. At first they ignored me, then they sonal God. threatened to ship me offto the most dangerous ofduties in I had always heard that God was love, but I had no idea the Navy, the river boat patrols. I knew what my chances of what that meant. I had gone for a few months to a Hindu surviving that were. I didn’t care. monasteryin Chicago. I also played Whattheydid or did not do seemed with Zen Buddhism, attending sev- to not have anyconnectionwith me The first time had sex with a man, eral week long sesshin, or periods of I my at aU. 1 stayed awake ail night in wonder. intensive zazen meditation. Yet I thought ofgoing to Canada. So this was what it was to love. For friendship with Rick, perhaps my Instead, I became very sick. I had the first time I understood what it love for Rick, shaped my religious an extremely high fever for which might mean to give one’s life for beliefs in ways I can only guess at. there seemed to be no cause. I be- another. suddenly made sense. He showed mewhatitmeanttogive came delirious, began hallucinating It I one’s life for love. walked around on air for a week. and was hospitalized. Finally after The first time I had sex with a Not only was not racked with guilt, a fewdays, the feverbroke, andwith I man, months after Rick died, I it any connection to my former life. I floated on a sea of love. stayed awake all nightinwonder. So I simplyrefused to return. I decided this was what itwas to love. For the not to go to Canada and to simply first time I understood what it wait for them to arrest me. might mean to give one’s life for another. It suddenly made When arrest did not come, I thought I was a deserter. I sense. I walked around on air for a week. Not onlywas I not livedwith the thought that I had probablybeen given a dis- rackedwith guilt, I floated on a sea oflove. Forever after, sex honorable discharge or might be arrested at any time. I for- and religionwouldbe intimatelyconnected forme.Thevague got about it and went on to live my life. Years later, after my concept of Christian love now had meaning and I feU in mother’s death, I found amongherpossessions that the Navy love with Jesus as I learned to love other men. It has been had given me an honorable discharge. To this day I have no that way with me. Each human relationship, each experi- idea why. It’s a complete mystery and how like it was ofmy ence of touching another human being, has deepened my mother never to tell me! longing forJesus. So Iworked ongettinga degree andlearningmore about Later I fell in love again, only with a woman. I learned Quakerism. I joined Rick’s Meeting in Ames and I eventu- that love seemed to have no boundaries in my life and I ally got a degree in English from Iowa State University. I began to sense a great need to connect with the Love that went to graduate school there and became a father. Later I underlies all creation. got agraduate degree in mathematics,but that’s anotherlong Context is important. Perhaps nowthatyou knowalittle story. After a long life it becomes a choice about which of about me you can understand why I cannot find such Love ourmany stories to tellpeople. I’m trying to place my Quak- without a beliefin a personal God in whose arms I hope to erism in context, so I’m leaving out the stories that mightbe surrender through death, as a bride relaxes into her more interesting.You’llhave to askme aboutthe detailswhen bridegroom’s arms. Each relationship in my life has made you see me. Jesus’ embrace more and more real. I finallywas able topursue a degree in mathematicswhen I recognize this is myjourney and no one else’s. Each of I got over feelingI wasn’t averygood mathematician. Itwas us has our own faithjourney and I thinkwe get into trouble a long struggle. Suffice it to say my mathematics and the when we try to make everyone else walk down the same war in Vietnam planted me firmly in the Universalist camp. path.There are many paths and all ofthem involve running I guess I’d call myself at the time an agnostic or Buddhist quickly down easy trails, only to turn the corner and find a Friend. When I thought ofGod I thought ofGod as being roclq^sectionwith manymissteps and stumblings. I findgreat the sum total of all possibilities. As a logician I learned strength in a personal Christ who is for me a companion on Godel’s Theorem and realized that in any sufficiently com- the path, who has endured the pain ofthe cross and so can 6 Frieisuis B*i.!letin. March 2008 comfort me in my own pain, who understands that Love pessimists, folks who lament the state ofthe world, the en- demands the acceptance ofpain as part ofthe journey. For vironment, etc. me, Christ calls me to this radical discipleship. NowI’m not saying the world is not in bad shape, espe- At the riskofsoundinglike aborn-again, Bible-thump- cially in the last 8 years, but pessimism leads to burnout and ing, Campus-Crusade-for-Christ person let me explain a doesn’t reflect a hope in the movement of Christ’s Spirit. few aspects ofthis radical discipleship and my relationship With God all things are possible, my grandmother used to with this fellow namedJesus. It is based on Christ as patient say. As deeply in love with Christ as I’ve become, that re- lover, the bridegroom in the bridal chamber. Christ is a lover flects avery important aspect ofmy Quakerism. Quakerism who calls me to himself, who seeks me out, who surprises without hope is puerile andjoyless. Love leads to hope and me even in the bridal chamber by his gentleness. He is pa- hope leads tojoy. tient, loving, and accepting. At the end ofa reallytough day, Withoutjoy,we don’t have the energy that love requires I am totallybuoyed up by contemplation ofthis acceptance. ofus to do ourworkin theworld.Joygives us the energyfor I am loved for who I am. There is no demand on what I radical discipleship and also brings us into a new relation- must be or what rules I must follow. Christ’s embrace is free ship with our world. We want to work on the environment and unencumbered. because the earth is our bridal chamber. When the bride- Not that the loving ofChrist does not change one’s life. groom walks through the doors how awful it would be for As Thomas Kelly says, one finds him to find the messwe have oneself in a new relationship to made ofthings he has freely things and people, not from any As deeply in love with Christ as I’ve given us. For me environ- precepts laid upon one, but from a become, that reflects a very important mental work comes out of reciprocation ofChrist’s love.The aspect of my Quakerism. Quakerism the joy of preparing the fact that I experience Christ’s love without hope is puerile and joyless. bridal chamber, yet it’s very makes me more ofalover, so things Love leads to hope and hope leads difficult to find anyone that would block love naturally workingon the environment to Joy. drop away. Simplicity becomes an that brings such joy to the opening to more of Christ’s em- task. Without hope, such brace, especiallythrough connectionwith otherpeople.Time work would be impossible for me. awayfrom theworldbecomes awayofexperiencing Christ’s Even more important is Christ’s model oflove. Radical love without interruption. discipleship says I must love everyone, as He did. My defi- As abridegroom is filledwith desire andpassion, Christ’s nition ofwho is my family must get bigger. As Christ loves embrace is passionate. In return Christ demands passion. me so I must love the world with the same radical accep- Lukewarmness to Christ’s love is almost certainly not a part tance. As I deal with others, I must deal with the Christ of Christianity. One of the radical ideas ofJesus was that who is within them, ignoring the foibles and faults as Christ one could live a life ofpassion in the world,but notbe ofthe ignores my foibles and faults. Christ came to be with the world. prostitutes, tax collectors and sinners.Theyare myfamily, as Reading the stories ofJesus it is clear to me that Christ they were my mother’s family. demands nothingfrom us except to be passionate in ourlove One ofthe strengths I find in Christocentric Quaker- ofHim, following him wherever His love leads us. And His ism is that it is based on a God becoming human. A God love does not lead us to pray in public, but to return His who relinquishes “power over” so that we might experience passionate embrace in private, in the bridal chamber. “power through.” Ultimately Christianity requires us to be- Now you know why this essay makes me a little ner- lieve in the power ofGod to become human. What an au- vous. It is so public! Words are a difficult medium for ex- dacious concept. Whywould any God want to become hu- pressing love. Onlyin the private act ofcontemplation can I man? My fully return Christ’s love, expressing aU it means to me. mathematical brain once demanded a Universalist Working on peace and justice in the world is an imperfect Spirit, the universalforce that Einsteinmeantwhenhe talked expression ofthat love. Imperfect,but important to learning of God not playing dice with the universe. It’s clear when howto love. Fox got it rightwhen he said the letter is unim- we look at the universe that it is truly amazing that math- Why portant. It is the Spirit behind the words that matters. ematical laws apply at all! should this mathematics, Another aspect of radical discipleship is hope. I must which is, after all, a man-made invention, be the language believe that no matterwhat things look like now, no matter ofthe universe? That idea was the foundation ofmy Uni- how awful the times, because of Christ’s love there is re- versalist spirit. It fills me with awe. The universe will con- demption. Itwill all work out. One ofthe things most frus- tinue even ifwe blow ourselves to damnation. tratingto me aboutQuakerism is thatI meetso manyQuaker But that’s the problem. Without the Spirit ofChrist I March 200S Friends Bulletin. / find the universe fills me with awe, but is essentially awful! Context is important. Radical discipleship demands a meaning that can only be I’ll end this essay by going back to the beginning and filled by Christ, whose love for me and you is the meaning. talking about my friend, Sharlene. Shar was my office mate Whyshould this Godbecome human? Only to love us more for twentyyears, but more importantly she was a fellow ad- fully and completely. venturer. We bicycled across the country together, we It is said that no greater love has anyone than that they dropped down into darkcaves,wewentkayakinginthe ocean are willing to lay down their life for another. I think a far and the bay, we went hang gliding and paragliding and ran greater love is shown by a God who would embrace becom- 100 mile races in the mountains. We pushed each other to ingfullyhuman and onlythen experience death. In the Bible, live life completely, taking risks, enjoying pushing ourselves Jesus is far more often referred to as the Son ofMan than as mentally and physically. We shared thoughts ofGod on the the Son ofGod. Radical Discipleship demands me to love long adventures. Nothinglike 100-mile bicycle ride through the Son of Man, with all the sacrifices that might bring. cornfields and headwinds to make one turn to talk ofreli- Loving the Son ofGod is a totally different story, filledwith gion to while away the hours. power and patriarchy. This God I worship chose to live a Two years ago Shar got sick. The diagnosis was liver human life, to experience my failure, my poor background, cancer. I asked Shar to let me move into her guest bedroom my death and the sneers ofthose for whom no good could so that I could help take care ofher. I told her we’d been on come from Nazareth, or from Brooklyn. so many adventures together that I wanted to have one more I have notyet spoken ofthe cost ofradical discipleship, adventure with her. but I am reminded ofthe struggle my Meeting had before She called me up in the middle ofaveryscary night and we were able to unite on gay marriage. Itwas a struggle that asked me to come over. We agreed I should move in the often was so painful it made me wonder whether or not I next day. wanted to continue being a Friend. Many times I asked my- What a privilege it became to take care of her for the selfwhether or not I wanted to be part of this group which next six months, to walk her up to death’s door, where she often said things and didn’t even realize howhurtful theywere was absolutely convinced she would meetJesus. In the last to me and to others who were gay. Itwas a verypainful time. weekI spoke often to her about herjob ofrelaxinginto God’s I have to say, though, that what kept me Quaker was arms.We cried together and laughed together and sang,“See myIowaConservativeYearlyMeetingbackground,expressed that girl come-a walking down the street singing ‘Do Wah through RickThompson’s life and mybeliefthat acceptance Diddy, diddydum diddy do.’”When she was no longercon- of my cross, for love’s sake, was a fundamental part of my scious andwas near death, seven ofus satbyherbedside and faith. Though a member ofPacific Yearly Meeting now for sang that to her. That’s the kind ofhymn they can sing at almost thirty years, the foundation ofmy faith is my belief my memorial service! My in the radical Christ, the Christ of the Cross, the Christ Shar’s simple faith through it all challenged me. who promises that Love will triumph over pain and that the prayers became much simpler. In fact, I have onlyone prayer process ofseeking for real unity is often a painful and pro- I pray now. “Lord, make my faith as simple as Shar’s!” Both longed personal conversion process. Such a conversion pro- ofus were mathematicians and lived a life ofthe intellect. cess is a fundamental part ofmy life as a Quaker. The only But somehow Shar understood what I had not: God worthy of adoration is one who understands my pain You must be as a child again to enter the Kingdom. We and my humanity and through love assures me that Love do not need to give up the intellect, but like Shar I find win triumph in my life and in the world. myself needing to simplify even my faith, in the hope that How does this fit with being in PYM? I’m not sure. It one day I, too, might relax into the arms ofmy Bridegroom. helps that here in the Westwe are fiercely independent. We An hour after Shar died I was stiUwaiting for the undertak- hold tightly to the idea that faith is a personal thing, be- ers to come. I was in an upstairs bedroom. I thought I heard tween each individual and God. I think that more and more a car so I went out to the landing and looked down at Shar. folks are findingJesus helpful to their spiritual life, but even Damned ifshe didn’t have a smile on her face which wasn’t thosewho giveJesus short shriftwould saythat each person’s there before. I knew I wouldn’t believe it later, so I took a faith is a personal matter and that we come together in picture ofher. I’ve put it with some ofher ashes and some Meetings to support each other’s spiritualjourney. mementos ofher life. We are very suspicious of any Friends who would say, Some will say it was the muscles in Shar’s face in the “This is what makes you a Friend.”We hold to what is writ- aftermath of death, but I know as clearly as I can that she ten in BritainYearlyMeeting’sFaithandPractice'.“Onlywhat had,indeed, finallyrelaxed into His arms. Perhaps myQuak- we have valued and truly made our own, not by assertion erism might also become a sign ofa faith grown simple, so but by lives offaithful commitment, can we hand on to the that I, too, may die with a smile on my face, assured ofmy future. Even then, we must humbly acknowledge that our meeting the Bridegroom. vision ofthe truth will, again and again, be amended.” Friends Belletin. March 2008 Peace Walk for Earth InNovember2007 Ruah SwennerfeltandLouis Cox, Quaker , New environmentalactivistsfrom England,setoutona1,400- mile “Peace ForEarth Walk”from Vancouver, British Colum- bia, toSanDiego, CA. Theirgoalistooffersupportandtoshare theirinsightsaboutthespiritualbasisofFriends’ecologicalcon- cernsfromtheiryearsofworkingwithQuakerEarthCareWit- ness (QEWJ. Theyalsoplan to listen toandlearnfrom Western Friends (seeFBNov. ‘07,pp. 20-21). Lookforannouncements inyourMeeting bulletin about when they willarrive inyour areathisspring. Thefollowingreportsaretakenfromtheirtravel blog at http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/ peaceforearth/peace_for_earth/l195754640/tpod.html. This blogincludesvideosaswellasphotosofFriendsalongtheirroute. packs on our blog was done by him. We feel humbled by this experience ofreceiving. We’ve Thanksgiving, 2007. Thankfully, we arrived safely in come to understand that people really want to be part of beautiful Bellingham, Washington, hosted by our friend this walkinwhateverwaythey can participate. For example, Doris Perm, who has taken great care ofus. Doris, in her whilewalkinginto the ruralcrossroads communityofCuster, early eighties, is an amazing example of senior vitality and WA, with Will Duplantis ofBellingham Meeting, desper- ecological and social conscience. She has been following a ately needing a bathroom break, we were first rebuffed by a vegan diet for many years, is very active in her Meetings sign on a pub that the bathrooms were for customers only. Earthcare committee, and is up to date on energy efficiency So we walked a bit farther to a small country store where, actions in her home, including driving a hybrid car. Louis upon hearing the story ofourwalk, not only did the woman helped her change out a dozen ofher recessed incandescent allow us to use the restroom, she also gave us a $2 contribu- lights to compact fluorescent lights, which saved her 400 tion out ofher tips that day! It was a beautiful act ofkind- watts of energy demand. The meals she served us were ness. We’re learning that it’s important to accept the offers scrumptious and beautifully presented. She’s a fellow birder with grace and thanks which helps the giver feel they are and we enjoyed a day of watching shore and water birds. now part ofthejourney. We’reverygratefulto herforherwarm hospitahtyfor awhole People stop us on the street to ask about our purpose weekand for sharing her cat Sunshine with us since we miss andgive us encouragement. Some honkandgive the thumbs- our kitties. Tomorrow we’ll be preparing for a potluck up sign. We’ve not received one negative comment! I think Thanksgiving meal in Doris’s home with her family and our vulnerability ofonly two or a handful ofpeople touches Friends from the Meeting. We hearts. feel small while walking and maybe somewhat Our first five days ofwalking opened our hearts in un- foolish, but this adds to our approachability and opens the expected ways. Hosts were incredibly generous with food way for people to engage us. and foot care and conversation. After a terrific dinner on During our stay in Bellingham we called Rick Dudley, night two,Tom andThip Mathison brought out foot baths who was our speaker at the Quaker EarthCare Witness and guitars and while soaking we sang. At our next stop, (QEW) annual meeting when we met in Bellingham about Barney McCarney’s condo in White Rock, British Colum- We five years ago. eagerly accepted his invitation to lunch bia, had a stunningviewofSamiahmoo Bay. He even got up with his partner, Linda Blake, who shares his passion for very early after a late night to make us a warm breakfast. livingsimply.Wewere eagerto see firsthand the 600-square- And in Ferndale,Washington,we found thatwe had a lot of foot home that he had described during his plenary talk. In common interests and experienceswith hosts Mimi Freshley addition to the living space there’s some storage and work- and Bob Butterfield, who walked several miles with us the shop space around it. Rick, Linda, and Rick’s 14-year-old next morning.This morning theytookus to abeautiful tem- son Forest share 450 square feet offamilyspace (including a perate rain forestwith gigantic Douglas firs and cedar trees. sleepingloftfor Rickand Linda) while Forest has 150 square Bob is a photographer par excellence and concentrates on feet for his room. They don’t own a car and travel by bike nature photography. He has been a nature guide in several and foot 90 percent ofthe time,while usingpublic buses the exotic locations.The photographyou nowsee ofus with our other 10 percent. The house is comfortable and beautiful. MarcblOOS Friends Bulletin. and they have found a niche in which they can be happy who read about our experiences. We know you are all out while living with a low ecological footprint. v\fter lunch we there and that you care. walked with Rick and Linda the four miles back to Doris’s housethroughabeautifulcedarandDouglasfirwoodsbyroar- The next morning we walked to the Agate PASSAGE ingWhatcom Creek and falls.We were awed bythe girth and Friends Meeting, worshipped with them, and after a pot- height ofthese magnificent trees in this public park. luck lunch shared our skit and presentation. When we set out afterwards, several Friends walked with us to our next We had a warm welcome from Bellingham Friends destination. Again we appreciated good conversations and on Sunday, with a tasty potluck following worship and be- made new F/friends. fore our presentation. Lively discussion followed our talk After coffee with Ed Sheridan, a Friend and storyteller, and we made plans to see some folks again before we left. At we met Lisa Down, also ofAgate Passage Meeting, at the our weblog you can find videos of Bellingham Friends’ re- offices ofYESfMagazine. We have been subscribers formany sponse to the questions: “What have you changed to make years and wanted to meet the staff We joined their regular the world better?” and “What do you still need to change brown bag lunch and shared a bit about our journey and and what will it take to make that change?” learned ofthe many great things they are doing, which in- clude reaching out to schools in the hope of empowering We We were met byournexthost,AlanMountjoy-Venning, young people to act positively in the world. also talked QEW a member of Olympia Friends Meeting. He told us about ofways might collaborate with them.We hope you’ll the history ofbike/pedestrian paths in Olympia and led us look at their website at www.yesmagazine.org. to his community’swonderful co-op to shop for ourupcom- Thankyou, Lisa, for takingus on these tours.And many ing camping evenings. We were delighted to arrive at his thanks to Michael Moore for his coordination of our visit home and meet his wife Jane and their teenage children, and making sure we got from one place to another safely. Abby and Cliff. It was fun being part ofa family meal. We appreciate Jane and Alan’s commitment to sustainable liv- Hooray! We made it to Oregon! The only way to walk ing.Janeworks as an environmental educator andAlanwrites across the border to Oregon was on a bike path that ran an environmental column. We also enjoyed the casual at- down the middle ofthe two-mile-longbridge on 1-205 that mosphere in their home between parents and children. It crosses the Columbia River. The traffic was very noisy, but was great to be part ofit. we felt safe because ofprotective barriers separatingus from The event at OlympiaFriendsMeeting and the route the four lanes ofhigh-speed traffic on either side. It was a we are about to take over the coming eleven days, winding great New Year’s Eve present to be able to say that we had through valleys and mountains, towards the Oregon border, walked aU the way down through Washington! We was diligentlyworked on byMarijke Vanroojen. are very Afterthree days ofrecuperation from ourcolds andbhs- appreciative ofthe many hours she spent working out a dif- ters at the home of Betsy and Bruce Kenworthy in Battle ficult set of hosting nights, campgrounds, and hotels, but Ground, WA, we felt ready to get on the road again. Betsy she had to be out oftown during our visit and couldn’t at- and Bruce fed us well and gave us warm space to heal, and tend our presentation. We were once again so filled with we were right at home. love while visiting with Friends in their Meeting. We were Thateveningwe moved to ournexthosthouse,the home impressed by the thoughtful discussion that followed our ofNancyMcLauchlan, an employee ofFriendsWorld Com- presentation and enjoyed more visiting duringrefreshments. mittee for Consultation (FWCC) and a member ofBridge We nowsaygoodbye to Olympiaandlookahead to the south. CityFriendsMeeting.We had metNancyat Quakergath- We’ve been reflecting on the support ofFriends during erings in the past andwere pleased to spend some time with this walk. In the same way that we are able to do our work her. She invited Julie and David Peyton, members ofWest and live our lives because ofthe support and love ofothers, Hills Friends Church, tojoin us for dinner. Again we found we are in a walk ofhundreds. At each location a community we were kindred spirits on many levels. is working to support us through logistics, hosting, loving, Before heading offto Multnomah Friends Meeting walking, feeding, and being present. We are also humbled for our presentation, we moved again, this time to Janet by the fact that we can’t walk every step, but instead are Jump’s home. Janet’s parents were co-founders of the given rides to get back and forth in a community and some- Multnomah Meeting, but Janet now attends Bridge City times to get to a safe place to walk. We know that the fossil Meeting. In the short time we had to get to know Janet fuels being used for this are substantial, butwe feel the ben- before leaving for the meeting, she told us that she had cal- FGC efits ofour community-building and consciousness are per- culated her ecological footprint in 2006 at the Gath- haps more substantial. It’s also about being flexible and be- ering in Tacoma and found that the size of her house for We ing open to the ways the Spirit and fortune moves. feel one person increased her footprint and so, because of that held and loved by aU who participate, including all ofyou and some other factors, she now has housemates. We were 200S so pleased to know this since it meant that her visit to the the home of Lucy and Dan Davenport and their son, 9- QEW center had a direct positive impact on her life! The year-old Mark. Due to Lucyand Dan’s long associationwith discussion after our presentation was lively and engaging. Friends, we found we had F/friends in common and that Several people there were folks we had met before, and the Louis and Lucy had once met about 20 years ago. We love potluck prior to the presentation was varied and delicious. this extended family ofQuakers! The next day, on ourway to our last host home in Port- After a delicious dinner, we headed for Reedwood land, we got the call that Ruah’s new shoes were in! Her Friends Church and our last presentation in Portland. shoes, which were supposed to be waterproof, had leaked, About 20 Friends were present and we received very posi- and after calling the manufacturer. Keen, headquartered in tive feedback afterwards. Some suggested that we should Portland, they agreed to have a new pair express-shipped to tape the presentation so that others wiU have an opportu- their offices. So we will leave for our trek south with new nity to see it after our walk is completed. shoes to break in, but hopefully they’ll keep out the water. After the detour to the Keen offices, we headed by bus to {To be continuedinJuture issues (^Friends Bulletin.. Peg Morton Arrested at Congressional Office, Opposes the US Occupation of Iraq PegMorton, a memberofEugene, OR, FriendsMeeting, was especially of soldiers who have risked or actually spent one ofeight members ofher Meeting arrestedfor nonviolent months in prison, have acted with great courage. Despite trespass ata congressionaloffice thisyear. They werepart ofa the yearnings of millions here and around the world for nationally coordinated Occupation Project in which over400 peace, the war, the wars, the suffering, the poverty con- people have been arrestedforprotesting the US occupation of tinue, while the pockets ofcorporate greed are filled. And Iraq. Peg wasfiled$100, given ayear's unsupervisedproba- don’t get me wrong, most of us in this country benefit tion, and told that thepenalties would be severe ifshe were from this corporate greed, with lower consumer prices. arrestedagain during thisperiod. Shepresentedthefollowing Many, if not most, of us are discouraged and many We We statement at her court appearance onJune 18, 2007. feel powerless. are fed buckets-full offear. cannot succumb to these emotions. Those who are suffering in I stand before you today pleading guilty to nonvio- Iraq, the entire Middle East, Darfur, Colombia in South lent trespass in a congressional office. This spring, seven America and millions in Latin America affected by our ofus here in the Eugene areajoined around 350 others to economic policies, who risk their lives and leave their occupy congressional offices around the country, demand- families to come here to the United States seeking jobs, ing that our Congress vote against the “Surge,” and against those in our own country who lack health care, quality all further funding for a vicious, tragic, greedy, illegal war. education and shelter, or are stuffed into our always-ex- I hope that we committed our actions in a true spirit of panding prison system... they all depend on us as allies. nonviolence. I hope we were firm but not scornful, that In fact, we need each other. We depend on each other. we recognized the human potential in all the people with We cannot let them down. whom we met, that we sought to end a war that is part of Sitting in my little meditation space as I was writing a sick, sick economic, global, corporate system, but not to this, a prayer came to me with power: harm individuals within it. “I call to the Spirit, the Higher Power, by whatever We were guilty oftrespass, but we hold in our hearts name, that is believed in so many faiths, across so and memories the international law, the Nuremberg many races, cultures and borders, by the rich and the Agreements that were signed in 1945 following the de- poor... I call on You to be present for us all, to grant feat ofNazi Germany, under the leadership ofthe United us courage and compassion and the energy to go on, States, and are supposed to be binding upon every gov- to embrace each other across all boundaries, to form ernment in the world today. It says, and I quote: a beloved community ofpeace, ofcommitment to the “Individuals have internationalduties which transcendthe dignity of all humankind and to the Life of the nationalobligations ofobedience... (They) have the duty to planet.” violate domestic laws toprevent crimes, againstpeace and Thank you. humanityfrom occurring. " The war continues. The war money continues to flow. What are you or your Meeting doing Our action was minimal in the face of the suffering to uphold the Peace Testimony? in the world today. Others, and I am thinking right now Contact editor at [email protected]

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