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Friends Bulletin “Building the Western Quaker March 2002 Community Since 1929” Volume 73 Number 2 Left to right: Colin Willard, Tom Stave andhis daughter Ingrid, who coordinatedthe blanket drive in Eugene, Oregon, andhostedthe Willardsfor a night. Blanket Drive For Afghan Refugees Why Are Some Nations Rich and Others Poor? Should Quakers Take Sides? Spirit-Led Pacifism Friends Bulletin From the Editor Peacemaking In the Mid and Far East — Theofficial publication of “I am 59 years old my mother knitted this afghan for me when she was pregnant Pacific,North Pacificand with me.... She died one and a half years ago. I pray this afghan will provide warmth Intermountain Yearly Meetings to someone this winter.... My mother would have wanted this.... May all beings be — ofthe ReligiousSociety of free from suffering.” Unsigned note, pinned to a blanket sent by the American Friends (Quakers) Friends Service Committee to the refugees from war in Afghanistan. (Opinions expressed are those ofthe authors, T not necessarily ofthe his message moved me because I, too, sent to the AFSC an “afghan” knitted Yearly Meetings.) by my mother before she died. My mother wasn’t a Quaker, but she was a good-hearted woman who would, I’m sure, be very pleased to think that a Editor blanket she knitted is keeping some person warm in a refugee camp. Anthony Manousos The blanket campaign sponsored by the AFSC is a heart-warming story, but the 5238 Andalucia Court CA bombing of the Ramallah Friends School reminds us that acts of terror are a daily re- Whittier, 90601-2222 Phone: 562-699-5670 ality for many people in the so-called Holy Land (see p.4). Bill Durland challenges us FAX: 562-692-2472 to ask whether Quakers should “take sides” in the Israeli conflict, as Friends have of- E-mail: [email protected] ten done in cases of oppression, injustice, and violence (see p. 5). This question is <<www.westemquaker.net>> addressed in a Christmas letter written by Colin and Kathy South, Friends United IMYM Meeting representatives in Palestine and new directors of the Ramallah Friends CorrespondingEditor School: AlicyaMalik W 2693 AvenidaAzahar Tucson,AZ85745 One friend asked me why we seem to support the Palestinian argument so force- NPYMCorrespondingEditors fully but hardly mention the senseless acts ofterrorism resulting in the deaths of JeanTrio! Israeli citizens. If we have hardly mentioned them, I apologize, but we are living in POBox367 Ramallah/El-Bireh and can only report accurately what we see and hear from MT Somers, 59932 PegMorton where we live and have our being. I want to make it clear, however, that we whole- 510VanBurenStreet heartedly condemn any violent acts, any acts of maiming or killing, any acts oftor- Eugene,OR97402 ture and any acts of destruction of property.... There is only one permanent solu- PYM CorrespondingEditor tion that both sides must recognize ifpeace is to be achieved, and that is an ac- MarybethWebster POBox2843 knowledgment of injustices present and wrongs perpetrated by both sides, and a GrassValley,CA95945 commitment by both sides to find an acceptable solution which protects the secu- BoardofDirectors rity and integrity of both peoples. RobertGriswold,Clerk 1745CherrySt When Friends “take sides,” it does not mean that they ignore “that of God” in the Denver,CO80220 oppressor. Ourjob as Quaker peacemakers is not to be “neutral,” but to help both sides LannyJay,Treasurer 18602OldMonteRioRd to listen to and acknowledge “that of God” in each other so thatjustice and harmony Guemeville,CA95446 can be restored. JeannieGraves,RecordingClerk PMB 131 Box8049 Lanny Jay reminds us that Quaker pacifism springs from a spiritual base, not NewportBeach,CA92658-8049 from pragmatic considerations. And Jack Powelson continues to challenge us with PhyllisHoge his economic views. Friends may not be in unity about whether or not free trade pro- 213DartmouthSE Albuquerque,NM87106 motes a moral economy, but one thing is clear: there will be no peace in the world as LisaDown long as wealth is unjustly distributed, and as long as the vast majority of the world’s POBox 11197 BainbridgeIsland,WA98110 people live in abject poverty. JimKimbNalWl As editor, I continue to be impressed by how deeply Friends care about issues of 3050 LynwoodCircle Corvallis,OR97330 justice and peace. In upcoming issues of Friends Bulletin you will find articles on JoAnnTaylor environmental concerns, homelessness, and the Friends Committee on Legislation of L2o8s50AnMgiedlveasl,eCAAve90064 California (which is celebrating its 50th anniversary). You will also find articles de- NormanPasche voted to prayer and spirituality, as well the latest news of Friends. Your contribu- W 620 Columbia St tions and responses are always welcome! WA Monroe, 98272-1211 FRIENDS BULLETIN (USPS 859-220) is published monthly except February and August by the Friends Bulletin Corporation of the Religious Society of Friends at 5238 Andalucia Court, Whittier, CA 90601-2222. Telephone 562-699-5670. Periodicals postage paid at Whittier, CA 90601-2222. Printed by Southeast Graphics, 12508 E Penn St, Whittier, CA 90601. SUBSCRIPTION Rates: $25 per year for individuals, $20 per year for group subscriptions through your local Friends meeting. $16 introductory rate. Check with editor for a student or low-income subscription. First class postage $10 additional. Foreign postage varies. Individual copies: $3.00 each. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Friends Bulletin, 5238 Andalucia Court, Whittier, CA 90601-2222. Printedon RecycledPaper WithNon-ToxicSoyA'egetableInk 2 March 2002 FRIENDS BULLETIN : Blanket Drive Diverse Friends Unite To Help Afghan Refugees by Donna Anderton AFSC Peace Building & Disarmament C hris Willard, medical photog- rapher from Tacoma, Wash- ington, his wife Kathryn, and seventeen-year-old son Colin have contributed to the American Friends Service Committee’s efforts for the “No More Victims” campaign in a — Chris andColin Willard Photo by Kathryn Willard way that gives new meaning to the phrase “blanket drive.” Working with at least a dozen Update on the American Friends Service Committee’s Friends Churches and Meetings from M Blanket Campaign Bellingham, WA, to Eugen, OR, they gathered more than 350 blankets, any thanks! After three months of hard work our labor of love sent out sleeping bags, and quilts. Colin and 75,000 blankets in 15 containers (valued at $1,366,148) to the people Chris drove them to San Francisco for of Afghanistan. Traveling through distant areas like Tajikistan as well delivery to those needing them as a as Pakistan and Iran, the blankets have found their way to their final destination. result of the war. We have been fortunate enough to raise some financial support for this process. Chris had been deployed to New With your generosity, we have helped many Afghan refugees to be a little warmer York from September 26 to October 7 in this bitterly cold and unstable climate. We as part of a 200+ person Disaster Mor- have witnessed a wonderful exercise of generosity and humanity these tuary Operational Response Team to past few months, making the world a little more tolerable in hard times. Like a help the New York City Medical Ex- candle in the wind, a little light has shown amidst pain and war. Now, it is time to aminer identify victims of the attacks move to our next step. on the World Trade Center. When he No more blankets are being accepted, but if you would like to aid the relief returned to Tacoma on October 8, the effort, here’s how to contribute: US had just begun bombing in Af- ghanistan. He wondered how the Wil- . No More Victims Fund: Your gift to this special fund will support our work in New York, our relief efforts with Afghan refugees, and our calls for peaceful lards could respond to the innocent alternatives to address this tragedy. victims of this new violence. • Afghan Reliefand Reconstruction Fund Your gift will go directly to sup- As they reflected on Chris’ expe- port our work with the people of Afghanistan. rience helping September 11 victims, To give by phone using your Visa or MasterCard, call 1-888-588-2372. the Willard family pondered what the To give by mail, send your contribution to: AFSC Development, US was doing in Afghanistan. Colin in PA 1501 Cherry St, Philadelphia, 19102. particular expressed his anger, frustra- tion, and helplessness. Together the blanket drive. E-mails to Monthly They hitched a trailer to their pickup, Willards wondered how hard it would Meetings and a few phone calls initi- and prepared to hit the road. be for Chris and Colin to collect blan- ated a small avalanche of activity from With blankets provided by Peter kets along the 1-5 corridor and drive Bellingham, WA, to Ashland, OR. Willing from Bellingham Meeting and them to San Francisco, AFSC’s clos- Contacts were designated, discussions by University Friends Meeting est collection spot for the campaign. initiated, newspaper advertisements (Seattle, WA), on Thanksgiving morn- Jonis Davis, of the Northwest Pa- run, and collection sites established. ing, Chris and Colin picked up blan- cific Regional Office of the AFSC, Interest was so high it was soon appar- kets from Steven Aldrich from Olym- encouraged Chris to proceed, and gave ent that they’d have more blankets pia (WA) Friends Meeting. Those they him names of others interested in a than their pickup truck could hold. added from their own Tacoma Friends Friends Bulletin March 2002 3 Meeting and Olympic View Friends Chris wrote, “Travel through the Stephen McNeil facilitated about the Church gave them 209 blankets, sleep- mountains was not as easy as I’d situation in Afghanistan. ing bags, and quilts. “The back of the hoped. A large winter storm was dump- “It feels very satisfying to have par- truck was full and nearly half the ing large amounts of snow in the Mt. ticipated in aid for victims of violence in We trailer.” Shasta area. had to put chains on in both North America and Asia,” Chris On Friday morning in Portland, Ashland and drove on snow past Mt. notes. “And it was great to do the blan- OR, Chris and Colin added another 40 Shasta. Thirteen hours after leaving ket drive with Colin with the help of so to 50 blankets gathered at Tigard Eugene we arrived at our overnight many Friends along the way. I hope a Friends Church, where Portland collec- destination in Oakland, CA. Sunday seed was planted that may bloom later in tions were consolidated, and continued morning we drove across the bay, arriv- Colin’s life, too, as a result of his partici- south to Eugene, OR, to spend the ing at the Meeting House/AFSC office pation in this event.” night. Tom Stave and others from a little before 10:00.” AFSC is delighted that, with Jonis Eugene Friends Church with some of Colin and Chris were met by Ste- Davis’ help and the work of the Willard the young people of Eugene Friends phen McNeil of AFSC and Stephen family, so many Friends of diverse Meeting had together collected another Matched, Clerk of San Francisco groups and views were united in this — 140 blankets more than the Willards’ Meeting. Together they unloaded the humanitarian effort. trailer could hold. Forty blankets in truck and trailer into the basement of “The response was much bigger Eugene and more in Roseburg and the building, where all the sorting than we had anticipated,” Chris wrote. Ashland would wait for a follow-up was carried out. Following Meeting As a result, the Willard blanket drive van coming from Corvallis, OR, in the for Worship, they participated in a now looks like the first of several such first week of December. short information/discussion session. cooperative drives in their area. a human bomb. Since the beginning Ramallah Friends of the second Intifada in September Bombed 2000, more than 850 Palestinians School and more than 250 Israelis have been killed. In the past month alone, AAFSC Report nearly 40 Israelis have been struck down by suicide bombers and at- t 7:15 PM, December tacks and more than 60 Palestinians 13, 2001, a building of killed by Israeli bombs and bullets. the Friends Boys We grieve for all the lives lost in School in Ramallah, this conflict. West Bank, was damaged by rock- The American Friends Service ets fired by Israeli-American made — Committee (AFSC) is deeply con- AFSC DamagesatRamallah School Photo bySouths helicopters. is grateful that cerned by the horrific escalation of no injuries or loss of life were sus- United Meeting (FUM) in Richmond, violence witnessed in Palestine and tained in the attack as classes were not Indiana. The Ramallah Friends Boys Israel over the past month. More than in session and staff living on the school School, founded by Quakers in 1901, 100 Palestinians and Israelis have grounds were not injured, according to and the Girls School established in died in the violence. AFSC urges the the directors of the Ramallah Friends 1889 are living expressions of the governments of Israel and the Pales- Schools, Colin and Kathy South. To firmly held belief that the use of vio- tinian Authority to take steps now to date we know that two rooms of the lence can never be justified. (A fund end this cycle of violence and to re- school were hit and the building is has been established by Friends turn to serious negotiations. We urge thought to have suffered structural United Meeting to receive contribu- the government of the United States damage. It is estimated that it will cost tions toward the school’s repair. To to stay the course laid out by Secre- at least $20,000 to repair the damage. make a contribution make checks tary of State Colin Powell, i.e,. that According to Colin South, the damage payable to: FUM-RFS Building and lasting peace between Palestine and occurred during an Israeli air attack mail to: Friends United Meeting, 101 Israel is dependent upon an end to that destroyed a police station near the Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond, IN the Israeli occupation of Palestine, school grounds. 47374.) the establishment of a truly viable The two Ramallah Friends Schools As Quakers, we believe that Palestinian state and the ability of are governed by a local board, but are every life is sacred, including that of both Palestinians and Israelis to live owned and administered by Friends the young man who turns himself into in security. 4 March 2002 Friends BULLETIN — — Should Quakers Take Sides? migrants’ side, including a large popu- lation of Jewish Americans. I lived in the area until adulthood, and as a child I was a normal kid who took sides as well. I can remember doing it for the first time for what we might call con- I* science’s sake, after my family moved r . New to Scarsdale, York. The kids loved Mr. Herbert and it wasn’t for his athletic acumen. It was for his passion and oneness with us. Before dinner we usually played foot- ball or baseball in the park. The fathers by Bill Durland sity and inclusivity, and avoid argu- would arrive home from work in New Lamb’s Community Worship Group ment and anger which may make us York City from the railroad station, uncomfortable. The American Revolu- some by foot. Mr. Herbert was one of (Trinidad, CO) tionary War was a violent war between those, and he always stopped on his We way home to be with us, throwing the pPTauhlibeslsitisisnaheefadolnldoiwIn-sruapeFlornitehaanntdsaBirltlicBDlueulrlalebatoinundt wnnaoatwsi,onwshf.oart tohtehemarrsoesdtipdap—cairft“i.sGtoTs,adkitisnhgeonnsiaodnuedrs afonodtbbaloly,orwapsichkiengawufpulaatbaiste!baBlultbwate, ah{riDtseiccleewmibcfaeenr bG2e0e0fn1oi)ue.ndRweoesnrpeop.ns7ea.sppBiotloilnatthneidds isnigde”BsiuedtaecsQ,husawikhdeeernwsohtuahlevdyessasuyaf.wferaedjufsotr taankd- awlnoevyewddMairdyhn..i’tmWHekferonbroaejlwrustsoatnwdddiaodsiintn’gJtweoikwtu.inlsdohnw.’ttAhtmaattfotiruesrrt Intermountain Yearly Meeting Repre- loving cause to support for con- sentatives to the Friends Peace Team science’s sake. A good example was neighborhood was “restricted” by law Quakers putting themselves on the line so that no Jews or Negroes could live aPrnodjehcits.torAicatni,visBti,llprreocfeenstsloyrp,ubaltitsohrneedy,a for others over the issue of slavery. Our ethnetrse.talOknieng naibgohutt IhoowveMrrhe.aHredrbmeyrtphaard- book entitled William Penn, James religious principles lead us to protect changed his name and disguised his Madison and the Historical Crisis in the victims and the oppressed of this American Federalism (see review on p. world from the inhumanity of the more hmeyritpaagreenitns owrhdaetr otourlinvaemteherwea.sIbaesfkoerde powerful. 16). I grew up in New York City where we changed it. That’s when I found out we didn’t have to change our name be- everybody naturally took sides and let Q cause we weren’t Jewish. That’s when uakers are accustomed to not you know it. Most of it was good na- A take sides. There is that of tured, invigorating and stimulating I first took sides intellectually. year God in all of us. We strive the New York Yankees’ side, the city’s later I was told that America was at for a balance in views, diver- side, the extrovert’s side, and the im- (“Should Quakers Take Sides?” cont. onpage6) New Middle East “Did Arafat send you a check for Nolan, whose group was kidnapped Program Coordinator your article?” was the response of (and later released) by the Contras. Pasadena AFSC Danielle’s father who, at age 18, Returning from Nicaragua, Dan- in Office joined the army fighting for the new ielle was offered a job at the Quaker D state of Israel. He has since come to UN office, but ended up working for anielle Yariv, the new co- feel that the Occupation and settle- various progressive groups in Wash- ordinator for the AFSC Mid- ments are wrong. “The intifada ingt, DC, including a NGO coalition dle East Program in Pasadena, [Palestinian uprising] changed him,” monitoring the US Agency for Interna- CA, first became involved with Mid- recalls Danielle. “He saw that current tional Development programs. dle East issues as a sophomore at policies are not good for either Israelis After nearly twenty years in Stanford University. There she wrote a or Palestinians.” Washington, DC, and elsewhere, controversial editorial, “A Jew Speaks After college, Danielle went to Danielle is glad to be back in her Out for the Rights of Palestinians,” Nicaragua during the US-supported home town of Pasadena. She is also that was published in the Christian Contra War, where she directed a eager to work with and find out Science Monitor. She received over technical aid project for the Nicara- more about Quakers interested in 100 responses, half supportive, the guan Ministry of Agriculture. There peace in the Middle East. Anthony other half condemnatory. Some ac- she met Quakers involved in Witness Manousos, WhitleafFriends Meeting — cused her of being a “self-hating Jew.” for Peace including Ed Griffin- (Whittier CA). , Friends Bulletin March 2002 5 (“ShouldQuakers TakeSides?” corn,fromp. 5) ceived conclusions set aside, all of us political, and military nation in the war with the Nazis who discriminated at one time or another have taken sides Middle East. The Palestinians, who against and exterminated Jews. It was against the occupation of a neighbor’s suffer terrorist attacks that go unre- self-evident to me, even as a ten-year- land by aggressive force, the mutilation ported in the press, are asking for only old, that it was wrong. That’s one rea- of bodies in war, the imposed restric- 22 percent of their former land back. son why Genie and I, 60 years later, tions of the conquerors such as house But America’s self-interest has caused were called to be in the land of Pales- arrest, confiscation, home demolitions, us, as a nation, to side with Goliath tine, taking sides for justice against dis- legalized torture, ethnic cleansing, anti- over David regardless of the inspira- crimination and extermination for con- Semitism, ghettoization, assassina- tion we have received from the adoles- science’s sake. tions, collective punishment without cent David and his rock-throwing at World War II ended, after much due process of law, illegal settlements the giant. Few Americans know that misery and more at stake than restricted on others’ lands, prohibition of neces- the greatest disparity between rich and — areas a holocaust of millions of Jews sary health services, food, clothing and poor in the world is presently found in exterminated after forced emigration shelter, and road blockades and school the nation of Israel. and segregation. And the same events closures. All of this is being done on a Israel has never agreed at any time are now taking place, from our own ob- daily basis in the Occupied Territories to return the remaining 22 percent of servations, in the Occupied Territories of Palestine by Israeli soldiers and set- the land conquered in 1967 and allow of Palestine. Only the victims have tlers. the refugees who were forced there- changed. This time it is the nation of For me this is sad because of my from to return to it. Palestinians have Israel which is doing it, even though tendency to side with Jews and Israel never turned down an offer for such a many Israeli Jews do not condone their resolution. Terrorism, such as in country’s violence. We worked side by ‘Many ofus know... France in World War II and Israel in side, committing civil disobedience but refuse to speak or act out 1948, has been supported in the West against the violent occupation of a vic- We have been convinced during military occupation. Ameri- timized people, with religious activists, can’s have called such people that the Palestinians are Jewish organizations such as Rabbis for “freedom fighters” in other wars in Human Rights, Ta’ayush, Gush Shalom, the only terrorists other times. B’Tselem, and others. when, in fact, Israelis Our dream is that of Martin Lu- The takeover in 1948 of 78 percent have been so as well. .” ther King: that someday Palestinian . of what had been a British League of and Israeli cousins willjoin hands, and Nations mandate of historic Palestine, live in peace. Freedom will ring out left only the remaining 22 percent from former memories of injustices from the snowcapped mountains of known as the West Bank, Gaza and East suffered and great witnesses for civil Lebanon to the sun-baked desert of the Jerusalem. The reason, the Israelis said, and human rights in America by such Negev, from Mt. Hermon in the north for taking over all of Palestine in 1967 people. But the tables have been to the Red Sea in the south. If our was simply that the first part they con- turned. Many of us know it but refuse world is to be a great community, this quered was threatened by the remaining to speak or act out. We have been con- must become true. Then will all God’s and they needed the space for security. vinced that the Palestinians are the children, dark and light, Jews and So as what may be now repeating itself only terrorists when, in fact, Israelis Gentiles, Israelis and Palestinians, be in the United States, following the Sep- have been so as well ever since the Ir- able to join hands and sing in the tember 1 1 massacre, fear and insecurity gun and Stern Gang began their terror- words of the old Negro spiritual, “free turns us into that which we are threat- ist activities against the British and Ar- at last, free at last, thank God al- ened by and democracy and freedom abs in 1948 and before. The world mighty, we are free at last,” in that fall victim to all people involved. community knows it, for over fifteen land which is called Holy. Why must we (Genie and I) as par- international treaties and agreements Responses ticipants in a Christian Peacemakers have been violated by Israel in 53 spe- Team, sponsored by the Friends Peace cific provisions which constitute con- to Bill Durland’s Teams Project, take sides for con- tinuous crimes against peace and hu- “Israel and Palestine” science’s sake? Because, no matter who manity. We must be clear about the the victims are, the powerless and sub- current issue. The violations are taking [Bill Durland writes that thefollowing jugated ones, that’s where we see place primarily in the Occupied Terri- corrections should have been made to Quaker tradition and experience placing tories, not in the nation of Israel, ex- his article (FB, Dec. 2001):p. 3, line 15, us, and sometimes with risk and accusa- cept for inexcusable but understand- end offirstpara.: “2nd century” should tions. But Mr. Herbert would have able isolated terrorist activities moti- be “2nd millennium BCE”; p. 3, 2nd wanted it that way, I believe. vated by a sense of hopelessness cre- column, beginning of2ndpara.: “In the False assumptions and precon- ated by the most powerful economic, first century BCE” should be “In the 4th 6 March 2002 Friends BULLETIN . century BCE;” p. 4, 4th para.: “In the Why Are Some 2nd century BCE” should be “2nd mil- lennium BCE. ”7 Nations Rich Dear Editor: I know Bill Durland to be a thoughtful, caring and conscien- and Others tious man, so I was particularly dis- turbed by his article “Israel and Pales- tine, Report from a Peace Team Par- Poor? ticipant” FB December 2001). ( , Bill seems to be saying that Israelite military defeats dating back to the 8th Jack Powelson replies — . . century BCE were “punishments” the result —of God’s promises being with- Continuing his dialogue with Friends drawn because they had not kept the begun in the July-August 2001 issue covenant. To conflate history and the- of Friends Bulletin (“Hey, Hey, Ho, ganization (WTO), W.M. Kirkpatrick ology in this way leads to the same Ho, WTO Has Got to Go....”), Jack writes: “Powelson’s article is filled dangerous arguments that right-wing Powelson, a Quaker economist from with conclusions that have no founda- Israelis make, namely that they are en- Boulder Meeting, responds to com- tion in fact. Powelson tells us, for ex- titled to certain land because God ments by Friends published in the Oc- ample, that the WTO ‘is the culmina- promised it to them. As the current tober 2001 issue. Widely traveled and tion of seven decades of talks...’ Oh? world crisis amply demonstrates, we author of numerous books, Jack has I’d like to know the identity of the need to be careful to use our sacred taught economics at Harvard, John WTO’s predecessors. Where does texts as guides for ethical conduct and Hopkins, University ofSan Andres in Powelson get his information?” not justifications for violent and re- Bolivia, Pittsburgh and Colorado. I will answer these questions. The pressive behavior. Those who would learn more can or- WTO was preceded by regular interna- I agree with Bill wholeheartedly der a complimentary copy of Powel- tional conferences taking place since that “the State of Israel is not acting in son’s book, Seeking Truth Together: the 1930s under the aegis of the Gen- good faith” on lots of issues such as Enabling the Poor and Saving the eral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade establishing a viable Palestinian State, Planet in the Manner of Friends, by (GATT). These conferences gradually protecting human and civil rights, be- sending $2 (forpostage and handling) reduced worldwide tariffs from their ing good world citizens, or even pro- c/o Friends Bulletin, 5238 Andalucia highs of 1929, and out ofthem the WTO moting the well-being of Israelis. But Court, Whittier, CA 90601. Friends was founded in 1995. On the second Bill’s five “arguments” are necessarily Bulletin takes no position on the opin- question, my information comes from a oversimplifications which don’t appear ions expressed in this book, but the professional lifetime of researching, to take into account the deeply felt editor feels that the questions that teaching, and advising on international fears and historical experiences of Is- Powelson raises deserve the thought- economics, finance, and development. I raelis or Palestinians. And in so little ful consideration of Friends. Articles have taught at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, space, Bill’s “responses” to his argu- and letters reflecting on economic and the University of Colorado, among justice issues are always wel- ments cannot do justice to this com- — others, and I have done professional come. Editor. plex, volatile and frighteningly danger- service in thirty-five countries in Europe, ous situation, not to mention those T Asia, Africa, and Latin America. To see brave Israelis and Palestinians who are he purpose of Seeking Truth To- my bio, visit http://spot.colorado.edu/ struggling for a peaceful solution. gether was “to encourage Friends -powelsoj, which lists my seventeen Finally, I cannot understand why to reflect on economic matters, medi- books and many articles. Bill says “It is not ‘the Jews’ who are tate on proposed policies, and seek He goes on to cite my belief that doing this [violating Palestinian rights, Divine Guidance” in the manner of “nations that trade most are the ones killing Palestinians] any more than it Friends. I hoped to show how a that promote prosperity” and asks if I was ‘the Jews’ who killed Christ or the Quaker dialogue on economic issues have never heard of colonialism. Al- Germans (note, no quotes around Ger- could be based on concern for truth low me to explain how an economic mans) who killed Jews.” In point of (factual accuracy) and for Truth historian would answer that question. fact, many Germans did, actively, ag- (moral validity/spiritual insight). For List all the possible causes of eco- gressively go out and deliberately kill this reason, I am answering the objec- nomic prosperity, including both trade tions of those Friends who have re- and colonialism (and many more). lots and lots of Jews solely because sponded to my article. Carefully examine how each has re- they were Jews, and no Jews, no Jews Early on in his letter criticizing lated, in time periods and other causa- (“Responses to Bill Durland" continuedonp. 18) my article on the World Trade Or- tion, to economic prosperity. Friends Bulletin March 2002 7 Doing that, one finds that the western Europe traded widely. They from the ruler and vested it in the greatest imperialists of twenty centu- negotiated the rules of trade, debt re- “lower” people. “Fair trade” would ries were Rome, Russia, Spain, Portu- payment, and property ownership return that power to the ruler. Mostly, gal, Ottoman Turkey, Mongolia, the among themselves, not allowing the “fair” is what suits the ruler. Incas, the Aztecs, and the Islamic ruler to impose them. By practicing I do agree with Gerard, however, WTO countries. None of these became these rules, they developed trust for that the ought to be more open wealthy. Britain and France were also one another. in its discussions. imperialists, to a much lesser degree, Third, over the last fifty years, Perry relies heavily on David but their wealth correlates much more Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, and Hong Korten’s book, When Corporations closely with inventiveness, innovation, Kong have lifted themselves from Rule the World. I have read that book. and trade. No, the rich nations did not Third World poverty to average wages It begins with a thesis and “proves” it get rich by stealing from the poor. equal to many European countries. by selective perception: citing evi- Kirkpatrick minimizes my find- They did so mainly by allowing their dence in its favor, and ignoring all ings from walking through the slums people to trade freely. else. In a book review comparing my of Latin America and visits to facto- book, The Moral Economy, with that ries, referring instead to Julia Qui- “Those who pick out a of Korten, Paul Heyne, economist nonez, who has lived there. True, there single individual or single with the University of Washington, are many desperate poor, and trade asks: “How can intelligent and in- cause, such as “market” or alone has not conquered poverty. It is formed people with almost identical always possible to pick someone who “trade” or “colonialism” concerns construct such contradictory is poor and to say, “Look, trade has and relate that cause alone recommendations for a world they not solved poverty.” How would the have in common? Let me suggest the economic historian answer this chal- to worldwide poverty answer. Powelson employs the per- lenge? — do not appreciate spective of economic theory. Korten, The question why are s—ome on the other hand, tells us in the pro- the complexity.” countries rich and others poor? is logue to his book that he is proud of not extremely complex, associated with having studied economics.” Heyne goes many forces (some positive, some Those who pick out a single indi- on to say that The Moral Economy is negative) besides trade. After teaching vidual or single cause, such as “rich in insights, instructive examples, economic development for thirteen “market” or “trade” or “colonialism” and practical proposals.” years, in 1970 I cast aside my econom- and relate that cause alone to world- I regret that Alan White wrote out ics (without forgetting it) and delved wide poverty do not appreciate the of anger, because this may have into history to seek an answer. Only complexity. How do Kirkpatrick and turned him to name calling rather than fifteen years later, after extensive Sandy Perry arrive at their explana- rational discussion [Alan White’s le—t- reading, did I sense a reason, and for tions that colonialism is the major ter appears on p. 9 of this issue the next seven years I wrote the book cause, and trade is not? Ed.]. He called my thinking (and five supporting books). I have not Jean Gerard complains that I have “phoniness” without saying why. I proved that my reasons are correct, not given as much space to the argu- cannot answer most of his points, be- WTO and some historians cite other reasons. ments of opponents of the as I cause much of his outrage is indicated But I did receive positive reviews in have to those in favor. She is right. by generalities rather than answerable the scholarly journals. Here are the Arguments innocent of the complexi- specifics. But in some cases, I can. I reasons that I perceived: ties of economics take less space than have no idea where White got his First, in the more advanced socie- arguments that understand them. She “data” that Mexican wages and pur- ties, northwestern Europe and Japan, also brings up “fair trade” as opposed chasing power both declined signifi- — power was gradually over centu- to “free trade.” Free trade means that cantly since NAFTA, because he — ries taken away from rulers (kings, any two individuals, or companies, doesn’t say. However, had he con- emperors, church, shogun, nobility) may strike a bargain that each consid- sulted the International Labor Organi- and made to rest in “lower” classes ers to his or her benefit. “Fair trade” zation’s Yearbook of Labor Statistics (merchants, traders, farmers, manufac- means that someone else, like a gov- (2000), he would have discovered on turers), who seized the opportunity to ernment (or Quakers?) tells them what page 838 that average Mexican wages invent and innovate, and to save and is “fair” and what is not. Particularly increased by 88.5% from 1995 to raise capital. The rulers tried to confis- in dictatorial regimes, this power is 1999, while (p. 1064) consumer prices cate their product and their capital, but dangerous. My understanding of his- went up by 88.0%. So the Mexican they did not succeed. Keeping the tory tells me that economic prosperity worker was just about as well off in profits for the producer was a prime is related to free rather than govern- the later year as in the earlier. White incentive. ment-directed trade. In fact, the most would also force the urban poor to Second, the innovators of north- prosperous nations took power away pay high prices for com grown by in- 8 March 2002 Friends BULLETIN — efficient Mexican farmers. If his pro- of my critics, nevertheless refers to her Other Friends’ posal were accepted, their children “honest appraisal” of history as if Responses might be driven to starvation because mine is dishonest. Kirkpatrick’s sar- they cannot buy cheaper com from the casm-in-lieu-of-argument is somewhat United States. For their part, Mexican less than fully persuasive. White in- Dear Editor, Thank you for another farmers should either improve their sults my postulates, not by answering good issue of Friends Bulletin (July- productivity or take jobs elsewhere. them, but by calling them August 2001), especially the timeli- ness of writing devoted to economic Ultimately, they will be forced to do “fantasizing” and “a waste of time and justice and world trade. With the ex- that, so the sooner they get on with it space.” Is he interested in discussing ception of Jack Powelson’ pseudo- the better. our different world views, or is he s For twenty-five years I have been content with belittling me? None of dialogue, the articles were excellent, disappointed by the “Liberal Left” for this is the way Quakers ought to treat especially “Speaking Truth to Trade” by Larry Leaman Miller. two reasons: (1) They start with their each other, or anyone. But Friend Powelson made me conclusions. They “know” the reason Six months ago I initiated a free quite angry, not only because of the for poverty (or something else) and electronic newsletter, The Classic Lib- phoniness of discussion, but also be- seek the “causes” that fit their eral Quaker, whose purpose is to con- cause he advocates the basic principles “knowledge,” omitting others. They sider these and similar questions from of capitalism, which together with ex- do not start thinking with a clean mind the perspective of an economic histo- ploitative technologies and an explod- nor do they use time-honored research methods. It is the same with the ing birthrate, are the very things de- “Reactionary Right.” (2) They make stroying us. Of course, trade is benefi- generalizations as if “everybody” cial, but it is the hyper-promotion of the values of consumption and growth, knows they are right, so they don’t need to show the supporting specifics. so easy for economists with their For example, Gerard says my argu- reams of superficial data and business models, and always done to the great ments favor the already-rich nations exclusion of human and environmental but does not say how. Perry says the — plight of the poor “has everything to considerations that is strangling both the poor of the world and nature her- do with the ongoing failure of the mar- ket” without explaining how. Actually, self. He says nothing, for example, I think there are quite different expla- about the “race to the bottom” that the nations, and that the persistence of North American Free Trade Agree- poverty has occurred despite the suc- ment (NAFTA) has forced upon Mex- cesses of the market. He goes on to say that “the Chinese economy to- DrPaowwienlgsoonfJbayc—k iacsos.emIbnlyspiptleanotfs tahnedgtrhoewsthhanotfy-btoorwdnesr day... is recognized as one of the RobinPowelson basedonaphoto they engender, wages in Mexico since world’s strongest” without saying in what way or who thinks so. (Many, by Tony Umile NAFTA’s passage (1994) have fallen 13%, from $2.18 an hour to $1.89 an including me, think this is not so.) There is not the space to explain my rian. Thirty-three topics include China, hour, while the purchasing power findings here, but you will find the the WTO, multinational corporations, shrank 39%. Still, hundreds of thou- my sands of Mexicans, formerly subsis- explanations in free, online letter. sweatshops, debt forgiveness, environ- The Classic Liberal Quaker, which I mentalism, global warming, and why tence farmers, have flocked to the bor- der for these jobs. Why? Because discuss below. Islamic guerrillas hate us. To see these when trade barriers to import crops But there is a special reason for Letters, visit http://clq.quaker.org. In from other countries (such as com disappointment with the three letters them you will find explanations for and one article that criticized my stand generalizations I have made here (on from the USA), and government subsi- on trade. The authors attack me per- the role of trade, causes of poverty, dies were eliminated, these people sonally, questioning my integrity. etc.) To subscribe (free) send an could not sell their produce to their own fellow citizens, who buy the Kirkpatrick uses guilt by secondary empty E-mail (no subject, no message) cheaper American products, naturally. association, because I quoted some- to [email protected]. To un- thing from the Heritage Foundation, subscribe, do the same, using Of course, it is wrong for govern- which happens to be praised by Rush “unsubscribe” instead of “subscribe.” ments to oppress their citizens and his- Limbaugh (someone whom I loathe). I appreciate the positive com- torically there has been suffering He also ridicules me, saying I raise ment by Jim Kimball. Thank you for caused by government in the name of socially beneficial policies. But now “silly” questions without saying what listening to me. Your friend, Jack is silly about them. Perry, the gentlest Powelson (“Friends’ Responses,” continuedonpage 17) Friends Bulletin March 2002 9 on Focus the Spirit Pastoral care and love needs to be prac- ticed. That’s why I Friendly Visitation pray: Please God, al- low me to occupy this by Stanford J. Searl, Jr. role as a public Santa Monica (CA) Meeting Quaker, a praying Quaker, a person who When Stan Searl heard the term intends to be deeply — “visitation” Q—uakerese for visiting engaged in listening those in need he was dubious. The and prayer as essential term seemed formal and antiquated. parts ofmy identity. “InwardJourney”byhucyMclver But when he himselfwas hospitalized Assuming this role and received “visitations” from as a public, everyday Quaker, I’m will- and other noises coming into us, I feel Friends, his ideas changed. Soon he ing to pray, both silently and aloud. It more settled, more “centered down.” himself became a Friendly visitor reminds me that I’m on these visits, be- There’s a “daily-ness” involved, a and found it to be a deeply healing ing with other Friends, as a bearer of waiting, a centering aspect, a form of experience. Here are some ofhis ob- God’s spirit and God’s love in our com- being still and knowing God together. serv—ations about this form of minis- munity. It’s a relief to realize that this I love this being together in these ways try. Editor. role, this position as visitor, is not about with other Quakers. I’m thankful for me, not about the ego, not about the all those who are my companions in felt blessed by these friendly vis- self. Hence, even though I have all of this ministry. I its when I was hospitalized. They my typical issues and difficulties as a Finally, I can testify from my own were a form of “visitation,” I sup- person, it’s—OK: God’s love can flow experie—nce that this kind of Quaker pose, in the sense that I felt a wonder- through me this love, this caring, this visiting this spiritual discipline of fully divine gift flowing into my life as listening, all of these miraculous as- listening, centering down in si—lence, a consequence of these visits. From my pects of this role, don’t depend upon and being present with others can — view, both as giver and receiver of my being perfect or even good. Even become a form of healing for every- these visits, I continue to feel —these in the midst of serious doubts and im- one. For in visiting, listening, and connections as a form of ministry one perfections, I can be used by the Spirit. praying with others, I have felt healed. in which genuine healing may be pos- There’s a ministry connected to Thanks be to God. sible. listening. When visiting people in their Of course, there are certain things homes or elsewhere. I’m there to pay Out of the Silence: Quaker Perspec- that make these visits work, that allow attention to them, to listen to them and tives on Pastoral Care and Counsel- them to be filled with the Spirit. There to allow the Spirit its place in the con- ing. Edited by J. Bill Ratliff; Pendle are also challenges and difficulties. For versation. I think that this ministry of Hill Publications; Wallingford, PA; what they are worth, here are some of listening, this willingness to pay deep 2001; paperback; 325 pages; $18.00 my observations about what my visits attention to others, can be transforming. Reviewed by Kirsten Backstrom, with members of our wonderful Doing these visits with other Quak- Multnomah Friends Meeting Quaker community in Santa Monica, ers makes a difference. When I do such (Portland, OR). CA, has meant to me. visits with other Friends, I feel a syn- The contributors whose chapters — There’s something about intention ergy a certain flow and connected appear in Out ofthe Silence represent — that really matters. For example, it quality that magnify the acts of the a wide variety of perspectives on pas- helps me to remember that I want to be Spirit. I feel encouraged by the presence toral care and counseling. Though all a good Quaker; or better stated, I want of other Quakers as we listen together, of them come out of the Religious So- to enter more fully into my identity as a pray for one another, and hold onto one ciety of Friends, they represent a vari- Quaker. It helps me to proclaim it, to another in love and communion. ety of perspectives on Quaker faith in state it, to believe that it’s so. It also The silence also matters, because in its pastoral expression. Both pro- helps to remember that there’s the po- the silence of worship, even in a noisy grammed and unprogrammed Friends tential for love in my heart and that this hospital room or in a home with traffic speak here about worship and prayer, 10 March 2002 FRIENDS BULLETIN

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