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Friedrich Nietzsche on Rhetoric and Language PDF

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FriedrNiiceht zsocnh e RhetoraincdL anguage FriedricNhi etzsocnh e Rhetoriacn dL anguage Editeadn dT ranslated witah C ritiIcnatlr oducbtyi on SandeLr.G ilman CarolBel air DaviJd. P arent New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITYP RESS 1989 OxforUdn iversPirteys s OxfordN ew York Toronto DelhiB ombay CalcuttMaa drasK arachi PetaliJanyga S ingaporHeo ngK ong Tokyo NairobDia re sS alaamC apeT own MelbourneA uckland anda ssociactoemdp aniiens BeiruBte rliInb adanN icosia Copyrgiht© 198b9y SandeLr.G ilmaCna,r olBel aiDra,v iJd. P arent PublishbeyOd x forUdn iversPirteys Isn,c . 200M adisoAnv enueN,e w YorkN,e w York1 0016 Oxforidsa r egistterraedde maorfOk x forUdn iversity Press Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproduced, storienda retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmititnae ndy,f ormo rb ya ny meanse,l ectromneicch,a nical, photroeccooprydiionnrgog ,t, h erwise, withopurti opre rmissoifoO nx forUdn iversPirteys s. LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation NietzscFhrei,e drWiiclhh el1m8,4 4-1900. FriedrNiiceht zsocnhr eh etoarnidcl angua:g wei tthh ef ultle xotf h isl ectuorner sh etoric publisfhoertd h efi rstti me/ editaendd t ranslawtietdah, c ritiicnatlr oducbtyiS oann,d er L.G ilmanC,a rolBel aiDra,v iJd. P arent. p. cm. Bibliograpp.h y: Includes indexes. ISBN0 -19-5051(5a9l-pk9a. p er)I.S BN0 -19-5051(6p0b-k2:. a lkp.a per) I.R hetori2c..La nguages-PhilosoIp.Gh iyl.m anS,a ndeLr. IIB.l aiCra,r oleI.I IP.a renDta,v iJd .I V.T itle. B33I3.F16998 8 808-dc19 246879531 Printiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica ona cid-fpraepee r Preface Thefi rsptu blicaotfiF orni edrNiiceht zscchoem'psl elteec tuorne s rhetowraiscm adep ossiobnllewy i tthh ec ooperatoifto hneG oethe­ SchilAlrecrh ivoeft heN ationRaels earacnhd M useumO rganiza­ tioonf C lassiGcearlm anL iteratWueriem,a ra,n di tdsi recKtaorrl ­ HeinHza hnw,h om adet hem anuscriapvtasi laWbel aer.e a lsgor ate­ fuflo rt hen ewc ritiecdailt ioofNn i etzscwhoer'kse ditbeydt hel ate MazzinMoo ntinaarnidt hel atGei orgCiool li. Thev olumwea se ditebdy S andeLr. G ilmanT.h ei ntroduction wasw rittbeynC arolBel aiarn dS andeLr.G ilmanT.h efi rsste ction oft heE nglitsrha nslaotfti hoenl ectuorner sh etowraiscd oneb yC ar­ oleB laiarn dp ublisihentd h ej ournPahli losoapnhdRy h etorWie c. areg ratetfout lh ee ditoofrt hajto urnaPlr,o fesDsoonra lVde rene, forhi sp ermisstioor ne publtihseth r anslaTthieoe ns.t ablishomfe nt thee ntiGreer mant ext wuansd ertakbeySn a ndeLr. G ilman and DaviJd. P arenTth.e s econhda loff t het ranslaotfit hoenl ecturaes s, welals t het ranslatoifto hnets e xtisnP art wIaIsd, o neb yD avidJ . Paren(tw hor eceivfeudn difnrgo mt wos ourceIsl:l inSotiastU en i­ versiatnyda 198N4E H SummerS eminaartt heU niversoiftC ya l­ ifornDiaav,i su,n detrh ed irectorosfhJ iapm esJ .M urphy)T.h e checkionftg h eG reetke xtwsa sa bldyo neb yF rederiHcokhee ndahl. Ithaca, New York S.L..G Jul1y9 87 Contents Introduction lX I Darstedlelarun ntgi Rkheent orik 2 DescriopftA inocni eRnhte to(r81i7c2 -73) 3 I. TheC oncepotfR hetoric 3 II. TheD ivisioofRn h etoraincdE loquence 15 III.T heR elatiooftn h eR hetoritcoLa aln guage 21 IV. PuritCyl,a riatnyd,A ppropriatoefnt ehseEs l ocutio 27 V. TheT ypicSaple ecihnR elatitootn h eE mbellishment ofS peech 37 VI. ModificatoifoP nu rity 43 VII.T heT ropicEaxlp ression 51 VIIIT.h eR hetoriFciaglu res 65 IX. TheR hythmo fD iscourse 83 X. TheD octrionfeS tasis 95 XI. Generaan dF igurCaaeu sarum 105 XII.T heP artosft heF orensSipce ech 107 XIIID.e liberaEtliovqeu ence 135 XIV.D eclamatEolroyq uence 141 XV. Dispositio 151 XVI.O n MemorainadA ctio 161 AppendiOxu.t lionfet heH istoorfyE loquence 167 AristotWlriet'isno gnRs h etoric 195 AnrnerkunzguernDn e utscTheexnt 198 Notetsot hEen glTiesxht 200 II Ont hOeri gionfL angu(a8g16e9 -70) 209 TheH istoofryG reeEkl oque(n81c7e2 -73) 231 Ont hPeo e(t81 75) 243 VllI CONTENTS On Rhythm( 1875) 244 On Trutahn dL yinign a nE xtra-MoSreanls (e1 873) 246 NameI ndex 258 SubjeIcntd ex 263 INTRODUCTION NietzscLheec'tsu roensR hetoric: Readinag R hetorRihce torically Forr hetoirsti hce e ssenocfNe i etzscphhei'lso sophy. HanBsl umenbergo,n M yWtohr2,k7 2. AmongF riedrNiiceht zscehaer'lspy r eservwerdi tinagrses etosf lectunroet ecso mposefdo rh isc oursaetst heU niversoiftB ya sel. Ones uchs eotf n otetsh,o sfeo ra lectusreer ieenst it"lRehde toric," isp ublishheerdie n i tesn tirientG ye rmana ndi nt ranslaWthiiolne. thefi rsste vesne ctioofnt sh esneo tewse rep ublishientd h eKr oner (1192a)n dt heM usario(n91 22e)d itioonfNs i etzscwhoer'kss t,h e concludniinnges ectiohnasv en evebre enp ublisheevde,ni nt he morer eceanntd e xtensGievrem an-langeudaigtei oofnN si etzsche's worksT.h ei mpacotft hee arliseerc tioofnt sh el ectuorner sh etoric canb em easurbeydt hehiarv inbge ent ransliantteFodr enc(hb yP hi­ lippLea coue-LabaarntdhJ ee an-LNuacn cya)n di ntEon glibsyh CarolBel ai(r" LectNuortee s"T)h.e slee ctufroersm t hec entoefra corpuosft extisnw hicNhi etzsccohnes idelraendg uaagnedi tfsu nc­ tionW.i thouat d oubtth eb esktn ownt od aties t hep osthumously publisheesds a"yO,n T rutahn dL yinign a nE xtra-MoSreanls ea, " new,c omplettrea nslaotfiw ohni cahp peairnst hep resevnotl ume. Ina ddititohnes, h ortuenrp ublisehsesda oynst he" OrigoifnL an­ guage",O"n t heP oet,a"n d" OnR hythm,n"e vebre forter anslated intoE nglishha,v eb eeni ncludtedo completae v olumeo f Nietzscnhoen'asp horitsetxitoc;sn t hen aturoefh umand iscourse. Nietzschlee'cst uorner sh etorhiacv ec onsistebnetelndy a tetdo 187b4y t hee ditoorfst h ef ragmentGaerrym anp ublicatoifot nhse lecturTehse.F rencthr anslaatrogruse idti sm orel iketlhya tth e notewse rec omposeidn1 87W2h.a ti sc leairst haNti etzsocffheer ed a serioefsl ectudruerisn gt he1 872-w7in3t esre mestaettr h eU ni­ versiotfBy a seoln " TheH istoorfyG reeEkl oquen(cter"a nsliant ed thep resent voIluthm aesb) e.e na ssumetdh atth esset raightforward x INTRODUCTION lectuorne sth eh istoorfyc lassirchaelt oraircei dentiwciatlht he coursoefl ectuwrheisc Nhi etzscahcet uaglalvye . Nietzspcrhoep osae fdu rthceoru rsoefl ectuornec sl assirchaelt o­ ridcu rintgh es ummers emestoef1r 8 74B.e cauosfea l acokf s tudent intertehsety n evetro okp lacaen,d t heq uestioofnt her elation betweetnh et wos erioefsl ectuhraessn evebre enc larifiIetwd a.s assumetdh atth em oree xtensive wneorteNe ise tzscphree'psa ration fort hel ectusreer iteosh aveb eenh elidn 1 874I.ti sa rarset rookfe luckt haLto uiKse lterb(owrhno l atebre camae writeurn detrh e nameo fL udwiWgi lhelm Kelterbor[n1-8F5i3s-c1h9ew1ra0 s)o )n e oft het wos tudenwthsof ormetdh ea udienfcoerN ietzsche's lectures onc lassirchaelt odruiricn gt hew inteorf1 872-7H3e. l efutsw itah detaialcecdo uonftt hea ctulaelc tures: Ih adt hel uctko b ea blteo b ep arotf [ Nietzscchaer'esae]trt heu niver­ sitwyh,e nd,u rintgh ew intesre mestoefr1 872-7It3 o oka three-hour lectucroeu rsoent her hetoorfit ch eG reekasn dt heR omansw ithhi m. Asa c itizoefBn a seIla ,m stiolvle rcomwei tshh amew henI t hintkh at sucha ni mportafnactu ltmye mbero nlyfo undt wos tudenotnse,o f whom wasa studeonftG ermant,h eo thear s tudeonftl awA.n dt his wast heo nloyn eo fh isa nnouncceodu rswehsi cwha sa ctuahlellydN .o wondetrh aotu rb elovepdr oefssowrh,o seh ealtwha sa lreapdrye c­ar iouss,o onr equesttheadwt e heatrh er esotf t hel ectuirneh si sa part­ mentT.h usw ef oundo urseltvherse eev eninag wse eki nh isfa miliarly elegahnotm ef ort hilse ctucroeu rsTeh.e rwee l istetnoeh di mb yl amp­ ligahntd n oteddo wnt heb onm otsh ed ictaftroemd hisso ftr,e dl eather notebooHke.r et ooh eo ftens toppiendt hem idsotf a lectueriet,h teor thinokrt og ivues t imteo p rocewshsa tw eh adh earHde. w asg enerous enougtho o ffeurs a b eera,C ulmb achewrh,i chhe w oulddr inoku to fa silvceurp .F romt hes izoef m y notes-eigfhoutryc -rampeqdu arto pages-oncea ni maginteh er iccho nteonftt hel ecturpeesr,h aepvse n mores of rom thefo llowitnigt loefts h ev ariosuusb sections: 1.I ntroductDieofinn:i tihoins,t obriyb,l iograipnhcyl;u dtihnegf ol­ lowinigm portant observations: "Cclualsmsiincaaitlne de ducation thea biltiots yp eawke ll".T"h eH elleantet emptteotd u ranl olf t he occupatiooflnifse e,v enn ecessaintddy a ngeirn,t aog ameH.e d oes nots tricstelpya rattreu tahn df alsehooidsm, o ret alenitnew dr iting poetarnyd fi ctiodne,s irmeosr et ob ep ersuadtehda end ucataendd, covertsh en ecesstiost pye awki tahr tisdtriacp er"yT.h"e R omani s moren aturdarly,c, r udheo,w eveirnh imt hew ortohf t hei ndivid­ ualp ersonarleimtayi mnosr ei nt hefo reground." 2.T heD ivisioofnR hetor(itch dei dacteipci,d eicdteimco,n strative, inventidvies;p ositeiloonc,u timoenm,o raicat,i o).

Presenting the entire German text of Nietzsche's lectures on rhetoric and language and his notes for them, as well as facing page English translations, this book fills an important gap in the philosopher's corpus. Until now unavailable or existing only in fragmentary form, the lectures represent a m
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