B. A. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURB ANAND AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, ANAND.388 110 Eight Semester (Regular) Theory B.Sc.(Hons.) Agri. Degree Course Examirtatit-ur May-2017 (Group - V) BIOCHEM.8.2 MOLECULAR DIGNOSTICS (1+2) z DATE: 2610512017 TIME:9.30 to L2.00 hrs. DAY: Friday PART-II MARKS: 40 Q-l Define (Any five) 5 I Cell 2 stress 3 Acclimation 4 Abiotic Cytoskelton 5 Mineralization 6 Phytoalexine 7 Hypersensitive 8 Systemic acquired (HR) response resistance Q-2 Do as directed (Any ten) 10 i. F, Enlist the functions of cell wall. 2. Network of heat shock protein (HSP) and chaperone during abiotic stress. 3. What do you mean by molecular diagnostics? 4. Enlist types of pathogens involve in biotic stress. 5. What is the role of vacuole in plant cell? 6. Which organelles are absent in Animal cell? . 7 Role of polyamines in tolerence amelioration of stress in plant. 8. Enlist the types of antioxidants. 9. Function of LEA protein 10. Enlist chemical composition of cell wall. 11. Write down the general principal of cell signalling. 12. What do you mean by mitochondrial DNA Q-3 How to develop transgenic plant for abiotic stress resistance. : 5 OR only) Effect of abiotic stress on photosynthesis. (Draw diagram 5 Q-5 How effect of ROS on lipid, protein and DNA level. OR Enlist Enzymatic and Non enzymatic antioxidants along with their function. Q-6 Write short notes (Any two) 10 1. Cell membrane 2. Influence of abiotic factor on plant physiology and biochemical process. 3. Chemical changes in cell wall B. A. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ANAND AGRICULTURAL UNTVERSITY, ANAND EIGTH SEMESTER B.Sc. (Hons.) END EXAMINATION - 20LZ COURSE NO.: PBG 8.10 DATE: 25-05-2017 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS (1+2) TIME: 0930-1200 HRS. Name of Student Reg.No. Answer following multiple choice questions, tick ($ the appropriate answer- Marks:40 1. There are _ primary nucleotide sequence databases. a.5 b.4 c.3 d. 2. 1 which one of the following is a primary protein sequence database? a, DDBJ b. GenBank c. Swiss-Prot d. EMBL 3. PFam is a protein seq uence database. a. Secondary b. Primary c. Composite d. None of these 4. Which of the following database has GenBank as primary source of information? a, GenBank b. GenPept c. Rosetta d. ClustalX 15. is a primary protein structure database. -4. PDB b. SCOP c. CATH d. None of these 6. In FASTA format of sequence, sequence begins with character. d.* 7. Which one of the followings is a search engine hosted by NCBI? a. Mozilla b. Google c. d. ENTREZ EBI.EYE 8. Which of the followings is/are boolean operator(s)? a. AND b. OR c. NOT d; Allof these 9. is one of the homology search tools? a. FASTA b. EBI c. ClustalW d. T-Coffee 10. Which alignment contains more than two either DNA or RNA or protein sequences? a, Multiple b. Pairwise c. Local d. Global 11. T-coffee program for multiple sequence alignment accepts sequences in format. a. FASTA b. Text c, GenBank d. MSF 12.ComparingoraIigningonIytwosequencesisreferredas-sequencealignment. a. Multiple b. Pairwise c. Local d, Global ^, 13. which alignment is useful to detect similar (conserved) regions? a. Multiple b. Local c. Global d. None of these 14. Multiple sequence alignment method is called as alignment method. a. Local b. Global c.Progressive d. Non-Progressive 15. PAM is defined as a. Point Accepted b. Point Altered c. Permanent d. Parallel Altered Mutation Mutation Arranged Mutation Mutation 16. Which algorithm is used by Local Alignment? a. Needleman & b. Smith & c. PAM d. All of these Wunsch Waterman 17. Which algorithm is used by Global Alignment? & a. Needleman b. Smith & c. BLOSUM d. None of these Wunsch Waterman 18. Who gave PAM matrices? Dayhoff a. b. Smith & c. Henikoff& d. Needleman & Waterman Henikoff Wunsch 19. Who gave BLOSUM scoring matrices? a. Dayhoff b. Smith & c. Henikoff& d. Needleman & Waterman Henikoff Wunsch 20. PAM scoring matrices were developed in the year a. 1976 b.1978 c.1980 d.1967 lP.r.ol t_ 21. What is the full form of BLOSUM? a. Basic Substitution b. Block Substitution c. Baisc Substitution d. Block Substitution Mutation Matrix Matrix Matrix 22. If a mismatch oceurs between two protein sequence alignment, there occurs a. Deletion b. Duplication c. Gap d. Insertion 23. Which is a repository for 3 dimensional protein structures? a. PIR b. PDB c. NCBI -d'. EMBL 24, Which symbol represents the termination Iine in GenBank record? a. b. c. /l d.\ END @@ 25. Which one ofthe following methods predicts protein structure based on fold recognition? a. Homology b. Comparative c. Threading d. Folding Modelling Modelling 26. Template based protein modelling technique is called a. Comparative b. Ab-Initio c. Threading d. Surface Modelling Modelling Modelling 27. Homology modelling is also referred as a. Ab-lnitio b. Surface c. Comparative d. Threading -. Modelling Modelling Modelling 28. Which method is used for protein tertiary structure prediction in the absence of homology to a known structure? a. Surface Modelling b. Comparative c. Threading d. Ab-lnitio Modelling Modelling 29. Dot Plot method of pairwise sequence alignment readily reveals sequence features like a. Insertion b. Deletion c. Repeats d. All ofthese 30. BLOSUM scoring matrices were given in the year a. 1988 b. 1992 c- 1990 d. 1981 31, Needleman & Wunsch used method for global alignment' a. Dot Plot b. Dynamic c. Word d. None of these Programming 32. Smith & Waterman used method for local alignment in 1981. a. Dynamic b. Dot Plot c. Word d' All of these Programming 33. Sequence alignments are useful in bioinformatics for a. Identifying b. Predicting c. Producing d. All of these Sequence Similarity Protein Structure Phylogenetic Trees 34. The first sequencing of peptide hormone Insulin was completed in a. 1955 b. 1956 c. 1959 d. 1954 35. Sanger was awarded the Nobel prize for sequencing in a. 1959 b. 1960 c. 1955 -. 1956 36. "Atlas ofProtein Sequence and Structure" was published in the year a. b. c. ts66 1956 1960 -1'965 37. Which is/are the basic component(s) of Bioinformatics? a. Database b. Software c. Algorithm d. All ofthese 38. Which one ofthe following primary nucleotide sequence databases provides count of nucleotides in sequence / record? a. DDBJ b. GenBank c. EMBL d. None olthese 39. CATH is an example of database. a. Primary b. Secondary c. Composite Specialized 40. Which one of the followings is a sequence submission tool? a. Rasmol b. Rastop c. Seqln d. None of these 41. EST stands for a. Expressed b. Expressed c. Expressed Site d, Expressed Sequence Tag Symbol Tag Tag Structure Tag 42. Which of the followings is a tool for retrieving record/sequence/information from NCBI? a. ENTREZ b. SRS c. DBGet d. GetEntry L 43. Multiple Sequence Alignment is a pre-requisite for a. Protein Structure b. Phylogenetic c. SNP Prediction d. All of these Prediction Analysis 44. The sequences selected for Multiple Sequcnce Alignment should have a. Sequence b. Structural o. Functional d. All of these Similarity Similarity Similarity 45. Who made the original design of Clustal algorithm? a. Dayhoff b. Des Higgins c. Smith d. Needleman 46. _ symbol in multiple sequence alignment indicates identical residues within a column. b.: 47, Which of the following is a multiple sequence alignment generating software? a. BLAS'I b. MAFT c. FASTA d. PDB 48. Which of the following is a sequence assembly tool? a. BLAST b. FASTA c. CAP3 d. RADAR 49. can combine many alternative multiple sequence alignment into one. a. MEME b. M-Coffee c. T-Coffee d. ClustaW 50, The most useful investigative tool in Bioinformatics is a. Pairwise Sequence b. Multiple Sequence c. Protein Structure d. None of these Alignment Alignment Prediction 51, Biologists refer protein sequence as its a. Secondary b. Primary c.- .Quatemary d. Tertiary Structure Structure Structure Structure 52. The two main types of secondary structures are _ and a. Coils, Turns b. Tums, Loops c. Helices, Sheets d. cHelix, p Sheets 53, Which of the following is not a secondary structure prediction tool? a. ClustalX b. GOR c. JPred d. PSIPRED 54, Which of the following is a Protein Tertiary structure prediction tool based on Threading approach? a. 3D-PSSM b. Predict Protein c. EVA d. CASP 55. is one of tools tsed for de novo repeat detection from protein sequence. .a.......". ...H.-...C"..""A..".P."._I ot b. Predict Protein c. RADAR d. IP Compute 56. The first complete sequencing of peptide hormone Insulin was carried out by a. F. Sanger b. Dayhoff c. D. Higgins d. Waterman 57, Which of the following primary nucleic acid sequence database is maintained and hosted by University of Tolryo? a. EMBL b. GenBank c. DDBJ d. None of these 58. The correct FASTA format is best explained by which of the following statements - a. Use one letter amino acid code, all capital letters, spaces separating each letter, and headings are put in quotation marks. b. Use one letter amino acid code, no spaces between letters and heading are put in all capital letters. c. Use one-letter amino aoid code, no spaces between letters and heading lines are marked w;th a '>'. d. Use one letter amino acid code, put spaces every ten amino acids and put numbering above each line. 59. In Word (Heuristic) method of sequence alignment, word is also known as a. Tuple b. K-Tuple c. Z-Tuple d. S-Tuple 60. Which web based tool or resource provides valuation contents on protein structure prediction? a. EVA b. CASP c. GOR d. None ofthese 61. In Bioinformatics, analysis of primary structure involves a. Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis b. Computation of isoelectric point c. Repeat detection d. All of these 62, In MSA, if short sequences collected through sequencing projects are to be used, then which one of the following programs should be used? a. ClustalW b. Phred & Phrap c. T-Coffee d. Clustal omega 63. NCBI Stand for a. National Centre for Biotechnology Institute b. National Cancer Biology Institute c. National Centro for Biological Institute d. None ofthese IP.r.o.l 64' Which of, the following is a Protein Tertiary structure prediction tool based on Ab-initi, approach? a. Robetta b. Rosetta c. FUGUE2 d. None of these 65' which of the following is Meta server for protein tertiary structure prediction? a. Rosetta b. Robetta c. mGenThreader d. All ofthese 66, Which of the following is/are sequencing method(s) / chemistry? a. Chain termination b. Chemicai c. Both a & b d. None of these degradation 67, Length of t-RNAs generally ranges from _.'-- --c.7n5u_cl9eo5tid es, a.45-55 b. t2-25 d. 100-125 68. Which of the following is/are Genomic database(s)? a. MGD b. HCD c. SGD d. All of these 69. aw.h iRchA oDnlinAeR to or/software ben.a CbreAs ppa3tt ern search frco.m p threa pnro teinrDNA seqdu.e nce? None ofrhese 70. TaC' oNffeee rug,s ehsb:_o__u__r_r-n__g-_ _:_b .a lHgaorrdit hLmin fokr generatincg. mpurlotipgler esesqsueinvcJe atigdn,m ent. Dot Matrix 7l' aw.h iBchL oAneS oTfth e fo[owinbgs. itsR toNoAr fSorc parend-iSctEion co.f g-ecnee NfroemD R NA sequednc.e s? GLIMMER 72' .a=. -P RATis Ta tool for idenbtif.y ipngr opsatitreern s from concs.e rvSedM dIoLmEai n from unadlig. nAedll osef qthueesneces. 73, aSe.q <u e3nc0e% simoi larity should bb.e 3 0-90% for dcif.fe >re n9t0 se1q/uieonc es used idn .M SA. 100% 74, aM.u ltPiplreo.steequinen ce alignmenbt .c aDn NbeA do ne using --.--1-. -notf, sue qAu eUnc es. d. Only RNA 75. Residue by residue matching between two sequences is known as a. Sequence b. Local c. pairwise -----I. -A-ll-if th"r" alignment alignment alignment 76, In dynamic programming method match accounts for score. a. Negative b. Positive .. cup d. None ofthese 77. \\ord method of sequence alignment is implemented in database/similarity search tool like a. BLAST b. ClustalW c. NCBI d, ENTREZ 78. Wtich of the following method widely used for protein structure prediction? a. NMR b. Electron c. X-Ray d. None of these Microscopy Crystallography 79' To find folds that have compatibilify with a target sequence from libraries of known protein folds is called a. Fold recognition b. Threading c. Modelling d. None ofthese 80. Algorithm/Software deveroped to identify signars within the seq-u ence are regarded as a. Signal Catcher b. Signal Sensor c. Signal ;. Signat Locato, Identifier xxxxxxx t] B. A. COLLEGE OI AGRICULTURE ANAND AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, ANAND EIGTH SEMESTER B.Sc. (Hons.) END EXAMINATION - 2017 COURSE NO.: PBG 8.10 DATE: 25-05-2017 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS (1+2) TIME: 0930-1200 HRS. PART-B (Subiective) Marks :40 Do as directed (Any Eight) - . '1 Write a short note on Genome Annotation 2. What is Sequence Alignment? Give names of three methods used for sequence alignment and explain any one in detail. 3. What is database? List out different databases category wise (Primary / Secondary / Tediary / Composite / Specialised etc.) 4. Give brief account of Progressive Alignment in Multiple Sequence Alignment. Give name of tools available for generating Multiple Sequence Alignment. 5. What is BLAST? List out different variants/types of BLAST program with their application. Describe role of BLAST tool in Bioinformatics. 6. Make brief comparison between Local Alignment and Global Alignment. 7. Write short note on Composite Sequence database. 8. Give classification of Protein Structure. Enlist different software available for prediction of Secondary / Tertiary structure of proteins. 9. Describe ENTREZ- search/data retrieval tool. 10. Mention significance of Sequence Alignment in Bioinformatics. ---Good Luck-- B. A. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ANAND AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY ANAND Eight Semester (Regutar) B. Sc. (Hons.) Agri. Ond Examination _ 2017 Ag. Econ. 8.14: Government policies & programmes Related to Agriculture (Group-IV) Date': 25-05-2017 Time: 09.30 to 10.15 hrs. Day: Thursday PART- A Marks: 40 ROLL No. Registration No, Q.l Tick mark ({; most appropriate option from the following. l. was the pioneer ofthe operation flood in India a. Dr. William Gande b. Dr. V. Kurien c. Dr. Swaminathan d. None 2. JRY was started in the year by merging the NREP and RLEGp programmes. a. 1969 b. 1979 c. 1965 d. 1989 3. NABARD was established in the vear 1982 1g9i a. b. .1980 d. 1972 4. Prof. aR. aPj Karrisshni a describedb t.h He itihn fdiveu year plan as =S-lt-t radt.e M oufs g-irimowth. ". - 5. Due to political instability and crisis in Bop five years plans could not implemented during a. 1992-93 1990-9t b. c. 1990-92 d. 1991-93 6. In 1980, total banks were nationalized. a. slx b. sixteen c. fourteen d. four 7. In August 1992, fertilizer was decontrolled. a. urea b. potash c. urea & DAp d. none 8. The Jaa. nftiaf tGho vemment endebd. tshee -c=o-n d five iy.e afor pularntst one year earlier to its term. d. third 9. undear .t h1e9 p6ov9er ty alleviatiobn. p1ro9gr7am9m e the GoIc i.n 1tro9du6ce5d rRysEM din. 1th9e3 9vear 10. In 1950-5i, contributory share ofagriculture in GDp was Vo. a.55.40 b.45.40 c.25.40 d. 35.40 1 1. The second five year plan focused on industry. a. medium b. heavy c. light d. none 12. revolution is associated with a sharp increase in milk production. a. green b. yellow c. white d. blue 13. MinimFumC SI upport Price of vaCrioAusC cProp s recommenNdeAd FbyE --D - to the central Govemment. a. b. c. d. State Govemment 14. The term Green Revolution was given by a. Dr. William Gande b. Dr. N. E. Borlaug c. Dr. Swaminathan d. None 15. Durain.g 1 -9-, 63-64 Intenbs.iv 1e C9a6ttle4 D-6ev5elo pmecn.t tPgro6gria_m6me8 w as intrdo.d iu95c4in_s- s5in India. _', _ -2- 16. During _-- five year plan RRB was established. a. fourth b. sixth c. fifth d. seventh 17. During sixth five year plan GDp target was %. a.5.2 b.6.2 c.4.2 d.3.2 was 18. First five year plan period to 1956_61 a. b. 1951_56 ; 1%0J5 d,. tg52_57 19. IDBI was established in the year - a. 1965 b. 1974----. c. 1964 d. 1955 20. Manvfertilizers projects were initiated during first five year plan. a. b. seeds c. mrnes d. irrigation 21. The PMRY was launched in the year to provide employment 1983-84 1993--9- 4 a. b. "-tSlTlq d.2003_04 22. Full form of IRDp Ru u. Int"g.uted al Development programme progftlmme c. Indian Rural Development d. None 23. First five year plan was prepared based on model. Gargil a. D. R. b. Mahalanobis -- c. Ha.rod-Do.u, d. Ashok Mehata 24. During third FYP targeted GDp growth rate was Vo. a. 5.6 b.6.2 c. 2.8 d. 3.2 25. FCI, ARDC, APC was established during _ five year plan. a. first b. fourth third d. fifth was 26. Fourth five year plan period to a. 1969-74 b. 1g7t-75_--c_,- c. tS70-3 d. tg52_57 27. At the end of fourth Fyp prime minisrer gave a slogan of a. Poverty Hatavo b. Garibi Hatavo c. polio Hat uo - d. None 28. In July, 1969 =-_ banks were Nationalized. a. six b. sixteen c. fourteen d. four 29. NABARD was established during =-=- five year plan. sixth fourth third a. b. c. d. fifth 30. EXIM bank was established in the year _--. 1980 1985 a. b. ".Igtz d. 1gg2 the 31. 7th FYP was prepared based on model. Gargil a. D. R. U. e. Wagegooa c Harrod-Domar d. Ashok Mehata 32. GDP = c@-M) a. c. c-t-G+(x-M) d.None 33' = - -** the deSputiyn- gchhair man of IndTiarni vpteandniin g commission during 19g5-19g7. a. Dr. Manmohan b. C. M. c. Dr. Gadgil aIO. p. Otrar 34. 3'd FYP was prepared based on the model. Gargil a. D. R. U. e. Wagegood c Harrod-Domar d. Ashok Mehata was 35. Eight five year plan period to a. 1992-97 b. 1990jJ- "19n-n d. fllgt_g6 36. was the first chairman of the lndian planning Commission. a. Sardar Vallabhbhai Parel b. Jawaharlal Nehru c. Shishtri d. V. V. Giri 37. Dwing 10th FYp, the GDp target was %. a.8.7 c.7.8 b. 8.8 d.6.7 -3- -3- 38. The term Green Revolutionb is. 1ap9plie6d 7to -th7e 8per iod from a.1958-69 ".tqzo-rc 39._ is caused by increase in aggregate demand. a. Cost-push inflation b. Wage-price spiral c. Demand pull inflation d. None 40. Full form of WPI pr a. WeighteA . Wholesale post Index d. None 41. The situation like, price rise to a great extent, high price paid even for cheap things and money becomes quite worth less is called inflation. a. Repressed b. Built-in c. Galloping d. Cost push 42.FuJl form of RPS was a. Remember Pricing Scheme b. Retention Pricing Scheme c. Retention Pricing Society d. None 43. VAT, Service tax are the example of a. direct tax b. Indirect tax c. Both a &b d. None 44. GDP is calculated by using in production method by a. value added at each stage b. value added at only once c. value added at final stage d. None 45. is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a year. a. NNP b. Wholesale price c. GNP d. None 46. Bhakra and Hirakud Dam was established during _Fyp. a. second b. third c. fourth d. first 47 . Eleven five year plan period was to a.2005-10 b.2007-12 c.2001-06 d.2010-15 48. The first FYP was presented in Parliament of India on a. 8 January, 1951 b. 8 February. l95l c. S O;"-ber; 1%1, d- g March, 19s 1 49. The target of GDP growth during first FYP was %. a.2.1 1.1 b. d.3.1 ".^4.t 50. At the end of the plan period in 1956 Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) was started. a. seven b. eight c. nlne d. five 5l.In 1965-66, India fought a war with a. China b. Pakistan c. Russia d. Bangladesh 52. During third FYP Punjab began producing abundance of rice jowar a. wheat b. c. d. millet 53. The Indian National Highway System was introduced for the first time during FYP. Third Fifth a. Second b. c. d. Sixth 54. The FYP marked the beginning of economic liberalization. a. Second b. Third c. Fifth d. Sixth 55. Modernization of industries was a major highlight of the FYP. a. Eighth b. Ninth c. Fifth d. Sixth 56. is the chairman of the NITI Ayog. a. Finance Minister b. Prime Minister c. President d. Agricultural Minister 57. is a comparative concept in which a section of people are relatively poor in comparison of another. poverty poverty &b a. Absolute b. Relative c. both a d. None 58. FYP can be termed as Rao and Manmohan model of Economic Development. a. Sixth b. Ninth c. Fifth d. Eighth -4- -4- 59. 2'd FYp was prepared based on the model. a. P. C. mahalanobis b. B. Wagegood c. Harrod-Domar 60. also called supply shock innllon. d. Ashok Mehata a. repressed inflation b. Wage-price spiral c. Demand pull inflation d. Cost-push inflation 6l . India became a member of WTO on 62. Durian.g I nJianneu palrayn, 1pe9ri9od5 t heU .g tr ofewUthr uraartye, wtSaeSs- -c. t i aatary,1994 d. I February, 1994 a.4.35 %. S.:S O.I=_-- O. d.7.3s 63. NNP = ". 1_9NP-e*@, taxes c. GNP- 64. NAFED was established in the vear d. None a. 1948 b. 19s6 1958 c. d. 1968 65' wDiuthri nCgh ina and pakistFanY.P the target growh rate was 5.6Yobut achieve rate was 2.g4%o dueto war a. second third fourth b. c. d. first 66. Period between- "rffi$* as a uesinniffiprivatization orl;f;*r""in 1979-8i-- an India. - b ". 6T.lndia.pefformed Smiling Buddha undergro*a nr"f"u., t".t in the year --_---. 68 Fyp was tt" ori'"ffi,an fi1n,** i;#*rrg - a. fifth "no b. ninth and Ra'ji"c.v for.ti, on-" this period. d. sixth 69. There rceanp bree insflsateiond even wgithaolulot rpisein lng tl r" p.i"" iJu"l is known a"s inflation. __a-.- b. .. "o*_pu.t, d+-fit_pr.h 70' is a combinatioriof innaiion, .ro* Disinflation $owth and high unemployment. a. b. Hyperinflatio, ".io. -nn"o""i,i,,"" u"n d. Stagflation 71.--=__=--- tax is one in which the tax rate remains constant. Proportional r.ogr"rrir" b' ,t .z,. ,+,n air3' Py: 'rg cw:' _ams" p:atre.hp-ata"rel ad. n.b aosebd iosn thbe. B--.. .w'...-a...g.--e--.g.."-o.- -" mdo dce.l .D. R. Gaddg. iRl egreds. sAivsehok Mehata Zf. fhe n11199!5 .6__^1_9_5_9 . known as plan holiday in Indian planning period. a. b. ts66_t96g', ".isio-tst's* l d,. 1970_1974 74. DurinB^ ,,, Fyp GDp target was 5.0% but actual growth rate was 6.0%o. ,r. *.,:;?rX.5l" -,,-,,o", r,Jii'i1". un*, ";,'ll#fl ;rl#lf,*.. b.2.0 a. ",, ;:1.;- 76 and DWACRA wetore p mroevrigdeed..employment in rurar *"r. *a in this progradm. sm.oe NREp, RLEGp a. TRYSEM b. JRY c. PMRY d. IRDP 77. F-sCIt awarst eesdta blished in t}re year a. 1965 195t- 78. Full form of NITI Aayog b. c. 1975 d. 1966 a. *N"at"io*n1al jI:n:d:ui.:t:.iTe, :f:ol. :T:"'":h:o:i'"iunl eInd ia ;b.i Nla;t;ioin,al; I.ns,ti#tuti;oni iflori ;Tr:aln:sflo#rmin[g: Ifnfdiia 7s " ra;1 -.........-.-- wwaass tthhee ffiirrsstt deouty_chairman of t-h e Indian planning Commission. a' Gulzari Lal Nanda u. or. o. R. Gadgil ;.-iLZ.;^# d. Montek Singh Ahuwalia 80. PMFBY was anaounced by the GoI in the year a.2015 b.2017 c.2016 d.2014 *******?k