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Friction and Wear in Polymer-Based Materials PDF

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A . B E L Y , Α . I. S V I R I D Ë N O K , M . I. P E T R O K O V E T S a n d V . G . S A V K I N Translated from the Russian by P. GRANVILLE-JACKSON PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK • TORONTO · SYDNEY · PARIS · FRANKFURT U.K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 0X3 0BW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon Press Canada Ltd., Suite 104, 150 Consumers Rd., Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FRANCE Pergamon Press SARL, 24 rue des Ecoles, 75240 Paris, Cedex 05, France FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, 6242 Kronberg-Taunus, OF GERMANY Hammerweg 6, Federal Republic of Germany Copyright © 1982 Pergamon Press Ltd. English language Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers First edition 1982 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Friction and wear in polymer-based materials. 1. Polymers and polymerization 2. Friction 3. Mechanical wear I. Bely, V A II. Granville-Jackson, P. 621.8'9 TA45.P58 80-41825 ISBN 0-08-025444-6 In order to make this volume available as economically and as rapidly as possible the authors' typescripts have been reproduced in their original forms. This method unfor- tunately has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no way distract the reader. Translation of TRENTE i iznos materialovna osnove polimerov, ©Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk, 1976 Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd., Exeter PREFACE In recent years, friction and wear problems have attracted increased attention in many technically and economically advanced countries of the world, where active national associations of scientists and tribological engineers have been formed. Increased international co-operation has led to intergovernmental scientific, technical and economic agreements on the problems of friction and wear. This is due mainly to the world energy crisis caused by intensified product- ion and waste of resources. The world can no longer allow thousands of millions of kilowatt-hours of energy to be dissipated to overcome harmful friction, and millions of skilled technicians and engineers to be employed repairing machinery. Most operational breakdowns are due to loss of capacity in friction assemblies. Scarce metal resources can no longer be wasted in their manufacture and repair. As now understood, friction and wear in solid bodies are quite complex multi- functional processes, which involve the interaction of their fine surface layers and which are accompanied by a change in the structure and properties of materials under the influence of load, temperature, the active ingredients in the surrounding medium, and of many other factors. For this reason, the most important scientific results obtained in this field of research in recent years have been associated with attempts to penetrate to the atomic and molecular levels of the phenomena and processes being studied with the aid of modern physical and physico-chemical research methods. For the modern science of friction and wear there is a natural transition from examining processes in static positions to studying them dynamically with direct interaction between bodies; from a wide conception to a detailed analysis and to a more profound research programme. We must again emphasize the predominating role played by theoretical work in our study of the nature and mechanisms of friction and wear. Theory determines the basic lines of research and shows us the best methods of organizing experiments and treating the results obtained from them. In the problem we are examining it is perfectly natural that theoretical research frequently contains information which makes it possible to solve ν vi Friction and Wear complex practical problems in the briefest periods of time. The appearance of polymers has shown the wide opportunities which exist for solving urgent problems, for improving the reliability and durability of friction assemblies, and for developing a new technology. It is particularly effective to use different combinations of polymers together with classical materials - metals, wood, silicates, etc. But at the same time a new set of scientific problems has arisen which is associated with the peculiar features of the frictional behaviour of composition materials based on polymers. The present work appeared as a result of the wide response to the author's first monograph, 'Friction in VolymQAS' (Moscow, Nauka, 1972). Our aim is therefore to take into account the wishes expressed in reviews and published both in the Soviet Union and abroad. We have given particular attention to such important problems as the part played by polymer structure in the frictional interaction mechanism, the account in formulae used for calculation of the specific Theological properties of the materials we are examining, and the attempt to find methods of applying the results of basic research to solve the concrete practical problems of manufacturing new materials and using them effectively in friction assemblies. As we explain in the text, if we use data from the literature we have preserved the units of measurement given in the originals. We confess to having examined certain problems by way of discussion, and the authors will be grateful to any readers who find it possible to send in their comments and wishes. The authors hope that their work will prove useful to specialists who are interested in the problems of using polymer materials, and will appear as a means of stimulating deeper research into the field of friction and wear in polymer-based materials. C H A P T E R 1 FRICTIONAL INTERACTION DURING METAL-POLYMER CONTACT The nature of friction is quite complex, and for this reason attempts to formulate a universal theory of friction as well as simplified, ill-founded interpretations of frictional phenomena, are of no effect. The history of friction research provides us with convincing evidence also of the limitation of a narrow approach to describing these phenomena. As technology develops, and as the specifications for the frictional assemblies of machines and mechanisms have improved, our ideas of the nature of friction have evolved from mechanical to molecular representations which affect, as we currently understand them, both the combined physico-chemical, mechano-chemical, and other aspects of friction research. It is clear that if we examine the peculiar features of a friction mechanism which appear when it is tested or put into operation in given conditions, we must take into account that frictional properties are certain integral characteristics which embrace a whole complex of phenomena - both mechanical, physical, physico-chemical, and otherwise in origin, the result of the combined effect of which is far from additive. Nevertheless, from a systematic point of view it is convenient at the present stage to examine two basic groups of phenomena which characterize external friction: the mechanical phenomena associated with deformation processes and the adhesion phenomena caused by the atomic- molecular and intermolecular interaction of the bodies in contact. Examination of the problem of friction in solid bodies and polymers is vastly complicated by the fact that friction research requires the applica- tion of the methods of various natural sciences whose special and applied divisions frequently prove insufficiently developed to solve many frictional problems. 1. THE FRICTION MECHANISM OF SOLID BODIES AND POLYMERS Polymer-based materials, to a greater extent than metals, are sensitive to the influence of numerous factors caused by friction and by the effect of an external medium. Let us note certain common aspects of the friction mechanism of polymer materials which are associated with the basic lines of development in the theory of friction in solid bodies. 3 4 Friction and Wear Mechanical Aspect The mechanical aspect is essential to determine the "boundary" conditions within which physical and chemical frictional phenomena operate. For bodies of simple geometric shape, solutions to contact problems are known which are widely applied in friction theory [A-9, 149]. For example, for the case of contact between a sphere and an elastic semi-infinite body, an estimate for the stressed-deformed state is obtained by solving the second basic problem of the theory of elasticity [139, 3 4 4]. If the normal and tangential loads are proportional [139], then the stresses at points which coincide with the axes of the coordinates (the tangential load is directed along the y axis and the ζ axis is perpendicular to the contact region) will be: 1. Within the contact region (z = 0 ) : τ ( - ί ) —/ — ( ι — — ' 4 \ 2 1 — 2μ J 3 / 2 [1 — (1 — * ) ] —fYl—x* 3** | A r Z r ? + i [ 1 ( 1 i 2 ) 3 / 2 j ^? - - ' - ' f ( - f ) « " _ 2 μ ν Ί - ί , 3 - - ^ [ 1 - ( 1 - ^ ) 3 / 2 ] y\—f ji f V i - y * Frictional Interaction 5 2. Beyond the contact region (z = 0) 1 — 2μ 3*2 2 x 2 — x \ Vx* — l 1 f- - 2 1 ~ — Ì arc tg—z2 2x J χ 2 / γ χ χ 2 ' 7 I V 2JC y χ \ 2 / / j f 2 - 1 1 — 2μ 2 3* 2 1 — 2μ μ Γ + ¥ h / 3|/2 " 4 ^ 0 1 — 2μ 2 • arctg 2 y — 3y ]fy -l 2 — Formulae to compute the component for the arbitrary point in the semi- infinite body (in a case where only normal loads act) are given, for example, in reference [l39]. Analysis of stresses Τ χ - Tt, shows that at the contour of contact there is a plane stressed state for which the maximum of tensile stress is determined by the equation The maximum tangential stress is attained at a certain depth which is reduced as the value of the coefficient of friction increases. This forms one of the peculiar features of the stressed state during frictional contact. Its other peculiar feature is caused by the discrete nature of the 6 Friction and Wear actual contact, to account for which the concept of actual area of contact is introduced. Measurements taken with the aid of an optical method have shown that in the environs of each peak of projections there exists a field of Hertzian contact microstresses. It has been discovered that roughness leads to an increase (when compared with contact between smooth surfaces) in the maximum tangential Hertzian macrostresses at great depth, and to a concentration of stresses near the surface [174]. Unfortunately, theoretical research in this field is not developing quickly enough [70, 181, 21*f]. In a number of cases, an important part in friction and wear processes may be played by the formation of a bead beyond the contact region of the indentor [lA-9, 250, 326]. The presence of such a bead has been discovered experimentally and demonstrated theoretically [37, 178]. An attempt to associate the undulatory strain at the polymer surface with the fact of frictional resistance [390] is known. It should be noted that a bead of strained material may appear even when friction forces are absent. In actual fact, it follows from the solution to the contact problem for a rigid cylinder and an elastic semi-infinite body that the relative displace- ments of points at the surface of an elastic body are determined by [37j: h = 1 2(1+P) - d - ^ " iti + + 4 - f\ (1 -2^arctg -L- Sign<-(1 + 2μ) τ ^ τ ] > 0> where τ 2G h = w bq0 is the maximum pressure on contact, b is the half-width of the area of contact, μ and G are Poisson's ratio and the shear modulus respectively, ω are the displacements of points at the surface of elasticity of the body, £ is the coefficient of friction, t = ψ/ζ2 = y/z^, z 2 is the depth of the layer to which integration is applied. Analysis of eq. (1) shows (Fig. 1.1) that even when i = 0, a bead of deformed material is formed. It is also known that an analogous phenomenon is observed for laminated systems [207]. Fig. 1.1. Curves for displacements in the surface points of an elastic body for different values of friction coefficient. Frictional Interaction 7 The friction force exerts an effect on the value and shape of the bead of strained material. In front of the moving indentor the height of this bead increases as the coefficient of friction increases, but behind the indentor a reduction in the profile of the surface is observed. Polymer-based materials exhibit a series of peculiar features in the friction process. In the first place it should be noted that the properties of the polymers exhibit a time-temperature relationship which leads to the result that metal-polymer contact is quite sensitive to the shear rate, to the temperature of the surrounding medium, and to the loading period. The problem is further complicated by the fact that the physico-mechanical properties of polymers depend in their turn on the type of stress-strain state and in particular on the tensor of hydrostatic compression [4, 57] . Thus, the material in the contact zone is in conditions which differ from the conditions in which the material exists in bulk and forms "as it were a third body from two bodies in contact" [14-9] . It is possible that the tenacious resistance offered by a "third" body when it is sheared is one of the dissipation mechanisms which make a substantial contribution to the effect of friction. Also of interest are problems of research into the nature of strain in the surface layers of polymers. The presence of three physical states for amorphous thermoplastic polymers (vitreous, rubbery, and viscous flour) and the specific conditions on frictional contact due to which displacement in the second-order phase transitions may take place also complicate research on metal-polymer contact. In a series of articles the elastic or visco- elastic nature of the contact is assumed [3, 49, 358]. For viscous polymers it has been shown experimentally that when the shear rates are not high, elastic and forced elastic strain takes place in the surface layers and asparities of polymers, leading at certain pressures to brittle fracture of the surface layer of the polymer [114] . Yet the absence of experimental work on research into the micropicture of the strain mechanism during shear friction does not make it possible for us to give a simple answer to the question of metal-polymer contact. Physical Aspect When solid bodies are brought together and subsequently relatively displaced, atomic and molecular interactions take place which differ in their nature and effective range. These interactions are considered responsible for adhesion in solid bodies and in particular for the adhesion component of friction force. Practically all modern friction theories in one form or other are considered to be molecular interactions [15, 97, 149]. Let us examine some examples of the characteristic appearance of the forces of molecular interaction. In a normal case, the forces of adhesion operate not only at the points of actual contact, but also in adjacent regions where there is no direct contact, but the distance between the surfaces of bodies in contact does not exceed the radius of the effect of molecular attraction. This forms the essence of so-called extra-contact adhesion, the concept of which was first introduced in 1961 [272]. It is considered that extra- contact adhesion is the result of the action of van der Waals forces, which when there is a clearance between the uneven parts of surfaces in contact 2 of between 50 and 100 A exert a force in the order of 1 kg/cm [388]. The result of this additional force, as experiments with a rubber sphere and a rigid smooth surface have shown, is that the area of contact for small loads is always more than the area predicted by Hertzian theory [348] .

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