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FFrreesshhwwaatteerr TTuurrttlleess aanndd FF rr ee TToorrttooiisseess ooff IInnddiiaa ss hh ww aa Envis tt ISSN 0972-088X ee rr Vol. 12 No.1 2009 Wildlife and Protected Areas TT uu rr tt ll ee ss aa nn dd TT oo rr tt oo ii ss ee ss oo ff II nn dd ii aa V o l . 1 2 N WWIILLDDLLIIFFEE IINNSSTTIITTUUTTEE OOFF IINNDDIIAA o . PPoosstt BBooxx ## 1188,, CChhaannddrraabbaannii,, DDeehhrraadduunn 224488000011 1 TTeell..:: ++9911--113355--22664400111111--111155,, ++9911--113355--22664400330044 FFaaxx:: ++9911--113355--22664400111177 2 EE--mmaaiill:: eennvviiss@@wwiiii..ggoovv..iinn;; wwiiii@@eennvviiss..nniicc..iinn 0 TThhiiss iissssuuee 0 FFrreesshhwwaatteerr TTuurrttlleess aanndd TToorrttooiisseess ooff IInnddiiaa UURRLL hhttttpp::////wwwwww..wwiiii..ggoovv..iinn//eennvviiss;; hhttttpp::////wwwwww..wwiiiieennvviiss..nniicc..iinn 9 INDIA The Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre atthe Wildlife Institute oflndiseta ,up inS eptembe1r9 97i,sp arotft hEeNV IS setuopft hMe inisotryf E nvironmaenndFt o rests, Government ofIndia. It deals with general matters concerning 'wildlianfde spe'c ificalthloys e relattoe d' protearecatse'.dI tosb jectivaree sto : + Establishbank a ond iantonfana tionre lattoe dw ildlainfdwe i ldlipfreo tecareast, ed and thereby buiupl da reposi tory and dissemination centref ori nformation onw ildlife science; + Promotnea tioannadli nternaticoonoeaprla tianodn e,x changeo fw ildlrieflea ted infonnatioo; + Provide decision makers atth eape x levwietlh i nonfna tion related to conservation and development bvi• Jiulledn Wildlianfde Pr otected Areas ProjecLte ader P.RS.i nha ProjecCto ordinator V.B.Mathur ProjecCto -coordinator S.AH.u ssain ResearAcshs ociate Jatinder Chadha ProjeAcsts istant JyoPrasatid Nautiyal AdvisoCroymm ittee P.K.Mathur B.CCh.o udhury K.S ivakumar Y.S.Verma R. Thapa K.KS.h rlvastva WILDLIFE INSTITIJTE OF INDIA PosBta g# 18Ch,an drabani, Dehradun -2480 01In,dia Tel.:1+39512640111-1ax1:5+,9F11352640117 Email: [email protected]@ .einnv;i s.nic.in Website: http://wii.gov.ihntltpe:n//vwiiise;n vis.nic.in £uvi• Jiullmo Wildlanidf Proet ectedA reas FreshwatThrtleers and TortoiosfeI sn dia The conteonftt shb eu llemtianyb efr eely ufsonero dn -commercial purpowsietsdh u ea cknowledgement (Ed.). CitatioVans:u devKan , 2009. FreshwaTturtleers an d TortoiseosfIndia . ENVlS BulletiWni:l dlife ) andPr otectAreased, Vol1.2( 1. WildInlsitiftueto efIn diaD,e hradunIn,d iap.p 1.77. I. 2009. Citationf oirn divipadpeursa:l D as, The DiscovoeryfIn dianTurtl es, WithN oteons P ublications, 'JYpeLoc alitiesan d 'JYpe Repositoripeps1..- 1I4n.V: a sudevKan (E,d .)F.re shwaterTurtl es and Tortoises ofIn diaE.N VlSB ulleWtiinl:d lanidf Preo tectAerde aVso,l 1.2( 1)W.i ldlInisftiet uotfIne d iaD,e hradun, India ) 2009. ENVlS BulletiWnil:d lanidf Preo tectAerde aVso,l 1.2( 1.Pri ntedi n Credits: FronCto veCro ncepantd Design: Jyoti PrasNaadu tiyanadl JatindCehra dha CentrPahlo toM:a leR ed-crownreodo fetdurt le( Batagkaucrh ugai)n b reediCnogl ourat:i on Photob yJ .WLa.n g InsePth ot(oLse ftto R ightL)i:s sempyusn ctaatnad ersoKarthikneiy:an VasudevMaann,o uria emys: PeterPrasha g, Melanochelys tritjruigjauS:g. aUS .ara vanakumar, Pangshura sylhPeetteerPrashan gs,i s: Geocheleolneeg aGn sS:.B hardwajVi,j aychelsyisl vatVi.Dc eae:p ak. EditoriProcesasli ng :J yoPratis adN autiy&a lR ajeeThva pa & Design Layou:Jt yoPrtais aNda utiyal Maps:J yoPratis adN autiy&a lR ajeevT hapa PrinterPri:n tVi sionD,e hrad(u0n1 3257)4 170625,3 2172 ENV1S Bulleitisan l saov ailabolnte h ien ternaett WII website:h t1p:llwww.wii.gov.in/envhorneleindex £Dvi• "iullerin Wildlife and ProtectedA reas FreshwatThrtleers andT ortoiosfIe ns dia Editor Karthikeyan Vasu.devan EditoriAasls ociate Jatinder Chadha Mailbag III-V DirectoNro'tse P.RS.i nha VII Foreword Dr.R amalcrishna IX Editorial KarthikeyanV asudevan XI SECTIONI TAXONOMY 1.T heD iscoveorfIy n diaTnu rtlweist, hN oteosn P ublicatiToynpse,L ocalitiaensd 1-14 TypeR epositories IndraDnaesi l 2.T heT urtlCeo llectiooftn h eZ oologiScuarlv eoyf I ndiKao,l katIan,d ia 15-24 B.H.MCu.r thayn dI ndranDeaisl SECTIONI I ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION 3.E ndemiTcu rtloefsI ndia 25-42 V.D eepaakn dKa rthikeVyaasnu devan 4.D istributainodnC onservatiSotna tuofsA ssamR oofetdu rtPlaen,g shsuyrlah etensis inA ssam 43-48 Pranab Kumar CShhiatrtmaar,Ba anrjuaanah n dD .KS.h arma 5.T urtlaensd T ortoiisneM sa nipur 49-52 NaoreLmi nthaonidD .KS.h arma 6.D istributainodnS tatuofst heE ndangerReidv eTre rrapBiant agbuars ka( Gray) 53-56 int heI ndiaSnu nderbans KaushikD euti 7.T ortoiasnedsF reshwatTeurr tloefsK aziranNgaat ionPaalr k, 57-70 Assam-DiversiSttya,t uasn dC onservatiSotna tus. M.F irAohzm eda ndA bhiDjaist [BoxT.u rtlaen dT ortoiDsiev ersDiattya baosfeN ortheaIsntd ia] 71 ChittarBaanrjuaanahn dD .KS.h arma 8.F reshwatTeurr tlaensd T ortoiosfeO sr issa 73-80 PratyuPs.Mh a hapatra, MBoihsawnatajyni dtS ushK.i !D utta I 9.An EvaluatoifoD ni sbibutiSotna,t aunsd A bundancoefF reshwaTtuerrt les 81-90 inU ttaPrr adesIhn,d ia ShaileSnidnrgaDh h,r uvjyBoatsiuA ,s hutoTsrhi paRtahmiL ,a khanS ingahn dR anPa. S ingh 10S.t atuDsis,b ibutiaonnd E cologoyft heI ndiaFnl apshTeulrlt lLei,s sempyusn cta91t-a9 4 S.B hupathy [BoxT:h eI ndiaSnt aTro rtoi(sGee ocheelloengea ns)] 95 RajVuy as 11.T heS tatoufsN orth-WestPeornp ulatioofnS taTro rtoi(sGee ocheelloengea ns9)7 -104 RajVuy as 12.A NaturHail stoArcyc ounotft heT ricariHnialtTleu- rtle 105-109 Melanochteriiycsa riinnt ahteDa e hraduVna lleNyo,r theIrnn dia R.S ureKsuhm arA,b ishHeakr ihaanrdB ivaPsahn dav SECTIONI II CONSERVATION 13.I ndiaTnu rtlCeo nservatPiroong raAnm : Overview 111-114 ShaileSnidnrgaBh r,i aDn.H ornea ndR icHku dson 14I.l legal TrFardees howfa tHeorr neT urtl&e Tso rtoiisneI sn dia 115-119 MKSP ashRaa,h uDlu ttaan dS amiSri nha 15.T heD iversity, EcoCloongsye ravnadt Miaonna gemenotfF reshwatTeurr tle1s2 1-126 inG angeRsi veSry stem R.JRao. 16.T urtldei versiintt yh eS acreTde mplPeo ndsi nK amrupD istroifc t 127-131 Assamw ithS pecial Refteori etCnsoc nes ervation ChittarBaanrjuaanJh a,y anDteaka ,S usanKtraB. h uyaann dD .KS.h arma 17.F reshwatTeurr tloefsI ndiSat:a tuasn dM anagemenitnC aptivity 133-141 Anupam SrivaansdPt aarvaN gi gam 18.C aptivBe reedionfgt heC riticaElnldya ngerReedd -CrownReodo fT urtle 143-148 BatagKaucrh ug(aG ra1y8 31a)tt heM adras CrocBoadniklT er ust. NikhilW hittaker SECTIONI V BIBLIOGRAPHY 19.B ibliograopnFh rye shwatTeurr tlaensd T ortoiosfeI sn dia 149-177 S.A garwalR,a jVuy asS,.U niyaanld M .M.U niyal II MailB ag ENVISB ulletiVno l1.1 ,N o.1 ,2 008S:p eciHaalb itaatsn dT hreatenPelda ntosfI ndia Itw asi ndeead p leasutrore e ceiav ceo pyo fV ol1.1 N o.1 2008o fE NVISo n" Speciahla bitats andT hreatenpelda ntosfI ndiaI. h"a veg onet hrougihta nde njoyetdh ew ellw rittaennd illustraartteidc wlheisc hh avee nhancemdy understandoifn gt he sutbrjeemcetn dously. ParticulaIrh layv,er ealglayi nefdr omt heo bservatiionnS se ctio1n:T ransH-imalayaa r,e gion (coldde serotsf)H imachParla deswhh icIhh avev isitdeudr intgh ec ouploefy earrse centThisl y. extremeilnyf ormatpiuvbel icaitisoa n r icsho urcoefr eferefnocrae researclhiekmree who is workinogn f lorisotifPc usn jaCbh,a ndigaarnhdW esternH imalaysain cteh el as4t5 y earWsh.a t isr ealcloym mendabilset h anto to nlyt hep rofessiobnuattl hsea mateuwrisl all sboe g reatly encouragaenddi nspirferdo mi tM.y heartcyo ngratulattoWi IoIn'sds e dicatteeda mDr,. V.B. MathurDr,. G.S .R awata ndD r.J atindeCrh adhaf orb ringionugtt hissu peribs suwei tha n excellgeentut p a ndd esigInl .o ofko rwartodr eceicvoep ieosff urthpeurb licatioofEn NsV IS ProfM.. Sharma FormeDre an Punjabi UnivPeartsiiatlya, Emailm:s [email protected] Manyt hankfso rs endinagc rostsh es peciiasls uoef E NVISb ulletoinSn p eciHaalb itats andTh reatenPelda notfsI ndiIat .a kthise opportuntioct oyn gratutlhaeetn eti rtee am fborirn ging outth e publicawtiiotnh f ocuosn s pecihaalb itaatnsdb einagb lteo c ovearl mosatl rle gionisn IndiTah.e p hotograrpehasl aldyd t ot hek nowledogeft hee ndemirca,r aen de ndangered speciTehse.p ublicaitsil oinki ets ti tl"es pecainadlt hreatenIew di"s.h and hopWeI Ibt rhiantg s outm anym orep ublicatioonnv sa riotuhse measn dc ontineuner ichkinnogw ledogfea mateurs likmee .B eswti shes. SavitBah arti Office:C EEC entral A 10G ardeEns tatNee,w D RPo ad ResidenAcuen:d hP,u ne 4110 07. - SurveyN o 164,B ehinGdu rudwara, LohegaoPnu,n e 47 - Emai:ls [email protected] Ih aver eceivEeNdV ISB ulle"tSipne ciHaalb itaatnsdT hreatePnleadn otfsI ndiaIt" i.sb eautiful anda usefvuoll umaes i tc ontaisnosm ee xcellaerntti cPlreosf.R. a watJ,a tindearn da lolf y ou havet ob ec ongratulWaittehBd e.s Wti shes. ProfS. PK hullar FormeCrh airman DepartmeonfBt o tany PanjaUbn iversity Chandigar1h6 00 14 - Emails:p [email protected] III Nicer evieowft het hreatepnleadn atnsd s pecihaalb itoaftI sn diIa .a pprecbieaatuetifu lc olored photograaplhssoH .o weverIf, ountdh aitn formataiboonu tth et hreatepnleadn otfsP unjaisb missifrnogm thev olumeT.h esmea ya lsboe i ncorporiantt ehden exetd itioTnh.a nkas l ofto r senditnhge c opy. Dr.D hiraKju marS ehgal ScientPiusntj,a Bbi odiverBsoiatryd , PunjaSbt atCeo uncfiolrS cienacned T echnology Chandigarh Email: dr.dhi_rsaejhkguamla@ry ahoo.com Thiiss a ne xceptional reffoertr heonsciene t hes earcfho rt hreatepnleadn otsf I ndiaan dt heir conservatTihoenc .o lopri cturoefsp l ants haanbdi taatrsew elli llustrMayte wda.r mest congratulattoiP ornosj eCcoto rdinaDtro.rV ,. B.M athurD,r .J atindCehra dhaa ndD r.G .S. RawatB.e sWti shefso ry ourf utuprueb lications. SanjeSeavg ar 16A rpinB ay, WinnipeMga,n itoba R3X 1¥1-CANADA Emails:a [email protected] ThougIha m tool atfeo arc knowledgeomfet nhtib so okd uet om y inordindaetleaI ya ,m extremely grateftuoyl o u for secnodmipnlge mentcaorpyyo ft hivso lumeT.h isb ook contains many interesting awrhtiicclwhei slb,le i mmensely hfeolrpm yf utle achiinnPg o sGtr aduastteu dents, sincIet eacDhi versoiftI yn diaFnl orwai tshp eciraelf eretnoce en demiacn de xotitca xoaf I ndia andP hytogeograprheigciaoolnf s Inadnidat heicrh aractefrlisotrTiahc.i bso okc ontaimnasn y colourieldl ustratiwohnisc,ah r en ota vailaibnll ei teraotfuP roes Gtr aduaStteu denStusc.ht ype ofb ooki sv errya rien I ndiamna rke'tH.o pyeo uw ilplu blimsohr ev olumecso ntainmianngy o f interesatirntgi cdleeasl iwnigt hp lants. Wiysohuia nltglh eb est, Sobhan MKurk.h erjee Profes,sD oerp artmeonfBt o tany UniversoiftK ya lyani KalyanWie,s tB engal Emails:o [email protected] [email protected] Iam verpyl easteodr eceive 'SHpaebciitaaaltsn dT hreatePnlead ntofsI ndiaI'ti. se xtremely informaatinvden icely dCoonnegr.a tulattioDro .n sR awatD,r .M athuarn dJ atinodnep rr oducing ane xcellpeunbtl ication. VivekanaSnhda rma GSSSK,a ngra HimachaPlr adesh IV Ij usrte athde ENVIS publicattiiotnl 'eSdp echiaabli taantdsT hreatepnleadn otfsI ndiaIm' u.s t congratuyloauto ent hep ublicatiIto insa. v erwye ldlo neb ullewtiint he xcelliennfto rmatiionn thef orm sohfo rpta perTsh.e l anguatgheo ugshc ientifiicse asiulnyd erstandtaotb hlece o mmon man andt hep ictuarreesv erhye lpfiunul n derstantdhiepn lga natn dh abitats Ibtei tsst uerre.l y onep ublicawtihoinc wilhl beo fg reahte ltp or esearcahnedrs sc ientist, satnuddc eonmtmso n man asw elals t heg overnmeonftf iciaanldsp eopliena positiotont akeen vironmentally sound decisiWoinssh.y out heb esitn y ourf utuprueb licatiaoswn esl l. Dr. GoldQiuna dros InterSitmaDt ier ector WWF-India, MaharasShttarOtaffie c e EmailG:Q [email protected] Ih aver eceivtehdes peciEaNVlI S bulletwihni,c yh ouh aves entw,h icihs v erwye leld iteadn d elegantly producaecdc.e pmPtyl esaisnec earpep reciaftioorsn e ndinmeg a copyw,h ichh as veryi nteresitnifnogr matTihoann.k iynogu . ProHf..Y M. ohaRna m INSA SeniSocri enDteipstot.f,E nvironment, 19S4F SF latMsu,k erjNeaeg ar, Delhi-010190 Thanky ou ally ofuorvr a luabcloem mentasn ds uggestiwohnisc whi lhle lups t o improvteh eq ualiotfoy u rE NVIS publicatiWoen wsi.l iln corpotrhaetseae sa ppropriate int heo nliendei tioonft hiiss sue. DrV.. BM.a thur ProjCeocotr din&a tor DeanW,i ldlIinfseti tuotfIe n dia Dehradu248n 001 - Emaivlb:m @wii.geonvv.iisn@,w ii.gov.in v VI

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