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Freshwater Biology (2002) 47, 2467-2473 Author Index Abjérnsson, K., Brénmark, C. & Hansson, Benndorf, J. see Kasprzak, P. Bronmark, C. see Abjérnsson, K. L.-A. The relative importance of lethal see also Mehner, T. Brown, A. G. Learning from the past: and non-lethal effects of fish on insect Benndorf, J., Boing, W., Koop, J. & palaeohydrology and palaeoecology, colonisation of ponds, 1489 Neubauer, I. Top-down control of 817 Adis, J. & Junk, W. J. Terrestrial inverte- phytoplankton: the role of time scale, Brunberg, A.-K., Nilsson, E. & Blomqvist, brates inhabiting lowland river flood- lake depth and trophic state, 2282 P. Characteristics of oligotrophic hard- plains of Central Amazonia and Berg, D. J., Garton, D. W., Macisaac, H. J., water lakes in a postglacial land-rise Central Europe: a review, 711 Panov, V. E. & Telesh, I. V. Changes in area in mid-Sweden, 1451 Adler, P. H. see Hamada, N. genetic structure of North American Buckton, S. T. & Ormerod, S. J. Global Adrian, R. see Gerten, D. Bythotrephes populations following patterns of diversity among the specia- see also Mohr, S. invasion from Lake Ladoga, Russia, 275 list birds of riverine landscapes, 695 Alexander, J. E. Jr see Thorp, J. H. Berg, S. see Skov, C. Buergisser, G. M. see Frutiger, A. Allred Coonrod, J. E. see Dahm, C. N. see also Jacobsen, L. Buijse, A. D., Coops, H., Staras, M., Jans, L. Almodovar, A. see Nicola, G. G. Bergstrém, A.-K. see Drakare, S. H., van Geest, G. J., Grift, R. E,, Alvarez-Cobelas, M., Baltanas, A., Velasco, Bernath, B., Szedenics, G., Wildermuth, H. Ibelings, B. W., Oosterberg, W. & J. L. & Rojo, C. Daily variations in the & Horvath, G. How can dragonflies Roozen, F. C. J. M. Restoration strate- optical properties of a small lake, 1051 discern bright and dark waters from a gies for river floodplains along large Alverson, A. J. & Courtney, G. W. Tem- distance? The degree of polarisation of lowland rivers in Europe, 889 poral patterns of diatom ingestion by reflected light as a possible cue for Bunn, S. E. see Cook, B. D. larval net-winged midges (Diptera: dragonfly habitat selection, 1707 Burgherr, P. see Robinson, C. T. Blephariceridae: Blepharicera), 2087 Bettez, N. D., Rublee, P. A., O’Brien, J. & Burkart, G. see Cole, P. C. Amoros, C. & Bornette, G. Connectivity Miller, M. C. Changes in abundance, Burks, R. L., Lodge, D. M., Jeppesen, E. & and biocomplexity in waterbodies of composition and controls within the Lauridsen, T. L. Diel horizontal migra- riverine floodplains, 761 plankton of a fertilised arctic lake, 303 tion of zooplankton: costs and benefits Amoros, C. see Elger, A. Bilton, D. T. see Kelly, L. C. of inhabiting the littoral, 343 Andersen, T. see Feerovig, P. J. see also Rundle, S. D. Burns, C. W. see Hall, C. J. see also Ryves, D. B. Blanco, G. see Cagigas, M. E. Bury, S. see Collier, K. J Andersson, E. & Nilsson, C. Temporal Blindow, I. see Marklund, O. Butler, M. G. see Zimmer, K. D. variation in the drift of plant litter and Blinn, D. W. see Miller, M. P. Butz Huryn, V. M. see Huryn, A. D. propagules in a small boreal river, 1674 Blomaqvist, P. see Brunberg, A.-K. Aprhamian, M. see Ibbotson, A. see also Drakare, S. Cagigas, M. E., Vazquez, E., Blanco, G. & Arbuckle, C. J. see Huryn, A. D. Blumenshine, S. C. see Hambright, K. D. Sanchez, J. A. Phylogeographical linea- Arndt, H. see Weitere, M. Boing, W. see Benndorf, J. ges in brown trout (Salmo trutta): Arscott, D. B. see Ward, J. V. Boisclair, D. see Marchand, F. investigating microgeographical differ- Atkinson, D. see McKee, D. Bojsen, B. H. & Barriga, R. Effects of defores- entiation between native populations tation on fish community structure in from Northern Spain, 1879 Balseiro, E. G. see Modenutti, B. E. Ecuadorian Amazon streams, 2246 Callieri, C. & Piscia, R. Photosynthetic Baltanas, A. see Alvarez-Cobelas, M. Borcherding, J. see Beeck, P. efficiency and seasonality of auto- Baranyi, C., Hein, T., Holarek, C., Keckeis, Bornette, G. see Amoros, C. trophic picoplankton in Lago Maggiore S. & Schiemer, F. Zooplankton biomass Bourassa, N. see Wunsam, S. after its recovery, 941 and community structure in a Danube Bradley, D. C. & Ormerod, S. J. Long-term Canas, C. see Magalhaes, M. F. River floodplain system: effects of effects of catchment liming on inverte- Caouette, J. P. see Chaloner, D. T. hydrology, 473 brates in upland streams, 161 Capra, H. see Lamouroux, N. Barlocher, F. & Graga, M. A. S. Exotic Bradshaw, E. G., Anderson, N. J., Jensen, J. Carpenter, S. R. see Lathrop, R. C. riparian vegetation lowers fungal P. & Jeppesen, E. Phosphorus dynamics Carrillo, P. see Medina-Sanchez, J. M. diversity but not leaf decomposition in Danish lakes and the implications for Carter Johnson, W. Riparian vegetation in Portuguese streams, 1123 diatom ecology and palaeoecology, 1963 diversity along regulated rivers: contri- Barrat-Segretain, M.-H. see Elger, A. Brasington, J. see Richards, K. bution of novel and relict habitats, 749 Barriga, R. see Bojsen, B. H. Brett, M. T. see Park, S. Carvalho, G. R. see Mitchell, S. E. Batalha, D. C. see Magalhaes, F. M. Broberg, M. see Jacobsen, L. Casper, A. F. see Thorp, J. H. Beeck, P., Tauber, S., Kiel, S. & Borcherd- Brodersen, K. P. & Anderson, N. J. Cattaneo, A. see Wunsam, S. ing, J. 0+ perch predation on 0+ bream: Distribution of chironomids (Diptera) Cavalcanti, C. see Starling, F. a case study in a eutrophic gravel pit in low arctic West Greenland lakes: Cedergreen, N. see Madsen, T. V. lake, 2359 trophic conditions, temperature and Chaloner, D. T., Wipfli, M. S. & Caouette, Beja, P. see Magalhaes, M. F. environmental reconstruction, 1137 J. P. Mass loss and macroinvertebrate © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd 2467 2468 Author index colonisation of Pacific salmon carcasses Dawidowicz, P., Prejs, A., Engelmayer, A., shrimps, Gammarus pulex, in a small in south-eastern Alaskan streams, 263 Martyniak, A., Kozlowski, J., Kufel, L. stony stream, and their implications for Chauvet, E. see Laitung, B. & Paradowska, M. Hypolimnetic the interpretation of downstream dis- see also Diez, J. anoxia hampers top-down food-web persal, 1403 Choiseul, V. see Rundle, S. D. manipulation in a eutrophic lake, 2401 Elliott, J. M. Time spent in the drift by Church, M. Geomorphic thresholds in Death, R. G. see Joy, M. K. downstream-dispersing invertebrates riverine landscapes, 541 Dent, M. M. see Maberly, S. C in a Lake District stream, 97 Claret, C. see Ward, J. V. Devine, J. A. & Vanni, M. J. Spatial and Eloranta, P. see Liljendahl-Nurminen, A. Clarke, R. T., Furse, M. T., Gunn, R. J. M., seasonal variation in nutrient excretion Elosegi, A. see Diez, }. Winder, J. M. & Wright, J. F. Sampling by benthic invertebrates in a eutrophic Elser, J. J. see Frost, P. C. variation in macroinvertebrate data reservoir, 1107 Engelmayer, A. see Dawidowicz, P. and implications for river quality Dick, J. T. A. see Kelly, D. W. indices, 1735 Diez, J., Elosegi, A., Chauvet, E. & Pozo, J. Ferovig, P. J., Andersen, T. & Hessen, D. Clements, W. H. see Courtney, L. A. Breakdown of wood in the Agiiera O. Image analysis of Daphnia popula- Cleverly, J. R. see Dahm, C. N. stream, 2205 tions: non-destructive determination of Cobbs, G. A. see Thorp, J. H. Dimick, S. M. see Hill, W. R. demography and biomass in cultures, Cognato, A. I. see Galacatos, K. Dionisio Pires, L. M. & Van Donk, E. 1956 Cole, P. C., Luecke, C., Wurtsbaugh, W. A. Comparing grazing by Dreissena Fesl, C. Biodiversity and resource use of & Burkart, G. Growth and survival of polymorpha on phytoplankton in the larval chironomids in relation to envir- Daphnia in epilimnetic and metalim- presence of toxic and _ non-toxic onmental factors in a large river, 1065 netic water from oligotrophic lakes: the cyanobacteria, 1855 Fields, D. M. see Lapesa, S. effects of food and temperature, 2113 Dobson, M., Magana, A., Mathooko, J. M. Figuerola, J. & Green, A. J. Dispersal of Collares-Pereira, M. J. see Magalhaes, M. F. & Ndegwa, F. K. Detritivores in Ken- aquatic organisms by waterbirds: a see also Magalhaes, M. F. yan highland streams: more evidence review of past research and priorities Collier, K. J., Bury, S. & Gibbs, M. A stable for the paucity of shredders in the for future studies, 483 isotope study of linkages between tropics?, 909 Findlay, D. L. see Paterson, M. J. stream and terrestrial food webs Dobson, M. see Laitung, B. Foggo, A. see Rundle, S. D. through spider predation, 1651 Dole-Olivier, M.-J. see Malard, F. Fore, L. S. & Grafe, C. Using diatoms to Collings, S. see McKee, D. Drakare, S., Blomqvist, P., Bergstrém, A.-K. assess the biological condition of large Conde-Porcuna, J. M., Ramos-Rodriguez, & Jansson, M. Primary production and rivers in Idaho (U.S.A.), 2015 E. & Perez-Martinez, C. Correlations phytoplankton composition in relation Frahm, A. see Weisse, T. between nutrient concentrations and to DOC input and bacterioplankton Friberg, N. see Thomsen, A. G. zooplankton populations in a meso- production in humic Lake Ortrasket, 41 Frisch, D. Dormancy, dispersal and trophic reservoir, 1463 Duggan, I. C., Green, J. D. & Shiel, R. J. the survival of cyclopoid copepods Cook, B. D., Bunn, S. E. & Hughes, J. M. Distribution of rotifer assemblages in (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) in a lowland Genetic structure and dispersal of North Island, New Zealand, lakes: floodplain, 1269 Macrobrachium australiense (Decapoda: relationships to environmental and Fritz, S. C. see Saros, J. E. Palaemonidae) in western Queensland, historical factors, 195 Frost, P. C. & Elser, J. J. Effects of light Australia, 2098 and nutrients on the net accumulation Coops, H. see Buijse, A. D. Eaton, J. see McKee, D. and elemental composition of epilithon Courtney, G. W. see Alverson, A. J. see also Williams, A. E. in boreal lakes, 173 Courtney, L. A. & Clements, W. H. Edmundson, J. A. & Mazumder, A. Frutiger, A. The function of the suckers of Assessing the influence of water and Regional and hierarchical perspectives larval net-winged midges (Diptera: substratum quality on benthic macro- of thermal regimes in subarctic, Alas- Blephariceridae), 293 invertebrate communities in a metal- kan lakes, 1 Frutiger, A. & Buergisser, G. M. Life polluted stream: an experimental Edwards, P. J. see Karrenberg, S. history variability of a grazing stream approach, 1766 see also Tockner, K. insect (Liponeura cinerascens minor; Dip- Craft, J. A., Stanford, J. A. & Pusch, M. Elger, A., Barrat-Segretain, M.-H. & tera: Blephariceridae), 1618 Microbial respiration within a flood- Amoros, C. Plant palatability and dis- Furse, M. T. see Clarke, R. T. plain aquifer of a large gravel-bed turbance level in aquatic habitats: an river, 251 experimental approach using the snail Galacatos, K., Cognato, A. I. & Sperling, Crenshaw, C. L., Valett, H. M. & Webster, Lymnaea stagnalis (L. ), 931 F. A. H. Population genetic structure of J. R. Effects of augmentation of coarse Elliott, J. A., Irish, A. E. & Reynolds, C. S. two water strider species in the Ecua- particulate organic matter on metabo- Predicting the spatial dominance of dorian Amazon, 391 lism and nutrient retention in hypor- phytoplankton in a light limited and Gardiner, E. P. see Sutherland, A. B. heic sediments, 1820 incompletely mixed eutrophic water Garton, D. W. see Berg, D. J. Crenshaw, C. L. see Merriam, J. L. column using the PROTECH model, 433 van Geest, G. J. see Buijse, A. D. Elliott, J. M. A continuous study of the Geller, W. see Woellfl, S. Dahm, C. N., Cleverly, J. R., Allred total drift of freshwater shrimps, Gam- Gerten, D. & Adrian, R. Species-specific Coonrod, J. E., Thibault, J. R., marus pulex, in a small stony stream in changes in the phenology and peak McDonnell, D. E. & Gilroy, D. J. Evapo- the English Lake District, 75 abundance of freshwater copepods in transpiration at the land/water inter- Elliott, J. M. The drift distances and time response to warm summers, 2163 face in a semi-arid drainage basin, 831 spent in the drift by freshwater Gibbs, M. see Collier, K. J. © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 47, 2467-2473 Author index 2469 Gibson, C. E. see Maberly, S. C. Herlihy, A. T. see Hill, B. H. analysis based on subunit-scale habitat Gilbert, J. J. Endogenous regulation of Hessen, D. O. see Ferovig, P. J. classification, 1594 environmentally induced sexuality in a see also Weervagen, S. B. Inoue, M. see Negishi, J. N. rotifer: a multigenerational parental Hesslein, R. H. see Paterson, M. J. Irish, A. E. see Elliott, J. A. effect induced by fertilisation, 1633 Heyes, T. see McKee, D. Ishikawa, T. & Urabe, J. Population Gilroy, D. J. see Dahm, C. N. Hildrew, A. G. see Woodward, G. dynamics and production of Jesogam- Gliwicz, G. M. On the different nature of Hill, B. H., Herlihy, A. T. & Kaufmann, marus annandalei, an endemic amphi- top-down and bottom-up effects in P. R. Benthic microbial respiration in pod, in Lake Biwa, Japan, 1935 pelagic food webs, 2296 Appalachian Mountain, Piedmont, and Goedkoop, W. see Johnson, R. K. Coastal Plains streams of the eastern Jackson, D. A. see Olden, J. D. Goldman, C. R. see Park, S. U.S.A., 185 Jacobsen, D. see Sand-Jensen, K. Graga, M. A. S. see Barlocher, F. Hill, W. R. & Dimick, S. M. Effects of Jacobsen, L., Berg, S., Broberg, M., Jepsen, Grafe, C. see Fore, L. S. riparian leaf dynamics on periphyton N. & Skov, C. Activity and food choice Green, A. J. see Figuerola, J. photosynthesis and light utilisation of piscivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Green, J. D. see Duggan, I. C. efficiency, 1245 a eutrophic shallow lake: a radio-tele- Gregory, S. V. see Gurnell, A. M. Hillebrand, H. see Kahlert, M. metry study, 2370 Gregovich, D. P. see Wipfli, M. S. Hirst, H., Jiittner, 1. & Ormerod, S. J. Com- Jans, L. H. see Buijse, A. D. Grey, J., Thackeray, S. J., Jones, R. 1. & paring the responses of diatomsand Jansson, M. see Drakare, S. Shine, A. Ferox Trout (Salmo trutta) as macroinvertebrates to metals in upland Jensen, J. P. see Bradshaw, E. G. ‘Russian dolls’: complementary gut streams of Wales and Cornwall, 1752 Jeppesen, E. see Burks, R. L. content and stable isotope analyses of Holarek, C. see Baranyi, C. see also Bradshaw, E. G. the Loch Ness foodweb, 1235 Holker, F., Haertel, S. S., Steiner, S. & Jepsen, N. see Jacobsen, L. Grift, R. E. see Buijse, A. D. Mehner, T. Effects of piscivore- Johnson, B. M. see Lathrop, R. C. Gunn, R. J. M. see Clarke, R. T. mediated habitat use on growth, diet Johnson, R. K. & Goedkoop, W. Littoral Gurnell, A. M. & Petts, G. E. Island- and zooplankton consumption of macroinvertebrate communities: spatial dominated landscapes of large flood- roach: an individual-based modelling scale and ecological relationships, 1840 plain rivers, a European perspective, approach, 2345 Johnson, S. L. see Merriam, J. L. 581 Horppila, J. see Liljendahl-Nurminen, A. Johnson, T. B. see Lathrop, R. C. Gurnell, A. M., Piégay, H., Swanson, F. J. see also Vaitomaa, J. Jones, J. B., Jr Groundwater controls on & Gregory, S. V. Large wood and Horvath, G. see Bernath, B. nutrient cycling in a Mojave desert fluvial processes, 601 Hrabik, T. R. see Lathrop, R. C. stream, 971 Huber, H. see Matthaei, C. D. Jones, J. I. see Woodward, G. Haertel, S. S. see Holker, F. Huebert, D. see Squires, M. M. Jones, R. I. see Grey, J. Hall, C. J. & Burns, C. W. Mortality and Hughes, F. see Richards, K. see also Maberly, S. C. growth responses of Daphnia carinata to Hughes, J. M. see Cook, B. D. Jonsson, B. see Jonsson, N. increases in temperature and salinity, Hugueny, B. see Oberdorff, T. Jonsson, N. & Jonsson, B. Migration of 451 Hitilsmann, S. & Voigt, H. Life history of anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta Hamada, N., McCreadie, J. W. & Adler, Daphnia galeata in a_ hypertrophic in a Norwegian river, 1391 P.H. Species richness and spatial reservoir and consequences of non- Joy, M. K. & Death, R. G. Predictive distribution of blackflies (Diptera: consumptive mortality for the initiation modelling of freshwater fish as a Simuliidae) in streams of Central of a midsummer decline, 2313 biomonitoring tool in New Zealand, Amazonia, Brazil, 31 Humphries, P., Serafini, L. G. & King, A. 2261 Hambright, K. D., Blumenshine, S. C. & J. River regulation and fish larvae: Jungwirth, M., Muhar, S. & Schmutz, S. Shapiro, J. Can filter-feeding fishes variation through space and time, 1307 Re-establishing and assessing ecologi- improve water quality in lakes?, 1173 Humphries, S. Dispersal in drift-prone cal integrity in riverine landscapes, Hanson, M. A. see Zimmer, K. D. macroinvertebrates: a case for density- 867 Hansson, L.-A. see Abjérnsson, K. independence, 921 Junk, W. J. see Adis, J. see also Marklund, O. Huryn, A. D., Butz Huryn, V. M., Jiittner, I. see Hirst, H. Harms, S. The effect of bladderwort Arbuckle, C. J. & Tsomides, L. Catch- (Utricularia) predation on microcrusta- ment land-use, macroinvertebrates and Kahl, U. see Radke, R. J. cean prey, 1608 detritus processing in headwater Kahlert, M., Hasselrot, A. T., Hillebrand, Harris, I. T. see Harrison, S. S. C. streams: taxonomic richness versus H. & Pettersson, K. Spatial and tempor- Harrison, S. S. C. & Harris, I. T. The effects function, 401 al variation in the biomass and nutrient of bankside management on chalk status of epilithic algae in Lake Erken, stream invertebrate communities, 2233 Ibbotson, A., Smith, J., Scarlett, P. & Sweden, 1191 Harvey, I. see McKee, D. Aprhamian, M. Colonisation of fresh- Kamjunke, N., Schmidt, K., Pflugmacher, Hasselrot, A. T. see Kahlert, M. water habitats by the European eel S. & Mehner, T. Consumption of Hatton, K. see McKee, D. Anguilla anguilla, 1696 cyanobacteria by roach (Rutilus rutilus): Hehir, G. see Marchant, R. Ibelings, B. W. see Buijse, A. D. useful or harmful to the fish?, 243 Hein, T. see Baranyi, C. Innes, D. J. see Winsor, G. L. Kappes, H. & Sinsch, U. Temperature- and Helminen, H. see Tarvainen, M. Inoue, M. & Nunokawa, M. Effects of predator-induced phenotypic plasticity Hendricks, A. C. see Schultheis, A. S. longitudinal variations in stream habi- in Bosmina cornuta and B. pellucida Hendzel, L. L. see Paterson, M. J. tat structure on fish abundance: an (Crustacea: Cladocera), 1944 © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 47, 2467-2473 2470 Author index Karrenberg, S., Edwards, P. J. & Koll- Lathrop, R. C., Johnson, B. M., Johnson, T. water shrimp assemblages on benthic mann, J. The life history of Salicaceae B., Vogelsang, M. T., Carpenter, S. R., communities along an _ altitudinal living in the active zone of floodplains, Hrabik, T. R., Kitchell, J. F., Magnuson, gradient of a tropical island stream, 733 J. J., Rudstam, L. G. & Stewart, R. S. 377 Kasprzak, P., Benndorf, J., Mehner, T. & Stocking piscivores to improve fishing Marchand, F., Magnan, P. & Boisclair, D. Koschel, R. Biomanipulation of lake and water clarity: a synthesis of the Water temperature, light intensity and ecosystems: an introduction, 2277 Lake Mendota biomanipulation project, zooplankton density and the feeding Kasprzak, P. see Mehner, T. 2410 activity of juvenile brook charr (Salve- Kaufmann, P. R. see Hill, B. H. Lauridsen, T. L. see Burks, R. L. linus fontinalis), 2153 Keckeis, S. see Baranyi, C. Laurila, A. see Rasanen, K. Marchant, R. & Hehir, G. The use of Keim, P. see Miller, M. P. Laybourn-Parry, J. see Marshall, W. AUSRIVAS predictive models to assess Kelly, D. W., Dick, J. T. A. & Montgomery, Lazzaro, X. see Starling, F. the response of lotic macroinverte- W. I. Predation on mayfly nymph, Lesack, L. F. W. see Squires, M. M. brates to dams in south-east Australia, Baetis rhodani, by native and _intro- Leuven, R. S. E. W. & Poudevigne, I. 1033 duced Gammarus: direct effects and Riverine landscape dynamics and eco- Marklund, O., Sandsten, H., Hansson, L.-A. the facilitation of predation by logical risk assessment, 845 & Blindow, I. Effects of waterfowl and salmonids, 1257 Lewis, L. C. see Magoulick, D. D. fish on submerged vegetation and Kelly, L. C., Rundle, S. D. & Bilton, D. T. Liljendahl-Nurminen, A., Horppila, J., macroinvertebrates, 2049 Genetic population structure and dis- Eloranta, P., Malinen, T. & Uusitalo, Marshall, W. & Laybourn-Parry, J. The persal in Atlantic Island caddisflies, L. The seasonal dynamics and distribu- balance between photosynthesis and 1642 tion of Chaoborus flavicans larvae in grazing in Antarctic mixotrophic cryp- Kiel, S. see Beeck, P. adjacent lake basins of different mor- tophytes during summer, 2060 Kilinc, S. & Moss, B. Whitemere, a lake phometry and degree of eutrophica- Martyniak, A. see Dawidowicz, P. that defies some conventions about tion, 1283 Mathooko, J. M. see Dobson, M. nutrients, 207 Lodge, D. M. see Burks, R. L. Matthaei, C. D. & Huber, H. Microform King, A. J. see Humphries, P. Luecke, C. see Cole, P. C. bed clusters: are they preferred habitats King, L. see Maberly, S. C. for invertebrates in a_ flood-prone Kirk, K. L. Competition in variable envir- Maberly, S. C., King, L., Dent, M. M., stream?, 2174 onments: experiments with planktonic Jones, R. I. & Gibson, C. E. Nutrient Mazumder, A. see Edmundson, J. A. rotifers, 1089 limitation of phytoplankton and per- McCreadie, J. W. see Hamada, N. Kitchell, J. F. see Lathrop, R. C. iphyton growth in upland lakes, 2136 McDonnell, D. E. see Dahm, C. N. Kollmann, J. see Karrenberg, S. Maberly, S. C. see Reynolds, C. S. McDowell, W. H. see Merriam, J. L. see also Tockner, K. Macisaac, H. J. see Berg, D. J. McGowan, S. see Ryves, D. B. Koop, J. see Benndorf, J. Madsen, T. V. & Cedergreen, N. Sources McIntosh, A. R., Peckarsky, B. L. & Taylor, Koschel, R. see Kasprzak, P. of nutrients to rooted submerged B. W. The influence of predatory fish on see also Mehner, T. macrophytes growing in a nutrient-rich mayfly drift: extrapolating from experi- Kozlowski, J. see Dawidowicz, P. stream, 283 ments to nature, 1497 Kufel, L. see Dawidowicz, P. Magalhaes, M. F., Batalha, D. C., Collares- McKee, D., Atkinson, D., Collings, S., Kukkonen, J. V. K. see Vuori, K.-M. Pereira, M. J. Gradients in stream fish Eaton, J., Harvey, I., Heyes, T., Hatton, assemblages across a Mediterranean K., Wilson, D. & Moss, B. Macro- Laitung, B., Pretty, J. L., Chauvet, E. & landscape: contribution of environmen- zooplankter responses to simulated Dobson, M. Response of aquatic hypho- tal factors and spatial structure, 1015 climate warming in experimental fresh- mycete communities to enhanced Magalhaes, M. F., Beja, P., Canas, C. & water microcosms, 1557 stream retention in areas impacted by Collares-Pereira, M. J. Functional het- Medina-Sanchez, J. M., Villar-Argaiz, M. commercial forestry, 313 erogeneity of dry-season fish refugia & Carrillo, P. Modulation of the bacter- Lamberti, G. A. see Strauss, E. A. across a Mediterranean catchment: the ial response to spectral solar radiation Lammens, E. H. R. R., van Nes, E. H. & role of habitat and predation, 1919 by algae and limiting nutrients, 2191 Mooij, W. M. Differences in the exploi- Magana, A. see Dobson, M. Mehner, T. see Kamjunke, N. tation of bream in three shallow lake Magnan, P. see Marchand, F. see also Kasprzak, P. systems and their relation to water Magnuson, J. J. see Lathrop, R. C. Mehner, T., Benndorf, J., Kasprzak, P. & quality, 2435 Magoulick, D. D. & Lewis, L. C. Predation Koschel, R. Biomanipulation of lake Lamouroux, N. & Capra, H. Simple on exotic zebra mussels by native ecosystems: successful applications predictions of instream habitat model fishes: effects on predator and prey, and expanding complexity in the un- outputs for target fish populations, 1908 derlying science, 2453 1543 Malard, F., Tockner, K., Dole-Olivier, M.-J. Mehner, T. see Hélker, F. Lamouroux, N. & Souchon, Y. Simple & Ward, J. V. A landscape perspective see also Wysujack, K. predictions of instream habitat model of surface-subsurface hydrological Merila, J. see Rasanen, K. outputs for fish habitat guilds in large exchanges in river corridors, 621 Merriam, J. L., McDowell, W. H., Tank, streams, 1531 Malinen, T. see Liljendahl-Nurminen, A. J. L., Wollheim, W. M., Crenshaw, C. L. Lapesa, S., Snell, T. W., Fields, D. M. & Malmgavist, B. Aquatic invertebrates in & Johnson, S. L. Characterizing nitro- Serra, M. Predatory _ interactions riverine landscapes, 679 gen dynamics, retention and transport between a cyclopoid copepod and three March, J. G., Pringle, C. M., Townsend, in a tropical rainforest stream using an sibling rotifer species, 1685 M. J. & Wilson, A. I. Effects of fresh- in situ '°N addition, 143 © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 47, 2467-2473 Author index 2471 Mertes, L. A. K. Remote sensing of tion of a fish-based index for the Rasanen, K., Laurila, A. & Merila, J. Carry- riverine landscapes, 799 assessment of ‘river health’ in France, over effects of embryonic acid condi- Meyer, J. L. see Sutherland, A. B. 1720 tions on development and growth of Miller, M. C. see Bettez, N. D. O’Brien, J. see Bettez, N. D. Rana temporaria tadpoles, 19 Miller, M. P., Blinn, D. W. & Keim, P. Olden, J. D. & Jackson, D. A. A compar- Repka, S. see Vaitomaa, J Correlations between observed disper- ison of statistical approaches for mod- Reynolds, C. S. & Maberly, S. C. A sal capabilities and patterns of genetic elling fish species distributions, 1976 simple method for approximating the differentiation in populations of four Oosterberg, W. see Buijse, A. D. supportive capacities and metabolic aquatic insect species from the Arizona Ormerod, S. J. see Bradley, D. C. constraints in lakes and reservoirs, 1183 White Mountains, U.S.A., 1660 see also Buckton, S. T. Reynolds, C. S. see Elliott, J. A. Mitchell, S. E. & Carvalho, G. R. Com- see also Hirst, H. Richards, K., Brasington, J. & Hughes, F. parative demographic impacts of Geomorphic dynamics of floodplains: ‘info-chemicals’ and __ exploitative Pagano, A. M. see Titus, J. E. ecological implications and a potential competition: an empirical test using Panov, V. E. see Berg, D. J. modelling strategy, 559 Daphnia magna, 459 Paradowska, M. see Dawidowicz, P. Robinson, C. T., Tockner, K. & Burgherr, Miyake, Y. & Nakano, S. Effects of sub- Park, S., Brett, M. T., Muiller-Navarra, D. P. Seasonal patterns in macroinverte- stratum stability on diversity of stream C. & Goldman, C. R. Essential fatty acid brate drift and seston transport in invertebrates during baseflow at iwo content and the phosphorus to carbon streams of an alpine glacial flood plain, spatial scales, 219 ratio in cultured algae as indicators of 985 Modenutti, B. E. & Balseiro, E. G. Mixo- food quality for Daphnia, 1377 Robinson, C. T., Tockner, K. & Ward, J. V. trophic ciliates in an Andean lake: Paterson, M. J., Findlay, D. L., Salki, A. G., The fauna of dynamic riverine land- dependence on light and prey of an Hendzel, L. L. & Hesslein, R. H. The scapes, 661 Ophrydium naumanni population, 121 effects of Daphnia on nutrient stoichio- Rojo, a. C. see Alvarez-Cobelas, M. Mohr, S. & Adrian, R. Reproductive metry and filamentous cyanobacteria: a Roozen, F. C. J. M. see Buijse, A. D. success of the rotifer Brachionus calyci- mesocosm experiment in a eutrophic Rosi-Marshall, E. J. & Wallace, J. B. florus feeding on ciliates and flagellates lake, 1217 Invertebrate food webs along a stream of different trophic modes, 1832 Patoine, A., Pinel-Alloul, B. & Prepas, E. E. resource gradient, 129 Moilanen, M. see Ventela, A. M. Effects of catchment perturbations by Rublee, P. A. see Bettez, N. D. Montgomery, W. I. see Kelly, D. W. logging and wildfires on zooplankton Rudstam, L. G. see Lathrop, R. C. Mooij, W. M. see Lammens, E. H. R. R. species richness and composition in Rukke, N. A. see Wervagen, S. B. Moreira, R. see Starling, F. Boreal Shield lakes, 1996 Rundle, S. D., Foggo, A., Choiseul, V. & Moss, B. see Kilinc, S. Peckarsky, B. L. see McIntosh, A. R. Bilton, D. T. Are distribution patterns see also McKee, D. Perez-Martinez, C. see Conde-Porcuna, J. linked to dispersal mechanism? An see also Williams, A. E. M. investigation using pond invertebrate Muhar, S. see Jungwirth, M. Perrow, M. R. see Skov, C. assemblages, 1571 Miller, J. C., Schramm, S. & Seitz, A. Pettersson, K. see Kahlert, M. Rundle, S. D. see Kelly, L. C. Genetic and morphological differentia- Petts, G. E. see Gurnell, A. M. Ryves, D. B., McGowan, S. & Anderson, tion of Dikerogammarus invaders and Pflugmacher, S. see Kamjunke, N. N. J. Development and evaluation of a their invasion history in Central Eur- Piégay, H. see Gurnell, A. M. diatom-conductivity model from lakes ope, 2039 Pinel-Alloul, B. see Patoine, A. in West Greenland, 995 Miiller-Navarra, D. C. see Park, S. Piscia, R. see Callieri, C. Pont, D. see Oberdorff, T. Saari, L. see Vaitomaa, J. Nair, K. V. K. see Sekar, R. Poole, G. C. Fluvial landscape ecology: Saarikari, V. see Ventela, A. M. Nakano, S. see Miyake, Y. addressing uniqueness within the river Salki, A. G. see Paterson, M. J. Ndegwa, F. K. see Dobson, M. discontinuum, 641 Sanchez, J. A. see Cagigas, M. E. Negishi, J. N., Inoue, M. & Nunokawa, M. Porcher, J.-P. see Oberdorff, T. Sand-Jensen, K. & Jacobsen, D. Herbivory Effects of channelisation on stream Poudevigne, I. see Leuven, R. S. E. W. and growth in terrestrial and aquatic habitat in relation to a spate and flow Pozo, J. see Diez, J. populations of amphibious stream refugia for macroinvertebrates in Prejs, A. see Dawidowicz, P. plants, 1475 northern Japan, 1515 Prepas, E. E. see Patoine, A. Sandsten, H. see Marklund, O. van Nes, E. H. see Lammens, E. H. R. R. Pretty, J. L. see Laitung, B. Saros, J. E. & Fritz, S. C. Resource Neubauer, I. see Benndorf, J. Pringle, C. M. see March, J. G. competition among saline-lake diatoms Nicola, G. G. & Almodovar, A. Reproduc- Pusch, M. see Craft, J. A. under varying N/P ratio, salinity and tive traits of stream-dwelling brown anion composition, 87 trout Salmo trutta in contrasting neigh- Radke, R. J. & Kahl, U. Effects of a filter- Sarvala, J. see Tarvainen, M. bouring rivers of central Spain, 1353 feeding fish [silver carp, Hypophthal- see also Ventela, A. M. Nilsson, C. see Andersson, E. michthys molitrix (Val.)] on phyto- and Scarlett, P. see Ibbotson, A. Nilsson, E. see Brunberg, A.-K. zooplankton in a mesotrophic reser- Scarsbrook, M. R. Persistence and stability Nunokawa, M. see Inoue, M. voir: results from an enclosure experi- of lotic invertebrate communities in see also Negishi, J. N. ment, 2337 New Zealand, 417 Ramos-Rodriguez, E. see Conde-Porcuna, Schiemer, F. see Baranyi, C. Oberdorff, T., Pont, D., Hugueny, B. & J. M. Schmidt, K. see Kamjunke, N. Porcher, J.-P. Development and valida- Rao, V. N. R. see Sekar, R. chmutz, S. see Jungwirth, M. © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 47, 2467-2473 2472 Author index Schramm, S. see Miiller, J. C. Tauber, S. see Beeck, P. Vogelsang, M. T. see Lathrop, R. C. Schultheis, A. S., Hendricks, A. C. & Taylor, Brad W. see McIntosh, A. R. Voigt, H. see Hiilsmann, S. Weigt, L. A. Genetic evidence for Telesh, I. V. see Berg, D. J. Vretare Strand, V. The influence of venti- ‘leaky’ cohorts in the semivoltine stone- Thackeray, S. J. see Grey, J. lation systems on water depth penetra- fly Peltoperla tarteri (Plecoptera: Pelto- Thibault, J. R. see Dahm, C. N. tion of emergent macrophytes, 1097 perlidae), 367 Thomsen, A. G. & Friberg, N. Growth and Vuori, K.-M. & Kukkonen, J. V. K. Hydro- Seitz, A. see Miiller, J. C. emergence of the stonefly Leuctra nigra psychid (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae) Sekar, R., Nair, K. V. K., Rao, V. N. R. & in coniferous forest streams with con- gill abnormalities as morphological Venugopalan, V. P. Nutrient dynamics trasting pH, 1159 biomarkers of stream pollution, 1297 and successional changes in a lentic Thomson, J. R. The effects of hydrological Vuorio, K. see Ventela, A.-M. freshwater biofilm, 1893 disturbance on the densities of macro- Serafini, L. G. see Humphries, P. invertebrate predators and their prey in Wallace, J.B. see Rosi-Marshall, E. J. Serra, M. see Lapesa, S. a coastal stream, 1333 Ward, J. V., Tockner, K., Arscott, D. B. & Shapiro, J. see Hambright, K. D. Thorp, J. H. & Casper, A. F. Potential effects Claret, C. Riverine landscape diversity, Shiel, R. J. see Duggan, I. C. on zooplankton from species shifts in 517 Shine, A. see Grey, J. planktivorous mussels: a field experi- Ward, J. V. see Malard, F. Sinsch, U. see Kappes, H. ment in the St Lawrence River, 107 see also Robinson, C. T. Sivonen, K. see Vaitomaa, J. Thorp, J. H., Alexander, J. E. Jr & Cobbs, see also Tockner, K. Skov, C., Perrow, M. R., Berg, S. & G. A. Coping with warmer, large rivers: Weervagen, S. B., Rukke, N. A. & Hessen, Skovgaard, H. Changes in the fish a field experiment on potential range D. O. Calcium content of crustacean community and water quality during expansion of northern quagga mussels zooplankton and its potential role in seven years of stocking piscivorous fish (Dreissena bugensis), 1779 species distribution, 1866 in a shallow lake, 2388 Titus, J. E. & Pagano, A. M. Decomposi- Webster, J. R. see Crenshaw, C. L. Skov, C. see Jacobsen, L. tion of litter from submersed macro- Weigt, L. A. see Schultheis, A. S. Skovgaard, H. see Skov, C. phytes: the indirect effects of high Weisse, T. & Frahm, A. Direct and indirect Smith, J. see Ibbotson, A. [CO,], 1367 impact of two common rotifer species Snell, T. W. see Lapesa, S. Tockner, K., Ward, J. V., Edwards, P. J. & (Keratella spp. ) on two abundant ciliate Souchon, Y. see Lamouroux, N. Kollmann, J. Riverine landscapes: an species (Urotricha furcata, Balanion Sperling, F. A. H. see Galacatos, K. introduction, 497 planctonicum), 53 Squires, M. M., Lesack, L. F. W. & Tockner, K. see Malard, F. Weitere, M. & Arndt, H. Top-down effects Huebert, D. The influence of water see also Robinson, C. T. on pelagic heterotrophic nanoflagel- transparency on the distribution and see also Ward, J. V. lates (HNF) in a large river (River abundance of macrophytes among Townsend, M. J. see March, J. G. Rhine): do losses to the benthos play a lakes of the Mackenzie Delta, Western Tsomides, L. see Huryn, A. D. role?, 1437 Canadian Arctic, 2123 Wiackowski, K. see Ventela, A.-M. Stanford, J. A. see Craft, J. A. Urabe, J. see Ishikawa, T. Wiens, J. A. Riverine landscapes: taking Staras, M. see Buijse, A. D. Uusitalo, L. see Liljendahl-Nurminen, A. landscape ecology into the water, 501 Starling, F., Lazzaro, X., Cavalcanti, C. Wildermuth, H. see Bernath, B. & Moreira, R. Contribution of omnivor- Vaitomaa, J., Repka, S., Saari, L., Tallberg, Williams, A. E., Moss, B. & Eaton, J. Fish ous tilapia to eutrophication of a P., Horppila, J. & Sivonen, K. Amino- induced macrophyte loss in shallow shallow tropical reservoir: evidence peptidase and phosphatase activities in lakes: top-down and bottom-up pro- from a fish kill, 2443 basins of Lake Hiidenvesi dominated cesses in mesocosm experiments, 2216 Steiner, S. see Hdlker, F. by cyanobacteria and in laboratory Wilson, A. I. see March, J. G. Stewart, R. S. see Lathrop, R. C. grown Anabaena, 1582 Wilson, D. see McKee, D. Strauss, E. A. & Lamberti, G. A. Effect of Valett, H. M. see Crenshaw, C. L. Winder, J. M. see Clarke, R. T. dissolved organic carbon quality on Van De Bund, W. J. & Van Donk, E. Short- Winsor, G. L. & Innes, D. J. Sexual microbial decomposition and _nitrifica- term and long-term effects of zooplank- reproduction in Daphnia pulex (Crusta- tion rates in stream sediments, 65 tivorous fish removal in a shallow lake: cea: Cladocera): observations on male Sutherland, A. B., Meyer, J. L. & Gardiner, a synthesis of 15 years of data from mating behaviour and avoidance of E. P. Effects of land cover on sediment Lake Zwemlust, 2380 inbreeding, 441 regime and fish assemblage structure in Van Donk, E. see Dionisio Pires, L. M. Wipfli, M. S. & Gregovich, D. P. Export four southern Appalachian streams, see also Van De Bund, W. J. of invertebrates and detritus from 1791 Vanni, M. J. see Devine, J. A. fishless headwater streams in south- Swanson, F. J. see Gurnell, A. M. Vazquez, E. M. see Cagigas, M. E. eastern Alaska: implications for Szedenics, G. see Bernath, B. Velasco, J. L. see Alvarez-Cobelas, M. downstream salmonid _ production, Ventela, A.-M., Wiackowski, K., Moilanen, 957 Tallberg, P. see Vaitomaa, J. M., Saarikari, V., Vuorio, K. & Sarvala, Wipfli, M. S. see Chaloner, D. T. Tank, J. L. see Merriam, J. L. J. The effect of small zooplankton on Woelfl, S. & Geller, W. Chlorella-bearing Tarvainen, M., Sarvala, J. & Helminen, H. the microbial loop and edible algae ciliates dominate in an oligotrophic The role of phosphorus release by during a cyanobacterial bloom, 1807 North Patagonian lake (Lake roach [Rutilus rutilus (L.)] in the water Venugopalan, V. P. see Sekar, R. Pirehueico, Chile): abundance, biomass quality changes of a biomanipulated Villar-Argaiz, M. and symbiotic photosynthesis, 231 lake, 2325 see Medina-Sanchez, J. M. Wollheim, W. M. see Merriam, J. L. © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 47, 2467-2473 Author index 2473 Woodward, G. & Hildrew, A. G. Food Wunsam, S., Cattaneo, A. & Bourassa, N. tion and seine-fishing in a lake under- web structure in riverine landscapes, Comparing diatom species, genera and going long-term biomanipulation, 2425 777 size in biomonitoring: a case study Woodward, G., Jones, J. I. & Hildrew, A. from streams in the Laurentians (Qué- Zimmer, K. D., Hanson, M. A. & Butler, G. Community persistence in Broad- bec, Canada), 325 M. G. Effects of fathead minnows and stone Stream (U.K.) over three decades, Wurtsbaugh, W. A. see Cole, P. C. restoration on prairie wetland ecosys- 1419 Wysujack, K. & Mehner, T. Comparison of tems, 2071 Wright, J. F. see Clarke, R. T. losses of planktivorous fish by preda- © 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 47, 2467-2473

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