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Freshwater Algae PDF

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Insthuteo f TerrestfiaEl cology NATURALF NVF ONMENTH ESEARCCHO UNCIL A beginner'gs uidet o FreshwateAr lgae llilarv Belche&r EricaS wale CultureC entreo f Algaea nd Protozoa Her Majestys Slaiion€ry Office CultureC eite ot Agae and Frotozoa 0223 (c.mbrdqo)6 13/3 TheC uhureC oire ol A!ae and Prorozoa s part of the lnslitul. ol Terestra Ecotogy, (hi.h rs, c.mp,renr brdf ol th. Nlural Envr o.mentF cse..chC oui. L lntroduction Thep urposeo f thisb ooklels to enableth osew ho would rke 1ol earnt o recognisseo m€ of the algaeo i freshwate1r0 m ake a start.F romt he veryl argen umbero f differeftg cneraw e haves elected1 10 of thosem ostl ikeLtvo be found,a n.lw e haveiiu slraledo nespeciesb elonglngtoeach( A gerds. pl.ra genera.s corgarabe w th thei amrlyn .me cI a person 'Wordswo(h'. eg anda rpeciesp. ursis peclesi.s comparaeb 'W with a firstn amee. g liani.)T hed rawingsa r€ n almost everyc asem adef roml iv ng sp€clmens( exceptth oseo f dia WI]ATA F€ ALGAE? Aiga€ lnc udes uchd iverseg roupso f orllans mst hato ne m3y " I n , "7 "1. e"4n qr.er I e c_1'nom^ 'I' o on i that in the eary dayso f the developmenotJ ght microscopes. and beforeth oseo i electronm icroscopetsh.e iri ull dLVertsy couldn ol be detecledT- hec ellso f somea lgaea reo f bac- lerials ize.io re xamplea,b out1 u m (1 nricromet=re 1 /100Om m) or about0 00004i nsa crossO thersc ontaina vastn umbero f cellsa ndc an be up to 50m (over1 5 0 feet)l ong.1 ore xampe , the afgesst eaweedsS omea lgaea r€ undotrbtedlpy a nts, somed fier so litre frornb acleriath att heyc ouldb e mernbels ol a speca l baclera l classs, omga rea nimalso r |nry show cerian teaturebs otho f an malsa nd p ants Desp1 et hes€ faclsm osta gal 0roupsh av€ cerlainfe aturesr common. I\,4icroscopalc g ae can be foLrnde verywheref,r om permanent snowa ndi cet o desertsth, e oceans,a kesr, iversp, !ddLes, rocksa nds orl.J usta st he 1reesg,r asseasn dh erbse veryone is famrliawr th arel he ftrnrnb asiso f |ie on and.s o a qaea re the basiso f thati n the seaa nd.I ndeedp. roclLrcaeb outt he samea rnounot f organicm atlera ndo xyg€n asd o landp lants. Althought hcre s nothn g in freshwatecro mparablwei th the largets eaweedsth, esea gaes howa rangei n sizef romt he smallesot f aboutT u m in diametetro trali ng folmso f more HOWT O LOOKA T THEN4 To examinefr eshwetearl gaeth e equipmenrle quiredn eedn ot be elaborateA. iew of the largerg enefac an be ,dentifiedb y a handl ensa lone( magnlficatioonf sx 10 andx 20).b uia m croscopew h ch magnf iesa r leastx 100 is generally essentiaAl.t thiss taget herei s no needa t a I tor an o I immersioonb tectivelt. wouldt aket oo muchs pacea. nd it wouldn ot be verys atisfectortyo, explainin detailh ow to mounta sampleo f algaeo n a qlasss lidea nd how actuayl to !se a m croscooeF. ort hisa Je\/n rlnLileds emorstraiion by someonee xperienceids fiore valuableth anp ageso l description. Algaeu suallyd ie andd ecayI airlyr apldlya flerc ollectionI.o keept hemf resha s longa s possibled.o not overfI the con- t€iner, alwaysle avea n air spacea nd keept he samplec ool. Planklona lgaem avb e ealeob y assoca teda nrmals(s ucha s Daphnia,t lrc watet flea) in a short time. li presentr n notice' abe numbersth eys houd be strainedo ff immediatel(ya piece of nylons tockingm akesa goods ieve). Samplesm ayb e preservebdy addingi odines o utionw hlch, howev€r,l urnsl he chloropa stb rovJi A saluraledso luiiono f roor e r,ro olasr L^rr od,d6d rd walerc onb e oraporFob.u l ordinaryti nclureo f iodinew ill do. lt is best1 0a ddi t froma droppingb ottlau ntllt he wholei s of a palcb rownc olour.l t is importantto ensureth att he speclmenb ortleo r tubeo f algae is keptw ell stoppereads odinee vaporaterse adrly. NQTESO NT I]ED RAWINGS Indicationo f s zeso f the algaed rawnl s difliculta st hisv aries so muchb elweens peciese.v eno f the sameg enus( fori n srance,. e It ol Chlorcganiun ta.ge Irc'r] 5 15 L'm n length lat C. euchbrunt b 25orn Iar C. maxtmum).) twould be misleadrg to showt,h e srzeo { eachs peciesil lusrf6teds.o we haves taleda rangec overingth e wholeg enus. Thes tudentis stronglya dvs edr o drawm icroscocp objects whenevepr ossibleT.h erei s no necessry to'be ablet o draw' to do this.W hatm aiiefss havingy ouro wn recordo f what the thingl ookedI ke,t o helpy ou to remembetr andt o Lrndersianrtds s hapel ils surprisinhgo \1,tryin1g0 d raw it makeso fa lookm uchh arderro seew hat ihe atgai s realty like.A lways labeli he d.awing with the name( f Itte akJai l knowna nda ddt he datea ndr hep lacew here I wasr ouno. CLASFSI CATION To hep findl he way in morea dvancedp ubr catron(ss ee page4 6).t he algaei ncludedh erea rea rrangedn thelrm ajor groupingsb elow: Greena lgae( Chlorophyceaein),c luding: Swimmingc els andc o onies( Volvocales()n, os.1-14) Non motilec ellsa ndc olonles(C hlorococcales), (nos.15-33) F lamentouasl gae( of variousfa ml ies).n os3 4-50) Desmd s (Conjugae s in paft),( nos.5'1-59) Yellowg reena lgae( Xanthophyceae(n),o s.60-63) Goldeny e ow algae{ Chrysophyceae(n).o s.64-68) Distoms( Bacillariophycea(en)o. s.69-85) Cryptophycea(en,o .86) Dinofa gela tes( Dinophyceae()n, os.878, 8) Euglcnoifdla ge ates( Euglenophyceae(n),o s.8S-91) Beda lgae( Rhodophyceae()n.o s.92-95) Blue-greean g ae (l\,lyxophyceoare C yanophyceae). (nos9 7-110) lsee the diapran apposhe) Lnt he centreo i the ce I Binary vegetativdei vrso n of a free-livingce l intot wo equa ands eparaldea ughtecr e ls lhe co oureds tructurein p Enrc e lsw hich absorbsI g ht Lrsedn photosynthesiussi ual, !lreeno r brolvn,o ccasronalrley do r blLre-green Cyst restings taoew ilh thickw a . fonnedf rome srngLcce rsed of a plantw hichl rows on rnother.b ut not /,rirp ikes lrucllresu sedb Vc els lor swlmmn g bul diffc u t 10s eeu nlesss tainedb y iodinee tc; 'f h€nce a!,eal tcs'-ce s swimmingb y flagella. ln.b. flageuLln s slngua r. plura f/agel/a) hslf shello f a di.tom-see noteo r diatoms iol!oh,inqn o.68 seen oteo n dratomsa ndl abel edd iagram colourlessst ructurwe h ch containsh ereditary lyrnga gainstlh e wall of a c€ll co eclrvele rmf c'ra n nralsa nd plaflsw hicl_ lLoali n walei and arec arriedp assv elyb y a coloure sss tructurca ssociatewd th the ch oro plasta ndc oncerfedw jth starchfo r.nallon the Inears tr!.lurez longi be canlreo , somed ia lom frustLers seel abee d diagram Signoid oi an e ongatedS -shapel.i k€ Gylrslgra no.80 Srellate staas hapedm, ainy us€d oJc h oroplasts Stiae th€ stripel iken rarkrngosI a diaromf rLstule seen oteo n dralomsa nd abelled.l agram Diagrammatsict ructureo f somea lgae ALGALF LAGELLATE Flagellun Contractilvea cuole Eyes pot Nucleus Chloroplast FILAIIE NTOUS FiLA[4ENTOUS GBE€N ALGA BLUE.GREEN ALGA Chloroplast Ceilwall vegetatlve DIATOM Striae view 1-GJrdle Baphe Chlorophyce:a Ger eena lgae Greens wirnmingc els lsee alsoE uglenaa ndP hacus) Chlamydonanas.A very big genuso f round.o val or cylin, clricacl els whichs wimw ith two flagellao i equall englh. T, "." rr"/ J. 1"/ rot ba a D. .a-o:cj. bLt a rpd pya 5po- . lsuallyp resentT. hew all is smootfa ndi hin.C etlsc an be trom2 5 to 50sm or morei n engrh,mosllyb2 0 (wlthout ncludn g the flagela.a s in al rneasuremenints t hisb ookleO. FoLrnidn everyk indo f aquarich abt at.s pecieso i thisg enus ar€ the mostl ikeiyg reens wimmingc e s to be encounlefed. Chlarcgoniun.I hls has r,NaI agellaI ke Chlamydomonas but s spindle-shapeUdn. liket he srnna rlys hapedt/ g/era (89) il doesn ot changej1 s{ orm 5 50gmt ong( l rare speciesre ache2s 50tm). andi ound n pondsa ndr ivers. BBchionanas. Relaledb Chlamydamorasb ut has a po nted tarla ndf o!r ateralo besw h ch sticko ut of the bodyl ike frfs. Sometlmefso undi n bird-bathas nctln poolsn eari he sea.1 0-50Uml ong. PteromanasL. ike Chlanydarnonasb ut with a longltud nal wing on eachs ideo f the bodyI ke an e m f.u t. Revov esa s rl swrmsi.s 10-25urnl ong.a ndl ivesr n pondsa nd slow rlvers4 b, a ce ltn transverssee ction Haenatococcus.C els ova . 10-30um tong.c onlents separatefdro mt he wa by a clears pacec rossedb y rada l lhreadsT. heg reenc hloroplasist somelirnensr askedb y red ' i loL'6do il Tr e dan 6 oop ,td onso f .-i<o rgarr ' oclL'r I g in bird-bathsw. et ho ows in rockst,h e depressronIns m !n halec oversa ndo rhers ma temporsrwy aterb odiesm avb e ertnebr ngntg reeno r rustyr €d. Loban)onasC. ellsl ike Chlamydonanas,3 2Esm long. with ll obedo r wavyo ut n€. Occlrs n pldd es.p ondse tc.€s doesr hes m larr rplosraurorw, hr.h ssquare Phacotus.C els ike Chlamydomonasl. O 20um rong.a no iound rn similapr aces.b ul eachi s enclosedrn a wal resembin g rwo watchg lassefs t tingt ogethers,o metimes lnrna ndt ransparenbtu t moreo itent hicka nds cutprurecl. Pytan)imanaCs.e llso valo r strawberry-shape5d,Z. bUml ong, w lh foLrfr ageliaw hicha risef roma prta rt he rronte no. Antefiore dgeo f the chloraplasdte €p y divid€d inrof our or €rqht lobes,g vingt he celta stripeda ppearancTeh. eres no wall.3 ndt he ce I divd esb y binaryf issicnp. onds.p !ddtes Chlorophyce:a Ger eena lgae Greens wimmingc olonies Pyrcbotrys.P eat-shapeds wimmingc e ls b-25um lonq. looseiya ltgfeqatetdo {orma co ony.I n hoofp rinlsa ndo ther puddlcsft chi n organicm alterW. ill somelimeasp pearif mud andw atert romt heses icftt o standt ogethewr th a pieceo f a driedp ea.T hes imilaPr ascrer,?haa so nly4 cells insteado f 8 of 16. '10 Eudatina.Ihes 'r.,arlo undc ells.5-15uml ong.o ccura t the surfaceo f a globularc olony up to 20Os m across S€veral specieso,n ec ommoni n puddlesp, onds,la kesa nd rrvers. 11 Pandarha. D)tfercf tam Eudozra tn that the cellsi it c osely logelharw itho!1a lafgec enirasl paceC ommonin puddles. pondsl,a kesanrdi versC. els8 -20urno ng,cooniesupto 50 um diameter. 12 GorlumC. onsistosf squarefl,a t.f ouro r 16 cel edc olonies !p to 100uma crossC. ells5 -25Umlo ng.C ommoinn puddlesp.o ndsl,a kesa nds lowr ivers. 13 Stepha na spha eft- f he coloniesa rec haracterisriccl ear globesL rpt o 60uma crossc ontsininge ightl argec ettst ike thoseo i Haerlalo..rsa fiangedln af equaiorianln g.T he glober evov esa s it swimst hrought he water.F oundp ar ticularlyrn water-fillesdo lulionh ollowso f lrrnesronreo cKs. l/o/yoxC. oloniesv jsibc to the unaidede ve( up to I mm across)c.o ntan rngh undredos f cells.F oundi n pudde s, ponds.a kesa nds low rvers.F ora n articled ealjngw irltt his andt he previoufso ur generas.e eJ ane,F .W ., 1949.F amous plan$: 1, Volvax,N ew Bialagy,6, S7-99.

with a first name. eg. 'W liani.) The drawings ar€ n almost every case made from liv ng sp€clmens (except those of dia. WI]AT AF€ ALGAE? Aiga€ lnc rlregu ar transverse abs. Common in water bodres of a I types. 72a, valve view. c eaned fruslule; 72b. girdle view of living f:ament. Metidian.
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