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ALBANY STATE COLLEGE RECEIVES A NEW GRAND PIANO 63 ^n|| oJ jaua uup jiuja jjia »<oajp sdius aonup uup poasu a saod ao XA joa jjiosa JaajiuS poAdU• gija jouuunas joaxdua ona euSaa nd\s<uap4 uup pmjizujiou quojMdcap• )^QuJfqa iJ jjia &<oajp pip sjod jija »<onjp jji^u aoo sjod cup ona JIA^S &on|p qa 3unifj nd iu ^oujnsiou ,Qisuddoiuauiauj Douias »<ia|i adcjiiit• jj3 sqonjp uoa qa cjacip jo pa>\tau• ^3 sjionjp uoj qa ujacip ao po ona qasj• jj^a sjionjp ifo qaitoup ona uiimuinul uup aaupi ona uiuuutnuii piaaa a<i|| a<a jiup dau>:a• STUDENT Student Government initiates innovative programs to enhance campus. The SGA under Benita Lynn Childs NAACP during NAACP week. "The or at least strongly considered by top of­ has made significant strides to spear­ Registration Drive was also a major con­ ficials. head improvements here on the campus cern," says Vice-President Howard Moreover, SGA has proposed for the of Albany State College. President Ben­ Ford. Indeed, SGA worked feverishly to future the establishment of a program ita L. Childs, a native of Detroit, Michi­ encourage people to register and exercise that will provide internship for Political gan, Vice-President Howard Ford, and their right to vote. Science majors with the ASC Public Secretary Adriene Thornton, have colla­ SGA is also currently working on pre­ Safety division. Fervent efforts have also borated on many programs that are sent and future plans that will serve to been made to have statues erected in aimed at enhancing the character of Al­ benefit the student body. Currently, honor of Dr. Martin Luther King and bany State. SGA was instrumental in en­ Benita is spearheading a policy that will Joseph Holley respectively, that will couraging Stokely Carmicheal to visit allow for Coed Visitation, a hot topic in­ serve as a symbol of the ideas each man Albany State College and present a very deed. Benita has detailed an open visita­ stood for. A Cultural Arts Center, locat­ informative and provocative speech on tion policy already and has sent a copy to ed in the President's House, is also being the two great personalities of the Civil the offices of President Black, Dean planned by the SGA. Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther Grant, and other correspondents. The These and other programs represent a King, Jr., and Malcolm X. SGA was also policy is gaining campus-wide support, SGA that is going beyond expectations active in Convocation Exercises held and perhaps before her administration to enhance life on the Campus of Albany during Homecoming as well as partici­ terminates in June, Benita will possibly State College. pating in a collaborative effort with the realize open visitation policies initiated 66 Student Government GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Adriene Thornton, SGA Secretary, diligently works to complete her daily tasks. Senior SGA Vice-President, Howard Ford, will be graduating soon, and as he leaves office he feels that the toughest aspects of being SGA Vice-Presi­ dent were "learning to work with people and moti­ vating them to become involved in important is­ sues on campus." An outspoken, inspirational, and fearless Benita Childs always stresses the need for the student body to unify and tackle important issues on the campus of Albany State College. She strongly feels that only through the weapon of unification can progress ever be achieved. Student Government 67 Desperately in Need One of the hottest issues of the year centered around a simple task, but under extenuating cir­ cumstances, the task of finding an adequate parking space on campus was about as easy as try­ ing to convince President Bush that he would eventually have to raise taxes. Read My Lips: I want a Parking space. The con­ struction of new parking areas, which was projected to be com­ pleted by the 1988 Fall Quarter, quickly spilled into the 1989 Winter and Spring Quarters. However, Construction has be­ gun and slowly but surely the completion of the new parking areas will be achieved. Until then, I advise you to arrive on campus early in the morning be­ fore 8:00 a.m. or else you will have to"hit the Hill", if you know what I mean. 68 Parking of A Parking Space Parking 69 REGI5TRRTIDN A Time of Frustration and Anxiety! Above: Robert Spicer, Samuel Mackey, Sabrina Florence, and others patiently wait in line to pur­ chase books from the Bookstore. Right: Debra Jones hopes that her book slip can cover the total cost of her books. 70 Registration Although long lines are very un­ popular, they are an inescapable aspect of Registration Day. Left: After going back through the computer line for the fifth time, Clarence King finally reaches the cashier's desk to the delight of Mr. Shaffeur. Above: Registration is the most celebrated time of each quarter for Bookstore employees. Registration 71 ASC ALUMNI Ms. ASC Alumni 1988-89 and her attendants 72 Alumni

n aa. Sue ano audx aoj sanu uu oj ajig. •UdA op. Suij. aaJ asoi jj aoj. AXoa doas a us aop puu puno a su campus was about as easy as try ing to convince . Tonya R. Alexander. Ivy E. Allman . English & Modern Languages. Victor Sibley .
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