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Preview Frequent arousals from winter torpor in Rafinesque's big-eared bat

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff KKeennttuucckkyy UUKKnnoowwlleeddggee Forestry and Natural Resources Faculty Forestry and Natural Resources Publications 11-21-2012 FFrreeqquueenntt aarroouussaallss ffrroomm wwiinntteerr ttoorrppoorr iinn RRaafifinneessqquuee''ss bbiigg--eeaarreedd bbaatt ((CCoorryynnoorrhhiinnuuss rraafifinneessqquuiiii)) Joseph S. Johnson University of Kentucky, [email protected] Michael J. Lacki University of Kentucky, [email protected] Steven C. Thomas United States National Park Service John F. Grider University of North Carolina, Greensboro Follow this and additional works at: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/forestry_facpub Part of the Forest Sciences Commons RRiigghhtt cclliicckk ttoo ooppeenn aa ffeeeeddbbaacckk ffoorrmm iinn aa nneeww ttaabb ttoo lleett uuss kknnooww hhooww tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt bbeenneefifittss yyoouu.. RReeppoossiittoorryy CCiittaattiioonn Johnson, Joseph S.; Lacki, Michael J.; Thomas, Steven C.; and Grider, John F., "Frequent arousals from winter torpor in Rafinesque's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)" (2012). Forestry and Natural Resources Faculty Publications. 1. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/forestry_facpub/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Forestry and Natural Resources at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in Forestry and Natural Resources Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FFrreeqquueenntt aarroouussaallss ffrroomm wwiinntteerr ttoorrppoorr iinn RRaafifinneessqquuee''ss bbiigg--eeaarreedd bbaatt ((CCoorryynnoorrhhiinnuuss rraafifinneessqquuiiii)) Digital Object Identifier (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0049754 NNootteess//CCiittaattiioonn IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn Published in PLoS ONE, v. 7, no. 11, e49754. This is an open-access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. The work is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. This article is available at UKnowledge: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/forestry_facpub/1 Frequent Arousals from Winter Torpor in Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinusrafinesquii) Joseph S. Johnson1*, Michael J. Lacki1, Steven C. Thomas2, John F. Grider3 1DepartmentofForestry,UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,Kentucky,UnitedStatesofAmerica,2UnitedStatesNationalParkService,MammothCave,Kentucky,United StatesofAmerica,3DepartmentofBiology,UniversityofNorthCarolina,Greensboro,NorthCarolina,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract Extensive use of torpor is a common winter survival strategy among bats; however, data comparing various torpor behaviorsamong species are scarce. Wintertorpor behaviors arelikely to varyamong species with differentphysiologies and species inhabiting different regional climates. Understanding these differences may be important in identifying differing susceptibilities of species to white-nose syndrome (WNS) in North America. We fitted 24 Rafinesque’s big-eared bats(Corynorhinusrafinesquii)withtemperature-sensitiveradio-transmitters,andmonitored128PIT-taggedbig-earedbats, duringthewintermonthsof2010to2012.WetestedthehypothesisthatRafinesque’sbig-earedbatsusetorporlessoften thanvaluesreportedforotherNorth Americancave-hibernators.Additionally,wetestedthehypothesisthatRafinesque’s big-earedbatsarouseonwinternightsmoresuitablefornocturnalforaging.Radio-taggedbatsusedshort(2.4 d60.3(SE)), shallow (13.9uC 6 0.6) torpor bouts and switched roosts every 4.1d 6 0.6. Probability of arousal from torpor increased linearlywithambienttemperatureatsunset(P,0.0001),and83%(n=86)ofarousalsoccurredwithin1 hrofsunset.Activity of PIT-tagged bats at an artificial maternity/hibernaculum roost between November and March was positively correlated with ambient temperature at sunset (P,0.0001), with males more active at the roost than females. These data show Rafinesque’sbig-earedbatisashallowhibernatorandisrelativelyactiveduringwinter.Wehypothesizethatwinteractivity patternsprovideCorynorhinusspecieswithanecologicalandphysiologicaldefenseagainstthefunguscausingWNS,and thatthesebatsmaybebettersuitedtowithstandfungalinfectionthanothercave-hibernatingbatspeciesineasternNorth America. Citation:JohnsonJS,LackiMJ,ThomasSC,GriderJF(2012)FrequentArousalsfromWinterTorporinRafinesque’sBig-EaredBat(Corynorhinusrafinesquii).PLoS ONE7(11):e49754.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754 Editor:R.MarkBrigham,UniversityofRegina,Canada ReceivedJuly4,2012;AcceptedOctober17,2012;PublishedNovember21,2012 Thisisanopen-accessarticle,freeofallcopyright,andmaybefreelyreproduced,distributed,transmitted,modified,builtupon,orotherwiseusedbyanyonefor anylawfulpurpose.TheworkismadeavailableundertheCreativeCommonsCC0publicdomaindedication. Funding:FundingforthisresearchwasprovidedbytheUniversityofKentucky,CollegeofAgriculture.Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollection andanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] Introduction causalagentofWNSisacold-tolerantfungus,Geomycesdestructans, which is believed to be of Old World origin and only recently Manybatspeciesinhabitingtemperateclimatesrelyheavilyon introducedtoNorthAmerica[13,14,15,16].Manybatspresumed torpor during winter to survive extensive periods of cold and to have died from WNS have little to no fat reserves remaining, reduced food availability [1]. Winter torpor, or hibernation, leading to the hypothesis that fungal infection causes more typically consists of numerous discrete torpor bouts separated by frequent and/or longer duration arousals during hibernation brief periods of normothermy, or arousal, which are proposed to [7,16,17,18]. Ultimate and proximate causes of mortality in serve numerous physiological purposes [2,3,4,5]. Laboratory and infected bats are likely to be more synergistic, however. For field studies of winter torpor show that frequency of periodic example,erosion oftheskinfromfungal invasionmaynegatively arousals varies among species, as do minimum torpid body affectwaterbalance,resultingindehydration,increasedfrequency temperatures (T ) [1,6,7,8]. Together, depth and duration of b of periodic arousals, and additional complications with thermo- torporboutsarepartofanenergyconservationstrategyinwhich regulation [19,20]. successful hibernators balance the costs and benefits of arousals NeithertheclinicalsignsofWNSorthepresenceofG.destructans with costs and benefits of torpor [9,10,11]. Although data from have been observed in bats in the genus Corynorhinus (big-eared fieldstudiesarescarce,itislikelythatwintertorporstrategiesvary bats). Although expansion of the fungus into the range of within and among species, with animals possessing higher body Corynorhinusspeciesiscurrentlylimited,WNShasbeendocumen- massandlowersurfaceareatovolumeratiosabletosurvivemore ted in five caves used by the endangered Virginia big-eared bat frequent arousals, longer periods of normothermy, or higher (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus), including the largest known torpid body temperatures [9,12]. Furthermore, regional climates hibernaculum of the species, without visibly affecting any big- and the unique ecology and life history of each species are also earedbat[21].Currently,experimentaldatashowingCorynorhinus likelytoimpact seasonaltorpor strategies. speciestobelessvulnerabletoWNSarelacking,anditisunknown Understanding differences in winter torpor behaviors among whetheroneormoreaspectsoftheecologyorphysiologyofthese bat species is of heightened interest due to fatal disruptions in bats could providea defense against fungal infection. hibernation resulting from white-nose syndrome (WNS). The PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 1 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat Rafinesque’sbig-earedbat(Corynorhinusrafinesquii)isasmall(8– ANOVAs. We tested all datasets for homogeneity of variance 14g) forest-dwelling bat found throughout the southeastern using Variance Ratio F -tests. max United States [22,23]. Rafinesque’s big-eared bat hibernates in A subset of bats were fitted with 0.52g temperature-sensitive cavesandminesinmountainousandkarstportionsofthespecies radio-transmitters (model LB-2T, Holohil Systems, Ltd., Carp, range,butthesehibernaculaarelargelyabsentinsouthernportion Ontario) immediately below the shoulder blades using surgical of the range, where big-eared bats have been documented adhesive (Perma-Type, Plainville, CT) [33]. We placed radio- hibernating in trees, wells, and cisterns [23,24,25]. While there transmitters belowtheshoulderblades toavoid concentrationsof are no data on the depth or duration of winter torpor bouts in brownadiposetissuewhichmayleadtoerrorsinestimationofT b Rafinesque’sbig-earedbat,observationsofwintermatingandbats during periods of non-shivering thermogenesis [34]. Bats were frequently moving among hibernacula suggest this species may placed back in their roosts after the adhesive was allowed to dry undergo torpor bouts of shorter duration than other cave- (ca. 15min), by which time they had aroused from torpor. We hibernating bat species in eastern North America, making it an deployed HOBO dataloggers (models U23-001 or UA-002-08, ideal species forwinter studies[22,26,27]. Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne, MA) inside and outside HereinweevaluatewintertorporbehaviorsinRafinesque’sbig- roosts after releasing radio-tagged bats. Dataloggers recorded air eared bat. We hypothesized that Rafinesque’s big-eared bats use temperatures inside roosts (Tr) and outside roosts (hereafter less torpor than other cave-hibernating bat species in eastern ambient temperature, Ta) at 15-min intervals. Dataloggers re- North America, predicting that Rafinesque’s big-eared bats use cording ambient temperatures were placed inside solar radiation shallower, shorter duration torpor bouts than those observed in shields. other eastern North American species. Additionally, we hypoth- Each radio-transmitter was individually calibrated by the esized that Rafinesque’s big-eared bats are active foragers manufacturer, providing a unique polynomial equation for use throughout the winter, predicting that arousals would be inconvertingtransmitterpulserateintoskin-temperature(Tsk).Tsk associated with sunset, and would be more likely to occur on of each radio-tagged bat were recorded by three datalogging warmer nights. receivers (model R4500S, Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc., Isanti, MN) placed in watertight boxes with an external power source.Receiverswereprogrammedtoscanforradio-taggedbats Materials and Methods at 5-min intervals and placed outside caves and abandoned Study Area buildings. Receivers were checked weekly or bi-weekly for FieldworkoccurredatMammothCaveNationalPark(MCNP; maintenance and moved to new locations when necessary. We 37.2072u N, 86.1319u W) in Barren, Edmonson, and Hart attempted to locate bats in nearby caves and buildings if their counties, Kentucky, USA. The area is predominantly forested radio-signals were not heard outside monitored hibernacula. and is dissected by numerous small drainages, creating a topo- Chronological accounts of the roost location of each bat were graphicallydiverselandscape.Forestcoverconsistsofoak-hickory determined based upon which receiver recorded daytime signals. (Quercus2Caryaspp.)andwesternmixedmesophyticforests[28]. Only two roosts (buildings) were located close enough to each other that bats in either roost could be recorded by a single Duringsummer,Rafinesque’sbig-earedbatroostsinhollowtrees, receiver.Recordedsignal strengthdiffered notablybetweenthese sandstoneoutcrops,cavesandabandonedman-madestructures(J roosting sites, however, allowing for a clear determination of Johnson, unpublished data). Hundreds of caves occur within the roostinglocation.Batswhichcouldnotbelocatedforseveraldays 21,380 ha Park, including six known hibernacula of Rafinesque’s (always #10d) were considered to be in the same roost for the big-eared bat. The Park has one of the largest known winter entire period. We compared roost-switching frequencies (i.e., concentrations of Rafinesque’s big-eared bats, with .1000 big- numberofdaysabatinhabitedaroostbeforeswitchingtoanew eared bats hibernating withinthePark [23]. roost) between sexes and among winter periods using a two-way ANOVA. Radio-telemetry Data Collection and Analysis We applied Willis’ [35] equation for an energy-based temper- All methods were approved by the University of Kentucky ature threshold for torpor onset (T ), using the conservative Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC No. onset equationbaseduponmodelparametersminus1SE.Thisequation A3336-01)andtheNationalParkService(NPSIACUCNo.2011- requires a simultaneous measure of T, andwewere only ableto 30).WecapturedRafinesque’sbig-earedbatshibernatingincaves r calculate T when bats occupied roosts with HOBO datalog- and abandoned buildings during three consecutive winters and onset gers. Calculated values for T varied marginally (between radio-tagged bats during March 2010, January 2011, and onset 31.5232.3uC),however,andweappliedaT valueof32uCto November2011–January2012.Wecombineddataacrosswinters onset all bats. Thus, we considered bats to be torpid when T was anddividedthedatasetintobatsradio-trackedduringearly-(mid- sk ,32uC, and considered torpor bouts over when T .32uC or if sk November–early December), mid- (mid-December–mid Febru- radio-signals were lost following a rapid rise in T ; presumably sk ary), and late-winter (mid-March–early April) to account for signifying the bats left the roost before normothermic T was sk variability in torpor bout duration associated with progression of recorded. the hibernation season [29,30,31]. No radio-tagged bat was AlthoughWillis’[35]equationwasdesignedforusewithT ,not tracked during .1 winterperiod. b T ,itstillholdsadvantagesoveranarbitrarydefinitionoftorpor sk We recorded age, sex, reproductive condition, right forearm because T in bats is a good indicator of T [36]. Because T is sk b sk length,andbodymassofcapturedbats.Wedeterminedthebody typically a few degrees below T , especially at low T , use of the b a conditionofallbut4bats(forearmlengthswerenotmeasuredfor T equation likely results in a T slightly below that which onset onset 4 individuals) by dividing body mass by forearm length [32]. We would be obtained using T measurements. However, error in b compared body condition between sexes and among winter determiningwhenbatsinourstudyenteredtorporresultingfrom periodsusingatwo-wayanalysisofvariance(ANOVA).Weused useofT islikelyonthescaleofseveralminutesbecausewedid sk a0.05significancelevelfordifferenceandcomparedleastsquares not observe T lingering between 32uC and other typical torpor sk means using Tukey’s adjustment when significant, for all cutoffs,suchas25uC[37].Instead,T quicklydroppedtovalues sk PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 2 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat ,20uC while bats roosted in hibernacula. Error in determining We performed a linear regression (PROC REG, SAS) to arousal from torpor may be greater because of the concentration evaluatetheroleofambienttemperaturesonwinteractivity,and of brown adipose tissue located beneath the skin, potentially test our prediction that bats would be more active on nights leading to erroneous measures of T . While our data are suitable for nocturnal foraging. We used number of marked bats sk insufficient todeterminetheextent ofthiserror,wecontend that recorded each day during winter as the response variable, T at a it is likely small, because initiation of rapid heat production sunsetastheindependentvariable,andasignificancelevelof0.05. throughnon-shiveringthermogenesislikelysignifiesthatthebatis Winter was defined as 01 November–01 March. We did not either undergoing spontaneous arousal or maintenance of a T include data from March 2012 in this analysis due to unusually b notably higher than T. In the former scenario, error in high temperatures and high activity of bats at the roost (see r determining the length of torpor bouts is likely to be a small Results).Aseparateanalysiswasconductedforadultmales,adult periodoftime.Inthelatterscenario,torpidT shouldnotexceed females, male young-of-the-year, andfemale young-of-the-year. sk T . onset Bats were considered torpid for the entire time they were not Results recorded by any datalogging receiver (always #10d). While this Radio-telemetry might overestimate torpor bout duration while un-located (bats mayhavearousedandnotleftthehibernaculumduringthistime), We captured and measured 33 bats during periodic roost it provides a conservative measure for testing the prediction that searches. Body condition differed among bats (F3, 29=60.9, P,0.0001),withdifferencesdetectedamongbatscapturedduring Rafinesque’s big-eared bats use shorter duration torpor bouts different winter periods (F=90.9, P,0.0001), but not between compared to other species. We determined the duration (days), sexes (F=0.39, P=0.54). Mean body condition was greatest minT ,andaverageT ofeachtorporbout,andaveragedeach sk sk during early-winter (0.2860.01) compared to mid- (0.216.001, measurewithinbatsforstatisticalanalysis.Wealsodeterminedthe P,0.0001) and late-winter (0.1960.001, P,0.0001), and mean average duration (hrs) of normothermic periods when entry and body condition was greater during mid-winter than late-winter arousalfromtorporweresuccessfullyrecordedfortwoconsecutive (P=0.006). Body conditions of males and females both averaged torpor bouts. Each variable was compared between sexes and 0.2360.01. Body mass of females averaged 10.060.46, versus among winterperiods usinga two-way ANOVA. 10.060.52 for males. Range in body mass declined from 11.4– We determined the time difference (hrs) between arousal and 14.0 g(bodyconditions:0.27–0.32)inmid-Novemberto7.1–8.3 g sunsetondayswherewerecordedtorpidT datapriortoarousal. sk (body conditions:0.16–0.20)in early March. We used generalized estimating equations (PROC GENMOD, Weradio-tagged14femaleand10maleRafinesque’sbig-eared SAS) to assess the role of varying ambient temperatures on the batsbetween2010and2012.Allbatsre-enteredtorporfollowing probability of arousal from torpor [38]. Generalized estimating radio-taggingbutarousedfromtorporwithin1 hrofsunset.These equationsareanextensionofthegenerallinearmodel,butdonot initial bouts were not included in analyses or summaries. Four provide correlation coefficients. The strength of generalized femaleswereneverlocatedfollowingemergencefromhibernacula estimating equations is that they allow for analysis of clustered onthefirstnightandwerenotincludedinanytorporanalysesor (i.e., many days of observation from an individual bat which are summaries. Bats switched roosts every 4.1d 60.6, with no notindependentsamples)binary(i.e.,torpidoractive)datawhich difference detected between sexes or among winter periods (F cannot befitted usingtypical linear models. 3, =0.88, P=0.47). Bats traveled 25356437m (range=549– We calculated the Heterothermy Index (HI) for each bat to 16 5964)betweenconsecutiveroosts.WewereabletodetermineHI quantifyvariabilityinT ofeachindividual[39].Wefollowedthe sk values for 8 males and 8 females. Optimal skin temperatures recommendationofBoylesetal.[39]tousethemoderepresenting ranged from 28–34uC (mean=32.860.4) and HI ranged from the greatest T as T . We used all of the recorded T for b b-opt sk 14.4–20.7(mean=17.760.5). individual bats whendetermining each HIvalue. We documented 7.461.2 (range=1–16, n=147) torpor bouts perbat.Batsarousedfromtorporevery2.4d60.3(Fig.1A,2A), PIT-tagging withnodifferencedetectedbetweensexesoramongwinterperiods We used a harp-trap (Faunatech, Bairnsdale, Victoria, Aus- (F =0.94, P=0.44). Duration of normothermic periods 3, 16 tralia)tocaptureRafinesque’sbig-earedbatsexitingaman-made between torpor bouts differed among bats (F =5.72, 3, 12 roost during April and August 2011. We measured each bat as P=0.011), with differences detected among winter periods described above, and subcutaneously implanted a 12.5mm PIT (F=8.27, P=0.006, Fig. 2B), but not between sexes (F=0.01, tag (model TX1411SST, Biomark, Inc., Boise, ID), sealing the P=0.91, Fig. 1B). Duration of normothermy was shorter during injectionsitewithsurgicaladhesive(Perma-Type,Plainville,CT), mid-winterthanearly(P=0.039)andlatewinter(P=0.008).Only as part of a long-term study overseen by MCNP’s Science and one torpor bout was successfully monitored for four bats radio- Resources Management Division. Roost entrances were sur- tagged during January 2011, and duration of normothermic rounded by custom-made antennas designed to read and record periods were not determined for these bats. Skin temperatures PIT tags of marked bats entering or exiting the roost. We infrequentlyfellbelow10uCduringtorpor.AveragetorpidT was sk summarized PIT tag readings into the number and identity of 13.9uC 60.6 (Fig. 1C, 2C), with no difference detected between taggedbatspassingthroughthesensorfieldeachdaybetween03 sexesoramongwinterperiods(F =1.74,P=0.20).Minimum 3,16 May2011and01April2012.Becausebatswereoftenrecordedat torpidT averaged12.1uC60.8(Fig.1D,2D),withnodifference sk the roost more than an hour after sunrise and an hour prior to detected between sexes or among winter periods (F =1.87, 3, 16 sunset,weconsideredadaytobethe24hrperiodbetween1200 P=0.18). and1200thefollowingday.Thisallowedustoefficientlyprocess Increasingambienttemperatureatsunsetsignificantlyincreased large quantities of data while ensuring we captured all nightly the probability of arousal (b=0.1360.03, P,0.0001), and the activity in our summaries. We report the percentage of adult timing of arousals was centered on sunset, with 50% (n=51) males, adult females, male young-of-the-year, and female young- occurring in the 30min following sunset, and 83% (n=86) of-the-year recorded each day. occurringwithin61 hrofsunset(Fig.3).Themajorityofarousals PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 3 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat Figure 1. Winter torpor behaviors of male and female Rafinesque’s big-eared bats determined through radio-telemetry at MammothCaveNationalPark,Kentucky,USA.Numberofradio-taggedbatsisincludedinparentheses. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754.g001 were documented while bats were hibernating in caves (n=84, detected on 40% of days (n=25). Daily activity of adult females 82%), where T’s were between 5u and 11uC throughout the begantoresemblefallactivitypatternsbyearlyMarch.Numberof r winter.Manybatshibernatingincavesexhibitedperiodsofrapid adult females detected per day during winter increased linearly thermogenesis occurring within 1 hr of sunset that were not with T at sunset (r2=0.23, F =35.1, P,0.0001). Activity of a 1,119 considered arousals, because T failed to reach 20uC before female young-of-the year was similar to that of adult females sk declining (Fig. 4). Temperatures inside buildings, where 18% (Fig. 5A, Fig. 6A), and also increased linearly with T at sunset a (n=19) ofarousals weredocumented, ranged from28to21uC. (r2=0.27,F =44.7,P,0.0001). 1,119 Daily activity of adult males declined steadily throughout the PIT-tagging summer,butremainedrelativelyhighduringthewintercompared WePITtagged128Rafinesque’sbig-earedbats(38adultmales, to females (Fig. 5B). More than 20% of PIT-tagged males were 71adultfemales,10juvenilemales,and9juvenilefemales).PIT- detectedon13%ofdaysbetween01Decemberand01February tagsfrom13bats(11adultfemalesand2adultmales)werefound (n=8),whilefewerthan10%ofmalesweredetectedon71%days atthebaseoftheroostbeforetheendofthestudy,eitherasaresult (n=44), and no male was detected on 32% of days (n=20). ofmortalityorbeingshed,andthesebatswereremovedfromour Number of adult males detected per day during winter increased analysis.DailyactivityofadultfemalesdeclinedinearlyOctober, linearly with Ta at sunset (r2=0.26, F1,119=41.8, P,0.0001). and#20%ofalladultfemaleswererecordedonalldaysbetween Activity of male young-of-the year was similar to that of adult 04Decemberand01February(Fig.5A).Fewerthan10%ofPIT- males (Fig. 5B, Fig. 6B) and also increased linearly with Ta at tagged adult females were detected on 89% of days between 01 sunset (r2=0.19,F1,119=28.1,P,0.0001). December and 01 February (n=55), and no adult female was PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 4 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat Figure 2. Winter torpor behaviors of Rafinesque’s big-eared bats during early (mid-November–mid-December), mid- (mid- December–mid-February), and late (March) winter determined through radio-telemetry at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky,USA.Numberofradio-taggedbatsisincludedinparentheses. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754.g002 Discussion mid-winter, short torpor bouts were also common during this period,resultinginsubstantialvariationandlackofdifferencesin Rafinesque’s big-eared bats hibernating in caves and aban- bout duration among winterperiods. doned buildings used short, shallow torpor bouts, and bats were Similar patterns in torpor use and body conditions between frequently active during winter. Torpor patterns did not differ males and females throughout the winter are not consistent with between male and female big-eared bats, but consistently varied thethriftyfemalehypothesis[10,37].Thethriftyfemalehypothesis with the progression of winter. Normothermic periods were predicts that females are more conservative with fat reserves significantly shorter during mid-winter, and while torpor bout during winter because it is critically important to carry some of durationandT didnotdiffersignificantlyamongwinterperiods, sk these reserves into spring, when gestation begins. To accomplish werecordedthelongesttorporboutsandlowestT ’sduringmid- sk this, females use longer torpor bouts at lower temperatures than winter. These findings are consistent with other mammalian males. Males are not as energetically constrained in spring, and, hibernators, where torpor bouts are longest, and normothermic therefore, opt to avoid some of the ecological and physiological periods shortest, during the middle of the hibernation season costsoftorporthroughuseofshallowertorpor.Further,wefound [29,30,31]. Probability of arousals increased with increasing noevidencethatheavierbats,orbatswithahigherbodycondition aboveground T at sunset, and it is likely that the numerous a index,exhibitedhigherminimumoraverageT ’s,whichhasbeen warm daysoccurring duringthemid-winter of 2011–2012,when sk found in studies of little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) [9]. 50%ofdays(n=29)haddailyhightemperaturesexceeding10uC, Comparisonofourresultstostudiesoflittlebrownmyotisshould were partly responsible for the large variance in torpor duration be interpreted with caution, however, as our sample sizes were amongbats.Thus,whilethelongesttorporboutsoccurredduring PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 5 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat Figure3.Timingofperiodicarousalsfromhibernationinrelationtosunsetdeterminedthroughradio-telemetryatMammothCave NationalPark,Kentucky,USA. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754.g003 Figure 4. Skin temperatures (red circles) of a female Rafinesque’s big-eared collected through radio-telemetry and concurrent ambienttemperaturesoutsidethecave(blackline)recordedover12daysatMammothCaveNationalPark,Kentucky,USA.Shaded areasincludehoursbetweensunsetandsunrise. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754.g004 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 6 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat Figure 5. Daily activity of PIT-tagged adult female (A) and male (B) Rafinesque’s big-eared bats at a man-made structure in MammothCaveNationalPark,Kentucky,USA.SolidlineindicatesasecondPIT-taggingeffortinmid-August,increasingthenumberofPIT- taggedbats. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754.g005 small, and because we did not concurrently monitor little brown ula, may play important roles in the breeding biology of this myotis inour study area. species [26,27]. We did not document winter copulation, but Although we present the first published data on winter torpor a large amount of stored sperm at the base of the tail was patternsofRafinesque’sbig-earedbat,frequentmovementsduring immediatelyevidentinallcapturedmales,indicatingthatmating winter by this species have been reported for decades [22]. likely occurs throughout the hibernation season. We also found Rafinesque’s big-eared bat copulates during winter, and periodic evidence that suggests big-eared bats encounter more potential arousals from hibernation, as well as switching among hibernac- matesduringthewinterthantheyencounterduringothertimesof PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 7 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754 WinterArousalsofRafinesque’sBig-earedBat Figure 6. Daily activity of PIT-tagged female (A) and male (B) Rafinesque’s big-eared bat young-of-the-year at a man-made structureinMammothCaveNationalPark,Kentucky,USA. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049754.g006 theyear.Bothmalesandfemalesswitchedhibernaculafrequently, distances reported for this species during summer research in and traveled up to 5964m between consecutive roosts during other parts of the range [24,40]. On several occasions bats winter months, compared to a maximum distance of 3395m travelled.4kmbetweenconsecutivehibernacula,onlytoreturn observed during three years of summer research at Mammoth totheprevious roostafter several days. CaveNationalPark(J.Johnson,unpublisheddata).Longdistance Frequent movement among distant hibernacula may serve to movements between hibernacula were not uncommon, as we maximize gene flow among populations rarely interacting during tracked 8 bats (40%; n=4 males, 4 females) .2 km between the summer. Similar movements among hibernacula, accompa- consecutive hibernacula. By comparison, only 3 of 64 (5%) bats nied by mating, may also occur during the fall, but there are no radio-tracked during the summer traveled .2km between published data of these behaviors in Rafinesque’s big-eared bat. consecutiveroosts(J.Johnson,unpubl.data).Wetracked3female Our finding that both sexes make these movements does not and 2 male bats .4 km between hibernacula, longer than support the hypothesis of Clark [27] that Rafinesque’s big-eared PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 8 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e49754

Extensive use of torpor is a common winter survival strategy among bats; however, data The funders had no role in study design, data collection.
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