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French A comprehensive course for T self-study and review • s By Eugene Jackson and Antonio Rubio New Revised Edition ^^^^KSM*' 1^1 ^vt ._-JI I m. . m^^ J/S&t 1 1 jjj~* *r. • ikukfc fafes OtVffcuZt FRENCH MADE SIMPLE Revised Edition BY EUGENE JACKSON, A.B. ' Chairman of Foreign Languages (Ret.) Samuel Tilden High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. J. AND ANTONIO RUBIO, Ph.D. Late Chairman, Dept. of Modern Languages DePaul University, Chicago, 111. MADE SIMPLE BOOKS DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY, INC. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK isbn: 0-385-08691-1 library of congress catalog card number: 73-9033 © Copyright 1957, 1974 by Doubleday & Company, Inc. all rights reserved printed in the united states of america ABOUT THIS BOOK FrenchforTourist, Traveler,andBusinessMan Doyou wish to attain rapidly and easily the ability to pronounce French well, to engage in everyday conversation, to read simple French texts—in short, do you wish to acquire enough knowledge ofFrench to meet your needsas tourist, traveler, or businessman in a French-speak- ing country? FRENCH MADE SIMPLE is the book for you. The bilingual text which eliminates the burdensome and time-consuming looking up of words in the dictionary, the dialogues dealing with common topics, the word building exer- cises, the French questions and the answer-key for self-checking, all these will enable you to attainyourgoal pleasantlyandeffectively. Theimportantwordsandexpressionsand manycultural factsareeasilyrememberedbecause theyappearnaturallyinaseriesofconversationsbetween theFrench teacher Mr. Picardandhis pupil Mr. Davis,a businessmanofNewYork,wholikeyou isabout to take a trip to Franceand wishestobeable togetalonginFrench. FrenchforStudents Do you wish a thorough grounding in the French language for secondary school or college? FRENCH MADE SIMPLE will enable you to attain your goal. The essential grammatical facts of French grow naturally out of the conversation and reading texts. The facts are clearly explained. Non essentials are omitted. The numerous illustrative drills and exercises, and the answer key for self-checking will enable you to gain a thorough knowledge of the elements of Frenchandlaythefoundation foradvancedstudyofthelanguage. FRENCH MADE SIMPLE thus meets the needs of the self-learner, whether his aim is the practical conversation and comprehension ability needed by the tourist, traveler, or business- man, or a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the French language desired by the high school or college student. It can also serve as an excellent refresher course for those who alreadyhavehadsomestudyofthelanguage. French TextforClassroom Use Although primarily designed for self-study, FRENCH MADE SIMPLE can serve as a text- book in French classes in secondary schools or college. The material is practical; the conver- sationalapproach issimpleand interesting; and the cultural aspects are closely integrated with the language elements. The book offers an easy method for acquiring vocabulary, everyday expressions, and even grammatical facts which are generally a bugbear to students. FRENCH MADE SIMPLE is a refreshing change from the conventional textbook with its academic ap- proachandover-emphasisongrammar. —EugeneJackson —AntonioRubio Digitized by the Internet Archive 2011 in http://www.archive.org/details/frenchmadesimpleOOjack . TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 6 MEET THE FRENCH LANGUAGE 9 THE VERBS ARE IMPORTANT, SIR . . French is no stranger—French and English Les Verbes Sont Importants, Monsieur . 30 pronunciation differ greatly—French is Countries of Europe and North America— spoken by many people. Aboutverbendings—Present tenseofparler to speak, regular -er verb—Imperative or CHAPTER 2 ... command forms of parler—Interrogative- FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Negative—Someregular-erverbslikeparler. 10 Frenchsounds illustrated in familiarwords CHAPTER —French nasal vowel sounds—Summary of THE FAMILY .7 ... French vowel sounds—Summary of French nasals—Summary of French consonants- La Famille De M. Davis 33 Some useful words and expressions for the The French endings -tion and -sion equal traveler—Linking—Elision—The stress in the Englishendings-tion and-sion—French French words and sentences—Three easy ending -ment equals the English ending dialogues. -ly—Present tense of avoir to have, aller to go, être to be. CHAPTER 3 WHO IS MR. DAVIS? CHAPTER 8 Qui Est Monsieur Davis? .16 IN THE OFFICE .... . . . Membersofthefamily—Roomsofthehouse Au Bureau De M. Davis 36 —Definite article—Genderof nouns—Plural Some common adjectives—Agreement of ofnouns—Indefinitearticle—Somecommon adjectives—Position of adjectives—Some ir- verbs. regular adjectives. CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 9 WHY IS MR. DAVIS STUDYING FRENCH? MR. DAVIS GREETS A FRIEND IN HIS Pourquoi Est-ce Que M. Davis Étudie Le OFFICE Français? 20 M. Davis Salue Un Ami À Son Bureau 39 . Some European languages—Expressions of Present tense of vendre to sell, regular -re greeting and farewell—Use of des—Some verb—Present tense of prendre to take, lire common verbs—Omission of the indefinite to read, écrire to write. article. REVIEW CHAPTER 2 5 IN THE LIVING ROOM ... REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 6-9 . 42 Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- Dans Le SalonDe MonsieurDavis 24 Opbrjeepcotssitiinontsh—eColinvtirnagctriooonms—dSu,omdees,caoum,maounx mFaaurt-iElxPerrecnidsrees?—D.i.a.lQougeulesA:utoQbuueslVAauÀto.bu.s? —Reading Selections: Deux Amis De M. —Possession indicated by a phrase with de Davis ... M. Davis Est Malade. or à. REVIEW 1 CHAPTER 10 REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 1-5 26 IN THE DINING ROOM .... . . . Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- Dans La Salle À Manger 46 mar Exercises—Dialogues: Où Est La Rue Furniture and other objects in the dining Scribe? ... Où S'Arrête L'Autobus?-Read- room—Verbsdiretosay,voirtosee—Demon- ing Selection: Monsieur Davis Apprend Le strative adjective ce this, that—Use of c'est Français. this is, it is, instead of il est, elle est. French Made Simple CHAPTER 11 Quelques Dates De L'Histoire De France 67 . NUMBERS, ALWAYS NUMBERS Months oftheyear—Present tense offinirto Les Nombres, Toujours Les Nombres 49 finish, regular -ir verb—Ordinal numbers- . . Dates. Present tense of the verbs vouloir to wish, want, pouvoir to be able—Numbers 1 to 69 CHAPTER —Arithmetical terms. 17 A FEW QUESTIONS ON THE GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER 12 OF FRANCE THE MONETARY SYSTEM OF FRANCE Quelques Questions Sur La Géographie de Le Système Monétaire De La France 52 France 70 . . Present tense of faire to make, to do; croire Present tenseofmettre toput—Comparison to believe, to think—Numbers 70 to 100— of adjectives and adverbs—Expressions of Table for converting dollars to francs and comparison—Some irregular comparisons. vice versa. CHAPTER CHAPTER 18 13 PROBLEMS IN ARITHMETIC IN THE MR. DAVIS' DAY .... RESTAURANT. AT THE STATION. La Journée De M. Davis 74 IN A SHOP. Meals—Foods—Presenttenseofthereflexive Les Problèmes D'Arithmétique. Au Restau- verb se laver to wash oneself—Some com- rant. À La Gare. Dans Une Boutique . 55 mon reflexive verbs. Weightsandmeasures—Presenttenseofsav- oir to know (how); connaître toknow, to be CHAPTER 19 acquainted with—Possessive adjectives. LIFE IN THE SUBURBS .... CHAPTER La Vie Dans La Banlieue 77 14 Fruitsandvegetables—Thepartitive—Omis- WHAT TIME IS IT? sionofthedefinitearticlewith the partitive Quelle Heure Est-Il? 57 —The partitive pronounen (some of it, any Wordsofapprovalandpraise—Words deal- of it, etc.). ing with railroad travel—Present tense of partir to leave, andsortir togoout—Expres- REVIEW 4 sions of time of day. REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 15-19 80 . . REVIEW Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- 3 REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 10-14 . .61 mPuacresE—xeRrecaidsiensg—DiSaelleocgtuieo:n:AUuneMaVricshitée aAuux Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- Paquebot île De France. mar Exercises—Dialogue: Un Touriste Prend Des Renseignements Sur La Poterie Française—Reading Selections: La Famille CHAPTER 20 Davis Fait Une Petite Visite À Papa . . . WHAT NASTY WEATHER! Le Percheron et L'Automobile (Une Fable Quel Sale Temps! 83 Moderne). The weather—Forvarious kinds ofweather CHAPTER 15 —Present tense of ouvrir to open—Indirect THE MOVIES object pronouns—Some common verbs which may take indirect objects. Le Cinéma 64 Words dealing with the movies—Present tensevenirtocome—Directobjectpronouns CHAPTER 21 —Use of y (there). THE CLIMATE OF FRAN.CE... CHAPTER Le Climat De La France 86 16 The fourseasons—Present tenseofdevoirto SOME DATES IN THE HISTORY OF owe, tobeobliged to, to have to; recevoirto FRANCE receive—Some negative expressions. . French Made Simple CHAPTER 22 Expressions indicating future time—Future THE CLIMATE OF FRANCE (CONTIN- tense of parler, vendre, finir—Some verbs UED) ... with an irregular future. Le Climat De La France (Suite) 89 REVIEW Demonstrative pronouns—Uses of ceci this, 6 cela (ça) that. REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 24-27 109 . . CHAPTER Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- 23 mar Exercises—Dialogues: Dans L'Autobus THAT GOOD FRENCH C.OOK.IN.G . ... Le Courrier—Reading Selection: L'An- La Bonne Cuisine Française 92 niversaire de Mme. Davis. Some French cooking expressions adopted in English—Some tasty French dishes not CHAPTER 28 difficult to prepare—Present tense of en- voyer to send—Independent or disjunctive MR. DAVIS WRITES A LETTER TO HIS AGENT pronouns with prepositions—Other uses of the independent or disjunctive pronouns. M.Davis ÉcritUneLettreÀSonReprésentant 111 Present tenseof suivre to follow, traduire to REVIEW 5 translate—More verbs with an irregular fu- REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 20-23 94 ture—Usesofdepuis,depuisquand,combien . . de temps, pendant. Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- mar Exercises—Dialogue: Au Restaurant- CHAPTER Reading Selection: Philippe N'Aime Pas 29 Étudier L'Arithmétique. MR. DAVIS RECEIVES A .LET.TE.R . M. Davis Reçoit Une Lettre 114 CHAPTER 24 Expressions referring to past time—Saluta- THE FRENCH PEOPLE tions and conclusions of business letters- Les Français 97 Conversational past tense of parler, finir, Points of the compass—Smoking terms- vendre—How toform theregular past parti- Working men and working women—Re- ciple—Some irregular past participles. flexive verbs with reciprocal meaning- Verbs after prepositions—Formation of the CHAPTER 30 present participle. MR. PICARD'S FINAL WORDS OF AD- CHAPTER VICE 25 Les Derniers Conseils de M. Picard .118 ART AND FASHION . Words whose appearance deceives—More L'Art Et La Mode 100 irregular past participles—Agreement of Noun combinations—Clothes—Verbs with the past participle. spelling changes: acheter, préférer, appeler. CHAPTER CHAPTER 31 26 MR. DAVIS LEAVES FOR FRANCE FRENCH HOLIDAYS LesPrJeosuernst tdeensFeêtoeftdeeniLratoFhroalndc,etok.eep—.More.103 M.TiDcakveitss—PaPratsPspoourrtL—aViFsraa—ncVeaccination cer- 121 tificate—More irregular past participles- verbs with spelling changes: commencer, manger—on one, people, they, you—ne . . . Past participles used as adjectives. personne no one, not anybody, and ne . . REVIEW rien nothing, not anything. 7 REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 28-31 123 CHAPTER 27 Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- WHAT PLACES DO YOU WISH TO VISIT, mar Exercises—Dialogues: À L'Aéroport MR. DAVIS? Bienvenu En France—Reading Selec- . . . Quels Endroits Voulez-Vous Visiter, M. tion: Un Programme Exceptionnel Au Cin- Davis? 106 éma. French Made Simple CHAPTER 32 REVIEW 8 ARRIVAL IN PARIS REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 32-36 142 . . L'Arrivée À Paris 126 Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- Introductions—Salutations and conclusions mar Exercises—Dialogue: Au Poste d'Es- of letters to friends—Verbs with the aux- sence—Reading Selections: Une Excursion À iliary être—List of être verbs. Versailles . . . L'Avenue de L'Opéra. CHAPTER 37 CHAPTER 33 THE MAIN STREET OF THE TOWN MR. DAVIS VISITS THE PARMENTIER La Grande Rue Du Village . .145 FAMILY Shops and shopkeepers—Summary ofsingle M. Davis Rend Visite À La Famille Parmen- object pronouns—Two object pronouns. tier 130 CHAPTER 38 Some professions—The conversational past A TRIP TO CHARTRES of reflexive verbs—Present and conversa- tional past of reflexive verbs—Present and Une Excursion À Chartres . . . .148 conversational past of s'asseoir to seat one- Automobile expressions: tire, jack, flat, etc. self, to sit down—Some reflexive verbs you —Past perfect tense—Possessive pronouns. havemet. CHAPTER 39 MR. DAVIS BUYS A LOTTERY TICKET CHAPTER A PLEASANT STROLL 34 M. Davis Achète Un BilletDe Loterie . . 152 Lottery expressions—Present conditional- Une Belle Promenade 133 Irregular present conditional. La Place de la Concorde—Les Champs- CHAPTER Elysées—La Place de l'Étoile—Relative pro- 40 nouns. MR. DAVIS GOES AWAY M. Davis S'En Va 154 CHAPTER 35 Mr. Davis loves French culture, French art, MOUNT SAINT MICHEL history, politeness, sense of humor, passion for discussion, and French food—Past con- Le Mont St Michel 136 ditional—Conditional sentences—s'en aller. Visit to the Abbey—Imperfect tense. REVIEW 9 REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 37-40 156 CHAPTER 36 Vocabulary review—Vocabulary and Gram- GUIGNOL (FRENCH PUPPET CHARAC- mar Exercises—Reading Selection: Nice,La TER) Capitale De La Côte D'Azur. Guignol 139 VOCABULARY-ENGLISH-FRENCH 159 VOCABULARY-FRENCH-ENGLISH rire to laugh, vivre to live (present, imper- 167 fect, conversational past)—The past infini- ANSWER SECTION 174 SUMMARY OF VERBS .191 tive. . . .

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