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French Ecocriticism: From the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century PDF

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Studies in Literature, Culture, 1 Studies in Literature, Culture, and the Environment 1 and the Environment 1 ) s d e ( s u m Daniel A. Finch-Race / u Daniel A. Finch-Race / h Stephanie Posthumus (eds) Stephanie Posthumus (eds) st o P French Ecocriticism e ni French Ecocriticism a This book expounds fruitful ways of The Editors ph analysing matters of ecology, environ- Daniel Finch-Race is undertaking a e t ments, nature, and the non-human Teaching Fellowship at the University of /S From the Early Modern Period world in a broad spectrum of material in Southampton after completing his PhD at e French. Scholars from Canada, France, the University of Cambridge. His primary ac to the Twenty-First Century Great Britain, Spain, and the United research entails ecocritical interpretations R - States examine the work of writers and of nineteenth-century poetry in French h c thinkers including Michel de Montaigne, and Italian. His publications include n Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, Arthur Rimbaud, a co-edited volume about textures in Fi Marguerite Yourcenar, Gilbert Simondon, French contexts, a co-edited issue about A. Michel Serres, Michel Houellebecq, and ecopoetics in nineteenth-century France, el Éric Chevillard. The diverse approaches and articles about Baudelaire, Dante, ni in the volume signal a common desire to Rimbaud, Tennyson, and Verlaine. a bring together form and content, politics D and aesthetics, theory and practice, Stephanie Posthumus is Assistant Pro- under the aegis of the environmental fessor in the Department of Languages, m humanities. Literatures, and Cultures at McGill Uni- s versity. Working in the field of contempo- ci rary French literature, she has published ti numerous articles on philosophies of ri nature and ecology, and on representa- c o tions of landscapes, environments and c non-human animals. E h c n e r F ISBN 978-3-631-67345-4 Studies in Literature, Culture, 1 Studies in Literature, Culture, and the Environment 1 and the Environment 1 ) s d e ( s u m Daniel A. Finch-Race / u Daniel A. Finch-Race / h Stephanie Posthumus (eds) Stephanie Posthumus (eds) st o P French Ecocriticism e ni French Ecocriticism a This book expounds fruitful ways of The Editors ph analysing matters of ecology, environ- Daniel Finch-Race is undertaking a e t ments, nature, and the non-human Teaching Fellowship at the University of /S From the Early Modern Period world in a broad spectrum of material in Southampton after completing his PhD at e French. Scholars from Canada, France, the University of Cambridge. His primary ac to the Twenty-First Century Great Britain, Spain, and the United research entails ecocritical interpretations R - States examine the work of writers and of nineteenth-century poetry in French h c thinkers including Michel de Montaigne, and Italian. His publications include n Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, Arthur Rimbaud, a co-edited volume about textures in Fi Marguerite Yourcenar, Gilbert Simondon, French contexts, a co-edited issue about A. Michel Serres, Michel Houellebecq, and ecopoetics in nineteenth-century France, el Éric Chevillard. The diverse approaches and articles about Baudelaire, Dante, ni in the volume signal a common desire to Rimbaud, Tennyson, and Verlaine. a bring together form and content, politics D and aesthetics, theory and practice, Stephanie Posthumus is Assistant Pro- under the aegis of the environmental fessor in the Department of Languages, m humanities. Literatures, and Cultures at McGill Uni- s versity. Working in the field of contempo- ci rary French literature, she has published ti numerous articles on philosophies of ri nature and ecology, and on representa- c o tions of landscapes, environments and c non-human animals. E h c n e r F French Ecocriticism DaSnTieUl AD. IFEinSc IhN-R LaIcTe/ESRteApThUanRieE P, oCsUthLuTmUuRs E(e, d s) AND THE ENVIRONMENT Edited by Hannes Bergthaller, Gabriele Dürbeck, Robert Emmett, Serenella Iovino, Ulrike Plath Editorial Board: Stefania Barca (University of Coimbra, Portugal) French Ecocriticism Axel Goodbody (University of Bath, UK) Isabel Hoving (Leiden University, The Netherlands) DoFllryo Jømrg etnhsee nE (aUrmlye åM Uondiveerrsnit yP, Sewrieodden ) Timo Maran (University of Tartu, Estonia) to the Twenty-First Century Serpil Oppermann (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey) Dana Phillips (Towson University, Baltimore, USA) Stephanie Posthumus (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) Christiane Solte-Gresser (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany) Keijiro Suga (Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan) Pasquale Verdicchio (University of California, San Diego, USA) Berbeli Wanning (University of Siegen, Germany) Sabine Wilke (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) Hubert Zapf (University of Augsburg, Germany) Evi Zemanek (University of Freiburg, Germany) VOLUME 1 Daniel A. Finch-Race/Stephanie Posthumus (eds) French Ecocriticism From the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress. An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. KU is a collaborative initiative designed to make high quality books Open Access for the public good. More information about the initiative and links to the   Open Access version can be found at www.knowledgeunlatched.org Image Cover: Château d'Angers – Moat Garden, © Stephanie Posthumus ISSN 2365-645X ISBN 978-3-631-67345-4 (Print) E-ISBN 978-3-653-06606-7 (E-PDF) E-ISBN 978-3-631-71324-2 (EPUB) E-ISBN 978-3-631-71325-9 (MOBI) DOI 10.3726/978-3-653-06606-7 Open Access: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 unported license. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ © Daniel A. Finch-Race/Stephanie Posthumus (eds.), 2017 Peter Lang Edition is an Imprint of Peter Lang GmbH. Peter Lang – Frankfurt am Main ∙ Bern ∙ Bruxelles ∙ New York ∙ Oxford ∙ Warszawa ∙ Wien This publication has been peer reviewed. www.peterlang.com Contents Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................7 Daniel A. Finch-Race and Stephanie Posthumus Introduction: Developing French Ecocriticism ........................................................9 Part I Early Modern Economies and Ecologies Jeff Persels Through a Glass Darkly: Dominion and the French Wars of Religion ...............25 Pauline Goul The Vanity of Ecology: Expenditure in Montaigne’s Vision of the New World .....43 Part II Romanticism and Nature; Naturalism and Animality Karen F. Quandt Victor Hugo and the Politics of Ecopoetics ............................................................61 Claire Nettleton Fauves in the Faubourg: Animal Aesthetics in Émile Zola’s Thérèse Raquin .......81 Part III Nineteenth-Century Ecopoetics Daniel A. Finch-Race Ecopoetic Adventures in Rimbaud’s ‘Sensation’ and ‘Ma Bohème’ .......................99 David E. Evans Towards an Ecopoetics of French Free Verse: Marie Krysinska’s Rythmes pittoresques ................................................................115 Part IV Twentieth-Century Ecological Thought Teófilo Sanz Marguerite Yourcenar’s Ecological Thinking: Wilderness, Place-Connectedness, Biocentrism, and an Ethic of Care .................................137 6 Contents Christopher Watkin Michel Serres: From Restricted to General Ecology ...........................................153 Part V Millennial Bodies, Origins and Becoming-Milieu Jonathan Krell Ecoerotica in Stéphane Audeguy’s La Théorie des nuages ..................................175 Nikolaj Lübecker The Individual as Environment: Watching Jean-Claude Rousseau’s La Vallée close with Lucretius and Simondon ......................................................195 Part VI Twenty-First-Century Natural Limits Anaïs Boulard Writing (on) Environmental Catastrophes: The End of the World in Éric Chevillard’s Sans l’orang-outan and Michel Houellebecq’s La Possibilité d’une île ..............................................................................................215 Hannes De Vriese On the Meaning of Being Alone with Nature: Sylvain Tesson’s Ecocritical Sincerity and Ecopoetic Sensuality in Dans les forêts de Sibérie .......................231 Part VII Horizons and Prospects Stephanie Posthumus Engaging with Cultural Differences: The Strange Case of French écocritique ................................................................253 Notes on Contributors ............................................................................................275 Index..........................................................................................................................279 Acknowledgements Thanks go to Prof. Michael Moriarty, Prof. Emma Wilson, Dr Martin Crowley, and Ms Esther Palmer of the Department of French at the University of Cambridge; the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cambridge; the French Embassy in London; the Society of French Studies; Dr Jean Khalfa, Sir Gregory Winter, the Fellows and the staff of Trinity College in Cambridge for having sup- ported the proceedings of ‘French ecocriticism’ that took place in the Winstanley Lecture Theatre on Friday 8 May 2015.

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