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Report Refecting Identifying and moving that something forward might be wrong Outcomes and Raising feedback a concern Examining the facts February 2015 Freedom to Speak Up An independent review into creating an open and honest reporting culture in the NHS Report Sir Robert Francis QC 11 February 2015 2 Freedom to Speak Up – A review of whistleblowing in the NHS Contents Letter to the Secretary of State for Health 4 Executive Summary 7 Recommendations and Principles 23 Chapter 1 Introduction 29 Chapter 2 Overview of legal and policy context 37 2.1 Introduction 38 2.2 The legal framework in relation to whistleblowing 38 2.3 Individual and organisational responsibilities 41 2.4 Roles and responsibilities of regulators and others 43 2.5 Recent initiatives in raising concerns 47 2.6 Guidance and advice for staff raising concerns 48 2.7 Conclusion 49 Chapter 3 Evidence from contributors 51 3.1 Introduction 52 3.2 Employees and former employees 53 3.3 BME staff experience of raising concerns 64 3.4 Employers 67 3.5 Professional bodies (including Royal Colleges) 71 3.6 Regulators 75 3.7 Trade unions 77 3.8 Other sectors 79 3.9 Other countries 82 Chapter 4 Key themes from the evidence 85 Chapter 5 Culture 93 5.1 Introduction 94 5.2 A ‘just’ culture 95 5.3 Raising concerns – normalising 97 5.4 Managing poor performance and whistleblowing 102 5.5 Bullying 103 5.6 Visible and accessible leaders 110 5.7 Recognising and valuing staff who raise concerns 113 5.8 Refective practice 115 Contents 3 Chapter 6 Improved handling of cases 117 6.1 Introduction 118 6.2 Informal and formal concerns 119 6.3 Anonymous concerns 123 6.4 Investigation of concerns 125 6.5 Overuse of suspensions 130 6.6 Mediation and dispute resolution 133 Chapter 7 Measures to support good practice 137 7.1 Training 138 7.2 Internal and independent support for staff 143 7.3 Support to get back to work 152 7.4 Transparency 155 7.5 Accountability 162 7.6 External review 167 7.7 Coordinated regulatory action 171 7.8 Recognition of organisations 174 Chapter 8 Particular measures for vulnerable groups 175 8.1 Locums, agency and bank staff 176 8.2 Students and trainees working towards a career in healthcare 177 8.3 Staff from BME backgrounds 182 8.4 Staff working in primary care organisations 184 Chapter 9 Extending legal protection 189 Chapter 10 Conclusion 195 Annexes 199 A Summary of good practice 200 B Actions by organisation 210 C Organisations that contributed to the Review 213 Di Survey results – trust and primary care staff 214 Dii Survey results – BME staff 217 Diii Survey results – system and professional regulators 219 E Glossary of terms and abbreviations 220 4 Freedom to Speak Up – A review of whistleblowing in the NHS eD ar Serc etar y of State Following the iM d Staffordshire NHS Fonu dation rT su t buP li c nI iuq r y I made reoc mmendations designed to make the luc tru e of the NHS patient fosuc ed , open and transparent – one in whihc patients are alwasy ptu r� st and their safet y and the auq lit y of their treatment are the priorit . y oY u aec pted almost all the reoc mmendations and signiac� nt progress has been made towards their implementation . As a reslu t I believe the NHS has improved its abilit y to provide better and safer ac re . aP rt of this progress is an inrc easing reoc gnition of the oc ntribtu ion staff ac n make to patient ac re throgu h speaking pu . However oy u identie� d a oc ntiniu ng problem with regard to the treatment of staff who raise geniu ne oc nec rns abotu safet y and other matters of pbu li c interest , and the handling of those oc nec rns . oY u asked me to oc ndtcu an independent review and to make reoc mmendations for improvement in this area . I now present m y eR port to oy .u hT e NHS is blessed with staff who want to do the best for their patients . hT e y want to be able to raise their oc nec rns abotu things the y are worried ma y be going wrong , free of fear that the y ma y be badl y treated when the y do so , and oc nd� ent that effetc ive atc ion will be taken . hT is ac n be a difluc� t and a brave thing to do , even in a well rnu organisation or department , btu will be etx remel y hc allenging when raising oc nec rns is not weloc med . hT e handling of oc nec rns is not eas y for the emploey rs . hT e y n� d difluc� t y in distingiu shing between oc nec rns whihc are geniu ne and those whihc are not . hT e y are worried abotu their abilit y to address the admittedl y small nmu ber of emploey es who raise dbu iosu oc nec rns in order to impede suj tia� ble management atc ion . Finding the time and resoru ec s to deal sensitivel y with these isseu s is hc allenging , partiluc arl y given the other pressru es the y have to oc pe with . A serviec as important and as safet y rc itiac l as the NHS ac n onl y secu ed if it weloc mes the oc ntribtu ion staff ac n make to protetc ing patients and to the integrit y of the serviec . aV leu d staff are effetc ive staff . A listening ssy tem is a safer ssy tem . rO ganisations whihc ignore staff oc nec rns , or worse , vitc imise those who epx ress them are likel y to be dangerosu plaec s for their patients . I wolu d have liked to report to oy u that there was in fatc no problem with the treatment of w‘ histleblowers ’ and their oc nec rns . Unfortnu atel y this is far from the ac se . I was not asked to oc me to duj gments abotu individau l ac ses , btu the evidenec reec ived b y the eR view has oc nr� med to m y oc mplete satisfatc ion that there is a seriosu isseu within the Letter to the Secretary of State for Health 5 HN S . tI reriuq e s ru eg tn attetn oi n fi ts aff are to lp ay theri flu l ap rt ni am tni a gnini a as fe a dn effectevi es rciv e for ap tei tn .s nI fact there aw s en ar anu timin y aom gn ts aff , am an eg r ,s relug ator s a dn leaed r s hw o atsis e d the eR eiv w that actoi n en e sd to eb taek .n hT e ebmun r of ep olp e hw o rw ote to the eR eiv w hw o reop rte d civ tasimi toi n or fear of eps a gnik pu ha s on lp ace ni a ew llr- ,nu hamu en a dn ap tei tn cetn re d es rciv e . nI oru trtsu rus ev y , oev r %03 of thoes hw o raesi d a cocn er n felt asnu fe afteraw r .sd fO thoes hw o ha d on t raesi d a cocn er ,n %81 erpx ees d a lac k of trtsu ni the ys ts e m a s a reaos ,n a dn %51 lb aem d fear of civ tasimi toi .n hT si si anu ccetp alb e . aE ch temi os em oen si ed terre d fro m eps a gnik ,pu a n oop rttinu y to rpmi oev ap tei tn as fety si esim .d hT e effect of the eepx rei cn e s ha s ni os em caes s eb e n trlu y hs oc .gnik eW hear d all too freeuq tn ly of oj sb eb gni lots , tub alos of es roi su ysp cholocig al ad am eg , eev n to the etx etn of cius adi l ed rp eois .n nI os em , as ,d caes ,s ti si clear that the toll of cotn auni l ab ttle s ha s eb e n to coemusn levi s a dn caesu ed cid ate d ep olp e to eb haev otu of character . tsuJ a s ap tei tn s hw oes colpm atni s are ongi re d ca n eb coem tsim rtsu flu of all , eev n thoes try gni to hel p the ,m ts aff hw o haev eb e n ab ld y treate d ca n eb coem osi late ,d a dn asid avd tn aeg d ni theri alib ti y to otb a ni arp orp ai te alteran tevi elpm oyem tn . nI hs ort , levi s ca n eb reniu d yb op or haldn gni of ts aff hw o haev raesi d cocn er .sn hT e cotsisn ecn y ni the ts orei s tol d to su yb ts edu tn s a dn traeni e s aob tu the ed tremi tn s they colu d face aw s alar .gnim hT ees ew re am lni y yo gnu ep olp e at the ts art of theri career s hw o eg eniun ly eb lei ev d they hs olu d raesi eusi s for the eb en t� of ap tei tn .s fO on en of the m colu d ti eb as di that they ha d aex s to rg .dni hT eri oev rhw el gnim es esn aw s oen of eb esum em tn that ayn oen ow lu d aw tn to treat the m ab ld y for od gni the rhgi t th .gni eY t ew hear d far too am yn ts orei s fro m the m of eb gni lub lei ,d a dn of theri aes ems tn s edus ln y eb co gnim en ag tevi . eW onk w that thoasu sdn of reop rt s of cni edi tn s a dn am tter s of cocn er n are ed alt tiw h as tfsi actorli y all the temi , tub the ts ory fro m am an eg r s a dn leaed r s of orag asin toi sn aw s tsuj a s cocn er gnin a s that ew hear d fro m ts aff . hT ere si a am rek d lac k of the liks l s en eed d to reos lev fid c� lu t a dn es tisn evi tis au toi sn that ca n aresi hw e n ts aff ep rforam cn e si euq ts oi en .d oT o ofte n ep olp e reos rt to foram l rp oce s a dn am ek atpmus oi sn that the ep ros n hw o edi tn e�i s a rp olb e m si the rp olb e .m Har d rp ees d am an eg r s are ofte n evig n fusni c� ei tn reos ru ce s to erusn e that the fact s are ets alb hsi e d oejb ctevi ly a dn fiws tly each temi a cocn er n si raesi ,d a dn tsni ea d htnu for os em oen to lb aem . eW hs olu d on t foreg t eti her the lp hgi t of other ts aff ovni lev d ni eus i s of th si os rt . oN t all cocn er sn raesi d ni og o d fati h are correct . hT ere ca n eb ednus i m rts a ,sgn i d n cni olpm ete fni oram toi ,n a dn reaos an lb e elpx aan toi sn for the ausun u l . evE n hw ere 6 Freedom to Speak Up – A review of whistleblowing in the NHS there is something to be oc rretc ed , sensitive handling and insight ac n often solve the problems raised withotu preduj iic ng the welfare of those affetc ed . However , we have seen ac ses where a luc tru e of blame leads to entrenhc ed positions , breakdown of professional relationships and oc nsiderable sfu fering , tu terl y disproportionate to the natru e of the problem from whihc this proec ss originated . Staff have responsibilities , too , to raise oc nec rns in a wa y that is sensitive to the impatc on oc lleageu s – and their emploey rs – of what the y sa y and do . hT ere is a need for a luc tru e in whihc oc nec rns raised b y staff are taken seriosu l , y investigated and addressed b y appropriate oc rretc ive measru es . Above all , behavioru b y anoy ne whihc is designed to blu l y staff into silenec , or to sbu ej tc them to retribtu ion for speaking pu msu t not be tolerated . hT e measru es I reoc mmend in this report are largel y abotu doing better what sholu d alread y be done . hT e y biu ld on the progress made in implementing the luc tru e hc ange started following m y earlier report . I set otu 02 rP inic ples whihc I believe sholu d giu de the development of a oc nsistent approahc to raising oc nec rns throgu hotu the NHS , whilst leaving soc pe for e� ix bilit y for organisations to adapt them to their own ic rmuc stanec s . I have desrc ibed what appear to me to be the essential featru es of good pratc iec and have reoc mmended atc ions to help ahc ieve eahc of the rP inic ples . I believe implementing these reoc mmendations wolu d reslu t in a great improvement to the present position . hT e overarhc ing rP inic ple is that ever y organisation needs to foster a luc tru e of safet y and learning in whihc all staff feel safe to raise a oc nec rn . hT is is something to whihc everoy ne assoic ated with the NHS , from oy u as Serc etar y of State , to frontline staff , ac n and sholu d oc ntribtu e . eW need to get awa y from the luc tru e of blame , and the fear that it generates , to one whihc ec lebrates openness and oc mmitment to safet y and improvement . hT at is the wa y to ensru e that staff ac n make the valau ble oc ntribtu ion the y want to offer towards protetc ing patients and the integrit y of the NHS . oM st importantl y the risks to patients ' lives and wellb- eing will be redecu d , and oc nd� enec in the NHS protetc ed . I ver y mhcu hope oy u will n� d this eR port su eflu in ahc ieving that end . oY ru s sinec rel y Sir Robert Francis QC Executive Summary 8 Freedom to Speak Up – A review of whistleblowing in the NHS Introduction the r� st plaec for speaking pu abotu their oc nec rns , and seoc ndl y for having the oc ru age to oc ntribtu e 1 hT is eR view was set pu in response to this eR view . to oc ntiniu ng disiuq et abotu the wa y NHS organisations deal with oc nec rns raised b y NHS 4 hT e epx erienec s shared with su , and the staff and the treatment of some of those who sfu fering ac su ed b y them , have no plaec in a serviec have spoken pu . nI reec nt ey ars there have been whihc valeu s , as the NHS msu t , its workforec and the epx osru es of sbu standard , and sometimes nu safe , profonu d oc ntribtu ion the y make to patient safet y patient ac re and treatment . oC mmon to man y and ac re . hT e NHS has a moral obligation to spu port of them has been a lakc of awareness b y an and enoc ru age staff to speak otu . organisations’ leadership of the eix stenec or sac le of problems known to the frontline . nI man y ac ses 5 I also heard it sgu gested that some people staff felt nu able to speak pu , or were not listened to raise oc nec rns for dbu iosu motives , shcu as avoiding when the y did . hT e 3102 NHS staff sru ve y showed legitimate atc ion to address poor performanec . that onl y %27 of respondents were oc nd� ent that tI was not within the remit of the eR view to pass it is safe to raise a oc nec rn . hT ere are distru bing duj gment on whether an y of the ac ses we heard fell reports of what happens to those who do raise into this ac tegor . yoT the etx ent that this happens , oc nec rns . eY t failru e to speak pu ac n oc st lives . it is highl y regrettable , not least beac su e it taints some peoples’ view of whistleblowers and makes it 2 hT e aim of the eR view was to provide adviec harder for the man y NHS staff who raise geniu ne and reoc mmendations to ensru e that NHS staff in oc nec rns . hW atever the motive , the patient safet y nE gland feel it is safe to raise oc nec rns , oc nd� ent oc nec rns the y raise ma y still be valid and need to that the y will be listened to and the oc nec rns will be addressed as well the performanec isseu . tI is be atc ed pu on . hT e eR view is not the buP li c nI iuq r y lc ear to me that in too man y ac ses this is not done . that some have demanded , and it has not been Sgu gestions of lu terior pru poses have for too long tasked with investigating or passing duj gment been su ed as an esucx e for avoiding a rigorosu on individau l ac ses . tI s pru pose has been to draw eax mination of safet y and other pbu li c interest lessons from the epx erienec s of those involved oc nec rns raised b y NHS staff . in raising and handling oc nec rns . tI has been important to hear these epx erienec s , good and bad , 6 I reoc gnise that ac ses are not alwasy to ahc ieve this . lc eartuc- . eW heard oc ntraditc or y aoc nu ts of some ac ses from those with different perspetc ives . 3 hT e message from staff who have sfu fered hT ere is nevertheless a remarkable oc nsisten yc in as a reslu t of raising oc nec rns has been lodu and the pattern of reatc ions desrc ibed b y staff who lc ear . I heard shokc ing aoc nu ts of the wa y some told of bad epx erienec s . hW istleblowers have people have been treated when the y have been provided oc nvinic ng evidenec that the y raised brave enogu h to speak pu . I witnessed at r� st hand seriosu oc nec rns whihc were not onl y reej tc ed their distress and the strain on them and , in some btu were met with a response whihc fosuc ed on ac ses , their families . I heard abotu the pressru es disic plinar y atc ion against them rather than an y it ac n plaec on other members of a team , on effetc ive attempt to address the isseu the y raised . managers , and in some ac ses the person abotu hW ilst there ma y be some ac ses in whihc isseu s whom a oc nec rn is raised . hT ogu h rare , I was told are fabriac ted or raised to forestall some form of of siu ic dal thogu hts and even siu ic de attempts . hT e suj tia� ble atc ion against them , this ac nnot be treu geniu ne pain and distress felt b y oc ntribtu ors in of them all . I have oc nlc du ed that there is a luc tru e having to relive their epx erienec s was ever y bit as within man y parts of the NHS whihc deters staff seriosu as the sfu fering I witnessed b y patients and from raising seriosu and sensitive oc nec rns and families who gave evidenec to the iM d Staffordshire whihc not infreeuq ntl y has negative oc nseeuq nec s iniuq ries . hT e pbu li c owe them a debt of gratitdu e in for those brave enogu h to raise them . Executive Summary 9 7 ehT re are mayn rea snos yhw ep elpo may ef e l attemtp e d t o taek accuo tn fo teh m i n teh rP icn ielp s reul ctatn t o eps a k u p i n ayn iudn ts ry . ro F examelp , a dn cA ti ,sno ub t it iw l eb imrop tatn tah t tesoh teh y may eb ccno eren d teh y iw l eb es e n a s cah reg d iw t h teh ir imelp metn ati no alp ce teh m id yols a ,l a ins ‘ tc ’h ro a truo elb maek r . ow T ap rticual r arp rpo iateyl i n teh ctno ext . af ctro s ts do uo t rf mo teh evied cn e ew ag teh re :d ef ar fo teh reep rcuis sno tah t eps aik gn u p uow dl Legal context ah ve rof a n iidn viud a l a dn rof teh ir career ; a dn teh uf tiil ty fo raiis gn a ccno er n eb caues ton ih gn uow dl 11 nI rb ie ,f teh el ig als ti no ihw c h teh ro eticayl eb enod auob t it . rp vo ied s rp to ecti no rof ihw ts el ewolb r s i s ctno aien d i n teh Emyolp metn iR thg s cA t ,691 a s ameedn d yb 8 ehT SHN i s ton aenol i n af ci gn teh cah el egn teh uP ilb c tnI erets iD cs usol re cA t ,891 cmo mylno fo wo h t o ecn uo raeg a n epo n a dn enoh ts rerop ti gn nwonk a s A . DIP ehW re a row ek r maek s a rp to ecte d cutl ure . tI i s ewoh ver uin uq e i n a un meb r fo aw y .s id cs usol re , eh ehs/ ah s a rithg ton t o eb us ejb cte d tI ah s a very ih hg up ilb c a dn ilo p tica l rp el�o . tI i s t o ayn ed trimetn yb ih s emyolp er rof maik gn tah t immeesn yl cmo elp x . tI i s eh aviyl reug al te ,d a dn id cs usol re . ihw tsl teh ys ts em cisno ts s fo mayn teh ro eticayl autmono uo s ed ciis m-no aik gn uin t ,s teh SHN a s a 12 roF a un meb r fo rea snos tih s el ig als ti no i s eloh w ca n i n eef ct act a s a mylopo n o ehw n it cmo e s il mite d i n it s eef ctiveen .s tA eb ts teh el ig als ti no t o excul id gn ts a f rf mo emyolp metn . uF rteh r , teh rp vo ied s a es rie s fo remeid e s atf er ed trimetn , ilo p tica l is ing c� acn e fo aml tso everytih gn teh ys ts em icn ul id gn sol fo emyolp metn , ah s eb e n us ef re .d eod s mea sn tah t teh re i s tfo e n itn eesn rp eus re t o Eve n teh es are ah r d t o acih eve , a dn t o tfo e n yb emahp is es teh iso p tive acih evemetn s fo teh es rvice , teh time a remeyd i s tbo aien d it i s t o al te t o eb mos etime s at teh exep esn fo amd itti gn it s rp elbo m .s meain ufgn .l 9 Sep aik gn u p i s ees tn ia l i n ayn es ctro ehw re 13 ehT el ig als ti no eod s ton ih gn t o remvo e as ef ty i s a n ius e . iW tuoh t a ahs re d cutl ure fo teh cufno is no tah t exits s aruo dn teh term epo en s a dn enoh ts y i n ihw c h teh raiis gn fo ‘ihw ts el iwolb , gn ’ ihw c h eod s ton aep ar i n it at ccno er sn i s ew cl mo e ,d a dn teh ts a f ohw raies teh m a .l tI aw s cel ar rf mo teh rw itte n ctno riub ti sno a dn are vaul e ,d teh ab rrier s t o eps aik gn u p ied tn ie� d i n meeti sgn tah t teh term mea sn id ef retn tih sgn t o tih s eR vie w iw l ep ris ts a dn uo� ri .hs ehT re en e sd t o id ef retn ep elpo ro ro ag in as ti .sno tI i s mos etime s eb a mro e cisno ts etn arp ao c h acr so teh SHN , a dn taek n t o imylp mos e ros t fo ecs aal ti :no mos eeno a cro id an te d rd ive t o create teh rithg cutl ure . r‘ aies s a ccno er , ’n teh n swolb‘ teh ihw ts el ’ ehw n teh y are ton eh ar ,d eiteh r iw tih n teh ro ag in as ti no Background: legal and policy context ro t o a n uo tis ed ydob . eY t tih s i s ton woh teh al w ed en� s a rp to ecte d id cs usol re . 10 ihT s eR vie w t ko alp ce i n a cmo elp x a dn cah ign gn cil mate . ehT el ag l a dn ilop cy rf amerow k 14 ehT el ig als ti no i s a osl il mite d i n it s us rruo idn gn ihw ts el iwolb gn i s ton eays t o ailp caib il ty . tI ailp e s ylno t o ‘row ek r ’s a s ed en� d uedn rts a dn a dn ah s mayn al yer .s ehT ed tai l fo teh yb A ,DIP os rp vo ied s on rp to ecti no aag itsn , rof al w rof teh rp to ecti no fo ihw ts el ewolb r s ah s eb e n examelp , id cs rimian ti no i n recruitmetn , a dn i s ylno ameedn d rf euq etn yl a dn recetn yl . ehT re i s a raegn won eb i gn exteedn d t o icn ul ed ts ued tn un res .s fo to eh r revie ,sw a s ew l a s meaus re s a dn iin tiative s at tob h col a l a dn an tiano l el ve l tah t iw l id rectyl ro Recent changes and initiatives iidn rectyl ah ve a n imap ct no teh eaes iw t h ihw c h SHN row ek r s ca n eps a k u .p ihT s swohs recingo ti no 15 nI recetn year s teh re ah s eb e n a raegn fo fo teh ius e s ed cs rieb d i n tih s rerop t , a dn teh en e d meaus re s ihw c h may ecn uo raeg , ro imesop a rof acti no t o ard e s teh m . ewoH ver it i s imrop tatn reisnops ib il ty no ts a f t o eps a k u .p ehT es icn ul ed tah t teh es meaus re s are rb uo thg tego teh r . I ah ve itn rudo cti no fo a en w Statutro y uD ty fo aC uodn r ,

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